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Fantasy Black Rose Asylum *REBOOT*

"Hm. Well, I'd love to play, really. But it's not very good for me to be in the dark," Linus answered truthfully. He had a soft spot for kids, and he could use some entertainment, which is what the game would provide, but the dark tended to make the hallucinations worse. He found it best to stay in well lit places. "We could play a game that doesn't involve being in the dark, though," he suggested. @WeepingAngel525
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Luna frowned and looked down her hand suddenly hit the table. "No one wants to play your stupid game!" She yelled looking down her eyes were glued to the table and her hand trembled "don't be so mean, Luna..." She finally snapped.
Lacey looked up at him and shook her head "trust me you don't want to play Luna's games..." She whispered "bad things happen" she said quietly and looked around and then at him.

"I'm Lacey" she said softly.

@Carpe Noctem
Kemmi smiled back at her new best friend. It felt nice to have a true friend for once in her lifetime, even if she was insane. She hugged Ami tightly "I'm glad to have a friend like you around" She said still holding her close. She checked her watch noticing her break was over,sadly, "Oh shoot, I gotta run" she said while turning around and putting her hair in a messy bun "See you later friend." She yelled back down the hall. She trusted Ami and hoped that Ami trusted her back.

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Ami waved, then realized she was all alone in the hallway again. "...." You lying bitch. You've betrayed us. She isn't your friend; WE'RE the only friends you need. Right! That guard is just a filthy liar; next time you see her, you should kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. KILL HER. KILLLL HERRRR!! Ami slid to the floor, her hands now clamped over her ears tightly. "SHUT UP!" she snapped, tears running down her face. "Just shut up!"
Kemmi jogged to her assigned hall trying not to be noticed, she was late, even though most of the patients where still at the dining hall she had to be there. Instead of starting her what seemed like endless walk the leaned on the wall and rested her legs. There where no patients in their tomes yet so why not just relax?
"Oh," Linus replied. So she had multiple personalities. One of them was evil, one of them wasn't? Of course, that was a large oversimplification, but more or less. "Well, I won't play them then," he smiled reassuringly at Lacey. @WeepingAngel525
Lacey smiled some and nodded. She looked down still unable to remember that night. It was unusual to have no memory of what transpired and it frustrated 'what could Luna have done and blamed me for' she thought to herself.

Lacey sighed and stood up getting a plate of food and sat back down next to Linus. "Have you been here long?" She asked looking at him.
Zoe headed for the dining hall, towing Binky along with her. She looked around at the surroundings with widened eyes, and visible confusion. She continued on her way, hurrying past the random patients who were talking to themselves. Those kind of people always scared her the most; she didn't know why, but they always triggered a bad feeling inside her when others started talking to themselves. She had been walking for about five or ten minutes, when she realized she had no clue where the dining room even was. She had walked by it many times, but it would seem that she had no memory of said room's location. "I-I'm lost," she called softly, and hugged Binky tightly. "I'm lost.."
Jackie finished up her gossiping with the other guards and headed over to the front of the dining hall. She did what she always did, she scoped out the patients with weapons, eavesdropping on conversations trying to hear about escape plans and other useful information and, her favorite, talking to patients about their problems... but in a taunting way. She spotted two patients, who both seemed new. She recalled their names in the back of her head, Linus and Lacey. She creeped her way over to their table hoping to hear some useful information. She has eavesdropped her way to the top of the guard, she was almost a professional when it came to an asylum.
Lacey nodded "last night I guess. I don't really remember what happened... Only that Luna made a mess of things and once again I got blamed." She said sounding annoyed "it's not fair you know." She whispered

@Carpe Noctem
Linus nodded sympathetically. "It's going to be okay," he assured her kindly. "The doctors are going to help make Luna behave better. Then you'll get to leave this place." He looked out at the dining hall. The hallucinations had stopped, for a moment. He absent-mindedly rubbed his arm where his scars were hidden beneath his sleeves. I'll leave soon, too, he thought to himself. But not in that way. The thought was almost reassuring. @WeepingAngel525
"My leaving shouldn't depend on how Luna behaves." Lacey muttered bitterly. "She should be the one kept here not me." She said crossing her arms. "So what do you like to do?" She asked quietly.

@Carpe Noctem
Linus shrugged. "I like to paint," he replied simply. "And..." he wracked his brain for another hobby that wasn't either embarrassing or personal. Nothing came to mind. "That's about it. They don't allow me any paints or anything, though. What about you?" @WeepingAngel525

Marina frowned as she saw Jackie, the same guard who had been taunting Ami earlier, eavesdropping on two of the patients, Linus and... Luna? She thought that was her name, but she wasn't positive. She frowned. Jackie was playing a dangerous game, messing with mental patients like that. Not to mention cruel. She was on her feet before she knew it, striding over to Jackie with a scowl. "Hello, Jackie," she greeted her with a cool tone. @Brynnie
Lacey shrugged "I like to garden oh and pull pranks." She said and then put her hand over her mouth. "I don't like that... Luna likes to pull pranks." She whispered almost fearful. She didn't understand how she could say something that Luna liked.

@Carpe Noctem
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Jackie hopped back once she heard the words in her ears. She looked down upon what seemed to be a doctor shorter than her. She made a smirk trying to show no surprise making it look like she was doing nothing. She was not as good at eavesdropping as she though "And how may I help you" Jackie didn't recognize the face, must be new. She showed no fear, but she wasn't that afraid...yet.

@Carpe Noctem
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"Well, it's okay if you like some of the same things as Luna. You guys must have some similarities, right?" Linus inquired. @WeepingAngel525

Marina crossed her arms. "Oh, nothing, really," she answered casually. "I was just wondering if tormenting and eavesdropping on patients was a regular part of a job here." @Brynnie
Startled, Linus felt a stab of guilt. He couldn't say anything right. Quickly he put an arm on Lacey's back. "No, no, that's not what I meant," he apologized hastily. "I'm sure you're not alike at all." As he watched, Lacey's tears turned red and started to pool around his feet. He ignored the startling hallucination. @WeepingAngel525
Jackie smirked "Well how else do you think we are supposed to know about what is going on in between the patients" She looked back at the the patients she was eavesdropping on "But why should I answer to you, your nothing but a doctor, this information would mean nothing to you." Jackie turned and began to walk out of the dining hall.

@Carpe Noctem

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