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Fantasy Black Rose Asylum *REBOOT*

Ami sat alone, wondering if she would even be allowed to get out for breakfast. Probably not. But it didn't really matter; she wasn't that hungry anyways.
Dimitri sighed as he paced around the halls, looking in on the patients. He began to whistle a low tune as he did so, his stomach grumbling slightly. In order to get to work on time, he needed to skip breakfast today. That'll teach him to not binge watch Friends anymore. He stopped his whistling for a moment to let out a loud yawn, but then continued onto his whistling. It had been a while since he took this job, and he honestly thought it would be more exciting. He hadn't gotten to know any of the staff or patients; he didn't want to anyway. He always preferred just staying in the security office, away from everyone here so he could be alone with his thoughts. He did enjoy the days when they allowed him to play the Chello for the inmates though. The sound of the strings seemed to help most of them calm down. But that wouldn't be till tommorow, unless one of the staff said they needed him to play it, which he seriously doubted. Most of the doctors here were pretentious assholes, always thinking they know everything. Heh. Idiots...
Kemmi faced the phycologist from earlier, it was nice to know that there are other people that are new around here as well "The names Kemmi but most people call me Kem ... I think I recognize you from the asylum tour last week... right?" Kemmi asked with a warm smile. She had been meeting so many new people that where welcoming her with open arms.
Zoe sat in the middle of the floor, smiling and playing with Binky. "You know, Binky, this place is pretty okay, for a... whatever-it-is," she said to the stuffed rabbit in her arms. The rabbit obviously had no response, but Zoe was still happy. This was one of her good days, it seemed. Her bipolar disorder hadn't kicked in, so she was pretty cheerful.

She looked around, to see if there was a guard, or anyone else nearby that could play with her and Binky. She spotted a guard, one she hadn't really met yet. "Hey! Mister!" she called, standing up and going to the door.

@Knight Nate
Brynnie said:
Kemmi patted Ami on the shoulder "Good" She said while beginning to walk away "See you later, friend" She finally said smiling before turning the corner. She though about the improvement Ami was making and about how she could tell Griff about the stuff she's been doing "he'd be ok with that right?" she though before hearing bashing coming from inside a room a few halls down.
Kemmi rushed towards the door and unlocked it with a simple ID card scan. A patient fell into the hall once the door swung outwards. She layed the girl on her back who was breathing heavy. " Take your time...your safe...deep breaths" she repeated twice. "Your going to be alright...uh... Aurora" she said looking at the Name Tag beside the door. She clipped her radio off of her pants and paged for a doctor.

Aurora Lynn Amiya

Aurora stared up at the unknown guard with blank eyes as she told her to breathe beep. She started to listen until the girl called her Aurora. With a strangled sound she scrambled backwards, pressing against the wall and looking at her with terrified eyes. 'She's one of them, she's come to kill you, she's not trying to help, just trying to trick you into trusting her.' The thoughts swirled through her head as she stared at the girl until the doctors came and the guard left.

"Lynn, calm down, you're safe." The doctor said, recognizing the patient panicking in the hall and knowing she'd get worse if he used her first name. He knelt on the floor with her until her breathing calmed. "It's time for breakfast Lynn." He said, turning to the room next door where an orderly and two patients were on their way out. "Griff, can you take her too?" He asked, knowing she wouldn't be going anywhere on her own at the moment.

@Soulless @Dendyne @WeepingAngel525

Zinnia sat for a few minutes, daydreaming, but was broken out of it suddenly by a clicking noise, coming from the vicinity of the door. Curiously, she reached for the handle, and almost found the energy to smile when it opened. Normally they opened when it was time for breakfast, so she stepped into the hallway, looking around to see whether there were any guards walking around. She never trusted them, especially the way they looked at most of the patients. They were always scared of them, despite the fact that most of them wouldn't hurt a fly. Still, she supposed that it was to be expected from a hospital for the clinically insane. She started to head down the hallway as she imagined in great detail the fearful expressions she saw on most people's faces, even from some of the younger patients. She was so deep in thought that she almost passed her friend's door, but she stopped herself right in front of it. "Cas," She called, tapping on the door, "It's time for breakfast." The two had been friends before they came to the hospital, and they still stuck together now.

Caspian jumped slightly at his name being called, but almost skipped over to the door. Despite not having much sleep the night before, he had a disturbing amount of energy. He flung the door open, a giant grin finding it's way onto his face. "'Sup Zi, breakfast already huh?" His enthusiasm completely paralleled his friend's lack thereof, and made her look even more tired. He saw her nod, and wasted no time in dragging her down the hallway towards the dining room. He didnt worry that technically running wasn't allowed in the asylum, under any circumstances.
Dimitri stopped his whistling abruptly at the sound of someone calling to him. He turned to the nearest to see one of the inmates standing by their door. A girl, probably no older than ten, with a stuffed animal by her side. Odd. He didn't remember seeing her around. He stepped over to her door and looked down at her, waiting to see what she wanted.
Marina nodded. "I recognize you know. Sorry, I've got a bad memory," she laughed apologetically. She looked around the room and only saw a thin male patient sitting alone and two younger patients, a boy and a girl. "Where is everybody?" she wondered outloud. "I know not everyone comes to breakfast, but it seems so empty." @Brynnie

Linus looked up to see two patients, a girl and a boy, enter. Zinnia and Caspian, if he remembered correctly. He knew almost all the patients' names. The workers, not so much. He raised a hand in greeting at his fellow patients, but said nothing. @LifeIsImagination
Zoe smiled brightly, and said, "Mister, can you play with me and Binky? It's boring in here.... There's hardly anything for me to do." She hugged Binky to her chest tightly, and giggled a bit, looking up at the tall guard. "And... It gets kinda dark sometimes..." she pouted slightly, hugging Binky even tighter.

@Knight Nate
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Kemmi looked around the room at the few patients taking their seats, it was a bit less then normal "Your right this seems odd, I know some patients deside not to come out for Breakfast. But I've only been here for a few day, its probably normal to see a day like this." Kemmi hoped it was normal, her legs needed a break and it wouldn't be a good time to have to go running towards danger. It was best to just relax right now.

@Carpe Noctem
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Ami got up, and went to her door. She pulled the handle, relieved to find it open, and stepped out into the hall. She didn't really go to the meals, usually, because she didn't like to eat in front of other people. But today, she was hungry, so she decided that it was time. She went to the dining hall, and picked a seat as far away from everyone else as possible. She really didn't like being around the other patients.
Zinnia nodded her head to acknowledge Linus, a boy she recognised from odd meetings in the hall, while Caspian waved back enthusiastically. The smell of food make Zinnia's stomach rumble slightly, but before she could go and get food, she was already being dragged over by Cas. They both grabbed a plate of food, before heading over to sit on another table near the middle of the hall. Caspian dug in immediately, but Zinnia sat and studied for a moment, before cautiously trying some. She was always worried that the hospital would begin to put meds in the food, so she liked to check.
Jackie walked threw out each hall at Breakfast noting which patients where not deciding to go for the meal. She kept a strait expression on her face showing no fear of any of the babbling patients. Once she went threw every hall she made her way swinging in and out of halls to Ami's room, she was gone. "Finally" She thought to herself with a smirk on her face as she turned to head to the Dining hall. She bursted threw the doors and spotted Ami, as always, sitting by a window like an outcast. She walked slowly towards Ami's table then taking a seat beside her. "I see you have finally come to eat, and I betted 20$ that you where gonna stay in your "Cell" she said in a mocking manner with a wide smirk on her face.
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Marina shrugged. "It's normal some days, but- ah, there's everyone," she noted as a few more patients streamed in. She felt nervous as she saw one of the patients, Jackie, she recognized her as, sit next to Ami and start taunting her. "That can't be good," she muttered, but made no move to interfere. @Brynnie
Kemmi looked in the same direction as Marina and it wasn't hard to find out what she was talking about. She saw a Guard she recognized from when she was given a memo on what a guards importance was at the asylum, her name was not easy to forget, Jackie, though she preferred to be called Sir. She was mocking Ami. Kemmi turned back around and pretended she never saw it "Jackie isn't one to mess with" She said silently looking at her feet. As much as she wish she could help Ami she knew it would cost her her job. A friendship in between a patient and a guard was unheard of and unsafe.

@Carpe Noctem
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Ami had no reaction, other than a slight clench of her jaw. If anyone's blood needs to splatter out, it's hers. True, true. You should try stabbing her eyes out, Ami... Maybe she would scream for mercy? Maybe? Ami looked out the window, seeing the outside. It hurt her eyes slightly, seeing how long she'd been in her room.

Jackie turned her face to her clip board mumbling out a few words she read "Mhhm...hmmm...oh what is this, I see you got into a bit of a mess this morning" She flipped another page on the clip board "Your lucky to be out of your room right now with all that screaming that you did." She said chuckling a bit. She knew Ami would "probably" never attack her. Jackie was to important for the asylum to let her be harmed. Ami would be punished. "What do you have to say about this Ami, you have quite a bit of explaining to do"

Jackie chuckled a bit and proceeded to get up at take her place one the wall to watch the other patients settle. She talked to another group of guards who had also been at the asylum for a rather long time. They talked about other patients and even laughed when some of their story's came up. Their focus was soon pulled away of watching the patients.

Kemmi noticed Ami leaving the seen with an angry look on her face, with a temper like hers she knew danger could be near. She noticed the higher guards not paying attention and she got up and headed towards Ami "One second" She said to Marina as she quickly got up and walked towards Ami.

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Ami stopped outside the door of the dining room, her fists clenching. "..." She punched the wall, her expression turning dark. Oh, how she wanted so badly to make that guard feel pain... She wanted so badly to hurt her.

Luna grew tired of waiting for her 'friends' to go to the cafeteria so ventured on herself. "They like Lacey better anyways." She muttered and walked inside the room. She smiled smelling the food and looked at all the other patients sitting down. She saw a group of them and grinned.

She walked over slowly and sat down by Linus. "Want to play a game?" She asked looking at him and then the other two with a rather dark grin.

@LifeIsImagination @Carpe Noctem
Kemmi stopped behind Ami as soon as she punched the cold wall "Ami are y-you ok" She slowly approached her know the danger she holds when angry. She looked around for scissors that Ami may hold but she saw none and let out a sigh of relief. She felt a bit safer thinking Ami held no weapons. "Talk to me Ami i'm your friend..." She said calmly.

Kemmi was startled at the response, she seemed like a total different person when provoked. Kemmi took a moment to think of what would make Ami happy but then she released it didn't take much thought at all. First she giggled a bit "She is a bitch isn't she" She knew all Ami needed was a real friend, someone who agreed with her. "I hate her as well" She said smiling "We seem to have something in common" She said looking at her friend.
Linus regarded the girl cautiously. He watched as her head seemed to roll off right onto the floor and roll towards him- no. It was just a hallucination. Just like everything else. He blinked. Her head was back on. "What, uh, kind of game?" he asked. @WeepingAngel525

Marina watched as Kemmi talked in a friendly manner to Ami. Yep, she'd definatley taken the wrong approach with Ami. Still, she was threatening to stab her eyes out. What was she supposed to do? Handle it like an actual, professional psychologist, nitwit, she chided herself. But she wasn't one. She was just a college student who landed a lucky break with an insane asylum who could give less of a shit if their workers were actually qualified to help the patients.

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