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Realistic or Modern Bitten| Zombie Apocalypse

It took a long while before Jonathan would even consider getting out of bed. The night had been incredibly long, full of terrible dreams and thoughts, both while he slept and was awake, states which he'd slipped in and out of constantly while staring at the flowery wall in the small hotel room he'd been assigned. Someone had probably had a wonderful time here at this hotel, but those wonderful times felt as if they were over a long, long time ago. Whoever had had this bed before him was most likely a mindless zombie by now, driven only by their hunger and instinct. He wondered if these creatures preferred brains or human meat.

But - enough about that. After a while, he heard the others wake slowly and talk together out in another room. That should be a hint that he would have to get up and get going as well, but a slight anxiety held him back. He didn't know any of these people very well, and suddenly deciding to show up and hear what they were talking about was a little too challenging for him for the moment. However, he'd rather not get let behind either... So he hurried to pull on his clothes and step out of his room, glancing around. Where was everybody? Biting his lip anxiously, he marched over to the door on the other side of the hallway and knocked.

Pixel Knight Pixel Knight | Lazy Taco Lazy Taco I think
// also gosh i'm sorry for super late reply i've been in bed with migraine all day + varying time zones haha fun
Franciszek trailed the other two scavengers out of the hotel, carefully surveying the surrounding area with a practiced eye. A handful of zombies rambled about the street in ones and twos, taking no particular notice of the trio leaving the hotel. "Keep quiet. They haven't noticed us." Franciszek told his comrades, beads of sweat forming on his hands and forehead. The open sidewalk was a less that ideal position. "Left at the alley." he advised the other two. A few blocks away, he could see the outline of a handful of people standing on the roof of another hotel. More nearby, he spotted a semi trailer flipped onto it's side.
Heinrich pushed the door out slowly, carefully, to try not to make a sound. He held the door open for the two to go out, and slowly closed it, and then moving both his hands to his trusty G3, scanning the surrounding area, with the safety off, but no finger on the trigger.

"Left at the alley." Franciszek advised the two from behind, speaking quietly to not attract the zombies. Heinrich nodded, and carefully maneuvered as he was told. Nearby, he notices a semi trailer flipped on its side. He squints, and faintly sees tracks of blood coming out of the driver's compartment. He tries not to think about how those tracks got there.
Stephanie POVStephanie followed closely behind Heinrich. She was careful to listen to the instructions that Franciszek whispered from behind them. She slid one of her daggers out from its sheath and held it ready for any attacks. The semi trailer created an ominous image and did little to ease her nerves at the whole situation. The streets were never comforting, but they didn't have to be downright horrifying. Still, this was way better than sitting around the hotel waiting for the others to clear the kitchen. Her mom would never have let her try and take down any of those zombies.
The zombies in front of them made growling noises, but Stephanie was relieved to see that Franciszek had been right. The zombies didn't even acknowledge that the small group had passed by them. As they crept forward, Stephanie caught sight of an American flag hanging in one of the upper apartment windows. She felt a strange sense of melancholy wash over her as they continued to move forwards.
"Just a little farther." Franciszek murmured from behind his fellows, glancing behind him to make sure they weren't being followed by any zombies. One walking corpse examined the three for a moment, then went back to aimlessly shambling about, much to the Pole's relief. "Alright. We'll be in in a minute, watch my back." he told Heinrich and Stephanie, pulling the fire axe out from the straps of his bag. Creeping up to a window in the back of the derelict fire station, Franciszek jammed the blade of the axe underneath the bottom of the window and pulled down on the handle. While he had meant to lever the window open, the glass broke before the locking clasp, resulting in a loud shatter. "Fuck." Franciszek swore, bashing out the rest of the glass. "Through the window, quick!" he ordered. A handful of the zombies in the street were now aware of their presence and were shuffling in the direction of the building. The Pole readied himself with axe in hand, facing the street.
Stephanie POV"Through the window, quick!" Franciszek ordered. Without hesitation, Stephanie boosted herself through the window ignoring the sharp pain from a remaining sliver of glass. Once inside the building, Stephanie looked around. She was facing four zombies. Adjusting her grip on her knife, Stephanie raised it to attack the oncoming zombies.
"We've got some zombies in here, Doc," She called back. The nearest zombie had just entered her striking range. Stephanie lunged forward, bringing the knife down in a slashing motion over her head. The knife lodged in the zombie's head and it stopped moving. Stephanie sighed heavily. However, when she moved to pull her knife out of the zombie's head, it wasn't budging.
"Well, damn," she muttered. The other zombies were closing in, so she left the knife and grabbed her remaining blade from her sheath.
"Hold on." Franciszek advised Stephanie through the window. "Schultz, be quick my friend." he told his comrade as he tossed his axe through the window and climbed in after it. His tall frame did him no favors with squeezing through the window, but he was through and onto the floor after a few seconds. He surveyed the room as he scrambled to his feet. He and Stephanie stood against three zombies in a small office. Unfortunately, one of the zombies had stepped over Franciszek's axe, leaving him without a weapon other than his rifle. Stephanie appeared to only have a knife in her possession, further worsening the situation. Making an executive decision, Franciszek unslung his rifle and switched the safety forward, into the firing position. At such close range he hardly had to aim. With the end of the rifle's barrel only a few inches from the leading zombie's head, Franciszek pulled the trigger. With a tremendous report, the bullet removed the back half of the zombie's skull, along with most of it's brain. Brain matter, bone fragments, and spoiled blood spattered all over the room. Franciszek couldn't hear a thing but a loud ringing in his ears.

There was no time to reflect, however, as the next zombie approached quicker than the previous one. With no time to chamber a new round, Franciszek turned his weapon around and stepped in a half circle to his right, hence making the zombie choose between facing him or Stephanie. It faced him, unsurprisingly. "Fuck." he swore under his breath. Deciding to attempt to take the initiative, he bashed the zombie in the jaw with the butt of his rifle. It didn't do any real damage, but staggered the corpse back. Taking advantage of the situation, Franciszek pinned the zombie to the wall with the butt of his rifle, holding the barrel just beyond the reach of the zombie. "Kill it!" he shouted at Stephanie.
Stephanie POV Stephanie lunged towards the zombie that Franciszek was holding in place. She brought the knife cleanly into the eye socket of the zombie. Twisting the handle, she held the blade in until the zombie stopped moving. She yanked the knife out of the corpse and wiped it on her jeans.
"That was fun," she breathed heavily. "But, I think I would be fine if we never did it again."
She moved to the other zombie, which her other knife was still stuck in. Bracing with her foot, Stephanie pulled the knife until it came sliding out with a loud squelching noise. This knife she kept in hand as she looked around the office
"So, Doc, what next? I think we should probably head to another room and hop out that window. That way we don't have to deal with the horde out there," Stephanie suggested jerking her hand towards the window where the zombies were congregated outside of. "What do you think Heinrich?"
Luca turned to look at Melanie with a look that said to answer the others question. He didn't exactly know what the others had been doing or if they we're just waking up, and really didn't bother to check anything. "Any idea if the others are awake Mel? I have been awake since early morning but didn't leave until just now, so any idea who is awake besides us and the others?" He questioned her.
Red_Delta Red_Delta Pixel Knight Pixel Knight Huxalot Huxalot
"I'm not sure about the others. Although, this hotel make enough noise that when anyone moves they make enough noise to wake the dead," Melanie noted to Luca, pausing to take in what she had just said. "No, I don't really think any of them are up. Maybe if we give them an hour or so, they'll be more active. What do you think?" Melanie glanced down the hall, the shut doors were silent and the hallway was barren. "Or we could just get started. I mean, I'm happy to get started as soon as possible. I don't like sleeping in a building with the zombies in the hotel. It makes me feel like we're not safe." Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
"I mean we aren't safe anywhere right now, not even here." He told her before looking up at the ceiling. Sure he wanted the others to be awake in order to clear out most of the it infected area in the hotel to feel safer, but he really didn't want to bother them with that. "If it was safe anywhere, I would had already confessed myself to you." You could hear that he was joking, as he smirked at her. "Well ignoring that joke, it would be probable for all of us to get armed and come back here in 15 minutes Max, before we head out and clear out the areas that we are capable of." He gave her a look, that was asking her for her approval.
Red_Delta Red_Delta
Heinrich cringed at the sound of the window breaking. He didn't count on that. Quickly, everyone climbed in. Heinrich drew his machete, not willing to fire his G3, fearing that the big round would just attract even more zombies. He quickly climbed in after the three, as a zombie narrowly swipes him from the outside.

As he swiftly climbed into the window, the other two were preoccupied with zombies already inside. Heinrich swiftly thrust forth with his machete at the zombie that was now clumsily clambering through the window, running right through the middle of its throat. It let out a groan resembling pain, before being completely decapitated by Heinrich yanking his machete out, leaving its body slumped on the window frame.

A deafening gunshot went off behind him, giving him a nasty case of tinnitus, the ringing in the ears. More zombies began roaring outside, and started shuffling towards the window. Stephanie asked him a question, that he barely managed to make out, as he lobbed another zombie's head off with a horizontal slash out the window.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Heinrich said, his voice louder than usual, to compensate for his perceived lack of hearing.
Maxim loaded the revolver, while eavesdropping the others' conversation. The lady, Melanie, their group's supposed leader, and a fighter. They suggested something about clearing out areas that we were capable of clearing, and he is interested. He wanted to help. After all, thinking back, he hasn't done anything noteworthy for the group ever since his arrival here. Maybe if he took part in this, he could prove himself. Maybe they would recognise him.

He left the revolver on the reception desk. Someone else could use a weapon, not that firearms would come to be that useful. Sounds attract the dead. Maxim readied his rifle, flipped out the bayonet, before approaching the others.

"I can go." - He spoke up. - "I'll go first . . . If you wouldn't mind me joining."
Gilbert had a worried look on his face, it has always been hard to fight the Zeds in close quarters. A single mistake can cost them several lives if they aren't prepared. He racked his mind thinking of a way to lessen the risks involved. Then he saw a nearby piece of metal, and had a brilliant idea.

"Wait a second!" Gilbert shouted to the others. "How about we some some sort of shield combination?" "We can easily use a piece of metal or the likes to create a shield to block certain paths and push them back while at the same time slowly clearing them out."

Small places have always been the bane of the group, several people already died either from not having enough room to swing their weapon, or not having enough room to maneuver. Not to mention all the obstacles in the way. "It would at least be better than fighting them head on." He mostly addressed it all to Melanie, since she was the leader and thus the one who would decide what they would do.
"Yeah, we'll see what we have to work with once we take all we can from this place." Franciszek replied. An escape plan was a secondary priority for him at the moment. They had went to the building for precious medical supplies, and he was determined to take what they needed. He slung his rifle over his shoulder and picked up his axe. "Be quick. We don't have much time." he added as he led the way out of the office, and into the central room where the fire trucks were stored. None of them remained there, but the doors were shut. "Okay. We'll split up and meet up back here when we're done searching." he ordered, jogging upstairs to a storage room. Franciszek broke the lock with his axe and stepped inside. Noting inside was useful, other than an EMT's ready bag, which contained a handful of assorted medical supplies. Emptying the bag into his, Franciszek peered out through a window and winced. A crowd of zombies had congregated around the rear of the building. He also looked up to the other hotel rooftop, using the scope of his rifle to get a closer look. One of the people up on the rooftop was peering back down at him through the sight of a rifle. He couldn't tell their intentions, but instantly took cover to the side of the window.

Axe in hand, the Pole jogged down to the ground floor, looking for his comrades. "Stay away from the north side windows. Those people I saw earlier are armed." he informed the pair, glancing around for zombies, or a potential escape route.
"I like how you think," Melanie told Gilbert. "Thin them out so we don't get swarmed. It's a smart idea." Melanie looked to Luca, asking his agreement with the idea. "I don't think that we have enough manpower to take them head on. So, I also was wondering if anyone has a long blade. I only have short blades and guns. It would probably be easier to tackle them with long blades

"The guns would probably end up injuring one of our own and the short blades mean you have to get in range. The long blade and the thinning of the group would probably be the most effective way to handle this," Melanie decided. "Any other thoughts or suggestions?"
Stephanie made quick work of searching the structure for any useful supplies. She found a half full package of bandages, which she slipped into her bag. Opening a few of the drawers on a desk in the corner she found a handgun, checking the clip it was empty. Looking over to corpses of the zombies, she wondered if this had belonged to one of them. Regardless of the gun's previous ownership, Stephanie slipped it into her pack and moved on.

"I'm going to go check the room next door," Stephanie called to Heinrich and Franciszek. She carefully made her way from the room and into the neighboring office. Peeking through a half-open door, she saw that there were no zombies inside the room. Walking in, she walked first to a bureau on the far side of the room. She slid the first few doors open. Once she had pushed aside some papers, Stephanie found a pack of spearmint gum. Inside the package, there were four pieces left. Stephanie decided this was a good find and slid it into her pocket.

"It's pretty bare in here," she called as she walked from the room and out into the hallway. "Have you found anything useful?"
"Epi-pens, Narcan, some over the counter painkillers and allergy suppressants, a handful of bandages, a tourniquet and some antibiotic gel." Franciszek answered. "All well and good for normal times, but that doesn't really help us." he concluded. The shortage of real medical supplies was a definite issue. Supplies were a secondary concern for the practice of medicine, however. Almost no real doctors remained. Franciszek had only been trained as a combat medic and lacked much of the knowledge that a true medical professional had.

Pulling himself away for the long term dilemma in his head, Franciszek drew himself back into the here and now. "Did you see any good way out?" he asked. The group of zombies around the building would pose a serious issue come time to return to the hotel.
"We could try putting on some protection gear. Small wood planks or some extra cloths would work, and we have everything we need." - Maxim spoke out - "The hotel's furniture could be scrapped to make some decent 'armour'. I mean, it'll definitely increase our chances when facing a horde, right?" - He looked at Melanie, after all, she's the boss. "And yes, I have a 'long blade', that's why I volunteered to be our spear tip." - Maxim added, as he showed them his bayonet-mounted rifle.

At that point, it was as if Maxim's subconscious suddenly woke up from its slumber. Questions and doubts raised in his mind, all at once. 'Why am I acting enthusiastic?' 'Is this right?' 'Shouldn't I rely on their protection instead?' His eyes squinted. His hands tightened his grip on the rifle, trembling at the thoughts about the dead and other horrors of the world. But hush, he didn't want his companions to see him like this. He didn't want to be a 'freeloader' - such a pathetic status, for those who take and take, relying on the hard work others without giving any favours. He wanted to be useful to them, he wanted to help. For the thoughts of them abandoning him, weak, defenceless tormented him every night. His eyes raised, hands tightened on the rifle even more. He was going to go with them, he had made his choice. After all, a bird couldn't fly if it never tried.
"Did you see a good way out?" Franciszek asked. Stephanie thought for a moment. The horde outside the building was likely growing in size and was not opportunistic for any kind of escape from a ground level.

"I haven't seen any yet, but I'm fairly sure this building had a bridge connection to the building next to it. I'd rather risk an unsure building than fight through the group outside," Stephanie noted, tossing her head in the direction of the window. "If we're going to act, we're losing our window of opportunity. So, Doc, what do you think?" Stephanie dragged her knife on the doorframe beside her, peeling some of the paint from the frame. She had a tendency to fidget when she was nervous. The noises of the zombies outside grew louder and more continuous.
"And yes, I have a 'long blade', that's why I volunteered to be our spear tip," Maxim informed Melanie. She nodded. That would be helpful while they took care of the kitchen. She looked down the hall. No one had emerged from their rooms. Maybe she would go walk through the upper floors of the hotel.

"That's helpful, Maxim," Melanie told him. "I think I'm going to go walk through the upper halls then head down stairs. If you want to get ready for the clearing, now would probably be a good time. Fraciszek, Heinrich, and Stephanie are out getting medical supplies. I want to be ready to go when they get back. I'd start before, but I'm hesitant to start without a medic."

Melanie turned and walked to the stair case, tapping her thigh nervously. She hadn't realized how anxious she was about the kitchen until this moment. What if one of them did get bit? What good would a few asprin and bandages do? She had seen her own sister turned from a human being into one of those monsters. If she hadn't been able to raise a hand to her sister, what about the others? Melanie knew that if Stephanie died, there was no way she could go on.

(I apologize to all of you if I'm not very active this next week. I'm taking finals and cramming every second I have.)
Heinrich steeled his hands. The situation is getting worse and worse. More zombies are being drawn to this building, seemingly following each other rather than the group of survivors that had gotten themselves into the building. He pushes a drawer against the window, blocking the zombies in that window, but not for long. He goes to swing at another zombie who was climbing into another window, with its left leg missing. The thing's head went off, but a few more still came through.

Heinrich rushed back to the door and closed it, locking the thing. The zombies started banging on the door, so he pushed a table in the way, just to be safe. Now he can relax and--

A gunshot rang out, and a bullet landed very close to him. Heinrich rushed into cover, away from the window where the shot came from, a big crack through the glass. Franciszek said something about a group, didn't he? Could they be the ones behind this? Heinrich pulled out his G3 and scanned the surrounding area, exposing as little of his head as possible.

Another shot came from the building adjacent to his own building, grazing his hair, forcing him to duck down very quickly, his hairs standing on end. He quickly returned two shots back with his G3, whilst yelling to the others.

"I have contact, opposite building! My side!"

Red_Delta Red_Delta yeezysleazy yeezysleazy Pixel Knight Pixel Knight
"Contact!" Franciszek shouted back, to acknowledge that he had understood his comrade. "Don't fuck with them. Everyone up to the roof." he ordered his comrades. A gunfight at such long range did them no good. It would attract even more zombies, and was unlikely to result in a decisive outcome.

Franciszek chambered a new round into his rifle as he jogged up a spiral staircase towards the roof. "We're going to hop across to the paint store and run from there." he told his companions. "You two go first. I'll follow. Run as quick as you can. That sniper might get lucky." Franciszek concluded.

Opening the access door to the roof, the Pole peeked around the door frame and fired a quick shot towards the rooftop.
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Following Franciszek's lead, Stephanie raced up the steps to the roof. Once on the roof, she noted that the roof of the paint shop was only a six-foot jump away. Noting that there had been no further shots from the roof across the way, Stephanie darted out from her cover and made a mad dash towards the jump. She prepared to launch herself across the divide. When she reached the edge of the roof, Stephanie shoved her feet down hard and pushed against the brick of the building. Her heel caught as she leaped, but she had enough power to recover the jump. Hitting the other roof at a roll, Stephanie cursed profusely.
"Not doing that again," Stephanie announced, as she pushed up to a standing position. There was a nearby stack of crates and other materials. Stephanie jogged over to take cover while she waited for the others.

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