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Fantasy Birchwood (Creature town) (CS)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Here you all can post your official characters. I’ll get this all set up with the current characters once everyone posts and is accepted.

(Her skin appears scaly up close, but she can pass for human if she needs to)

Name: Ivy Williams

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Creature type: Half envy demon witch

Personality: Witty and charming, Ivy is an absolute delight to be around. She enjoys magic in all its forms- except divine magic, her heritage makes her allergic- and has a taste for the finer things in life. She runs the local magic supply shop and teaches witchcraft classes on Saturday afternoons.

History: Ivy will claim that she's like most other women... but most other women didn't hatch out of eggs. Her father was Casuel, a minor demon of envy, and the demonic blood in her veins makes her an excellent demon summoner and blood mage. She's also skilled with cursed water magic and can turn herself into a demonic serpent. All that said, though, she tries to be a good person. Two years ago, she opened Pine Street Spells, and the business has thrived.

Likes: Magic, hot chocolate, reading

Dislikes: Holy powers, lightning, summer

Other: She has a small vacation home next to the Sea of Envy in the Pit- the local damned are condemned to drown in freezing waters, so you'd best dress warm.

She's writing a book for aspiring demon cultists- working title is "Chicken Soup for Those Who've Sold Their Soul".


Jikariel: Her familiar, a demon she forged from a fragment of her own soul





Tove Hansen








May 23


Cis Female







Tove is a quiet person who tends to keep to herself. She has a lot of difficulty interacting with others, preferring to simply watch from a distance. When she does talk with people, she is very short with her words, constantly worried she'll say something wrong. She manages to keep a very calm appearance, even while her anxiety has her panicking and wanting to flee. Still, no matter how much she struggles with interacting, and how pleasant she may find her own company, she gets lonely rather easily and always ends up seeking out company.

Reading, knitting, people watching.
Solitude, quiet, rain.
Crowds, chemicals, loud sounds.



Tove is a tall, willowy creature with soft brown hair and blue green eyes. She keeps a very natural appearance, never bothering to do more than brush her hair and wash her face when getting ready. She dresses in many layers of dark fabrics, favoring blacks, greys, and dull greens, always wearing a skirt since it allows her cow tail to move freely while still being unseen. Tove keeps her back carefully covered at all times, never showing more than the nape of her neck to ensure the hole in her back can't be seen. Her shirts and sweaters are all quite long, preventing any accidental exposure when she needs to reach above her head. The single piece of jewelry Tove wears is a protection charm carved from animal bone that her mother gave her, which she never removes.

Kristine Froseth
165 lbs
Dark Mori



Tove grew up deep in the forest in a small cottage with her mother. She never knew her father, and for many years did not even find his absence strange. She only had her mother and the forest for company, as they survived off the land and her mother homeschooled her. It was only when she encountered children playing in the forest and started making friends that Tove began to learn that her situation was unusual.
She's never asked her mother about her father, even after realizing she must have one. It's always felt like something she shouldn't talk about. She assumes he must have been someone from the town, but whether he still lives is a mystery. Sometimes Tove fears he saw her mother's back and she killed him for it. A huldra cannot let anyone who sees the hole on her back live after all, and how could they have conceived Tove without it being discovered?
Tove still lives in the little cottage with her mother, living off the land. However, she's started to take an interest in the city, much to her mother's distaste. Despite her mother's protests, Tove took up a position at the library for the opportunity to interact with others, without the pressure of having to make conversation or entertain. It also helps that she has an excuse to read more books.



Being a form of troll, huldra are quite strong as well as heavily tied to nature. In many ways, they are the caretakers of the forests, watching over them. Huldra are capable of moving through forests without being noticed when they so desire. They also have the ability to commune with the creatures and plants of the forest, to a limited degree. Animals and plants communicate in a way that is much more subtle that human minds, giving impressions more than clear meaning.



♡coded by uxie♡
  • the spine
    ashley barrett

    date of birth
    02/25 (Self-given birth date)
    Life-Guard and Swim Instructor at the pool
coded by natasha.
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Name: Kang Ji-Soo Age: 326 years old, appears to be 21-23. Is still quite young for a Gumiho

Gender: Genderfluid as they have the ability to take on a male and female form Sexuality: Bisexual Human/Creature type: Gumiho [Korean 9 Tailed Fox]

Personality: Jisoo is usually pretty chill with a knack for teasing those around her. Even though Jisoo has a friendly disposition most of the time, they have a very short fuse when their friends, family, or business is on the line. Having a higher tolerance than her customers allows her to drink her fill while watching how the others handle themselves. Jisoo is quite competitive and never backs down from a challenge she knows is easily within her grasp, Jisoo is however a sore loser that has a signature 'I lost pout'.

History: Unlike the ones that began their journey as a normal that had to consume humans and eventually become a Gumiho, Jisoo was born as one through the lesser known method of humans and gumihos intermingling. Jisoo spent the first 5 years of life as a human girl until the first tail appeared. Over the years she continued to grow stronger in order to catch up to her older siblings and not be seen as the runt of the litter. She spent most of her life with other supernatural beings and feasted on humans as they approached unknown territory. Jisoo ended up settling down in a little town that soon flourished with her non-human friends and humans. Jisoo has only recently attained the 9th tail and is enjoying messing with humans in ways that don't include just eating their vital organs.

Abilities: Outside of the ability to transform from male, female, and the fox form, Jisoo is able to manipulate her own pheromones to affect those around her. The strength of the effect is dependent on how concentrated she chooses to release and the creature on the receiving end. At work, Jisoo is constantly releasing a small amount to encourage a comfortable bar environment.

Likes: Sushi, drinking, flirting, cold weather, swimming, having their tails out, pomegranates, cherries, nighttime

Dislikes: Tea, overpowering scents, the color yellow, hot weather, brushing their tails themselves, processed American cheese​
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Everyone is looking good! All are accepted I’ll get the others added once they’ve posted them on here!





Blair Day








October 31


Cis Male




Potion maker



Blair is a quiet person who mostly sticks to the edge of crowds, watching from the sidelines. He often comes off as aloof or cold, but those who manage to get him talking find he's actually quite friendly. He just spends a lot of time in his head, rehearsing what he wants to say to the point he forgets to actually say it.

Gardening, cooking, reading.
Structure, schedules, spring.
Disorganization, spontaneity, winter.



Blair is tall and dark, black hair cut in layers that fall over his black eyes. He dresses in blacks and greys, with the occasional muted green or brown tossed in. He favors comfortable clothing and layers, with crystals for accessories that he often uses in his rituals.

By Me (DoodlerBee)
181 lbs
Dark casual



Magic has been a part of Blair's life since the day he was conceived through a spell. His mothers raised him to use magic from the time he could talk. For him, magic is as normal as breathing. His mothers run a potion shop, which he spent all his free time in. He's always loved watching potions being brewed and tending to the herb gardens.
Blair struggled to make friends as a kid. His solution was to turn to magic, as it often was. He snuck the family grimoire to school and performed a ritual for a group of kids. His anxiety convinced him it would end horribly, so it did. What was supposed to be just fiery art became a terrible explosion. Thanks to his family's magic, everyone recovered without physical scars, but mental scars are much harder to treat.
Blair was rather isolated after the incident, except for one boy who refused to distance himself. This was Cherub, and eventually the pair became inseparable friends. Over the years, they would cause quite a bit of mischief, usually utilizing Blair's potions and Cherub's charm. As time went on, the pair naturally developed into a romantic relationship. There wasn't an exact moment that caused the shift, but instead many small moments that led to them becoming a couple. They were dating before they even realized it, putting a label on their relationship when highschool came around. They're still together to this day.



As a witch, Blair is skilled in various forms of magic. He prefers to utilize potions and rituals, as they are predictable and easy to control. He is capable of shaping reality to a small extent with raw magic, but he rarely does so do to the unpredictable nature of raw magic. Typically he only uses it to levitate and light candles, something he's very well practiced in and can trust will not go wrong.



♡coded by uxie♡





Cherub Howell








June 17


Cis Male







Cherub is a bubbly, outgoing person who makes friends with just about everyone he meets. He looks soft and delicate, and with his sweet attitude, it's not uncommon for people to think he's a pushover. However, anyone who crosses the line between annoyance to problem will quickly learn he lives up to being a demon.

Baking, photography, socializing.
Pastels, flowers, makeup.
Celebrities, gloomy weather, bland food.



Cherub has a delicate build, with dark skin and fluffy pale hair. He loves to dress in pastels, especially pinks, paired with black, and has an aesthetic somewhere between punk and goth.

Created on ArtBreeder
169 lbs
Pastel punk



Cherub was born and raised by human parents, although his true parent is a demon and he is a full-blooded demon himself. His parents made a deal so they could have a child, becoming the surrogate for Cherub's parent. His demon parent has had little involvement in his life, and does not plan to change that until Cherub awakens to his true demonic nature. As of now, Cherub is just like any other human, living a quiet life working in his parents bakery.



Despite being a full-blooded demon, Cherub has no abilities beyond those of a human currently. He has yet to awaken to his demonic nature.



♡coded by uxie♡
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0D548FF0-B7E1-4306-BE6E-F5A4FF9D4A36.jpegName: Nina Simone Rivera
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Human/Creature type: Human
Job: Baker
Personality: Nina comes off as a sweet, naive girl who can be a bit dim. And while there is some truth to that kind and unknowing persona, it’s mostly a lie. Nina pretends to be a lot more naive than she actually is. She’s afraid that she wouldn’t be accepted by others if she was completely herself. So she pretends to be someone that most would want to protect, someone stupid but kind and outgoing. A saint who’s selfless and comforting. And for the most part. She is a genuinely kind person, acting the way she does so others feel comfortable and safe around her. She wants people to be happy. She’s selfless in her own way and she’s very thoughtful and considerate to those she holds dear. She’s just afraid of being her true self and being rejected for it. She hopes that if she makes the people around her happy, she could be happy too.

Nina is a very insecure person, she knows it and she hides it as much as she can. She gets jealous of other people’s happiness and immediately hates herself for feeling that way. She’s a hypocrite who wants others to trust her, but never truly trusts anyone. As much as she pretends not to, she knows that the world is a cruel place. She just doesn’t get why it was so cruel to her. She’s convinced she must have done something to deserve her misfortune. So she decided to dedicate her entire being to making others happier, maybe if she did enough good for people it would make up for her shortcomings?

History : Nina and her brother moved to the town of Birchwood when she was around 9 years old. Her parents lost custody of her and her sibling for child abuse and they were put into the custody of their Aunt, who was already living there. Living in Birchwood was the best thing that could have happened to Nina, in her opinion. She was fascinated by all the supernatural people in the town and would sometimes forget that she was much more fragile than them as she grew up. Thankfully she’s not nearly as reckless anymore. But Nina’s happy here. Just wait until that changes.

Likes: Nina enjoys gardening, she’s very diligent with it and genuinely likes taking care of things (definitely not because it makes her feel like she has a purpose haha). It’s not surprising that she’s a complete and utter plant nerd. Nina also likes journaling, she prefers to keep track of important people, events, or feelings that she has in her life. Nina enjoys baking as well. She’s actually pretty good at it, don’t ask her for a recipe cause half of her instructions would be “Next, put in some cinnamon, just stop when it feels right- I guess”. Other things she likes are moths, mushrooms, makeup, roses, doves, shiny things, and feathers.
Dislikes: Nina hates loud noises, the sudden kind, they scare her quite a bit and make her want to grind her teeth. She also hates slimy or muddy texture textures and anything dirty-feeling. She doesn’t like when people try to get through her emotional walls and hates the idea of being vulnerable. And crickets. She really hates crickets

Other: Nina hates the fact that she isn’t as strong or capable as her supernatural peers. She wants to be someone who can protect others. But she realizes that compared to the supernatural she’s about as strong as a pane of glass. She wants her friends and family to be safe but she can’t do anything to ensure that, it makes her feel helpless and I’m hoping to explore this in the rp!
Name: Jay Atlas Queens
Age: 25
Gender: Cis male
Sexuality: Pan
Human/Creature type: Half human, half siren
Personality (brief): Immensely extraverted, cocky, kind of a flirt, proud, funny
History (brief): The son of a siren business tycoon and human judge, he moved to Birchwood after his father went to prison. He still makes plenty of money as a musician and part time boxer.
Likes: tequila, expensive brands, jazz music
Dislikes: not being taken seriously, cold weather

Name: Louise Leeds
Age: 34
Gender: Cis female
Sexuality: Bi
Human/Creature type: Human
Personality (brief): Gentle, anxious, quiet
History (brief): Born and raised in Birchwood, she runs a quiet bookshop/cafe just outside of the town square. It's rumored that she was cursed with loneliness as a young child after accidentally stealing a flower from a witch's garden, and her lack of family or close friends seems to confirm this.
Likes: the rain, her cat Helsing, old books, chamomile tea, sweaters
Dislikes: loud noises, heights, wearing short sleeves, customers that yell at her

faceclaim: (image taken from picrew)


Khoriod Hapsbrincer
129 years (~35 in human years)
Human/Creature type:

Books, old styles, anything related to science or philosophy, bragging, any kind of nature, rivers

Selfishness, wrong arguments, crowds, cars, cold weather​

Brown in colouration with silvery grey scales and horns.
Very tough leathery skin and hard, sharp scales.
A big difference from other wyverns is an additional pair of eyes.
Each pair can be rotated independently.
Often wears a small pouch on his chest or a purely aesthetic red scarf in the winter.
Often walks on four limbs, but can fold his wings back and walk on two legs (does so in tight or crowded areas).

Height: 2.3 m (7 feet 6 inches), length: 2.5 m (8 feet 2 inches) and tail 3.8 m (12 feet 5 inches), wingspan: 4.9 m (16 feet 1 inch).

Khoriod's personality can be described in many ways. The best ones describe him as witty and polite, while the worst as egoistic and self-centred. All of them are correct. Khoriod's slight feeling of supremacy (partly due to him being a wyvern) has led to such unfavourable traits. He can go on for days about his achievements (which aren't always real), but he tries his best to refrain from that. In summary: he is a lazy egoistic bastard, who luckily can be very charming and friendly most of the time.

Born to two noble wyverns, Khoriod understood the greatness of knowledge and intellect from his early days. He passed through primary school faster than anyone, which only fueled his laziness and egoism. By the time he had started the highest of education, he started to struggle. He barely graduated with no actual degree. Everything after that is very secretive, but it is known that he moved to Birchwood, bought an old building in the middle of town and started a library there around 60 years ago. Khoriod claims to have rebuilt the library by himself, but there's no evidence of that. Since the opening of the Grand Library, Khoriod has lived a peaceful life, tending to the library without any major events.

Librarian, owner

Self Proclaimed Occupations:
Philosopher, collectionist, inventor, astronomer, historian

The top floor of Grand Library​

The Grand Library:

Originally built as a military warehouse in 1899, the building was abandoned in 1919. The local government considered recommissioning the warehouse in 1939, but the now poor condition made them change their mind. For 30 years, no one gathered the courage to repurpose nor demolish the warehouse because of its size and relatively complex structure. But in 1964, a young wyvern by the name of Khoriod Hapsbrincer bought the building. The reason for this purchase was allegedly to preserve old scientific and historic records. Khoriod entered it and did not come out for several days. He claims to have rebuilt the building himself, although some evidence suggests that he had hired a group of contractors. In 1973, Khoriod announced that the renovations were complete and that the old building was now a public library.

The brick-built library spans two wings of three floors (even if the reference has two) at a 120-degree angle from each other. The wings are connected by the main hall of the library. It contains an info desk and an unused spiral staircase to the top floor, where Khoriod resides. The library contains around 110,000 books, 78% of which are copies or original reports of scientific research and detailed historical accounts dating back to the early 1800s.

Khoriod also keeps a book of the history of Birchwood. So far, he has accounts of all major events of the past 50 years.


Human form (fc: Hugh Jackman)
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