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BGBB (Closed!)

Evelyn Black

"Can I explain what happened?" Eve said, trying to remain calm as the police officer was walking with her down the hallway. Spending her night in a cell wasn't something she was dreaming off, but it happened and she couldn't help not to make a heavy sigh. "At least you called my sister?" She asked him. Her sister, or better said, her fake sister was Soomin. Soomin was her best friend since the start of high school and she was like the opposite of Eve and in this moment, she was sure Soomin would kill her. Eve would always call Soomin when she was in trouble and make her pretend she was her sister to bail her out.

"We did call her and she'll come soon to get you out. And there is nothing to explain, you almost hit a police officer after you got in a argument with someone else at the party. And we can't say we trust you that you didn't get any illegal stuff or drank, but let's leave it that way." The office said with a smile as he got Eve inside a cell and Eve placed her hands on the bars. "But John, you know me, I'm a good girl." Eve said with a pout face. Another thing we must know about Eve, she was treating the police officers like her own friends and sometimes the station would be her home.

"You're exactly the opposite. If I catch you one more time, we might need to take a serious action and then I can't wait to call your parents." John said as he threw her a mocking smile and then made his way back on the hallway. Eve puffed and placed herself on the small bench that was placed there and got her legs up. She was wearing a black loose tank top with a bralette underneath it, ripped jean some boots. Her jacket was long lost during the fight and it was one of her favorites, after all. Eve scanned the old cell, nothing interesting and she just wanted to get back home and throw herself on a bed as the alcohol was making her kind of sleepy. Her knee was bleeding slightly and her arm had a bruise on it.

When she noticed a sound on the hallway, Eve looked at the cell and noticed how another guy was sent inside it by another police officer. "Welcome to paradise." Eve said, throwing her arms up


Mike Munroe

Mike was sipping on his beer and holding his cigarette in his hand when the actual fighting started to happen. A big party thrown by a prick made people start a fight in some seconds, and even if you wanted or not you would get in the middle of it. But Mike would always keep himself clear from stuff like those, because it was just his way of being. He loved fights like those, but he was slightly drunk and he didn't want his face to touch the pavement as he would have an important concert into the weekend. But when the police came, things got in an unexpected turn. Most people got arrested, even girls and of course, his friend Marco, making Mike leave the party immediately when he heard the names of the ones arrested.

Getting into his car and driving to the police station, without his belt and actually drunk and even drugged wasn't a good way, but if he wouldn't Marco would get in a lot of trouble and the high school didn't have to hear about this. Getting into the station, he looked around the clean place and couldn't help not to sigh, holding his jacket and his car keys. Making his way to the counter, Mike made his sweetest smile. "I'm here for the old Marco Montoya, I'm his cousin. Mike." Mike said as he bit the inside of his cheek a little bit. "Can I bail him out, I think he stood.." Mike looked down at his clock. ".. ten minutes into the cell, I'm sure he got his lesson."

"You can bail him in an hour, our time before letting people get bailed out, you can wait, can't you, Mike Montoya?" The old woman from the counter said, looking at one of her magazines. "An hour?!" Mike frowned, raising his voice a little bit, his alcohol making his presence. The old woman raised an eyebrow, making Mike cleaned his throat. "I mean... an hour?" He asked, this time, his voice being more soft than the other one.

"Yes, an hour. Please take a seat, will you?" The woman smiled, making Mike just sigh and moved himself to one of the chairs in a corner of the room. He checked his phone, it was pretty late and he couldn't help no to place his head on the back of the chair. He heard the door opening and

a few steps, but he continued to sweep between some messages.​

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Soomin Shang

"Yes officer. Right away officer. Of course Officer." The words continued to repeat from Sue as she listened to the officer reading her the riot act over the phone. I'm so going to get you back for this Eve! Sue grumbled as she finally got a moment to speak. "I'll be over soon, I was actually at the library a few blocks down. Would you tell Eve that I'm not happy with her? Thanks John." Sue sighed as she hung up her cell phone. What was Eve thinking?! I told her not to go to that party and she PROMISED me she wouldn't. Soomin grumbled more as she threw her light jacket over her shoulders. Wearing a sleeveless lavender sundress in the middle of autumn was normally considered crazy, but Soomin loved the feel of autumn and would still wear them despite the temperature change. She nodded to the librarian as she walked out. "Sorry about the interruption Mona. Eve's in trouble..........again."

"I don't know how you two are friends. You're such a well behaved girl and she's...." The old woman sighed and shook her head as she waved goodbye to Soomin. It wouldn't be a long trip to the police station, but she was still going to drive over. If Soomin knew anything about Eve it's that she was probably drunk right now and she would need to be kept in her car so as to not get arrested for underage drinking and public intoxication. It was going to be a long night. Climbing into her Toyota Corolla, Sue began the short drive to the station. However, she sat outside for a bit when her favorite Halestorm song came on the radio. "I don't miss you I miss the Miseraaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" She sang as she thrashed about as if she was head banging at a concert. With the song over, Sue cleaned up her hair and adjusted the glasses she was wearing.

Soomin walked into the police station and went over to the counter. "Hello Gladys. How long til I can take Eve home?" Soomin smiled at the woman who looked up from her magazine with a smile. "You're here for her again Soomin? I seriously wish I had a sister like you in high school. You seem to always be so close, despite the blaring personality differences." The woman prattled on to Soomin who merely smiled and nodded with her. "Well, Eve and I have been together forever and we might as well be best friends. And this is what friends do for each other right?" Soomin tilted her head adorabley and the woman sighed. "Just don't let Eve drag you down Sue, you've got a bright future ahead of you. It's still going to be close to an hour before we can release her. You know the drill." The woman sighed as she wanted to just give Eve to Sue so that Sue could return to her studies. "Thanks Gladys, should I bring you a mocha latte tomorrow?" The woman smiled. "You really are the opposite of that girl."

With the pleasantries taken care of, Soomin walked over to the waiting area and sat down. She caught a glimpse of the male that was also sitting there, but didn't pay much attention to him. He seemed like trouble and she already had enough of that tonight. She pulled out her SAT study guide and began to diligently read through it. However, after about five or six pages Sue grew bored. Studying wasn't fun if she was at the station. Instead she pulled the two pencils in her hair bun out, letting it fall down to the middle of her back and began to practice her drumming on the chair. She was playing out the rhythm to the song she'd just heard on the radio.

Marco Montoya

Marco's knuckles hurt, his body was stiff and he had a pounding headache. It was like suffering a hangover, without actually having gotten drunk. Yeah, he'd had a few beers at Dylan's party, the prick, but ultimately speaking he wasn't even close to drunk. It was more the whole getting tazed thing that had him so messed up at the moment. They didn't need to taze me. I was just trying to grab that girl's jacket. It wouldn't do good to let a woman be cold. Marco held the leather under his Letterman as he was lead by Rubio, one of the police that like him. "So, coming to watch the game this weekend Rubio?"

"You know it. I can't wait to watch you plow over those Serpents. Then we'll be in the running for regionals." The man patted Marco on the shoulder. "Regionals? We're in the running for state." Marco said with a smile until Rubio gave him a stern look. "Unless you keep getting into these fights Marco, there's only so much I can do for you. I'm just a street cop, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm the one that arrested you, your career would be done." Rubio's voice was admonishing as Marco stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Whatever." Then a thought clicked in Marco's mind. "If you arrested me, that mean you tazed me!" Marco growled as Rubio laughed. "It was the only way to make sure nobody realized who you were. Nobody would expect the woman defender Marco Montoya to be so vile as to get tazed." Rubio smirked and Marco knew that Rubio just wanted a reason to use the stun gun. "Whatever man." Rubio led Marco into a cell but it seemed to be occupied by the woman that Marco had fought beside at the party. When Rubio walked away, the woman greeted him.

"Paradise huh? You've got a really messed up definition for it." Marco reached into his jacket and threw the woman hers. "Thought you might want that." He sat down on the other bench in the cell. "Nice punch on Dylan though. What did the prick do to piss you off that bad? Grab your ass?" Marco joked about the whole situation as if it wasn't any concern that they were in a cell for getting into a brawl at a high school party with more alcohol than could be found at some frat parties. "Ugh, practice is gonna suck in the morning. Seriously Rubio, did you need to taze me? I'm gonna be stiff as a board tomorrow." Marco sighed as he looked back to the girl in his cell.

She was cute and slim. Her hair was an unnatural blonde color, but it didn't count as a strike against her, a lot of girls were dying their hair blonde. It was the craze at the moment. She had ripped jeans and boots with a tank top that didn't really do her much justice. She was definitely someone that could hold their own in a fight. Looking away from her and expecting very little conversation from his cell mate, Marco began to hum the bass rhythm for Seven Nation Army.

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Evelyn Black

When Eve noticed the jacket, she raised and eyebrow and then caught it, looking at it just a little bit. So after all, it was her leather jacket as it had draw a small ''E'' with silver on the right side of it. Eve sighed relaxed and placed her head on the wall, placing her jacket on. She would've died without it for sure as she really treasured it. She took that jacket everywhere and it had a lot of good and bad memories related to that. Eve couldn't help not to chuckle at his question, placing her hands in her jacket's pockets. "If you ignore the cold and how messy this cell looks, let's say it is pretty nice." Eve said as she moved her attention from her jacket.

"Well... if he would've done that, I would've got inside this cell for murder. Dylan is a total prick, we all know that and let's say he crossed some limits and he needed someone to wake him up to reality." Eve said, showing her fist that was pretty much of a purple color. ''Appreciated that you returned my jacket though.'' Eve said giving him just a small smile as she got her hand back into her pocket. When he mentioned the taze, Eve couldn't help not to remember the moment when the police came in into the small fight she started. "So you were the tazed guy? Oh man, sucks to be you." She laughed softly and studied him, a bad habit she had. Pretty tall, kind of cute, someone pretty popular from the way he was acting and because he was at Dylan's party. From his Letter man, Eve could say he was probably in the football team or at least a fan of it. Looking at his face, without trying to be noticed, Eve could've kind of recognize him. Marco, was it? Eve was pretty popular into bars and he could recognize his face from one of the most loved bands in high school and one of the biggest football players the high school ever had, and though here he was, in a cell next to her.

And when he started to hum the bass rhythm, Eve was sure that it was him. "Are you by any chance a guy Marco? Or at least something with the letter M in it?" Eve asked, getting her feet down from the bench and placing them on the pavement. Her girl friends would talk about him and the actual leader of the band like they were the only guys on the planet that were accessible to them. "Don't get it as a thing to make myself friendly or to try to hook up with you, only that I recognize you from somewhere, except the moment when you got tazed." Eve said, throwing him a look.


Mike Munroe

Mike moved his attention from his phone and when he heard someone drumming on the chair. Mike was expecting a drunk guy that got himself into the station to not stay into the cold night, not a pretty girl that seemed quite innocent with her dress and long hair. Mike even noticed her studying some moments ago, in a police station. For Mike, studying was useless. He would not open any book or do anything, except paying attention in classes and he would still be in the top students for his grades and behavior. They should see him on stage and then drinking with his friends and he would sure be the last student as a behavior. He was quite impressed by her skills though.

He was intrigued in a way. Dress in the middle of autumn, long hair that was caught in a bun with some pencils that making her seem like a book worm that just came out of an old library. Though the song she was practicing on the chair and her skills couldn't really make her seem like that anymore. Mike was even more intrigued when the woman didn't say anything to her. The last time he even touched the chair with his foot, the woman just got mad and almost threw him out of the station. Mike just got back to his phone, thinking that he didn't feel like actually throwing a flirt into her direction and placed his hood on his head. Wearing a t-shirt, a hoodie, black jeans and sneakers and he was still cold and there was a girl with a dress and she was perfectly fine.

Everyone was posting videos with a blonde girl hitting Dylan, making Mike just laugh a little bit under his breath. He turned off his phone, placed it back into his pocket and then turned to the girl. He still had plenty of time and could get a chance. "Doing good there, beating the crap out of a chair. I miss the misery? You don't look like a girl that loves misery." Mike said, with a small smirk as he looked towards her, trying to be as charming as he could be. "And how it comes that the grandma didn't get you out of the station for destroy the chairs?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

After being silent for some seconds, Mike turned to her again. "Didn't see you at the party, did you come to pick someone? You don't look like the trouble type." He was pretty curious he had to say. She looked quiet and shy in a way, something you would not expect to see in a police station at that hour and definitely not someone that would have trouble makers as friends.​


Marco Montoya

"Oh yes. The cell
is pretty nice, but that's because of the company I have in it." Marco said just like Mike would've. Marco knew that the guy was probably sitting outside right now losing his mind with boredom waiting for him. Marco had this happen a few times, and every time, Mike had to bail him out. If it wasn't for the fact that the cops were more dedicated to the high school football team than their jobs, he might've actually worried about the future. Sadly they didn't and so Marco continued to be free to fight who he wanted. He listened to the girl talking about what Dylan did.

"Man, what did he say? I've gotta know." Marco liked gossip just because it was hilarious nine times out of ten and it made for great tales later on. Marco watched as she slid the jacket on and he caught sight of the silver E on it.
Her name begins with E huh? "Yeah, Rubio always said he wanted to try out the tazer, didn't think he'd use it on me though. Dude got me in the shoulder." Marco rotated his arm around trying to loosen up the muscles, but it wasn't working. He needed to work em. "Mind if I do some exercises? I'm really stiff right now." He looked a little taken aback when she recognized him.

"Yeah, I'm Marco Montoya. Currently the star running back of our school and bassist for the best band to ever come to this town." He smirked as he spoke about the band and himself. If there was one thing that Marco didn't lack it was confidence. He took off his jacket and shirt so that they wouldn't get sweaty as he slipped his feet under the feet of the bench to stop him from sliding. His workout began shortly after. As he did his sit-ups he looked at the girl. "So what's your name gorgeous? I mean you know mine after all." Marco could be flirty, but he also knew that you had to draw the line somewhere and make sure not to come off as a creep.

Soomin Shang

She was lost in the rhythm. The song moved her and she couldn't help but thrashing a bit. Gladys knew that Sue was like this, so she didn't say anything. One quirk wasn't that bad. Sue was completely lost in the song when the guy spoke to her. She jumped and her pencils went flying into the air, one hitting the guy in the forehead and the other clattering onto the floor. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Soomin reached into her purse and pulled out some tissues and wipes. She figured she'd need them for Eve who would likely have cuts and bruises. Soo quickly rushed over and took care of where she hit the male, thankfully the eraser hit him and not the point.

"I didn't expect you to say anything. You looked engrossed with your phone." She sighed as he mentioned not looking like the type to like misery. "You and everyone else say the same thing." Soo collected her pencils and with a quick move of her hands, had her hair back up, this time the pencils were holding a long braid together. Her mother had taught her quite a few tricks to maintaining her hair using pencils, chopsticks and other thin needle like devices. It was one of the things she was thankful to her mother for. "I tend to live a life of misery because of some.....issues." Soomin glanced toward the door to the cell blocks. "As for why Gladys didn't kick me out, let's refer back to what you just said." Soomin finished what she said and then went back to her seat with a bit of flush in her cheeks. The boy wasn't that bad looking, but he reeked of alcohol. She needed to distance herself from that.

"Yeah, I'm here to pick my friend up. Apparently she decked Dylan in the face." Soomin smirked as she mumbled "good for her" under her breath. Soomin didn't like Dylan because the boy couldn't take no for an answer. She'd rejected him seventeen times in the last month but he kept pestering her. It was nearly criminal, but if she got dragged into a police case, her parents would get frustrated as it would take time away from her studies. She had to get into a good school and get a job making lots of money. Though the truth was, Soomin wanted to either be a drummer or she wanted to be a nurse. Nothing fancy, just a regular nurse working at a hospital or nursing home. She was used to taking care of people already thanks to Eve so it wouldn't be THAT much different.

Soomin felt herself growing nervous and went quiet as she waited for the police to bring Eve back out. Her eyes occasionally drifted back to the guy form earlier. He was definitely gorgeous and she thought she'd seen him somewhere.
That's it! Sue snapped her fingers as she remembered having to sneak out of her house to go to a concert with Eve. This was the lead guitarist and vocalist for that new band in their high school. Why was he here? No. Sue looked to the cell blocks. "Is the bassist in there?" She mumbled a bit loudly as she connected the dots.

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Evelyn Black

Eve just made a small 'mhm, sure' smile when he mentioned that the cell is pretty nice because he had company. How many times she heard that, especially from drunk men. Even though Eve wanted to close Dylan subject, Marco seemed pretty interested in what happened. Eve placed one her leg back on the bench and got her hands out of her pockets. "Pushy, aren't you?" She said with an eyebrow raised. "He asked me if I want to go upstairs with him, and I think we know what upstairs means. I refused and then he asked me 'How much?', you know. So I just punched him a little bit, just a little bit." Eve said, showing the space between her fingertips. He was Dylan after all, he couldn't get with any girl without offering them money or expensive gifts, even if he had the looks, he didn't have the manners.

Eve raised an eyebrow when he mentioned exercising, now he find the moment to exercise, in a cell? She wanted to mock him about that but of course her words remained in her neck when he said who he was. So after all, he was Marco and the other name she didn't pay attention to. Pretty good to see people accomplish so much at their age, while she was good only in sketching stuff, even winning some competitions for the high school. She was good at playing electric guitar and she was trying to work the bass out too, but she didn't have much time for it as she was always traveling around the town getting in trouble. She was pretty good at writing too, but of course, nobody knew that.

"So, that's how you get ladies? 'I'm Marco Montoya, let me take off my shirt and flex my muscles, call you gorgeous so I can get your name.'?" Eve said, as she mimicked that she wold get her tank top off, trying to imitate his voice. After she finished her representation, Eve moved her back back to the wall and watched him. She had to say that he looked pretty good but after all what she was expecting from someone that was training all day? She turned her attention to her watch, that was just a little bit cracked. "It's Eve between, you'll get the full name later. Ten more minutes until Soo will rip me apart because I've gone to that party and got in trouble. Wonderful. Could you just flex your muscles a little bit, get her distracted until I run? If you didn't impress me you could at least impress her." Eve winked to him as she said that, looking back at the cell's door.


Mike Munroe

When Mike looked at her to wait for her reaction, he felt a something hitting him in his forehead that made Mike only trying to bite his tongue so he won't let out a curse that would probably leave them speechless for a while. He left her look at his forehead and he couldn't help not to laugh at this experience. "I come in this police station at least once a week and nobody ever hit me with a pencil before." Mike said when she retreated. From close he looked quite pretty, but after all aren't the good and quiet girls always pretty and mysterious. Mike patted the small bump on his forehead and he seriously hoped it would just get better before his next concert. "I even fucking kept away from the fight so I won't hit my face and it seems it wasn't my lucky day." Mike said, sighing a little bit as he returned to his usual relaxed posture. "Next time I'll announce you with ten days before I'll actually talk to you." Mike joked around, throwing her a charming smirk. When he mentioned the word 'issues' Mike didn't continue that discussion. He never felt like actually pushing people to tell him their issues or anything about their private life as he was in a pretty misery too. He was a better speaker than listener anyways.

"The blonde is your friend?" Mike raised an eyebrow in surprise when she mentioned that. "Good punch, I have to say. Though, I never expected to see you coming for her, I would've expected people with leather jackets and weird hair colors hitting things around." Mike said, that girl really seemed out of place and her skills with the pencils kind of impressed him. "Dylan is a dick after all, can't blame her. My friend tried to get into the middle but things just go over limits in cops's eyes so they tazed him pretty bad." Mike shrugged as he said that. Maybe he was arrested a few times with handcuffs and everything, but getting tazed sounded way more painful than what he wanted.

Mike cleaned his throat for a second as the silence filled the room again. He wanted to return back to his phone and see what happened in the time he got hit with a pencil, until he heard the girl ask him if the bassist was inside. Mike frowned for a second, not getting the connection until he finally placed the pieces in the right places. "Oh, you mean, Marco? Bassist and football player. You got that right, he got maybe too much into the fight with your friend. I'm Mike Munroe, kind of a leader let's say. So it means you saw us playing or at least heard about us? Shall I know who is our small fan?" Mike asked, looking at her. He could at least find out her name if they would get separated in some minutes, as the hours will finally pass.

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Marco Montoya

Marco could tell she wasn't really taking the flattering well when she just gave him a sarcastic smile after the first comment.
Oh well. Can't please everyone. He continued on with his workout, His reps already going over one hundred in the short time span of their conversation. He nearly died laughing when she asked if that's how he got all the ladies. "Eve was it? I don't get the ladies." He stopped in the upright position of the situp, which was technically the only way you were allowed to rest when doing them. "I'm single and haven't really planned on changing that. I'm too busy with football and the band." Marco sighed. "If I could find a girl to be part of the band, then maybe. But finding a girl that can shred like Mike or sing better than him is nearly impossible. And there are hardly any DECENT girl drummers, let alone ones that can keep up with us." Marco returned to working out. Sweat starting to build up as he started nearing two hundred reps.

"Soo? Who's Soo? Is she like your guardian or something?" Marco asked truly curious. He finally stopped and noticed that she had taken her tank top off imitating him. "Not bad Eve." He said with a smirk as he went back to working out. After the two hundredth rep he stood up, sweating to the point that the lights made it looked like he glistened. "That's better. I don't feel too stiff, but my shoulders are killing me." He grabbed his t-shirt and started wiping off the sweat. He had taken it off so that he could put it back on later, but forgot he didn't have a towel. Thus, it got sweaty anyway, but at least this way he wouldn't still be dripping it when Mike came to get him. He stretched out as much as he could. "Mike isn't going to be happy that I got dragged into your scuffle, but at least I know who I want to have with me when I go moshing next time." He put on his best smile for Eve as he notice Rubio walking towards their cell. "I guess this is goodbye gorgeous." He winked at her as Rubio opened the cell. "Your rides are here. Now go home and seriously think about your actions." Rubio's voice sounded exasperated with the thought of the two ACTUALLY considering what they were doing. "Sure thing officer. See you at the game." Marco high-fived Rubio as he started out towards where Mike was waiting for him.

Soomin Shang

Soomin found herself giggling when he said that he'd give her ten day notice before talking to her again. "You don't need to give me that much notice. Just don't interrupt my drumming sessions. When I'm drumming, I'm not myself." Soomin's voice trailed off at the last statement.
Not myself? Ha! That's the closest thing to getting free as I can be! Soo shook herself trying to drive those kinds of thoughts from her head. "That's why you let Eve drag you around and get you into trouble Soo." She whispered to herself in frustration. "Just behave and once you get to college you can go for your nursing degree and have fun." She nodded to affirm herself again when the man mentioned the punch, immediately followed up with statement everyone made when they found out she and Eve were best friends.

"We get that a lot. When my father moved here from Seoul, she was my neighbor. She snuck into our house all the time while I was practicing piano. No matter how many times my father scared her off she came back. Eventually, mom convinced him to let me be her friend. Thanks to Eve, I got out of a private school and wound up in ours. Now I have a little bit of freedom, though some habits have stuck." Soomin motioned to her dress and the very light jacket that barely covered her arms and torso. It was the fashion that her father had her wearing when she was younger. He said she needed to look feminine to counteract the tomboy she hung around with. Soo sighed. "I have to give her the riot act........again." Soo just shook her head. "Why can't she learn already!" Soo's temper flared a bit and she noticed Gladys looking at her. "Sorry." Soo stood and bowed to the woman at the counter in apology and the woman just shook her head. "They'll be out any minute. You can ask her when she gets out." Soomin nodded and returned to looking at Mike.

"I'm not really a fan of your band. It felt kind of incomplete to be honest. You two are good, but with only a guitar and bassist you can't play too many songs that aren't original. Eve's more of a fan than me." Soo continued to avoid the real question that he'd asked. "I'm Soomin, Soomin Shang." She finally said after a long pause. "Currently the Valedictorian of our grade." She felt the need to say that.
You're a leader and I'm a leader. Just in two different worlds. Soo's thoughts started running around as she tried to figure out whether or not to keep the conversation going. Luckily the doors opened and the two would be coming out soon. Oh thank god. Soomin looked at Mike and smiled. "I guess our time is up. Thanks for giving me some conversation." She gave a small curtsy before heading towards Eve. "YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE EVE!!!" She creamed as she headed over. Soomin's temper was legendary for two reasons. The first is that you hardly ever saw her get mad. The second was that when she did you might as well have just dropped a nuclear bomb into an active volcano.


Evelyn Black

"Kind of a guardian, let's say." Eve smiled to him as she placed her top and jacket back on. Hell, Soo was more like a guardian angel or a mother sent to keep her out of trouble or to at least try. Evelyn wasn't too fond of Soo as first, but of course she was just another girl kept under strict rules to become a perfect woman, to give birth to children or do what every woman does, and Eve couldn't accept that. Maybe Soo was a 'good girl', but Eve wanted to make her have fun at least some times, even if she failed miserably. "Aww, that's the nicest thing someone told me all night." Evelyn said returning the smile to Marco, adding a small wink. "Maybe." She added as she returned to her bag, looking around it and placing everything back in it before she actually exiting the cell, looking at the guy that opened the cell door. Sure, don't get in trouble. With whom did he think he was talking with? Eve was sure that maybe no tomorrow but in some days she would get back in that cell and Soo would come again and scream at her.

Eve tried to keep her still and breath. Soo would scream at her and she was already expecting the show she will get home that she came late again and the usual questions, where she was? What happened? Evelyn walked along the hallway until she exited it and there she saw Marco and his friend, and then Soo; she was all red, angry and Evelyn was expecting what was coming when Soo moved in front of her and yelled. Evelyn placed her hands up, trying to protect herself from the shouts. "First of all, Dylan deserved it! And like, it is not my fault! The police men just got the wrong girl, and keep it down; I don't want to return in that cell with you this time." Evelyn said as she looked at the lady from the desk, trying to put on her best smile. The tension was growing and she expects Soo to just flip up and get her from her arm and pull her to the car. Just the thought of Soo yelling at her more made her cringe.

Eve moved herself slowly, trying to break the eye contact with Soo as she got close to Marco, placing herself behind him. "Okay, Soo stay there. Like this guy play football and threw to ground bigger guys than you, okay? I paid him to protect me from demons and like, you look like a demon in this moment." Evelyn mentioned as she only left her eyes being show as she looked at Soo. This won't end well.


Mike Munroe

"Seoul? Man, that's far. It means she is really pushy then, we need that kind of people in our lives though. Old habits are not bad habits." Mike stated as he looked at her. Well maybe she looked way too feminine and innocent, but there was nothing bad after all, even though he wasn't used to this type of girls. He would mostly hand around the baddies, with leather jackets, boots and red lipstick, but this one was kind of a new girl to experience. He laughed a little bit, but he was sure not to let her see that when she mentioned the way she raised her voice and then in a minute she apologized to the old lady.

"Eh, our high school is not the music loving type; we have to deal with what we have." Mike shrugged as he made himself more comfortable on the chair. Man, when they would just get let Marco go? The tension and the silence was pressuring his shoulders and even if he enjoyed talking to the girl, he couldn't say that he felt way too comfortable, he felt stiff. When she finally spoke, he left out a relaxed sigh. So she was a good girl after all, a valecdotrian that played drums, something new every day. Even though he wanted to find out more, even if he didn't know why, he felt quite relieved when he noticed Marco, Soo getting up. Mike nodded slightly to her and threw her a small charming smile as he noticed her moving herself to her friend. Mike got next to his friend and patted him on his shoulder, smacking him slowly as he laughed. "Gosh, the old lady saver getting in trouble. Come on, I'm drunk and tired and tomorrow you have a game to win." Mike said, followed by a small stretch as he noticed a small figure making her way behind Marco's back, making him raise an eyebrow. So she was Eve after all. Though, the whole scene was funny, Mike was tired as hell and in no way in mood for looking at the whole scenario even if that girl, Soo was around. Well he wouldn't mind to be left alone with her.

Mike moved himself to the exit and opened the door slowly. "Marco, I hope you won't remain to help your small bunny right there, I want to sleep." He whined like a small child as he rolled his car keys on his finger, placing his head on the door. "Come on." He started as he looked at him. "And between, Soo, if you ever want to play in a band, just search me around school some time." He winked as he got out of the station before shouting behind him. "Marco, fast please."

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Marco Montoya

A scream. The very first thing he heard as he walked out of the hold was a scream. Apparently, that was Eve's friend Soomin. Definitely not the type of girl that he'd pictured. "Your friend definitely is the opposite of you Eve." Marco sighed as he found the girl starting to hide behind him just as Mike walked up. "Hey, I'm not that old. And you should watch what you say Mike. We're still in the station. Throw me the keys because I'm not drunk." Marco knew that Mike could handle driving drunk, but the police wouldn't care. It would be HIS turn to wait for Mike and a DUI wouldn't be something that would end as quickly as his own incarceration, plus it would hurt the band's image. "I'm going to be right there Mike, just give me a second." Marco turned and stared down at the fuming Asian girl. "Soo was it? Why not cut he some slack. Dylan is a pompous ass and we all know it. How about you cool off, get some ice cream and go home? I can't sit here and be a mediator when I have a game tomorrow." Marco smirked as he looked at the blonde cowering behind him. "By the way Eve, can't wait to see you there." He winked as he caught up to Mike and took the keys. "I'm driving bro." He put his hand on his friends shoulder as they walked towards the car.

"So, did you try sinking those dastardly claws of yours into that Soo girl? I didn't think she'd be your type." Marco knew that Mike liked girls more along Eve's line. Straight-forward, honest and bad to the bone. Honestly, Eve and Mike wouldn't make a bad couple, but he wasn't going to suggest that. He looked back to the station for a moment. "I hope she doesn't get chewed out too badly. So we getting tacos on the way back? I'm starved." Marco's mind went back to food as he realized he hadn't eaten since lunch in the cafeteria. It was definitely time to get some grub.

Soomin Shang

"EVELYN! NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE JOKING ABOUT GOING BACK INTO THE CELL. MY.....OUR DAD IS GOING TO KILL US FOR BEING OUT THIS LATE. YOU ALSO INTERRUPTED MY STUDIES FOR THE SAT, AND I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH THAT ASSHOLE DYLAN DESERVED IT. YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULDN'T EVEN GO TO THE PARTY. BUT WHAT DID YOU DO? BETRAY MY TRUST.......AGAIN!!!" Soo's voice carried and the woman behind the desk merely smirked. It was as if she thought that Soo was doing the right thing. Then the football player spoke up, blocking her from seeing her friend. "DON'T EVEN GET STARTED WITH TELLING ME TO COOL OFF. EVELYN IS MY PROBLEM TO DEAL WITH. Thanks for keeping her from getting hurt, but you should leave now before I make you listen to this rant as well, okay Mr. Footbal Star?" Soo lowered her voice and gave her best smile, but the fact that she closed her eyes and showed off her Asian heritage more, made it clear to all that she was holding back for the sake of the boy that WASN'T her responsibility. Soo watched him leave before she grabbed Eve by the ear.

"We're going home now Eve. And you can let our father give you the riot act. You better be ready for it." She started to drag Evelyn away. "Goodbye Mona. I'll probably see you again before the weekend is over. Sorry about the interruptions." Soomin bowed and glared at Eve. "Apologize." She growled under her breath with her best smile again. She let go of Eve's ear and grabbed her neck, forcing her friend to bow. "Anyways, goodbye." She waved before going over to her car. "I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WENT TO THAT PARTY WHEN YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T!" The car ride home was going to be a long one, but at least they
did stop off to get ice cream on the way home. Soo was easily a stress eater.


Evelyn Black

Soo yelling was like watching a show that kept repeating and repeating and repeating, but it wasn't that kind of show you enjoyed to watch. Well yes, she promised not to go to that party but Soo know she never kept her promises? She was Eve after all. She wanted to open her mouth and to respond to Soo, even if she knew there was no way to stop her when she was starting. Well, at least Marco tried his best to make her be calm, but in the moment he left Soo got her claws out, pulling her ear like she was a small child and then making her bow in front of that woman that made her stomach roll. Though, Eve was kind of thinking about Marco saying he can't wait to see her there, to his game. Evelyn followed Soo like a hurt puppy, rubbing her ear slightly as she got inside the car. "Can you stop screaming at me? Yes, I promised you but it fucking happened and that's it, you know I can't be trusted when it comes to parties. And after all, Dylan fucking wanted to pay me to fuck him, what you expected? To be lovey-dovey and not smash his head with a rock?" Evelyn puffed as she leaned on the chair, trying to remain calm all the way Soo drove to get ice-cream. Soo would get all moody and angry after a fight and she needed was food. Of course, they didn't have time to remain in the actual shop and eat it, as Soo parents were probably worried and Eve's too, maybe. Just maybe.

Eve was playing with hers, sometimes giving a spoon or two to Soo as she was driving. "Well, if you stopped screaming. What was that thing with " you and Mike there? 'If you want to get into a band, call me.' Did you play for him; did you play with his 'guitar'?" Eve made her dirty remarks with an eyebrow raised. Well she was kind of surprised to actually see Mike interested in Soo or even to consider getting her into his band, but as she knew him, he was probably playing around. Or was he? If he was, Eve would punch the fuck out of him just for breaking Soo's heart. She knew how guys like him were and in no way she would want her friend on his hands. "Though, be careful. Mike is a jerk when he wants; he loves to get girls on his fingers. Not like you would fall for that, right?" Evelyn asked her with a serious tone as she noticed their houses making their way up on the road. And here the fun was starting, trying explaining what happened, to lie to her parents again and to have just a small pledge about how bad she was. "Look, Soo, I'm sorry for getting you into my mess, okay?"


Mike Munroe

Mike rolled his eyes and wanted to protest as Marco said he wanted to drive, yes, he was drunk but he could handle it, he was Mike after all. Mike made his way into the car and got his hood on and his hands into his pockets. Oh gosh, how sleepy he was. "Oh shut up, Marco. We just made up a conversation while you were in a cell because you got into that fight, I should freak out like Soo did and yell at you." Mike stated as he gave him a glare. How much he wanted to bring up that blonde girl Eve and see his reaction, but he kept himself quiet. "Tacos sounds fine, I want to eat something after all that alcohol, damn." Mike answered as he patted his tummy. When he was drunk, Mike was either a bad-ass ready to rip off everything or he was a needy child, wanting food and sleep. As Marco started to drive, Mike sighed. At least, he was one of these lucky people that would wake up the next day without a hangover and will be all fine. As Mike offered, he was one to get the tacos and return with them, even if the bags he had under his eyes were proeminent. He surely looked like a drug junkie in front of everyone. Mike made his way back into the car and threw the taco to Marco and a coke as he started to nimble on his taco.

"So, you're going to tell me what is going with that blondie or you're the only one allowed to ask about girls? Did she catch your attention with her stone, cold heart and you fell in love in a second?" Mike nudged him slowly, laughing as he bit his taco. "Well, she is pretty nice, I'll give you that. You're going to break hearts though; all your fangirls will just kill themselves. So what's your plan with her?" Mike asked with a raised eyebrow as he enjoyed his taco and coke. "And talking about Soo, she isn't that bad. She has music in her blood and she is a good drummer, we could bring her along here and there, hm?" He proposed. When it came to his band, Mike always looked for oppurtunities and like she said, having a singer and guitatarist and then a bassist wasn't actually a great band idea. "You could bring that blondie along, as your personal entertainer." Mike joked around, winking as he threw his coke can out the window and then he got back to his grumpy childish way of being. "Gosh, let's just move home or you'll surely end up carrying me on the street and then into my bedroom, and my mom won't be too pleased." Mike said slowly under his breath. Just imagining his mother looking at him with her worried look made his cringe and in the same wonder what the fuck was he doing with his life. His life was a total mess, drugs, alcohol, girls, parties, shitty high school and clubs. It wasn't like he could control his way of being.

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Marco Montoya

Marco chuckled as he ate his taco. "Feel free to ask, but when you're stuck in a cell with the person that got you tazed, you tend to make conversation." Marco finished his taco and threw the wrapper into the bag, it would suffice til he got home. "Shit. Mom's not gonna be happy. Oh well, dad will stick up for me the minute he hears I was defending a girl. He's surprisingly a sucker for romantic crap like that." Marco yawned as Mike mentioned broken hearts. "Please, like you're one to talk. At least I tell the girls that are interested in me that I'm NOT interested. You play em and leave em. You're probably already planning to do that to Soo as well." Mike and Marco had been close, but the way they went about women was vastly different. Marco was focused on two things, the band and his football career. Nothing else really mattered so women were just distractions. "I don't really have a plan for her. Though we were both topless in our cell." Marco remembered that he never actually put on any other clothes. "You got another shirt bro?" He looked at his mate who was passing out. What a baby. Marco chuckled as he listened to his friend rambling. "She's a drummer? That girl?!" Marco nearly burst into laughter. "There's no way that little prim and proper girl with a fiery temper could be a drummer. The alcohol is talking for you man, just shush and go to sleep. But having Eve along wouldn't be too bad. At least he knew she could fight.

"Having a fan/bouncer with us wouldn't be too bad man. I mean she can fight with the rest of the crowd so bringing her along wouldn't be too bad." He
unconsciously smiled as he pulled up to Mike's house. "Go get into bed, you'll be fine tomorrow. I have to get going myself, otherwise the game is going to be a bust. We're aiming for state and this is our last game before Regionals." He handed Mike the keys before he began the walk back to his home. It was a short walk maybe twenty or thirty minutes at most. He thought about the day's events and his mind kept circling back to Eve. "Rough around the edges for sure, but there's something she's hiding. Maybe she can sing or play." He shook himself as he approached the front door. "Gotta focus on surviving tonight before thinking about pursuing that route." He chuckled as he realized he was talking about it like one of the games Isaac enjoyed. His little brother was a freshman and more into the virtual world of anime and visual novels than sports, but that was good. Living up to Marco's standard wasn't something he wanted for his brother.

"You're home Marco!" His mom cried out as he walked in the door. "Where have you been?" March put on his best smile. "Paying a visit to Rubio. What's the matter? I've come home later than this." His mom glared at him. "You got into a fight at that party. I know it. There's no way you just stopped into the police station to say hi to a fan." Marco rubbed the back of his head. "I can't help but trying to help protect a girl from thugs. You know that mom." A loud voice carried over from the living room. "Give the boy a break. If he was protecting a girl and didn't get any real reprimands, what's the harm Gloria?" Marco's father came around the corner. He was a big man in terms of height and muscle. The man had built up a habit of working out when he was Marco's age and never broke it. Now as a mechanic it wasn't too bad a life for the family of four. "See mom? It's fine. Let me just hit the hay and get ready for tomorrow night's game. Okay?" Marco smiled as his mother reached up and pat his head. "Fine Mijo, but you better get up in the morning. Your practice is at five and it's nearly midnight." Marco nodded. "Course mom. Thanks love you both." He went off to his room and found his bass. Running his fingers along the strings, he couldn't help but start to hum and think about his time in the cell. "I've got a fan and I'm going to have a great day tomorrow." Marco crawled into his twin bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Soomin Shang

Soomin took a deep breath before looking over at Eve. "I get it, you're you and you break promises. That doesn't bother me as long as it's promises you've made with OTHER PEOPLE. But you and I are best friends. When you break a promise with me, it's like being stabbed in the back by my sister. Which you basically are to me." Soo looked up at the ice cream shop as they pulled in. They got theirs and left before rekindling the conversation. Of course it was difficult to eat and drive so thankfull Eve was willing to give her a spoonful or two as they went. However, the mention of playing Mike's guitar got under her skin. She slammed the breaks, pulled over to the side of the road and glared at Eve. "That's not funny. That's gross and you know it. Just because you've gone and done things like that with a guy doesn't mean I will." Soomin was still hot from the whole betrayal and Eve had the nerve to drop a joke like that, it wasn't going to go over well. Normally Soo would've gotten embarrassed, but right now her anger was still calming down. She grabbed her ice cream and began to wolf it down only to feel the wrath of brain freeze. "Ow." She muttered as she threw the empty container into a grocery bag that was her makeshift trash bag in her car.

"To answer your question, while I was waiting for you to be released, again." Soomin sighed as she realized emphasizing it would be no point. "I pulled the pencils out of my hair and started playing. I didn't really think he was listening because he was watching the video of you decking Dylan." Soo smirked. "Good punch by the way. The creep finally picked the wrong girl to go after." Soo giggled as she finally let off the last of her anger. "But yeah, I pointed out that his "band" is sorely lacking a drummer and a few things. Guess he thinks I can provide them with it, though I don't really think dad will go for it." Soo knew she should be panicking and trying to get home, but there was no need. It didn't matter is she was one minute or one hour late coming home, late was late. She listened as Eve worried over her. "Please, as if a guy would REALLY show interest in me. He just wants me to play drums or to play his "guitar" as you put it. I'm nothing special." Soo smiled as she threw the car back into drive and started rolling down the road. "Now what about you missy? 'By the way Eve, can't wait to see you there.'" Soo mimicked Marco's voice as best she could. It was still way too high pitched though. "You get busy with almost every girl's heartthrob? I mean you move fast sometimes, but in a cell? Really?" Soomin flashed a playful smile, thuogh the deep red on her cheeks showed that she wasn't exactly comfortable with this kind of talk. When they arrived at the house Soo got out first. "Sneak into your house through our backyard. That way dad won't see you and realize what happened. I'll just tell him I was studying and lost track of time. He'll buy that seeing as how I have some books with me."

Soo waited for Eve to get into the backyard before walking in the front door. "Eodi Jeolm-eun agassi doeeossseubnida?!" Soo flinched at her father's harsh tone. He was truly mad that she was home late. "Naneun gongbu haesssubnida. Naeun Sigan ui teulaeg-eul ilh-eossda. Joesong haeyo." Her father's expression seemed to question her story, but when she opened her bag and revealed her books from the library he nodded. "Joh-a geuleom. Jam-eul jom." He kissed Soomin's forehead before she ran off to her room, locking the door behind her and opening the window to talk to Eve. They had to decide what they were doing later. "Eve, so what's the plan for Saturday? I don't have to study for once." She said seeing her friend was already waiting for her. It would be the last conversation for them before going to bed.


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