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Fandom Beyond the Falls (characters)

[color= white][size= 7]"Stupid humans."[/size][/color]
[color= white][size= 7]"You were wrong
All along
Try to break me
Make me strong"

General Information

Name: Will Cipher
Nicknames: William, Triangle, Scumbag, Brother, He's sure Bill has called him "Brobro" before, Slave, Disappointment, Triangle, Hellspawn, Shitbag, Idiot, Waste of Space, Blue
Gender: Male
Age: Ten minutes younger than Bill, his twin brother
Sexuality: Pansexual, trying to convince himself he doesn't have a crush on his twin brother. Sure, nobody in his family would care that they're twins, but still.
Height: 5'9
Weight: 100 lbs (He's definitely not being fed enough)
BMI: 14.9
Dimension: Mindscape

In depth

[size= 7]Physical Information

Appearance: Being a demon means that will's body is completely constructed by him and that he can alter it whenever he feels like it, up to and including which socket his eye is in. He has a habit of doing this multiple times throughout the day as he pleases, whether or not the Gleeful's approve of it be damned. The only things he can't control are his eye colour and to an extent his his hair colour; He hair has the option of being varying shades of blue. Both his hair and eyes change colour depending on his emotional state, whether or not he wants them to.
[size= 7]Psychological information[/size]
On the surface, Will seems like a complete coward. This isn't entirely untrue, seeing as he's easily scared, and, while his pain tolerance is abnormally high due to being a demon (You could probably break his bones and he would just let his accelerated kick in without being bothered by it), he dislikes being hurt. He has the capability of being caring, but the mixture of already being a demon and the fact that he's forced to serve a group of humans means that he has a growing hatred of humans. While he still has a gentle demeanor to most people, regardless of who they are, chances are that he thinks that they would be much better off dead.

He's exceptionally easily upset. Just a few words can be enough to make him cry on the best of days, and on the worst of days he might start crying just because something is taking longer than he wants it to. Speaking of things taking longer than he wants them to, he's extremely impatient, and hates waiting on anything to get done. He's definitely intelligent enough to do things, but his impatience tends to get in the way of him actually managing them.

That is, until he gets really angry. Instead of fiery hot anger, he has cold anger; when he's mad at someone, he can be patient enough to effectively plot and execute something against the person on the receiving end of his temper. Who's the current most likely target of his anger? The entire town of Depravity Falls, once he's free of his deal with the Gleeful twins.

  • Hot tea with sugar
  • Milk Tea
  • Changing his appearance
  • Sewing
  • Knitting
  • Human pain
  • Watching the Gleefuls fail at things
  • When he does things right
  • When things are clean
  • The entire town of Depravity Falls
  • When things take longer than he wants
  • Dirt
  • Being hurt
  • Being insulted
  • His eye rolling into the wrong socket when he's asleep
Pet Peeves:
  • Will is definitely a neat freak, and compulsively cleans. Anything dirty annoys the Hell out of him
  • Anything that takes too long
  • Mabeline and Mason's continued existence
Will Cipher, the Cipher family disappointment. It's not completely unknown in the Cipher family for a man to take on what they viewed as a woman's job or a woman to take on a man's, and, so far as they can find someone who can do the opposite job, it's not too badly frowned upon. Considering Will hasn't gotten married, fathered at least one child, become a house-husband, or started a cult, he's viewed as a complete failure by everyone except his twin brother, though he sometimes thinks that Bill might even view him as completely useless.
[size= 7]Others[/size]
  • Around the Gleeful twins, he makes a conscious effort to slow his body's natural ability to heal to a human level so that he won't be beaten too badly. Thus, he's normally walking around covered in bruises.
  • He's decent at cooking so long as you're not looking for anything that takes more than an hour.
  • More often than not, he floats instead of walking on his own two feet

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Name: Stanley Pines
Stan, Grunkle Stan, Mr. Mystery, Mr. Pines, Steve Pinington, Stetson Pinefield, Hal Forrester, Andrew "8-Ball" Alcatraz, 'Stanford Pines' Alias.
Age: 62
Old man with wrinkles, gray hair, beard stubble, and a prominent reddish-pink nose; wears square black-framed glasses, a black suit and shoes, a red bow tie, and a maroon fez usually.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 201
BMI: 30
Dimension: Standard.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Gruff, miserly, cheap, witty, snarky, sly, evasive, eccentric, mischievous, confident, prideful, cynical, family minded.
Stanley Pines was born in Jersey as one of a set of twins. He and his twin brother Stanford were very close, Stan's strong, brawny personality combining well with Ford's brilliance: when combined, the duo were an unstoppable pair. Stan also faced frequent bullying due to his weak appearance as a child. This eventually inspired their father to force the twins into taking boxing lessons, as a means of toughening them up and giving them the strength to overcome their tormentors.

Stan's teenage years were fun for the most part spending time with his girlfriend or constructing their ship Stanowar with Ford, as they hoped to fulfill their childhood dreams of sailing around the world searching for adventure. However this all took a dark turn when his brother left him for his further studies and girlfriend ran off with a musician.

Stan's journey into adulthood met many hiccups as he did his best at an honest salesman route until he discovered the benefits of lying and trickery in the short term. All this got him into trouble with the law. Years pass by and he finally got word from his brother.

Stan traveled to his brother's new home in the woods of Gravity Falls, Oregon, to find Ford confined in his shack and borderline insane with paranoia. Ford then revealed his underground laboratory and the Universe Portal to his brother, vaguely explaining that its powers were too dangerous and that he needed Stan to leave with one of Ford's journals, which contained information as to its operation, and go as far away as possible to protect it from falling into the wrong hands.

A fight among them results in the experiment failing and his brother getting lost in the inter-dimensions.

Taking up his brother's life and name, he sets to trying to figure a way to return his brother to their world using the journal left to him. Decades later his niece and nephew enter his life and things spiral faster towards his goals.

Making money, cheap labor, drama/romance movies, Dumping stuff in the bottomless pit.
*Pet Peeves:
Heights,Gideon, being compared to Ford.
*Theme Song:

"Reality's an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold. Bye!"


Bill Cipher

Evil Dorito
Equilateral Fucker
Bright Eyes
One Eyed Demon

Um... He looks about 19-21... He's about 10 minutes older then Will

Bill forged his human form himself, and can change his appearance at will. Unfortunately once irreparable damage occurs to one of his forms, he's stuck like that. Originally he gave his form two eyes, but thanks to an accident, involving a glittery sign, an eagle, and a hammer, his right eye was completely distorted, and his refusal to go to a hospital, and to heal on his own, caused his eyelid to scar over completely. Still his remaining eye can be removed, and occasionally it will roll into his right socket, and he won't be able to see anything, until he moves it back.


109 lb

16.1 (Underweight due to lack of knowledge in keeping a human form alive.


Pansexual (triangles don't count under bisexual)

images.jpeg Bill is insane. No really. He's lost his head! Totally bonkers! Around the bend! It's to be expected of course. There's a fine line between genius and insanity, so why wouldn't someone who knows everything be utterly mad. He's balanced out somewhere between being both a sadist and a masochist, finding any kind of pain to be utterly hilarious. Still he likes it a bit more when it's someone else's pain. Even he has his limits. Despite his flaws, once he grows to trust you, and you him, Bill can be very fun to be around. He has a loud, slightly annoying personality, that can easily brighten a room. He's also fiercely protective of what's 'his', and is loyal so long as you are.

Bill does, however have a fiery temper. He's nothing to sneeze at when angry. He can unleash hell within seconds of being pissed, and over the smallest things too. One thing's for certain, he should never be allowed to stew in his anger. Typically Bill's impulsive temper tantrums only last a few minutes, or an hour at most, but if you leave him to stew, then shit WILL go down. In fact most of Weirdmagetton was never originally planned. He never planned on completely conquering the world, just getting his henchmaniacs human forms, and sending them to a safe place. After thirty years of stewing in his anger of having the portal shut down, and Stanford pines evading his grasp, it evolved into full on human enslavement, dimensional domination, bubbles of insanity, and conforming everything to his own weirdness... All thanks to the Pines family.


    • He floats around a lot
    • bites his fists in "certain situations"

    • Making deals;
    • Messing with people's minds;
    • Looking at pictures of other triangles... He calls it Triangle-hub, and starts biting his fist... Does that put it into perspective?

Pet Peeves:

    • Disrespect;
    • The Illuminati (his disrespectful, narcissistic son)
Ciphers are like demonic, incestuous, sexist, Greeks. Cipher women are supposed to do three things in life: marry other Ciphers, produce more Ciphers, and feed everyone (believe it or not, demons eat too) until the day they fade from the multiverse. Cipher Men are also supposed to do three things in life: marry other Ciphers, produce more Ciphers, and start cults in other dimensions until the day they fade from the multiverse. This is simply how it works. It's why Bill has an estranged son (the Illuminati) with his sister.

So that's why Bill took a break from family drama, and moved on to human drama! At least with humans, there's less yelling, and incest. After his failed attempt at weirdmagetton, Bill decided to annoy the Pines family as much as possible. He basically punched a hole through space time, and gave himself a human form, simply to irritate the Pines family. Now they see him as an annoying room mate, but they do indeed put up with him.
(To the
"Boy! You better
thank your mother
for giving you her luck,
and sending you to a dimension
that prevents child abuse! I'm so close to
slapping your smart ass back into the mindscape!"

Theme song:

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18

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General Information

Mabel Pines
Sis, Mabes, Shooting Star
Transgirl (Not on hormones, normally wears a stuffed bra)
19, five minutes older than Dipper
120 lbs
22.7, all muscle
Gravity Falls
In depth
[size= 5]

[size= 7]Physical Information[/size]

Mabel is relatively short, despite being the taller twin for several years when she was younger. She's relatively thin looking, but don't let that fool you; she's all muscle, and can easily carry someone considerably taller than her, and weighs more than she looks like she should. Her hair reaches her hips, and has been bleached just below her shoulders, with the bleached part being dyed purple. Frequently, she draws a heart on her face with makeup.

She almost always wears a sweater that she knit herself, no matter how hot it may be outside.
[size= 7]Psychological information[/size]

[color= pink]"Why would you think I was cheating?! Do I look like the kind of person who could stack a deck?"

Mabel "I bedazzled my face" Pines, who is perhaps the hardest to read out of the entire Pines family. She still maintains the same extroverted, friendly, energetic persona that she had during her preteen years, but she's changed due to the time she's spent around her Grunkle Stan. For starters, she doesn't hold the same opposition to lying that she did when she was young. In fact, she has no problem doing so when she thinks that it'll benefit her, and she's good at it. She can and will cheat at any card game you put in front of her, and you'll probably never notice.

After leaving Gravity Falls for the first time, Mabel began to noticeably change. Call it her Grunkle's influence, puberty, whatever, she was just never the same girl that her parents had sent to live in Oregon for a summer. Promptly upon returning home, she took of boxing lessons, having learned from experience that she needed to be able to defend herself. She actually excelled at this, like she does most things that involve her using her hands. Most of the time she spent in California went relatively well... Or, as well as it could have, at least. She missed Gravity Falls like Hell.

Which was why she was kind of relieved when Bill came back, and is vaguely thankful that he did. Sure, he might have tried to end the world, but he wasn't doing so anymore... And, additionally, she got to go live in Gravity Falls due to him coming back to life. By no means was she happy that he had come back to life, but, when it was decided that she and Dipper would be living in Gravity Falls permanently, well... She couldn't help but be a tad bit happy that the dream demon had come back to life.
[size= 5]

[size= 7]Likes[/size]
Sparkly Toothpaste
Eating sparkly toothpaste
People who think she's super sweet and innocent
Grunkle Stan
Attractive girls
She's developed a taste for Magical Girl animes over the years and will watch them when she thinks she's alone.
Still enjoys Ducktective
Dying her hair
Stuffed animals
[size= 7]Dislikes[/size]
Gideon Gleeful
The fact that Dipper is better than her at anything academic
Not a big fan of the Gnomes
When she and Dipper get chased through the forest by a hoard of monsters
The top shelf
Guys hitting on her
Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons
School. She's glad she's done with that.
Real unicorns. Theoretical ones are nice, but real ones are a pain in the ass.
[size= 7]Pet Peeves[/size]
When people can see through her cheating
When she has the cops are called on her for whatever illegal thing she may be doing
People insulting her for her tattoos. Is it really their business whether or not she has ink on her?[/list]
[size= 7]Habits[/size]
Her allergies tennd to act up at the same time as Dipper's
Will still hide in her sweater when upset
[size= 7]Others[/size]
She gambled half of her Highschool blind in her senior year
Stan helped her plan out her first tattoo, and went with her to get it on her eighteenth birthday. Due to how close she is to her Grunkle, she got a tattoo that resembles his burn.
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"What's the point of doing something if you can't do it right?"
Mason Gleeful

Dipper, Dip, Brother

(Five minutes younger then his twin)


100 lb

(Mason is selectively anorexic, convinced that the lighter he is, the better he'll preform, and the more in tune with his magic he'll be. He eats, but often skips meals in favour of practicing his abilities.)

Reverse Falls

Closeted homosexual
(Currently trying to convince himself that he does NOT have a crush on a useless blue triangle)
To his adoring fans, Mason is a sweet, talented young gentleman, who dotes on his twin, and has a permanent smile on his face.

Now let me tell you why that's bull shit. Mason has a well constructed mask for the public, but behind the walls of Gleeful manor, he's cold, calculating, and disturbingly cruel. He's always had a thirst for knowledge, and it's led him to do some horrifying experiments with some of the local wild life. Thanks to his sister's influence over the gnome colony, Mason's been able to get a hold of a lot of different creatures, many of which he dissects for observation, often while they're still alive.

As for his relationship with his twin is strained at best. He loves her, and he knows she loves him, but that doesn't stop them from braking into below the belt arguments at every turn. As much as Mason pretends his twins words do not affect him, a few off handed comments about his weight, and possible attraction to one Will Cipher has had more affect on him then he's willing to admit.

Mason strives to prove himself better then those around him, attempting to use his magic to claw his way to the top, and prove that he is the "alpha twin". This has always been his goal, ever sense it became obvious that his sister was older, taller, faster, and physically stronger then Mason. Everything else she matched him in: brains, charisma, sex appeal... There was nothing that Mason could ever say he was better at without instantly being proven wrong, until their magic was unlocked by the amulets. Mason always thrived in the magic arts, where his sister remained solely fixated on controlling objects with her mind. Mason managed to master telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and technopathy, by the time he was 14 years old.

Mason does tend to have a temper on him, and with his abilities, it can be rather scary. Still, Mason is responsible, and has wonderful control of his abilities, often lashing out with a quick tongue, rather then using magical, or physical means of expressing his anger. He's the only Gleeful to have never physically harmed their demonic triangle. That doesn't stop him from calling him horrible insults, and degrading names, but Will has never come to physical harm by Mason's hand. In fact Mason won't even let anyone physically harm Will in his presence, often reminding them that useless though he may seam, Will is an all powerful demon who could be plotting to take over their entire dimension if he wished.

-Regularly skips meals
-Dissects small animals, and mystic creatures
-Practises slight of hand, and levitation with a deck of cards when board

-Rehearsing his act
-Arguing with his sister
-Totally NOT watching Will work

Pet Peeves:
-Hates being called "Dipper," or any other variations of the name
-Can't stand it when his things are moved without his knowledge

Mason and Mabeline Gleeful lived in California with their parents until their parent's died in a car crash, the summer before their thirteenth birthday. They were sent to live with their only living relatives, their great uncles Stanly and Stanford Gleeful in Gravity Falls, Origen.

Once there, it didn't take them long to find their great uncle's second journal, and track down a plethora of magic artifacts, including their amulets. After proving to Stanly that they could exploit these newfound abilities, the tent of telepathy was created, as a place for the twins to perform their magic in front of the whole town, for a heavy price.

In an attempt to gain more power and influence then their great uncles. they summoned and made a deal with a blue dream demon, by the name of Will Cipher. Will took on the disguise of their personal servant, while he complete's their contract, in exchange for an eye from each of the twins and something they hold dear after the contract has been fulfilled.

Theme Song:

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Dipper Pines

  • Name:
    Mason Pines

    Dipper, Bro-Bro, Pine Tree, Dipstick, Dippingsauce

    19, five minutes younger than Mabel


    118 lbs


    Gravity Falls

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  • large.jpg

    NAME: Pacifica Elise Northwest
    NICKNAME: miss gravity falls, party queen
    AGE: 19
    HEIGHT: 5'3 / 160cm
    WEIGHT: 114lbs / 52kg
    BMI: 20.3 (normal)
    DIMENSION: gravity falls
    SEXUALITY: closeted bisexual

    - sarcastic
    - intimidating
    - prideful
    - she's trying to change though
    - can be sweet to people she likes
    - smart
    - elegant
    - tsundere..

    Pacifica Northwest is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Northwest and is also the great-great granddaughter of Nathaniel Northwest himself! Since the Gravity Falls' founder runs through her family's veins, she and her family gets to act like they own the town. The Northwests are filthy rich so they also get to look down on people with lower status, especially those who provokes them.

    Due to her family name, reputation and exterior appearance, it was no wonder that Pacifica was crowned the most popular girl in Gravity Falls. She believes that their family is perfect despite the fact that her parents would rather kiss their money than their daughter's cheeks.

    Come the Pines and Pacifica developed a rivalry with Mabel, a very silly girl who always wear sweaters(according to her) and had a negative relationship with her brother, Dipper Pines, at first either. However, after she sought out the latter's help to get rid of a ghost in their family mansion, Pacifica started to open her eyes about her family. Yes, perhaps she deceived Dipper at first but after the words he had said to her, she couldn't find herself following her family's influence.

    Currently, Pacifica is trying to change into a better person than she was before. She's still aggressive and snotty most of the time but at least she's trying. Her view on the twins drastically changed despite her not admitting it out loud. She'll also not admit that she missed them and is glad that they're back.

    singing, gift-wrapping and mini-golfing

    NUMB - Linkin Park - N.H.E.M.
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"This one's gonna be so much fun!"
Mabeline Gleeful
Nickname(s): Mabel, Sister,
Age: 19
Five minutes older than her twin.
Weight: 125
BMI: 21.5 (Normal) (Gotta keep healthy and fit for all those physical activities.)
Dimension: Reverse Falls
Sexuality: Blatant Bisexual
Mabeline Gleeful is pretty much the equivalent of a superstar in Gravity Falls. Talented in a variety of areas ranging from mini-golf to dancing and even taking herself to national-level gymnastics, one could say that Mabel is pretty much the perfect littler darling. Seen as a playful and kind girl of immense popularity, being generally cute and adorable when in public, she is loved by fans far and wide and hailed as the most desirable young lady in all of Gravity Falls.

If only she wasn't an unrepentant sociopath.

Mabeline Gleeful simple adores messing with people to degrees which would make horror authors writhe in unease. She is a manipulative, self-centered monster with a gleaming smile that can turn on both friends and enemies alike. Meeting Mabel is pretty much a sentencing to a horrible period of mental gymnastics and consistent abuse. She is a professional liar, and her talents in acting allow her to easily hide her vicious tendencies behind a façade of kindness.

Despite this, she's also widely considered perfect by the people of Gravity Falls simply due to the ludicrous amount of things she finds interest in and excels at. The cold truth behind this unreal level of ability is that Mabel goes out of her way to become talented at things simply to rub it in others' faces like a smear of stale cheese. Oddly enough she does keep actual companions, but that is only because her breed of friends are the types who will do nearly anything for her either out of respect or fear, making them more like henchmen than actual companions.

And that should be her ultimate goal, Respect and Fear, right? Wrong. Mabeline Gleeful isn't content with the adoration of the masses or the fear of those she torments, the driving force behind every single one of this little hellion's actions is entertainment. A far cry from her brother's unequalled thirst for knowledge, Mabel hungers for amusement of the sickest kind, which is why no matter what horrid thing she takes part in she can do it with some of the most adorable and kind smiles known to man.

She definitely considers herself the Alpha Twin due to her amazing looks and talents, but seems to have just enough space in that cold wasteland of a heart to actually love her twin. Mabel found allowing her brother his obsession with Magic to be more entertaining than attempting to curtail it. Focusing on maintaining her other plethora of talents, she stuck with merely controlling things mentally and settled with occasional sisterly teasing using his many different follies as a basis. This teasing will often turn to arguing, but she finds even that entertaining.

Intelligent and charismatic to a frightening degree, Mabeline is much more underhanded than her brother and is easily able to control her own impulses as long as she feels there will be a humorous pay off sometime later. As such she's one of the Gleefuls who's been most abusive to Will and has done it more the longer she's been able to get away with it, however she's deigned to find new ways of tormenting him as the traditional ways have grown boring to her. In fact, lately she's gotten more laughs out of teasing her brother for his obvious attraction to the demon.

Mason and Mabeline Gleeful lived in California with their parents until their parent's died in a car crash, the summer before their thirteenth birthday. They were sent to live with their only living relatives, their great uncles Stanley and Stanford Gleeful in Gravity Falls, Origen.

Once there, it didn't take them long to find their great uncle's second journal, and track down a plethora of magic artifacts, including their amulets. After proving to Stanley that they could exploit these newfound abilities, the tent of telepathy was created, as a place for the twins to perform their magic in front of the whole town, for a heavy price.

In an attempt to gain more power and influence then their great uncles. they summoned and made a deal with a blue dream demon, by the name of Will Cipher. Will took on the disguise of their personal servant, while he completes their contract, in exchange for an eye from each of the twins and something they hold dear after the contract has been fulfilled.

  • Will often tap a finger to her bottom lip in a contemplative manner.
  • She can and will lie about almost anything if she can get a laugh out of it.
  • By manipulating the Local Gnomes, Mabeline and her lackeys spend a good amount of time terrorizing the mystical inhabitants of Gravity Falls. Although its less like the straight up torture that her brother gets up to and is more like mafia-style intimidation.

Manipulating others
Having her lackeys harass people
Being almost impossibly perfect of course.
Arguing with her Brother
Various physical and talent-based activities.

Pet Peeves:
Lynne- Someone seemed to have the strangest idea that the -line in her name could be spoken as Lynne as some sort of abbreviated nickname. Mabel of course corrected this unruly behavior by having Grenda beat them up for her.

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