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Beyond Reasonable Doubt - a Death Note RP

Elemental Son

Human, honest.
Crouched in front of his laptop, spine curled almost unnaturally to allow him to balance, L's thumb found its way to his lips. Turning owlish eyes to the desktop clock, his mind registered the time - 04:00 - and his subconscious hit him with a barrage of information: 'Human beings are the ultimate apex predators, but are most physically vulnerable between the times of 3 and 4 AM. This is the slowest point of their circadian rhythm, and accordingly, human beings tend to lose between three and five percent-' L tuned it out; tortured genius was almost a cliche by now.

In the eight months since Kira's spectacular downfall and subsequent incarceration, L had become bored. He stayed awake now not due to the breathless adrenaline which had characterized the years of their conflict, but because there was nothing intellectually stimulating enough in the world to tire him out enough to sleep. He had solved few cases since then; the world was still recovering from the trauma of Kira's swift, brutal method of judgement. While an early spike in crime was inevitable, it had quietened back down in weeks - as if no one could truly believe that Kira was gone.

L could relate.

An icon flashed in the corner of his task-bar. L had scripted an alert system for news on Kira some years before. These days, it lay dormant and unused. Seeing it light up like a Christmas tree had a curious effect; anticipation sunk its teeth in, a wolf at his throat - and L opened the notification without hesitation. It read:


Prisoner has undergone a highly noticeable personality change in the past 6 hours. Claims no memory of criminal history, no comprehension as to why he is incarcerated.

Psychological support staff have assessed his distress as biologically genuine - increased heartrate, panic and anxiety, hysteria. Presumed psychiatric breakdown, trigger unknown.

Prisoner currently assumed to pose a threat to his own safety. Has been temporarily rehoused in the Protective Security Unit; a padded cell with physical restraints.

Please advise recommended course of action."

L read the dossier in seconds, and for the first time in eight months, felt the presence of two old friends - the twin demons of curiosity and competition. For the first time in far too long, he felt the need to investigate.
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Anger. Pure unadulterated hatred for another. This is what Light felt for that bastard Ryuzaki. L had done it. Kira was brought to justice and now locked in a prison for his crimes against humanity. This was a long ride for both men, but in the end it was the most basic of slip ups that brought down the so-called god of the new world. Two Death Notes. Two people to have the responsibility to judge someone's life in their hands. Light should have known that bitch Misa would have been the one to mess the whole operation up.

His trial was a fucking joke, least to him it was. They were all against Light from the very start. Not that it really mattered. There was always an ace up that man's sleeve and even now there was a piece of the Death Note in the man's flesh. Hidden just beneath his skin was a piece of Death note which he was going to use and write the guards names on it. The plan was simple. Once pulling the piece of Death Note out of his wound the blood needed to dry and the negative space would be drawn in kanji with the prison guards names and then Light would run for safety.

This was supposed to be a simple plan and the execution was only problem is not knowing the names. Grabbing a sharp piece of metal from the cell Light sliced himself open nice and big to get the piece out of his flesh. Cutting himself near the sink for quick cleanup Light worked on the job for a good thirty minutes making sure no one saw him. Once the cut was big enough the paper was pulled out. Blood dripped out onto the sink, but it stung so badly he dropped it while the water was running. The Death Note piece sunk into the water.

Light Yagami was confused as to why he was locked in prison begging the guards for answers and to understand the situation. They all laughed him off and ignored him. Although they treated this simple high school student like a harden criminal he begged otherwise. "Please! There is this deep pain in my arm! You have to get me some medical help! I beg that you help me! This isn't a joke!" The man was a total opposite of the other personality. Even ending up crying in front of everyone. "Please! Let me out! My test is tomorrow!"

When this went on for about a couple of hours they could not ignore it any longer. An army of guards were sent in with M-17's and snipers as well along. He was warned not to make a single false move otherwise the man would of been shot, but he complied. Being sent over to psychology. Answering some questions and getting some psycho analyse done. By the end Light was screaming at the therapist. "MAYBE I'M MAD BECAUSE YOU PUT ME IN THIS PRISON FOR NO REASON! DID YOU THINK THAT WAS A POSSIBILITY?!" Once he flipped out officially he was thrown into a padded cell.

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