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Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis: Characters


'Quote' (optional)

"We're thieves, in a world that don't want us no more."

Arthur Morgan

Universe From



Raised by a petty criminal father and a mother who had died when he was little, an 11-year-old Arthur donned his father’s hat after he died and became a wanderer until Dutch Van Der Linde and Hosea Matthews both picked him up, marking the beginning of the Van Der Linde gang. From there, Arthur would hone his skills into becoming one of Dutch’s most trusted lieutenants and deadliest gunslinger in America.

Arthur generally sees himself as a cold-hearted “bad man” who believes that the outlaw’s path he took was not morally good despite trying to have a code where he avoids unnecessary or unreasonable violence.
His humbleness and self-loathing also contributes to him willingly accepting negative titles such as a “fool” or “idiot”.
However, Arthur is not entirely flawed. When he trusts someone he becomes more willing to joke around and reveal a more playful side to them, and possesses a strong sense of loyalty to those who matter to him. In addition, throughout his journey he becomes much wiser and aware of both his feelings and those who are around him.
Arthur also possesses intelligence and willpower, able to both outwit and outpush his foes in combat. The aforementioned intelligence also helps when needing to operate more complicated machinery such as trains, albeit this may not necessarily hold true for everything such as steamboat anchors.
His temperament in hot situations is also sturdy, putting the objective over his personal emotions for most if not all situations.
Arthur is also well-versed into traits more effective for interrogations; for instance, he can sometimes charm victims into releasing information or money, albeit he may sometimes utilize brute force and fear to achieve the same outcomes.
Finally, Arthur possesses a progressive idealism for his era- being raised by the Van Der Linde gang and away from society allowed him to see the world for its flaws, despising racism and is okay with women potentially gaining more masculine roles.


Fast Reflexes: With or without Deadeye, Arthur is shown to possess an exceptional reaction speed throughout Red Dead Redemption II. Duels that seem to end in the blink of an eye can actually seem like a couple of seconds for Arthur. His draw is arguably the fastest in the West, as he can duel and win against "famous" gunslingers of the past. This doesn't just apply to duels, either- Arthur can also predict an enemy's CQC attack and either block their punches or simply dodge it.


Weapons Proficiency: Arthur is competent with most, if not all, of the weapons of his era. From the clunky, "lever-action" style Volcanic Pistol to the semiautomatic style of the Mauser Pistol to even weapons like a Rolling Block Rifle, Arthur is able to easily fire and reload each weapon with the deadliness of a true gunslinger. This is especially emphasized when he is dual-wielding: Arthur can easily use a single-action Cattleman Revolver in each hand (or even wield two different sidearms simultaneously!) whilst not being affected in terms of accuracy nor reload speed. To bolster this, his familiarity with weapons increases whilst using them over time- Arthur will be able to reload his weapon even faster and more accurately deliver his shots with practice. His competence does not have to be relegated to bullet weapons, either- he is equally deadly with a bow and throwable items such as a fire bottle, dynamite, or tomahawks.


Hand-to-Hand Combat: Bolstering his Fast Reflexes is his ability to utilize different fighting styles. Between being able to get himself out of a chokehold or a foe's tackle to performing said actions on his enemies is an important trait. Regardless of physical health, Arthur can almost always defeat a normal human or even brawler in close-quarters whilst unarmed. Even colossal menaces generally cannot withstand his brawling abilities.


Outdoorsman Skills: With the help of Eagle Eye, Arthur can track and hunt even the most fearsome animals. After killing an apex predator or anything below on the food chain, Arthur is also familiar with skinning animals and getting a good-quality pelt alongside meat. When not hunting, Arthur can also choose to properly camp out and craft items such as miracle tonics and cooked foods over a fire. He also has a proficiency in handling horses, and can swim fairly well while wearing his less-than-waterproof equipment and attire.

Deadeye Targeting: Arthur focuses enough for his perception of time to slow down significantly to the point where bullets can be perceived flying through mid-air and can even be dodged. Arthur can still move somewhat faster in Deadeye mode, though, and his handling of weapons is significantly boosted in terms of accuracy and fire rate. Hearing and vision is somewhat impaired as Arthur cannot hear dialogue and is limited to a sepia-esque vision, respectively. However, this is made up for by allowing him to see fatal regions (i.e the head, heart, and lungs) that his foes possess- both animals and humans alike- where a blow would instantly (or fatally wound) his victim.

Eagle Eye: (Not to be confused with Assassin’s Creed's Eagle Vision!) A variant of Deadeye that can be initiated out of combat, Arthur will be able to spot animal tracks and scents alongside notable plants, the former showing up as a line colored depending on his prey's status (blue for healthy, blue-red for wounded, and red for dead) whilst the latter emit dust particles. Focusing on an animal track allows Arthur to follow it even outside of Eagle Eye. More importantly, however, is the ability to potentially spot points of interest, highlighted with golden dust particles emitting from their origin. Finally, Arthur can also see his own scent, allowing him to flank around to a position where his prey would not be able to detect him. Like Deadeye, all these perks are utilized in a slowed perception of time.



'Quote' (optional)

"We're thieves, in a world that don't want us no more."

Arthur Morgan

Universe From



Raised by a petty criminal father and a mother who had died when he was little, an 11-year-old Arthur donned his father’s hat after he died and became a wanderer until Dutch Van Der Linde and Hosea Matthews both picked him up, marking the beginning of the Van Der Linde gang. From there, Arthur would hone his skills into becoming one of Dutch’s most trusted lieutenants and deadliest gunslinger in America.

Arthur generally sees himself as a cold-hearted “bad man” who believes that the outlaw’s path he took was not morally good despite trying to have a code where he avoids unnecessary or unreasonable violence.
His humbleness and self-loathing also contributes to him willingly accepting negative titles such as a “fool” or “idiot”.
However, Arthur is not entirely flawed. When he trusts someone he becomes more willing to joke around and reveal a more playful side to them, and possesses a strong sense of loyalty to those who matter to him. In addition, throughout his journey he becomes much wiser and aware of both his feelings and those who are around him.
Arthur also possesses intelligence and willpower, able to both outwit and outpush his foes in combat. The aforementioned intelligence also helps when needing to operate more complicated machinery such as trains, albeit this may not necessarily hold true for everything such as steamboat anchors.
His temperament in hot situations is also sturdy, putting the objective over his personal emotions for most if not all situations.
Arthur is also well-versed into traits more effective for interrogations; for instance, he can sometimes charm victims into releasing information or money, albeit he may sometimes utilize brute force and fear to achieve the same outcomes.
Finally, Arthur possesses a progressive idealism for his era- being raised by the Van Der Linde gang and away from society allowed him to see the world for its flaws, despising racism and is okay with women potentially gaining more masculine roles.


Fast Reflexes: With or without Deadeye, Arthur is shown to possess an exceptional reaction speed throughout Red Dead Redemption II. Duels that seem to end in the blink of an eye can actually seem like a couple of seconds for Arthur. His draw is arguably the fastest in the West, as he can duel and win against "famous" gunslingers of the past. This doesn't just apply to duels, either- Arthur can also predict an enemy's CQC attack and either block their punches or simply dodge it.


Weapons Proficiency: Arthur is competent with most, if not all, of the weapons of his era. From the clunky, "lever-action" style Volcanic Pistol to the semiautomatic style of the Mauser Pistol to even weapons like a Rolling Block Rifle, Arthur is able to easily fire and reload each weapon with the deadliness of a true gunslinger. This is especially emphasized when he is dual-wielding: Arthur can easily use a single-action Cattleman Revolver in each hand (or even wield two different sidearms simultaneously!) whilst not being affected in terms of accuracy nor reload speed. To bolster this, his familiarity with weapons increases whilst using them over time- Arthur will be able to reload his weapon even faster and more accurately deliver his shots with practice. His competence does not have to be relegated to bullet weapons, either- he is equally deadly with a bow and throwable items such as a fire bottle, dynamite, or tomahawks.


Hand-to-Hand Combat: Bolstering his Fast Reflexes is his ability to utilize different fighting styles. Between being able to get himself out of a chokehold or a foe's tackle to performing said actions on his enemies is an important trait. Regardless of physical health, Arthur can almost always defeat a normal human or even brawler in close-quarters whilst unarmed. Even colossal menaces generally cannot withstand his brawling abilities.


Outdoorsman Skills: With the help of Eagle Eye, Arthur can track and hunt even the most fearsome animals. After killing an apex predator or anything below on the food chain, Arthur is also familiar with skinning animals and getting a good-quality pelt alongside meat. When not hunting, Arthur can also choose to properly camp out and craft items such as miracle tonics and cooked foods over a fire. He also has a proficiency in handling horses, and can swim fairly well while wearing his less-than-waterproof equipment and attire.

Deadeye Targeting: Arthur focuses enough for his perception of time to slow down significantly to the point where bullets can be perceived flying through mid-air and can even be dodged. Arthur can still move somewhat faster in Deadeye mode, though, and his handling of weapons is significantly boosted in terms of accuracy and fire rate. Hearing and vision is somewhat impaired as Arthur cannot hear dialogue and is limited to a sepia-esque vision, respectively. However, this is made up for by allowing him to see fatal regions (i.e the head, heart, and lungs) that his foes possess- both animals and humans alike- where a blow would instantly (or fatally wound) his victim.

Eagle Eye: (Not to be confused with Assassin’s Creed's Eagle Vision!) A variant of Deadeye that can be initiated out of combat, Arthur will be able to spot animal tracks and scents alongside notable plants, the former showing up as a line colored depending on his prey's status (blue for healthy, blue-red for wounded, and red for dead) whilst the latter emit dust particles. Focusing on an animal track allows Arthur to follow it even outside of Eagle Eye. More importantly, however, is the ability to potentially spot points of interest, highlighted with golden dust particles emitting from their origin. Finally, Arthur can also see his own scent, allowing him to flank around to a position where his prey would not be able to detect him. Like Deadeye, all these perks are utilized in a slowed perception of time.


Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo he's in.

"I would just like to let everyone know, that I suck!"

Dexter Grif (commonly referred to as simply "Grif")

Universe From



Despised by his leader Sarge, Grif has the lowest social and military rank of both teams since Reconstruction. Although Grif's laziness does create problems for the Reds, Sarge always blames him when things go wrong, regardless of Grif's (or anyone else's) actual guilt in the matter. Physically, a lifetime of smoking and eating processed snacks has left Grif in the worst shape for a soldier. He claims that his entire diet consists of Oreos, which he is proud of since it complies with a flawed diet plan Donut was briefly a fan of. Despite having different personalities, Simmons and Grif often spend their time together, as both have similar curiosities and ideas.

He has repeatedly admitted to sleeping during staff meetings and neglecting to do his assigned tasks. Sarge also comments to Grif's laziness on several occasions, one of which, during Recreation, Sarge says to him in response to Grif's question "Who watches me?"; Sarge replies "Nobody. You move less than Donut does." which is emphasized by Donut's inactive state at the time. In the Red vs. Blue: Animated video, Grif appeared to be left handed and overweight. Luke McKay's character art for Grif also indicates that he is overweight.

Grif is the cynical loud-mouth of the Reds, being self-centered, immature, stupid, acerbic, and lazy. With respect to personality, Grif is fairly brash and has a flair for the melodramatic. He is quick to make silly theories or insults, even toward people who could clearly kill him without hesitation. Grif is also cowardly, easily scared and would rather run away from a battle than deal with it. Although he admits to being lazy, when his sister arrives in Season 5, he said he would try to maintain his status as a good-for-nothing slacker, but nothing would stop him from beating her up and sending her back home. Grif later reveals to Sarge that he isn't lazy because he dislikes work, he is lazy because he enjoys how much it irritates Sarge.

Despite his setbacks, Grif expresses loyalty, as he has stayed with his team despite the misadventures they've had, and has also shown care for his teammates, willing to fight to save them as the series progressed. Along with this, Grif seems to actually be impacted and take in what people say about him, even though he claims he doesn't care. Such examples include his interactions with Simmons and when he begins to act like Sarge in Season 12. Although he may be lazy, he is unlikely to betray his comrades and truly seeks to be part of the team. Since Season 6, Grif has appeared to have (slightly) matured in regards to the way he treats others and has become much more soldier-oriented in mentality.

In the Chorus Trilogy, Grif demonstrates more willingness to engage in battle with enemies and steps up to leadership positions far quicker than he once did, but still panics when he believes his allied forces are outnumbered. During Thin Ice, Grif actually uses a tactic he performed to avoid work as a successful infiltration strategy. In The End, he is noticeably the most upset member of the Reds and Blues when Hargrove shows up in the Staff of Charon in a final desperate assault against the inhabitants of Chorus, revealing that he really wanted the mission to succeed. At the end of the episode, Grif shows pride in his friends as they prepare for the final battle on board the ship, and stands defiant in an unusual show of courage against the Chairman's forces.

In Season 15 Grif appears to be rather uncompromising with his retirement, even when he did, on his words, "the same damn shit with the same damn idiots", but when Dylan reveals Church's message and the rest of group want to save Church, Grif is the only one who's on disagreement with the idea of returning to action, even went as far as asking why Church can't still be dead and leave him alone. When Dylan tells him her idea of him (caring of his friends and wanting to do the right thing), Grif angrily says she has the wrong idea of him and reveals he hates everyone, and leaves the crew without remorse of his words.

It is later revealed that he actually does care for his friends proving Dylan's point when it was shown that he went insane being alone and quickly joining Locus and Lopez to rescue them. At that point though his insanity is severe, even to Locus. He had become much more talkative, unfocused, and delusional. This is likely due to the extreme isolation, boredom and the guilt of abandoning his friends. He had created volleyball duplicates of his friends to talk to and voices for as if they were still there, even going as far as learning Spanish just to speak for Lopez. Unable to tell reality, he thought Locus was a hallucination and had to touch his helmet to determine if he was real. He also appeared much more apologetic, trying his best to say sorry and attempting to save volleyball Church for the duplicate Blues.

By the time he reached Armada 8, he appeared to have returned to his original composer, finally making contact with the Reds and Blues to give his apologies. He also appears much friendlier compared to previous seasons, calling Caboose his friend which is something the Blue team won't even do. It should also be noted that he is much more willing to work and fight, even volunteering to escort Dylan Andrews to the Machine (to everyone's shock). This side of him is also demonstrated when he saves his friends from Temple and even says beating Temple would satisfy him. It was also shown his better nature when he had agreed to seek Tucker and Sister with Huggins traveling walking from Italy to England, eventually bonding with Huggins during the trip.

  • Driving Ability - Grif seems to be very skilled in operating vehicles, nearly always being the main character driving a vehicle of all the Reds and Blues. He is usually the one driving the Reds' Warthog, in which he shows excellent driving skills in several situations. He is shown to be able to drive and prefer an Elephant to walking in Well Hello, though he quickly changes his mind and continues on foot when he realizes how slow the vehicle moves. He even shows to be a skilled pilot, as he was able to fly a Pelican to Sidewinder, though he crashes it when they arrive. Lastly, he was able to steal and fly a Hornet in n+1. Later in season 15 he asked repeatedly to drive Locus's ship. He was also able to pilot Dylan's Pelican and dodge missiles locked on the ship momentarily. Due to his skills with vehicles, Grif could be considered the primary driver and pilot of the Reds and Blues.​

  • Recovery - While played more for comedic effect, Grif has been shown to make a quick recovery no matter how severe the injury is ever since his surgery after Sheila ran him over in Season 2. Such examples include when he's shot several times by his own team in Why Were We Here?, being blasted off the Valhalla communication tower by his own grenade in Relocated: Part Three, and when Sarge shot him with the Blues' tank in One-Zero-One, as he quickly recovers by the end of the episodes. This is even shown in combat, as Grif is shown to not only be conscious, but still have the ability to stand after Epsilon-Tex assaulted his groin several times in This One Goes to Eleven.​

  • Manipulation - Possibly a method for getting out of work, Grif has been shown to be able to manipulate members of his own team on numerous occasions. Some of which include, passing blame on an attempt to go AWOL on Simmons, getting Donut to leave on numerous occasions, convincing Sarge to halt Simmons' trial due to Donut's roleplay, to stop his assault on Caboose at Valhalla due to the chances of getting sent to another base, convincing him to allow him to help Caboose's mission, and get out of dish duty on Chorus with Simmons, and trick Simmons into believing Game Of Thrones was factual. This shows his skills in being a manipulator, but he can be just as easily manipulated too. One instance of this was when Simmon's had convinced him to assist in adding the Blues back into the data base, by telling him that his access to the personel files could change his job description and his sex.​

  • Bilingualism - Since leaving the Reds and Blues to continue his retirement in Season 15, Grif somehow manages to learn how to speak Spanish fluently in order to play the role of Lopez while talking to his volleyball replacements for the Reds and Blues. He seems to be a quick learner as it only took him a few weeks to master it.​


Food and beer.​


'Quote' (optional):


Universe From (Series your character comes from. If character is from an AU labeled as "Series Name" AU):



Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Lu is one of the Queens of the Demon Realm, a place where the landscape is ever-changing, ever in flux, ever caught between creation and destruction. Prior to the invasion of Elrios Lu was betrayed by the other demon queens. To evade death she was forced to use the majority of her powers in a bid to escape the demon realm, and thus regressed to the form of a child.Lu reappeared in Lanox Village in the Fluone continent of Elrios where she was found by Ciel. He took her in, cared for her, and helped her to recover. When Lu awakened she had no memories of her former life as a Demon Queen and was doted on as though she were a younger sibling.

When the Succubus Demon Karis attacked Lanox village Lu regained her memories, forged a contract with Ciel, and together the two of them forced Karis to retreat after which they began looking into ways for Lu to regain her power. Lu would join the El Search Party along with Ciel after the group arrived in Lanox and assisted with sorting out the numerous troubles plaguing Lanox Village due to Skarr, a Demon General that had been leading an assault on the Lanox Region and plotting to resurrect the deity of the demon realm.

Due to working to regain her power during her time in Elrios Lu’s power now comes from the El. When in the demon realm her power is less than half its full power. Complete removal from both Elrios and the Demon Realm will weaken her even further, thus requiring Lu to start all over again in her quest to regain her old powers.

Lu can be rather hoity toity at times showing that she remembers the position she once held and strives to regain. However, there are times when she also shows a surprising amount of humanity for a demon, and even acts like a child at times. Despite her past life in the Demon Realm, and also perhaps due to being cared for by Ciel when at her most vulnerable, Lu possesses a surprising amount of empathy and compassion for others, and her personal sense of justice will not allow her to look upon an unjust situation without at least attempting to do something about it. She also likes to tease Ciel. A lot.

Skills (Things that a normal human could train to become proficient in):

Lu is a brawler and will use her hands to rip, tear, pummel, or smash her enemies. Her fighting technique has become somewhat more refined and controlled after her contract with Ciel, as she has learned from observing his fighting style.

Powers/Abilities (Things accredited to genes, unusual circumstances, and otherwise supernatural abilities):

Lu has enhanced physical and magical strength due to her heritage as a demon and former life as one of the Demon Queens. She can also summon giant demonic gauntlets which she uses for her melee attacks. After forming her contract with Ciel Lu eventually learned how to mimic Ciel’s ranged attacks by firing demonic energy from her gauntlets.

Burst Jump: Lu can emit a burst of energy from underneath herself to launch into the air as either an aerial jumping maneuver or a single high jump. She can do a chain of jumps in mid-air this way by expending some of her power to do so.

Contract of Protection: This contract allows for a number of different effects each with their own uses. These include a combination gauge for powerful attacks, site-to-site teleportation to bring one person to the other’s location, teleportation swapping where the Lu and Ciel swap positions, A limited hive mind that allows for each one to know the others intent and intended actions, and for one to exist within the other’s body when necessary.

My Body as a Shield: This ability allows for Lu to either rest within Ciel’s body, or have Ciel rest within her body. When used this ability allows the one resting to more quickly recover the power expended in battle, and the two can switch positions in the blink of an eye. This technically leaves them as one single individual fighting against others while this ability is in use, but one that can seamlessly weave their two fighting styles together and form change at will.

Combination Gauge: The Combination Gauge stores power resulting from Lu and Ciel’s form change when existing as a single physical body, but only when doing so as part of an attack. The more power behind the attack following a form change, the greater the amount of power stored in the combination gauge. When the combination gauge is full they can unleash a powerful combined attack by expending all of the power stored in the combination gauge at one time.

Weaknesses (If anything notable):

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):
She enjoys teasing Ciel. A lot.
Last edited:

"I would just like to let everyone know, that I suck!"

Dexter Grif (commonly referred to as simply "Grif")

Universe From



Despised by his leader Sarge, Grif has the lowest social and military rank of both teams since Reconstruction. Although Grif's laziness does create problems for the Reds, Sarge always blames him when things go wrong, regardless of Grif's (or anyone else's) actual guilt in the matter. Physically, a lifetime of smoking and eating processed snacks has left Grif in the worst shape for a soldier. He claims that his entire diet consists of Oreos, which he is proud of since it complies with a flawed diet plan Donut was briefly a fan of. Despite having different personalities, Simmons and Grif often spend their time together, as both have similar curiosities and ideas.

He has repeatedly admitted to sleeping during staff meetings and neglecting to do his assigned tasks. Sarge also comments to Grif's laziness on several occasions, one of which, during Recreation, Sarge says to him in response to Grif's question "Who watches me?"; Sarge replies "Nobody. You move less than Donut does." which is emphasized by Donut's inactive state at the time. In the Red vs. Blue: Animated video, Grif appeared to be left handed and overweight. Luke McKay's character art for Grif also indicates that he is overweight.

Grif is the cynical loud-mouth of the Reds, being self-centered, immature, stupid, acerbic, and lazy. With respect to personality, Grif is fairly brash and has a flair for the melodramatic. He is quick to make silly theories or insults, even toward people who could clearly kill him without hesitation. Grif is also cowardly, easily scared and would rather run away from a battle than deal with it. Although he admits to being lazy, when his sister arrives in Season 5, he said he would try to maintain his status as a good-for-nothing slacker, but nothing would stop him from beating her up and sending her back home. Grif later reveals to Sarge that he isn't lazy because he dislikes work, he is lazy because he enjoys how much it irritates Sarge.

Despite his setbacks, Grif expresses loyalty, as he has stayed with his team despite the misadventures they've had, and has also shown care for his teammates, willing to fight to save them as the series progressed. Along with this, Grif seems to actually be impacted and take in what people say about him, even though he claims he doesn't care. Such examples include his interactions with Simmons and when he begins to act like Sarge in Season 12. Although he may be lazy, he is unlikely to betray his comrades and truly seeks to be part of the team. Since Season 6, Grif has appeared to have (slightly) matured in regards to the way he treats others and has become much more soldier-oriented in mentality.

In the Chorus Trilogy, Grif demonstrates more willingness to engage in battle with enemies and steps up to leadership positions far quicker than he once did, but still panics when he believes his allied forces are outnumbered. During Thin Ice, Grif actually uses a tactic he performed to avoid work as a successful infiltration strategy. In The End, he is noticeably the most upset member of the Reds and Blues when Hargrove shows up in the Staff of Charon in a final desperate assault against the inhabitants of Chorus, revealing that he really wanted the mission to succeed. At the end of the episode, Grif shows pride in his friends as they prepare for the final battle on board the ship, and stands defiant in an unusual show of courage against the Chairman's forces.

In Season 15 Grif appears to be rather uncompromising with his retirement, even when he did, on his words, "the same damn shit with the same damn idiots", but when Dylan reveals Church's message and the rest of group want to save Church, Grif is the only one who's on disagreement with the idea of returning to action, even went as far as asking why Church can't still be dead and leave him alone. When Dylan tells him her idea of him (caring of his friends and wanting to do the right thing), Grif angrily says she has the wrong idea of him and reveals he hates everyone, and leaves the crew without remorse of his words.

It is later revealed that he actually does care for his friends proving Dylan's point when it was shown that he went insane being alone and quickly joining Locus and Lopez to rescue them. At that point though his insanity is severe, even to Locus. He had become much more talkative, unfocused, and delusional. This is likely due to the extreme isolation, boredom and the guilt of abandoning his friends. He had created volleyball duplicates of his friends to talk to and voices for as if they were still there, even going as far as learning Spanish just to speak for Lopez. Unable to tell reality, he thought Locus was a hallucination and had to touch his helmet to determine if he was real. He also appeared much more apologetic, trying his best to say sorry and attempting to save volleyball Church for the duplicate Blues.

By the time he reached Armada 8, he appeared to have returned to his original composer, finally making contact with the Reds and Blues to give his apologies. He also appears much friendlier compared to previous seasons, calling Caboose his friend which is something the Blue team won't even do. It should also be noted that he is much more willing to work and fight, even volunteering to escort Dylan Andrews to the Machine (to everyone's shock). This side of him is also demonstrated when he saves his friends from Temple and even says beating Temple would satisfy him. It was also shown his better nature when he had agreed to seek Tucker and Sister with Huggins traveling walking from Italy to England, eventually bonding with Huggins during the trip.


  • Driving Ability - Grif seems to be very skilled in operating vehicles, nearly always being the main character driving a vehicle of all the Reds and Blues. He is usually the one driving the Reds' Warthog, in which he shows excellent driving skills in several situations. He is shown to be able to drive and prefer an Elephant to walking in Well Hello, though he quickly changes his mind and continues on foot when he realizes how slow the vehicle moves. He even shows to be a skilled pilot, as he was able to fly a Pelican to Sidewinder, though he crashes it when they arrive. Lastly, he was able to steal and fly a Hornet in n+1. Later in season 15 he asked repeatedly to drive Locus's ship. He was also able to pilot Dylan's Pelican and dodge missiles locked on the ship momentarily. Due to his skills with vehicles, Grif could be considered the primary driver and pilot of the Reds and Blues.​

  • Recovery - While played more for comedic effect, Grif has been shown to make a quick recovery no matter how severe the injury is ever since his surgery after Sheila ran him over in Season 2. Such examples include when he's shot several times by his own team in Why Were We Here?, being blasted off the Valhalla communication tower by his own grenade in Relocated: Part Three, and when Sarge shot him with the Blues' tank in One-Zero-One, as he quickly recovers by the end of the episodes. This is even shown in combat, as Grif is shown to not only be conscious, but still have the ability to stand after Epsilon-Tex assaulted his groin several times in This One Goes to Eleven.​

  • Manipulation - Possibly a method for getting out of work, Grif has been shown to be able to manipulate members of his own team on numerous occasions. Some of which include, passing blame on an attempt to go AWOL on Simmons, getting Donut to leave on numerous occasions, convincing Sarge to halt Simmons' trial due to Donut's roleplay, to stop his assault on Caboose at Valhalla due to the chances of getting sent to another base, convincing him to allow him to help Caboose's mission, and get out of dish duty on Chorus with Simmons, and trick Simmons into believing Game Of Thrones was factual. This shows his skills in being a manipulator, but he can be just as easily manipulated too. One instance of this was when Simmon's had convinced him to assist in adding the Blues back into the data base, by telling him that his access to the personel files could change his job description and his sex.​

  • Bilingualism - Since leaving the Reds and Blues to continue his retirement in Season 15, Grif somehow manages to learn how to speak Spanish fluently in order to play the role of Lopez while talking to his volleyball replacements for the Reds and Blues. He seems to be a quick learner as it only took him a few weeks to master it.​


Food and beer.​
You're in thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ( Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo he's in) Sorry for the wait my Laptop's acting up.



'Quote' (optional):



Universe From (Series your character comes from. If character is from an AU labeled as "Series Name" AU):






Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):

Lu is one of the Queens of the Demon Realm, a place where the landscape is ever-changing, ever in flux, ever caught between creation and destruction. Prior to the invasion of Elrios Lu was betrayed by the other demon queens. To evade death she was forced to use the majority of her powers in a bid to escape the demon realm, and thus regressed to the form of a child.Lu reappeared in Lanox Village in the Fluone continent of Elrios where she was found by Ciel. He took her in, cared for her, and helped her to recover. When Lu awakened she had no memories of her former life as a Demon Queen and was doted on as though she were a younger sibling.

When the Succubus Demon Karis attacked Lanox village Lu regained her memories, forged a contract with Ciel, and together the two of them forced Karis to retreat after which they began looking into ways for Lu to regain her power. Lu would join the El Search Party along with Ciel after the group arrived in Lanox and assisted with sorting out the numerous troubles plaguing Lanox Village due to Skarr, a Demon General that had been leading an assault on the Lanox Region and plotting to resurrect the deity of the demon realm.

Due to working to regain her power during her time in Elrios Lu’s power now comes from the El. When in the demon realm her power is less than half its full power. Complete removal from both Elrios and the Demon Realm will weaken her even further, thus requiring Lu to start all over again in her quest to regain her old powers.


Lu can be rather hoity toity at times showing that she remembers the position she once held and strives to regain. However, there are times when she also shows a surprising amount of humanity for a demon, and even acts like a child at times. Despite her past life in the Demon Realm, and also perhaps due to being cared for by Ciel when at her most vulnerable, Lu possesses a surprising amount of empathy and compassion for others, and her personal sense of justice will not allow her to look upon an unjust situation without at least attempting to do something about it. She also likes to tease Ciel. A lot.

Skills (Things that a normal human could train to become proficient in):

Lu is a brawler and will use her hands to rip, tear, pummel, or smash her enemies. Her fighting technique has become somewhat more refined and controlled after her contract with Ciel, as she has learned from observing his fighting style.

Powers/Abilities (Things accredited to genes, unusual circumstances, and otherwise supernatural abilities):

Lu has enhanced physical and magical strength due to her heritage as a demon and former life as one of the Demon Queens. She can also summon giant demonic gauntlets which she uses for her melee attacks. After forming her contract with Ciel Lu eventually learned how to mimic Ciel’s ranged attacks by firing demonic energy from her gauntlets.

Burst Jump: Lu can emit a burst of energy from underneath herself to launch into the air as either an aerial jumping maneuver or a single high jump. She can do a chain of jumps in mid-air this way by expending some of her power to do so.

Contract of Protection: This contract allows for a number of different effects each with their own uses. These include a combination gauge for powerful attacks, site-to-site teleportation to bring one person to the other’s location, teleportation swapping where the Lu and Ciel swap positions, A limited hive mind that allows for each one to know the others intent and intended actions, and for one to exist within the other’s body when necessary.

My Body as a Shield: This ability allows for Lu to either rest within Ciel’s body, or have Ciel rest within her body. When used this ability allows the one resting to more quickly recover the power expended in battle, and the two can switch positions in the blink of an eye. This technically leaves them as one single individual fighting against others while this ability is in use, but one that can seamlessly weave their two fighting styles together and form change at will.

Combination Gauge: The Combination Gauge stores power resulting from Lu and Ciel’s form change when existing as a single physical body, but only when doing so as part of an attack. The more power behind the attack following a form change, the greater the amount of power stored in the combination gauge. When the combination gauge is full they can unleash a powerful combined attack by expending all of the power stored in the combination gauge at one time.

Weaknesses (If anything notable):

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):



'Quote' (optional):



Universe From (Series your character comes from. If character is from an AU labeled as "Series Name" AU):






Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):

Ciel lived in the Lanox Village region of Fluone, Elrios’s Eastern Continent. One Day he found a young girl with the appearance of a child and decided to take her in and care for her, as she looked to be badly injured. When the girl awakened she seemed to have no memory of who she was, although she seemed to enjoy being doted on by Ciel. One day a Succubus named Karis appeared in Lanox and began wreaking havoc and destruction upon it. She recognized Lu despite her change in appearance and attacked her leading Ciel to blocking the attack and taking a lethal blow.

In Ciel’s final moments everything shifted and Lu, now remembering who she was, explained that she was using what little power she had left to slow time for them. Demon Queen though she was she had grown to genuinely care for Ciel and, wanting to keep him from dying, offered him a contract. Ciel would be reborn as her half-demon servant and the two of them would be irrevocably tied together. Lu’s emotions began getting the better of her and faltered towards the end, but Ciel took the offer without hesitation and continued to stand in Lu’s defense.

With the contract forged and Ciel sharing in Lu’s power as a result the two of them fought back against Karis and drove her off. During his time with Lu Ciel not only learned new fighting tactics inspired by Lu and her origins, but also learned more about how to carry out his duty as her servant whether it was as a bodyguard, an assassin, or a butler. Together their power grew, but with much of his power now being tied to Lu and her contract Ciel would lose much of his power should he and Ciel ever be removed from the source of their shared power.


Ciel is a kind and caring individual. He is quiet and unwavering in his service to Lu, but will also chastise her when she is doing too much or acting childish. He’s more analytical in his fighting style than Lu, and many of his weapons are built for speed and precision in combat.

Skills (Things that a normal human could train to become proficient in):

Ciel is adept at both swordplay and gunplay, and his fighting style focuses on speed and precision first and foremost. This is exemplified in the two gunblade rifles that he uses, as well as the other weapons crafted for his use while in service to Ciel.

Powers/Abilities (Things accredited to genes, unusual circumstances, and otherwise supernatural abilities):

As Ciel shares in Lu’s power he is able to use all of the same abilities she has. These include enhanced strength, Burst Jump, and all abilities stemming from the Contract of Protection. Additionally, Ciel has also gained several additional weapons during his service to Ciel so as to better aid her on the battlefield, and they are stowed and summoned in the same way that Lu stows and summons her giant gauntlets.

Gunblades: Ciel has two gunblades that he uses for combat. These are crafted for speed and precision, and are Ciel’s primary weapons.

Cross Sniper: This weapon resembles the shape of a cross and is a double barrel weapon that favors firing at greater speeds over longer distances. It can also fire more powerful shots by collecting power into both barrels at once and firing them simultaneously.

Dark Sniper: A sniper rifle that favors power over speed and can create structures to bind an enemy the same as Lu does with her own demonic power.

Assassin Blades: Demonic Kunai that can be summoned and thrown quickly. These are primarily used as a teleportation or form change attack, although they can also be used for zone control attacks, counters, or used defensively when Ciel can’t get his other weapons out quickly enough.

Weaknesses (If anything notable):

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):
Separate them into two CS's and we're good

'Quote' (optional):


Universe From (Series your character comes from. If character is from an AU labeled as "Series Name" AU):



Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Ciel lived in the Lanox Village region of Fluone, Elrios’s Eastern Continent. One Day he found a young girl with the appearance of a child and decided to take her in and care for her, as she looked to be badly injured. When the girl awakened she seemed to have no memory of who she was, although she seemed to enjoy being doted on by Ciel. One day a Succubus named Karis appeared in Lanox and began wreaking havoc and destruction upon it. She recognized Lu despite her change in appearance and attacked her leading Ciel to blocking the attack and taking a lethal blow.

In Ciel’s final moments everything shifted and Lu, now remembering who she was, explained that she was using what little power she had left to slow time for them. Demon Queen though she was she had grown to genuinely care for Ciel and, wanting to keep him from dying, offered him a contract. Ciel would be reborn as her half-demon servant and the two of them would be irrevocably tied together. Lu’s emotions began getting the better of her and faltered towards the end, but Ciel took the offer without hesitation and continued to stand in Lu’s defense.

With the contract forged and Ciel sharing in Lu’s power as a result the two of them fought back against Karis and drove her off. During his time with Lu Ciel not only learned new fighting tactics inspired by Lu and her origins, but also learned more about how to carry out his duty as her servant whether it was as a bodyguard, an assassin, or a butler. Together their power grew, but with much of his power now being tied to Lu and her contract Ciel would lose much of his power should he and Ciel ever be removed from the source of their shared power.

Ciel is a kind and caring individual. He is quiet and unwavering in his service to Lu, but will also chastise her when she is doing too much or acting childish. He’s more analytical in his fighting style than Lu, and many of his weapons are built for speed and precision in combat.

Skills (Things that a normal human could train to become proficient in):
Ciel is adept at both swordplay and gunplay, and his fighting style focuses on speed and precision first and foremost. This is exemplified in the two gunblade rifles that he uses, as well as the other weapons crafted for his use while in service to Ciel.

Powers/Abilities (Things accredited to genes, unusual circumstances, and otherwise supernatural abilities):
As Ciel shares in Lu’s power he is able to use all of the same abilities she has. These include enhanced strength, Burst Jump, and all abilities stemming from the Contract of Protection. Additionally, Ciel has also gained several additional weapons during his service to Ciel so as to better aid her on the battlefield, and they are stowed and summoned in the same way that Lu stows and summons her giant gauntlets.

Gunblades: Ciel has two gunblades that he uses for combat. These are crafted for speed and precision, and are Ciel’s primary weapons.

Cross Sniper: This weapon resembles the shape of a cross and is a double barrel weapon that favors firing at greater speeds over longer distances. It can also fire more powerful shots by collecting power into both barrels at once and firing them simultaneously.

Dark Sniper: A sniper rifle that favors power over speed and can create structures to bind an enemy the same as Lu does with her own demonic power.

Assassin Blades: Demonic Kunai that can be summoned and thrown quickly. These are primarily used as a teleportation or form change attack, although they can also be used for zone control attacks, counters, or used defensively when Ciel can’t get his other weapons out quickly enough.

Weaknesses (If anything notable):

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional): Ciel really wishes Lu wouldn't tease him so often. He also wishes that should would stop acting like a dirty old woman and immature child respectively.
Ciel also likes cute things.


'Quote' (optional):


Universe From (Series your character comes from. If character is from an AU labeled as "Series Name" AU):



Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Lu is one of the Queens of the Demon Realm, a place where the landscape is ever-changing, ever in flux, ever caught between creation and destruction. Prior to the invasion of Elrios Lu was betrayed by the other demon queens. To evade death she was forced to use the majority of her powers in a bid to escape the demon realm, and thus regressed to the form of a child.Lu reappeared in Lanox Village in the Fluone continent of Elrios where she was found by Ciel. He took her in, cared for her, and helped her to recover. When Lu awakened she had no memories of her former life as a Demon Queen and was doted on as though she were a younger sibling.

When the Succubus Demon Karis attacked Lanox village Lu regained her memories, forged a contract with Ciel, and together the two of them forced Karis to retreat after which they began looking into ways for Lu to regain her power. Lu would join the El Search Party along with Ciel after the group arrived in Lanox and assisted with sorting out the numerous troubles plaguing Lanox Village due to Skarr, a Demon General that had been leading an assault on the Lanox Region and plotting to resurrect the deity of the demon realm.

Due to working to regain her power during her time in Elrios Lu’s power now comes from the El. When in the demon realm her power is less than half its full power. Complete removal from both Elrios and the Demon Realm will weaken her even further, thus requiring Lu to start all over again in her quest to regain her old powers.

Lu can be rather hoity toity at times showing that she remembers the position she once held and strives to regain. However, there are times when she also shows a surprising amount of humanity for a demon, and even acts like a child at times. Despite her past life in the Demon Realm, and also perhaps due to being cared for by Ciel when at her most vulnerable, Lu possesses a surprising amount of empathy and compassion for others, and her personal sense of justice will not allow her to look upon an unjust situation without at least attempting to do something about it. She also likes to tease Ciel. A lot.

Skills (Things that a normal human could train to become proficient in):

Lu is a brawler and will use her hands to rip, tear, pummel, or smash her enemies. Her fighting technique has become somewhat more refined and controlled after her contract with Ciel, as she has learned from observing his fighting style.

Powers/Abilities (Things accredited to genes, unusual circumstances, and otherwise supernatural abilities):

Lu has enhanced physical and magical strength due to her heritage as a demon and former life as one of the Demon Queens. She can also summon giant demonic gauntlets which she uses for her melee attacks. After forming her contract with Ciel Lu eventually learned how to mimic Ciel’s ranged attacks by firing demonic energy from her gauntlets.

Burst Jump: Lu can emit a burst of energy from underneath herself to launch into the air as either an aerial jumping maneuver or a single high jump. She can do a chain of jumps in mid-air this way by expending some of her power to do so.

Contract of Protection: This contract allows for a number of different effects each with their own uses. These include a combination gauge for powerful attacks, site-to-site teleportation to bring one person to the other’s location, teleportation swapping where the Lu and Ciel swap positions, A limited hive mind that allows for each one to know the others intent and intended actions, and for one to exist within the other’s body when necessary.

My Body as a Shield: This ability allows for Lu to either rest within Ciel’s body, or have Ciel rest within her body. When used this ability allows the one resting to more quickly recover the power expended in battle, and the two can switch positions in the blink of an eye. This technically leaves them as one single individual fighting against others while this ability is in use, but one that can seamlessly weave their two fighting styles together and form change at will.

Combination Gauge: The Combination Gauge stores power resulting from Lu and Ciel’s form change when existing as a single physical body, but only when doing so as part of an attack. The more power behind the attack following a form change, the greater the amount of power stored in the combination gauge. When the combination gauge is full they can unleash a powerful combined attack by expending all of the power stored in the combination gauge at one time.

Weaknesses (If anything notable):

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):
She enjoys teasing Ciel. A lot.

'Quote' (optional):


Universe From (Series your character comes from. If character is from an AU labeled as "Series Name" AU):



Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Ciel lived in the Lanox Village region of Fluone, Elrios’s Eastern Continent. One Day he found a young girl with the appearance of a child and decided to take her in and care for her, as she looked to be badly injured. When the girl awakened she seemed to have no memory of who she was, although she seemed to enjoy being doted on by Ciel. One day a Succubus named Karis appeared in Lanox and began wreaking havoc and destruction upon it. She recognized Lu despite her change in appearance and attacked her leading Ciel to blocking the attack and taking a lethal blow.

In Ciel’s final moments everything shifted and Lu, now remembering who she was, explained that she was using what little power she had left to slow time for them. Demon Queen though she was she had grown to genuinely care for Ciel and, wanting to keep him from dying, offered him a contract. Ciel would be reborn as her half-demon servant and the two of them would be irrevocably tied together. Lu’s emotions began getting the better of her and faltered towards the end, but Ciel took the offer without hesitation and continued to stand in Lu’s defense.

With the contract forged and Ciel sharing in Lu’s power as a result the two of them fought back against Karis and drove her off. During his time with Lu Ciel not only learned new fighting tactics inspired by Lu and her origins, but also learned more about how to carry out his duty as her servant whether it was as a bodyguard, an assassin, or a butler. Together their power grew, but with much of his power now being tied to Lu and her contract Ciel would lose much of his power should he and Ciel ever be removed from the source of their shared power.

Ciel is a kind and caring individual. He is quiet and unwavering in his service to Lu, but will also chastise her when she is doing too much or acting childish. He’s more analytical in his fighting style than Lu, and many of his weapons are built for speed and precision in combat.

Skills (Things that a normal human could train to become proficient in):
Ciel is adept at both swordplay and gunplay, and his fighting style focuses on speed and precision first and foremost. This is exemplified in the two gunblade rifles that he uses, as well as the other weapons crafted for his use while in service to Ciel.

Powers/Abilities (Things accredited to genes, unusual circumstances, and otherwise supernatural abilities):
As Ciel shares in Lu’s power he is able to use all of the same abilities she has. These include enhanced strength, Burst Jump, and all abilities stemming from the Contract of Protection. Additionally, Ciel has also gained several additional weapons during his service to Ciel so as to better aid her on the battlefield, and they are stowed and summoned in the same way that Lu stows and summons her giant gauntlets.

Gunblades: Ciel has two gunblades that he uses for combat. These are crafted for speed and precision, and are Ciel’s primary weapons.

Cross Sniper: This weapon resembles the shape of a cross and is a double barrel weapon that favors firing at greater speeds over longer distances. It can also fire more powerful shots by collecting power into both barrels at once and firing them simultaneously.

Dark Sniper: A sniper rifle that favors power over speed and can create structures to bind an enemy the same as Lu does with her own demonic power.

Assassin Blades: Demonic Kunai that can be summoned and thrown quickly. These are primarily used as a teleportation or form change attack, although they can also be used for zone control attacks, counters, or used defensively when Ciel can’t get his other weapons out quickly enough.

Weaknesses (If anything notable):

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional): Ciel really wishes Lu wouldn't tease him so often. He also wishes that should would stop acting like a dirty old woman and immature child respectively.
Ciel also likes cute things.
accepted Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

'Quote': "It's my fight now. They hurt my friends, and I'm not going to sit by idly while this is happening."

Name: Misaka Mikoto

Universe From: Toaru Series

Gender: Female

Species: Human/Esper

Bio: Misaka is a student of Tokiwadai Middle School, an all girl's Academy full of Espers, People with abilities that are unique to themselves. Every Esper's ability is unique, and those with powers that are beyond that of a Level 4 are usually selfish, and are the targets of jealousy and hatered by other Espers, except for Misaka. Misaka is one of the few exceptions, and uses her abilities to help others and tries making friends when she can. She also is capable of putting up a fight if needed, and hardly anyone would attempt to mess with her.

Personality: Misaka is a Tomboy of sorts, showing tendencies to going with the violent option whenever she gets involved in a fight. She also wears shorts underneath her Skirt, due to the skirt itself being too short in her opinion. She does have a girly side, that she tries to keep secret from others, but mostly Kuroko, her roommate knows about it. She is drawn to childish things, such as the Gekota mascot and childish clothing with lots of colors, pictures, or even ruffles.

When getting involved in a fight, she is typically serious, but sometimes tries to test her opponent out, before deciding to go 100% if needed. This can sometimes land her into trouble with Kuroko, as well as the local law enforcement teams Anti-Skill and Judgement.

She hates it when Kuroko attempts to do things that she herself is uncomfortable with, such as entering the bathroom while she is getting dressed, or acts perverted. During these incidents, Misaka gives Kuroko a light zap to knock some sense into her, but if it's done in the living quarters at Tokiwadai, this can get the both of them in trouble.

Misaka overall, is a very nice person, who you don't want to get angry, and is someone who would stand up for the weak and injured. A hero of sorts.

H2H combat
Acting like a child to get something
Sneaking around
Playing the Violin


Electromaster - Misaka has the ability to manipulate both electricity and magnetism, with excellent results, which has been titled 'Electromaster' by others. By using her electricity, she can hack into highly locked doors requiring a passcode or a key card, Shock opponents at a distance, bring Iron Sand out of the ground from under her, which can be held together magnetically to create a sword, multiple whips, and even a giant hand, as well as run on the walls of buildings that have metal within the walls themselves. She had also once Summoned a storm cloud that accidentally caused the power in Academy City to turn off completely.

Railgun - Misaka's best attack technique, She flips a coin, or uses a metal object of some sort, and shoots it outwards with a build up of electricity, creating a deadly beam of energy that can pierce titanium. The technique has limited range however, and can miss if the opponent can understand the capability of this attack.


Misaka has a fear of bugs, and tends to run away whenever she sees one.

Misaka can also be quite Naive when in a situation that while she believes she's doing the right thing, actually ends up being something that ends up being wrong instead.

Misaka can underestimate her opponents and also occasionally pick fights with people she finds strong. In doing so, she could lose if not careful, such as when she fought Touma and ended up losing (technically).

Note: Misaka is 14 years old in this profile, being her season 1 incarnation from the Railgun Anime.


Name: Speed o' Sound Sonic
Universe: One Punch Man
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Personality: Quick-witted | Arrogant | Flexible | Cold-hearted

Bio: Sonic grew up in a ninja village. One day his entire village was massacred but except Sonic was spared alongside his classmates. He then abandoned the village and begun seeking assassination jobs.

  • Ninja Weaponry​
  • Ninjutsu​
  • Assassination​
  • Cooking​


  • Ninjutsu Master: Sonic is an experienced ninja and is a master of ninjutsu. In his universe, he has displayed multiple deadly techniques involving his incredible speed and ninja weaponry.​
    • Full Frontal Attack: Sonic takes a low stance and rushes forward at speeds that make him impossible to be seen.​
    • Wind Blade Kick: Sonic throws himself at his foe and does a front flip, during which he throws his foot out to kick his opponent using the momentum of the flip.​
    • Hail of Carnage: Sonic leaps and then hurls his exploding shurikens at cars, buildings and people to cause massive amounts of destruction.​
    • Shadow Burial: Sonic creates X amount of identical afterimages (10 max) through a special movement technique.​
    • Scattered Flash Slash: This attack is used in a combo with the Shadow Burial, the afterimages surround the target at the same time with the ninjatō.

  • Superhuman Speed and Reflexes​
  • Enhanced Strength​
  • Enhanced Durability​

  • Homing Exploding Shuriken: Sonic carries shuriken that explodes upon impact and homes onto a target.
  • Exploding Shuriken: Sonic carries shuriken that explodes upon impact.
  • Ninjato: Sonic carries a sword with a straight blade, a black scabbard, and hilt. It is extremely sharp, capable of cutting through bone.
  • Kunai: Sonic carries an undetermined number of kunai with which he has shown exceptional ability.
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View attachment 631476

Speed o' Sound Sonic

One Punch Man




Ninjutsu Master
Ninja Weaponry

Supernatural Speed
Supernatural Reflexes
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
View attachment 631479


Vinland Saga




Master Chain Wielder

please separate the Character sheets and put their character bio and information on their skills.


Name: Halfdan
Universe: Vinland Saga
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Personality: Quick-witted | Wise | Strict | Vicious | Cold-hearted

Bio: Halfdan has little shown his background despite growing up in Iceland. He has become a leader and almost a king figure of Iceland, a land where he seeks to enrich his land with wealth and people but lacks them all. He also became a slave trader while owning a calvary of men.

  • Master Chain Wielder
  • Leadership

  • Enhanced Chain Proficiency: Halfdan has the ability to wield chains with great skill. In his universe, he has shown to grapple people's heads with his chains and send the chains flying to specific objects in great accuracy.
    • Speed Attacks: Halfdan can send the chains flying in incredible speed.
    • Sharp Attacks: The end of the chains has a sharp blade tip which is used to severe his enemies.
    • Cutting: Halfdan has shown to severe anything caught in the chains to pieces by swinging them recklessly in the air at a fast rate.
    • Accuracy: Halfdan has displayed great skill with grappling objects with chains. All of his attacks are accurately directed towards his targets unless they dodge his attacks.
  • Chains: Halfdan often carries chains around his arm that is looped around his forearm. The chains can be rearranged to switch with the sharp end as a choice to fight formally.

  • Sword: Halfdan not only uses his chains to fight his opponents. He also carries a sword with him in case. (the series does not show when he uses a sword, but it is shown that he is carrying a sword underneath his cloak)
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View attachment 631727

Name: Halfdan
Universe: Vinland Saga
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Personality: Quick-witted | Wise | Strict | Vicious | Cold-hearted

Bio: Halfdan has little shown his background despite growing up in Iceland. He has become a leader and almost a king figure of Iceland, a land where he seeks to enrich his land with wealth and people but lacks them all. He also became a slave trader while owning a calvary of men.

  • Master Chain Wielder
  • Leadership
  • Enslavement
  • Torture

  • Enhanced Chain Proficiency: Halfdan has the ability to wield chains with great skill. In his universe, he has shown to grapple people's heads with his chains and send the chains flying to specific objects in great accuracy.
    • Speed Attacks: Halfdan can send the chains flying in incredible speed.
    • Sharp Attacks: The end of the chains has a sharp blade tip which is used to severe his enemies.
    • Cutting: Halfdan has shown to severe anything caught in the chains to pieces by swinging them recklessly in the air at a fast rate.
    • Accuracy: Halfdan has displayed great skill with grappling objects with chains. All of his attacks are accurately directed towards his targets unless they dodge his attacks.
  • Chains: Halfdan often carries chains around his arm that is looped around his forearm. The chains can be rearranged to switch with the sharp end as a choice to fight formally.
View attachment 631694

  • Sword: Halfdan not only uses his chains to fight his opponents. He also carries a sword with him in case. (the series does not show when he uses a sword, but it is shown that he is carrying a sword underneath his cloak)
It's a neat series, but I'm having a hard time thinking of where he could go in terms of settings in the RP. What kind of setting were you thinking of for this guy?

'Quote' (optional)
"I'm always picking up after you boys."

Natasha Romanava

Universe From (Series your character comes from. If character is from an AU labeled as "Series Name" AU)
MCU/Earth 616



Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, was one of the most talented spies and assassins in the entire world and a founding member of the Avengers. Originally a KGB operative and dangerous assassin, Romanoff was recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D. by Clint Barton. Having extensive mastery in martial arts and armed with her Widow's Bite, Black Widow became one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most efficient agents. During one mission, she was sent undercover into Stark Industries to watch Tony Stark due to the fear that he was dying. During this mission, Romanoff assisted Stark with defeating Ivan Vanko's terrorist plots against him.

When Loki declared war on the Earth, Black Widow was recruited into the Avengers after Hawkeye had just been enthralled by Loki. Romanoff assisted in recruiting Stark and Bruce Banner into the team while they tracked down and attempted to capture Loki, eventually saving Barton from his grasp. Once Loki's entire plan had been uncovered, Romanoff joined the team during the Battle of New York and was instrumental in destroying the portal over the city which had been created by the Tesseract, effectively ending the entire invasion while Loki was defeated and captured.

In the wake of the Avengers successfully defeating Loki, Romanoff had continued her work with S.H.I.E.L.D., this time working with Captain America. While working together, Romanoff and Rogers uncovered a conspiracy following an assassination attempt on Nick Fury, which had eventually led to them discovering that HYDRA had somehow been infiltrating their entire organization. Despite the efforts of the Winter Soldier to stop them, Romanoff helped expose Alexander Pierce's evil schemes to the world, which also resulted in all of her own morally dubious history being revealed. As a result, Romanoff was forced into dropping off the grid again and began rebuilding her cover.

Romanoff eventually rejoined the Avengers, working to bring down various HYDRA cells across the world and assisting in the capture of Wolfgang von Strucker. However, before she could form a romantic relationship with Banner, the rogue artificial intelligence Ultron was created by Stark and Banner, forcing Romanoff and the rest of their team to join together and defeat him. Despite being captured, Romanoff was able to inform the team of Ultron's location on Sokovia, resulting in a final battle in which the Avengers had defeated Ultron once and for all. Unlike most members of the original Avengers, Black Widow remained a member while forming the second incarnation of the team.

As many of the governments of the world had demanded the Avengers to sign the Sokovia Accords in the wake of their recent battles, Romanoff agreed to their terms and signed the Accords. She later joined Iron Man in a fight against Captain America due to his disagreements with the Accords and his criminal activities with the Winter Soldier who Rogers was attempting to protect. As the two Avengers' factions fought against each other, Romanoff betrayed Iron Man's team in order to assist Captain America to find the instigator of the team's fight. As a result, Black Widow had to escape from the government for aiding Rogers, while being on the run, Romanoff soon joined him and Wilson in stopping terrorists.

The entirety of Romanoff's character is hard to distinguish based on how she lies and tricks people for a living. She was capable of convincingly portraying friendly and flirtatious, timid, vulnerable and scared. For the most part, she was a level-headed, strong-willed and independent woman. Romanoff normally maintained a controlled, almost emotionless persona to keep whatever she was thinking a secret unless she was around people she absolutely trusts. Although she was more than willing to rush into deadly battle and other unnerving missions for S.H.I.E.L.D., she was not completely fearless, as she was visibly frightened of Hulk. However, she was no longer afraid of him due to falling in love with Bruce Banner.

Though a very serious agent, Romanoff was by no means stuffy and has a sarcastic sense of humor, which mostly surfaces when she was with Captain America or Hawkeye, both of whom she was comfortable around. Romanoff was very smart and loyal which was displayed when she made good on the debts she owed Barton and Rogers (saving the former from Loki's mind control and trying to protect the latter during a highway assault). While tough and at times ruthless, she was still a good person and can be quite heroic in her own right. These qualities are usually brought out by her other Avengers, mainly her missions with Steve Rogers. And no matter how injured she was in battle, Romanoff will go out her way to make sure bystanders are out of harm's way (keeping several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents away when Banner was transforming into Hulk, helping Hawkeye evacuate civilians when the Chitauri attacked Manhattan, and risking her life to make sure innocent people weren't shot by the Winter Soldier when he was chasing her). Her close loyalty to both Rogers and Barton was shown in the Avengers Civil War, as she was willing to aid their faction despite being forced to go on the run from the United Nations afterward. As a result of her childhood, she considered the Avengers her family, being desperate to keep them together when the Sokovia Accords were due to be signed and was affected when Tony Stark denounced her as a friend and made it clear he would not help her in the future. She was further shocked and saddened when Barton following the loss of his family became more ruthless and violent when she encountered him in Tokyo.

Romanoff was also very close with Clint Barton's family, especially with his and Laura Barton's only daughter, Lila, being the only member of Avengers who knew of their existence. Romanoff was genuinely affectionate with the child, hugging her the moment they reunited and sweetly commended the little girl on the drawing she made. They originally named their youngest child after Romanoff prior to them discovering that it was, in fact, a boy, thus naming him Nathaniel instead, with Romanoff humorously referring to the unborn child as a "traitor". This was further proven in Vormir where she refused to let Clint sacrifice himself, knowing how much he meant to his family and vice-versa and died instead because she had little to lose.

Romanoff was sterilized as a rite-of-passage for her graduation from the training she underwent in the Red Room under the supervision of Madame B. This event deeply affected her, as she regretfully told Banner of the so-called advantages of the procedure.

Despite her lifestyle of espionage and operating within the shadows, Romanoff's adaptability influenced her opinions on the Sokovia Accords. Realizing the difference between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers with many of their activities seen in the light of day amongst the public, Romanoff wanted to appease public opinions by signing and also that she didn't want conflict with her close friends and teammates like Barton and Rogers. This care for Captain America eventually caused Romanoff to betray Stark's team and assist their escape so they could clear Barnes' name, eventually becoming a fugitive because of this.

  • Master Spy: Romanoff was a dangerous secret agent highly skilled in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. Her talents and years of experience have enabled her to reach a high ranking as a special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Romanoff is well versed in internal destabilziation and was soon deemed a threat to global secuirty because of this. She often resorts to seducing men to obtain her goals while working undercover, such as when she posed as an assistant to evaluate Tony Stark for the Avengers Initiative. Romanoff's skills were so legendary that Nick Fury created a Lie Detector that he hoped she could not deceive.
  • Master Martial Artist: Romanoff was one of the best fighters in the world, having been trained from a young age in the Red Room and S.H.I.E.L.D. in her later life as a top operative. During her time in the Red Room, she was seen using her martial arts to defeat a grown man by swinging his head into the corner of a desk, proving how formidable she was even when she was young. She was extremely skilled in the field of martial arts, having mastered arts such as sambo, lucha-libre style wrestling, parkour, krav maga, hapkido, multiple styles of kung fu, taekwondo, and kali with her batons.[36] Romanoff has efficiently taken down many enemies, such as multiple Hammer Industries security guards, Georges Batroc's armed pirates, several members of STRIKE, Ultron Sentries, and even Chitauri aliens. She was skilled enough to be able to defeat a mind-controlled Hawkeye, maintain the upper hand against Ant-Man, and even hold her own against the much stronger Winter Soldier, though he was able to bring her down in the end. Black Widow also proved capable of defeating numerous Outriders and managed to compete with Proxima Midnight alongside Okoye, even managing to disarm her with her baton, holding her off long enough for Wanda to kill her. In addition, she had enough skill to stab Corvus Glaive using Proxima Midnight's Spear.
  • Spear Mastery: Romanoff shows great skill in the use of a spear in close combat, she was seen wielding a Chitauri staff to battle the Chitauri. She was also skillful enough to use Proxima Midnight's spear to almost kill Corvus Glaive. Romanoff also combined her batons into a staff to battle Proxima Midnight, using it to defend and attack simultaneously.
  • Staff Mastery: Romanoff possessed tremendous skill in using a staff, demonstrating her prowess during the Battle of Wakanda to fight against Proxima Midnight.
  • Master Acrobat: Romanoff was highly skilled in incorporating gymnastics and acrobatics into her fighting style as she battles opponents. During her fight within Hammer Industries Headquarters, Romanoff used these skills to defeat the guards. During the Chitauri Invasion, she got to ride a Chitauri Chariot by using her acrobatics to commandeer it.
  • Master Assassin: Romanoff was notorious in the art of assassination, considered to be one of the most dangerous assassins in the world. She was known to have killed many people during her time serving the KGB and S.H.I.E.L.D.. During her time in the Red Room, Romanoff was trained to kill without remorse and was seen demonstrating her sharpshooting skills on a live captive, showing no emotion as she killed him.
  • Master Marksman: Romanoff was a very accurate marksman skilled in sharpshooting. During the Battle of Washington, D.C., Romanoff would have shot the Winter Soldier through his eye if he had not been wearing his protective goggles. She had also been trained from a young age in the art of sharpshooting, as she was seen practicing on targets, making several headshots in quick succession.
  • Multilingualism: Romanoff was fluent in Latin, Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Italian, and various other languages.
  • Gifted Intellect: Romanoff's intellect seemingly put her on par with Steve Rogers and Clint Barton. She possessed the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. Romanoff also possessed a vast knowledge of human anatomy, displayed by her often using joint locks and hitting enemies in the weakest parts of their bodies; for example the crotch, stomach, armpits, and the head. Her prodigious skill from her years of training also allow her to predict her opponents' plans of attack as well, such as when she was able to save herself, Captain America, and Falcon from being shot by the Winter Soldier by predicting the order in which he would shoot at them through the roof of their car. Victoria Hand has even stated that Romanoff does not usually require extraction teams on S.H.I.E.L.D. missions and is resourceful enough to make her own escape.
  • Master Interrogator: Romanoff was able to trick Loki into telling her about his plan to use Hulk against the Helicarrier to bust him out of his cell. She was able to do a "reverse interrogation"; while she seemed to be in danger, in truth, she was getting all the information she wanted to know.
  • Expert Hacker: Romanoff could hack into most computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security. She used this talent to hack into Hammer Industries mainframe and help James Rhodes regain control of the War Machine Armor and enabled him to help Stark fight the rest of the attacking Hammer drones, and again to access the location of Camp Lehigh from the USB Steve Rogers received from Nick Fury.
  • Pilot: Romanoff was a skilled pilot, capable of flying a Quinjet with ease.


Anything an average human is weak to.




"After you, Krieg."


Parasoul Renoir

Universe From



Few know the terrors of the Skullgirl as intimately as Parasoul does: seven years ago her own mother became the Skullgirl that nearly destroyed the world. This tragic past has made her fiercely protective of both her country and her family, and these two priorities frequently come into conflict.

Parasoul is now the crown princess of the Canopy Kingdom and leader of its elite military squad, the Black Egrets. Wielding the living umbrella, Krieg, she fights with grace, poise, and cunning to defend her family honor and destroy the Skull Heart so no one can repeat her mother’s terrible mistake.

Parasoul is a firm, fair, wise, and diligent leader who vows to protect the kingdom with the Black Egrets by her side. Her childhood was centered around becoming a warrior that was worthy of her father's legacy. Underneath her serious personality is a noble leader who is thinking about what is best for her kingdom and her family. She attacks with grace, poise, and cunning to defeat her opponents and complete her missions. She prefers to take action over doing paperwork.

Although she maintains a solemn demeanor, she tends to be furious whenever someone puts her loved ones in danger. When seeing the pain of others, Parasoul shows sorrow toward those who are suffering. Parasoul is a very caring leader and a kind ruler.

-Leadership and Strategy
-Motorcycle Driving

Her living weapon Krieg is capable of shedding Napalm Tears that can be placed around the stage when Parasoul shoots it with her luger or twirls it around. She also has the option to detonate one or all of them. She can float in the air with Krieg and any tear that explodes while she still floats propels her upward.

Nothing to point out other than being just a regular human.

Theme Song

Last edited:



"After you, Krieg."


Parasoul Renoir

Universe From



Few know the terrors of the Skullgirl as intimately as Parasoul does: seven years ago her own mother became the Skullgirl that nearly destroyed the world. This tragic past has made her fiercely protective of both her country and her family, and these two priorities frequently come into conflict.

Parasoul is now the crown princess of the Canopy Kingdom and leader of its elite military squad, the Black Egrets. Wielding the living umbrella, Krieg, she fights with grace, poise, and cunning to defend her family honor and destroy the Skull Heart so no one can repeat her mother’s terrible mistake.

Parasoul is a firm, fair, wise, and diligent leader who vows to protect the kingdom with the Black Egrets by her side. Her childhood was centered around becoming a warrior that was worthy of her father's legacy. Underneath her serious personality is a noble leader who is thinking about what is best for her kingdom and her family. She attacks with grace, poise, and cunning to defeat her opponents and complete her missions. She prefers to take action over doing paperwork.

Although she maintains a solemn demeanor, she tends to be furious whenever someone puts her loved ones in danger. When seeing the pain of others, Parasoul shows sorrow toward those who are suffering. Parasoul is a very caring leader and a kind ruler.

-Leadership and Strategy
-Motorcycle Driving

Her living weapon Krieg is capable of shedding Napalm Tears that can be placed around the stage when Parasoul shoots it with her luger or twirls it around. She also has the option to detonate one or all of them. She can float in the air with Krieg and any tear that explodes while she still floats propels her upward.

Nothing to point out other than being just a regular human.

Theme Song


'Quote' (optional)
"I'm always picking up after you boys."

Natasha Romanava

Universe From (Series your character comes from. If character is from an AU labeled as "Series Name" AU)
MCU/Earth 616



Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, was one of the most talented spies and assassins in the entire world and a founding member of the Avengers. Originally a KGB operative and dangerous assassin, Romanoff was recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D. by Clint Barton. Having extensive mastery in martial arts and armed with her Widow's Bite, Black Widow became one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most efficient agents. During one mission, she was sent undercover into Stark Industries to watch Tony Stark due to the fear that he was dying. During this mission, Romanoff assisted Stark with defeating Ivan Vanko's terrorist plots against him.

When Loki declared war on the Earth, Black Widow was recruited into the Avengers after Hawkeye had just been enthralled by Loki. Romanoff assisted in recruiting Stark and Bruce Banner into the team while they tracked down and attempted to capture Loki, eventually saving Barton from his grasp. Once Loki's entire plan had been uncovered, Romanoff joined the team during the Battle of New York and was instrumental in destroying the portal over the city which had been created by the Tesseract, effectively ending the entire invasion while Loki was defeated and captured.

In the wake of the Avengers successfully defeating Loki, Romanoff had continued her work with S.H.I.E.L.D., this time working with Captain America. While working together, Romanoff and Rogers uncovered a conspiracy following an assassination attempt on Nick Fury, which had eventually led to them discovering that HYDRA had somehow been infiltrating their entire organization. Despite the efforts of the Winter Soldier to stop them, Romanoff helped expose Alexander Pierce's evil schemes to the world, which also resulted in all of her own morally dubious history being revealed. As a result, Romanoff was forced into dropping off the grid again and began rebuilding her cover.

Romanoff eventually rejoined the Avengers, working to bring down various HYDRA cells across the world and assisting in the capture of Wolfgang von Strucker. However, before she could form a romantic relationship with Banner, the rogue artificial intelligence Ultron was created by Stark and Banner, forcing Romanoff and the rest of their team to join together and defeat him. Despite being captured, Romanoff was able to inform the team of Ultron's location on Sokovia, resulting in a final battle in which the Avengers had defeated Ultron once and for all. Unlike most members of the original Avengers, Black Widow remained a member while forming the second incarnation of the team.

As many of the governments of the world had demanded the Avengers to sign the Sokovia Accords in the wake of their recent battles, Romanoff agreed to their terms and signed the Accords. She later joined Iron Man in a fight against Captain America due to his disagreements with the Accords and his criminal activities with the Winter Soldier who Rogers was attempting to protect. As the two Avengers' factions fought against each other, Romanoff betrayed Iron Man's team in order to assist Captain America to find the instigator of the team's fight. As a result, Black Widow had to escape from the government for aiding Rogers, while being on the run, Romanoff soon joined him and Wilson in stopping terrorists.

The entirety of Romanoff's character is hard to distinguish based on how she lies and tricks people for a living. She was capable of convincingly portraying friendly and flirtatious, timid, vulnerable and scared. For the most part, she was a level-headed, strong-willed and independent woman. Romanoff normally maintained a controlled, almost emotionless persona to keep whatever she was thinking a secret unless she was around people she absolutely trusts. Although she was more than willing to rush into deadly battle and other unnerving missions for S.H.I.E.L.D., she was not completely fearless, as she was visibly frightened of Hulk. However, she was no longer afraid of him due to falling in love with Bruce Banner.

Though a very serious agent, Romanoff was by no means stuffy and has a sarcastic sense of humor, which mostly surfaces when she was with Captain America or Hawkeye, both of whom she was comfortable around. Romanoff was very smart and loyal which was displayed when she made good on the debts she owed Barton and Rogers (saving the former from Loki's mind control and trying to protect the latter during a highway assault). While tough and at times ruthless, she was still a good person and can be quite heroic in her own right. These qualities are usually brought out by her other Avengers, mainly her missions with Steve Rogers. And no matter how injured she was in battle, Romanoff will go out her way to make sure bystanders are out of harm's way (keeping several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents away when Banner was transforming into Hulk, helping Hawkeye evacuate civilians when the Chitauri attacked Manhattan, and risking her life to make sure innocent people weren't shot by the Winter Soldier when he was chasing her). Her close loyalty to both Rogers and Barton was shown in the Avengers Civil War, as she was willing to aid their faction despite being forced to go on the run from the United Nations afterward. As a result of her childhood, she considered the Avengers her family, being desperate to keep them together when the Sokovia Accords were due to be signed and was affected when Tony Stark denounced her as a friend and made it clear he would not help her in the future. She was further shocked and saddened when Barton following the loss of his family became more ruthless and violent when she encountered him in Tokyo.

Romanoff was also very close with Clint Barton's family, especially with his and Laura Barton's only daughter, Lila, being the only member of Avengers who knew of their existence. Romanoff was genuinely affectionate with the child, hugging her the moment they reunited and sweetly commended the little girl on the drawing she made. They originally named their youngest child after Romanoff prior to them discovering that it was, in fact, a boy, thus naming him Nathaniel instead, with Romanoff humorously referring to the unborn child as a "traitor". This was further proven in Vormir where she refused to let Clint sacrifice himself, knowing how much he meant to his family and vice-versa and died instead because she had little to lose.

Romanoff was sterilized as a rite-of-passage for her graduation from the training she underwent in the Red Room under the supervision of Madame B. This event deeply affected her, as she regretfully told Banner of the so-called advantages of the procedure.

Despite her lifestyle of espionage and operating within the shadows, Romanoff's adaptability influenced her opinions on the Sokovia Accords. Realizing the difference between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers with many of their activities seen in the light of day amongst the public, Romanoff wanted to appease public opinions by signing and also that she didn't want conflict with her close friends and teammates like Barton and Rogers. This care for Captain America eventually caused Romanoff to betray Stark's team and assist their escape so they could clear Barnes' name, eventually becoming a fugitive because of this.


  • Master Spy: Romanoff was a dangerous secret agent highly skilled in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. Her talents and years of experience have enabled her to reach a high ranking as a special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Romanoff is well versed in internal destabilziation and was soon deemed a threat to global secuirty because of this. She often resorts to seducing men to obtain her goals while working undercover, such as when she posed as an assistant to evaluate Tony Stark for the Avengers Initiative. Romanoff's skills were so legendary that Nick Fury created a Lie Detector that he hoped she could not deceive.
  • Master Martial Artist: Romanoff was one of the best fighters in the world, having been trained from a young age in the Red Room and S.H.I.E.L.D. in her later life as a top operative. During her time in the Red Room, she was seen using her martial arts to defeat a grown man by swinging his head into the corner of a desk, proving how formidable she was even when she was young. She was extremely skilled in the field of martial arts, having mastered arts such as sambo, lucha-libre style wrestling, parkour, krav maga, hapkido, multiple styles of kung fu, taekwondo, and kali with her batons.[36] Romanoff has efficiently taken down many enemies, such as multiple Hammer Industries security guards, Georges Batroc's armed pirates, several members of STRIKE, Ultron Sentries, and even Chitauri aliens. She was skilled enough to be able to defeat a mind-controlled Hawkeye, maintain the upper hand against Ant-Man, and even hold her own against the much stronger Winter Soldier, though he was able to bring her down in the end. Black Widow also proved capable of defeating numerous Outriders and managed to compete with Proxima Midnight alongside Okoye, even managing to disarm her with her baton, holding her off long enough for Wanda to kill her. In addition, she had enough skill to stab Corvus Glaive using Proxima Midnight's Spear.
  • Spear Mastery: Romanoff shows great skill in the use of a spear in close combat, she was seen wielding a Chitauri staff to battle the Chitauri. She was also skillful enough to use Proxima Midnight's spear to almost kill Corvus Glaive. Romanoff also combined her batons into a staff to battle Proxima Midnight, using it to defend and attack simultaneously.
  • Staff Mastery: Romanoff possessed tremendous skill in using a staff, demonstrating her prowess during the Battle of Wakanda to fight against Proxima Midnight.
  • Master Acrobat: Romanoff was highly skilled in incorporating gymnastics and acrobatics into her fighting style as she battles opponents. During her fight within Hammer Industries Headquarters, Romanoff used these skills to defeat the guards. During the Chitauri Invasion, she got to ride a Chitauri Chariot by using her acrobatics to commandeer it.
  • Master Assassin: Romanoff was notorious in the art of assassination, considered to be one of the most dangerous assassins in the world. She was known to have killed many people during her time serving the KGB and S.H.I.E.L.D.. During her time in the Red Room, Romanoff was trained to kill without remorse and was seen demonstrating her sharpshooting skills on a live captive, showing no emotion as she killed him.
  • Master Marksman: Romanoff was a very accurate marksman skilled in sharpshooting. During the Battle of Washington, D.C., Romanoff would have shot the Winter Soldier through his eye if he had not been wearing his protective goggles. She had also been trained from a young age in the art of sharpshooting, as she was seen practicing on targets, making several headshots in quick succession.
  • Multilingualism: Romanoff was fluent in Latin, Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Italian, and various other languages.
  • Gifted Intellect: Romanoff's intellect seemingly put her on par with Steve Rogers and Clint Barton. She possessed the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. Romanoff also possessed a vast knowledge of human anatomy, displayed by her often using joint locks and hitting enemies in the weakest parts of their bodies; for example the crotch, stomach, armpits, and the head. Her prodigious skill from her years of training also allow her to predict her opponents' plans of attack as well, such as when she was able to save herself, Captain America, and Falcon from being shot by the Winter Soldier by predicting the order in which he would shoot at them through the roof of their car. Victoria Hand has even stated that Romanoff does not usually require extraction teams on S.H.I.E.L.D. missions and is resourceful enough to make her own escape.
  • Master Interrogator: Romanoff was able to trick Loki into telling her about his plan to use Hulk against the Helicarrier to bust him out of his cell. She was able to do a "reverse interrogation"; while she seemed to be in danger, in truth, she was getting all the information she wanted to know.
  • Expert Hacker: Romanoff could hack into most computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security. She used this talent to hack into Hammer Industries mainframe and help James Rhodes regain control of the War Machine Armor and enabled him to help Stark fight the rest of the attacking Hammer drones, and again to access the location of Camp Lehigh from the USB Steve Rogers received from Nick Fury.
  • Pilot: Romanoff was a skilled pilot, capable of flying a Quinjet with ease.


Anything an average human is weak to.

Accepted Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

“I was trained by video games!


Jack || Raiden

Universe of Origin
Metal Gear



Where Jack came from doesn't matter. More importantly, the man himself doesn't remember his origins. Not before the program. It was a classified government initiative, a joint effort by Colonel Fury and Colonel Campbell to create the next super soldier after the successes of Captain America, Wolverine, Sam Fisher, and many more. The program differed from the experiments that had come before in that it would use the tools of tomorrow to forge the soldier of tomorrow. Elaborate virtual innovation prepared Jack and countless other candidates for the most trying scenarios, each of which only the best of the best could survive. Jack was the best out of all the candidates, and was chosen to become Raiden. Whoever Jack was before Raiden, mattered very little compared to what lies ahead of him now. He has gone on multiple missions for S.H.I.E.L.D. since, proving to be one of their most valuable - if illusive - assets in the world of tactical espionage action since Solid Snake himself. Jack has done what he can to maintain a semblance of a social life, managing to become acquainted with a girl named Rose on April 30th, who he learned worked in the same base that he did. The two quickly hit it off, Jack with his earnest if aloof . Although they have had little time to be with one another on account of their work, Jack is hopeful that they will one day be able to build a life together.

Jack has been through a lot. All of his formative experiences were experienced either through television or the simulations that transformed him into the super soldier Raiden. As a result, he is significantly socially stunted, more often than not only able to think in terms of the mission, or how something affects or is affected by his role as a soldier. This is not to say that Jack is devoid of compassion or friendship. For all his difficulties, Jack has a fairly happy relationship with his girlfriend Rose, and gets along well with Colonel Fury and Colonel Campbell (as well as one can get along with his superiors, anyway). He is actually quite kind, and gets along well with children. He wants to do right by people, and has complete faith in the government that he serves.

Ready Player One
"Raiden" is the first (and only) successful subject of the classified project conducted by S.H.I.E.L.D. in an attempt to create the next super soldier. Trained by world-class virtual systems, the best of stealth, espionage, and tactical skills was integrated directly into his brain. Although Raiden has no field experience with this training, he is (in theory) no less capable of performing out in the field with the same level of perfection that he achieved in the simulations. The skills are as follows:
  • Firearms Expert - Raiden is extremely skilled with virtually all modern firearms, from military sidearms to assault rifles to snipers, each with near perfect accuracy.​
  • Stealth - Raiden's sneaking skills are second only to Solid Snake himself. While not practically tested, Raiden is a master of the same skills that defined the Hero of Shadow Moses Island, including moving silently, blending into the environment, using smoke grenades and other paraphernalia to mask his escape, and above all else, the tactical use of cardboard boxes.​
  • CQC - Raiden was trained in the rare form of Close Quarters Combat by Solid Snake himself. Using the principles first developed by The Boss and Big Boss, Raiden is virtually unmatched when taking on enemy targets in tight spaces while engaging stealth protocols. While no martial arts master himself, Raiden more than makes up for it in his ability to subdue enemies before they know what hit them - if they ever knew he was there in the first place.​
  • Endurance - Raiden has an extraordinary level of endurance that borders on superhuman, capable of taking on hordes of machines, monsters, and God knows what else for hours without fatigue. Most of this is on account of him doing one hundred pull-ups a day.​
  • Cool Under Fire - Though he doesn't always openly exhibit it, Raiden possesses an uncanny ability to stay calm in extreme situations, continuing to operate with deadly efficiency where many people would suffer from the trauma and stress of the situation. It is very difficult to actually undermine Raiden's ability to fight with mind games, though he is no less susceptible to having doubt on just about anything not explicitly tied to combat effectiveness.​


Jack has difficulty recalling his experiences before entering the specialized S.H.I.E.L.D. training, especially his memories as a child. This is mostly explained by the degree to which the virtual programs interfaced with his brain, often overwriting information that was deemed "unnecessary" by the project supervisors, though conveniently left out of his debriefing. This has led to a tenuous relationship with his girlfriend Rose, and makes it difficult for Jack to develop and maintain relationships.

Child Sympathy
Jack isn't certain where it comes from, but he feels especially drawn to matters concerning children. He can't stand to see children hurt, far more than he cares about saving adult lives. Perhaps it has something to do with his forgotten childhood, though Jack feels something truly precious about the life of a child, innocent and untainted by the way of the world; he can't stand to see them abused before they have had a chance to live for themselves.



“I was trained by video games!


Jack || Raiden

Universe of Origin
Metal Gear



Where Jack came from doesn't matter. More importantly, the man himself doesn't remember his origins. Not before the program. It was a classified government initiative, a joint effort by Colonel Fury and Colonel Campbell to create the next super soldier after the successes of Captain America, Wolverine, Sam Fisher, and many more. The program differed from the experiments that had come before in that it would use the tools of tomorrow to forge the soldier of tomorrow. Elaborate virtual innovation prepared Jack and countless other candidates for the most trying scenarios, each of which only the best of the best could survive. Jack was the best out of all the candidates, and was chosen to become Raiden. Whoever Jack was before Raiden, mattered very little compared to what lies ahead of him now. He has gone on multiple missions for S.H.I.E.L.D. since, proving to be one of their most valuable - if illusive - assets in the world of tactical espionage action since Solid Snake himself. Jack has done what he can to maintain a semblance of a social life, managing to become acquainted with a girl named Rose on April 30th, who he learned worked in the same base that he did. The two quickly hit it off, Jack with his earnest if aloof . Although they have had little time to be with one another on account of their work, Jack is hopeful that they will one day be able to build a life together.

Jack has been through a lot. All of his formative experiences were experienced either through television or the simulations that transformed him into the super soldier Raiden. As a result, he is significantly socially stunted, more often than not only able to think in terms of the mission, or how something affects or is affected by his role as a soldier. This is not to say that Jack is devoid of compassion or friendship. For all his difficulties, Jack has a fairly happy relationship with his girlfriend Rose, and gets along well with Colonel Fury and Colonel Campbell (as well as one can get along with his superiors, anyway). He is actually quite kind, and gets along well with children. He wants to do right by people, and has complete faith in the government that he serves.

Ready Player One
"Raiden" is the first (and only) successful subject of the classified project conducted by S.H.I.E.L.D. in an attempt to create the next super soldier. Trained by world-class virtual systems, the best of stealth, espionage, and tactical skills was integrated directly into his brain. Although Raiden has no field experience with this training, he is (in theory) no less capable of performing out in the field with the same level of perfection that he achieved in the simulations. The skills are as follows:
  • Firearms Expert - Raiden is extremely skilled with virtually all modern firearms, from military sidearms to assault rifles to snipers, each with near perfect accuracy.​
  • Stealth - Raiden's sneaking skills are second only to Solid Snake himself. While not practically tested, Raiden is a master of the same skills that defined the Hero of Shadow Moses Island, including moving silently, blending into the environment, using smoke grenades and other paraphernalia to mask his escape, and above all else, the tactical use of cardboard boxes.​
  • CQC - Raiden was trained in the rare form of Close Quarters Combat by Solid Snake himself. Using the principles first developed by The Boss and Big Boss, Raiden is virtually unmatched when taking on enemy targets in tight spaces while engaging stealth protocols. While no martial arts master himself, Raiden more than makes up for it in his ability to subdue enemies before they know what hit them - if they ever knew he was there in the first place.​
  • Endurance - Raiden has an extraordinary level of endurance that borders on superhuman, capable of taking on hordes of machines, monsters, and God knows what else for hours without fatigue. Most of this is on account of him doing one hundred pull-ups a day.​
  • Cool Under Fire - Though he doesn't always openly exhibit it, Raiden possesses an uncanny ability to stay calm in extreme situations, continuing to operate with deadly efficiency where many people would suffer from the trauma and stress of the situation. It is very difficult to actually undermine Raiden's ability to fight with mind games, though he is no less susceptible to having doubt on just about anything not explicitly tied to combat effectiveness.​


Jack has difficulty recalling his experiences before entering the specialized S.H.I.E.L.D. training, especially his memories as a child. This is mostly explained by the degree to which the virtual programs interfaced with his brain, often overwriting information that was deemed "unnecessary" by the project supervisors, though conveniently left out of his debriefing. This has led to a tenuous relationship with his girlfriend Rose, and makes it difficult for Jack to develop and maintain relationships.

Child Sympathy
Jack isn't certain where it comes from, but he feels especially drawn to matters concerning children. He can't stand to see children hurt, far more than he cares about saving adult lives. Perhaps it has something to do with his forgotten childhood, though Jack feels something truly precious about the life of a child, innocent and untainted by the way of the world; he can't stand to see them abused before they have had a chance to live for themselves.


accepted Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

"OH NO!" - One of Joseph's famous catchphrase

Name: Joseph Joestar
also known as JoJo (in Battle Tendency only)

Universe From: JoJo's Bizarre Adventures: Battle Tendency

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Joseph was born the son of George Joestar II and Elizabeth, establishing him as the grandson of Jonathan Joestar. When his mother was forced to go into hiding after killing his father's murderer, one of Dio Brando surviving zombies, his grandmother Erina Joestar decided it would be best if he assumed his parents died, out of fear he might get caught up in the same fatal situation his father and grandfather suffered. It was then both Erina and Robert E. O. Speedwagon who took care of Joseph. The young Joseph developed early an ability to use the Ripple inherited from his grandfather, first displaying it when Speedwagon was being kidnapped.

In Battle Tendency, visiting New York with Erina, Joseph encounters Smokey Brown, an African-American youth who steals his wallet. Nonetheless, Joseph befriends the pickpocket after giving a beating to two corrupt policemen who brutalized Smokey. Both he and Erina acquaint themselves with Smokey. While dining in a restaurant, Joseph personally publicly humiliates a racist mafioso who kept insulting Smokey; that mafioso's companion then suddenly informs him that Speedwagon is reported dead in Mexico. Later that night, Joseph is attacked in New York City by Straizo, an old companion of his grandfather Jonathan turned-Vampire. After being led on a wild chase, Joseph manages to defeat Straizo, who destroys himself with his stored Ripple while warning the youth of the Pillar Men.[1]

Joseph goes to Mexico in search of Speedwagon, revealed to be alive in a secret underground Nazi facility where the Nazis are trying to revive a man who seems to have been trapped in a stone pillar for 2,000 years. Here Joseph meets the Nazi Rudol von Stroheim. Unfortunately, the Nazis are successful in awakening the man, who is christened "Santana" before he kills most of them. Joseph battles Santana and manage to defeat him with Stroheim's help before he seemingly died.[2] Before Stroheim dies, the nazi reveals that three more "sleeping pillar men" have been discovered underneath the Colosseum in Rome and that Joseph must stop them and meet with an ally.
In Rome, Joseph meets Caesar, a trained Ripple user near his age who is supposed to show Joseph the ropes. At first, they are unable to do anything but argue; Caesar blames Jonathan Joestar for causing the death of his grandfather Will Anthonio Zeppeli through his incompetence. Caesar brings a Nazi named Mark to drive them to the Colosseum, where they find the three pillar men, Wamuu, Esidisi, and Kars, awakened. Mark is casually killed by Wamuu, enraging Caesar and causing the pair to fight him.[3] Unfortunately, even with his American Ripple-Infused Clackers, the untrained Joseph is unable to stand a chance. Luckily, he manages to talk them out of killing him promising to train for a whole month for a rematch.
To ensure that Joseph does not chicken out, Wamuu and Esidisi both end up inserting a "wedding ring" inside Joseph's heart and throat. They explain that the rings are internal time bombs set to release poison into his blood if he does not defeat them and retrieve the antidote they carry within a month.[4] Joseph realizes that he will have to train or die, and Caesar introduces Joseph to his master Lisa Lisa, who also reveals that the motives of the pillar men are to seize the Red Stone of Aja to become perfect life forms.

Along with Caesar, Joseph begins his training under Lisa Lisa. She immediately forces Joseph to use a modified mask to alter his breathing, enough for him to be able to keep it in control when using the ripple. She then puts both students in the 'Hell Climb Pillar', a pillar covered with oil that requires expert control of the Ripple to climb. Without experience in the use of the Ripple, Joseph has trouble climbing, but finally manages to do so thanks to Caesar's help. In the next weeks, Joseph trains under the harsh Loggins, who teaches him how to breathe in for 10 minutes straight and how to breathe 10 times in one second. As his last test, with only a week left before the poison takes effect, Joseph needs to defeat Loggins in a battle to earn the right to be recognized as a proper Ripple user.

Joseph fights Esidisi

Joseph finds Loggins murdered by Esidisi, who learned of the Super Aja in Lisa Lisa's possession. Denied his chance to pay back his teacher for the hell he went through, Joseph finds himself nearly outwitted by Esidisi before managing to defeat him with both his new skills and a sleight of hand strategy involving his wool hat. Joseph ingests the antidote in his opponent's nose ring, but doesn't realize that his attack only reduced Esidisi to a disembodied nervous system. Esidisi then takes over Suzi Q's body to mail the Red Stone to Kars in Switzerland while taking a last stand to deal with Joseph and the Ripple Users. Joseph and Caesar manage to safely force Esidisi out of Suzi Q by using opposing ripples and then watch as the Pillar Man is dissolved by the sunlight. Joseph mentions being impressed by Esidisi's resolve and loyalty, having gone so far to help Kars succeed.[5] Lisa Lisa discovers that Esidisi sent the Aja to Switzerland, and the Joestar Group leaves Venice for the Alps.

While pursuing the Super Aja, Joseph and his companions see a platoon of German soldiers confiscating the Red Stone of Aja and are invited to a chalet, where Joseph is reunited with the supposedly-deceased Stroheim, who has been rebuilt as a powerful cyborg by Nazi science. But at the same time, Kars has infiltrated the Nazi chalet in search for the Aja. Stroheim's machine body is quickly cut in half by Kars, who instinctively knows Joseph killed Esidisi and expresses hidden hatred towards who he initially considered a source of amusement. During the struggle, the Red Stone of Aja slips and falls into a ravine where Joseph and Kars battle to seize it. After a difficult fight, Joseph manages to keep the Stone while Kars disappears at the bottom of the ravine.

The next day, the group discovers a likely hideout for the Pillar Men and Caesar is eager to go fight them. Joseph voiced being against going after Kars in daylight, sensing a trap. This result in Joseph saying words that drive Caesar off the edge as he leaves to do the job himself, Joseph learning his friend's story and changing his mind. However, by the time he and Lisa Lisa arrive, they see Caesar had already died fighting Wamuu and used the last of his strength to get the Pillar Man's lip ring. Out of respect for Caesar, Joseph decides to not take the antidote until he defeats Wamuu.[6] Joseph and Lisa Lisa decide to pursue the likely wounded Wamuu inside the mansion.

Joseph against Wamuu in the Chariot Race

Joseph and Lisa Lisa find Kars and Wamuu but also find themselves outnumbered by Kars´s vampires. Lisa Lisa bluffs destroying the Super Aja unless the Pillar Men accept her terms to settle things in two one-on-one showdowns at the Skeleton Heel Stone arena. Sent to retrieve the stone, Joseph notices the photo of an infant with Erina, Speedwagon, and Straizo and confronts Lisa Lisa about it. She tells only half of the photo's significance before Joseph engages Wamuu in a deadly Roman chariot race-battle. Wamuu initially gets the upper hand, but Joseph still manages to counter his dangerous attacks and destroys Wamuu´s body with only his dissolving head. Joseph, in a sign of honor to the warrior, gave Wamuu some of his own blood to ease his pain before drinking the antidote to give his opponent peace of mind.[7]

Kars proves to be less honorable than Wamuu and breaks his promise to fight Lisa Lisa one-on-one and sacrifices one of his weaker vampires in order to defeat her. Angered by Kars' treachery, Joseph then challenges Kars, who looks upon him as a weak Ripple user and not even worth fighting seriously. All seems to be over in this fight against Kars until a newly rebuilt Stroheim and his Nazi soldiers, Speedwagon, and Smokey arrive to help. As the two fought on, Joseph is eventually given the decision to choose between his life or Lisa Lisa's, but is able to counter the whole situation and send Kars flying into the spike pit below. Stroheim and his Nazi soldiers blast Kars with ultraviolet light, but unknowingly gave him the light necessary for his Super Aja-embedded stone mask to trigger and transform him into the ultimate life form.[8]

Kars final blow
Joseph about to be killed by Kars.

Taking the Super Aja while running off, Joseph steals one of the Germans' airplanes to lead Kars away while devising a strategy to defeat him. Joseph then assumed he could kill Kars using the planet: namely crashing the plane with Kars on it into a volcano. Though it appears Kars is dead while sinking into the magma, the Pillar Man evolved a continuous and inorganic porous material to protect himself while digging his way out and slicing Joseph's arm off. When all seemed lost, Joseph unconsciously defends himself from Kars' enhanced Ripple by having the Super Aja redirect the attack into the ground. This causes an eruption that blasts the land the two fighters are on into the air, with Joesph distracting Kars long enough to be knocked out of Earth's orbit by debris. But gravity runs its course and Stroheim assumes Joseph dead at sea near Italy.[9]

Joseph shows up to his own "funeral"

Joseph and his new wife Suzi Q

Weeks later, a funeral is held for the presumably-dead Joseph, but Joseph himself crashes the event and reveals that after he fell back down from the sky, he ended up in Italy where he was helped by some local fisherman and nursed back to health by Suzi Q and later marries her. Joseph then returned to America to find his friends bewildered and shocked; he comes to the realization that Suzi Q had evidently forgotten to telegram them reassuring his survival.

In Battle Tendency, Joseph is a hotheaded, impetuous, and confrontational young man. Quick to violently respond to the slightest provocation, Joseph would often get into brawls growing up; prior to events of the story, he had been imprisoned seven times and expelled once from school for fighting/ Having no respect for authority save of his grandmother's, and later Lisa Lisa's, Joseph has antagonized policemen and mafiosi alike. Furthermore, Joseph is a foul-mouthed individual and regularly taunts his enemies, enjoying aggravating them. He notably taunted Kars when he launched him into space, claiming to have again planned everything from the beginning just to annoy him.

Joseph is a playful man and prefers fooling around over having any responsibility. By his own admission, his most hated sentences are "hard work" and "work hard", and still had to be pushed to train his Ripple talent in spite of facing certain death if he didn't meet and fight Wamuu again. Joseph has a fairly goofy side and spends half of his fights enjoying having outsmarted his current enemy with incredibly zany schemes, which take his opponents by surprise by how silly his plans are at first sight. A show-off, Joseph likes being the center of attention and couldn't stand that his rival Caesar had a special technique. With his prestidigitation talent, Joseph mixed his boastful nature and his love of pranks into a dangerous tool in battle.

At the beginning of his adventure, Joseph's one redeeming trait is his devotion to his family and friends. Joseph cares deeply for his grandmother Erina Joestar, and is deeply angered when a gangster has the nerve of mentioning Speedwagon's death before her, which upset her. Joseph also cares for his "Uncle Speedwagon", who he considers like a father and Speedwagon's disappearance pushed Joseph to go look for him in Mexico. Joseph also has a knack for befriending people. Despite having been stolen his wallet, Joseph quickly befriended Smokey Brown and couldn't tolerate discrimination against him. In the same way, Joseph befriended Caesar Zeppeli and Lisa Lisa even though they had difficult starts. Joseph even came to respect the Pillar Man Wamuu, and gave him a last salute as he died.

Over the course of Part 2, although he never really lost his overall attitude, he did develop into a strong, focused hero. In accord with his dismissal of any kind of discipline, Joseph believes that anything is fair in a fight as long as one isn't needlessly cruel. This results in him being a cheat and once earned him a scolding when he tried to climb the Hell Climb Pillar using a rope instead of with the Ripple as intended. Joseph possess a peculiar sense of honour, acknowledging Esidisi's underhanded moves as somewhat noble, since he did them for his fellow Pillar Men. However, when Kars backstabbed Lisa Lisa, Joseph was furious since he sullied the memory of his companion Wamuu. Thus it could be said that Joseph values kinship dearly.
Joseph is something of a flirt. He regularly comments on women's voluptuousness and was bold in his flirting with his future wife Suzi Q. Joseph's antagonistic behavior toward Caesar may have been out of jealousy that he could seduce girls so easily. Not knowing that Lisa Lisa was his mother, Joseph enjoyed peeping on herand when she practically revealed herself as his mother, Joseph was more concerned by her actual age.

Skills (Things that a normal human could train to become proficient in):
> Acrobatic: Joseph is an exceptionally agile fighter, performing acrobatics on a regular basis. Being quite athletic, Joseph distinguishes himself through feats of agility, in contrast to his grandfather Jonathan Joestar who performed feats of strength. He can for instance perform an aerial cartwheel when Esidisi grips his fist to escape the lock (all the while setting up a string to slice his arm), has performed impressive jumps, for instance pole vaulting into Wamuu's chariot to escape being crushed or a somersault while sliding underneath a layer of oil, and has managed to perform corde lisse tricks against Kars.

> Wit and Trickery: Joseph Joestar's mind is his deadliest and most valuable asset. Joseph's favorite strategy is to psych out his opponents. To do so, he notably predicts what his enemies will say next or more commonly provokes them to unnerve them and make them predictable in their move. Joseph is incredibly proficient in analyzing the personalities of those he faces and guessing information about them by observing small details about them, then shamelessly exploits any character flaw they have in order to return whatever they will be doing next against them, most commonly their overconfidence. Of note are particular quirks such as Wamuu's pride as a warrior or Kars' obsession for the Red Stone of Aja. However, Joseph is unknowingly as susceptible to these tactics as his opponents, leading him to be psyched out himself by Esidisi.

Joseph bamboozle
Joseph is a master of trickery and deception.

Having great prestidigitation skills, his goofy demeanor serving as the greatest distraction and facade he can rely on, Joseph is able to attack from unexpected angles or make critical moves under the guise of simple stupidity or ignorance; Joseph will often use one obvious strategy hiding another, more advanced one to fool and trap his opponents. Joseph is maybe the most proficient man in the series at using his environment to his advantage, the Ripple increasing the danger and combative capability of any item he gets his hands on. Among others, Joseph has used mirrors, glass shots, hair, a well, pasta, pigeons, wool hats, icicles, pebbles, and his own plane as tools and weapons to grasp the upper hand, each use having had applied efficiency and imagination. Joseph also keeps a number of tools handy just in case, concealing weapons on his person for when he expects danger.

When cornered, Joseph can still rely on his particularly quick wits to come up with a viable solution in an near-instant. The most successful instance being Joseph using the Red Stone of Aja to amplify Ultimate Life Form Kars' Ripple Attack so as to cause a volcanic eruption and send him into space. Joseph's tendency to use so many tricks stems from his particular mindset. He considers that in combat, every move is fair-play with the exception of involving civilians and being needlessly cruel. Thus he isn't bound by any code and doesn't hesitate to flee, or cheat if the ends justify the means, as seen against the D'Arby brothers.

> Near-Death Survival Technique: After he lit his scarf on fire, Joseph told Kars that he was putting his life in danger so he would be pushed beyond his own limits to find a new technique before the flame reached him. This was actually part of a plan to trick Kars, who would be too distracted to notice Joseph's plan to save Lisa Lisa.

> The Joestar "Secret Technique": The Joestar family's "secret technique". Usually utilized as a last resort, Joseph invented this move to use when battling the enemy seemed hopeless. In reality, it was actually used to stall time in order for Joseph to formulate a plan. The secret technique consists of carefully and quickly retreating from the opponent, while keeping a close eye on surroundings for things to use to defeat or assist in defeating them. To the untrained eye, it looks like Joseph is simply running away like a coward, augmented by his panicked shouting when doing so. He will also use this technique to try to lure an enemy away from others.

Secret technique
Joseph performing his secret technique.

> Flying:
Joseph is a proficient pilot despite having crashed four times in his life. He is able to fly a large range of planes from a small Cessna to a Junker and once saved the lives of his companions and civilians by controlling the crash of the passenger airplane they were on. It is unknown when and where Joseph learned to pilot, though it is possible that he figured it out in the instances where he was forced to control an aircraft.

Powers/Abilities (Things accredited to genes, unusual circumstances, and otherwise supernatural abilities):
Joseph inherited the Ripple and its capabilities from his grandfather, Jonathan Joestar as well as his mother, Lisa Lisa. In addition, he uses techniques commonly present in stage magic to confuse his foes. After his Ripple training, Joseph frequently combines his Ripple with other objects to perform complex and creative attacks.​

  • Ripple Hair Attack (波紋ヘア・アタック Hamon Hea Atakku): Joseph infuses his Ripple into strands of hair to make them hard enough to block incoming projectiles. Joseph used the ability to create a wall of Ripple in order to block bullets fired by Santana after ripping Stroheim's hair off.
  • Overdrive (波紋疾走オーバードライブ Ōbādoraibu): Much like any other Overdrive, the technique sends a large pulse of Ripple through an object. During his fight with Esidisi, Joseph used it to send the Ripple through the thread of his hat into Esidisi's body.
  • Rebuff Overdrive (波紋肘支疾走リーバッフオーバードライブ Rībaffu Ōbādoraibu): Joseph charges Ripple into his elbows and delivers a powerful strike. This was used during Joseph's fight with Wamuu to retaliate his falling attack.
  • Zoom Punch (ズームパンチ Zūmu Panchi): Similar to his grandfather's move, Joseph uses the Ripple to dislocate his shoulder and arm to strike opponents at a longer range.
  • Ripple Overdrive (波紋波紋疾走オーバードライブ Hamon Ōbādoraibu): Joseph channels a large amount of the Ripple into his whole arm and delivers a powerful chopping attack. This slowly transfers the Ripple blast through the point hit, making it advance until blowing up when Joseph had touched. Joseph used it against Kars in a duel and exploded his arm, destroying the Lightblade that could cut through anything without fail up until that point.
  • Ripple Beat: Joseph charges his hand with Ripple and strikes his opponent with a chop. This attack is not capable of harming Joseph himself even if he directs it to himself, as the Ripple used is his own.
American Clacker
In order to come up with a special attack, Joseph invented a fighting style that involved infusing the Ripple into a pair of normal American Clackers. Once infused, the Clackers become a lethal weapon, as the user is able to rip through an opponent's skin using them, and from there the Ripple can enter the body, thus inflicting massive damage. Because of their shape and aerodynamic design, someone who is trained in the Clackers' use is able to easily maneuver them around their body, even having the ability to make them seemingly disappear by hiding them behind their back.

  • Clacker Volley (クラッカーヴォレイ Kurakkā Vorei): Joseph chucks the Clackers into his opponent's direction. This can be done a number of ways, but to produce the best and most surprising effect, he can hide them behind his back. From there, Joseph can slingshot them from behind his back at the enemy in all directions.
  • Clacker Boomerang (クラッカーブーメラン Kurakkā Būmeran): Joseph throws both pairs of Clackers into a beam or pillar behind the opponent. This is in order to fool them into assuming he missed. One is thrown into the partition, causing one side of it to be lodged in place. The other side grabs onto the second pair of Clackers, and essentially flings them back towards the opponent from behind, much like how a boomerang works.

Weaknesses (If anything notable):
It all depends on his breathing, if he can't breath or his rhythm is interrupted; he can't use Hamon or Ripple.

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):

"OH NO!" - One of Joseph's famous catchphrase

Name: Joseph Joestar
also known as JoJo (in Battle Tendency only)

Universe From: JoJo's Bizarre Adventures: Battle Tendency

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Joseph was born the son of George Joestar II and Elizabeth, establishing him as the grandson of Jonathan Joestar. When his mother was forced to go into hiding after killing his father's murderer, one of Dio Brando surviving zombies, his grandmother Erina Joestar decided it would be best if he assumed his parents died, out of fear he might get caught up in the same fatal situation his father and grandfather suffered. It was then both Erina and Robert E. O. Speedwagon who took care of Joseph. The young Joseph developed early an ability to use the Ripple inherited from his grandfather, first displaying it when Speedwagon was being kidnapped.

In Battle Tendency, visiting New York with Erina, Joseph encounters Smokey Brown, an African-American youth who steals his wallet. Nonetheless, Joseph befriends the pickpocket after giving a beating to two corrupt policemen who brutalized Smokey. Both he and Erina acquaint themselves with Smokey. While dining in a restaurant, Joseph personally publicly humiliates a racist mafioso who kept insulting Smokey; that mafioso's companion then suddenly informs him that Speedwagon is reported dead in Mexico. Later that night, Joseph is attacked in New York City by Straizo, an old companion of his grandfather Jonathan turned-Vampire. After being led on a wild chase, Joseph manages to defeat Straizo, who destroys himself with his stored Ripple while warning the youth of the Pillar Men.[1]

Joseph goes to Mexico in search of Speedwagon, revealed to be alive in a secret underground Nazi facility where the Nazis are trying to revive a man who seems to have been trapped in a stone pillar for 2,000 years. Here Joseph meets the Nazi Rudol von Stroheim. Unfortunately, the Nazis are successful in awakening the man, who is christened "Santana" before he kills most of them. Joseph battles Santana and manage to defeat him with Stroheim's help before he seemingly died.[2] Before Stroheim dies, the nazi reveals that three more "sleeping pillar men" have been discovered underneath the Colosseum in Rome and that Joseph must stop them and meet with an ally.
In Rome, Joseph meets Caesar, a trained Ripple user near his age who is supposed to show Joseph the ropes. At first, they are unable to do anything but argue; Caesar blames Jonathan Joestar for causing the death of his grandfather Will Anthonio Zeppeli through his incompetence. Caesar brings a Nazi named Mark to drive them to the Colosseum, where they find the three pillar men, Wamuu, Esidisi, and Kars, awakened. Mark is casually killed by Wamuu, enraging Caesar and causing the pair to fight him.[3] Unfortunately, even with his American Ripple-Infused Clackers, the untrained Joseph is unable to stand a chance. Luckily, he manages to talk them out of killing him promising to train for a whole month for a rematch.
To ensure that Joseph does not chicken out, Wamuu and Esidisi both end up inserting a "wedding ring" inside Joseph's heart and throat. They explain that the rings are internal time bombs set to release poison into his blood if he does not defeat them and retrieve the antidote they carry within a month.[4] Joseph realizes that he will have to train or die, and Caesar introduces Joseph to his master Lisa Lisa, who also reveals that the motives of the pillar men are to seize the Red Stone of Aja to become perfect life forms.

Along with Caesar, Joseph begins his training under Lisa Lisa. She immediately forces Joseph to use a modified mask to alter his breathing, enough for him to be able to keep it in control when using the ripple. She then puts both students in the 'Hell Climb Pillar', a pillar covered with oil that requires expert control of the Ripple to climb. Without experience in the use of the Ripple, Joseph has trouble climbing, but finally manages to do so thanks to Caesar's help. In the next weeks, Joseph trains under the harsh Loggins, who teaches him how to breathe in for 10 minutes straight and how to breathe 10 times in one second. As his last test, with only a week left before the poison takes effect, Joseph needs to defeat Loggins in a battle to earn the right to be recognized as a proper Ripple user.

Joseph fights Esidisi

Joseph finds Loggins murdered by Esidisi, who learned of the Super Aja in Lisa Lisa's possession. Denied his chance to pay back his teacher for the hell he went through, Joseph finds himself nearly outwitted by Esidisi before managing to defeat him with both his new skills and a sleight of hand strategy involving his wool hat. Joseph ingests the antidote in his opponent's nose ring, but doesn't realize that his attack only reduced Esidisi to a disembodied nervous system. Esidisi then takes over Suzi Q's body to mail the Red Stone to Kars in Switzerland while taking a last stand to deal with Joseph and the Ripple Users. Joseph and Caesar manage to safely force Esidisi out of Suzi Q by using opposing ripples and then watch as the Pillar Man is dissolved by the sunlight. Joseph mentions being impressed by Esidisi's resolve and loyalty, having gone so far to help Kars succeed.[5] Lisa Lisa discovers that Esidisi sent the Aja to Switzerland, and the Joestar Group leaves Venice for the Alps.

While pursuing the Super Aja, Joseph and his companions see a platoon of German soldiers confiscating the Red Stone of Aja and are invited to a chalet, where Joseph is reunited with the supposedly-deceased Stroheim, who has been rebuilt as a powerful cyborg by Nazi science. But at the same time, Kars has infiltrated the Nazi chalet in search for the Aja. Stroheim's machine body is quickly cut in half by Kars, who instinctively knows Joseph killed Esidisi and expresses hidden hatred towards who he initially considered a source of amusement. During the struggle, the Red Stone of Aja slips and falls into a ravine where Joseph and Kars battle to seize it. After a difficult fight, Joseph manages to keep the Stone while Kars disappears at the bottom of the ravine.

The next day, the group discovers a likely hideout for the Pillar Men and Caesar is eager to go fight them. Joseph voiced being against going after Kars in daylight, sensing a trap. This result in Joseph saying words that drive Caesar off the edge as he leaves to do the job himself, Joseph learning his friend's story and changing his mind. However, by the time he and Lisa Lisa arrive, they see Caesar had already died fighting Wamuu and used the last of his strength to get the Pillar Man's lip ring. Out of respect for Caesar, Joseph decides to not take the antidote until he defeats Wamuu.[6] Joseph and Lisa Lisa decide to pursue the likely wounded Wamuu inside the mansion.

Joseph against Wamuu in the Chariot Race

Joseph and Lisa Lisa find Kars and Wamuu but also find themselves outnumbered by Kars´s vampires. Lisa Lisa bluffs destroying the Super Aja unless the Pillar Men accept her terms to settle things in two one-on-one showdowns at the Skeleton Heel Stone arena. Sent to retrieve the stone, Joseph notices the photo of an infant with Erina, Speedwagon, and Straizo and confronts Lisa Lisa about it. She tells only half of the photo's significance before Joseph engages Wamuu in a deadly Roman chariot race-battle. Wamuu initially gets the upper hand, but Joseph still manages to counter his dangerous attacks and destroys Wamuu´s body with only his dissolving head. Joseph, in a sign of honor to the warrior, gave Wamuu some of his own blood to ease his pain before drinking the antidote to give his opponent peace of mind.[7]

Kars proves to be less honorable than Wamuu and breaks his promise to fight Lisa Lisa one-on-one and sacrifices one of his weaker vampires in order to defeat her. Angered by Kars' treachery, Joseph then challenges Kars, who looks upon him as a weak Ripple user and not even worth fighting seriously. All seems to be over in this fight against Kars until a newly rebuilt Stroheim and his Nazi soldiers, Speedwagon, and Smokey arrive to help. As the two fought on, Joseph is eventually given the decision to choose between his life or Lisa Lisa's, but is able to counter the whole situation and send Kars flying into the spike pit below. Stroheim and his Nazi soldiers blast Kars with ultraviolet light, but unknowingly gave him the light necessary for his Super Aja-embedded stone mask to trigger and transform him into the ultimate life form.[8]

Kars final blow
Joseph about to be killed by Kars.

Taking the Super Aja while running off, Joseph steals one of the Germans' airplanes to lead Kars away while devising a strategy to defeat him. Joseph then assumed he could kill Kars using the planet: namely crashing the plane with Kars on it into a volcano. Though it appears Kars is dead while sinking into the magma, the Pillar Man evolved a continuous and inorganic porous material to protect himself while digging his way out and slicing Joseph's arm off. When all seemed lost, Joseph unconsciously defends himself from Kars' enhanced Ripple by having the Super Aja redirect the attack into the ground. This causes an eruption that blasts the land the two fighters are on into the air, with Joesph distracting Kars long enough to be knocked out of Earth's orbit by debris. But gravity runs its course and Stroheim assumes Joseph dead at sea near Italy.[9]

Joseph shows up to his own "funeral"

Joseph and his new wife Suzi Q

Weeks later, a funeral is held for the presumably-dead Joseph, but Joseph himself crashes the event and reveals that after he fell back down from the sky, he ended up in Italy where he was helped by some local fisherman and nursed back to health by Suzi Q and later marries her. Joseph then returned to America to find his friends bewildered and shocked; he comes to the realization that Suzi Q had evidently forgotten to telegram them reassuring his survival.

In Battle Tendency, Joseph is a hotheaded, impetuous, and confrontational young man. Quick to violently respond to the slightest provocation, Joseph would often get into brawls growing up; prior to events of the story, he had been imprisoned seven times and expelled once from school for fighting/ Having no respect for authority save of his grandmother's, and later Lisa Lisa's, Joseph has antagonized policemen and mafiosi alike. Furthermore, Joseph is a foul-mouthed individual and regularly taunts his enemies, enjoying aggravating them. He notably taunted Kars when he launched him into space, claiming to have again planned everything from the beginning just to annoy him.

Joseph is a playful man and prefers fooling around over having any responsibility. By his own admission, his most hated sentences are "hard work" and "work hard", and still had to be pushed to train his Ripple talent in spite of facing certain death if he didn't meet and fight Wamuu again. Joseph has a fairly goofy side and spends half of his fights enjoying having outsmarted his current enemy with incredibly zany schemes, which take his opponents by surprise by how silly his plans are at first sight. A show-off, Joseph likes being the center of attention and couldn't stand that his rival Caesar had a special technique. With his prestidigitation talent, Joseph mixed his boastful nature and his love of pranks into a dangerous tool in battle.

At the beginning of his adventure, Joseph's one redeeming trait is his devotion to his family and friends. Joseph cares deeply for his grandmother Erina Joestar, and is deeply angered when a gangster has the nerve of mentioning Speedwagon's death before her, which upset her. Joseph also cares for his "Uncle Speedwagon", who he considers like a father and Speedwagon's disappearance pushed Joseph to go look for him in Mexico. Joseph also has a knack for befriending people. Despite having been stolen his wallet, Joseph quickly befriended Smokey Brown and couldn't tolerate discrimination against him. In the same way, Joseph befriended Caesar Zeppeli and Lisa Lisa even though they had difficult starts. Joseph even came to respect the Pillar Man Wamuu, and gave him a last salute as he died.

Over the course of Part 2, although he never really lost his overall attitude, he did develop into a strong, focused hero. In accord with his dismissal of any kind of discipline, Joseph believes that anything is fair in a fight as long as one isn't needlessly cruel. This results in him being a cheat and once earned him a scolding when he tried to climb the Hell Climb Pillar using a rope instead of with the Ripple as intended. Joseph possess a peculiar sense of honour, acknowledging Esidisi's underhanded moves as somewhat noble, since he did them for his fellow Pillar Men. However, when Kars backstabbed Lisa Lisa, Joseph was furious since he sullied the memory of his companion Wamuu. Thus it could be said that Joseph values kinship dearly.
Joseph is something of a flirt. He regularly comments on women's voluptuousness and was bold in his flirting with his future wife Suzi Q. Joseph's antagonistic behavior toward Caesar may have been out of jealousy that he could seduce girls so easily. Not knowing that Lisa Lisa was his mother, Joseph enjoyed peeping on herand when she practically revealed herself as his mother, Joseph was more concerned by her actual age.

Skills (Things that a normal human could train to become proficient in):
> Acrobatic: Joseph is an exceptionally agile fighter, performing acrobatics on a regular basis. Being quite athletic, Joseph distinguishes himself through feats of agility, in contrast to his grandfather Jonathan Joestar who performed feats of strength. He can for instance perform an aerial cartwheel when Esidisi grips his fist to escape the lock (all the while setting up a string to slice his arm), has performed impressive jumps, for instance pole vaulting into Wamuu's chariot to escape being crushed or a somersault while sliding underneath a layer of oil, and has managed to perform corde lisse tricks against Kars.

> Wit and Trickery: Joseph Joestar's mind is his deadliest and most valuable asset. Joseph's favorite strategy is to psych out his opponents. To do so, he notably predicts what his enemies will say next or more commonly provokes them to unnerve them and make them predictable in their move. Joseph is incredibly proficient in analyzing the personalities of those he faces and guessing information about them by observing small details about them, then shamelessly exploits any character flaw they have in order to return whatever they will be doing next against them, most commonly their overconfidence. Of note are particular quirks such as Wamuu's pride as a warrior or Kars' obsession for the Red Stone of Aja. However, Joseph is unknowingly as susceptible to these tactics as his opponents, leading him to be psyched out himself by Esidisi.

Joseph bamboozle
Joseph is a master of trickery and deception.

Having great prestidigitation skills, his goofy demeanor serving as the greatest distraction and facade he can rely on, Joseph is able to attack from unexpected angles or make critical moves under the guise of simple stupidity or ignorance; Joseph will often use one obvious strategy hiding another, more advanced one to fool and trap his opponents. Joseph is maybe the most proficient man in the series at using his environment to his advantage, the Ripple increasing the danger and combative capability of any item he gets his hands on. Among others, Joseph has used mirrors, glass shots, hair, a well, pasta, pigeons, wool hats, icicles, pebbles, and his own plane as tools and weapons to grasp the upper hand, each use having had applied efficiency and imagination. Joseph also keeps a number of tools handy just in case, concealing weapons on his person for when he expects danger.

When cornered, Joseph can still rely on his particularly quick wits to come up with a viable solution in an near-instant. The most successful instance being Joseph using the Red Stone of Aja to amplify Ultimate Life Form Kars' Ripple Attack so as to cause a volcanic eruption and send him into space. Joseph's tendency to use so many tricks stems from his particular mindset. He considers that in combat, every move is fair-play with the exception of involving civilians and being needlessly cruel. Thus he isn't bound by any code and doesn't hesitate to flee, or cheat if the ends justify the means, as seen against the D'Arby brothers.

> Near-Death Survival Technique: After he lit his scarf on fire, Joseph told Kars that he was putting his life in danger so he would be pushed beyond his own limits to find a new technique before the flame reached him. This was actually part of a plan to trick Kars, who would be too distracted to notice Joseph's plan to save Lisa Lisa.

> The Joestar "Secret Technique": The Joestar family's "secret technique". Usually utilized as a last resort, Joseph invented this move to use when battling the enemy seemed hopeless. In reality, it was actually used to stall time in order for Joseph to formulate a plan. The secret technique consists of carefully and quickly retreating from the opponent, while keeping a close eye on surroundings for things to use to defeat or assist in defeating them. To the untrained eye, it looks like Joseph is simply running away like a coward, augmented by his panicked shouting when doing so. He will also use this technique to try to lure an enemy away from others.

Secret technique
Joseph performing his secret technique.

> Flying:
Joseph is a proficient pilot despite having crashed four times in his life. He is able to fly a large range of planes from a small Cessna to a Junker and once saved the lives of his companions and civilians by controlling the crash of the passenger airplane they were on. It is unknown when and where Joseph learned to pilot, though it is possible that he figured it out in the instances where he was forced to control an aircraft.

Powers/Abilities (Things accredited to genes, unusual circumstances, and otherwise supernatural abilities):
Joseph inherited the Ripple and its capabilities from his grandfather, Jonathan Joestar as well as his mother, Lisa Lisa. In addition, he uses techniques commonly present in stage magic to confuse his foes. After his Ripple training, Joseph frequently combines his Ripple with other objects to perform complex and creative attacks.​

  • Ripple Hair Attack (波紋ヘア・アタック Hamon Hea Atakku): Joseph infuses his Ripple into strands of hair to make them hard enough to block incoming projectiles. Joseph used the ability to create a wall of Ripple in order to block bullets fired by Santana after ripping Stroheim's hair off.
  • Overdrive (波紋疾走オーバードライブ Ōbādoraibu): Much like any other Overdrive, the technique sends a large pulse of Ripple through an object. During his fight with Esidisi, Joseph used it to send the Ripple through the thread of his hat into Esidisi's body.
  • Rebuff Overdrive (波紋肘支疾走リーバッフオーバードライブ Rībaffu Ōbādoraibu): Joseph charges Ripple into his elbows and delivers a powerful strike. This was used during Joseph's fight with Wamuu to retaliate his falling attack.
  • Zoom Punch (ズームパンチ Zūmu Panchi): Similar to his grandfather's move, Joseph uses the Ripple to dislocate his shoulder and arm to strike opponents at a longer range.
  • Ripple Overdrive (波紋波紋疾走オーバードライブ Hamon Ōbādoraibu): Joseph channels a large amount of the Ripple into his whole arm and delivers a powerful chopping attack. This slowly transfers the Ripple blast through the point hit, making it advance until blowing up when Joseph had touched. Joseph used it against Kars in a duel and exploded his arm, destroying the Lightblade that could cut through anything without fail up until that point.
  • Ripple Beat: Joseph charges his hand with Ripple and strikes his opponent with a chop. This attack is not capable of harming Joseph himself even if he directs it to himself, as the Ripple used is his own.
American Clacker
In order to come up with a special attack, Joseph invented a fighting style that involved infusing the Ripple into a pair of normal American Clackers. Once infused, the Clackers become a lethal weapon, as the user is able to rip through an opponent's skin using them, and from there the Ripple can enter the body, thus inflicting massive damage. Because of their shape and aerodynamic design, someone who is trained in the Clackers' use is able to easily maneuver them around their body, even having the ability to make them seemingly disappear by hiding them behind their back.

  • Clacker Volley (クラッカーヴォレイ Kurakkā Vorei): Joseph chucks the Clackers into his opponent's direction. This can be done a number of ways, but to produce the best and most surprising effect, he can hide them behind his back. From there, Joseph can slingshot them from behind his back at the enemy in all directions.
  • Clacker Boomerang (クラッカーブーメラン Kurakkā Būmeran): Joseph throws both pairs of Clackers into a beam or pillar behind the opponent. This is in order to fool them into assuming he missed. One is thrown into the partition, causing one side of it to be lodged in place. The other side grabs onto the second pair of Clackers, and essentially flings them back towards the opponent from behind, much like how a boomerang works.

Weaknesses (If anything notable):
It all depends on his breathing, if he can't breath or his rhythm is interrupted; he can't use Hamon or Ripple.

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):
Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo Accepted since it's not Darth Ben.

"German science is the best thing in the world!" - Rudol von Stroheim commenting about his cyborg body.


Rudol von Stroheim

Universe From

JoJo's Bizarre Adventures - Battle Tendency





Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):

Stroheim takes an injured Robert E. O. Speedwagon to the Nazi base in Mexico and interrogates him for information regarding the Pillar Men. He reveals that the Nazis had acquired one of them, which he named "Santana" after the warm winds of Mexico. Stroheim eventually sacrifices himself in an attempt to stop Santana's rampage and is assumed to have died until he reappears at the border of Switzerland to retrieve the Red Stone of Aja.

Stroheim as a Cyborg.

Thanks to Nazi science, Colonel Stroheim was revived with cybernetic parts (including a machine gun on his chest and a monocle that presumably serves as a Terminator/Robocop-esque radar system). He challenges Kars to a duel and is quickly cut in half, but is ultimately able to separate Kars from the stone by firing a ultraviolet beam from his eye. Stroheim appears yet again after being reconstructed with the help of the Speedwagon Foundation science division and StroheimSA
Stroheim saves Joseph.

He saves Joseph from Kars' impending vampire army just in the nick of time. Kars is defeated by Joseph soon after and is sent falling onto a spikes below, where Stroheim and his division blast him with ultraviolet light. They fail to realize, however, that Kars had donned a Stone Mask with the Aja and are dumbstruck when he achieves his ultimate form and begins killing them off with a squirrel formed from his right hand. After Joseph hijacks a Nazi aircraft to lure Kars away, Stroheim reveals himself in the side wing of the plane just before it goes plummeting into an active volcano. After pinning Kars to the front end of the aircraft, he pulls Joseph out of the plane and cushions their fall by sacrificing his cybernetic legs. The volcano eventually erupts when Kars' Ripple collides with the Red Stone of Aja, launching both Joseph and him into the air. Stroheim eventually returns to the rest of the group and reports Joseph's supposed death. After the battle with Kars, Stroheim had Joseph Joestar's severed left hand replaced by a mechanical one as a gift but never meets Joseph again and is said to have died honourably at the battle of Stalingrad in 1943 but did he?


When Stroheim is first introduced, he is a callous and cruel Nazi Major who has the foolish idea to experiment with the Stone Mask in order to further the power of the Waffen-SS. During his mission in Mexico, Stroheim commits several heinous misdeeds such as capturing locals and forcibly turn them into guinea pigs for his vampire experiments (including women and children),[3] or threatening to cut a maid's tongue for slightly cutting him during a shave.[4] However, upon being threatened with Santana's rampage, he also demonstrates bravery and does not hesitate when trapped in asking Joseph to cut off his leg; or blow himself up with a grenade to kill the invading Santana.[5] This is seen once again when Stroheim gives him a helping hand in defeating Kars and helping Joseph drive him into the volcano with an airplane. Stroheim maintained his bravery up until the Battle of Stalingrad, 1943, where he is said to have fought bravely and died.[6]

Likewise, Stroheim respects courage from others, no matter what ethnicity the individual may belong to. His appreciation for valor is seen when he spares one Mexican boy for being willing to sacrifice himself for his cellmates; on the other hand he executed the rest of the prisoners for not having the same spirit, making the boy's sacrifice moot.[7]

Stroheim is an enthusiastic nationalist. He is particularly proud of his cyborg body; praising "German science" and generally loudly boasting the Germans given the occasion.[8] His pride occasionally grows into overconfidence and arrogance. Because of it, Stroheim tends to both overestimate himself or his technology and underestimate how formidable the Pillar Men are. Thus, three times during the story, a Pillar Man gets the better of him; first Santana easily escapes his cell and attacks him,[9] then his cyborg body is also defeated by Kars[10] and finally Stroheim rushes to finish Kars in the battle of the Piz Bernina Ruins allows the Pillar Man to return the UV light against the humans and turn into the Ultimate Lifeform.[11] On a regular basis, Stroheim also loudly laughs at his foes and point his finger at them when they are in a position of weakness.

Skills (Things that a normal human could train to become proficient in):

> Capable leadership: He's a Nazi officer - what do you expect..
> Combat and weapons expertise
> Physically fit
> Extraordinary Bravery

Powers/Abilities (Things accredited to genes, unusual circumstances, and otherwise supernatural abilities):
  • Abdominal Machine Gun: A machine gun inside Stroheim's stomach region, able to shoot 600 armored bullets per minute, and capable of piercing a 30-millimetre steel plate. Stroheim first introduces this weapon against Kars.
  • Ultraviolet Radiation Beam (紫外線照射装置 Shigaisen shōsha sōchi): Inside Stroheim's mechanized eye is a small laser cannon capable of firing a concentrated beam of Ultraviolet light. The beam itself is five times more intense than a set of typical ultraviolet lights and was able to pierce straight through Kars' hand.
  • Ultraviolet Shoulder Cannons: Built by the technical department of the Speedwagon Foundation specifically as an anti-vampire device, Stroheim is able to fire out powerful blasts of ultraviolet light from two flood lights located on each side of his shoulders. As miniaturized searchlights, they pack the same power as the original, but are light enough to carry with ease. Stroheim used these cannons during the final battle against Kars, where he, along with his team, fought back against the army of vampires.
  • Projectile Hand: Stroheim is capable of firing off his mechanical hand with enough force to impale and deeply wound an enemy. Though revealed only towards the end of the arc, Stroheim used it to prevent Kars' escape and pinned him to a plane that went crashing into an active volcano.

Weaknesses (If anything notable):

None notable

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):


'Quote' (optional):"Let him, he is allowed to think what he wants, it's fine,"

Name:Robin Hood

Universe From (Series your character comes from. If character is from an AU labeled as "Series Name" AU): The New Adventures Of Robin Hood



Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):Robin Hood grew up as a lord, Lord Robert "Robin" Locksley. He knew Lady Marion most of his life as they grew up together. They were inseperable and had a crush on one another but didn't act on it for sometime. Robin even knew Marion's older brother but he knew her way better than her brother. Growing up, Robin and her saw that the world was rather cruel and decided to become thieves, however he did first and then she showed him a while later. Robin Hood became the leader and that was the day Robin Hood was born, thanks to the apprentice of Merlin Olwyn. He decided to call him that as he gave up about being a lord. Despite the fact that Robin's dad was a lord but after his death and princess John taking everything from him he decided to join the group living in a hidden city. They started to steal from rich people and give to the poor. They even fought the bad guys who harmed innocent people to protect the people who couldn't protect themselves. Also, many girls hit on him and one of the other guys in his team/band of thief(not to confuse with musicians or such) called little John. All of them were always on king Richard's side, especially since they knew that prince John was evil. They hated Sheriff of Notthingham too for his loyalty to prince John. Robin was trained and helped a lot growing up by a wizard whom he met, names Olwyn the apprentice of Merlin, who gave him Arthur's sword.

Robin even knew that Marion's brother married a horrible witch, that eventually he did his best to avoid, as he even left on the crusades with king Richard as Robin and Marion dealt with her more than once, while they helped innocent people too. However, Robin was always worried when she was in danger and wise versa. When his team was in danger he alwats went to rescue them as they were his family and he theirs, just like the others who lived in the hidden village.

When guys hit on Marion Robin was jealous and wise versa, when girls hit on him she was. It frustrated Marion when girls hit on him which made him laugh a bit, slightly at her but more at the situation than anything. Robin broke her heart once or twice when she found him with a woman about to sleep together but he ended up going after her, instead if staying with the other girl because he was used, as his true love was always Marion and always will be. Robin and Marion grew closer and closer everyday. Like when he got hurt she took care of him and stayed by his side, until he got better and he was there for her when she got hurt or such, and until she got better. They teased each other a lot and flirted with each other a lot but they always cared for each other a lot. With nothing ever changing that, even if he annoyed her a lot but she always forgave him.

Also, on certain mission he and Little John used her as a distraction since she is a girl and would look good in a dress, as far as they are concerned. However, because of that they end up annoying and frustrating Marion, despite the fact that she ends up doing it anyway. However, it works due to the fact that she knows that they mean well. They had many adventures together. Until one day Robin disappeared and showed in a place he had never been to before.

Personality:Robin is a sweetheart, kind and caring guy. He is also, very tough and stubborn/headstrong. Not too mention Robin is overprotective of his friends and family. He is romantic and loyal as well as faithful but like anyone else he does make mistakes too, as well as learn from them. Robin is over protective of anyone that are in his gang/ band of thieves as they are like family to him, and he knows they are doing the right thing as they help those who can't help themselves. He is also, over protective of good poor people who got nothing as what he and those with him do, is for them after all, and just for him and those that's are with him. Robin might be a lord, but he doesn't care about it, human life matters more to him that that. He is also, very tricky as well as sneaky young man. He is a tease as well as a flirt too. Robin tends to be sarcastic and a goofball, as he got a good sense of humor.

Skills (Things that a normal human could train to become proficient in): He is good with bow and arrow, as well as with a sword.

Powers/Abilities (Things accredited to genes, unusual circumstances, and otherwise supernatural abilities): can do spells but not too big ones, not yet anyway as that he wasn't taught by Olwyn yet.

Weaknesses (If anything notable): Too strong magic, woman(namely Marion), Kids(he hates seeing kids in danger, suffer, going hungry etc. And always tried to help with it. Innocent people (he hates seeing them suffer, etc. He always does his best to help), he is naive.

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):N/A
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