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Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis: Characters


'Quote': "Life is locomotion. If you're not moving, you're not living. But there comes a time when you've got to stop running away from things and you've got to start running towards something. You've got to forge ahead. Keep moving even if your path isn't lit. Trust that you'll find your way." -The Flash

Name: Barry Allen

Universe From: DC Comics

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Metahuman

Bio: Young Barry Allen lived in Central City with his parents, Henry and Nora Allen. On one fateful day, Barry's mother was killed by unexplainable circumstances and his father was wrongly accused of murdering her. He pleaded his father's innocence, but no one would believe the words of a traumatized child. This spurred young Barry to become a Crime Scene Investigator for the Central City Police Department and work to prove his father's innocence and get him released from Iron Heights Prison. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be fast enough as his father passed away in prison. His life would be changed for the better one day, as he was struck by lightning and put into a coma. When he woke from this coma, he'd find he had extraordinary abilities, chiefly among them he found he could move at fantastic speeds. With these powers, he become Central City's biggest hero: The Flash, fastest man alive!

Personality: An overall nice guy, Barry Allen is openly friendly to almost everyone. Due to living a double life, he has come to be a little more reserved, though, if for no other reason than to keep his identity as The Flash a secret. At work, Barry focuses immensely on the job at hand and puts his analytical skills to great use, and often uses them as his alter ego. More than all, he is an extremely hopeful individual and often grants his enemies mercy and would let them go.

Skills: As a CSI, Barry's in possession of fantastic analytical skills and a brilliant scientific mind that's only amplified by his connection to the Speed Force. He's also been trained in hand to hand combat by various members of the Justice League.

Powers/Abilities: Barry's connection to the Speed Force grants him a slew of tremendous abilities. Chiefly among these is the super speed he is famous for, speed that goes above and beyond the speed of light itself. He's got enhanced durability, reflexes, reaction time, agility, and senses. He's in possession of a tremendous healing factor that can heal even severe wounds in a matter of minutes or hours. By accelerating the which at which his molecules move, he can vibrate his body to do a number of things, including phase through solid matter. He's also in the possession of the ability to traverse through time itself and change events of the past to influence the future. And since Barry generates the Speed Force as he runs, he's capable of harnessing and manipulating the lightning he generates while he runs with electrokinesis. Lastly, he can rotate his arms with such speeds to create mini cyclones.

Weaknesses: One would say that ice is The Flash's biggest weakness, as it can freeze him solid or cause him to lose his traction and fall on his face while running. Aside from this, his empathetic and optimistic nature would leave him open to attack should a foe he spares decide to attack him then and there.

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):
The Flash CW Soundtrack - The Flash Theme - YouTube

'Quote' (optional):

Name: Maya "Echo" Visari

Universe From (Series your character comes from. OCs are labeled as OCs): Killzone: Shadowfall

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation (Optional):

Species: Half Vektan/Half Helghast

Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Echo was born Maya Visari and is the daughter of Chancellor Hera Visari. It is currently unknown how many Helghast know this, though it's certainly likely that no one from Vekta ever knew it. Not even the VSA special forces had much lead on her, other than their intel describing her as a half-breed.

A reliable blood sample that confirms Maya's relation to the Chancellor has yet to be obtained. Her father is thought to be Vektan; his identity has also yet to be determined. Little is known of Maya's early history.

It is believed that she was housed in a boarding school outside of the city. She most likely had limited contact with her mother throughout this period. Maya returned to New Helghan at around the age of 16, having acquired considerable firearms and combat training.

She was put to work for Commander Anton Saric with the aim of infiltrating a number of anti-government groups within New Helghan. She is known to be fiercely defensive of her people. Maya is considered highly dangerous and wanted for multiple counts of murder and espionage.

The daughter of Hera Visari and granddaughter of Scolar Visari, Echo comes from a long line of Helghast aristocrats and politicians. It's currently unknown who her Vektan father is, yet Echo states that she is not ashamed of her hybrid heritage. As the Chancellor's daughter and an elite soldier of the Helghast Intelligence Agency, Echo holds some degree of command.

She led the Helghast troops through the abandoned ISA cruiser, and later ordered them to take Massar to the holding cells. It's implied that Echo is quite tenacious and passionate, to the point of seeming disobedient and rebellious. This is seen as she argues with her mother, and Lucas remarking that she seems to have a habit of disobeying orders.

This could also explain why she's a soldier despite being born into a rich and powerful Helghast family. What drives Echo is her intention to end hostilities on both sides. Her desire for peace is so great that she's willing to trust Lucas Kellan, despite the fact that their initial encounters were hostile.

On top of that, she takes huge risks to kill fellow soldiers so he could safely escape New Helghan and deliver her message to Sinclair that Vekta needs to stand down. She cares very much for her people and their well-being; she's glad that a Vektan like Lucas gets a glimpse of their lives for a change. She comes to value Kellan's trust and companionship over time; after he dies at the hands of Thomas Sinclair, she takes it upon herself to exact justice for his murder. She does so by assassinating Sinclair during a speech in Vetka.

Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):
Echo is a Half Helghast and Half Vektan that is a Helghast Intelligence elite spy In canon, Echo is able to hack small droid like creatures called spider bots and send them to a area to scramble the signal on the items so that Lucas could use them. Echo knows how to use the sniper the best as she is able to pick off enemies from a distance. It is shown in canon that her and Lucas fought back and forth in close hand to hand combat both with hands and knives with precise.

Her intimate knowledge of the areas and routes in New Helghan were crucial when helping Lucas escape. She helped Lucas out of a heavily fortified Helghast prison by her instructions alone when Lucas had no weapons and was dizzy (in canon)

Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff): N/A

Weaknesses (If anything notable): Weakness of being human like

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):
You're in Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

'Quote' (optional):

Name: Maya "Echo" Visari

Universe From (Series your character comes from. OCs are labeled as OCs): Killzone: Shadowfall

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation (Optional):

Species: Half Vektan/Half Helghast

Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Echo was born Maya Visari and is the daughter of Chancellor Hera Visari. It is currently unknown how many Helghast know this, though it's certainly likely that no one from Vekta ever knew it. Not even the VSA special forces had much lead on her, other than their intel describing her as a half-breed.

A reliable blood sample that confirms Maya's relation to the Chancellor has yet to be obtained. Her father is thought to be Vektan; his identity has also yet to be determined. Little is known of Maya's early history.

It is believed that she was housed in a boarding school outside of the city. She most likely had limited contact with her mother throughout this period. Maya returned to New Helghan at around the age of 16, having acquired considerable firearms and combat training.

She was put to work for Commander Anton Saric with the aim of infiltrating a number of anti-government groups within New Helghan. She is known to be fiercely defensive of her people. Maya is considered highly dangerous and wanted for multiple counts of murder and espionage.

The daughter of Hera Visari and granddaughter of Scolar Visari, Echo comes from a long line of Helghast aristocrats and politicians. It's currently unknown who her Vektan father is, yet Echo states that she is not ashamed of her hybrid heritage. As the Chancellor's daughter and an elite soldier of the Helghast Intelligence Agency, Echo holds some degree of command.

She led the Helghast troops through the abandoned ISA cruiser, and later ordered them to take Massar to the holding cells. It's implied that Echo is quite tenacious and passionate, to the point of seeming disobedient and rebellious. This is seen as she argues with her mother, and Lucas remarking that she seems to have a habit of disobeying orders.

This could also explain why she's a soldier despite being born into a rich and powerful Helghast family. What drives Echo is her intention to end hostilities on both sides. Her desire for peace is so great that she's willing to trust Lucas Kellan, despite the fact that their initial encounters were hostile.

On top of that, she takes huge risks to kill fellow soldiers so he could safely escape New Helghan and deliver her message to Sinclair that Vekta needs to stand down. She cares very much for her people and their well-being; she's glad that a Vektan like Lucas gets a glimpse of their lives for a change. She comes to value Kellan's trust and companionship over time; after he dies at the hands of Thomas Sinclair, she takes it upon herself to exact justice for his murder. She does so by assassinating Sinclair during a speech in Vetka.

Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):
Echo is a Half Helghast and Half Vektan that is a Helghast Intelligence elite spy In canon, Echo is able to hack small droid like creatures called spider bots and send them to a area to scramble the signal on the items so that Lucas could use them. Echo knows how to use the sniper the best as she is able to pick off enemies from a distance. It is shown in canon that her and Lucas fought back and forth in close hand to hand combat both with hands and knives with precise.

Her intimate knowledge of the areas and routes in New Helghan were crucial when helping Lucas escape. She helped Lucas out of a heavily fortified Helghast prison by her instructions alone when Lucas had no weapons and was dizzy (in canon)

Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff): N/A

Weaknesses (If anything notable): Weakness of being human like

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):

ACCEPTED darkred darkred
Appearance: Kazuto is a young man of average height with brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a blue hoodie and some blue jeans and black tennis shoes. When using his Symbiote Shifter, It takes the form of a blackish purple full bodysuit with a hood over his head. And no matter how hard you try too. All you can see under the hood is darkness making it impossible to see his face when the hood is over his head.

'Quote' (optional): Be it light or Darkness, You will never see me coming. I am but a Shadow that can strike from nowhere.

Name: Kazuto/Shadow Shifter

Universe From (Series your character comes from. OCs are labeled as OCs): Marvel OC

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (Optional): Heterosexual

Species: Human host of Symbiote

Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?): Kazuto is a young man that keeps to himself. He has a loving mother, an energetic father, and a shy, clingy little sister of 14 years. Kazuto was the kind of boy that kept to himself a lot. No one bothered him in school and he tended to stay in his room, joining family activities every once in awhile, Then that all changed. During his usual trek home. The earth shook and he looked up to see smoke. Curiosity getting the better of him. He headed over to see a crash site of a small meteorite. He inspected not noticing the black goo that clong to his clothes.Hearing police sirens and seeing red and blue lights, he ran home known the wiser of the black goo that began to cling to him. After that a few days passed and he began hearing a voice in his head. Needless to say his parents and little sister were worried, when Kazuto began talking to himself. He did his best to assure his family he was alright, but they still worried. After that, The merging happened and they ended up in Battle-world. Kazuto who was still trying to get used to the voice in his head, that starting to sound female to him. Found himself in a situation. He and his sister and a few others we’re being held hostage. Kazuto held onto his sister who shivered in fear, as they waited and hoped for a Pro Hero to come save them. However, it seemed their time was cut short when their captives found out they weren't suppose to be there. As they aimed their guns at the two, Kazuto realized they were about to die... And then the voice gave Kazuto an offer.

“Kazuto… I can help you stop these men and keep your sister and the other hostages safe. But I need you to trust in me, please.” Having no other choice Kazuto agreed. And once he did, he noticed blackish purple goo covering his form and changing into some kind of Bodysuit. Once fully done, Kazuto stood and began to combat the criminals much to his sister’s surprise. His arms turning into blunt objects such as a giant hammer. And he could even stretch them and use them like grappling hooks, pulling the criminals toward him, when they tried to aim at the other hostages. When all was said and done he escorted the hostages out to the police. A while after there was a news report about a Vigilante called “Shadow-Shifter” Due to the outfit he wore and how he could change the form of his limbs. However his sister knew the truth. Kazuto and the now Named Shifter Symbiote had completed their bond.

Personality: a bit of a loner, He tends to keep to himself and doesn’t participate in group things. He loves his family dearly though. He was one of those average acting people that didn’t want to be bothered. But when the Symbiote bonded to him, He began to be a bit… Happier. Even participating in group activities with those that considered him a friend.

Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff): Has a bit of an athletic build. Took Martial art lessons when he was younger.

Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff): Super Strength: Kazuto’s strength has been augmented by the symbiote Shifter. With the help of Shifter, Kazuto can lift up to 700 lbs.
Super Human Durability: When Kazuto becomes Shadow-Shifter, his body becomes highly resistant to physical injury, capable of withstanding assault from high-caliber bullets as well as attacks from super powered individuals.
Super Human Stamina: Shifter is also capable of surviving in harmful areas for long periods of time such as underwater or in toxic gases, When in such places Shifter filters breathable air to her host.
Regenerative Healing Factor: If Kazuto becomes injured in anyway, The Shifter can heal those wounds.
Genetic Memory: Allows Kazuto to obtain information through Shifter by touching other individuals. This is an ability he is slowly learning how to use. At his current level the best he can get is a few images at a time.
Constituent-Matter Manipulation: Symbiotes like Shifter can shift colors and mimic textures, allowing it to effectively become a morphing sentient costume. The neural tie to the host allows the symbiote to access the host's mind for fine control over details and situational awareness of what would be best for the given scenario (i.e. if trying to escape from the police can mimic a police uniform to completely throw them off the trail, or if the host is not comfortable with this can become an entirely different outfit to blend in with the crowd) This mimicry capability can be extended to forming melee weapons or shields as hard as steel. There are limits to this as the symbiote is a biological organism.

Weaknesses (If anything notable): He is weak to Loud sounds and sonic blasts while wearing Shifter. He is also weak to fire. While he is a Vigilante, He does not cross the line that most Vigilantes do. This sometimes comes back to bite him in the rear.

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo He's in 'cause he doesn't look like Ninjak anymore.
  • People can only look away when faced with their own mistakes.
    Shirou Emiya
    Name: Shirou Emiya, Faker, "Hero of Justice"
    Universe From: Nasuverse: Fate
    Age: 17
    Gender/Sexuality: Male, Heterosexual
    Species: Human, Magus
Last edited:
  • People can only look away when faced with their own mistakes.
    Shirou Emiya
    Name: Shirou Emiya, Faker, "Hero of Justice"
    Universe From: Nasuverse: Fate
    Age: 17
    Gender/Sexuality: Male, Heterosexual
    Species: Human, Magus

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo He's in
  • People can only look away when faced with their own mistakes.
    Shirou Emiya
    Name: Shirou Emiya, Faker, "Hero of Justice"
    Universe From: Nasuverse: Fate
    Age: 17
    Gender/Sexuality: Male, Heterosexual
    Species: Human, Magus

Snazzy CS, my guy.
Cerys-8 without helmet_3.gif
Cerys without helmet.pngCerys with helmet.png

Quote: 'Why be a soldier if you're not willing to observe and learn about your enemies? Without that knowledge, you won't truly know how to efficiently beat their dumbass.'

Name: Cerys-8 (pronounced s-air-iss eight), more commonly called Cerys.

Universe From: Destiny OC

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Exo- a kind of extremely advanced humanoid machine where (in most cases) the mind, conscious, and personality of a person is taken from a human brain, wiped of any memories, and put fresh into the robotic shell. Now that person is close to immortal and isn't held back by a biological body, despite the fact they have little to no recollection of their life before becoming an Exo. Some are able to piece their pasts together over time, but others will never know. Sometimes not knowing is for the best. They can also eat and drink normal substances without consequences and even have a sex drive, despite the fact that Exo are robotic beings without biological, living body parts to do either. They somehow still do those things, though (the game just talks about its needed but they don't explain how it's possible for a robot body to do either, so I'm guessing they have artificial body parts to carry out both things). According to lore described in the game, these human drives were artificially added to Exo and needed to keep them from going insane,. Without them, the organic mind will not accept being in a robotic body and could go insane, even becoming so corroded that it will kill itself. If the mind can still be saved after having a breakdown, they will be wiped and rebooted like before, starting over again while staying in its Exo shell. This normally doesn't happen if an Exo has been "reborn" in the Light of the Traveler, but all Exo Guardians have still been rebooted at least once before becoming a Guardian. It is speculated that the number behind their name represents the number of times they have been rebooted.
Exo - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia

Bio: All Guardians, including Cerys, had a life before becoming a Guardian. However, they have no recollection of it unless they do some heavy digging into their past, because most had been dead for many years beforehand and their memories have been lost with death and time. They are all revived by something called a Ghost, which is a small, sentient android that is essentially made of a substance called the Light. This Light is supplied by the Traveler, the last entity keeping humanity and it's subspecies alive and safe from its enemies (usually referred to as the Darkness). Each Guardian has their own Ghost, which stays with them forever if all goes well, and it helps them keep their immortality through reviving the Guardian every time they die. Sometimes these Ghosts fail or the Guardian's Light is stripped from them, resulting in their permanent death without revival. That is rare, but it does happen since some places have enough Darkness (aka enemy forces) to make the Light too weak.
Anyway, Cerys was first revived by her Ghost, named Pepin, on the planet Venus. After that, she learned more about what its like to be a Guardian, honing her skills and growing in strength while killing small pawns and near-gods alike. Basically, doing the normal Guardian thing.

Within her first couple months of becoming a Guardian, she befriended a young Hunter named Arjun. These two quickly grew very close, spending most of their time together. They were a good duo, completing many missions as a team and with others. Their Ghosts would frequently tease them that they were quickly becoming romantic, but the two Guardians always insisted (in denial) that, no, they were only friends. Either way, they were a strong pair who worked well together, teaching each other new tricks and building upon each other.

After almost two years of this friendship, it came to an end in the worse of ways. While on a mission against a dangerous enemy known as the Taken, both Guardians went down for a moment. The place they were in had weakened Light due to the throng of enemies, so this made it harder to be revived. Guardians and Ghosts alike often refer to these places as Restricted Zones. Guardians can definitely be revived there, but it takes longer and leaves more room for failure. Unfortunately, before either Guardian could be revived, the Taken consumed Arjun and his Ghost, snuffing out his Light for good. Pepin, Cerys' Ghost, was able to revive her before the same happened to them, and quickly teleported himself and Cerys out of the area as soon as she was revived. He was terrified, and also knew that Cerys wouldn't take the situation well once she saw her best friend's permanently dead body. And, of course, she didn't respond well at all.

Cerys was distraught after losing her best friend like that, especially since its so rare for Guardians to die. It really messed her up. In her angry sorrow, she wanted to go down and avenge her friend right then and there, but Pepin was somehow able to talk her down from it. Instead, a few days later she went down there with a few other Guardians she knew, aiming to complete the mission and gather the remains of Arjun. Unfortunately, by the time they made it back, it appeared the Taken had already cleared out their somewhat temporary base. Thankfully, Arjun's body was still there. Seeing it made Cerys spiral again, but she kept it together long enough to transport his body back to the Tower (basically the "headquarters" for Guardians back on Earth, over the Last safe City) with help of the others for a proper burial. However, she did make sure to keep his cloak and knife, both key things that mark a Guardian as being a Hunter. The cloak always stays in her ship, mostly untouched, but the knife stays in a sheath under her robes, attached to her thigh for easy access. She uses it sometimes when she's out in the field, especially when she needs a weapon other than her rifles, and it's not uncommon for her to be seen toying with it when she is bored or trying to distract herself from troubling thoughts. It is very uncommon to see a Warlock keeping a Hunter knife, but she doesn't care. It helps her remember her friend, and it is rather useful at times.

About a year later, after she had been a Guardian for a little over three years, Cerys experienced another hardship. However, every Guardian was slammed by it this time- they lost their Light, to an ass named Ghual. He's part of a species named Cabal, a known enemy to Guardians and humans alike. It's amazing he was able to do it, since it has not happened before.

(A little more explanation first. The last safe human city, known as the Last City or simply The City, is surrounded by a wall, guarded by the Guardians, and has the Traveler sitting above it. The Traveler is this enormous white globe that hovers in the air directly over the City and provides the Guardians with their powers. No one is sure where the Traveler came from, but it is almost a god to the Guardians and residence of the City. When it first showed up, it helped humanity so much that it greatly enhanced life for humans, such as tripling life expectancy and increasing the advance of technology, helping to create many things (such as the Exo, who back then were used at either mortal soldiers or a step toward immortality). It also changed other nearby planets to make them inhabitable by humans, allowing for an environment and atmosphere they could easily live in. Some planets it has done this with are Earth's moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and some lesser known moons and planetoids known as Titan, Io, and Nessus. Humans were able to go almost everywhere in the Sol System. This time in human history is known as the Golden Age. Then, the advancement of the Darkness stopped the Traveler in its tracks, making it hunker down to one spot on Earth and leaving the humans essentially helpless as the Darkness tried to take everything. This place is now the City, and the Traveler's Guardians are now it's demigod-like soldiers protecting the people residing there.

Ghaul was able to take that Light by storming the City with thousands of his Cabal soldiers, construct a sort of "cage" around the Traveler, and restrict its ability to give the Guardians their Light. After that, all Guardians were resorted to being normal people, no stronger than civilians, weak as heck, and easy to kill. Ghaul's plan was to take that Light to use for himself, making himself invincible, while destroying the last human city and their Guardians at the same time. There were still some civilians and other Guardians spread out around Earth that he couldn't directly touch at that time, but he still made the remaining humans and Guardians easy pickings since every Guardian lost their powers no matter where they were.

Many people perished in the attack, both in and outside of the City, but Cerys was one of the lucky few who made it out. After a lot of work, Ghaul was finally killed and the Light was restored as the Traveler displayed it's first attempt of an attack on its enemies in many years. It was a depressing journey (it made me so depressed to play the beginning of the campaign because it was really sad), and staying alive was not easy, but the Guardians eventually pulled through, even with help from some mortal humans.

Many adventures and missions happened after then, and a year later, it's present day for Cerys. She has been a Guardian for four years by this point.

Personality: Cerys is usually rather quiet, preferring to observe rather than engage. But she is still open to conversation and is pretty relaxed and chill, especially if talking about a subject that interests her. She loves learning new things about subjects of interest, especially about other living beings and how they operate (even her enemies). Cerys, with her Warlock, knowledge-seeking nature, can often be found hidden from sight while observing peaceful creatures or enemies wherever she may be. She is a Warlock, and most Guardians of that nature love to sit and absorb book knowledge, meditate, even practice magic of sorts. Cerys isn't opposed to doing that, however she often gets bored with it, becoming too jittery to sit still and sometimes too preoccupied with troubling thoughts to sit doing nothing. For that reason, she prefers to be out in the field instead, distracting herself with more hands-on, rifle-in-hand Guardian activities. However, despite her more active Guardian lifestyle, she is willing to relax around others and have a good time around those she feels comfortable with. Just don't piss her off if you can help it. She holds grudges with an iron grip due to how many wrongs she's seen, and existing to constantly protect humanity from its enemies has made her potentially become violent when angry. Even without her firearms, she can be a dangerous person.

Skills: Mainly with firearms because most of her day-to-day activities involve them. She is also skilled at absorbing knowledge like most Warlocks, and she isn't too shabby with knives and swords.

Powers/Abilities: Almost everything about a Guardian is superhuman since they're almost like demigods, so any of Cerys' Light abilities count as superhuman. Such as a rechargeable Super attack that is basically a strong attack of built up Light, as well as grenades, strong melee, healing rift, shielded armor, and ammo for her weapons that spawns from the death of her enemies. Sometimes ammo also spawns after doing certain things with her weapons, and her rifles usually have their ammo reserves refreshed to full after she has died and is revived. There are three Light "elements" that a Guardian can master in: Arc, Void, and Solar (colored blue, purple, and orange, respectively). Cerys uses the arc subclass, which makes her a Stormcaller Warlock. The super attack for Warlocks of this subclass makes them cast charged electric energy along their entire body, with the main damage being done from that same energy being shot from their hands in this bolts. It has moderate length but not excessive, and it does a decent amount of damage. When using a certain version of the subclass, it also sends a strong bolt of electricity into the ground upon casting it, like lightning. Use this super on a throng of average sized, weaker enemies and they'll all be gone in seconds, a lot from that initial casting. However, it does not last long. The super lasts for only about 20 seconds, and actually aiming and firing it cuts down on how long is lasts. Then the super recharges again in two or three minutes, with the cooldown being shortened with every enemy that is killed during the cooldown. It only takes around three minutes or so if the Guardian is standing around doing nothing for the whole duration. The Arc grenade style Cerys uses is a bolt grenade, where when she throws it and the grenade quickly extends bolts of electricity to nearby enemies to damage or kill them. This takes a minute or so to recharge as well, but its the same as the super where killing enemies makes the cooldown shorter (that's basically the case for all elemental abilities). A Warlock melee is basically an open-hang hit, or a strong slap if you will. When it's not charged, the Warlock can still hit their enemies with some force behind their hand, but it might not do so much damage. However, when a Stormcaller Warlock strikes with a charged melee, they cast off small, quick bolts of electricity that can reach enemies a few feet away. If it does not come into contact with an enemy, the melee will remain charged until it does strike something. Then it will recharge, which takes less time than the grenade. If an enemy has armor shields, like an overshield, this melee is a good way to take that down (or at least greatly weaken it if its extra strong) and make the enemy easier to kill. The last thing is the rift, which can be either healing or empowering. Cerys uses the healing rift. When cast, this creates a circle of white light on the ground, probably around 8 feet wide or so. The middle has a sort of weak pillar. This rift will rapidly heal the caster and any other Guardians who step inside, and can quickly create an overshield. This makes everyone inside the rift much harder to kill. But rifts don't last very long, especially with more than one or two Gaurdians inside. It dissipates after a few moments, maybe 30 seconds or so if only one person is in it, and the overshield is gone right after leaving the rift. However, the user does exit with full health, giving them a quick way to regain health if their Ghosts can't heal the Gaurdian as fast as they need them to. An extremely powerful enemy can still kill a Guardian inside a rift, but normal enemies have a harder time unless their numbers are massive. Rifts take about as long as a melee to recharge, maybe a small bit longer. All Guardians also have an enhanced jump, with the three classes each having a different style. Warlocks have a double jump that lets them jump high and far, gliding across distances (honestly makes me think of a bird, which is the symbol that represents Warlocks). It can't vault them over immense distances, but it helps them get where they want to go. They have the highest, farthest, and longest-lasting jump of the three classes. This double jump doesn't require any recharge time; once the Guardian touches the ground, they can immediately double jump again.

Weaknesses: Guardians are technically immortal, but if their Light is weakened, broken, or even stripped, they can be killed as easily as any other mortal. And if their Ghost is destroyed, they can die even if they still have their Light because their Ghost is how they are able to be revived and quickly healed. That's one reason why their Ghost normally stays hidden away in their (for a lack of a better term) "backpack" when the Guardian is not in a safe area. But it is really rare for Guardians to lose their Light.

Primary Weapon- A hand cannon called Crimson, which is basically a heavy pistol. Most hand cannons fire just one bullet per trigger pull with a lot of recoil, but Crimson fires a three-round burst of powerful bullets per trigger pull and is designed for minimal recoil. It is a very strong weapon that can be fired rather quickly, has very good aim, and can easily take down targets. The only problem is that it isn't exactly crowd control. However, it is great for up-close fights, and its range is rather far for a pistol. It can score a head shot from a good distance away, especially if it is used by someone who knows how to use it. Also, if used by a talented person, it can quickly wipe out a group of enemies. The in-game version gives the user health one every kill scored with this weapon, but I won't include that in this rp since that could become somewhat op.

Secondary Weapon- (good for taking down enemies with shields) (WIP at the moment; will update later)
(will add pic later)

Heavy Weapon- a sword, that can be used for swift, strong swings and strikes to an enemy at close quarters, as well as helping the user lunge short distances when swung. The user can also choose to slam the enemy hard with the sword, using both hands. This slows down the user but also causes more damage to the enemy.
Destiny 2 (3).png

Armor: These pieces can't be seen as well from pictures above, so these are what her gauntlets and special Warlock class item look like. Different body armor, but same armlets and bond.
Destiny 2 (8).png

Sparrow- A light, fast vehicle that can be summoned on command and is only used for quick travel without any weaponry, sometimes over long distances. I will make this less available for the rp and only use if approved.
Destiny 2 (7).png

Ship- A small, single-person craft used for fast transportation to another side of the planet or to another planet in the Sol System altogether. I will make it almost completely unavailable for the rp, so it will only be used if there is a good, approved reason to use it. I won't add a picture here unless I do end up having to use it for some reason, or if its asked to be added for some other reason.

Pepin, her Ghost. She is always with him as long as they have their Light, and often times he isn't visible because he can disappear when not needed (it's sometimes said that Ghosts go to their Guardian's "back pack"). Pepin tends to stay hidden and safe in there unless he absolutely needs to show himself. Cerys is the one who gave him this name since some Guardians choose to name their Ghost (despite the fact they grow a mental bond anyway and don't exactly need one), and she chose it because it reminds her if his rather light, happy, and peppy personality. He always tries to make a situation better than it really is, doing his best to keep Cerys from going off the deep end. However, he doesn't shy from being blunt with her to make her realize something about a situation, using facts and logic to help her through things since that's how a Warlock's mind tends to work. Pepin cares a lot about his Guardian. He also sometimes gets flustered and nervous if a situation becomes heated, which can honestly happen pretty easily. His shell (outer pieces floating around his "eye") is orange with yellow and white accents. Sometimes he also has small bits of sparkling light trailing off him as he floats around due to the kind of shell he's using.

Additional Informational Links:
Warlocks- Warlock - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia
Ghosts- Ghost - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia
The Traveler- The Traveler
Stormcaller Warlock Subclass- Stormcaller
Enemies and other races in this universe- Races - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia (adding this because sometimes Cerys and Pepin might reference some of these species)
Destiny 2 Opening Cinematic-
(adding this for those who don't know much about the Destiny universe and wanna see stuff about how Exos act and talk, Ghaul attacking the City, losing the Light, all that jazz)


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Quote: 'Why be a soldier if you're not willing to observe and learn about your enemies? Without that knowledge, you won't truly know how to efficiently beat their dumbass.'

Name: Cerys-8 (pronounced s-air-iss eight), more commonly called Cerys.

Universe From: Destiny OC

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Exo- a kind of extremely advanced humanoid machine where (in most cases) the mind, conscious, and personality of a person is taken from a human brain, wiped of any memories, and put fresh into the robotic shell. Now that person is close to immortal and isn't held back by a biological body, despite the fact they have little to no recollection of their life before becoming an Exo. Some are able to piece their pasts together over time, but others will never know. Sometimes not knowing is for the best. They can also eat and drink normal substances without consequences and even have a sex drive, despite the fact that Exo are robotic beings without biological, living body parts to do either. They somehow still do those things, though (the game just talks about its needed but they don't explain how it's possible for a robot body to do either, so I'm guessing they have artificial body parts to carry out both things). According to lore described in the game, these human drives were artificially added to Exo and needed to keep them from going insane,. Without them, the organic mind will not accept being in a robotic body and could go insane, even becoming so corroded that it will kill itself. If the mind can still be saved after having a breakdown, they will be wiped and rebooted like before, starting over again while staying in its Exo shell. This normally doesn't happen if an Exo has been "reborn" in the Light of the Traveler, but all Exo Guardians have still been rebooted at least once before becoming a Guardian. It is speculated that the number behind their name represents the number of times they have been rebooted.
Exo - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia

Bio: All Guardians, including Cerys, had a life before becoming a Guardian. However, they have no recollection of it unless they do some heavy digging into their past, because most had been dead for many years beforehand and their memories have been lost with death and time. They are all revived by something called a Ghost, which is a small, sentient android that is essentially made of a substance called the Light. This Light is supplied by the Traveler, the last entity keeping humanity and it's subspecies alive and safe from its enemies (usually referred to as the Darkness). Each Guardian has their own Ghost, which stays with them forever if all goes well, and it helps them keep their immortality through reviving the Guardian every time they die. Sometimes these Ghosts fail or the Guardian's Light is stripped from them, resulting in their permanent death without revival. That is rare, but it does happen since some places have enough Darkness (aka enemy forces) to make the Light too weak.
Anyway, Cerys was first revived by her Ghost, named Pepin, on the planet Venus. After that, she learned more about what its like to be a Guardian, honing her skills and growing in strength while killing small pawns and near-gods alike. Basically, doing the normal Guardian thing.

Within her first couple months of becoming a Guardian, she befriended a young Hunter named Arjun. These two quickly grew very close, spending most of their time together. They were a good duo, completing many missions as a team and with others. Their Ghosts would frequently tease them that they were quickly becoming romantic, but the two Guardians always insisted (in denial) that, no, they were only friends. Either way, they were a strong pair who worked well together, teaching each other new tricks and building upon each other.

After almost two years of this friendship, it came to an end in the worse of ways. While on a mission against a dangerous enemy known as the Taken, both Guardians went down for a moment. The place they were in had weakened Light due to the throng of enemies, so this made it harder to be revived. Guardians and Ghosts alike often refer to these places as Restricted Zones. Guardians can definitely be revived there, but it takes longer and leaves more room for failure. Unfortunately, before either Guardian could be revived, the Taken consumed Arjun and his Ghost, snuffing out his Light for good. Pepin, Cerys' Ghost, was able to revive her before the same happened to them, and quickly teleported himself and Cerys out of the area as soon as she was revived. He was terrified, and also knew that Cerys wouldn't take the situation well once she saw her best friend's permanently dead body. And, of course, she didn't respond well at all.

Cerys was distraught after losing her best friend like that, especially since its so rare for Guardians to die. It really messed her up. In her angry sorrow, she wanted to go down and avenge her friend right then and there, but Pepin was somehow able to talk her down from it. Instead, a few days later she went down there with a few other Guardians she knew, aiming to complete the mission and gather the remains of Arjun. Unfortunately, by the time they made it back, it appeared the Taken had already cleared out their somewhat temporary base. Thankfully, Arjun's body was still there. Seeing it made Cerys spiral again, but she kept it together long enough to transport his body back to the Tower (basically the "headquarters" for Guardians back on Earth, over the Last safe City) with help of the others for a proper burial. However, she did make sure to keep his cloak and knife, both key things that mark a Guardian as being a Hunter. The cloak always stays in her ship, mostly untouched, but the knife stays in a sheath under her robes, attached to her thigh for easy access. She uses it sometimes when she's out in the field, especially when she needs a weapon other than her rifles, and it's not uncommon for her to be seen toying with it when she is bored or trying to distract herself from troubling thoughts. It is very uncommon to see a Warlock keeping a Hunter knife, but she doesn't care. It helps her remember her friend, and it is rather useful at times.

About a year later, after she had been a Guardian for a little over three years, Cerys experienced another hardship. However, every Guardian was slammed by it this time- they lost their Light, to an ass named Ghual. He's part of a species named Cabal, a known enemy to Guardians and humans alike. It's amazing he was able to do it, since it has not happened before.

(A little more explanation first. The last safe human city, known as the Last City or simply The City, is surrounded by a wall, guarded by the Guardians, and has the Traveler sitting above it. The Traveler is this enormous white globe that hovers in the air directly over the City and provides the Guardians with their powers. No one is sure where the Traveler came from, but it is almost a god to the Guardians and residence of the City. When it first showed up, it helped humanity so much that it greatly enhanced life for humans, such as tripling life expectancy and increasing the advance of technology, helping to create many things (such as the Exo, who back then were used at either mortal soldiers or a step toward immortality). It also changed other nearby planets to make them inhabitable by humans, allowing for an environment and atmosphere they could easily live in. Some planets it has done this with are Earth's moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and some lesser known moons and planetoids known as Titan, Io, and Nessus. Humans were able to go almost everywhere in the Sol System. This time in human history is known as the Golden Age. Then, the advancement of the Darkness stopped the Traveler in its tracks, making it hunker down to one spot on Earth and leaving the humans essentially helpless as the Darkness tried to take everything. This place is now the City, and the Traveler's Guardians are now it's demigod-like soldiers protecting the people residing there.

Ghaul was able to take that Light by storming the City with thousands of his Cabal soldiers, construct a sort of "cage" around the Traveler, and restrict its ability to give the Guardians their Light. After that, all Guardians were resorted to being normal people, no stronger than civilians, weak as heck, and easy to kill. Ghaul's plan was to take that Light to use for himself, making himself invincible, while destroying the last human city and their Guardians at the same time. There were still some civilians and other Guardians spread out around Earth that he couldn't directly touch at that time, but he still made the remaining humans and Guardians easy pickings since every Guardian lost their powers no matter where they were.

Many people perished in the attack, both in and outside of the City, but Cerys was one of the lucky few who made it out. After a lot of work, Ghaul was finally killed and the Light was restored as the Traveler displayed it's first attempt of an attack on its enemies in many years. It was a depressing journey (it made me so depressed to play the beginning of the campaign because it was really sad), and staying alive was not easy, but the Guardians eventually pulled through, even with help from some mortal humans.

Many adventures and missions happened after then, and a year later, it's present day for Cerys. She has been a Guardian for four years by this point.

Personality: Cerys is usually rather quiet, preferring to observe rather than engage. But she is still open to conversation and is pretty relaxed and chill, especially if talking about a subject that interests her. She loves learning new things about subjects of interest, especially about other living beings and how they operate (even her enemies). Cerys, with her Warlock, knowledge-seeking nature, can often be found hidden from sight while observing peaceful creatures or enemies wherever she may be. She is a Warlock, and most Guardians of that nature love to sit and absorb book knowledge, meditate, even practice magic of sorts. Cerys isn't opposed to doing that, however she often gets bored with it, becoming too jittery to sit still and sometimes too preoccupied with troubling thoughts to sit doing nothing. For that reason, she prefers to be out in the field instead, distracting herself with more hands-on, rifle-in-hand Guardian activities. However, despite her more active Guardian lifestyle, she is willing to relax around others and have a good time around those she feels comfortable with. Just don't piss her off if you can help it. She holds grudges with an iron grip due to how many wrongs she's seen, and existing to constantly protect humanity from its enemies has made her potentially become violent when angry. Even without her firearms, she can be a dangerous person.

Skills: Mainly with firearms because most of her day-to-day activities involve them. She is also skilled at absorbing knowledge like most Warlocks, and she isn't too shabby with knives and swords.

Powers/Abilities: Almost everything about a Guardian is superhuman since they're almost like demigods, so any of Cerys' Light abilities count as superhuman. Such as a rechargeable Super attack that is basically a strong attack of built up Light, as well as grenades, strong melee, healing rift, shielded armor, and ammo for her weapons that spawns from the death of her enemies. Sometimes ammo also spawns after doing certain things with her weapons, and her rifles usually have their ammo reserves refreshed to full after she has died and is revived. There are three Light "elements" that a Guardian can master in: Arc, Void, and Solar (colored blue, purple, and orange, respectively). Cerys uses the arc subclass, which makes her a Stormcaller Warlock. The super attack for Warlocks of this subclass makes them cast charged electric energy along their entire body, with the main damage being done from that same energy being shot from their hands in this bolts. It has moderate length but not excessive, and it does a decent amount of damage. When using a certain version of the subclass, it also sends a strong bolt of electricity into the ground upon casting it, like lightning. Use this super on a throng of average sized, weaker enemies and they'll all be gone in seconds, a lot from that initial casting. However, it does not last long. The super lasts for only about 20 seconds, and actually aiming and firing it cuts down on how long is lasts. Then the super recharges again in two or three minutes, with the cooldown being shortened with every enemy that is killed during the cooldown. It only takes around three minutes or so if the Guardian is standing around doing nothing for the whole duration. The Arc grenade style Cerys uses is a bolt grenade, where when she throws it and the grenade quickly extends bolts of electricity to nearby enemies to damage or kill them. This takes a minute or so to recharge as well, but its the same as the super where killing enemies makes the cooldown shorter (that's basically the case for all elemental abilities). A Warlock melee is basically an open-hang hit, or a strong slap if you will. When it's not charged, the Warlock can still hit their enemies with some force behind their hand, but it might not do so much damage. However, when a Stormcaller Warlock strikes with a charged melee, they cast off small, quick bolts of electricity that can reach enemies a few feet away. If it does not come into contact with an enemy, the melee will remain charged until it does strike something. Then it will recharge, which takes less time than the grenade. If an enemy has armor shields, like an overshield, this melee is a good way to take that down (or at least greatly weaken it if its extra strong) and make the enemy easier to kill. The last thing is the rift, which can be either healing or empowering. Cerys uses the healing rift. When cast, this creates a circle of white light on the ground, probably around 8 feet wide or so. The middle has a sort of weak pillar. This rift will rapidly heal the caster and any other Guardians who step inside, and can quickly create an overshield. This makes everyone inside the rift much harder to kill. But rifts don't last very long, especially with more than one or two Gaurdians inside. It dissipates after a few moments, maybe 30 seconds or so if only one person is in it, and the overshield is gone right after leaving the rift. However, the user does exit with full health, giving them a quick way to regain health if their Ghosts can't heal the Gaurdian as fast as they need them to. An extremely powerful enemy can still kill a Guardian inside a rift, but normal enemies have a harder time unless their numbers are massive. Rifts take about as long as a melee to recharge, maybe a small bit longer. All Guardians also have an enhanced jump, with the three classes each having a different style. Warlocks have a double jump that lets them jump high and far, gliding across distances (honestly makes me think of a bird, which is the symbol that represents Warlocks). It can't vault them over immense distances, but it helps them get where they want to go. They have the highest, farthest, and longest-lasting jump of the three classes. This double jump doesn't require any recharge time; once the Guardian touches the ground, they can immediately double jump again.

Weaknesses: Guardians are technically immortal, but if their Light is weakened, broken, or even stripped, they can be killed as easily as any other mortal. And if their Ghost is destroyed, they can die even if they still have their Light because their Ghost is how they are able to be revived and quickly healed. That's one reason why their Ghost normally stays hidden away in their (for a lack of a better term) "backpack" when the Guardian is not in a safe area. But it is really rare for Guardians to lose their Light.

Primary Weapon- rapid-fire rifle that is good for almost any occasion to protect oneself

Secondary Weapon- (good for taking down enemies with shields) mid- to long-range rifle, where three bullets are shot at once per trigger pull. Practically all other pulse rifles fire three bullets per trigger pull but at slightly staggering times that the user can easily feel, whereas this unique pulse rifle only feels like it's firing one bullet per trigger pull. It's good for head shots and accuracy from a distance. When it kills an enemy, it always sends off a few small balls of the "void" element that bounce away and cause small explosions a few moments later. Decent for crowd control of weak enemies, since killing an enemy with those small void orbs creates even more void orbs until there's no more enemies to kill with them. Usually four or five orbs are created per death. They weakens larger, stronger enemies that come in contact with the explosions.

Heavy Weapon- a sword, that can be used for swift, strong swings and strikes to an enemy at close quarters, as well as helping the user lunge short distances when swung. The user can also choose to slam the enemy hard with the sword, using both hands. This slows down the user but also causes more damage to the enemy.

Armor: These pieces can't be seen as well from pictures above, so these are what her gauntlets and special Warlock class item look like.

Sparrow- A light, fast vehicle that can be summoned on command and is only used for quick travel without any weaponry, sometimes over long distances. I will make this less available for the rp and only use if approved.

Ship- A small, single-person craft used for fast transportation to another side of the planet or to another planet in the Sol System altogether. I will make it almost completely unavailable for the rp, so it will only be used if there is a good, approved reason to use it. I won't add a picture here unless I do end up having to use it for some reason, or if its asked to be added for some other reason.

Pepin, her Ghost. She is always with him as long as they have their Light, and often times he isn't visible because he can disappear when not needed (it's sometimes said that Ghosts go to their Guardian's "back pack"). Pepin tends to stay hidden and safe in there unless he absolutely needs to show himself. Cerys is the one who gave him this name since some Guardians choose to name their Ghost (despite the fact they grow a mental bond anyway and don't exactly need one), and she chose it because it reminds her if his rather light, happy, and peppy personality. He always tries to make a situation better than it really is, doing his best to keep Cerys from going off the deep end. However, he doesn't shy from being blunt with her to make her realize something about a situation, using facts and logic to help her through things since that's how a Warlock's mind tends to work. Pepin cares a lot about his Guardian. He also sometimes gets flustered and nervous if a situation becomes heated, which can honestly happen pretty easily. His shell (outer pieces floating around his "eye") is orange with yellow and white accents. Sometimes he also has small bits of sparkling light trailing off him as he floats around due to the kind of shell he's using.

Additional Informational Links:
Warlocks- Warlock - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia
Ghosts- Ghost - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia
The Traveler- The Traveler
Stormcaller Warlock Subclass- Stormcaller
Enemies and other races in this universe- Races - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia (adding this because sometimes Cerys and Pepin might reference some of these species)
Destiny 2 Opening Cinematic-
(adding this for those who don't know much about the Destiny universe and wanna see stuff about how Exos act and talk, Ghaul attacking the City, losing the Light, all that jazz)

looks fine, how about you Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

'Quote' (optional): My friends are my power

Name: Sora

Universe From (Series your character comes from. OCs are labeled as OCs): Kingdom Hearts

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (Optional): Heterosexual

Species: Human Keyblade Weilder

A boy who wields a Keyblade. During their childhood, Sora, Riku, and Kairi often wonder about what lay beyond their small world. By the time they reach adolescence, they decide to build a raft, in the hopes of sailing to other worlds. The day when they start construction, Sora dozes off on the shore of the beach, and has an odd dream where he travels through an odd, dark realm and battles a massive dark creature. Sora is awakened by Kairi, and he goes to help get the provisions for the raft. However, the night before they set sail, a storm ravages the island along with a strange, dark force. Riku succumbs to the force, claiming he is not afraid of the darkness it so clearly embodied, while Sora tries and fails to save his friend from the darkness.

However, it is during the tempest that Sora first unlocks his potential as a Keyblade wielder, summoning the power of the Kingdom Key to battle the Heartless that now infested his home. He makes his way to the Secret Place where he finds Kairi, who disappears when their bodies meet, forcing Sora to battle the same dark creature from his dream. Sora defeats the monster, but he is swept off the island and thrown into a Corridor of Darkness, which lands him in a world called Traverse Town.

In Traverse Town, Sora meets Donald Duck and Goofy, the respective Royal Court Magician and Captain of the Royal Guard of Disney Castle. Under orders from The King, the pair are searching for two things: a mysterious 'key' and a man called Leon. As the King has disappeared in his own quest, Donald and Goofy accompany Sora and they start searching for their respective friends. In addition to that, Sora finds that his Keyblade might perhaps be the mysterious key the King had asked them to find.

Sora discovers that Riku is also searching for Kairi, though neither of them can find her. Maleficent sees her chance and tells Riku that Sora had replaced him and Kairi for Donald, Goofy, and the Keyblade. With this false knowledge, he sets out to find Kairi on his own as Sora travels to a number of worlds to stop the Heartless. From there, Sora locks the Keyholes out from the reach of the Darkness to protect the worlds' hearts.

His quest allows him to make countless new friends while the power of his heart increases, which also improves his Keyblade's power.

Upon reaching Hollow Bastion, Riku confronts Sora and reveals to him that Riku himself was the true Keyblade master, explaining that Sora "was just the delivery boy". Riku then claims the Keyblade for his own. Despite their guilt at doing so, Donald and Goofy are forced to abandon Sora because of the King's orders: to stay with whoever has the Keyblade. When Beast pulls himself up to continue to the castle, Sora tells him to be careful due to his injuries. However, Beast shrugs off Sora's worries, saying that he would not leave before he completed what he'd come there for; to find Belle. When asked what he came for, Sora realizes that he needs to show the same attitude as the Beast, and continues with him into the entrance hall of the castle.

There Sora meets Riku, Goofy, and Donald once more. Feeling guilty, Donald and Goofy return to Sora's side. Riku then asks Sora, "How do you intend to fight without a weapon?" to which Sora answers, "I don't need the Keyblade. I've got a better weapon. My heart!". Riku taunts Sora, calling his heart pathetic and weak. Sora proceeds to tell him that his friends strengthen his heart. At this, the Keyblade realizes that Riku has turned to darkness, and Sora's heart is far stronger than Riku's, so it returns to Sora. Enraged, Riku fights Sora and loses. Furious at his weakness, he makes the mistake of listening to a mysterious man. Opening his heart fully to darkness, he allows himself to be possessed by this man.

After this, the party encounter Maleficent and defeat her. Using a Keyblade born of six of the Princesses of Hearts' hearts, Riku unlocks the darkness in her heart before stepping away through a Corridor of Darkness. She transforms into a black, fire-breathing dragon from the proliferation of darkness in her heart, but is again defeated and the Heartless swallow her heart. Further into the depths of Hollow Bastion, Sora encounters Riku once more, and he calls himself "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness", who intends to find Kingdom Hearts itself. Although it is difficult fighting his best friend, Sora emerges victorious in the struggle.

Kairi is revealed to be one of the Seven Princesses of Heart who possess the power to open the Final Keyhole that leads to Kingdom Hearts, but because her heart laid within Sora, it cannot open, as explained by "Ansem". In order to return her heart and wake her up, Sora uses the Keyblade of People's Hearts to remove both their hearts, sacrificing his humanity and becoming a Heartless, unknowingly creating Roxas and Naminé, the Nobodies of Sora and Kairi respectively. When he manages to reunite with Kairi after a brief stint as a Heartless, Kairi uses her light to restore his human form.

After regrouping in Traverse Town, Sora decides to return to Hollow Bastion to seal the Final Keyhole while he tries to reclaim Riku from the clutches of "Ansem". Kairi gives Sora her lucky charm (Oathkeeper's keychain) since he insists that she should stay behind, even joking that she would be in his way.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy set sail to Hollow Bastion and seal the Final Keyhole after a battle with a powerful Heartless. The six Princesses of Heart then inform him of a new darkness approaching, and the trio travel to End of the World, the "Heartless world" of all the worlds that fell into darkness, where they confront and defeat "Ansem" once and for all. "Ansem", defeated, calls forth to Kingdom Hearts to fill him with the power of darkness, but Sora proclaims that Kingdom Hearts is not darkness, but light, and "Ansem" is destroyed by the said light.

However, Heartless begin to swarm inside of the door and Sora, Donald, and Goofy rush forward to close it. As they attempt to close the Door to Darkness, Riku and King Mickey appear on the other side of the door and together, King Mickey and Sora seal it from both sides with Sora's Keyblade from the Realm of light and Mickey's Keyblade from the Realm of Darkness. However, Mickey and Riku become trapped behind the door as it closed shut. Riku's last words to Sora before it closed are "Take care of her", referring to Kairi.

As the worlds begin to restore themselves, Sora sees Kairi on a platform of sand that is drifting away. Kairi and Sora are separated with Kairi going back to Destiny Islands. Sora promises to return to her as soon as he finds Riku and King Mickey.

After being separated from his friends, Sora wanders down on a long, meandering path with Donald and Goofy searching for a way to find Riku and Mickey, encountering Pluto on the way. When they reach a crossroad and call it a night, a mysterious man in a long black hooded cloak appears and informs Sora, "Along the road ahead lies something you need. However in order to claim it you must lose something that is dear to you". The man disappears and only one path remains. The trio follow the path which leads them to a mysterious castle known as Castle Oblivion. They enter the castle hoping to pick up some clues as to the whereabouts of their friends only to discover, as they ascend the floors of the fortress, they are beginning to lose their memories and become more and more uncertain of what they are truly after. Even Jiminy's journal has been erased of its entries.

Little do they know, their memories are being manipulated by a mysterious organization that seek to capture and manipulate Sora. To do this, they use Naminé, a young "witch" who could rearrange the chains of memories in a person's mind and create new links between them. In order to make Sora forget Kairi, Naminé begins to replace his memories of Kairi with herself, partly because she is Kairi's Nobody and so is unable to completely erase her from Sora's memories. Meanwhile, a conflict between the members of the Organization lead to several encounters between Sora and Riku, whose memories of Kairi have also been replaced with ones containing Naminé.

The trio's uncertainty builds up to a point where they end up in Twilight Town, a place that Sora is fairly certain that he has never been in, and thus should not exist in his memory. Organization member IV, Vexen, reveals that it is a place that exists on the other side of Sora's heart, but is eliminated by Axel, another member of the Organization, before he can explain anything.

Axel ends up betraying Marluxia, the lord of Castle Oblivion, revealing that Marluxia and Larxene, the newest members of their group, intend to use Sora to overthrow the Organization. Axel manipulates Naminé into doing what she believes is right. Donald and Goofy try to reason with Sora about the whole situation later, but he is so stubborn that he separates from them to go on his own.

On Destiny Islands, Sora is touched to have finally found Naminé, who tries to make him remember who was truly important to him. After taking one look at the lucky charm, it returns to its original form and Naminé takes the temporary form of Kairi. Sora escapes the memory-based Destiny Islands and confronts Naminé, who reveals that she never existed in Sora's memory and that she has been replacing the person most important to him. Riku appears to them again and is again defeated by Sora. When Sora tries to help the injured Riku, he attacks Sora and gains the upper hand. Having left no choice, Naminé uses her power to break Riku's memories, and it causes him to collapse. Larxene comes forth to eliminate Sora and Riku, who is revealed to actually be a Riku Replica, created by Vexen.

When Larxene is about to eliminate Sora, Donald and Goofy catch up to save him. Although Sora had been a jerk to go on his own, they quickly forgive him and state how they would always stay together. Together, they defeat Larxene and Sora forgives a regretful Naminé for her actions. She promises to restore the memories of the trio once they reach the 13th Floor of Castle Oblivion, where Marluxia is waiting for them. Axel attempts to destroy Marluxia himself, but then Marluxia uses Naminé as a human shield. Sora steps in and defeats Axel. After finally catching up to them, Marluxia orders Naminé to completely erase Sora's memory so he could make Sora his puppet; Naminé refuses, but Sora orders her to do so in order to protect her from Marluxia's wrath. Fortunately, the Riku Replica, its true memories returned after his false ones are broken, arrives and saves Naminé before she was able to do so.

Then Sora, Donald, and Goofy step into the thirteenth floor's dimension where they fight Marluxia in an incredible battle.

Once Marluxia was defeated, Naminé asks that they step into Memory Pods that would rearrange their memories back to the way they were at the cost of breaking the links she created. She also informs him that the process will take some time, during which Sora, Donald, and Goofy would sleep as their memories are slowly restored. While they know that they would forget Naminé, Sora promises her that while she was forgotten, she would remain somewhere in his heart, never lost. And when he wakes up, they would become friends for real.

Right before he went to sleep, Naminé informs him that some of his memories are unreachable and asks him to remember Kairi, because his memory of her is the light that would bring them all back. Sora then uses most of the power of his memories to remember Kairi before going to sleep for real.

One year later, Sora, Donald, and Goofy awake in the basement of the Old Mansion located in Twilight Town with their former memories restored, although they cannot remember what happened in Castle Oblivion. But before they awake in Twilight Town, Roxas comes to see Sora and eventually fuses with him. Continuing their journey to find Riku and King Mickey, they set out traveling across new worlds, meeting old friends and enemies from their original adventure while also making new friends. They continue the battle against the Heartless and now a new threat, the remaining members of the Organization they encountered in Castle Oblivion.

Soon after exploring Twilight Town, Sora and company head off to the Mysterious Tower and Sora obtains new attire—on the advice of master sorcerer Yen Sidconsidering Sora's first game outfit to be "too small"—from Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. The new outfit enables Sora to transform into his Drive Form and attain special powers for each of them. The source of the clothing's magic is linked to Sora's heart, which is connected to everyone Sora had befriended including Donald and Goofy. Sora was referred to as the "Key that connects everything" by Yen Sid which is how Naminé's memory manipulation works.

Sora expresses his determination to bring Riku back home with him to Destiny Islands, where Kairi is waiting for them. The quest gets more complicated when Kairi herself gets kidnapped by Axel. Pete (who works for the resurrected Maleficent) and Organization XIII are causing trouble in the other worlds, and King Mickey refuses to give information regarding Riku. Sora must also discover why some of the members of Organization XIII address him as Roxas even after he clearly states his name is Sora. He travels to other worlds to find Riku and the King, help the worlds and stop Organization XIII. His new journey brings him to meet up with some old friends and make new ones.

At one point in the storyline, Donald and Goofy's homeworld becomes infested with Heartless, which is rather unusual considering their world's protection, and Sora visits their castle for the first time. While Donald and Goofy set out to warn the castle's residents about the danger, Sora escorts Queen Minnie to the audience chamber where the Cornerstone of Light is hidden under. He finds out that Pete and Maleficent have found a doorway to Timeless River, a past timeline of their world before the castle was built. With some help from Merlin, Sora, Donald, and Goofy travel through time and manage to stop Pete from destroying the Cornerstone of Light in the past, which also saves the castle for good.

Sora, with the help of the Hayner, Pence, Olette (three friends of Roxas in DiZ's simulated Twilight Town), and Axel (who sacrifices his existence), manages to find the route to the World That Never Was: which is the stronghold of the Organization, where Kingdom Hearts, created by gathering the countless hearts from the Heartless slain by Sora's Keyblade, resides. Soon after entering the world however, in the area of Memory's Skyscraper, Sora's group is ambushed by Samurai Nobodies and Sora is forced into a showdown with an Organization member, who turns out to be Roxas (disguised in his former Organization XIII cloak) on a platform of Awakening.

As Roxas is above and Sora below, he sees the picture of Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy (as the platform's design). Roxas then says, "I see, that's why.", and continues the fight. Roxas knocks the Keyblade out of Sora's grasp, and as he goes to retrieve it, Roxas pins it down with his own Keyblade. Sora then reaches out for his Keyblade, which disappears and reappears in his hands, after which Sora quickly strikes while Roxas stands shocked, not knowing how that happened.

Ultimately, Sora's control over his Keyblade gave him the edge over Roxas, who collapses and reveals his face. As he and the scenery disappear, Roxas says to Sora "You make a good other." Sora reappears next to Donald and Goofy, who tell him that while he disappeared, they had to fight some Nobodies, and they continue towards the massive castle where Kairi awaits them.

Afterwards, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey storm the Castle in search of their friends. They meet Saïx at the Hall of Empty Melodies, who tells that Kingdom Hearts is near completion, and it only needed "one more dose from the Keyblade Bearer." He summons hordes of Shadows and disappears to go after Maleficent and Pete who were also in the castle. The Heartless overpower Sora, but are destroyed by a rain of laser bullets. Sora then engages in a battle with Xigbar and soon defeats him. He finds Kairi and Riku (with the appearance of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, which is the price he paid to help Sora wake up).

Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy make it to the Proof of Existence of the Organization, in which there are only two places to go. They enter one of the odd pathways only to encounter Luxord. Although Luxord traps everyone but Sora in cards, he is still defeated by the Keyblade master. Next they enter Addled Impasse where they find Saïx staring up at the moon. Saïx points out that only Roxas could have made it this far in one piece and Sora gets angry and prepares to attack him. Saïx blows Riku and Kairi away and uses the power of the moon to fight. After one of Sora's most difficult battles, Saïx is finally defeated. Sora then questions who Roxas is and why he was constantly being called by that name, when Riku finally reveals to Sora that Roxas is his Nobody.

With the mysteries of Roxas's identity finally solved, they continue on. Fighting their way up the winding paths of the Castle That Never Was, Sora, Riku, and the others encounter King Mickey and DiZ, now revealed to be the former ruler of Radiant Garden, before it was taken over and renamed Hollow Bastion, Ansem the Wise, who was trying to absorb Kingdom Hearts into his machine and encode it as data. Xemnas appears to see who is tampering with Kingdom Hearts and finds his old teacher. Then Xemnas finally tells Sora and the others of his true plan, to make a Kingdom out of hearts. One that he would rule.

Unfortunately, Kingdom Hearts proved too strong for Ansem's machine, and with his final words, he tells Sora the rest is up to him and tells Roxas, "Roxas, I doubt you can hear me but, I am sorry", before the machine explodes, taking Ansem with it. The energy released in the explosion destroys a good deal of Kingdom Hearts and reverts Riku's appearance to the way it was.

Near the pinnacle of the castle, Heartless appear in vast hordes. Maleficent and Pete show up and stall them while the party heads toward their final battle. When they reach the Altar of Naught at the pinnacle of the castle, they confront Xemnas, the leader of Organization XIII. After a short conversation with the Nobody, Sora is taken by Xemnas to the front of Memory's Skyscraper for a one-on-one battle. After an intense fight, Sora defeats Xemnas and is transported back to his friends.

However, Xemnas appears again and, despite the protests of the group, enters and absorbs Kingdom Hearts. The party was in luck though, and by the will of the worlds a door to Kingdom Hearts is made. Sora, Riku and the King open the door with their Keyblades, breaking the barrier separating them from Xemnas. The party enters but Sora, Riku, Donald and Goofy become separated from King Mickey and Kairi because of Xemnas.

Inside, they discover that Kingdom Hearts was made by the Superior to look like the World That Never Was. They charge through and quickly get to Xemnas and battle him, with Xemnas in armor using the tactics of the rest of the Organization. After they seemingly defeat the Organization leader and return to the Altar of Naught, Roxas emerges from Sora's body to speak with Naminé before she fuses with Kairi. Before this, Naminé opens a door to lead them out of the World That Never Was. He informs Sora that whenever he and Kairi are together, Roxas and Naminé will be together as well. Naminé then joins with Kairi to complete herself, while Roxas returns to Sora's body making Sora whole.

Unfortunately, before Sora and Riku can enter the Corridor, Xemnas attacks once again on the Captain's Seat of an enormous Dragon Nobody. In an epic air battle they manage to defeat this form of Xemnas as well. Riku is injured by Xemnas, who strikes at both with his Ethereal Blades. Falling through the air on the brink of defeat, Sora grabs Riku's Keyblade and batters Xemnas with both. Returning it to Riku, they use a bolt of light and dark energy to finish off Xemnas.

Afterwards, Sora must help Riku walk, as he sustained a heavy injury from one of Xemnas's Ethereal Blades. They wander through the eternal abyss, and eventually come to a dark beach under a pale moon, the Dark Margin. Resting at the shoreline, they discuss their adventures and friendship, and come to the conclusion that they did what they set out to do, and agreed that "If worlds are made of light and darkness, we'll be the darkness." The Realm of Light was safe, and they could now sit and let peace envelop them.

As they listen to the waves, a bottle containing a letter that Kairi wrote washes onto the shore. Riku picks it up, and, after reading it, gives it to Sora, believing him to be the proper recipient. After Sora reads it, the door to light appears, and both Sora and Riku use it to return to their home world: Destiny Islands.

Having brought Riku back home and reunited at last with all his friends in one piece, Sora is finally able to return Kairi's lucky charm to her, saying "We-We're back!" and Kairi corrects him saying "You're home". Kairi extends her arm to Sora, and he grasps her hand while simultaneously returning the charm he kept for her all this time.

Some time later, Sora is walking around in the Secret Cave. He smiles while looking at all the pictures he and Kairi had drawn over the years. He glances down at the picture of Kairi and himself. He sees that Kairi drew the other half of a paopu fruit, and smiles to himself, mimicking Kairi's actions from a year ago.

Much later, Sora asks Riku what he thinks the door to light was. Riku replies that it was Sora's heart; "It's always closer than you think". Kairi runs up to them breathlessly and gives them a bottle she found, containing a letter from King Mickey. The trio reads the letter.

Yen Sid tells them about Master Xehanort and that both of them should become Keyblade Masters in order to face this new threat. Sora claims that even without taking the Mark of Mastery exam, no one can beat the two of them. Yen Sid then sends them to the Realm of Sleep.

Sora wakes up in Traverse Town, noticing the change of his outfit, which he presumes is "more of Master Yen Sid's magic". He immediately goes searching for Riku, though he runs into Neku Sakuraba instead. Neku explains the concept of Dream Eaters to Sora and leads him to the Third District, where a hooded figure attacks them. Sora attempts to help Neku, but eventually falls asleep.

Sora later wakes up and chooses to find Neku, discovering new areas of Traverse Town that he's never seen before. He meets Rhyme, who helps on his search for Neku; when they find him, Neku apologizes to Sora. Rhyme suddenly disappears and more hooded figures appear, only to summon a giant Dream Eater, which Sora defeats. Sora then sees a transparent Riku, who disappears into Young Xehanort. Joshua then appears with Rhyme and Neku, and Sora realizes that he and Riku are parallel to each other.

Sora travels to La Cité des Cloches, where Judge Claude Frollo stops him. He wonders if Sora is a gypsy, because of his unusual clothes and appearance. When Phoebus comes to tell that there are monsters on the loose, Sora runs to fight them and eventually meets Quasimodo, who saves Esmeralda. Sora and Phoebus follows them to Notre Dame's attics. After sometime, Sora meets Phoebus and Quasimodo again and they travel to the Court of Miracles, where Sora gets knocked out by a Dream Eater, while Frollo takes Esmeralda away. Sora wakes up and travels back to city, where Quasimodo saves Esmeralda. Sora destroys a Dream Eater and sees how Frollo falls to his defeat, while Phoebus saves Quasimodo from the same fate. In the cathedral, Sora says farewell to Quasimodo and the others. When he is about to leave, Young Xehanort appears and calls him a hypocrite for freeing one prisoner but keeping another. Vanitas's image also appears besides Young Xehanort, making Sora confused as the villain vanishes to darkness and Keyhole of Sleep appears. Sora unlocks it and wonders what Xehanort meant by saying his heart is a prison.

Sora then travels to The Grid, where he meets guards. When introducing himself, guards try to take him prisoner, but Sora escapes. He meets Rinzler first, then is introduced as well to Kevin, Sam, and Quorra, who inform him that Rinzler is actually Tron. Believing that Tron remembers him, Sora is determined to meet him. With Quorra's help, Sora finds Rinzler and tells him to try and remember him; however, Rinzler attacks him and Quorra before fleeing. Young Xehanort then reappears, this time with Xemnas. Xemnas tells that Sora he has so many memories that can't be his alone. Sora is then sent away by strong wind, while Xemnas and Xehanort disappear. When meeting again with Rinzler and CLU, CLU tells Sora that he will turn Rinzler back to Tron, if Sora hands over his Keyblade. Sora tells that he will not give it up since it gives him the "chance to make everyone happy". CLU then sends Rinzler to attack Sora. After a battle, Sora tries to remind Tron again, but CLU throws his identity disc at Sora, causing Rinzler to push Sora to safety before falling out of sight. CLU leaves to retrieve Rinzler, and Sora unlocks The Grid's Keyhole of Sleep.

When Sora arrives at The World That Never Was, where he lands near Memory's Skyscraper and encounters Xigbar. Xigbar explains that Ansem, the brown robed man, had contact with Sora when he first entered the Sleeping Worlds from Destiny Islands, allowing the Organization to track Sora through his dreams and lead him to this world. Angered, Sora blames Xigbar for what happened and prepares to fight, and Xigbar notes that he is glaring at him like Ventus always did, even calling Sora as "Roxas". He then jumps above Sora and fires twelve arrows around him, eleven of which spawn unknown hooded figures, and the remaining one spawning Young Xehanort, who offers his hand and tells Sora to come with him. Sora then immediately drops.

Sora wakes, realizing he is at Destiny Islands, where Young Xehanort is sitting just next to him. They watch the other Young Xehanort, who meets "Ansem", who grants him abilities to time travel. "Ansem" then approaches Sora, who shouts in fear. In the next scene, Sora and Young Xehanort are still on the islands during nighttime. They see Sora running into the secret cave and they talk a little until Kairi steps out from the cave towards Sora. The next scene shows Sora falling from the air with other Soras. The real Sora lands on his feet and sees the Sora copies moving about Traverse Town. Young Xehanort talks to him about his journeys through Traverse Town.

Sora then wakes up at Dark City back in his Kingdom Hearts II attire. He immediately sees Naminé, who tries to run away from him, but Sora grabs her arm. Namine then turns into Xion. Sora is unaware of her identity, yet unconsciously sheds a tear as she runs off. Sora runs after her, only to meet Roxas. Roxas tells Sora that they should share all memories and emotions, but Sora denies this by saying that Roxas is just Roxas and they are not the same. He also thinks that Roxas should be able to exist by himself. Roxas is surprised, and shares his painful memories with Sora before vanishing. Sora starts to blame Organization XIII for what they have done, but then he hears Riku's voice that warns him about chasing after illusions.

Sora later meets Kairi and Riku who turn into Aqua and Terra. Sora then turns into Ventus and stares at them. Aqua and Terra turn around and walk away and Ventus is trying to reach them, but he slows down and turns back into Sora. Sora then watches as Riku and Kairi vanish, changing into Terra and Aqua for a second. He then remembers his meeting with Aqua, a long time ago.

Sora meets Xigbar and Xemnas again and they have a conversation, where Xemnas reveals that Organization XIII was created in order to form the Thirteen Hearts of Darkness, which Master Xehanort could use in the future. Kingdom Hearts was created in order to move pieces of Xehanort's heart into thirteen vessels. However, Xemnas discovered that Nobodies actually can cultivate new hearts, so he and Xigbar left the others in the dark about this fact to maintain their loyalty to their cause. Xigbar then reveals to Sora that he is chosen to be the final vessel of Xehanort's heart, after which Sora summons his Keyblade, saying "Connected hearts are my power." Then Kairi, Riku, Roxas, Xion, Ventus, Aqua, Terra, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy appear behind him as illusions, stunning Xigbar, who tells Xemnas to take care of Sora. After a fight, Sora is completely tired and lies on the ground with darkness surrounding his body. Young Xehanort then appears, telling him that his clothes, bearing a sneaky Recusant's Sigil, feed the darkness within him, since, unlike Riku, Sora never made any protection against his inner darkness.

Sora is then seen sitting at Where Nothing Gathers. Riku and Mickey are attempting to save him, when Master Xehanort attempts to split Sora's heart and make him one of his incarnations. Though Xemnas and Ansem subdue them, Lea appears and blocks Master Xehanort's attack. After that, Master Xehanort, along with his new Organization XIII, vanishes. Riku, Lea, and the others return to the Mysterious Tower, where Yen Sid sends Riku into Sora's heart in order to save him from falling into darkness. Whilst there, Riku discovers that Roxas, Ventus and Xion still reside within Sora's heart, as does a copy of Ansem the Wise.

After that, Sora wakes up and he, Donald, and Goofy have a tea party; Riku wakes up and Sora hugs him, relieved his friend is okay as well. Yen Sid then tells them that only Riku passed the Mark of Mastery. Sora, however, does not appear to be sad at all, and he even congratulates Riku. Lea then reveals that he also has a Keyblade and that he will help them in the near future. Sora then returns to the Realm of Sleep in order to thank all the Spirit Dream Eaters he had become friends with. While returning from the realm of sleep, he finds himself in Metropolis on Mite-world.

Sora has a typical brave and heroic personality, meaning he'll willingly risk his life for people he doesn't even know yet, as shown when he tries to save Ansem the Wise from the explosion, to no avail. He's extremely loyal to his friends, and has been shown to be extremely forgiving to Riku, even forgiving him for the times he has tried to kill him, and very protective of Kairi.

Sora is highly optimistic person, choosing to think positively throughout his journeys. He is an upbeat and brash person, and although he is simple minded at times, he has a strong sense of justice. He is also very soft spoken and sensitive as over time, he had grown to care deeply about all of his friends and desires to maintain a strong relationship with all of them even when some of them act in a bad manner towards him. Sora has matured over a year's time, for instance, when battling enemies in the game, he seems to have a more serious expression on his face. Sora is more confident than before and takes charge of his group. He is also quite caring and reassuring to his other-world friends such as when Beast quits after Xaldin steals his rose. Sora reassured him that they would get it back.

Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff): He's good with a bladed weapon. Pretty athletic.

Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff):
Magic: Sora is very skilled in various basic magic spells (such as Fire, Blizzard, or Thunder), even more so after training with Merlin. These spells allow him to weaken or outright destroy Heartless that are more vulnerable to certain elements or resistant to physical attacks. He can also use Cure to heal himself and his allies from injuries as well as restore HP and revive fallen party members.

Flowmotion: It allows Sora to traverse the surrounding environments with great ease when he interacts with certain environmental elements. Using Flowmotion, Sora can jump off of walls, grind rails, leap great heights, and dynamically attack opponents.

When Sora uses Flowmotion, he is enveloped in a violet-colored aura, and he is sometimes accompanied by two orbiting lights of the same color, that trail light behind him.

In his later adventures his basic combo is much stronger and he gains the Drive Form ability after obtaining new clothes, which give him more mastery over his strengths, speed, magic, and Keyblade. In addition to the abilities that each form grants him, Sora's speed and strength are also increased.

He has also learned to use Limits with party members to form a strong, special type of attack which takes all of his MP.

With a summon charm in hand, Sora learns to the ability to summon a specific character and temporarily aid him in combat. Each character has a special power that makes them helpful.

Weaknesses (If anything notable): Sora can't really fight well without his Keyblade

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):

"Let's try a little somethin' new today. I call it Inkopolis Fashion Focus!"

Name: Pearl Pigmy (fan translation)
Universe From: Splatoon 2
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Species: Inkling

Octo Expansion reveals more of Pearl’s past. In the past, Pearl originally had little to no idea how to write music, though she insists she had her heart in the right place. She demonstrated a notably more vulgar side with her song ‘‘#$@%* Dudes Be #$@%* Sleepin’’, which garnered some fans, but never went beyond that. Upon meeting Marina by accident while practicing her voice, Pearl taught Marina the ways of Inkling society, and fully established herself upon the formation of Off the Hook.

Pearl speaks rather bluntly and uses various slang, in line with her characterization as a rapper. Compared to her partner, Marina, Pearl is a lot more expressive, quick to jump onto a topic with a bit of a short temper, and has a knack for composing new songs as they come to her. Often times, her comments can be playfully sarcastic, playing off her co-host.

Pearl's favorite weapon (and the one she's most skilled with) are the Splat Dualies.
She's a pretty talented rapper.

If given time to prepare, Pearl's vocals have been shown to cause serious sonic-based damage, like breaking glass, blowing out speakers, and, in the Octo Expansion, rivaling a partially-charged death ray.

Besides an inkling's normal aversion to water, Pearl is nothing special, but she is loyal to Marina to a fault, which could be exploited.

An interview with Pearl in the Octotune album sleeve reveals her last name is ホウズキ. This is most likely a reference to ダイオウホウズキイカ, the Japanese name of the colossal squid, the largest species of squid (in contrast with Pearl's first name being a reference to one of the smallest species of squid).
  • Alternatively, the name might be a reference to Japanese name of the Chinese Lantern fruit, or the Hozukius emblemarinus rockfish, named after the fruit.
  • A fan translation of this interview gave her name as "Pearl Pigmy", but no official translation yet exists.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

'Quote' (optional):

Name: Marcus Wright

Universe From (Series your character comes from. OCs are labeled as OCs): Terminator: Salvation Final Battle

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (Optional):

Species: Half Human/ Half Terminator hybrid

Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Marcus led a disreputable life of petty crime alongside his brother, whom was accidentally killed during a botched car-jacking which also saw the deaths of two cops. Marcus was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to death at the Longview State Correctional Facility. During his time on Death Row, Marcus was visited repeatedly by Dr. Serena Kogan, a cancer-stricken scientist who wished for him to sign over his body to her research project. He refused her request up until the day of his execution, upon which he agreed to sign it over in exchange for a final kiss.

Marcus was then strapped onto a cross-like table and shown to his weeping friends and relatives before being executed by lethal injection. It is ambiguous as to whether the injection actually killed him or simply placed him in a coma for Serena's project, however. Marcus' body was taken apart and converted into a unique cyborg, one that still retained his human brain and heart. He was then stored in an underground facility where he would remain in stasis for 15 years as Judgment Day occurred in the world above. Skynet would later discover his body and add further enhancements to his design, completing the seemingly abandoned work of Cyberdyne Research.

Marcus awakens/is activated in the remains of the Skynet VLA and staggers out into the rain-soaked terrain, disoriently screaming in horror at the world around him. After composing himself, Marcus takes the clothes of a deceased Resistancefighter and starts a long walk through the desert, finding a sand-caked road leading into Los Angeles. Upon arriving, Marcus observed the ruined city from atop the Hollywood banner and then descended into the streets where he encountered a Series 600 Terminator patrolling the city.

gnorantly, he called out to it, only to immediately come under fire from the machine's mini-gun. Before he could be mowed down, however, Marcus was tackled to the ground by a young man called Kyle Reese; who told him: "Come with me if you want to live." Following Kyle's lead, Marcus bolted for the nearby building while the T-600 struggled to free itself from a snare trap the youth had set. It escaped by shooting off its foot, however, and promptly took chase. Up on the roof, Kyle's young companion, a mute girl named Star, released another trap, crushing the T-600 beneath a box car wheel assembly.

Kyle then held Marcus at gunpoint, accusing him of stealing the uniform of a Resistance fighter, but the cyborg easily disarmed him and demanded to know the date and what happened to the world. Kyle answered his questions, and Marcus expressed an interest in reaching a Skynet-controlled location. Before they could decide on this, an HK-Aerialflew in overhead, toppling a building as it passed. Knowing their safety had been compromised, Kyle led Marcus and Star back to their hiding place. Here, Marcus demonstrated how to tether the shotgun to his arm to avoid losing it to an opponent.[3] He then fixed their radio, picking up a message from John Connor in the process.

Marcus decides to travel with Kyle Reese and his fellow Resistance member named Star who run the Los Angeles resistance alone. They travel to Griffith Observatory away from Los Angeles. Once they are there, they encounter survivors but Star and Kyle end up getting captured with a bunch of other resistance survivors. Marcus chases for them alone only to meet a woman named Blair Williams who is a pilot in the Resistance. Blair falls in love with Marcus and decides to lead Marcus to the Resistance, only to have Marcus step on a mine stuck to his leg. He is brought to Resistance HQ only to be captured by John Connor and the rest of the Resistance and shot at. Blair sees the better in Marcus and lets him go and they run. Marcus's other chance to prove himself is when he was going to save Kyle Reese, John's Paradoxal father. Once he did that, Marcus would sacrifice his heart to save John Connor from a terminator attack.

In Final Battle, Marcus gets a mission from Skynet to tell John about a man named Parnell who is taking all the power away from the Supercomputer and killing humans in super gorey ways using Terminators. While John takes on the mission of stopping Parnell, Marcus helps lead the Resistance against the gorey Terminators.

Marcus was a punk in his natural life. He walked a disreputable path full of misdeeds and crime throughout his adolescence and young adult life. Despite this, he had an unusual respect for human life and a strong sense of justice: after the deaths that occurred at his hands, he sincerely believed his sentencing – death by lethal injection – was exactly what he deserved. He had no final words before his sentence was carried out.

Even now, he has a hard time believing he deserves to live again. It is a question that haunts him, and there are times where his hatred for himself and what he has done interfere with the scant relationships he has with humans.

Marcus is headstrong, determined and occasionally hotheaded. He executes his decisions with clear intention, even more so now that he has been integrated with cybernetics. Once he has decided he is going to do something, he will not stop until he succeeds, and it is advised to stay out of his way. He does not take obstacles lightly.

He only allows himself to get close to a select few. Once he does, he becomes fiercely defensive of them… and will do anything to protect them. He is loyal almost to a fault, and as a result is deeply affected by betrayal.

His anger can get the better of him at times. Fights with Marcus can take a grim turn: they are not over until his opponent is dead. This “termination objective” is a trait found in the Terminators, but since Marcus removed his CPU, it isn’t determinable whether this is due to his cybernetic interface or really just part of who he is. The only apparent way to stop him is a friend’s voice of reason.

He can be easily broken down by his own condition. Anything that reminds him of his brother is liable to either anger him or deeply depress him; his guilt over this incident has never fully left him, even after death. This guilt may also influence Marcus’s apparent desire to do good. Everything he does is done with the best of intentions.

Perhaps his criminal past is what influences him, but it is clear that Marcus intends to use the second chance he has been given to do things right.

Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):
Good Driver

Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff):

Cyborg Ablities grant:
X2 the strength
Regeneration in Organs and skin
Can be shot and grow back skin

Weaknesses (If anything notable):
Human Heart and brain
Other than the armor along the sternum and stomach region, his endoskeleton lacks the protective casing found on other Terminator series. This leaves motors and sustaining cybernetics vulnerable to attack, though it is fairly obvious that certain Hybrids, such as Marcus Wright, weren't intended to be a combat model and his only real purposes are surveillance, infiltration and espionage. It could be said that he is a "sleeper agent" of sorts.

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):
Rooster: Alice in Chains
Last edited:

'Quote' (optional):

Name: Marcus Wright

Universe From (Series your character comes from. OCs are labeled as OCs): Terminator: Salvation Final Battle

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (Optional):

Species: Half Human/ Half Terminator hybrid

Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Marcus led a disreputable life of petty crime alongside his brother, whom was accidentally killed during a botched car-jacking which also saw the deaths of two cops. Marcus was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to death at the Longview State Correctional Facility. During his time on Death Row, Marcus was visited repeatedly by Dr. Serena Kogan, a cancer-stricken scientist who wished for him to sign over his body to her research project. He refused her request up until the day of his execution, upon which he agreed to sign it over in exchange for a final kiss.

Marcus was then strapped onto a cross-like table and shown to his weeping friends and relatives before being executed by lethal injection. It is ambiguous as to whether the injection actually killed him or simply placed him in a coma for Serena's project, however. Marcus' body was taken apart and converted into a unique cyborg, one that still retained his human brain and heart. He was then stored in an underground facility where he would remain in stasis for 15 years as Judgment Day occurred in the world above. Skynet would later discover his body and add further enhancements to his design, completing the seemingly abandoned work of Cyberdyne Research.

Marcus awakens/is activated in the remains of the Skynet VLA and staggers out into the rain-soaked terrain, disoriently screaming in horror at the world around him. After composing himself, Marcus takes the clothes of a deceased Resistancefighter and starts a long walk through the desert, finding a sand-caked road leading into Los Angeles. Upon arriving, Marcus observed the ruined city from atop the Hollywood banner and then descended into the streets where he encountered a Series 600 Terminator patrolling the city.

gnorantly, he called out to it, only to immediately come under fire from the machine's mini-gun. Before he could be mowed down, however, Marcus was tackled to the ground by a young man called Kyle Reese; who told him: "Come with me if you want to live." Following Kyle's lead, Marcus bolted for the nearby building while the T-600 struggled to free itself from a snare trap the youth had set. It escaped by shooting off its foot, however, and promptly took chase. Up on the roof, Kyle's young companion, a mute girl named Star, released another trap, crushing the T-600 beneath a box car wheel assembly.

Kyle then held Marcus at gunpoint, accusing him of stealing the uniform of a Resistance fighter, but the cyborg easily disarmed him and demanded to know the date and what happened to the world. Kyle answered his questions, and Marcus expressed an interest in reaching a Skynet-controlled location. Before they could decide on this, an HK-Aerialflew in overhead, toppling a building as it passed. Knowing their safety had been compromised, Kyle led Marcus and Star back to their hiding place. Here, Marcus demonstrated how to tether the shotgun to his arm to avoid losing it to an opponent.[3] He then fixed their radio, picking up a message from John Connor in the process.

Marcus decides to travel with Kyle Reese and his fellow Resistance member named Star who run the Los Angeles resistance alone. They travel to Griffith Observatory away from Los Angeles. Once they are there, they encounter survivors but Star and Kyle end up getting captured with a bunch of other resistance survivors. Marcus chases for them alone only to meet a woman named Blair Williams who is a pilot in the Resistance. Blair falls in love with Marcus and decides to lead Marcus to the Resistance, only to have Marcus step on a mine stuck to his leg. He is brought to Resistance HQ only to be captured by John Connor and the rest of the Resistance and shot at. Blair sees the better in Marcus and lets him go and they run. Marcus's other chance to prove himself is when he was going to save Kyle Reese, John's Paradoxal father. Once he did that, Marcus would sacrifice his heart to save John Connor from a terminator attack.

In Final Battle, Marcus gets a mission from Skynet to tell John about a man named Parnell who is taking all the power away from the Supercomputer and killing humans in super gorey ways using Terminators. While John takes on the mission of stopping Parnell, Marcus helps lead the Resistance against the gorey Terminators.

Marcus was a punk in his natural life. He walked a disreputable path full of misdeeds and crime throughout his adolescence and young adult life. Despite this, he had an unusual respect for human life and a strong sense of justice: after the deaths that occurred at his hands, he sincerely believed his sentencing – death by lethal injection – was exactly what he deserved. He had no final words before his sentence was carried out.

Even now, he has a hard time believing he deserves to live again. It is a question that haunts him, and there are times where his hatred for himself and what he has done interfere with the scant relationships he has with humans.

Marcus is headstrong, determined and occasionally hotheaded. He executes his decisions with clear intention, even more so now that he has been integrated with cybernetics. Once he has decided he is going to do something, he will not stop until he succeeds, and it is advised to stay out of his way. He does not take obstacles lightly.

He only allows himself to get close to a select few. Once he does, he becomes fiercely defensive of them… and will do anything to protect them. He is loyal almost to a fault, and as a result is deeply affected by betrayal.

His anger can get the better of him at times. Fights with Marcus can take a grim turn: they are not over until his opponent is dead. This “termination objective” is a trait found in the Terminators, but since Marcus removed his CPU, it isn’t determinable whether this is due to his cybernetic interface or really just part of who he is. The only apparent way to stop him is a friend’s voice of reason.

He can be easily broken down by his own condition. Anything that reminds him of his brother is liable to either anger him or deeply depress him; his guilt over this incident has never fully left him, even after death. This guilt may also influence Marcus’s apparent desire to do good. Everything he does is done with the best of intentions.

Perhaps his criminal past is what influences him, but it is clear that Marcus intends to use the second chance he has been given to do things right.

Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):
Good Driver

Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff):

Cyborg Ablities grant:
X2 the strength
Regeneration in Organs and skin
Can be shot and grow back skin

Weaknesses (If anything notable):
Human Heart and brain
Other than the armor along the sternum and stomach region, his endoskeleton lacks the protective casing found on other Terminator series. This leaves motors and sustaining cybernetics vulnerable to attack, though it is fairly obvious that certain Hybrids, such as Marcus Wright, weren't intended to be a combat model and his only real purposes are surveillance, infiltration and espionage. It could be said that he is a "sleeper agent" of sorts.

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):
Rooster: Alice in Chains
Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo He's a go


"Does it sting? That's the power of a martial arts champion!"

Name: Ken Masters

Universe: Street Fighter/Capcom

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (Optional): Straight

Nationality: American

Species: Human

Bio: When Ken was only 12 years old, his father, a rich hotel tycoon, thought that his son should learn about more discipline from the outside world. He was afraid that his son would become a spoiled brat later on in his life and try to leech onto the Masters' family fortune. In order to do so, the elder Masters sent Ken to Japan to train under his best friend, the mysterious karate master Gouken. At first, Ken was very scared to learn from Gouken, wanting to go back to the United States, but shortly started to like him after seeing how nice he was. He even enjoyed the company of Gouken and his adopted son, Ryu, since he had a foil to finally pull pranks on to make him laugh, although Ken could not get him to do so at times. Ryu and Ken would later become best friends and each other's principal rivals.
When Ryu was 23, Gouken decided that both of his pupils had grown up to be fine fighters and decided that their training was over and could now leave the temple. Ryu decided to travel the world in order to continue to learn new things, whereas Ken was finally happy to be going back home to the United States after his years of straining his back for master Gouken and finally learning the meaning of humility. After coming home, Ken competed in many different Martial Arts tournaments held in the United States, winning most of them.
Personality: Ken is flashy, unorthodox, and unpredictable. He can also be very egotistical and short tempered at times. But he is actually a good person who tries to help people with problems and very easy going. He never backs down from a fight no matter how difficult it is. He always gives his opponents a fair fight, whether it be his master Gouken when training, his main rival Ryu, the utmost respect. He is also a worrywort when it comes to his family; he nearly didn't enter the tournament in Street Fighter IV because he didn't want to leave Eliza so close to her due date when their son is born, and only entered when she assured him she'd be fine. He still called her to check in and tell her to be careful on stairs.
Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):
  • Master of the art of fist fighting
  • He's pretty good at driving fast cars.
  • He's also a dad. That takes skill, right?
Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff):
  • Shōryū-reppa ("Rising Dragon Destroyer")
  • Shinryūken ("Divine Dragon Fist")
  • Shippū-Jinrai-Kyaku (疾風迅雷脚, "Gale Thunderclap Kick")
  • Guren Enjinkyaku (紅蓮炎迅脚, "Crimson Lotus Flame Swift Leg")
Weaknesses (If anything notable):
  • Haunted by the possibility of aquiring the Satsuni no Hado, and becoming Violent Ken
  • Nothing super notable. Just don't threaten the lives of his friends and family

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Work in progress


View attachment 480450
"Does it sting? That's the power of a martial arts champion!"

Name: Ken Masters

Universe: Street Fighter/Capcom

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (Optional): Straight

Nationality: American

Species: Human

Bio: When Ken was only 12 years old, his father, a rich hotel tycoon, thought that his son should learn about more discipline from the outside world. He was afraid that his son would become a spoiled brat later on in his life and try to leech onto the Masters' family fortune. In order to do so, the elder Masters sent Ken to Japan to train under his best friend, the mysterious karate master Gouken. At first, Ken was very scared to learn from Gouken, wanting to go back to the United States, but shortly started to like him after seeing how nice he was. He even enjoyed the company of Gouken and his adopted son, Ryu, since he had a foil to finally pull pranks on to make him laugh, although Ken could not get him to do so at times. Ryu and Ken would later become best friends and each other's principal rivals.
When Ryu was 23, Gouken decided that both of his pupils had grown up to be fine fighters and decided that their training was over and could now leave the temple. Ryu decided to travel the world in order to continue to learn new things, whereas Ken was finally happy to be going back home to the United States after his years of straining his back for master Gouken and finally learning the meaning of humility. After coming home, Ken competed in many different Martial Arts tournaments held in the United States, winning most of them.


Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):
Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff):
  • Shōryū-reppa ("Rising Dragon Destroyer")
  • Shinryūken ("Divine Dragon Fist")
  • Shippū-Jinrai-Kyaku (疾風迅雷脚, "Gale Thunderclap Kick")
  • Guren Enjinkyaku (紅蓮炎迅脚, "Crimson Lotus Flame Swift Leg")
Weaknesses (If anything notable):


You’ve got me interested with just the good character choice alone. Finish the CS up, and you should be good to go!
You’ve got me interested with just the good character choice alone. Finish the CS up, and you should be good to go!
Saw that you have Blazblue. I'm still a newbie to the series, but why is there no Yukki Terumi?!?! He and Azrael are my mains.

As a sidenote, are Guilty Gear characters allowed? I have another character to into cue, but I wanna build the suspense.

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