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Fantasy Beware the Frozen Heart (Open and Accepting)

I'm interested. Some questions : what are the rules? are the given races the only races that exist? if not, are we able to incorporate other species into our characters?

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PeteTSs said:

The Ice Prince's Castle

When Rin finished saying those dreaded words, Sabrina had to take a second to let it sink in. 'There's no cure for a frozen heart...' Sabrina roared once more and charged at the Prince, ignoring the bezerk general. She opened her jaws wide open, revealing rows of sharp white teeth, each able to pierce steel with minimal effort. "I SAID NO ONE DIES!" Even through all that rage, a little voice at the back of her head started giggling. Rin...hi-hi-hi! What a pretty name...look at him...he's been though so much pain just like me...he must know what it feels like to have lost loved ones...he looks so beautiful... I... I... really... like... him

@DeadxPhoenix2661 @Genieva Von Bubbles
I edited my previous post to make it clearer that Sabrina was apologizing her attack against Rin
yea but not for very long sadly unless I transition off my computer and on my phone but I hate doing that xD @PeteTSs
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