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Fantasy Beware the Frozen Heart (Open and Accepting)


Queen of Darkness



Magic: Yes or No?

Magical Abilities:

Combat Abilities:





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Name: Prince Rin Vale

Age: 119

Race: Half Elven, Half Human

Magic: Yes

Magical Abilities: Has the ability to control ice and snow

Combat Abilities: Master Swordman, Hand to hand combat



Personality: Rin is a cold hearted boy with a fierce attitude and bleak outlook on the world. Like his element, he is harsh and cruel, often making selfish decisions. However, he can act charming when needed and is a master of hiding his true colors. Before his heart froze over, he was quiet, kind and fairly entertaining.

Alliance: Himself

Background: Rin's mother was a human and his father was an elfen king who was a master elemental, practicing in the art of controlling water. As a child, he was brought by a nanny and his parents were hard on him due to his heritage as a prince. As he grew up, he studied magic and began to distance himself from his parents. He briefly found happiness when he fell in love with a young peasant girl called Lily. This happiness was short lived as she died in a war between his father's kingdom and a rival kingdom. His father died in battle and his mother passed on from a broken heart. Unable to deal with the loss he had suffered, he casted a spell to turn his heart away from love and feeling. As a result, his heart became cold and his powers turned from Water to Snow and Ice. He ended the war by killing the rival king and casted his kingdom into a bleak eternal winter.

Other: He has a pet polar bear called Silver
Name: Alexandra Delaurntis

Age: 116 ( to be exact she's 19 in human looks)

Race: Forest Elf

Magic: Yes

Magical Abilities:

Being in touch with spirits of the forest, she always knows when your lying, you can be the best pair in the world and she would know.

She has the elemental control of earth.

She has heightened senses, meaning it's impossible to sneak up on her.

She can speak with animals

She can heal nature and animals.

She can speak with earth, knowing when it's hurt or when darkness has plagued a certain area of it.

Combat Abilities: Master bow man, acrobatic, stealthy, good with double daggers.


Personality: Smart, meaning she always thinks of a backup plan, and is always one step ahead of the enemy. She's polite, in manners and is respectful when being introduced to somebody. She's naive, she cares to see the beauty in the world instead of the bad. She's easily angered, and sarcastic, and makes no move to hide her emotions unless she's hurt or is about to cry. She's caring for other people and often feels the need to help them.

Alliance: Casca

Background: Alexandra grew up with what her family named it as "The way of the wild." They were a very religious family that believed they had to do exactly what the forest spirits said. They lived in the woods and had a very healthy lifestyle and her mother was a great herbalist. Her father was a hunter, and when Alexandra was 10, she didn't want to life of her mother but father. Her father made her her own bow and took her out hunting with him, she grew to be quite experianced with the bow and better then her father. But when the war took place, the spirits weren't happy, angry at the people for upsetting natures balance, the spirits gave her family a large punishment. The next time that the family got together, the spirits wanted the children to be sacrificed to them as an apology for the worlds sins on nature. Although distraught, her mother and father decided to kill there own blood. Alexandra and her brother were already packing, they refused to be sacrificed for a crime they didn't commit. Her parents got to her little brother before Alexandra could save him. She fled home and never came back. Alexandra went on a run of bad luck after that and seemingly went downhill, she became a bandit, she Lea red and became an expert at tactics and suprise and theft, all in the rage of her brother are a death. This continued for many years until she found Casca. She started whole new when she found the eleven gypsies in Casca. A small caravan of them that travels around and sold their trinkits. She joined there religion and they became her new family, doing her best to forget the dreadful past that haunts her.




Yukihime "Hime"
Kurgaya :: 18 :: Human

Combat Abilities




Hime is a very serious person. While she does enjoy a good laugh, she prefers intensity over humor. She is very cynical for someone her age, and sarcastic. She tends to be quite commanding, due to her upbringing, and is a ruthless opponent on the battlefield.




Hime was raised in Ornduin by her General father, and she was raised to be a warrior. Her mother had died in child birth with her younger brother so Hime was not raised gently. She never had to be the woman of the household, instead devoting her time to combat training and studies of political affairs. She holds a deep set hatred for the Ice Prince and all the trouble he's caused. Because of this, she snuck from her home and travelled to his kingdom, believing she is strong enough to end him once and for all.


Her father is on a warpath right now trying to find his runaway daughter. She's in big trouble if she gets caught

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Lusus (he keeps his animalistic Appearance hidden by a spell)



Magical Abilities:



A longe range attack where Isobe transforms his hand into a lance like form. Does more damage at the tip.


Combat Abilities:

Hand to hand combat

Uses his whole body as a weapon.




Isobe is cocky, loud, reackless, and stubborn as hell. He doesn't back down from anything, even if the odds art against him. Sometimes he can appear wild, especially in battle. This is caused by him being Lusus, though he keeps his animalistic Appearance hidden. Isobe would charge headfirst into battle, and tear everyone limb from limb.




Isobe was born and raised to become a killing machine. He never knew his parents, or what they did. The only thing he knew what to do was to take orders and to kill. Isobe was raised with a group of other Lusus children, and they were taught the art of Transmutation. The group was sent out into an actual battle at the age of ten. Isobe and a few other children survived. Whoever was left in the group was subjected to harsh and brutal training, some even died from it. At the age of 19 Isobe sensed the weakness of his cruel owners and slaughtered them. After that he was given the name Kaih?-sha (which means liberator in Japanese). Isobe left to wander the world.


His body is covered with scars from the battles that he's been in, and the cruel training that he went through.
DarknessSpirit said:
Name: Alexandra Delaurntis
Age: 116 ( to be exact she's 19 in human looks)

Race: Forest Elf

Magic: Yes

Magical Abilities:

Being in touch with spirits of the forest, she always knows when your lying, you can be the best pair in the world and she would know.

She has the elemental control of earth.

She has heightened senses, meaning it's impossible to sneak up on her.

She can speak with animals

She can heal nature and animals.

She can speak with earth, knowing when it's hurt or when darkness has plagued a certain area of it.

Combat Abilities: Master bow man, acrobatic, stealthy, good with double daggers.


Personality: Smart, meaning she always thinks of a backup plan, and is always one step ahead of the enemy. She's polite, in manners and is respectful when being introduced to somebody. She's naive, she cares to see the beauty in the world instead of the bad. She's easily angered, and sarcastic, and makes no move to hide her emotions unless she's hurt or is about to cry. She's caring for other people and often feels the need to help them.

Alliance: Casca

Background: Alexandra grew up with what her family named it as "The way of the wild." They were a very religious family that believed they had to do exactly what the forest spirits said. They lived in the woods and had a very healthy lifestyle and her mother was a great herbalist. Her father was a hunter, and when Alexandra was 10, she didn't want to life of her mother but father. Her father made her her own bow and took her out hunting with him, she grew to be quite experianced with the bow and better then her father. But when the war took place, the spirits weren't happy, angry at the people for upsetting natures balance, the spirits gave her family a large punishment. The next time that the family got together, the spirits wanted the children to be sacrificed to them as an apology for the worlds sins on nature. Although distraught, her mother and father decided to kill there own blood. Alexandra and her brother were already packing, they refused to be sacrificed for a crime they didn't commit. Her parents got to her little brother before Alexandra could save him. She fled home and never came back. Alexandra went on a run of bad luck after that and seemingly went downhill, she became a bandit, she Lea red and became an expert at tactics and suprise and theft, all in the rage of her brother are a death. This continued for many years until she found Casca. She started whole new when she found the eleven gypsies in Casca. A small caravan of them that travels around and sold their trinkits. She joined there religion and they became her new family, doing her best to forget the dreadful past that haunts her.

Approved. I'll be opening the RP tonight so feel free to join in after ive put the opening :)
[QUOTE="Genieva Von Bubbles]



Yukihime "Hime"
Kurgaya :: 18 :: Human

Combat Abilities




Hime is a very serious person. While she does enjoy a good laugh, she prefers intensity over humor. She is very cynical for someone her age, and sarcastic. She tends to be quite commanding, due to her upbringing, and is a ruthless opponent on the battlefield.




Hime was raised in Ornduin by her General father, and she was raised to be a warrior. Her mother had died in child birth with her younger brother so Hime was not raised gently. She never had to be the woman of the household, instead devoting her time to combat training and studies of political affairs. she holds a deep set hatred for the Ice Prince and all the trouble he's caused. Because of this, she snuck from her home and travelled to his kingdom, believing she is strong enough to end him once and for all.


Her father is on a warpath right now trying to find his runaway daughter. She's in big trouble if she gets caught

Approved. Feel free to join the rp after I've put the opening paragraph
Eagershadow3 said:








Lusus (he keeps his animalistic Appearance hidden by a spell)



Magical Abilities:



A longe range attack where Isobe transforms his hand into a lance like form. Does more damage at the tip.


Combat Abilities:

Hand to hand combat

Uses his whole body as a weapon.




Isobe is cocky, loud, reackless, and stubborn as hell. He doesn't back down from anything, even if the odds art against him. Sometimes he can appear wild, especially in battle. This is caused by him being Lusus, though he keeps his animalistic Appearance hidden. Isobe would charge headfirst into battle, and tear everyone limb from limb.




Isobe was born and raised to become a killing machine. He never knew his parents, or what they did. The only thing he knew what to do was to take orders and to kill. Isobe was raised with a group of other Lusus children, and they were taught the art of Transmutation. The group was sent out into an actual battle at the age of ten. Isobe and a few other children survived. Whoever was left in the group was subjected to harsh and brutal training, some even died from it. At the age of 19 Isobe sensed the weakness of his cruel owners and slaughtered them. After that he was given the name Kaih?-sha (which means liberator in Japanese). Isobe left to wander the world.


His body is covered with scars from the battles that he's been in, and the cruel training that he went through.

Approved :D Feel free to join when I've put up the opening paragraph :)
Name: 'Pyra'

Age: 19

Race: Human

Magic: No

Magical Abilities: N/A

Combat Abilities: Pyra is a master in using whips as weapons and is good with a sword. She's an excellent marksman and is fairly good at hand to hand combat. She has a special whip that has a flame enchantment on it (she can't control the flame itself)




Personality: Pyra is a fierce girl with a hell of an attitude. She is harsh toward anyone she doesn't know and is quick to anger and rage. She has her moments where she can be sweet but this is usual to get her what she wants but she does have moments where she is nice without needing something.

Alliance: Herself, Anyone who stands against Rin

Background: Pyra wasn't always called Pyra. She once had the name Elenor and was the daughter of a solider who lived in Iynrion. Her mother died when she was younger due to illness and she had two sisters. Both her and her sisters were taught to fight from early in their life as their father survived in the army. Her father was killed in the war after all men were ordered to fight on the front lines but she accepted that. Her and her sisters were old enough to look after themselves and for a while they did until Rin froze the land over. Her sisters died from Pneumonia. She moved to Ornduin and began plotting to kill Rin and free Iynrion from his eternal winter.

Other: N/A
Name: shin tsuchi

Age: 20

Race: lusus

Magic: Yes

Magical Abilities: able to transform from human to animal form

Combat Abilities: hand to hand/ extended claw used as swords.



Shin is the kind of guy to act before thinking. He usually is loyal to anyone he likes even if he just met them. Shin loves fighting even knowing he will lose he lives the thrill.

Alliance: the rebels against the prince

Background: shin was a problem child usually messing something up or getting into fights. It didn't help that in his transformed state he doesn't think at all. As he got older he was able to control his power more but not much. He hated the prince the minute he executed his brother for apparent treason. He vowed to kill the n prince any way he could.

Other: will do anything for raw meat.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7c86afb9_images(11).jpg.c9e9bdaf0540a45975a3da317cf40b26.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105505" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7c86afb9_images(11).jpg.c9e9bdaf0540a45975a3da317cf40b26.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7c86f13b_download(1).jpg.0e809f50bac0f092f00c129c0589b015.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7c86f13b_download(1).jpg.0e809f50bac0f092f00c129c0589b015.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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MADoranges said:
Name: shin tsuchi
Age: 20

Race: lusus

Magic: Yes

Magical Abilities: able to transform from human to animal form

Combat Abilities: hand to hand/ extended claw used as swords.



Shin is the kind of guy to act before thinking. He usually is loyal to anyone he likes even if he just met them. Shin loves fighting even knowing he will lose he lives the thrill.

Alliance: the rebels against the prince

Background: shin was a problem child usually messing something up or getting into fights. It didn't help that in his transformed state he doesn't think at all. As he got older he was able to control his power more but not much. He hated the prince the minute he executed his brother for apparent treason. He vowed to kill the n prince any way he could.

Other: will do anything for raw meat.
Approved :)
Name: Sabrina

Last name unknown

Age: 17

Race: Half human half elf

Magic: Yes

Magical Abilities:


Sabrina has the ability to morph into a dragon for as long as she likes, although it is the only thing she can morph into EVER. She also has the ability to fly with her morphed dragon wings

Ice shot:

Sabrina has the ability to shoot a one and a half foot long icicle that is able to travel to a maximum range of seventy feet in any direction


Sabrina is able to freeze almost anything within a seven foot radius of herself

Ice battle gauntlets:

Sabrina can summon her pair of battle gauntlets made entirely of magical ice. It is depicted in the picture in the appearance section

Combat Abilities:


Sabrina is able to morph her hands and feet into dragon claws to increase her damage output while not using her gauntlets. While using them, Sabrina enlarges the spikes sticking out of the gauntlets


Sabrina is able to morph her teeth into those of dragon's


Sabrina is able to morph a dragon's tail out of her lower back



Personality: She is very quiet. She rarely gets angry is very cold most of the time. She is very intelligent and observant, and will always think things though before engaging.

Alliance: None. She's a wanderer

Background: Sabrina never knew her parents. She was taken away from them at a very young age for 'safety purposes'. She used to be very loud and talkative, blabbing on about anything and everything. She was then sent to a school of magic, where she learn most of her magical and combat skills. Being a half blood, Sabrina was bullied a lot by the full elf children and feared by the full human children, and thus her personality was shaped a lot by that. After graduating, she became obsessed in finding out who her parents were and what 'danger' was threatening her family so much that it forced her parents to send her away forever.

Other: Nope
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PeteTSs said:
Name: Sabrina

Last name unknown

Age: 17

Race: Half human half elf

Magic: Yes

Magical Abilities:


Sabrina has the ability to morph into a dragon for as long as she likes, although it is the only thing she can morph into EVER. She also has the ability to fly with her morphed dragon wings

Ice shot:

Sabrina has the ability to shoot a one and a half foot long icicle that is able to travel to a maximum range of seventy feet in any direction


Sabrina is able to to almost anything within a seven foot radius of herself

Ice battle gauntlets:

Sabrina can summon her pair of battle gauntlets made entirely of magical ice. It is depicted in the picture in the appearance section

Combat Abilities:


Sabrina is able to morph her hands and feet into dragon claws to increase her damage output while not using her gauntlets. While using them, Sabrina enlarges the spikes sticking out of the gauntlets


Sabrina is able to morph her teeth into those of dragon's


Sabrina is able to morph a dragon's tail out of her lower back



Personality: She is very quiet. She rarely gets angry is very cold most of the time. She is very intelligent and observant, and will always think things though before engaging.

Alliance: None. She's a wanderer

Background: Sabrina never knew her parents. She was taken away from them at a very young age for 'safety purposes'. She used to be very loud and talkative, blabbing on about anything and everything. She was then sent to a school of magic, where she learn most of her magical and combat skills. Being a half blood, Sabrina was bullied a lot by the full elf children and feared by the full human children, and thus her personality was shaped a lot by that. After graduating, she became obsessed in finding out who her parents were and what 'danger' was threatening her family so much that it forced her parents to send her away forever.

Other: Nope
Approved :D
Name: Jamie Lukhert

Age: 18

Race: Human

Magic: no

Combat: Usually close ranged using two silver knifes, has a bow for backup.


Personality: Loner. Age has trust issues and it takes a long time before she can befriend someone. She's also unpredictable.

Alliance: None. A person like her can't be trusted.

Backround: Jamie has always been alone. She enjoys it that way. Abandoned when she was 11, she had to fend for herself. A scar on her eye shows how tough she really is. She can barely open that eye, so she practices fighting blind. Her parents are unknown. Her relative's never came for her or sent a message (she's glad). Everyone related to her is "dead".
UnknownRolePlayer said:
Name: Jamie Lukhert
Age: 18

Race: Human

Magic: no

Combat: Usually close ranged using two silver knifes, has a bow for backup.


Personality: Loner. Age has trust issues and it takes a long time before she can befriend someone. She's also unpredictable.

Alliance: None. A person like her can't be trusted.

Backround: Jamie has always been alone. She enjoys it that way. Abandoned when she was 11, she had to fend for herself. A scar on her eye shows how tough she really is. She can barely open that eye, so she practices fighting blind. Her parents are unknown. Her relative's never came for her or sent a message (she's glad). Everyone related to her is "dead".
I messed up the image sorry.

UnknownRolePlayer said:
Name: Jamie Lukhert
Age: 18

Race: Human

Magic: no

Combat: Usually close ranged using two silver knifes, has a bow for backup.


Personality: Loner. Age has trust issues and it takes a long time before she can befriend someone. She's also unpredictable.

Alliance: None. A person like her can't be trusted.

Backround: Jamie has always been alone. She enjoys it that way. Abandoned when she was 11, she had to fend for herself. A scar on her eye shows how tough she really is. She can barely open that eye, so she practices fighting blind. Her parents are unknown. Her relative's never came for her or sent a message (she's glad). Everyone related to her is "dead".
UnknownRolePlayer said:
I messed up the image sorry.
Approved. Feel free to join anytime :)
Vxnessa said:
Name: Rosalina Jax
Nickname: Rosa

Age: 19

Race: lusus

Magic: yes

Magical abilities:

-she has claw retraction and she also has sharp teeth

-she can use wind magic

Combat abilities:

-she is very stealthy

-she uses her claws and only uses her teeth if she has to

-she usually does Ranged attacks

-she uses throwing knifes and a bow

-she can use her wings amd wind magic


Personality: Rosaline is often unemotional and quiet, people usually underestimate her but she uses that to her advantage in battle as she will often trick her does before killing them. When you get to know her better she is usually less quiet and more friendly

Alliance: the princes army

Background: rosa came from a poor family that was often bullied by gangs who took what little money they had away from them. When she was 12 she saw them kill her brother and that made her bloodthirsty. She killed every person who had been involved in it and then was employed by the princes army as an assassin and a warrior.

Other: she's an assassin and a warrior
Approved. Feel free to join anytime :)



(The rebel's know him as The Watcher)




"I'm the last Blue Phoenix in existence however with Rin's help that won't be for long."


Human Form


True Form (Size is a bit larger than a bald eagle)




Powers in human form

Blue Fire

Being a Blue Phoenix he can manipulate fire that emits coldness instead of heat and frostbite instead of burns. He is resistant to this fire and can convert any type of fire to blue fire. (Say if someone tried to throw a fire ball or something at him when coming in contact with him it would turn blue and be harmless to Zaiden. His hair is lit by this fire whenever he uses it. He also emits a cold aura because in his true form he is made up of these flames which carried over to his human form. He can adjust the temperature of this but he can't totally turn it off. The lowest he can make this is to just have his skin feel slightly cold to the touch. (note does not use psychic energy as being born a blue phoenix he has an unlimited supply of it) More info here Ice-Fire Manipulation

Psychic Energy Absorption

Zaiden has the power to leech off peoples energy (replenishes over time) that allow him to use it as fuel for some of his powers and increase his own physical energy, mental energy/brain power. He can also condense this energy into balls and beams which will explode on impact or a large shock wave. Zaiden usually takes only a little bit from a large crowd of people so no one feels anything but side affects can occur if one is drained a lot. (Zaiden feels this too if he uses his own energy) Zaiden can not leech energy off people who are dead, unconscious, or sleeping. If Zaiden overloads himself with energy it will knock him out for 1-2 hours.

Minor (15-25% Drained)

  • Headache
  • Slight Nausea

Moderate (25-50% Drained)

  • (all above)
  • Dizziness
  • Shivering/Feels Cold
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Hungry/thirsty

Severe (50-80%)

  • (all above)
  • Vomiting
  • Disorientation
  • Extreme Fatigue
  • At 80% person falls asleep (remember that Zaiden can't take any more when they are asleep)

Drawing Creation

Zaiden can infuse almost any drawing/painting he has/had made with psychic energy to make it real. The drawing does not have to be pretty as long as you can tell what it is meant to depict. What the creature/object actually looks like comes from Zaiden's imagination. Objects can be permanent but living organisms can only last for 5 minutes before vanishing. The amount of energy needed depends on the size and complexity of the creature/object and any living thing is double the amount of a object. Zaiden keeps a notebook and quill on him at all time filled with drawings he can bring to life by pressing his finger on them.

Healing Tears

As a phoenix Zaiden's tears can heal any wound or broken bones and can cure any poison or disease when drunk. However he can not use it on himself.

(Only one tear needed to drink)

Powers in true form:

(All of above)



Covered In Flames

Zaiden's body is almost always covered in blue flames (see above) and when he flies near or walks on ground he leaves a trail of it. However he activate this to his pleasure.

Wind Blast

Using his powerful wings Zaiden can fire large gusts of wind powerful enough to cause even large opponents to be swept of their feet.

Combat Skills

He relies heavily on his powers but is pretty good with a sword or knife.


(How he is the only one of his kind is TBR)

Zaiden now works with Rin and usually is the one actively keeping the city under check when Rin is in his castle. The rebels know him as The Watcher because he is often in his true form flying around the city looking for the enemy and reporting it to Rin.




Zaiden was a really down-to-earth guy who was nice to anyone who was friendly back, but now he has grown very cynical and cold as a result of working with Rin and how desperate he is to survive. His mind has started to break from all the pressure he puts on himself of saving his people and is starting to have periods of no feeling emotions at all or worse fits of uncontrolled rage. His heart isn't technically frozen and there is a very small chance he could be brought into the good side.


Theme Song


Battle Theme


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/829c3fe0c01c24a9a7bd7527348fd99b.jpg.b0d575603a05b87c659830629a2f9e01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/829c3fe0c01c24a9a7bd7527348fd99b.jpg.b0d575603a05b87c659830629a2f9e01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name

Anyu Patuktuq






Anyu knows a little energy magic. Most notably, she's good with the healing spell.

Combat Abilities

Anyu is a hunter. She knows how to use the slingshot and can fight with dagger, although she's not so good at it. Herspecialty is the bow and arrow though.


Anyu is very intelligent. She can make complicated calculations in her head, and she has an excellent memory. However, she's not very people smart, and can rarely see trough a lie. She's very submissive, almost always doing as told and not being able to stand up for herself. On the other hand, she's also very stubborn, never giving up. Her loyalty lasts forever. She's very naive.


The Patuktuq clan. Note however that the clan doesn't have a good grasp of ''southern'' politics, and as such, Anyu doesn't even know that it was the prince who froze the land. She just wants to stop the curse.


Anyu comes a hunting clan north of Iynrion. She had a normal life for a hunter there, traveling the tundra, collecting food and hunting with her friends and family. However, one year, the winter never ended. Of course that completly screwed over Anyu's clan, as the animals theyn were hunting slowly died out, and many died of sickness because of the unusually freezing. Now most of the clan has scattered, emigarting to southern countries (if they manged to escape). Anyu however wants to slove the problem, and is going to do almost whatever it takes to make her clan go back to normal.


Anyu is very short at 4'4. She doesn't like elves, as she thinks they were the ones who froze the land.



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LOLMAN101 said:



(The rebel's know him as The Watcher)




"I'm the last Blue Phoenix in existence however with Rin's help that won't be for long."


Human Form


True Form (Size is a bit larger than a bald eagle)




Powers in human form

Blue Fire

Being a Blue Phoenix he can manipulate fire that emits coldness instead of heat and frostbite instead of burns. He is resistant to this fire and can convert any type of fire to blue fire. (Say if someone tried to throw a fire ball or something at him when coming in contact with him it would turn blue and be harmless to Zaiden. His hair is lit by this fire whenever he uses it. He also emits a cold aura because in his true form he is made up of these flames which carried over to his human form. He can adjust the temperature of this but he can't totally turn it off. The lowest he can make this is to just have his skin feel slightly cold to the touch. (note does not use psychic energy as being born a blue phoenix he has an unlimited supply of it) More info here Ice-Fire Manipulation

Psychic Energy Absorption

Zaiden has the power to leech off peoples energy (replenishes over time) that allow him to use it as fuel for some of his powers and increase his own physical energy, mental energy/brain power. He can also condense this energy into balls and beams which will explode on impact or a large shock wave. Zaiden usually takes only a little bit from a large crowd of people so no one feels anything but side affects can occur if one is drained a lot. (Zaiden feels this too if he uses his own energy) Zaiden can not leech energy off people who are dead, unconscious, or sleeping. If Zaiden overloads himself with energy it will knock him out for 1-2 hours.

Minor (15-25% Drained)

  • Headache
  • Slight Nausea

Moderate (25-50% Drained)

  • (all above)
  • Dizziness
  • Shivering/Feels Cold
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Hungry/thirsty

Severe (50-80%)

  • (all above)
  • Vomiting
  • Disorientation
  • Extreme Fatigue
  • At 80% person falls asleep (remember that Zaiden can't take any more when they are asleep)

Drawing Creation

Zaiden can infuse almost any drawing/painting he has/had made with psychic energy to make it real. The drawing does not have to be pretty as long as you can tell what it is meant to depict. What the creature/object actually looks like comes from Zaiden's imagination. Objects can be permanent but living organisms can only last for 5 minutes before vanishing. The amount of energy needed depends on the size and complexity of the creature/object and any living thing is double the amount of a object. Zaiden keeps a notebook and pencil on him at all time filled with drawings he can bring to life by pressing his finger on them.

Healing Tears

As a phoenix Zaiden's tears can heal any wound or broken bones and can cure any poison when drunk. However he can not use it on himself.

(Only one tear needed to drink)

Powers in true form:

(All of above)



Covered In Flames

Zaiden's body is almost always covered in blue flames (see above) and when he flies near or walks on ground he leaves a trail of it. However he activate this to his pleasure.

Wind Blast

Using his powerful wings Zaiden can fire large gusts of wind powerful enough to cause even large opponents to be swept of their feet.

Combat Skills

He relies heavily on his powers but is pretty good with a sword or knife.


(How he is the only one of his kind is TBR)

Zaiden now works with Rin and usually is the one actively keeping the city under check when Rin is in his castle. The rebels know him as The Watcher because he is often in his true form flying around the city looking for the enemy and reporting it to Rin.




Zaiden was a really down-to-earth guy who was nice to anyone who was friendly back, but now he has grown very cynical and cold as a result of working with Rin and how desperate he is to survive. His mind has started to break from all the pressure he puts on himself of saving his people and is starting to feel no emotions at all. His heart isn't technically frozen and there is a very small chance he could be brought into the good side.


Theme Song


Battle Theme



Approved :) feel free to join in
SdrawcabDaer said:
View attachment 238070 Name
Anyu Patuktuq






Anyu knows a little energy magic. Most notably, she's good with the healing spell.

Combat Abilities

Anyu is a hunter. She knows how to use the slingshot and can fight with dagger, although she's not so good at it. Herspecialty is the bow and arrow though.


Anyu is very intelligent. She can make complicated calculations in her head, and she has an excellent memory. However, she's not very people smart, and can rarely see trough a lie. She's very submissive, almost always doing as told and not being able to stand up for herself. On the other hand, she's also very stubborn, never giving up. Her loyalty lasts forever. She's very naive.


The Patuktuq clan. Note however that the clan doesn't have a good grasp of ''southern'' politics, and as such, Anyu doesn't even know that it was the prince who froze the land. She just wants to stop the curse.


Anyu comes a hunting clan north of Iynrion. She had a normal life for a hunter there, traveling the tundra, collecting food and hunting with her friends and family. However, one year, the winter never ended. Of course that completly screwed over Anyu's clan, as the animals theyn were hunting slowly died out, and many died of sickness because of the unusually freezing. Now most of the clan has scattered, emigarting to southern countries (if they manged to escape). Anyu however wants to slove the problem, and is going to do almost whatever it takes to make her clan go back to normal.


Anyu is very short at 4'4. She doesn't like elves, as she thinks they were the ones who froze the land.
Approved :)
Name: Nerola (Wasn't given a last name)

Age: 16

Race: Lusus

Magic: None

Magical Abilities: None

Combat Abilities: Nerola has few combat techniques. She hasn't fought much. When she does fight, she only uses her claw-like finger nails and sharp teeth.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-18_20-38-48.png.a00d554791ff2864ccb72177f585d3f4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-18_20-38-48.png.a00d554791ff2864ccb72177f585d3f4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Nerola is very shy and defensive. Having been raised in captivity, her personality is that of a wild or abused animal. She is very wary of the people around her, and is quick to run, or fight, if she has too. She gets frusterated often when trying to speak with others, and is quick to anger in those situations.

Alliance: Herself

Background: Nerola's mother was captured Nerola was just an infant, so she has spent her whole life in captivity. From the moment she could walk, her mother was taken away from her and she was used as a slave. She was never given an education, and was kept alone all the time she wasn't learning. If she made a mistake, she was beaten for it. This caused her to turn in an animal, basically, and from then on that was what she was treated like. The only time she was ever spoken to was when she being ordered to do something, so she did learn to speak a little bit. A week before her 16th birthday, all the slaves in the home where she lived were released out into the world, so she has only been out for a week or so. She has no idea how to interact with others, and currently lives in the wilderness.

Other: None<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-18_20-37-23.png.94f1bf06130ce52e12d59031042d6694.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106854" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-18_20-37-23.png.94f1bf06130ce52e12d59031042d6694.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2016-2-18_20-37-23.png
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[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions]Name: Nerola (Wasn't given a last name)
Age: 16

Race: Lusus

Magic: None

Magical Abilities: None

Combat Abilities: Nerola has few combat techniques. She hasn't fought much. When she does fight, she only uses her claw-like finger nails and sharp teeth.

Appearance: View attachment 238688

Personality: Nerola is very shy and defensive. Having been raised in captivity, her personality is that of a wild or abused animal. She is very wary of the people around her, and is quick to run, or fight, if she has too. She gets frusterated often when trying to speak with others, and is quick to anger in those situations.

Alliance: Herself

Background: Nerola's mother was captured Nerola was just an infant, so she has spent her whole life in captivity. From the moment she could walk, her mother was taken away from her and she was used as a slave. She was never given an education, and was kept alone all the time she wasn't learning. If she made a mistake, she was beaten for it. This caused her to turn in an animal, basically, and from then on that was what she was treated like. The only time she was ever spoken to was when she being ordered to do something, so she did learn to speak a little bit. A week before her 16th birthday, all the slaves in the home where she lived were released out into the world, so she has only been out for a week or so. She has no idea how to interact with others, and currently lives in the wilderness.

Other: None

Name: Akimitsu Nakahara

Age: 14

Race: lusus

Magic: no

Magical Abilities: none

Combat Abilities: quite stealthy, good with hand to hand and weapon combat


Personality: He is shy, quiet, sweet, and easygoing.

Alliance: none at the moment

Background: Akimitsu was abused by his parents because of him being a lupus. Apperantly, a lupus had killed his sister. Therefore, his parents thought of him as a freak. When the kingdom was frozen, his parents forced him to live there. He has lived there ever since, but isn't fond of it being cold all the time.

He has this as a pet, it's name is Amurru. Amurru follows him around at all times. He found Amurru in the frozen kingdom and saved her.




Theo Mandon:: 16:: Human

Combat Abilities


Long-Range Attacks

Hand to Hand Combat

Stealth Attacks (Assassination)


Theo is loyal beyond repair. He's an excitable guy and very kind. However by no means does his kindness make him weak. He's one of Ornduin's top fighters, a secret weapon, if you will. In battle he is quite the opponent. He does have a slight hero complex though, and he always tries to save everyone.


Ornduin, however he and Hime became close friends.


Theo lived the high life for most of his childhood. His parents were close friends with the royal family and close friends with Hime's family. He and Hime grew very close, like brother and sister. However there was always a massive looming wall that Hime put between them and to this day he still can't figure out why she won't let him in. As she trained to be a soldier, Theo was whisked away to become one of the kingdom's weapons of war. Now he is assigned to look into the disappearance of both Hime and her father and is only his way to bring them back for questioning.


Theo may or may not have a slight crush on Hime and he uses their friendship as an advantage to try and get her to like him. He isn't as pure hearted as everyone assumes.
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