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Beware Crimson Peak. {{ P. }}


Ashe is the name. (Pronounced Ash.) ❤


"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other." -- Paulo Coelho.


Even the house shocked her when she approached it. Josephine was amazed by the greenery of the land, but this house... This abandoned and eerie looking house appeared to be untouched by the forces of nature. It stood tall despite everything around it. It stuck out like a sore thumb, but it was obvious no one had ever dared approach this house. The house was an old nineteenth century mansion, and the land around it bled when it snowed or rained. It literally bled; the red clay coming up and looking like blood when bad weather happened.

Josephine pulled the keys out of her ignition. She grabbed her phone off of the charger and a flashlight. She had passed this house on her drive out to her friend, Stephanie. Since she had some free time, she used some stupid excuse to get out of the place she was staying. This house caught her interest and she needed to breathe this work of art in. She stepped out of her car, phone in pocket and flashlight in hand. She had also brought a water bottle just in case her thirst needed to be quenched when inside the house.

Josephine took the long walk to the house, her feet crunching on the dirt. Everywhere else except the acres of land were green. The acres of land Allderdale Hall resided on were absolutely barren. Ancient machinery lay to the side as she made her way to the entrance of the house. She could feel a slight fear of being where she was, but she wanted this. She wanted to uncover what mysteries lurked within this untouched house. She opened the giant door and walked in. The giant door closed behind her, making her jump at the loud bang. She laughed at herself.

Josephine decided to go into a door on the left, soon coming into an old kitchen. She let her eyes admire what was around her, until she saw a piano. She was absolutely fascinated more when being in this house. It drew her in like a flower draws in a bee. She could feel her heart racing and hear it in the quiet house. As she approached the piano, she felt something touch her and a loud noise come from somewhere in the house. She froze where she was.

name;; Josephine Annis Thornhill.

nicknames;; Josie.

age;; Twenty-eight.

d.o.b.;; January 2nd.

gender;; Female.

piercings;; The normal primary hole piercing on both ears.

tattoos;; None.

scars;; She has a scar going from the bottom of her wrist to the middle of her forearm on her right arm. It's from a surgery she had when she was eighteen.

unnoticeable features;; Her hair is black and her eyes are blue. Her skin is also very pale. Her lips are the normal, rosy pinkness lips are, just a tad darker than most.

history;; This will be done later.

fears;; Insects, drowning, being buried alive, death.

theme song;; My Love by Sia.

face claim;; Jessica De Gouw.

other;; She highly prefers to be called Josie all the time. Her full first name should be used in extreme cases.



A house as old as this one becomes, in time, a living thing. It starts holding onto things... keeping them alive when they shouldn't be. Some of them are good; some of them bad... Some should never be spoken about again.

- Sir Thomas Sharpe


It was bitter cold. Of course it was always bitter cold these days to Tom. Not that he even noticed it hardly anymore. If there was one thing he could say for certain it was that life as a ghost was far simpler than life as a living man was. He could easily say that he vastly preferred life as a ghost. At least he would if not for the reminders he would occasionally get of Edith. Oh sweet darling Edith.She had been all Tom had ever wanted. He'd thought that Lucille was what he needed, but on that fateful night he learned that really it was Lucille who needed him. Not the other way around. His sister had twisted and warped his mind in such a way that had him clinging to her with everything he had, even now. Despite what he knew and what she'd done to Edith. All that mattered was that Edith was alright. She had left, never to return. Living her life happily in the sunshine far away from Allderdale Hall.

Suddenly it was cold. Well colder than it was normally and Tom looked up from his place in the chair by the fireplace, not lit, but he'd taken care of the place as best he could after his and Lucilles death. He stood up, glancing to the stairs as his sister showed herself, skirt held lightly in her hand to walk down the stairs. Mostly out of habit Tom had to assume, as a ghost they couldn't trip. Luci must have been up in her study, she does that more often than Tom knows. Dwelling on the past.


They both noticed the girl at the same time. And the Sharpe siblings both approached her in the same hesitant manner. Unsure of why she was here. Then they realized that she saw the piano. Luci's beloved piano. Simultaneously Tom ran for the girl and Lucille chose to grab an old vase from the nearest table and throw it, barely missing the girl as it caught the door frame instead. Tom ran for the girl to protect her, knowing that she would feel the heat of his sisters wrath. He hadn't realized that he had accidentally touched her as he spun around to face Lucille, saying,
"Luci please! Just go back upstairs I'll take care of this!" And with a final look of murderous rage in her eyes she disappeared, the older Sharpe having much more control over her ghostly powers than Tom ever had.

Giving a gentle sigh of relief the man turned back to look at the girl, frozen in fear. He was uncertain as to who she was but...she seemed...eerily familiar. He wanted to reach out to her. To protect her. To save her. His eyes darted up to the ceiling for a moment, thinking he had to protect her from Lucille. He couldn't let his sister kill her, not again. Not this time. For once in his life, be it his normal one or his after life, he would save somebody from his blood kin. Looking back to the girl he swallowed thickly, mostly from nerves than anything, and spoke normally to her, curious,
"Can you hear me?"
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"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other." -- Paulo Coelho.



Josephine heard a voice and she turned around to where it was coming from. She saw what was behind her and she jumped, slightly scared from the appearance. It was obvious this wasn't something of the humane. It had to be an ethereal being. She softly smiled and nodded, knowing it was probably him who prevented the vase smashing into her head. She let her eyes take in every detail, lingering on the open wounds on the porcelain white skin. She watched as threads of the ghostly body came from him.

"Who are you?" Josephine asked him, tearing her eyes away. She had stared a little too long and she was beginning to feel bad. If he was the one that saved her, there had to be another, since she had heard him say something, most likely a female, just minutes before. She instead let her eyes wander around again, not wanting to be rude and feeling embarrassed for staring. It would be difficult not to stare, considering she was speaking with the ghost. Which now began to puzzle her.

Josephine hadn't had any encounters with a ghost before, or none that she remembered/knew of. She wondered what was so different now. Yes, she had been drawn in by the house, but she didn't understand why everything was changing in it. She could feel energies from others as well as the emotions. She wondered if the house triggered something; it was now dawning her of being, in fact, sensitive the spirits. She just wondered why it triggered now.

Josephine heard him begin speak and she looked back at him. She didn't want to be rude again, so she just remained eye contact with him. She listened intently.



A house as old as this one becomes, in time, a living thing. It starts holding onto things... keeping them alive when they shouldn't be. Some of them are good; some of them bad... Some should never be spoken about again.

- Sir Thomas Sharpe


ooc; Who needs to listen in Psych 101 when you can rp instead? xD

If the woman before him was staring he hadn't noticed, though that might have been because he himself was staring as well. She was vibrant and vivid. He took in all the color he could manage. She was real and alive. Not to mention beautiful but that's not what he cared about at the moment. There was a strange...familiarness to her that Tom didn't understand. Where it any other person he may have simply let Lucille have her way. Release her pent up angry energy. But he just couldn't let any harm come to this girl. He had to take in everything he could, ghosts saw each other as their live selves, but where a ghost to look in the mirror they see their ghost self. Tom had spent a long while after his death staring at his own reflection, the open wounds on his skin.

The question surprised him slightly, breaking him from his thoughts, his curiosities of this girl and who she might be. He hesitated for a moment, trying to come up with a reasonable answer, because really...was he the same man he had been in life? Was he still Sir Thomas Sharpe? He certainly felt like it, however that had been all he'd ever known. "My name is Sir Thomas Sharpe. Or was. I'm not even sure that's who I am anymore." He spoke honestly and openly to the girl before him. He wasn't sure why he was being so truthful with her. It's not like he had any specific reason to be. "But that is not of import right now..." He murmured gently, mostly to himself he realized. Looking into the girls blue eyes he wanted to reach out to her. Touch her. Comfort her maybe. Something. He didn't however, "Who are you, if I might ask? Why are you here?" He paused briefly, before adding, "How did you find this place?"


Surely Allderdale Hall wasn't a place that anyone wanted to go. Sure they had had the occasional head poke in. Usually on a dare from their friend. But Lucille scared them off before anything could happen. The Sharpe siblings were well aware of the fact that people steered clear from their residence. 'Beware of Crimson Peak' and all of that. But not this girl. She was speaking to him as though he were completely normal. It was strange. He had spoken more in the last thirty seconds than he had in what felt like years. He tended to avoid Luci when he could, and he could tell that his sister did the same. They had both attempted to leave before but it had simply never happened. They couldn't leave. They were trapped here.

Perhaps...Tom thought to himself suddenly, this girl....This girl that could see him, speak to him on a normal level as though he were a regular man...Perhaps she could save them. He could talk to Luci maybe this girl could save them. Free them from being trapped here so that they could move on. He immediately tossed the idea of talking to Lucille away however, there was no way his sister would ever even consider the idea. In fact she'd likely just become angry and kill the woman before him. Something he could not let happen at any cost.



"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other." -- Paulo Coelho.



"I'm Josephine Annis Thornhill. Annis being my middle name. Most call me Josie. I'm here to do a little exploring, but I see I'm disturbing the residents of the house. It caught my eye as I drove past to a friend's house for a couple weeks. This house is beautiful, and it seems you have taken good care of the house.

"May I remark that you're ghostly form is beautiful? Even with all of the wounds, you withhold a beauty that's hard to find. Seems it must be your good heart keeping you beautiful. Thank you for saving me earlier," Josephine said, smiling brightly. She shyly looked down and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She was now embarrassed for rambling on and talking about things that didn't really mean anything. Her cheeks had a light pink dusting of a blush on them.

Josephine looked back up noticing he was taking in her every move. She wondered if it had been awhile since he had seen an alive person. She felt pity hit her heart at the thought of it and she didn't mean to show it in her eyes. The sympathy made her eyes water a little bit and she frowned. She bit her bottom lip and looked away again.

Josephine couldn't imagine being stuck in a place like this. It must have been for two centuries since he had been stuck here, considering the look of the house. She would be lost and not able to do something if she was trapped here.



A house as old as this one becomes, in time, a living thing. It starts holding onto things... keeping them alive when they shouldn't be. Some of them are good; some of them bad... Some should never be spoken about again.

- Sir Thomas Sharpe


Thomas found himself smiling as he listened to the girl. Her immediately kind demeanor making him realize suddenly who she reminded him of. Edith. His sweet Edith. That explained things. It explained why he kept thinking she looked familiar and why he felt the need to protect her from things. "Josephine." He hummed gently, tasting the name on his tongue. The same feeling he got whenever he had spoken Edith's name.

He chuckled gently at the womans thanks "Please, it's alright." He bit his lower lip slightly, running his fingers idly through his hair as he considered his next words, "My sister was the one who threw the vase. She's...protective of her things and she saw you go for her piano and instead of talking about her feelings she just...acts out." He sighed gently, not even looking as he took as step to the side and fell into a chair, "Sit down would you?" He asked hopefully, gesturing to the chair as he smiled sweetly at Josephine.


Really he simply wanted to talk, to know this woman. She intrigued him so and he longed to know more, "Only...it's been awhile since I've had a conversation with anyone, and you don't seem too bothered by the fact that your talking with a dead man." He smiled weakly feeling the tension easing from his nonexistent body. Lucille wouldn't be back for a long while. She never was after her outbursts. They left her defenseless and weak, and she hated feeling like that so she'd simply hide away for hours at a time.



"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other." -- Paulo Coelho.



"I rather shocked myself at how easy going I was being. It's for the best, though. Strange things happen everyday, plus spirits font alarm me. My mother used to be able to see them, my grandmother, my great grandmother, all the way to my great, great, great grandmother Edith. She is absolutely beautiful. I've heard stories about her that my grandmothers and mum have learned over the years. Any families who knew Edith brighten at her name," Josephine said, smiling. She had sat down at the beginning of her sentence, her hands going to rest on her lap as she set her things down beside her.

Josephine looked off into the distance at the thought of her grandmother Edith. She didn't know much about the woman, but she had seen pictures of her. There were pictures of her great grandfather Alan as well. She had heard...interesting stories of her grandmother's past. Stories of a house so wrought with terror and fear, as well as harm and injury. She recalled a name and her eyes widened. If it was the name she had just thought.... No, she couldn't be currently conversing with the man who had fallen in love with Edith later on and his psycho of a sister.

Josephine's eyes widened and her palms began to sweat in fear. She went completely rigid, now knowing where she was. It was the place of her grandmother's nightmares. She faintly heard Thomas, but she was too distraught and lost in her thoughts. She didn't know what to do now. She thought about running, but she didn't want to be rude nor be killed.



A house as old as this one becomes, in time, a living thing. It starts holding onto things... keeping them alive when they shouldn't be. Some of them are good; some of them bad... Some should never be spoken about again.

- Sir Thomas Sharpe


ooc; ugh God this feels so awful and rushed and I feel so bad for not getting back to you sooner. I got busy at work, then RPN decided to delete the whole thing, and then I had to go down into New Jersey to get my sister because she got into trouble and I had to clean up after her fucking around again.

Edith. Well. That certainly confirmed his suspicions. Josephines very existence proved that his love had indeed lived a long and happy life after the horror that he and his sister had put her though. Still, it was a shock to know it for a fact now, and honestly he was glad. Because it gave him a definable reason for liking this sweet girl so much. Thomas wasn't really one for love. Not since or even before Edith. He hadn't ever really loved his sister, not truly. He knew that now.

Thomas looked up to see Josephine's lovely face nearly as pale as his own and he panicked briefly, trying rapidly to figure out why she was like that. Then he knew. Edith must have told people about Allderdale Hall, there was no way she wouldn't have. Knowing her the way he did, she likely wrote a book about it even, under the pretense of it being fiction but only her direct family would know the true secret. "Josephine listen to me." He spoke quickly, moving from his spot on the chair and kneeling in front of her, taking one of her hands in both of his own to get her attention.

The first thing he realized after this action was just how very warm the woman was. She simply radiated life, but right now he couldn't think about that he had to get her to stay. By any means necessary. He couldn't have her leave, not yet. "You likely know Edith's story, there is no doubt about that, yes?" He continued before she could reply, "You know of the horrors that befell her here and what happened, and how she nearly got killed." He realized now that he was breathing deeply in his panic, though he didn't need to breathe. "But I beg of you to stay. I loved Edith very, very much. And I must ask you to stay. Listen to my story. I can tell you what happened from my perspective, please." He begged, desperately, "Listen to me."



"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other." -- Paulo Coelho.



"Edith was almost killed here. Her story was passed down from generation to generation, the book she wrote specifically for her family fallen in my hands. She wrote everything, but she wrote about the good you expressed to her. Thomas, I cannot stay here, not in a human form. If you wish for me to stay here for a long time, I cannot. A couple hours, yes. But I must live a humane life. I will stay and listen. I will always stay and listen," Josie told him, feeling his hands take hers. His were freezing and she now began to see him turn into his human form. He now felt solid and human, his hands radiating cold, but it was still there.

Josephine was willing to listen to Thomas's story, but she knew most of it already. Edith had never changed nor lied about her recounts here at Allerdale Hall. Edith had wrote everything down to the very last detail. Her mother was still alive, but she had passed the book down to Josie. Josie always read it and kept it with her, intrigued by her great grandmother's story. It was a shame what happened to her did happen.

"Thomas, why did you do it? Why did you seduce Edith only to fall in love with her, but still be involved with your sister?" Josephine asked, wanting to know. She didn't care if Lucille came downstairs when she heard the mention of her, but she knew it would be met with death. This frightened her, slightly. It frightened her because she knew what Lucille was capable of. If she died here, she would be trapped. She did feel the connection between Thomas and her. The connection was strong and it had been passed down. She felt like she knew everything about Thomas. If she wasn't so focused on the fear she would out friend's and family through, she'd stay.



A house as old as this one becomes, in time, a living thing. It starts holding onto things... keeping them alive when they shouldn't be. Some of them are good; some of them bad... Some should never be spoken about again.

- Sir Thomas Sharpe


Tom was quiet for a long while, considering his options here, still holding onto Josephine's hands without really realizing it until he stood up and let go of her regretfully. Only wanting to hold onto her for as long as he could so that he could be sure she wouldn't leave right away. He sighed softly as he sat back down, "Well..." He started, unsure of where he was going with this.

Why was an incredibly good question. He loved and adored Edith. He hadn't at first certainly but..."She supported me, Edith did. She wanted me to live out my dreams, and I wanted her to live out her dreams. We were a pair of dreamers, she and I." He said wistfully, looking down at his knees though he wasn't too focused on them. He was smiling somewhat and then shook his head, "It wasn't part of the original plan to fall in love with Edith, clearly. My sister and I had been doing this for ages, as you rightfully know." He ran his fingers through his dark hair, and then continued, "It was my sister's idea originally. Get someone to give us money so that I could mine the clay. I hadn't known her plan though."

His jaw tightened and he bit at his lower lip slightly, "It was a shock to me what she had done. I hadn't known that she was poisoning the tea. I wasn't in love with my wife, but I certainly hadn't wished for her death either. Lucille eventually talked me out of going to the police though, telling me that if I did then she'd be put away in an asylum." He looked up at Josephine, "She had convinced me for years that I couldn't live without her."



"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other." -- Paulo Coelho.



"And then there was the incestuous relationship that had seemed to go on for longer than it should have. After that, that was when everything went downhill. You dying in pure envy and hatred for wanting to leave the house. After that hate filled rage, Lucille had realized what she had done. And chose to blame Edith by going after her. Thomas, why must you be trapped here in a place like this? You are a soul of pure good. Yes, the things you did were wrong, but you didn't have to stay. You could've figure something else out, gone somewhere else. But... you didn't want to leave Lucille..." Josephine said, looking down at her hands. She bit her bottom lip, feeling a tear roll down her cheek. She knew what exactly happened, even if Edith hadn't witnessed it, she had given an assumption of what had happened.

Josie looked up, sadness in her eyes. It was obvious she was trying not to cry, but there was another tear rolling down her cheek. She brought one of her hands up and touched her cheek, pulling her hand away to see the salty liquid coming from her eyes on her hand. She let her brows crease and she looked down, ashamed. She didn't want Thomas to see like this, but it happened. She was too sensitive to this topic, given the story her grandmother gave. She shook her head at the thought. She shouldn't feel so strongly about it, but she wanted to help Thomas leave.

"Thomas, let me help you leave," Josephine said. She soon heard a figure enter the room and she looked up, seeing a female. She paled more, even though she was so pale already. Her eyes widened a tiny bit and her pupils shrunk slightly. It was Lucille, the woman who made Edith's time here hell. She felt her breath hitched in her throat. She felt intimidated and scared by the woman's presence. She could feel her body tense and she felt absolutely small. Josie watched as Lucille moved her hands to rest on the back of Thomas's chair. This couldn't be good at all.



A house as old as this one becomes, in time, a living thing. It starts holding onto things... keeping them alive when they shouldn't be. Some of them are good; some of them bad... Some should never be spoken about again.

- Sir Thomas Sharpe


ooc; Sorry! my muse for this just got so crap, and it's not your fault I just wasn't in the mood and I didn't want to waste your time with a totally shit post. T_T I sorry.

Thomas had just been about to try and comfort Josephine when he more felt his sister coming down the stairs rather than hearing her. Or seeing her. She couldn't do anything too awful, at least not yet anyway, he knew that. But it didn't change the fact that he still felt a pang of pure panic run through him, and tensed up as her hands settled against the back of his chair. He knew what she was capable of with words alone, not just with her newly found ghostly powers.

Turning where he sat to face her, he risked a light smile, "Luci. May I ask you something?" He spoke, his voice gentle in an attempt to keep her calm. He carefully stood, still holding one of Josephine's hands so that he could lead her away quickly if necessary. Lucille raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be exactly. Because, Thomas, if it has anything to do with me
not getting this girl out of our house, then no. I will not hear a thing you have to say, because she is ruining us and you know that Thomas." Her voice getting sharper as she spoke. More angry.


The younger of the Sharpe siblings tensed up as his sister spoke, his hand tightening on Josephine's just ever-so-slightly, "Lucille...let's not overreact. What if she could help us?" He spoke carefully slowly putting himself in front of the woman just in case his sister snapped. Lucille rolled her eyes at that, her hands tightening their hold on the chair that Thomas had been sitting on just moments ago, "What part of 'I will not hear a thing you have to say' is so hard for you to understand?"



"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other." -- Paulo Coelho.



ooc;; I've had replied far worse. I usually get replies on a different roleplay site that are one to two sentences long. You're fine.

ic;; Josephine had risen when Thomas had, not wanting to feel awkward sitting and her arm raised in the air. She gave Lucille a stern look, not willing to trust her. She bit the inside of her cheek, letting everything play out. She wasn't going to intervene just yet, since she was finding the right words to spit at Lucille. She found Lucille's behavior towards Thomas inappropriate. She treated her brother like garbage and it wasn't fair. He didn't deserve the hell Lucille gave him.

"Lucille, just hear your brother out. If he wants to leave, then give him the chance. If he wants you to leave with him, accept the offer. You may never come across a kind soul again. Especially one who is capable of helping you escape the hellhole of Crimson Peak," Josephine said, her voice ringing out loudly in the room. She felt her heart race in slight anger, fear, and nervousness against her chest. She knew she probably fucked herself over, but she wasn't going to let Thomas's feelings become hurt.

Josephine shuddered slightly when she watched Lucille's eyes meet hers. She bit the inside of her cheek again, feeling vulnerable and small. She didn't like feeling like this and she knew something bad was going to happen. She shouldn't have spoke, but she wasn't going to let Lucille walk all over Thomas. She at least met Lucille's cold and harmful stare, seeing as something frightful would happen.



A house as old as this one becomes, in time, a living thing. It starts holding onto things... keeping them alive when they shouldn't be. Some of them are good; some of them bad... Some should never be spoken about again.

- Sir Thomas Sharpe



ooc; So sorry it took so long. One of my new co-workers asked me if I could help her move, and she paid me 300 bucks for it. And right now I'll take whatever I can get. Sorry if it's short. :/ I just wanted to get it in tonight before you hated me for ever. Not like I could blame you though, it's not like anyone else in my life really likes me. T_T They say I'm too happy all the time.

The second Josephine spoke up Thomas knew that she had done the wrong thing. Honestly she should have just kept quiet and let him speak. But of course he wouldn't expect a descendant of his lovely Edith to be anything or than stubborn and fiery. He still took the tiniest movement in front of her. Which apparently was also a bad idea. As the angered expression on Lucille's face simply worsened.

The entire room got cold, and a breeze ran through the room. The door burst open and in the blink of an eye Lucille had moved around the chair and stood directly in front of them and she spoke in a deadly quiet whisper,
"Make sure she leaves this house in the next minute. Or you will both regret it deeply." Her tone was a low hiss and then she disappeared from the room, although the male Sharpe sibling could still feel his sister's presence in the room. Thomas quickly turned around, taking Josephine's hands, a desperate look in his eyes, "Please remember love...That the second you leave this house you cannot ever return. I will not force you into one choice or the other. It is your decision to stay and risk my sister's wrath...Or leave and never come back."


"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other." -- Paulo Coelho.



ooc;; You're fine.

ic;; "
Thomas, I am not leaving you, regardless. I want to stay, but I know staying will result in something far worse. You need to be freed, regardless of what LUCILLE thinks. Edith wanted you free long ago. Now is time to take your chance. To actually go somewhere where you aren't constantly haunted by the cruelty given to your lover. The past cannot be rewritten, by you can be free. You can move on," Josephine pleaded with him, fear apparent in her eyes. She knew Lucille had plans for her to never leave, but she wanted Thomas to leave and she wanted to leave alive. She would be leaving behind a family, and she would be found dead here in Allerdale Hall. Her phone would be tracked to the last place she was at and the cops would find her here.

Josephine began to feel her hands shake in his and she felt her eyes, wide with fear, begin to tear up. She bit her bottom lip, her eyes frantically searching his. They moved from side to side quickly, even though she wasn't looking anywhere but him. Her shaking got a little bit worse and she could feel her eyes begin to sting. She felt her throat begin to close up because she was about to start crying. She blinked her eyes quickly, not wanting to cry. She could feel Lucille behind her. She could feel the chilling and wrathful presence breathing down her neck. She could feel every hint of malice and anger coursing through Lucille's ghostly veins. She silently pleaded with Thomas, asking him to save her. She felt her heart pick up pace, fear beginning to make her body rigid.

Josephine shivered when she felt Lucille's ghostly presence inching against her more and more. She couldn't see her, but the strongest of the emotion is what alerted her. She could feel just how much Lucille was upset with her. She didn't understand why leaving this dreadful place was a bad thing. Murders occurred here, and so did their own deaths. What could did it do them to remain here till the end of time? It didn't do them any good at all. This house mind-fucked with someone if they stayed long enough.



A house as old as this one becomes, in time, a living thing. It starts holding onto things... keeping them alive when they shouldn't be. Some of them are good; some of them bad... Some should never be spoken about again.

- Sir Thomas Sharpe



ooc; I hit my head against a wall for ages trying to make this longer. T_T It wasn't gonna happen.

She wasn't going to leave. She wasn't going to leave him and that's all Tom could think about right now. To Thomas, in that moment everything else melted away. Like it used to with Edith. But she wasn't Edith. She was Josephine. His beautiful and lovely Josie. Without really giving it another thought he pulled her forward and leaned down kissing her so entirely lovingly and caring. Gentle and sweet he poured as much as he could into that simple action. Josephines lips felt almost hot against his own, as he was still deathly cold. Pulling away suddenly as his senses came back to him he looked down at her, worried,
"Sorry...'m not quite sure what came over me..."


"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other." -- Paulo Coelho.



ooc;; That sounds painful. Also, yesterday was a month between me and the bf. Also, sorry for the length.

ic;; Josephine was shocked when he had kissed her, but she gave in. She didn't care if this was their first meeting, she knew more about him than she would have talking to him. Yes, he knew very little about her, but in time she would learn about him. She had made sure to convey her love and make it very clear. She had fallen in love with a ghostly man she had never met, only reading the tales of her Grandmother Edith. Thomas never seemed like a bad man, nor did she blame him for what had happened to her grandmother. She blamed Lucille, since the older Sharpe was influential in everything that had happened. Yes, she was angry with Lucille because she wouldn't let her brother be free, but it didn't matter. She was here and going to free him, no matter what. Then she would quickly leave the house and go live her life, communicating with the dead wherever they went.

I don't care. I rather enjoyed--" Josephine's dialogue was caught off by a sudden dagger through her heart. She looked down, seeing the metal shine with her blood before being pulled out. Blood came from her lips and she reached a hand up, her fingers covering in blood. She turned around and saw a jealous and angry Lucille holding a dagger. She looked back at Thomas, sadness in her eyes. She couldn't free him. She couldn't save him. She felt tears roll down her cheeks as she continued to bleed. She fell to her knees, clutching at her bleeding heart, even though she was now choking on the blood filling up in her throat.

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