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Fantasy Belkan Defiance

I want restart the RP, I dont like how everyone is all over the place, What do you think?

  • Yes, restart to have everyone start together

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, keep it as is

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Obito dug through the bag and groaned. It was a bunch of boring things like clothes, equipment and other things like that. "Ugh not a single spec of candy...." He left to go to his room to stock up on candy when he came upon the girl and boy he's seen a lot "man we run into each other a lot..." He practically ignored most of what they said and went to his room to back up his backpack with the 'essentials'

Once that was done he heard something about a common room and made his way there. "I'm hungry...." He mumbled and bit into his sucker
Syndra felt as if she was floating, able to easily breathe without any pressure.

"Come here Syndra," There was the familiar voice of a male that made a large smile spread on the little girl's face. Standing in the familiar cafeteria was a tall and large man. He bent and sat on the seat of connected to the table and the 6 year old Syndra happily jumped onto her father's lap. Unlike his icy blue eyes, Syndra had been born with red ones because of her mother's genes. With the experiments and tests her mother went through, her brown eyes had turned into a crimson red. Already red hair turned into a blood red that caught even more eyes.

Her father ran his large hand down Syndra's soft little rose red hair; without warning his daughter he pulled her back a bit and started to braid it. A habit he'd gotten into since her hair started to grow long.

"How was your day, father?" Syn asked without turning her head and sitting absolutely still. His only answer was a grunt but it was like Syndra knew his strange ways at such a young age.

"Did you give them hell in the training rooms?" Once again he grunted but if Syndra turned around, she would've seen a smile on her father's face. Though she knew what came after this part, her mom would come and scold her for using a bad word and her father would stare lovingly back at the easily angered woman.

"Syndra Kensta, please wake up," A voice that sounded nothing like her father woke up. The bright light that was in her face made her cringe and cover her eyes quickly. There were people who seemed like scientists that surrounded her. She didn't recognize them and in a panicked moment sat up quickly, only to accidentally hit her head against someone else's. Since they weren't Unknown, Syndra doubted it hurt her as much as it hurt him. Though it didn't stop her from rubbing the the slightly sore spot on the side of her head. Only then realizing that her hair was no longer long but cut to just about the end of her neck, in the front her red hair was longer and stopped a bit past her shoulders. Ah... it had been cut.

"We've been told you did that to yourself," One of the scientists noted when he noticed Syn slowly touch her hair. At those words Syndra realized that what she had been experiencing was just a dream. An illusion of the past. Syn remembered the day she found out about her father's death and decided that she would take revenge. Until the day Arcadia went down, she wouldn't allow her hair to grow long. Wait... what about Arcadia?

"I need someone to explain to me what exactly is going on before I freak out," Syndra bit her bottom lip as she ran a hand through her hair and tried not to freak out at the place that looked so different and the sudden change in people she knew nothing about.
Vine awoke with a start and frantically began to grope the spot beside him looking for something. When his hand was met with nothing but air panic set in. Where was Rosie?! Looking around he realized he was in some sort of laboratory with cryostasis chambers along the wall. Many were already empty but that wasn't important to him right now. He had to find his girlfriend and best friend to make sure she was okay. Searching each and every chamber he began to flip out when he didn't find the petite blonde with ruby eyes. Running his hand across his light brown hair he tried to center himself. Just as he was about to begin breaking things, a man's voice stopped him.

"She's okay. You've just awoken from a 70 year stasis. We had to separate Unknown 10 into her own gas chamber. Her emotions were left unchecked in her unconscious state and she began to produce roses that knocked out half of our staff and almost killed three technicians." Vine let out a relieved breath and stared at the man in irritation. What did they expect? Her ability was centered around gaseous roses.

"Cool. So where is she?" Vine asked trying to mask the impatience in his voice. The man almost wilted under Vine's hard stare. With a roll of his hazel blue eyes Vine began to tap his foot until the man finally spun on his heel and left the room. Vine followed after him down a flight of stairs before they reached a heavy and huge metal door. Gas masks lined the wall beside the door and the man put one on. As he began to hand Vine one, he was stopped by the young man's icy glare.

"Your new here aren't you?" Vine asked knowingly. The man blushed beneath the mask and nodded his head sheepishly. Vine once again tried to stamp down his irritation. Sure give the newbie to his poisonous girlfriend. Vine stepped forward and glanced into the room through a small airtight window. Laying on a bed surrounded by layers of roses was the one person he was worried about at the moment. For all of her strength and faith in her abilities, Rosie barely knew how to fight. Maybe that's why his powers molded itself around her. Since birth Vine had been able to create thorny daggers just from his thoughts alone. When he was 3 he came into contact with her fatal roses after a temper tantrum. Instead of knocking dead, a much stronger weapon came from his hands. Almost three feet in length a poison tipped,thorny sword became his ultimate weapon. They were inseparable until Rosa's family moved away when they were younger. As he tried to remember what happened after he only got shady glimpses. All he knew now was Rosa's parents went missing on a mission to help stop Arcadia's advancing forces on Belka, and to find out what happened to Vine's parents. His fists tightened as he remembered parts and pieces about the war that took his parents from him.

With a shake of his head, Vine reached for the metal door that stood between him and his best friend. He was stopped by a cold and clammy hand on his wrist. His brows scrunched up and he glared at the man in barely concealed anger. Hastily the man pulled away before stammering out a reply.

"You can't interrupt her stasis or it could jeopardize her health. But you can go in." Vine frowned but entered the room slowly. He shoved some roses aside with his foot causing a plum of gas to escape the petals. Vine sat and leaned against her bed prepared to wait however long it took. When the scientist got bored he locked the room and left.

"Geez, this is going to be boring," he sighed before closing his eyes and dozing off to the sweet smell of his favorite flower...
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