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Fantasy Behind the Seal - RP Page



Location: Lasalle Library
Interactions/Mentions: Bookie ( Wyll Wyll )

_93b781b6-6988-475f-ac66-5cdc51b00802.jpegThe stained glass skylight refracted the suns rays in gentle hues, painting the walls of the Lasalle Library with brilliant light. A cool wind blew through the large space as a gentle breeze from outside danced its way in through the windows and around the library, starting on the highest floor - the fourth floor - and slowly floating down, cooling the entire library. There was no music playing but the rhythm and buzz of people talking and moving around filled the air. Despite it being a library, it couldn't be said to be particularly quiet. Patrons were free to mill about, talking with friends about books they'd picked up and ones they were interested in reading. Casual conversation floating through the air and bringing life to the library. However, together with these casual conversations, floated whispers of secrets.

Within the library, assassins and spies passed information, secrets, and plans, right in the faces of the civilians and some of the librarians who were none-the-wiser. Notes left in books and returned to the shelf only to be picked up mere moments later by someone else; the idle tapping of one's foot to pass across morse code; subtle gestures passed from one side of the room to the other. It was all one intricate dance that only those who had been taught to look for it could see.

And, of course, there was one whose eyes always saw. Perched in the far corner of the highest floor, sitting behind his desk and watching the entire library with his sapphire eyes...Bookie. Nothing happened in the library that he didn't see, no conversation that he didn't hear, no secret that he didn't know. He was the one person that everyone in the library, whether behind The Seal or not, knew to respect and, in some cases, adore. All assassins and spies that walked into the building would immediately look to him and give a quick nod of acknowledgement out of respect for his position. To the regular civilian, they wouldn't know to send a greeting his way because, even if they looked right at him, they would see nothing due to the fact that his corner was perpetually covered by the shade such that it was nigh impossible to see him if you didn't know he was there. With the member of operatives behind The Seal increasing and changing so rapidly, this was one way that they were able to identify each other. anybody that knew to greet Bookie belonged.

It was also custom for members to go to the center table and ask one of the librarians there for today's recommendations. All that was was a piece of paper with five books on it. Those books were the recommendations. However, each one of those books was also the codename of on of the operatives working behind the veil. All members knew what book represented them and if they saw their book in the recommendations, they were to report to Bookie for assignment. Today, however, there were no missions. So the books listed on the recommendation sheet weren't assigned to anybody and were just books that Bookie felt would be a fun read for people.

For that reason, there was an easy atmosphere all over the library. After all, today was one of the few days where there was nothing happening behind The Seal and members could enjoy their day.

elysia the seal rp.png
Elysia: Royal on the Run
Location: Lasalle Library
Mentions: Bookie ( Wyll Wyll )

It was truly unheard of for a royal to run away from their kingdom, their duties, especially of their own free will. Elysia had tried to be careful when she sneaked out of her palace, away from her family, her advisors, her decoy taking up the mantle to pose as her for as long as possible. Sadly, it was all found out far too soon and Elysia's heart broke when she learned of her decoy's death. The last thing she wanted was bloodshed, especially on her account, and she vowed to avenge her friend very soon. For now, she had to keep looking for those who were tied to a seal. The same seal seen on letters to nobility before their untimely demise. With the way her parents the king and queen of Aethe ran things that practically punished the common folk, not to mention her betrothed being an absolutely cruel man himself, Elysia had enough of such a careless class system and wanted some way for it all to end.

In disguise as a peasant and wearing a hooded robe to conceal much of her face, she at last made it to the library in Lasalle after an arduous journey of avoiding the guards who were surely searching for her to bring her back home. So far she was lucky, but she didn't want to push that luck too far. With two of her handmaidens and best friends on either side of her, she made her way into the library to have a look around. Perhaps this place would have answers as to how she could find that secret group of people at opposed the royals? She needed their help, desperately, and she headed over to the center of the library in the hopes of finding the man who owned the place, a man only known as Bookie.
Location: Lasalle Library
Bookie ( Wyll Wyll ), Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples )

The elf was, without sugarcoating it, restless. Calm days were never easy for him; Calix had no real sense of self unless he achieved results during his missions. So being given free reign to enjoy himself was something he was still unused to. Not that he was incapable of relaxing but even if he was sleeping the man was always on guard, waiting for a blade to the throat. It was how he had been trained and how he survived this long.

He did have to admit that finding things out about himself was interesting. For example, he was oddly fond of romance stories. The hero, who triumphed despite all adversity to be with the one he loved, was moving to him. Of course, it could also be nauseating but that depended on the writing. Calix got amusement out of it regardless, so he could not fault anyone but himself for that. But for his favorite genre, it was poetry. The weaving of words into an intricate tapestry, with brilliant colors mingling with somber tones and all interwoven in a beautiful array, was something he would never tire of.

Calix was finishing another book, a more heroic tale with knights and mythical beasts, when his ears twitched slightly and his eyes briefly raised from his book to look at the girl who had just entered the room. Her clothes spoke of the peasantry, but his yellow eyes saw much more than that. Her gait spoke of taught grace and elegance, something that no lower-class citizenry would be capable of. No, this had been ingrained into the woman since her first steps as a toddler. Not only that, but she was taking care to hide her face, the women who were with her were a step behind and unknowingly gave her away. They kept an acceptable social distance one would expect them to do when with a noble lady. All this he took in with the first few strides she made into the library from his seat at the far left of the library on the second floor, his expression undisturbed and placid. One would not suspect him of people watching unless they were trained to spot such things. He then looks in Bookie's direction, curious as to what the man would do.
Location: Lasalle Library
Mentions: Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples ), Calix ( Graceling Graceling ), Bookie ( Wyll Wyll )

The bird had such ethereal feathers, that Meera couldn’t help but to gawk at. Almost a rainbow hue, with piercing black eyes. The black bird was looking towards the sun, magnificently posed. She traced her finger around the drawing, wishing the bird was real. She thought of Kip, the bird that would appear on her shoulder from time to time. Usually it was only to deliver a message, but sometimes it would rest on her shoulder out of leisure. She could almost feel its legs there, a faint phantom sense.

Meera flipped the page, continuing the story of the bird. It had been an epic journey, spanning across lifetimes where the bird was gifted with eternal life. He liked to watch the lives of humans, but they were strange creatures. Some were kind, some were...not so much. He’d watch them from birth to death, occasionally pondering his own existence. What would it feel like to die? He would never really know. And the gift of eternal life started to not feel like a gift after all.

A thump shifted Meera’s attention. A thick book hit her head, falling to the floor. She rubbed the spot, her expression nonchalant. A patron came scrambling towards her. She must've accidentally let one of the books fall off the shelf. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” she screamed, which caught the attention of one of the librarians. “I didn’t see you there.” The girl picked up her book, bowing and apologizing again before running off. Meera had been nestled in a quiet corner of the library, sitting leisurely as she always had. She was small, dressed in all black, meant to not stand out. Most civilians didn't even notice her, her quiet footfalls a contributing factor. And her aura. Her aura, as explained by others, was nearly "non-existent." Meera took that as a compliment. And now, perhaps it was time to find a new spot. She surveyed the crowd, noting the patrons and some individuals that didn’t exactly look like regular civilians. Maybe she should find a spot on the highest floor, overlooking all, like Bookie was. She looked up towards the ceiling, basking in the sun rays, her eyes wide and blank.
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Indirect Mentions: Wyll Wyll , adropofdew- adropofdew- , Graceling Graceling

Emilia was a librarian at Lasalle Library, hired a few days ago. Today was her first full day on the job. She noticed a few shady individuals, some covered with hoods, and felt a bit suspicious about their presence in the area. She noticed a few of them talking as well, and while she wasn't necessarily fond of a lot of chatter in the library, this was her first day, so she had to get a feel for the library before taking on an authoritative role. But, the feelings of suspicion and even a bit of fear clouded her mind. Was there.... something rather secretive going on here?

For now, to clear her thoughts and slight fears, she decided to scan the library's layout. Emilia had a good memory—perhaps a memory that could be described as near-photographic. She had obtained this from her family's previous library, where she, even as a child, memorized the layout of almost every single book there. It was so good that Emilia immediately knew the answer when a customer asked where a certain book was. She scanned multiple subjects, from fiction to science to many fields of knowledge, and immediately recognized one corner to be related to some sort of learning-based area. She certainly had a long way to go on that goal.

And she aimed to have that same memory. However, it would certainly be hard to obtain. This library was about fifty percent bigger than her family's library, and it even had multiple floors, more than the family's two. Emilia sighed a bit, but she focused on the task she had assigned herself at hand. She also scanned for anyone who needed assistance - though she did feel a bit ashamed that she probably couldn't answer their questions as quickly as she used to.

Mentions: Calix ( Graceling Graceling ), Meera ( adropofdew- adropofdew- ), Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples )
Interactions: Emilia ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash )

Bookie.jpeg Bookie watched the easy dance of the library quietly, enjoying his refreshing cup of tea as his gaze moved across the room. This library was his domain, he could see all and hear all. It was his duty to make sure that everything ran smoothly. After all, with so many powerful and dangerous people gathered in one space, the library was always walking the razor's edge and was a breath away from tumbling into chaos. Bookie was the one holding all that together and, in his mind, there wasn't a more noble job in the kingdom he'd rather be doing.

Suddenly, there was an intruder in his domain. Immediately, the calm and peaceful air in the library became electric, not tense, per se, more...noisy. Not the kind of noise where people were talking or shouting, but almost like the air was all of a sudden filled with white noise. Of course, the civilians didn't sense anything; to them, not a thing had changed. However, a tingle went down the spine of every spy and assassin within the library. After all, Calix wasn't the only one that noticed the gait and mannerisms of this stranger. However, it seems like the first people to notice were the spies. After all, it was their job to know what was happening around and who was who. And not only had they heard of the runaway royal, but they also recognised the handmaidens.

He caught Calix's gaze and raised a hand, telling him to watch and wait. Meanwhile, most of the other spies and assassins slowly faded away. Most wouldn't notice it, but the library slowly got less busy, much like the carbonation popping off the top of a freshly-poured cup of ale. Before long, barely any spies or assassins were left in the library. However, Bookie caught Dagin's eyes, who was watching the royal with deathly intensity. After the royal asked for Bookie, Dagin looked toward Bookie and Bookie gave him a nod, giving Dagin permission to approach the royal on his behalf.

After all, Bookie had something else to take care of. Another source of white noise. A new librarian whose curiosity meant Bookie would need to be a little proactive with her. He faded into the shadows and reappeared within the book aisles near the new librarian. He slowly walked out, popping up right in front of the librarian, as if he had just been strolling through the aisles. "Oh, pardon me, young lady. Difficult to see around the corners of these shelves, it is. If I'm not mistaken, you are my new librarian?"

Dagin Wreath
Mentions: Emilia ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash )
Interactions: Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples )

Dagin.jpeg Dagin had his eyes fixed on a map, mentally charting routes. It wasn't exactly uncommon to find him doing this as he believed that it never hurt to be too prepared. He'd been caught in enough surprise attacks to know that knowing a place like the back of one's hand could come in handy. However, this time, he wasn't doing it for the sake of an assassination or even because he was commissioned to. He was planning his next trip outside the kingdom. He didn't know when he'd be able to go or even if he'd be allowed, but if he was, he wanted to have a plan.

Suddenly, a chill ran down his spine and he tore his eyes from the page. Nothing had happened yet, but only a couple second later, Elysia walked in and his eyes narrowed on her. His clairvoyance allowed him sense things before they happened but also gave him a form of sixth sense. With that, he wasn't sensing any hostility from the lady but he still didn't trust her. After all, it wasn't common to see a royal in a place full of people that killed royals and nobles. In fact, part of him was surprised that someone hadn't gotten nervous and cut her walk short.

He didn't take his eyes off her until he felt another pair of eyes on him. Without needing to look, he knew it was Bookie; he'd felt the old man's gaze enough times to be able to sense it even in his sleep. When Bookie nodded toward the royal, Dagin raised a brow, unsure what Bookie's plan was. However, he was the boss and Dagin had learned not to question the boss. He sighs and rises to his feet, making a beeline toward the lady.

The librarian, who - at first - was unsure how to respond when a random person asked for Bookie by name, saw Dagin approaching and nodded in understanding, stepping back as Dagin walked up, getting between Elysia and the librarian, who simply went back to filing papers.

"Our Bookie is not here at the moment," he began, his voice warm, yet deep and earthy. "However, I'm sure between us here we can help you find your way to whatever you need, or pass along any messages you might have for him." He wore a smile, calm and confident - welcoming even. It wasn't that he all of a sudden trusted her, but he needed her to trust him and so he needed her to let her guard down. And that was one thing Dagin knew how to do well. "So, friend, how may we be of assistance?" he asked, his amethyst eyes intently capturing her facial features, watching for any tells.

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Elysia: Royal on the Run
Location: Lasalle Library
Mentions: Bookie ( Wyll Wyll Calix Graceling Graceling Meera adropofdew- adropofdew- Emilia Aura-Slash Aura-Slash )
Interactions: Dagin ( Wyll Wyll )

Elysia couldn't quite explain it, but she suddenly felt hidden eyes watching her from...somewhere, or other. Though she couldn't see from where or from who, it still put her on edge. But, she remained calm and collected, she had a mission in mind and she needed those of The Seal to help her fulfill it. She and her handmaidens were under the guise of sisters from a poor family visiting the library for the very first time in their lives, although to be fair the latter of that statement was very true as none of them had set foot here before. When the princess asked for Bookie, the librarian seemed to withdraw from her, but another man addressed Elysia instead.

She lifted her head a bit, violet eyes meeting amethyst, and she smiled softly to him. She had nothing to hide, she had always been truthful...well, until recently, of course. She didn't want her parents to find her and drag her back home, to a marriage she didn't want to be part of. She nodded to Dagin, "Greetings, and thank you for your help. I've been told to seek him out for a very specific purpose. I...I need his help, you see." She murmured to the man, "Well, more so...I seek the help of those who call themselves The Seal. Do you know of it?" Her handmaidens stood on either side of her, ready to defend their princess if need be, but remaining calm and friendly on the outside.
Location: Lasalle Library
Bookie ( Wyll Wyll ), Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples ), adropofdew- adropofdew-

Well, this was certainly going to be interesting. The elf sighs a bit as he notes Bookie's gesture and shuts his book, getting to his feet and going to return it to the shelves. Briefly, his ear twitches at the sound of someone foolishly yelling within a library of all places and Calix's yellow eyes would look in the direction it came from, zeroing in on the girl who had the book dropped on her head. It was odd; she seemed to almost blend in with the scenery to the extent that even while looking at her Calix felt his attention wanting to wander elsewhere. Perhaps it was some form of illusory magic to keep the user from danger. In any case, it was nothing more than brief curiosity that made him observe her for a moment before his attention returned to the girl and servants who had just entered.

Given his heritage and skill set, it was fairly easy to tell what Dagin and the girl were discussing. That and there was only one real reason someone like that would be in here in the first place. An assignment. Calix goes to get his next book, all the while splitting his attention split between browsing titles and Dagin's handling of the matter. If needed then Calix would also step in but Dagin was much more adept at people handling than he was, so he was fine not being involved in this aspect at least. The elf finds his next book, a series of poems, and leans against the railing to read, his pale blonde hair falling over one shoulder and curtaining his face.
Location: Lasalle Library
Mentions: Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples ), Dagin ( Wyll Wyll )

Meera watched the scene with mild interest. She didn't necessarily sense any ill intent from the mysterious woman, more importantly anything against the Seal. But she'd been wrong before. Having only been in the organization for a couple weeks, she was still new to the entire scene. Dagin intervening would get the job done, whatever that may lead to. Meera didn’t trust herself to soften or de-escalate any situation. But trying would prove to be interesting, no doubt.

After a moment, she returned to her book, though half of her attention lingered on the conversation ahead. She flipped through some pages, feeling a faint hint of sleepiness in her eyes. They slightly lowered. She hadn’t really slept well last night, courtesy of her recurring nightmares. But she couldn’t just fall asleep in the library, even though the idea did sound appealing. What kind of spy would fall asleep in such a situation anyway?
Interactions: Bookie, Wyll Wyll

The brunette woman librarian noticed an old man walk up to her, and she immediately recognized who it was, not because she had fully seen the man but rather from descriptions she had heard of him. It was the head librarian, Bookie, and he asked Emilia if she was the new librarian.

"Ja, I'm the new librarian here," Emilia nodded, speaking with her slight German accent, bowing respectfully at the man for a second before extending her hand for a handshake.

"My name's Emilia. It's a pleasure to meet you. If I'm not mistaken, you're the head librarian, Bookie, right?" Emilia asked the old man, man, confirming whether or not

"I must admit, zee atmosphere here, well, is certainly a bit interesting," Emilia said, a bit concerned. She noticed a lot of suspicious figures, and she had to admit she was a bit afraid.

Mentions: Calix( Graceling Graceling ), Meera ( adropofdew- adropofdew- )
Interactions: Emilia ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash

Bookie.jpegBookie smiled and gave her a firm shake. His hand would be warm to touch and a tingling feeling - very much like the feeling of having pop rocks in your mouth - would sizzle between his palm and hers. Nothing suspicious, dangerous or even harmful; the best way to explain it would be to say that it was the magical energy radiating from him and, to a large extent, wasn't something he could control.

When he took his hand back from the handshake, he clasped them behind his back and regarded her kindly. A small laugh escaped him when she talked about the atmosphere in the library, perfectly understanding her discomfort. However, he was also cautiously impressed at how observant she was. "Aye, 'interesting' is certainly a word for it. The library itself can be intimidating to some. But, as can be expected of such a large library, we get all sorts passing through here. However, never let that scare you. I can personally guarantee that nowhere in the kingdom, not even the royal palaces, are as safe as this library. I have made sure of that myself. You have nothing to fear within these walls." He spoke with a level of confidence that confirmed that what he was saying was more fact than opinion and it was clear that he took pride in that accomplishment, the tiniest hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

Of course, he could have gone the other option - the easier option - of just telling her what the atmosphere she sensed was and where it was coming from. But he needed to make sure that he and the entire organiaation could trust her. An exceptional amount of trust was put in the librarians and, honestly, if there was any weakness in the organisation, it would be in the librarians. Bookie couldn't afford to jeopardise the safety of all the spies, assassins and librarians under his care by exposing the secrets of the library to everyone. In fact, there were librarians that had been here for months now that didn't know the secret of the library. It also worked really well because all their codes were covered in regular library interactions. His plan was to watch her and see for herself whether she could be trusted with smaller secrets and if he was comfortable with her, he would slowly start telling her more things.

"For now, I would love if you could help me out with a couple tasks." He nodded his head toward Calix. "From what I hear, he's being charged with the murder of a girl that looked much like yourself actually. I've been commissioned to determine whether he is guilty or not. Could you fetch him for me? You have my word that no harm will come to you." He wanted to watch how she would interact with Calix and how she would interact with others now that she had been told just a sliver of the truth. "On your way, give this list of books to that young lady there." He took out a piece of paper and gestured toward Meera.

Two Countries at War
Never Go to War Without a Shield
We Meet at Dawn
To Keep the Peace

The paper had been lightly folded once, such that the actual list of books was inside the fold and one would need to open up the fold to see the books. Yet another test. The books themselves were nothing suspicious - at least to Emilia. They were simply books about war history. Still, Bookie wanted to know if she'd take a peek at the books, after all, it wouldn't be very hard to do given that the fold was rather weak. For Meera, however, the list of books had a slightly deeper meaning. As a new recruit, she was still going through her orientation and this was testing her understanding of some of the code they used within the library.

Dagin Wreath
Mentions: Bookie ( Wyll Wyll )
Interactions: Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples )

Dagin.jpeg He directed her to walk with him as they went to a quieter corner of the library. As they walked, he noticed that all his colleagues had all of a sudden disappeared and he found it amusing. He looked back up to where Bookie would be but couldn't find him there. It seemed like he'd gone to attend to something else. He'd have to handle this carefully. This was an inquiry he was used to and so the response was second-nature to him at this point. However, this was the first time that someone had specifically asked for Bookie in response to. "The Seal, you say? By all that is good, why would anybody want to deliberately seek out a group that is known for killing?" He stood up a little taller, watching her cautiously, as if wary of her. In truth, he was wary of her because he was worried that Bookie had been compromised. But he was able to sell it as being scared of her because the name of The Seal would strike fear in the heart of any normal person.

"I don't know what is going on, but I would recommend you stay away from The Seal. The guards treat anyone that is suspected of being affiliated with them as traitors. That's a dangerous party to b mixed up in, friend. As for Bookie, we don't have much information on that group in the library here, so I'm not sure he can be of much help to you. The only information we have on them would be news clippings and articles that might as well be fiction." He didn't want her to leave though. If Bookie was compromised, he'd need to find out where the possible leak could have come from.

"I must know though, where did you hear that Bookie would be able to help you? He's been my mentor for the longest of times and I'm scared to think of him being associated with such a notorious group." His voice was much softer now, appealing to the side of her that could hopefully relate with being concerned for and/or about a friend. "Please, if you know something happening with him, tell me. I would hate to see him get in trouble with the guards."

Elysia: Royal on the Run
Location: Lasalle Library
Mentions: Bookie ( Wyll Wyll
Interactions: Dagin ( Wyll Wyll )

"But that's exactly why I'm--" Elysia was cut off when one of her handmaidens took her hand gently to stop her from continuing. They didn't know this man, they didn't know his intent. The runaway princess had to be careful in choosing her words, the poor sweet naive thing she was. She sighed, and shook her head. "I don't want Bookie to get into trouble, especially with the guards. They've caused enough harm already towards good and decent folk."

She sighed, "I couldn't see the face of the person who directed me here to speak with Bookie, but they did have a deeper cadence to their voice. When I approached to get a better look at them, they ran off down the alleyway beside the pub I had been in here in town. But, he told me that Bookie here in the library held a lot of wisdom and would surely point me in the right direction of the group. I know they're dangerous, but...I've risked so much to come here and speak with him."

Again, another handmaiden gently put her hand on Elysia's shoulder to signal her to stop talking. The princess tried her best to relay what she needed to this man, but this was starting to feel like walking on eggshells. She couldn't afford to be caught and turned in, not now. She smiled to the man apologetically. "Perhaps I have come to the wrong place, after all. I'm sorry, I must go, please excuse me good sir." Fighting back the urge to curtsy, she and her handmaidens turned around and headed for the entrance. It seemed the princess had returned to square one.
Location: Lasalle Library
Mentions: Bookie, Dagin ( Wyll Wyll ), Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples )
Interactions: Emilia ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash )

Sensing that he was being looked at Calix would turn his eyes briefly to where he could spot Bookie and one of the new librarians talking. Emilia was her name if memory served. He had never spoken to the woman but made a point to know most of the employee's faces and names. Less surprises that way but it didn't go beyond that unless they earned his suspicions. His eyes narrow slightly as he gets the gist of what Bookie is about to do. Reading their lips was simple since the old man wasn't trying to hide his intentions but that didn't mean the elf wasn't annoyed.

Calix disliked dealing with most people. Bookie was an exception because he was a superior, and Dagin was too extroverted to be dissuaded. Anyone else knew better than to approach him. Not because of any threats but more due to the lack of interest Calix showed in anything that wasn't aligned with his immediate interests. Talking to a wall would bring more stimulation, at least that's how Calix saw it. And he liked being left alone. But he could tell that Bookie would allow him no such peace and he sighed heavily before taking a seat at one of the reading chairs. At least if he were seated the woman wouldn't feel him to be intimidating; he found that standing above others made them uneasy regardless of whether he intended to or not. He looks to where Dagin is handling the other situation with the noble girl before his eyes go to Emilia, awaiting the inevitable disaster that would be their first meeting.

Interactions: Bookie ( Wyll Wyll ), Meera ( adropofdew- adropofdew- ), Calix ( Graceling Graceling )

Emilia seemed a bit startled by Bookie's handshake, noticing the radiant energy that she felt with the handshake. Was this perhaps magic? Emilia pondered this for a second, but she didn't really seem to care externally. She listened to what Bookie had to say about both the suspicious atmosphere and the security of the place, and while what he said was certainly helpful, she had to admit, it only raised more questions. How in the world was this place somehow the most secure place in the kingdom, even despite all of the suspicious figures she had seen earlier? Was Bookie perhaps a grand magician who could somehow 'magically' protect/seal the place? Many questions continued to loom in Emilia's head. However, as this was her first day, she wanted to stay on Bookie's good side, so she didn't ask any more questions. However, she definitely looked curious and even just a bit suspicious.

Emilia listened to Bookie's request to both fetch someone for him and pass along a list of books to someone else on the way.

"Yes, sir, I'm on it." Emilia immediately accepted Bookie's tasks. She took the list of books, briefly opening the fold to check it. She wasn't familiar with any of the books on the list—perhaps they were new? She seemed curious about their contents but, again, decided not to pry any further and went on with the tasks.

She walked over to Meera, noticing her rather mysterious appearance with her hood. Normally, Emilia would feel a bit intimidated, but something about what Bookie had said earlier prevented her from feeling so.

"Hey there. I have a list of books that the head librarian asked me to give you. Please let me know if you have any questions; thanks," Emilia said in a friendly, soft tone before lending the woman the list and walking away.

She then walked over to the man (Calix) that Bookie had pointed out. She felt a bit more nervous than she did with Meera, as the man he would be talking to could actually be a murderer. That being said, Bookie's earlier assurances kept her from backing off. She cleared her throat, noticing the man had already been looking at her.

Ahem. Greetings. The head librarian would like to see you. P-please follow me," Emilia told Calix, a bit of nervousness escaping in her most recent sentence.

Mentions: Calix( Graceling Graceling ), Emilia ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash )

Bookie.jpeg Bookie took note of the suspicious look she gave him but only smiled in response to it. He then started walking back to his spot in the library, but used his domain to keep an eye on the new librarian. She seemed eager enough to cooperate, which Bookie liked. After all, she seemed like an all-together good person. He wouldn't want to force her out of the library just because she was a little too observant.

A small frown crossed his face as she peeked at the paper. It would be preferred if she didn't make a habit out of that. However, it also isn't the biggest flag for him, especially given that almost all the written communication that is passed around behind the Seal is in the form of some code or the other. So a few glances at papers here and there wouldn't completely jeopardize their operation.

However, even more noteworthy was the fact that she didn't ask any questions or delay. She just did it because he had told her to. That was the level of trust he needed to have in his librarians. That was the trust he saw that brought the gentle smile back to his face. The interaction with Calix, however, was most amusing for him - even causing him to laugh a bit between sips of his tea.

However, there was a sudden prick in his skin, his eyes narrowing and his expression becoming deathly serious. Someone else was using magic in the area, deadly magic. His eyes went back to Dagin and the princess. Within the library, nothing was hidden from him and so he could see the spears pressed into the necks of the princess and handmaidens. He narrowed his eyes, unsure what was going on, but choosing to trust Dagin. He knew the boy well enough to know that he wouldn't resort to such measured unless he deemed it absolutely necessary.

Dagin Wreath
Mentions: Bookie ( Wyll Wyll )
Interactions: Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples )

Dagin.jpegDagin glared at the handmaidens. They were getting in his way - the princess would have told him so much more by now if not for them. He sighs as she mentions that she would be heading out, shaking his head slowly. He truly wished that it hadn't needed to come to this, but if there was a leak in the Seal, he couldn't just let it be. He looked around, making eye contact with the hidden figures that were just waiting for his go ahead. If he wished, the princess and her handmaidens couldn't be taken out and disposed before anyone even got to blink. But that wouldn't give him the information he wanted.

He drags his hand across his face slowly. "Well, that's very unfortunate then." Shortly after he spoke, his amethyst eyes glowed. It wasn't a bright or brilliant that would cause several people to notice. In fact, it was intentionally subtle enough that nobody noticed. However, the princess and her handmaidens would suddenly feel cold steel pressed against their necks. If they were to look, they would see nothing but air. In fact, nobody in the library - except, maybe, Bookie - would see the weapons. But the ladies would feel them. The cold edge singing against their skin.

Dagin walked up slowly, coming in front of them and close enough such that they and they alone could hear him. "You all seem smart enough to know not to move. So, stay still and behave and maybe, maybe, you will be allowed to live." His gaze moved from one woman to the other. A cold, menacing gaze that carried none of the warmth and friendliness that was there a moment ago. "I just want to make sure I have this right. You all tried to meet with a group that survives in secrecy; tell them that their secret was exposed; and you expect to just...leave?" He chuckled a little, a dark and unamused laugh, "No, no, my dears. None of you are leaving this place." They would all feel the blade press slightly harder against the skin of their necks. "I'll only ask once more: what do you know of Bookie? And what do you know of us?"

Elysia: Royal on the Run
Location: Lasalle Library
Mentions: Bookie ( Wyll Wyll
Interactions: Dagin ( Wyll Wyll )

The princess felt her heart drop to her stomach, and she feared the worst - she didn't want to expose herself as she would surely be turned in and taken back to her royal parents...but she was desperate and needed help. She and her handmaidens all stopped when they felt blades pressed to their necks. None of them moved, and the icy chill of that voice sent shivers down the spine of the princess. Still, she kept her head held high and put on a brave face despite how truly terrified she was. She looked to her handmaidens, one on each side of her, silently commanding them to be silent. This man had to be part of The Seal, there was no question about it.

"Then you're the one I'm looking for. I need your help." She murmured. "I promise you, I did not see the face of the one who told me about Bookie and the group...but I do know where I saw them. I can certainly tell you, or even take you there, if you so desire. But they overheard me asking around about your organization because I want to join. I want to become part of it...because I want to kill my mother and father, the king and queen. And my betrothed, who is from another land. I cannot do it without your assistance." She met Dagin's gaze with all seriousness. "I am Princess Elysia, of Aethe. And I will do whatever it takes to join you and the others in taking down nobility and royalty, for I've had enough of their cruel ways and wish to see the common decent people thrive under better conditions."
Location: Lasalle Library
Mentions: Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples ), Dagin ( Wyll Wyll )
Interactions: Emilia ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash ), Bookie ( Wyll Wyll )

Calix stares unwaveringly at Emilia as she approaches and it is simple to tell she is uneasy in his presence, regardless of him being seated lower than her eye level. So his small effort was wasted. With a sigh, he stands up from his chair and now at his full height, he looks down at the woman while musing Bookie's intentions. Did he mean to test the girl and thus want him to be insufferable to her? That would be easy enough, but for the fact that she seemed to be mustering a fair bit of courage and was even meeting his gaze. Not something people usually did; his yellow eyes made people uncomfortable in specific lighting since his pupils were like a feline and would dilate or become slit in a way that was very much not normal. But perhaps she would assume it was simply elven nature.

All these thoughts flicked across his mind within a breath and his voice was surprisingly quiet as he responded, "Very well." Calix would then head towards Bookie while smoothly sidestepping the girl, his attention momentarily tugged at where Dagin and the noble girl were. Though the magic itself was subtle Calix saw the flash of Dagin's eyes and he could surmise what was happening in that section of the library. She must have shown too much of her hand, unknowingly reaching into a viper's pit and expecting them not to strike out. Calix could not decide if this was brave or foolish, since the two were oft hand in hand. Nothing in his expression or demeanor betrayed that he had noticed what was happening to the untrained eye but as he approaches Bookie he asks in a breath, "Shall we call the cleaners in?" After all, if blood spilled here they would need to swiftly handle the mess so that the books would be undisturbed. And ushering out any civilians lest they see something they shouldn't. With that thought his gaze goes to Emilia again before he murmurs to Bookie, "Don't force people to talk to me. Just call me over yourself next time, old man." Despite Calix's words, his tone was respectful as he spoke to the head librarian.
Interactions: Calix ( Graceling Graceling ), Bookie ( Wyll Wyll )
Mentions: Dagin ( Wyll Wyll ), Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples )

Emilia was relieved that Calix didn't seem so threatening; his response of "very well" was good enough for Emilia to think she had a successful conversation. She sighed in relief, placing a hand on her chest. The job was certainly going to be a lot harder than she initially thought it'd be. She remained suspicious of what was going on but didn't want to question anything further. After all, she didn't want to put herself in danger-

She noticed a scene going on at the library, noticing an amethyst-eyed man talking to a few ladies. The conversation looked suspicious and fishy, but she couldn't hear what was going on. She looked at it a few times but decided to trust in Bookie's wisdom that this place was "somehow the safest place in the kingdom."

It was hard to get rid of her suspicion, though. It lingered like a fly, constantly bugging her.

Deciding to trust Bookie, he walked up to Dagin and Bookie, once again a bit nervous by Dagin's appearance and piercing yellow eyes.

"Please let me know if you'd like me to do anything else, sir," Emilia bowed before leaving the two alone. She subtly glanced and glanced at what was going on, hoping nothing serious was going to go down. Sighing to herself, she decided to search for the war section, a bit curious of the list of books she had seen earlier.​
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Mentions: Dagin ( Wyll Wyll )
Interactions: Calix ( Graceling Graceling ), Emilia ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash )

Bookie.jpeg Bookie nods as Emilia leaves. "You're free for now. Acquaint yourself with the library grounds and befriend the shelves; when I have something else for you, I'll come fetch you." He waited until Emilia was gone and then looks to Calix. He laughed good-naturedly at Calix's displeasure, leaning back in his seat. "I didn't force anybody to do anything, my dear boy. If anything, I gave her every reason not to come speak with you." Bookie smiled softly. "Come, now. Don't tell me it offends you that she was not terrified of you," he teased.

"As for Dagin..." a sigh escaped his lips. "I don't think we have need to call in the cleaners. I trust Dagin to be responsible enough to handle the situation however it develops." At this point, due to him tuning in when he sensed Dagin's magic, he had heard the princess' confession and it troubled him even more than it troubled Dagin. "However, her presence here does trouble me and I will need to see to things myself once he is finished with her."

Bookie sighs and sips his tea...slowly, pensively. "I didn't call you here for no reason, however. The waters stir, my friend. I can sense it but am blind to it. Something moves beyond even my sight and we must prepare for it. The presence of these two - the librarian, the princess - their arrival triggered something and they may not even be aware." He went silent, deep creases forming on his forehead. It was rare for anyone to see Bookie like this. He always seems ready, always seemed prepared. It wasn't often that things caught him off guard. In truth, even now he was concealing his emotions, he couldn't let Calix see just how truly disturbed he was.

In a way, he felt like those young ladies down there, where there was a blade to his throat that he could feel yet couldn't see. However, the blade threatened not just him but everyone Behind the Seal. He needed a response. Suddenly, he looked Calix directly in his eyes. Bookie's eyes had a fight in them, a clear message that he wasn't going to roll over while someone attacked his house. He began furiously writing on yet another piece of parchment.

Looking for World War III

1790 Great Names
Where There is Smoke
The Ones That Got Away

Second Side of a Coin
Pabu, Aethe and Betavia - The West
My Heart - For King and Country

Two Countries at War
When This World Passes
A Group of thieves
To Standby and Watch

"Give this to the librarians downstairs, tell them to let the house know that the recommendations have changed. As for you...stay vigilant. Now, I need time." Without even waiting for Calix to leave, Bookie's gaze went back to the desk. A few seconds later, a massive stack of papers appeared on the desk in front of him. They were all the scouting and spying reports from the last year and he began going through all of them, having the look of a man on a mission.

Dagin Wreath
Mentions: Bookie ( Wyll Wyll )
Interactions: Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples )

Dagin.jpegDagin leaned back and crossed his arms, his piercing gaze traveling over her and coming to stop at her eyes. He leaned in a bit more, peering deep into her eyes and searching for even the slightest inconsistency or hint of dishonesty. Suddenly, he smirked. With that smirk, it was as if his entire personality changed. In fact, he started laughing. It wasn't a maniacal laugh or even a condescending one. It also didn't seem like one that came from a place of amusement, however. If anything, it seemed to come more from disbelief. However, despite his laughing, the phantom blades stayed pressed against the necks of the princess and her hand maidens.

He turned and began walking, raising a finger and gesturing to them to follow him. "Walk with me princess. These are not matters for the doorway of a library." The phantom blade remained as a reminder that their lives were on the line and so they followed. The four of them walked deeper into the library, around a bookshelf and...through a wall. To all others, the wall seemed like just any other wall. However, the wall was nothing but an illusion. It served as one of many hidden passages in the library.

As they walked, there were stairs that led down. They stairs seemed to go on endlessly. Inf act, they had walked so far down that the princess and her handmaidens could scream at the top of their lungs and not a soul upstairs would hear. Finally, they reached the bottom of the stairs. There was nothing there but weapons. Blades and arrows and bombs of different kinds. It was clear that this was at least one of the places that those behind The Seal would get their weapons from.

Dagin took a deep breath and, as he released that breath, the phantom lades disappeared from their necks and reappeared as three ornate spears on the wall. He had loosened up but he was still taking them as a very serious threat. He knew that Bookie's all-hearing ears would have picked up their conversation and so he quickly factored that into the moment. Bookie likely already had a plan for going to investigate this mysterious person. "You will tell me exactly where you met this person and what they said. And then you may try to convince me not to kill you." Dagin clasped his hands behind his back and began walking, circling the three ladies and never once taking his eyes off them, like a lion staring down its prey.

"You see, princess. The Seal doesn't hire, we recruit." He'd shown his hand by now and there was no point trying to mask the truth. So he might as well bare it all out. "Receiving a letter from us is a promise. We need people that can always keep that promise, no matter what sun shines that day. The day we miss one target...is the day everything we've built falls. So you see, princess, we cannot afford to take on petty grudges or entitled princesses trying to get back at Daddy."

He finished his sentence and stopped right in front if her. He remembered how she stood her ground even when there was a blade to her throat and her life was literally in his hands. Even then, she didn't falter. Plus, it takes a special kind of person to do that. "But, then again, maybe you are more than just that." He began walking away from the group, heading towards where the weapons were displayed. "Well? Are you more than that, princess?" he asked as he examined the weapons, not turning to look at her but still very clearly directing the question towards her.

Elysia: Royal on the Run
Location: Lasalle Library
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: Dagin ( Wyll Wyll )

To say the princess was confused and stunned by Dagin's laughter was an understatement - though it wasn't a mocking sort of laughter, at least. When he motioned for her and her handmaidens to follow him, she glanced to her handmaidens in a manner that conveyed they cooperate, and of course they would obey. She along with the handmaidens followed the man out of the library and down a long set of stairs. Elysia wondered when they would end, for it seemed they were descending towards the core of the planet itself. Luckily when they reached the bottom and stopped, she and her handmaidens let out sighs of relief when they no longer felt those blades to their necks.

Elysia quietly ordered her handmaidens to stand behind her, which they did, then she turned her attention to Dagin, listening to what he had to say. Her violet-colored eyes closely but patiently watched the man circling herself and her handmaidens, not speaking until his back was turned to them, standing her ground and keeping her head held high even in the face of eminent danger. She'd come so far now, and she didn't want to ruin this chance to create a more fair kingdom back home even if it meant the death of her betrothed and her parents.

Finally, she spoke. "When my handmaidens and I entered the town, we happened across a pub on the outskirts. Very seedy location but I figured it was a good place to ask about information regarding your organization and where to find you so that I could join you. I didn't go into details, obviously, as I currently have a very high bounty on my head, to be captured alive and brought back to my family. In any case, we had no luck finding anyone who knew about The Seal, and when we left a person clad in black called to me from an alleyway. He seemed to know who I truly was but vowed he wouldn't turn me in, but he said the library would hold the answers I seek and to seek out a man called Bookie. I tried to ask more questions, but the stranger seemingly vanished out of thin air. I can take you to the pub and the alleyway where I had seen him." She offered.

"I've risked everything including my life to come and join your cause, sir, nor did I flinch when you pressed a blade to my neck. I think that should speak volumes on what I can be capable of. And this is no mere grudge I hold against my family - they are intentionally starving the people of Aethe, taxing them unfairly, and I am the only one who has gone out in secret to give them money out of my own allowance just so they can survive. If I am to take the throne and end the unfair class system the royals have put in place to treat the common folk unfairly, I'm going to need a lot of help. That's why I want to join your cause."
Location: Lasalle Library
Mentions: Emilia ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash ), Dagin ( Wyll Wyll ), Elysia ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples )
Interactions: Bookie ( Wyll Wyll )

At the accusation that the girl's lack of fear perturbed him, Calix narrows his eyes and says nothing, his displeasure evident at the old man's teasing. The girl did not bother him but Bookie's meddling nature did at times. A sigh leaves him as Calix lets go of his irritation to focus on the task. His yellow eyes flick to Dagin as he walks off with the noble girl in tow, wondering if things would get messy. If it had been him he would dispose of the girl completely; a brazen attitude like hers and lack of caution would be hindrances to them. And whoever directed her here knew too much, nor were they affiliated with the Seal. If that had been the case then the girl would have gone through the proper channels and methods rather than walking through the front door.

Calix murmurs as his eyes stay on the group, "Whatever ill winds they bring shall be weathered. Don't show your anxiety so easily, old man. It doesn't suit you."
He takes the paper and watches as Bookie immediately buries himself into his work, keeping the paper in his hand carefully folded as he makes his way downstairs. He would approach the other librarians, speaking in barely audible whispers, before handing them the slip of paper. Calix felt no need to question them or even look at the paper; he followed his orders regardless of it was right or wrong. It was how he had been taught a majority of his life and he had full faith in Bookie despite how he spoke to the old man. Once more his mind wanders to Emilia, wondering what threat she posed to warrant a warning. The princess was an understandable risk and needed to be handled, but the other one seemed normal enough. Perhaps his senses were dull. Calix would need to make a point of looking into her in his own time.

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