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Fantasy Beasts and Men

Tanimoto Sozen!

Oh wow look at that its a wild Sozen
                                                                                Beasts and men

Long ago before life was created there were three gods and three goddesses, (Lepton, God Of Justice), (Unus, God Of Light), and (Edite, God Of War),  But out of those three gods lepton was the king of the gods. And the goddesses were, (Firena, Goddess Of Life & Death), (Emera, Goddess Of Chaos), and (Zotix, Goddess Of Vengeance)    But Firena was the the queen of the goddesses. Now even though all the gods and goddesses had different opinions they all had one thing in common they all wanted to keep the balance in place........at least all but one. You see Emera wanted to keep the balance just like all the other gods did but her own power corrupted her and she started to do unpredictable things like create horrific abominations and creatures.And she did this for a couple of years until all the other gods had enough of her power. One day all the gods and goddesses  had a meeting.....And of course Emera went to it. As they all sat down they began to talk to Emera about the things she was doings and told her to stop and if she did them again they would have to strip her of her power . But Emera did not take there warning as a warning but instead took it as a threat and declared war upon all the other gods.The war lasted for decades until the gods were able to imprison here in a mountain with a magic seal. Though that would not last long so the gods used a little bit of there power and combined it to make a sword that would one day slay her.The swords name was Akatosh and it was made up of all the gods and goddesses powers......But Emera all so had a back up plan.She combined her most darkest and nightmarish Abilities and put it in a Dragon named Tavurth. And who ever slayed the Dragon would possess immense strength and superhuman Abilities.But all that aside with Emera imprisoned and Balance back to normal the gods gave life to the earth they created and human life began and with others that followed and everything was peaceful......at least that's for you to decide.  
    Races: Humans,orcs,half orcs,elfs,half elfs,dwarfs





                                                             About the kingdoms

Tourterus: This city is in the center of the world and is mostly a safe hold for merchants and hold lots of taverns for people who need to rest  and is well guarded by the dukes men.

Volan: This city is near Droterra and is famous for its blacksmiths that make alot of cutlasses and knives.Most people would go there for a good crafted sword or any type of weapon.

Droterra: This city is infamous for its lack of security and is a thieves heaven along with the infestation of criminals that fled from Tourterus.  
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                                                                               character sheat







or you could play as one of the gods
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  just a quick reminder we are still waiting for characters to be submited 

Lepton, God Of Justice :

Unus, God Of Light :

Edite, God Of War :

Firena, Goddess Of Life & Death: Kitty_Lover

Zotix, Goddess Of Vengeance :

and other
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I'd like to give it a go if that's okay? 
I'll go Zotix, Goddess of Vengeance. 

If you have a certain way you'd like her to be let me know ^_^
 just a quick reminder we are still waiting for characters to be submited 

Lepton, God Of Justice :

Unus, God Of Light :

Edite, God Of War :

Firena, Goddess Of Life & Death: Kitty_Lover

Zotix, Goddess Of Vengeance : AMystery

and other
alright we have waited long enough if people still want to join please private message me of your character
@2PM          well could post it here or private message me it either way is fine
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