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Fantasy Beacon: The Unsung Heroes

Taking notice to Saphire's statement, Danube began his strut forth with a nod to his side, aiming towards her. His back was stiff, his legs pillars as he marched forth, fists balled to show a form of authority, yet at the same time, formality. At least, that's how he's always perceived fists while marching. However, as the students began to march into the Amphitheater, he couldn't help but to stand in front of the statue. Looking up, he saw them. Glorious warriors, Hunters.

His shoulders lowered, his hands loosened, as did his eyes soften as he stared up to them. His neck would gain a terrible pain later, but it was worth the sudden pounding of fear Danube held within himself. How would he ever live up to his title? He was a Trojan, and yet he felt so insignificant at the base of non-living warriors, staring down to the newcomers. He grew afraid at that moment, all confidence lost in himself as he noticed how mightily praised these statues must have been. Then, his head leveled, and a hand reached out to grasp onto the arm of the Beowulf below the rock.

This was how he was going to live up to his title. Just by staring at the statue, the skull of such a hideous creature, that chill in his spine subsided, the grip on the arm strengthened, and eyes narrowed to the stone orbs of its own. Judgment flowed through his mindset. He realized, it was not his own he had to fight to become a Trojan. His reputation lied elsewhere. Elsewhere in light, in justice, in purity. His parted lips firmly pressed against each other now, staring as he pushed himself off of the statue as he looked to Saphire. "Sorry... let us go, yes?" He questioned with a half smile, eyebrows raised as he marched into the Amphitheater, caught in the middle of the flow of students which stepped inside.

Ozpin stood there, quite formiddable. His presence there alone made Danube gulp, praying that those intelligent, powerful eyes didn't blink in his general direction. He had enough to speak to Ozpin about already, he didn't need any other moments of communication with him. And so from there, the great Professor's voice spoke softly, yet firmly, through the mic:

"..I'll... keep this brief...

You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people.

But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy. In need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far...

..It is up to you, to take the first step.."

Then, who other but herself took the rest of the platform to give directions, high heels marching forth to the mic.

"-You will gather in the Ball Room tonight, tomorrow your initiation beings. Be Ready. You are dismissed."

From there, Danube sighed heavily, looking around for a moment before staring down to his hands, making the palms glow for a moment before clenching them, dust of yellow light floating away from in between his fingers. "Alright...." He sighed, looking around him to see if Saphire was still there. Even if they had been separated, Danube was quite tall, and even taller in his armor, so it didn't seem to be much of an issue.

(@SaphireTsuki @Kishune @Zab @Evergreen98 @Mad Prince of Sanity @Cross_Rhodes @Orikanyo )
Why had he...? It seemed that she was not the only one in pain. Part of her winced in sympathy, but the majority of her heart and mind simply stood there in silent understanding. Whatever was going on with him, and his oh-so-subtle moment of suffering, it was not her life to deal with. She would just... stand there. Eventually the two of them headed to the auditorium, Saphire looking to the sides until they arrived.

A brief speech from the Headmaster, Ozpin was there again and, it appeared as though everyone was starstruck? She shrugged. He was wise, he was powerful, and the way he carried himself spoke of great power wrapped in something. But she felt every time she saw him that there was something haunting him. The slump of his shoulders, the uncharacteristically grey hair, something. Something just told her that he was looking for something else. Whatever that was.

Danube, whom she hadn't strayed far from as he was the only one she knew in the entire school, seemed to look for someone. Her? Just in case she spoke in the same semi-quiet voice as before, "Shall we go then, Danube?"

"A sense of humor makes a tough job easier, then I must make it delighted! BANG!"

Where: By the CCT -> Amphitheater

With: No one in particular.

Thoughts: Should I get into Blondie's sleeping bad or no?

Rave walked around aimlessly through the school, or at least so it seemed. He found himself in the middle of Beacon where the Cross Continental Transmit System (CCT) stood. He looked around at the courtyard like surroundings then back at the tower. “Guess this is the best place to guard it…in the middle of capable fighters.” He said then though of Jaune. ‘Well most are.’ He smirked as he looked up it. He then pulled out his small size black scroll and pressed the diamond button to activate it. He first looked at his Aura, narrowing his eyes before he moved onto another App on the scroll. He held it sideways and held it up to the tower as he looked through the translucent screen. Nothing appeared in the scroll. “Hmm…must be a really sealed up…but then again the program is bugged.” He said to himself then closed his scroll as he looked to the top of the tower. ‘Ozpin’s office should be up there…’ He thought then noticed the only windows are about half way up the tower. ‘Of course they're that high up…right outside my reach…’ He thought with a sigh then started to walk off.

Before too long he noticed the bomb shell blonde from the airship with a few he saw her run off with earlier. He heard the announcement for the new students to head to the Amphitheater, but he was going to ignore it as he was following Blondie now. ‘Nmm…She does look good.’ He thought to himself as he followed not too far behind Yang, watching her, ‘movements’ rather closely. Before he knew it Rave was in the Amphitheater. He looked around as he was in the middle of a bunch of people. He grumbled and headed to the stands to get out of this cluster fu-…No he actually enjoy himself with Blondie and ribbon ear girl in it.

Rave shook his head getting out of his own perverted thoughts as he reached the stands that look over the other students. He sat on the ledge overlooking the other students when he noticed Princess, Blondie and Red were talking. He raised his eyebrow seeing Princess acting girlier than usual after handing Red a pamphlet or something. Rave raised an eyebrow seeing that and Red seemed to be getting her hopes up. He then saw her suddenly look disappointed look on read’s face and snickered. “The Ice Princess strikes again, but this time it affected someone.” He said to himself then heard the screech of a microphone.

Rave looked up to see Ozpin on stage speaking into the mic. Hearing his speech, Rave couldn’t help but think something was wrong. He watched Ozpin dully though as it didn’t have anything to do with him. When the speech was finished and Goodwitch said the new students are going to be sleeping in the Ballroom tonight, and the initiation would be tomorrow. ‘Hmm, and seeing I cleared a lot of Grim out of that forest yesterday…it be rather easy to handle.’ He thought with a relaxed sigh. “Might as well participate till after…as long as they supply the Dust I need.” He said with a smirk before he dropped from the stands and was one the first to leave. ‘Hmm, I wonder where I’m going to sleep…’ He thought to himself as he continued to walk along out of the amphitheater.

Bullets: 72 (9 clips)

Knives: 8/8

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Eve was leaning on the pillar to the left of the pillar as she waited for something to happen. She softly sighed to herself and looked at the ceiling. Multiple thoughts were going through her head, most of them were negative which she was trying to get out of her head. Luka her black noticed her master anxiety rising again and looked around. She someone someone and jumped down and ran over to the person. Eve blinked when her cat suddenly ran off and ran after her, "Luka!" She called after her cat, getting a few stares from some of the student. She lost her cat and looked around. ' where is she?' She thought to herself.

" is one yours?" A voice said from behind, she turned around and saw a girl with blacl hair and golden eyes wearing a black ribbon on her head. She was holding Luka in her arms making Eve blinked.

Eve quickly nodded, " yes, she is. I am sorry if she caused you any trouble" the girl smiled as she handed the cat back to her. Luka mewed a little and Anise sighed, " dont run off like that..." Luka mewed again.

" you're very nervous aren't you" the girl said and then added. " I am Blake by the way"

Eve looked at her, " is it obvious? And I am Eve" she said with a smile.

" Very" she replied causing Eve to sigh. Blake patted her back, " font be nervous.. what's the worse rhat could happen?" She said to her. Before Eve to reply to that Ozpin arrived on stage causing her to be quiet and look up.

After her was done with the speech, Eve watched him walk off in awe, ' Mom and Dad are right. He is a wise ans strong man' she thought and looked at Blake, "...soo... mind if I stick with you?... i dont really have any friends..." ahe said looking at the ground.

Blake smiled and nodded, " sure" she said. Eve and grabbed her suitcase ans walked over to her. The two then walked off to the ballroom.
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Purkus Winnet

Purkus, who's eyes had been wandering listlessly over the crowd that seemed to flow like a river toward a central basin, only continued his unhurried walk beside Navy. Once inside the Amphitheater, Purkus listened intently to Ozpin's speech and gave a slight nod to his words. Honestly with how many years of students he has seen pass through this place, things such as speeches and inspiring students must seem like an everyday thing for him. Purkus was a bit more perplexed when Glenda Goodwitch made her announcement, and shifted uncomfortably at the thought of sleeping in the same room with loads of other people. Even so, he glanced to Navy with a bit of curiosity evident in his expression.

Purkus then took a moment to rummage through his things until he found a slip of paper and a pencil, and scribbled unseen on it's surface before offering it to Navy to read. The writing there reading "I'm sorry for not speaking, I'm not exactly able to. My name is Purkus, Purkus Winnet, and it's nice to meet you. I'm glad you liked my song and I was wondering, if you didn't mind, if I hung out with you until tonight? It's umm... very difficult to introduce myself to people, but you seem..." here in the sentence there is a word scribbled out beyond recognition, with it's correction directly to the right of it "... nice enough to deal with my mute-ness. May I ask your name?"

While she went about reading it, Purkus merely waited for her to reply. His attention not really on anything else as he fiddled with his belongings. Hoping that, before long, they were given places to store their equipment since carrying this stuff around all day was going to be uncomfortable beyond all reason.

Navy Locke

Navy was baffled by how quick Ozpin's speech was.

She kinda wanted...

Something longer? It had been good, but these things usually lasted for an hour (give or take). It was perhaps one of those moments where she needed to put her idealized versions of other people back in check.

A scrap of paper was presented to her. From the piano guy. "Oh," Navy said as she peered at it. Her fingers found the edges. "Purkus Winnet? Huh," She hadn't heard that one before. Navy glanced at him and back to the writing. He didn't have any friends. This thought dug through her. She didn't know anyone here either.

They were on the same boat, going down the same waterfall laden path.

"Navy Locke of the Lock-key Lockes." Navy said with a straight-face. "Nice to meet you sir." She straightened her palm and positioned it for a stern handshake. Navy Locke was not of the Lock-Key Lockes but it sounded cool. She was from a family of Huntsmen and Huntresses. But possibly a career as a lock smith would have suited her equally as well. "Sure," She said. "Add me on your contacts so we can chat that way." She unleashed her Scroll from her pocket and presented it to him.

Gathering the ball room for the night sounded kind of lame. Why couldn't they just go through initiation now?

Navy despised the idea of resting when there was action to be taken. She noticed a girl with a cat. It was kind of adorable.

@Mad Prince of Sanity
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He was gona like this place. Hell he was gona give the guy a "hell yeah!" but some ice queen came up to the mic right after, second one of the day it seems. Though this one seemed to be the big man's secretary, and the same woman who was talking on the screen of that transport. Yea, when he was talking to the kitty girl, she started talking about something... what was it again?

Bah, whatever, hell the REAL interesting part was that they were all bunking in the ball room. Co-ed.


Wait... no... Lots of folk will be there, no way any would be up for a party first day. best he played it cool as a cucumber, or something else that was cool that didn't make him sound like an utter nerd when he said it. That said, or atleast in his mind since god knows if he said that outside his head he'd be looked at VERY strangely, he had to get to that ballroom.

Or maybe he could find some other place to wander about in?

The latter sounded more fun... But he DID need a place to sit down his crap and sleep... then again there was probably a few cool cats, another thing he was going to keep to himself, around that he could hang with for awhile or so...

"Bah, whatever, not like it matters." he sighed and started to walk out of the place, looking already bored with the place. "All this hype and they send us to bed, yea'd think we're a bunch of kiddies going to preschool." he spoke to nobody in particular, who in turn answered. "Ch'yea, like were a bunch of kids." a young woman spoke with what he could explain as a "Surfer" slang. She was roughly his height, little brown bear(?) ears atop of her brown shaggy haired head.

"Right? Yea get me, were not at a resort were at a hunter academy." "Totally! You're speak my language!" "Guess I do, so fuzzy wuzzy, you got a name?" "Eh? Fuzzy wuzzy...?" she thought for a moment. "Oh shoot yea call me Fred." "...Fred?" Hannroi looked at the woman... yes it was a woman... he was certain at least. "My full names a mouthful man, Fredricka, who wants tah say that huh?" "Ah, yea, totally get you." Hannroi nodded as shoved away the thoughts he had in his head on the fact if she... in fact was a she.

"Well Fred, names Hannroi. what do you say that we head to the ballroom eh?" "EH!!? Dude are yea askin' me tah- i can't dance dude!" "What? No thats where were all bunking." "Ah? Oh... yea... sorry bro." she rubbed her head with abit of a blush on her face from her confusion, but didn't seem any less perturbed to stay around him...

Guess he found his first follower.
As his body twisted clockwise four the second time, her words startled him, a step backwards from the direction the voice came and a head shooting down to meet eyes. His eyes softened, and in that moment one could feel his presence relaxed. Sighing heavily, he looked behind him towards the stage, saying loud enough for her to hear, "He seems enthused with this year.." Was that sarcasm? Earnest? Honestly, Danube couldn't tell himself, and half of him regretted saying such a random statement.

Looking back down to Saphire, he nodded his head and grew quite the smile. "Yes, we shall. Come on, Saphire." He dropped his hand gently, yet firmly, onto her shoulder, patting it as he marched by her. The dust-like residue from the shattered light in his hands began to drift to the floor, fading quite quickly, though.

But at that moment, one could possibly see the gaze behind his friendly smile. It's not to say that Saphire didn't comfort him, but her presence only calmed his mind so much. His subconscious awoke negative thoughts once more, racing through his past experience in combat. He wondered what exactly would happen now, that he was to be a Hunter. It's not like he hadn't been training for it his whole life. And yet, something still weighed heavily upon his shoulders, which he couldn't point his finger to.

The Paladin turned his head behind him every now and then to make sure Saphire was still in pursuit as he marched towards the ball room.

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