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Realistic or Modern BC 1.5 - Prison Adventures


Fandom Fanatic
What happens in prison stays in prison...

(***Unofficial game!!!! Very casual, storytelling RP.)
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"Oh no," Q murmured as he scanned down the list of prisoner duties for the week. Garbage detail. Fantastic.

Not that he was complaining about the job itself. No one liked being the trash guy for the week, but Q didn't generally mind most of the jobs he was stuck with since they at least gave him something to do. It beat doing nothing in his cell or hanging out in a corner of the common areas where he could keep his eyes peeled for anyone targeting him. The problem with the detail was that it was the last shift of the day just before lockdown for the night, that period of time when anyone who didn't have a job was antsy for that last bit of freedom before being put in a cage. People in the prison didn't 'wind down before bed' like in the normal world; they wanted one last hoorah. Q didn't want to become that last hoorah.

It'd been almost a year since they'd been split up and sent to prison, a year in which Q had been in more altercations than in the entire rest of his life combined. He realized he hadn't known what real fear was until he'd come to this shitstorm of a place and experienced what it was like for someone to try to claim another human being as their own property. If not for David and Dio stepping in here and there and his own limited experience with fighting (not to mention his general craftiness and little-person ability to squirm out of situations), he probably would've suffered the fate of pretty much every other young, weak-looking person in there. He refused to become one of them though. He wasn't someone's pet. He certainly wasn't going to become anybody's sex toy. Being sent to the med ward every once in awhile to avoid that was worth his free will.

Of course the longer he went without someone planting their flagpole up his ass, the more people wanted him. He was that one piece of unstaked territory that everybody wanted to conquer, a tiny hill that was proving more difficult to climb than they had thought. It hadn't taken him long to learn which areas to avoid, what times of day were okay to be out and which ones were better suited to his cell, which of the guards were more or less cool to tag along with and which ones could give a shit less about his health. He basically did everything in his high IQ power to remain untainted and unkept.

His particular shift of garbage detail broke every rule he'd made for himself that would keep him that way.

First, the corridor down to the garbage chutes had a blind spot. There was a guard posted in the chute area responsible for opening and closing the hatches to keep anyone from diving in (which would be suicide, but suicides weren't exactly uncommon there), but there was a little stretch of walkway that was otherwise out of sight of prying eyes. No one was supposed to be down there if they weren't hauling garbage to the chutes, but it was prison. There were a lot of things people got away with that they weren't supposed to as long as they weren't creating open problems for the staff. It was pretty much law of the jungle in there.

Second, Q pretty much never went around by himself at that time of evening for the reasons he'd already pondered over. He generally stayed well within view of anyone who would give two shits about him causing a ruckus, which was one of his go-to tactics in avoiding becoming someone's prison bitch. Scream, kick, bite, shove, spew insults, make accusations, anything to get as many people involved as possible because if people were fighting each other, they weren't going after him, and lots of people fighting one another meant lots of work for the guards. He'd been sent to solitary a couple times for starting mini riots, and as much he hated solitary (tiny, dim space with nothing to do and no one to talk to for typically a couple days at a time), it was better than the other possible outcome. So, yeah, during the 'hot' times of the day Q stuck to populated areas or hung around David and Dio as much as possible. He certainly didn't go wandering down blind corridors by himself.

Third, the few guards Q did actually like weren't on shift at that time. He wished it was Carter. Garbage detail was one of the first jobs he'd had as a new prisoner (a morning shift) and Carter had personally volunteered to escort him to and from the chutes. It had made Q irritable at first because he knew it looked bad in front of the other prisoners, the fact that a guard was giving him special treatment. It just made them hate him that much more, much like how all the older students in school had a tendency to despise him because he was always teacher's pet. Now he understood that Carter had taken the lesser of two evils though; Q had still been very new and naive at the time and was already being stalked by assholes with evil intentions. Carter had probably saved his life back then.

But now there would be no one. David was on dishes that shift and Dio was cleaning the mess hall after supper. Q would be completely on his own. Part of him wondered if one of his 'suitors' hadn't paid the guy making the schedule to set it up that way. Probably. Bribery was a strong influencer in favoritism. Q, unfortunately, didn't have much of anything to bribe anyone with.

"Hey," he called out to the nearest guard available. "Hey, I can't take this shift."

The guard snorted at him. "Everyone takes garbage detail. Sucks, but get over it. It's only a week."

Q shook his head. "No, I don't mind that. I promise. I'll do any other shift. Just not that one. I can swap with the morning guy."

"Why? Because breakfast is the easy cleanup? Not exactly fair."

"No, no! Lunch, then. I don't really care. It's not about that. I--"

The guard's hand shifted down to the taser on his belt. As if he'd really need it. Q was clearly no threat, but still, the point was being made. "Kid, it's a simple rotation. It's your turn. Deal with it."

Pursing his lips together, Q turned on his heels and sulked away, keeping his eyes peeled for anybody watching him. People were always watching him. Always. Except now some of them were smiling just slightly.

Fine. Whatever. This was no different than usual. If someone came for him he would shove garbage in their face or something. He'd get out of it just like he always did. The blind spot wasn't that big. Just a few steps and he'd be in and out of range of help. Maybe he'd find something to use as a weapon though, just in case. It wasn't that hard to get ahold of something in there, at least not something unconventional. Unconventional was fortunately something Q did well.
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