Bazaar Cemetery


Black Star, The Stagnant Breeze
I've already got the world figured out, but the only problem I have is figuring out what races I need to add to this world. Really, I'm open to ideas for this, so don't be afraid to throw out something you find interesting or fitting.

To summarize the Bazaar, it is a Mega City sized shopping district. Think of it like something similar to Daigon Alley from the Harry Potter series. Bazaar Cemetery is a mega city that's separated into seven different districts. These districts are numbered based off of their size and the amount of business they get. In order, this is what each district is mainly about.

D1: Magical items/Artifacts, Familiars, Enchantments, etc.

D2: Technological Weaponry, Bio-Mechanics, Futuristic Vehicles, etc.

D3: Standard Weaponry and Armor, Black Smithing, etc.

D4: Miscellaneous Goods, Home Improvement, Clothing Stores, etc.

D5: Servants (Butlers/Maids), Pets, etc. [Note: Due to a change in Gravekeep, D5 has become a Red Light District.]

D6: Housing for Gravekeeps, Hex Headquarters, Casinos, etc.

D7/Central District: Grocery Stores, Restaurants, Hotels, etc.

The Bazaar itself is pretty much a Mythical safe haven for creatures and beings of supernatural varieties or even other wordly beings. Humans themselves have never once seen the Bazaar, but have heard legends about it. As to why this is, it's because the Bazaar has been separated from the Human world and is hidden deep within another world entirely.

"Hex" is the Police Force of the Bazaar. Nothing more than Peacekeepers to calm down unruly customers or to take thieves into custody. "Gravekeeps" are the beings that run each District. Pretty much the head honchos of each area. I can explain more about the Bazaar later in an interest check, but what I need assistance with is character ideas for the Gravekeeps.

Just what kind of races should be running each District? Each District isn't limited to one Gavekeep, so there can be 2-4 different races running the District. Some ideas on Shop Keeps throughout the districts would be nice as well. Really, I just want to find a race that's most fitting for each District. I would really appreciate the help.

Edit: Oh, and an idea on what the Hex uniform should look like would be good too. I'm stumped when it comes to that.
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Elves are traditionally known for their higher intelligence, so that could fit your D1; Gnomes are good with tech and the like -- D2; Orcs are known for strength so D3; and Humans can fill the rest.
Circus said:
Elves are traditionally known for their higher intelligence, so that could fit your D1; Gnomes are good with tech and the like -- D2; Orcs are known for strength so D3; and Humans can fill the rest.
As good as it would sound, Humans aren't allowed in the Bazaar. But, I do appreciate your input. Thank you.
Circus said:
Why is that?
The Bazaar is a safe haven for anything and everything inhuman. Simply put, the creator of the Bazaar knows that it would cause too much trouble if Humans were running around and ended up getting themselves killed. Finds it's easier to keep the streets clean and keeping the casualties and fatalities to a minimum.
More or less, some of the races there would either discriminate the humans, plain old hate them, or would just straight out attack them. Considering the fact that there's already enough trouble with some standing relations between some of the races that frequent the Bazaar, it just prevents any further trouble.
They will be when I get an RP going for the Bazaar, but that isn't happening until I'm finished making it entirely.
Traditional fantasy races are boring and here you've got something that could pleasingly ape Fallen London.

I think, therefore, it might be worth looking at unusual spins on creatures of myth and folklore, along with some unique creations - possibly even lifted from modern urban myth.

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