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Realistic or Modern Battle of the Talents CS (OPEN)


New Member
Here's the link to the original thread I made about it so you can see what the plot is really about: Battle of the Talents (OPEN)

  • Teacher A - Instrumental teacher
  • Teacher B - Gymnastics teacher
  • Teacher C - Art teacher
  • Student A1 - Instrumental student (guitar)
  • Student A2 - Instrumental student (piano)
  • Student A3 - Instrumental student (drums)
  • Student B1 - Gymnastics student (trampolining)
  • Student B2 - Gymnastics student (trampolining)
  • Student B3 - Gymnastics student (acrobatics)
  • Student B4 - Gymnastics student (acrobatics)
  • Student C1 - Art student (drawing)
  • Student C2 - Art student (painting)
  • Student C3 - Art student (sculpting)
The characters that have been taken will be highlighted in green. You may apply for multiple characters so that you are guarteed a place if others choose the same role. :)

Good luck!

This is my character btw:-


sienna-may black
Sienna is a 17 year old girl with unrealistic ambitions to be a drama teacher in a girls boarding school. She's currently studying drama, dance, history and English language, she also does French and Spanish lessons outside of school. She attends a Performing Arts club every Friday and an after school art club with a few of her friends. She's a single child and lives with her lottery winning mum. Her mum is set out to give Sienna the best education and the most opportunities, so she does all the clubs she wants and extra classes, as she has the money to.

Sienna is a nice girl, quite reasonable and respectful, but can be cocky when it comes to acting and dancing, as she believes she's better than anyone she knows. She's able to hold most of it back, but sometimes it slips through her filter and blurts out through her mouth.

Her favourite food is fried chicken and her favourite colour is silver. She loves netball, along with dance, and can play the guitar, not that advanced, but she has certain songs she can play with her eyes closed.
She's tall for a girl her age and slightly underweight due to the amount of exercise she does everyday, but she's put herself on a strict diet that'll allow her to gain some weight to look healthier.

However, she paints and sells her work online, as she wants to make some extra cash. She's spotted by a well known art teacher of Talent High and was formally asked to attend this summer, all fully paid.

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Name: Abigail Lynne Perry
Nickname: Abby, Abbs
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown/blonde
Height: 5'5
Weight: 140lbs
Body Type: Average
Likes: performing, writing, socializing, trashy reality tv

Dislikes: wearing her glasses, candles that smell like food, tennis shoes, unsweet tea

Strengths: Independence, honesty, bravery

Weaknesses: Impatience, impulsiveness, quick tempered
Abigail is someone who strives for independence, not wanting to rely on her family's money forever. Her favorite pastimes are writing and just strumming her guitar, and she almost always has a smile on her face while doing so. Reality TV is her guilty pleasure, and she can't help but laugh at the drama. She hates real life drama, though, and prefers to stay out of it. She's honest to a fault, since she hates being lied to herself. But she's also pretty impulsive, and if things aren't done the way she thinks is best or on her time, she'll probably just do them herself. She has a temper that is definitely shorter when it comes to her family, but with others she has a slightly longer fuse. But she can still get angry over silly things, but she can usually put those emotions towards music.

Abigail grew up the youngest out of four siblings, two older brothers and an older sister. They're all successful in their own right: Elena is a nurse on her way to becoming a doctor, Michael is a lawyer, and Luke is a bank manager. Their parents are also successful, their father Henry running a construction company and their mother being a high class jewelry consultant. Their family is all over the place, but again, successful in their own right. Abby was bred for big, important things-- but she never had any interest in any of it.

Her dream is to perform, and be successful in it. She asked for guitar lessons as a kid, and got them, and she's been singing since before she could talk. Combine the two and you have the perfect recipe for a star. Except for the fact that her family is not supportive. They were, at first, when they thought it was just a phase she was going through. But writing and playing were her favorite pasttimes, and it was how she dealt with stress. Even through her father's death when she was fourteen, she played, she sang, and she wrote.

Despite the fact that her family isn't hurting for money, she paid the entrance fee for this competition herself. She'd worked part time through senior year, after school and most weekends to be able to do so. She is determined to win and be able to pursue her dreams.

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Gymnast ( Acrobatics) B4


Aurora Solaire Smith
Aurora is a 19 year old girl with semi-realistic ambitions to be an Olympic gymnast. She's currently studying gymnastics. She attends a choir club every day to watch her sister. She's a twin and lives with said her twin. Her twin is not the richest but she does try to keep everything that they need on the table and over their heads.

She practices Gymnastics all the time, it definitely annoys Aaron. She and her twin love to watch anime when they have extra time. Their favorites are Tokyo ghoul and Fairytale



Aaron Love Smith
Aaron is a 19 year old girl with realistic ambitions to be an anthropologist. She's currently studying Cultural Anthropology, she also does French lessons. She attends a choir club every day. She's a twin and lives with her twin. Her twin is definitely not the richest but she does try to keep everything that they need on the table.

She loves to sing and on her free time, she performs at local bars and parks making enough money to get groceries and pay her half of the rent. She loves to eat cake so she buys at least 1 every time she goes shopping. She loves to be the best so her and Aurora get into fights often. Unlike Aurora, Aaron loves to read manga. Her favorites are Bakuman and After School Charisma

Teacher C - Art Teacher

Karl Vasiliev
A 45 year old from Belarus, He has recently joined Talent High so that he could spread his knowledge of Art to his students.

He is well known among renowned artists as a artist who thinks differently when he does Art. He also expects his students to be good in Art.
Studen C3 - Art - Sculpting - WIP


This is Ameia Smith. She is short, standing at only 5'3", and perhaps this is why her personality is so very tall! She is Passionate, loud, somewhat aggressive and extremely independent. Rarely will Ameia ask for anything from anyone, however she has no problem yelling at everyone for everything. She has a fiery temper when she gets mad, but most of the time her burning energy is converted into humour, warmth and passion. Ameia is very romantic, and very single. She likes to flirt and tease and she seems to have very little filter when she talks.
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