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Batman & Robin: silent heroes of ww2 (wonderboy x Kyd Jhesus)


The New Boy Wonder
It the mid 1940s, Batman has been fighting crime on his own in Gotham for about 5 years. He started in around 1935 or so. In 1937 he adopts Dick Grayson and trains him to be Robin. They're fighting crime and taking out mob bosses and even some super criminals that have started popping up (Joker, Catwoman, Dr. Hugo Strange, etc.). It's about the middle of ww2 now and the U.S. government has somehow contacted batman and robin and asked them to be spies for the military to help them take down the Nazis.
Bruce Wayne also known as the Batman was crotched down on a roof. A pair of binoculars in his hand. The boy wonder was next to him wearing his Robin Hood inspired costume. They were in Nazi Germany. Behind the enemy lines. They were collecting information to bring back to the troops that had dug trenches miles away from the city. Trench warfare...Bruce had read stories about how horrible it was during the Great War but now there was another Great War. This time they were calling it World War 2. The trenches were still a horrible place to be. Bruce saw someone moving in the building across the way and handed the binoculars over to his apprentice.

"Tell me what you see," Bruce said to his Boy Wonder.

@Kyd Jhesus
Robin, Dick Greyson, The Boy Wonder, The young hotshot. He was a light hearted boy in a hard world but he was lucky he hit hard also. Robin grabbed the binoculars and took a peak. "Hmm, I see...holy moly Batman, It think that's one of the German scientist." He looked up to his mentor. "How should we handle this Batman. He might have some important information for the Allies." He took another look. "I wonder what he could be up too, Nothing good for sure. I heard these Nazi's have been making camps for the Jews and the Gypsy's too and any other unlucky person they don't like...I heard there been some horrible things happening there." Robin return the binoculars to Batman.
Bruce smirked at the boy's statements. All those holy Molly's....holy this and holy that. Though the boy was smart and did have the right idea. Bruce took the binoculars and put them up to his eyes to check out what the boy had seen. Sure enough there was a man with a lab coat in the window. Bruce put the binoculars back in his utility belt and pulled his collapsible grabbling hook from it.

"We sneak in there. Steal some files...and don't get caught," he said his gruff voice giving off a slight chuckle. He spun the grappling hook on the end of the rope above his head before tossing it over across the gap between buildings. The hook snagged on the roof and Bruce tugged on the rope making sure it was secure. It was and Bruce held out his hand for Dick to grab onto so they could swing across the gap together.

"Come on Soldier," the man's gruff voice said.

@Kyd Jhesus
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Dick smiled at his mentor, His friends and grabbed his hand with the up most confidence. "I'm always ready my Captain!" Dick waited for Batman to set of so they can complete the mission. He also hoped he can also crack some Nazi skull or two. One for justice and America another for the Gypsies in him. "Let's do it!"
Bruce took the Grayson boy's hand and squeezed it tightly. The man pulled the boy in close and held onto him as he stood up on the edge of the roof.

"Hold on," Batman ordered as he wrapped the rope around his forearm and gripped the rope tightly in his gloved hand. He pushed himself off the roof and he and Bruce flew through the air swinging like Tarzan. Bruce held his feet out as they swung. Batman braced himself for impact. He his combat boots collided with the glass window and it shattered beneath the force. Bruce and Dick swung into the room. Bruce planted his feet and let go of the rope. He lowered the Grayson boy to his feet and chuckled a little.

"We're in Robin," he said.

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