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Fandom Batman: Gotham's Protector - CS


    : James "Jim" W. Gordon

    Aliases: None.

    Age: 45

    Gender: Male

Last edited:
A CS for D12, a character I have to play due to him being a member of Dice. Not that I dislike that.


placeholder until i get another drawing tablet pen


Name: ???
Aliases: D12
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
High Concept: It’s not a phase, mom!
Organizations\Affiliations: Dice: A criminal organization that specializes in intel gathering, assassination, burglary, and robbery, housed in Gotham city.
D12 prides himself on being at least one step ahead at all times. He doesn’t mind putting innocents at risk to push his own agenda, but won’t kill them for no reason, only risks their lives as a distraction or a threat.
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߃¡»Ü0“ؚض /Ï!èìß#ðÌß!üÎaŒª¤
Re: D12
If you’re looking for information on D12, I’m afraid we know even less about him than we do about D20, because unlike her, he’s not cocky or arrogant in the slightest. We don’t even really know for sure if he’s male, as we don’t have much audio of him talking, and, I mean, look at the photos we have of him. Like D20, he’s been coming out of the shadows more, and that’s some damn bad news for most of society. Chances are, he won’t resort to murder, but will blackmail or disappear anyone that’s even a bit of a threat.
V.E.M mk. III: Short for “Visus ex Machina”, meaning “Sight from the Machine,” these glasses aren’t actually required for sight. Instead, they’re used for holographic displays and various, showing anything from the time to thermographic displays. They can be remotely deactivated, hard reset at the push of a button, and are able to even self-destruct.
Intelligence: D12 is quite intelligent, and prides himself on being one step ahead at any given time.
Martial Arts: D12 has created a form of martial arts relying heavily on kicks and dodges, requiring insane speed and reflexes.
Phasing: D12 has the ability to phase through any object, no matter its density or thickness, and stop phasing at will, allowing him to walk on walls or cause serious damage to the human body.
Hobbies: Playing tabletop RPGs, Playing jRPGs
Quote: “D20, I swear, you’re gonna get us all killed one day.”
Fun Facts:
  • Drinks an unhealthy amount of coffee daily.
  • Has intentionally made a coin land on its before.
  • Doesn’t own clothes that aren’t some shade of gray.
  • Enjoys wearing skirts and dresses, but doesn’t to avoid teasing from D20.
  • Loves things that are either bitter or sweet. Bittersweet is his favorite flavor, like coffee or dark chocolate.

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߃¡»Ü0“ؚض /Ï!èìß#ðÌß!üÎaŒª¤
Re: D12
I set the password to 1234, though we all know this will be changed within the week like it always is. You're the only person outside of Dice to have this information. Don't do anything stupid.

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Name: Alexander Velocitas
Aliases: Alex, Lexi (Pet Nickname, from D20)
Age: 25
Status: Alive
D12, formerly known as D8-Δ, is the second-in-command of Dice. While D20’s job is to act as a distraction and figurehead, D12’s job is to further the goals of Dice via takeover of the city’s government and police force.
D12 was born in Gotham City in a small orphanage, but ran away from the orphanage he was staying at out of fear of his caretakers. Was found and taken in by who we believe is D8-Ψ, a scientist studying the Sage force, a theoretical force which would, in theory, allow any conduit to gain great intelligence and psychic abilities. D8-Ψ used D12’s connection to the speed force to compare and contrast it to this theoretical speed force, and the two grew attached to each other. While D8-Ψ was killed years ago, D12 is continuing his work. If he succeeds, he could be a become extremely powerful.
LSA MK. I: Short for “Light-Speed Armor”, LSA is a suit of armor with the following features:
  • Extremely high-grip soles
  • Bullet-proof armor
  • Repulsors in the palms and main visor that fire kryptonite rays
  • Tubes that feed a modified, safer version of Velocity 9 into the user
This prototype is left unused and locked away in D12’s personal lab in a remote location as it could be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands.
Speed Force: D12 is connected to the speed force, which gives him access to a variety of abilities.
Super Speed: D12 can move at incredibly fast speeds, allowing him to block, dodge, run, and do a variety of other actions much faster than the average human, although he limits himself as to not create lightning and give away his abilities.
Lightning Blast: D12 can tap into the speed force and create lightning, a skill he has honed to great precision. Doesn’t normally do this as not to give away his abilities.
Processing Speed: Speedsters, D12 included, have been shown not to only move faster, but process information and think faster than the normal human.
Regeneration: Speedsters regenerate at a faster rate than average humans.
Paralysis is effective, although that’s effective against any human.
Anything effective against other speedsters is fair game.
Fun Facts:
  • Used to be Dice’s most deadly assassin, known as D8-Δ back when Dice did simple assassination work. The designation now belongs to the fourth of 24 specialized D8 units.
  • Killed the original D10 and make it look like an accident to take over Dice, which was assumed to be D20’s doing. This was part of a plan D12 and D20 made together.
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Character Completion - 70%

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Name: Charles Victor Szasz

  • Victor Sage
  • The Question
Age: 37 years old

Gender: Male​

[div class=textbox]
Sexuality: ?

High Concept: By day, Victor Sage is Hub City-based investigative journalist. By night, he protects his city's streets as The Question, wearing a mask made from an experimental material called pseudoderm.

Affiliations: Justice League

Personality: On the whole, Vic Sage projects an unfailing aura of enigmatic calm. Almost impossible to surprise, he has a quip for nearly every occasion and can dig up dirt on just about anyone. His laid-back demeanor hides a shrewd mind, and whatever he doesn't know about his comrades or his enemies probably isn't worth knowing anyways. Even so, there are very few that he considers friends. To those few, his loyalty is unswerving, and the lengths to which he will go to protect them have very few bounds.


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Appearance: At 6'2", Vic stands head and shoulders above your average civilian. Rigorous training under Richard Dragon's wing has left him in excellent shape and remarkable strength. With immaculate, strawberry blonde hair and sky-blue eyes, seemingly flawless skin, a strong jaw and sharp chin, Vic had been the perfect face for the television.

As the Question, most of those features vanish under the mask. The bonding gas dyes his hair black and leaves his face blank and empty. He favors wide-brimmed fedoras and overcoats, riddled with hidden pockets.

  • Pseudoderm: An experiment of Aristotle Rodor, designed to be used as a seamless, skin-like bandage for medical use, though it was canned once the material was found to be toxic on open wounds. Years later, it was repurposed and given to Vic Sage by Rodor in the form of a mask. The mask perfectly hides the features of its wearer, making it seem as though his face is non-existent, and completely covered in skin. It does not impede breathing or eyesight, and is easily concealable when not worn.



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  • Philosophy
  • Eastern Mysticism
  • Mind Games

"Fun's not over yet. I've got to be sure you get sent to the hospital."


code by Ri.a
I hope you don't mind me asking, but is this still active? I'm extremely new to this site, and roleplaying overall, but I'd like to give it a try.

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