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Fandom Batman: Crusade in Darkness [CS] - Threadmarks

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  • Gotham City, located on the eastern coast of the United States, is a hive of scum and villainy like no other in the entire country, and maybe the entire world. It's almost as if though there was an entity - a spirit of the city - and one that feeds on darkness and despair, that infected it with malignant, tangible evil.

    Twenty-seven years ago, this evil was destined to give birth to yet another tragedy. When a small-time criminal, Joe Chill walked into an alleyway at the right time, he stumbled upon Gotham city's wealthiest family. Overtaken by greed, he killed the parents of the eight-year-old Bruce Wayne and fled the scene, leaving the boy alone and tormented.

    Most, in the boy's place, would waver and be consumed by the evil of the city and join its madness; become a brutal, inhuman catalyst of more tragedies in a never-ending cycle. But through willpower and perseverance, he endured the darkness and rather than let it take him, he took its reins and used it for good.

    Who is he, you ask? He is Gotham's protector and guardian. By night, her defender. By day, her first citizen.

    He's the Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight, the World's Greatest Detective. He is the Batman.