Based on their icon, what is the person above you like?

I'm going to go (sorry if I'm doing this wrong) with an early twenties almost-college-grad who enjoys RPing romance most of all though she hides it under a guise of preferring action and gore. (shot in the dark...roll with me ^_^  )

yeah im like in highschool hehe

looks like a cutie patootie to me with a swimmer's body and personality that makes you want to take him to the zoo or comic book store 
Probably has a few other social media accounts out there. Involuntarily looks at situations/people/things from an analytical standpoint and interprets it into their own meaning- Probably enjoys too many movies/TV shows to count.
An amazing individual who enjoys himself a good ol' epsiode of Berserk. Which i'm still watching Season 2 right now..

Things are getting so spicy :o ! I don't know what to do! 
(As much as I love the original anime too (CGI damn you!!!) read the manga man. Loads better. Each page is a frigging painting... well amazing sketch at least)

Smokes but other than that has good taste. Seems to have good skin and so I can only assume the smoking is infrequent or that is not a real cig.
*Legitimately laughing out loud*

Dude did you change profile pics just for this? Because that's genius!

Now back to your regularly scheduled response


~We're up all night to get lucky!~
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