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Fandom Baka to Test: The tournament

"Hell yeah!" he jumped up, hugging him while spinning his body so he landed back with an arm over his shoulder, "We are back in business!" he yelled laughing. He missed this, being able to let loose, have fun, be himself. In B, everyone was so secluded, always focused on school, didn't they know there was more to life? What he needed was this, a group of rowdy, crazy, fun people who weren't afraid to show their true selves. He turned to Kliff, "Now how about we get something to drink? My treat~". He could hear the commotion behind them, but ignored it. This was just the regular, or at least was. It seemed most of it was people who missed being able to do this, because he'd left.


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8 minutes ago, Mori-Jin said:

"Hell yeah!" he jumped up, hugging him while spinning his body so he landed back with an arm over his shoulder, "We are back in business!" he yelled laughing. He missed this, being able to let loose, have fun, be himself. In B, everyone was so secluded, always focused on school, didn't they know there was more to life? What he needed was this, a group of rowdy, crazy, fun people who weren't afraid to show their true selves. He turned to Kliff, "Now how about we get something to drink? My treat~". He could hear the commotion behind them, but ignored it. This was just the regular, or at least was. It seemed most of it was people who missed being able to do this, because he'd left.



"Now how about we get something to drink? My treat~"

Kliff was hesitant, " What about cla--" Kliff started to say, pointing towards the teacher. But in a split second the teacher, along with about 4 girls, dissappeared. A note reappearing on the board saying, " Out for lunch ... Do whatever you want (That means you Kliff) ."

Kliff started sweating nervously, especially since it seems a little suspisicous that the note mentioned him specifically, but smiled nonetheless, " Nevermind then! Just let me grab the important stuff. "

Kliff ran back to his desk and hurriedly but cautiously grabbed all of his music related items, his sheet music, lyrics journal, etc, etc, and most importantly his guitar case and his violin case. He never went anywhere without those two things. 

Kliff turned back towards Tae, wiith a huge grin on his face, " OK! I'm ready!"

He sighed, shaking his head. "I swear, you can't go a day without your music." he grabbed his things, carrying them for him. "No matter, could always use some more weight! Boost my speed y'know?" he laughed, turning as he began to walk out the room. He glanced at the board, seeing the note. He wondered to himself whatever could they mean by that . . . As smart as he was, Jin was still quite oblivious to peoples inner emotions.

@Anime King Kaleb

He sighed, shaking his head. "I swear, you can't go a day without your music." he grabbed his things, carrying them for him. "No matter, could always use some more weight! Boost my speed y'know?" he laughed, turning as he began to walk out the room. He glanced at the board, seeing the note. He wondered to himself whatever could they mean by that . . . As smart as he was, Jin was still quite oblivious to peoples inner emotions.

@Anime King Kaleb


"I swear, you can't go a day without your music."

Kliff grinned, "You are absolutely correct. It's one of the only two things that makes me want to keep living". Kliff teasingly punched his shoulder.

Kliff tried to resist when Tae started to grab his stuff, but once he realized it was futile, he just let him hold it, although he kept his guitar and violin. He trusted Tae but he always liked to keep those two things out of everyone else's hands. He began to follow Tae out of the room, watching as he glanced to the board, knowing that he was probably trying to understand what it meant. Tae had always been a bit oblivious to things, but Kliff didn't care. It was just one of the things that Kliff loved about him. Kliff smiled, but didn't say anything about it.

"So . . ." he said as they walked, thinking back to the promise they'd made. "Remember, back to the day I left Class E? You promised me something . . . A few months back, you came over to my house. We had fun, we were tired, and you said . . . something strange. That you kept a secret from me . . . Something big. You never kept secrets from me . . ." he stopped walking, looking up. "I asked what it was, but you fell asleep . . . For the longest time, we acted like it never happened. But when I left, you said this . . . When the time came, I will tell you my deepest secret." he looked at him, "You still remember right?"


"So . . ." he said as they walked, thinking back to the promise they'd made. "Remember, back to the day I left Class E? You promised me something . . . A few months back, you came over to my house. We had fun, we were tired, and you said . . . something strange. That you kept a secret from me . . . Something big. You never kept secrets from me . . ." he stopped walking, looking up. "I asked what it was, but you fell asleep . . . For the longest time, we acted like it never happened. But when I left, you said this . . . When the time came, I will tell you my deepest secret." he looked at him, "You still remember right?"


Kliff froze. He knew exactly what he was talking about.  

It was the one thing he hoped Tae had forgotten. The time where Kliff had almost confessed.

It was a few months back and Kliff had decided that he was going to confess he love for Tae. He and Tae had gotten together that morning and spent the whole day together just the two of them. That night Kliff spent the night and before he fell asleep, he planned to tell Tae how he felt. Of course, he couldn't just blurt it out, but unfortunately he ended up leaving him hanging. The folowing day, Tae didn't bring it up like he usually does with things, so Kliff thought he forgot. At first he was dissapointed but he quickly got over it. And then the day that Tae left Class E came. Kliff was disappointed, unsure of whether it was meant to be. Before Tae left, Kliff told him that if he ever had the chance to hang out with him again, he'd tell him what he tried to those days ago.

Apparently that chance was now.

Kliff sighed, "Yeah ... I remember ..."

(Sorry about the wait. )

//nah you good x3


"Good." he smiled, patting his head. "You don't have to tell me yet . . . I can tell it's really personal, special to you right?" he laughed, "Just . . . When you're ready, tell me. I can wait." He went back to walking, whistling as he did. "But you ARE telling me, if you have to do it on your deathbed so be it, you won't leave the mortal realm until you do." he laughed at his joke.


//nah you good x3


"Good." he smiled, patting his head. h"You don't have to tell me yet . . . I can tell it's really personal, special to you right?" he laughed, "Just . . . When you're ready, tell me. I can wait."z"You don't have to tell me yet . . . I can tell it's really personal, special to you right?" he laughed, "Just . . . When you're ready, tell me. I can wait."went back to walking, whistling as he did. "But you ARE telling me, if you have to do it on your deathbed so be it, you won't leave the mortal realm until you do." he laughed at his joke.


"You don't have to tell me yet . . . I can tell it's really personal, special to you right?" Tae laughed, "Just . . . When you're ready, tell me. I can wait."

Kliff stood where he was at for a couple of seconds, just watching Tae. He then cracked a smile.

"It's final! No more chickening out, Kliff! You have to tell him sooner than later." Kliff mumbled to himself. Kliff smiled, as he ran to catch up to Tae.

Kliff listened to the whistling, and after a few minutes started harmonizing with him.

"But you ARE telling me, if you have to do it on your deathbed so be it, you won't leave the mortal realm until you do."

Kliff laughed alongside Tae, " I promise that I won't tell you while I'm on my deathbed. That wouldn't be beneficial to anyone ... "

Kliff smiled more as they continued walking, when suddenly a thought hit Kliff, "So ... Where are we going, Tae?" Kliff asked.
Amilia was completely embarrassed. She was getting redder at the second, even more as he bluntly stared at her. Why was he staring? What about her made him stare? In her embarrassment, she forgot he most likely stared because she was as red as a tomato. She was thinking of other reasons, each reason she could think of making her turn even more red.

Then, he finished her. "Are you hot?" Amilia in her current state of course misunderstood. She looked like her face would explode with embarrassment. She understood his question in a less temperature-related way. And in her embarrassment, she took the only way out of such a situation for a real lady. She passed out, falling forward, right towards her new team partner. 

Tomo had been waiting for his question to be answered but that never happened. Actually after every second she seemed to get redder and redder, it seemed  like she was going to overheat or something.  "H-Hey, if you aren't feeling we-" before he was able to finish his statement she fell over.

Since he was in her path anyway he caught her out of impulse, faltering slightly in stance because he had no time to brace himself. "Amilia!?" he said in a panicked tone. He seemed to draw the attention of the whole class with the panic in his voice. Everyone grew into a frenzy soon after processing what had happened, resulting in the classroom going into chaos. He on the other hand was still trying to figure out why she passed out in the first place.

Tomo carefully set her down on the floor, still supporting her upper body with his arm. He used his free hand to check her temperature, pressing it against her face. "She really is hot..." he whispered to himself, noticing just how wrong that sounded only after hearing it aloud. He blushed slightly but shook his head to clear away that thought, thinking it wasn't the time to get caught up in something so trivial. "Amilia! Hey Amilia! Can you hear me? Do you need cold water or something?" he didn't even know if she could respond at the moment however because of the situation he was unable to think straight.

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling )
"You don't have to tell me yet . . . I can tell it's really personal, special to you right?" Tae laughed, "Just . . . When you're ready, tell me. I can wait."

Kliff stood where he was at for a couple of seconds, just watching Tae. He then cracked a smile.

"It's final! No more chickening out, Kliff! You have to tell him sooner than later." Kliff mumbled to himself. Kliff smiled, as he ran to catch up to Tae.

Kliff listened to the whistling, and after a few minutes started harmonizing with him.

"But you ARE telling me, if you have to do it on your deathbed so be it, you won't leave the mortal realm until you do."

Kliff laughed alongside Tae, " I promise that I won't tell you while I'm on my deathbed. That wouldn't be beneficial to anyone ... "

Kliff smiled more as they continued walking, when suddenly a thought hit Kliff, "So ... Where are we going, Tae?" Kliff asked.

He thought, and shrugged. "I honestly have no idea . . . Wanna visit one of the other classes? We have time."

Tomo had been waiting for his question to be answered but that never happened. Actually after every second she seemed to get redder and redder, it seemed  like she was going to overheat or something.  "H-Hey, if you aren't feeling we-" before he was able to finish his statement she fell over.

Since he was in her path anyway he caught her out of impulse, faltering slightly in stance because he had no time to brace himself. "Amilia!?" he said in a panicked tone. He seemed to draw the attention of the whole class with the panic in his voice. Everyone grew into a frenzy soon after processing what had happened, resulting in the classroom going into chaos. He on the other hand was still trying to figure out why she passed out in the first place.

Tomo carefully set her down on the floor, still supporting her upper body with his arm. He used his free hand to check her temperature, pressing it against her face. "She really is hot..." he whispered to himself, noticing just how wrong that sounded only after hearing it aloud. He blushed slightly but shook his head to clear away that thought, thinking it wasn't the time to get caught up in something so trivial. "Amilia! Hey Amilia! Can you hear me? Do you need cold water or something?" he didn't even know if she could respond at the moment however because of the situation he was unable to think straight.

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling )

Amilia didn't notice anything of all that. How even, being passed out. But she soon awoke again, finding herself in the arms of somebody, laying on the floor. She looked that person in the eyes dreamily for a moment, before she processed what was going on and opened her eyes wide in shock. She jumped up, brushing her skirt clean and then looking at Tomo embarrassedly. "What do you think you are doing there?", she stuttered. She then calmed down a bit. Even though she still was completely blushed, she managed a friendly smile. "Uhm lets go somewhere else to talk...", she muttered, seeing the class in chaos. 

Before he could object, she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the classroom. She didn't want anymore eyes looking at her curiously any further. Amilia pulled him out of the building, to the small well, where she sat down, by that pulling him down with her. She forgot she was still holding his hand when she smiled at him. "We can talk more calmly here."
Amilia didn't notice anything of all that. How even, being passed out. But she soon awoke again, finding herself in the arms of somebody, laying on the floor. She looked that person in the eyes dreamily for a moment, before she processed what was going on and opened her eyes wide in shock. She jumped up, brushing her skirt clean and then looking at Tomo embarrassedly. "What do you think you are doing there?", she stuttered. She then calmed down a bit. Even though she still was completely blushed, she managed a friendly smile. "Uhm lets go somewhere else to talk...", she muttered, seeing the class in chaos. 

Before he could object, she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the classroom. She didn't want anymore eyes looking at her curiously any further. Amilia pulled him out of the building, to the small well, where she sat down, by that pulling him down with her. She forgot she was still holding his hand when she smiled at him. "We can talk more calmly here."

When Amilia opened her eyes he sighed in relief, feeling extremely happy that nobody would be going to the hospital. Still her face matched a strawberry but she was up at least. Before he was able to try communicating with her once more she shot up in what seemed to be confusion and alarm. That was a understandable reaction given that she woke up being held by some guy who she only just got to know. Her getting up so fast surprised him nonetheless though since she was passed out less than a minute ago. 

"What do you think you are doing there?" is what she had asked. It was a simple question and there was nothing wrong in what he had done so he answered with ease...or he would of if she hadn't  grabbed his hand and dragged him away. He hadn't heard her mutter over the other students so he was taken aback by the seemingly sudden action.

 Before he could even protest he was in the school's stairwell with her and was accidentally (?) pulled down to sit with her when she sat. "We can talk more calmly here." she said to him with a smile. He nodded after a second or two of staring at her questioningly "Oh is...that..it?" he said as he found his eyes wandering down to his strangely warm hand.

What he saw was his hand clasped in hers. A faint blush reached his face and he tugged his hand back slightly, hoping that would cause her to notice and let go. 

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling )

When Amilia opened her eyes he sighed in relief, feeling extremely happy that nobody would be going to the hospital. Still her face matched a strawberry but she was up at least. Before he was able to try communicating with her once more she shot up in what seemed to be confusion and alarm. That was a understandable reaction given that she woke up being held by some guy who she only just got to know. Her getting up so fast surprised him nonetheless though since she was passed out less than a minute ago. 

"What do you think you are doing there?" is what she had asked. It was a simple question and there was nothing wrong in what he had done so he answered with ease...or he would of if she hadn't  grabbed his hand and dragged him away. He hadn't heard her mutter over the other students so he was taken aback by the seemingly sudden action.

 Before he could even protest he was in the school's stairwell with her and was accidentally (?) pulled down to sit with her when she sat. "We can talk more calmly here." she said to him with a smile. He nodded after a second or two of staring at her questioningly "Oh is...that..it?" he said as he found his eyes wandering down to his strangely warm hand.

What he saw was his hand clasped in hers. A faint blush reached his face and he tugged his hand back slightly, hoping that would cause her to notice and let go. 

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling )

Amilia smiled warmly at his confusion and she was slowly getting less flustered, until she felt something pull. She looked down and saw she was still holding his hand. She inhaled sharply, embarrassed, letting go of him. Instead, she put of her hands on her lap, looking at the ground. "I am terribly sorry. My first impression must have been horrible...", the girl muttered and then sighed. "Usually I am not that... whatever it was, that makes me act like I do."

Amilia then looked at the small well, with a fountain. "Its beautiful isn't it? I love sitting here. Everytime I study, I sit here and do so. Maybe we can study together sometime? I mean, if you want to. I was hoping we would become friends, through working together."
Amilia smiled warmly at his confusion and she was slowly getting less flustered, until she felt something pull. She looked down and saw she was still holding his hand. She inhaled sharply, embarrassed, letting go of him. Instead, she put of  her hands on her lap, looking at the ground. "I am terribly sorry. My first impression must have been horrible...", the girl muttered and then sighed. "Usually I am not that... whatever it was, that makes me act like I do."

Amilia then looked at the small well, with a fountain. "Its beautiful isn't it? I love sitting here. Everytime I study, I sit here and do so. Maybe we can study together sometime? I mean, if you want to. I was hoping we would become friends, through working together."

He nodded his head and waved his now freed hand dismissively "It's fine. No harm done, right?" he said in a voice that was pretty low but not inaudible. To reassure her of that  he put a grin, albeit a bashful one, on his face while speaking. "I won't fault you for somethin' like this. Everyone has those days y'know." he chuckled awkwardly. He couldn't tell if he was making things a tad bit better or a tad bit worse with his laughing and his almost carefree way of acting. 

He was afraid that they would end up falling into uncomfortable silence at this point but luckily Amilia had a topic by the time he stopped rambling.

"It's beautiful isn't it? I love sitting here. Everytime I study, I sit here and do so-" he could see why she would. It seemed peaceful here and it was quiet for the most part.   Maybe we can study together sometime? I mean, if you want to. I was hoping we would become friends, through working together."  the next parts were confusing to him. Why would she want to study with a F class student and why would she feel so obligated to befriend one?

For one thing if they did study together it'd be more like a tutor session if anything else. He didn't have any special attributes other than his effeminate appearance either so she gained nothing from becoming his friend. "...Um, sure. We could, if you really have the time. However, my grades aren't all that great as you may already know..."

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling )

He nodded his head and waved his now freed hand dismissively "It's fine. No harm done, right?" he said in a voice that was pretty low but not inaudible. To reassure her of that  he put a grin, albeit a bashful one, on his face while speaking. "I won't fault you for somethin' like this. Everyone has those days y'know." he chuckled awkwardly. He couldn't tell if he was making things a tad bit better or a tad bit worse with his laughing and his almost carefree way of acting. 

He was afraid that they would end up falling into uncomfortable silence at this point but luckily Amilia had a topic by the time he stopped rambling.

"It's beautiful isn't it? I love sitting here. Everytime I study, I sit here and do so-" he could see why she would. It seemed peaceful here and it was quiet for the most part.   Maybe we can study together sometime? I mean, if you want to. I was hoping we would become friends, through working together."  the next parts were confusing to him. Why would she want to study with a F class student and why would she feel so obligated to befriend one?

For one thing if they did study together it'd be more like a tutor session if anything else. He didn't have any special attributes other than his effeminate appearance either so she gained nothing from becoming his friend. "...Um, sure. We could, if you really have the time. However, my grades aren't all that great as you may already know..."

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling )

Amilia smiled. The place clamed her down, it was so peaceful. She wasn't embarrassed anymore and his laughing took the last of worries from her shoulders, making her able to be herself again. She then looked at him. "...Um, sure. We could, if you really have the time. However, my grades aren't all that great as you may already know... ", the boy said and Amilia raised an eyebrow. "Oh, that doesn't really matter. Maybe I can help you. And maybe you can help me. Often, a more simple glance on things can make them easier to understand. I tend to think too complicated. So having someone who can bring me back to the ground with simple things, even a joke, would really help me. If we spent a lot of time together through being a team, we sure will be friends, so we can help each other. In my opinion, grades aren't everything, you know?" 

Amilia stood up and picked up a flower. She smiled and then looked at him. "A lot of the a class students think it's not only bad grades. They think your brain I bad, if you are in F class." She turned around, her back facing him. Then, she smelled the flower. "I say, who doesn't have good grades in anything, has not found out how to make use of their potential. Take me as an example. I am really bad at PE. That simply is something I can't do good. But that doesn't mean my body is bad. Its just not made for sports. And the subject is something I can't get into." She turned to him and offered him the flower. "But there are other subjects I like and am good at. I can help you find the ones you like."

He thought, and shrugged. "I honestly have no idea . . . Wanna visit one of the other classes? We have time."

Kliff shrugged back. He was going to suggest they go to the B Class, but then he looked through an open window and had an idea.

"Why don't we go outside ... I mean it's a beautiful day out and it'd be a waste to spend it cooped up inside..." Kliff smiled as he leaned out the window and inhaled the fresh air, looking out over the scenery.
Kliff shrugged back. He was going to suggest they go to the B Class, but then he looked through an open window and had an idea.

"Why don't we go outside ... I mean it's a beautiful day out and it'd be a waste to spend it cooped up inside..." Kliff smiled as he leaned out the window and inhaled the fresh air, looking out over the scenery.

Jin smiled as he looked out the window, and idea coming to mind. He opened it wide, taking a few steps back. He ran forward, placing his hand on the base and pushing his body through, "Alley oop!" he yelled, jumping out of the building and falling to the ground.

Jin smiled as he looked out the window, and idea coming to mind. He opened it wide, taking a few steps back. He ran forward, placing his hand on the base and pushing his body through, "Alley oop!" he yelled, jumping out of the building and falling to the ground.


Kliff looked confused, " Tae what are y-" but then his answer hit him, " Tae, do no--" But he was too late. Tae had already jumped out the 2nd floor window. Kliff looked out the window alarmed, but he sighed in relief as he saw Tae land in the bushes, cushioning his fall.

Wanting to completely make sure he was okay, Kliff did a very stupid thing. He jumped out the window after him. He too landed in the bushes, and fortunately nothing important, as in his guitar and violin, was broken.

He pulled a twig out of his hair and turned towards Tae, "Are you crazy!?!?!" Kliff yelled at him, " You could have seriously hurt yourself."

He did not notice that they were right next to the fountain.

@Mori-Jin @Ami the Breadling @TaraSobiki
Kliff looked confused, " Tae what are y-" but then his answer hit him, " Tae, do no--" But he was too late. Tae had already jumped out the 2nd floor window. Kliff looked out the window alarmed, but he sighed in relief as he saw Tae land in the bushes, cushioning his fall.

Wanting to completely make sure he was okay, Kliff did a very stupid thing. He jumped out the window after him. He too landed in the bushes, and fortunately nothing important, as in his guitar and violin, was broken.

He pulled a twig out of his hair and turned towards Tae, "Are you crazy!?!?!" Kliff yelled at him, " You could have seriously hurt yourself."

He did not notice that they were right next to the fountain.

@Mori-Jin @Ami the Breadling @TaraSobiki

He laughed, whipping his head back. "Y-You should see your face!" he yelled as he laughed harder. He stood up, walking to him. He got closer, their faces inches apart. He picked at the boys hair, grabbinh a twig and tossing it to the side. "There you go."

He laughed, whipping his head back. "Y-You should see your face!" he yelled as he laughed harder. He stood up, walking to him. He got closer, their faces inches apart. He picked at the boys hair, grabbinh a twig and tossing it to the side. "There you go."


Kliff pouted as Tae started laughing, his face turning red. Then Kliff started blushing for different reasons as he and Tae were inches apart. Then Tae pulled another twig from his hair. 

Kliff then closed the gap, wrapping his arms tightly around Tae, burying his face in Tae's chest, " Just don't do that again okay ... You scared me. I was worried about you ..."

Kliff turned even redder, although, it was a mixture of the proximity of Tae as well as the fact he was still a little angry with him that caused it.

@Mori-Jin @Ami the Breadling @TaraSobiki

Tae Jin Mori


Jin smiled, patting the boys head softly. He hugged him back, "Nope. Can't promise I won't do it again." He flicked the boys forehead, "Remember Kliff . . . This is ME we're talking about. What's the point of living if I can't have fun?" he asked.

Tae Jin Mori


Jin smiled, patting the boys head softly. He hugged him back, "Nope. Can't promise I won't do it again." He flicked the boys forehead, "Remember Kliff . . . This is ME we're talking about. What's the point of living if I can't have fun?" he asked.



Kliff sighed, but he did smile a little. Tae had a point. No matter how many reckless things he does and no matter how many times Kliff tries to get him to be more careful, Tae always ended up doing something else that was extremely risky. Kliff unwrapped his arms from around the taller male.

"Fine ... Just remember that there ARE fun things to do that won't end with you in a hospital." Kliff stepped out o the bushes. This is when he noticed the two girls sitting at the fountain. One was wearing th egirls uniform and the other was wearing the male uniform. He just shrugged as he wasn't one to judge people's preference. He smiled at them and gave them a little bow.

" Good morning, ladies! Lovely day isn't it?" Kliff said. Being polite never hurt anyone. 

@Mori-Jin @Ami the Breadling @TaraSobiki
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Amilia smiled. The place clamed her down, it was so peaceful. She wasn't embarrassed anymore and his laughing took the last of worries from her shoulders, making her able to be herself again. She then looked at him. "...Um, sure. We could, if you really have the time. However, my grades aren't all that great as you may already know... ", the boy said and Amilia raised an eyebrow. "Oh, that doesn't really matter. Maybe I can help you. And maybe you can help me. Often, a more simple glance on things can make them easier to understand. I tend to think too complicated. So having someone who can bring me back to the ground with simple things, even a joke, would really help me. If we spent a lot of time together through being a team, we sure will be friends, so we can help each other. In my opinion, grades aren't everything, you know?" 

Amilia stood up and picked up a flower. She smiled and then looked at him. "A lot of the a class students think it's not only bad grades. They think your brain I bad, if you are in F class." She turned around, her back facing him. Then, she smelled the flower. "I say, who doesn't have good grades in anything, has not found out how to make use of their potential. Take me as an example. I am really bad at PE. That simply is something I can't do good. But that doesn't mean my body is bad. Its just not made for sports. And the subject is something I can't get into." She turned to him and offered him the flower. "But there are other subjects I like and am good at. I can help you find the ones you like."

Tomo heard out Amilia's reasoning and thoughts in silence since he really didn't have a whole lot to say. She was a slight bit more opened minded than the other Class A students from what he could tell from her words, most of them didn't care for F Class. Amilia was different to say the least...in her views that is. "A lot of the class students think it's not only bad grades. They think your brain is bad, if you are in F class." she said while picking a flower from the ground. He knew a lot of people looked down on Class F and who could blame them? They were advertised as the worst of the worst, a class full of idiots who probably wouldn't  make it past high-school. However, despite how popular this opinion was of the students who roomed there he never did think of himself or his classmates as lower than the rest of the student body. If all of them were capable of speaking they couldn't be that dumb, right? 

Amilia continued on about her philosophy, he agreed with the part about ''finding your potential'' since he too liked to believe that when he found something he thought was worth getting invested in he would do it. His laziness was mostly caused by having a lack of motivation, or so he thinks, and he sometimes wonders what he could do if he found something he thought was worth doing. "But there are other subjects I like and am good at. I can help you find the ones you like." he paused for a second, not really expecting the offer. Once he recovered there was no hesitation though "Sure, that would be nice." he then added with a slight chuckle "You've been offering so much stuff to me I feel kind of like I'm imposing on you. Oh, here's a idea! Maybe I could-!" a voice interrupted him right in the middle of his sentence.

"Good morning! Lovely day isn't it?" said the male who came out of...nowhere? Actually there were two of them, the other hadn't spoke yet, how he did not notice them was questionable but not important. "Y-Yes, it is. Good morning to you too!" he said in a cheerful tone. The guy and his buddy weren't too bad looking though the one who had greeted them was cute in a ''I wanna hug you to death way'' and the other looked a bit rough around the edges.

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling ) Tae Mori-Jin ( @Mori-Jin )  Kliffton Beid ( @Anime King Kaleb )
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Tomo heard out Amilia's reasoning and thoughts in silence since he really didn't have a whole lot to say. She was a slight bit more opened minded than the other Class A students from what he could tell from her words, most of them didn't care for F Class. Amilia was different to say the least...in her views that is. "A lot of the class students think it's not only bad grades. They think your brain is bad, if you are in F class." she said while picking a flower from the ground. He knew a lot of people looked down on Class F and who could blame them? They were advertised as the worst of the worst, a class full of idiots who probably wouldn't  make it past high-school. However, despite how popular this opinion was of the students who roomed there he never did think of himself or his classmates as lower than the rest of the student body. If all of them were capable of speaking they couldn't be that dumb, right? 

Amilia continued on about her philosophy, he agreed with the part about ''finding your potential'' since he too liked to believe that when he found something he thought was worth getting invested in he would do it. His laziness was mostly caused by having a lack of motivation, or so he thinks, and he sometimes wonders what he could do if he found something he thought was worth doing. "But there are other subjects I like and am good at. I can help you find the ones you like." he paused for a second, not really expecting the offer. Once he recovered there was no hesitation though "Sure, that would be nice." he then added with a slight chuckle "You've been offering so much stuff to me I feel kind of like I'm imposing on you. Oh, here's a idea! Maybe I could-!" a voice interrupted him right in the middle of his sentence.

"Good morning! Lovely day isn't it?" said the male who came out of...nowhere? Actually there were two of them, the other hadn't spoke yet, how he did not notice them was questionable but not important. "Y-Yes, it is. Good morning to you too!" he said in a cheerful tone. The guy and his buddy weren't too bad looking though the one who had greeted them was cute in a ''I wanna hug you to death way'' and the other looked a bit rough around the edges.

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling ) Tae Mori-Jin ( @Mori-Jin )  Kliffton Beid ( @Anime King Kaleb )




Tae Jin Mori


Jin smiled, patting the boys head softly. He hugged him back, "Nope. Can't promise I won't do it again." He flicked the boys forehead, "Remember Kliff . . . This is ME we're talking about. What's the point of living if I can't have fun?" he asked.


Amilia smiled. The place clamed her down, it was so peaceful. She wasn't embarrassed anymore and his laughing took the last of worries from her shoulders, making her able to be herself again. She then looked at him. "...Um, sure. We could, if you really have the time. However, my grades aren't all that great as you may already know... ", the boy said and Amilia raised an eyebrow. "Oh, that doesn't really matter. Maybe I can help you. And maybe you can help me. Often, a more simple glance on things can make them easier to understand. I tend to think too complicated. So having someone who can bring me back to the ground with simple things, even a joke, would really help me. If we spent a lot of time together through being a team, we sure will be friends, so we can help each other. In my opinion, grades aren't everything, you know?" 

Amilia stood up and picked up a flower. She smiled and then looked at him. "A lot of the a class students think it's not only bad grades. They think your brain I bad, if you are in F class." She turned around, her back facing him. Then, she smelled the flower. "I say, who doesn't have good grades in anything, has not found out how to make use of their potential. Take me as an example. I am really bad at PE. That simply is something I can't do good. But that doesn't mean my body is bad. Its just not made for sports. And the subject is something I can't get into." She turned to him and offered him the flower. "But there are other subjects I like and am good at. I can help you find the ones you like."



Kliff looked visibly confused for a second. He was postive that the person in front of him a was girl,but they obviously had a male's voice. Then he put two and two together.

"Oh! You're the infamous Tomo Kwakami! " Kliff exclaimed.

It would make sense. 

The slash community of their school included girls from every class, every year. Most of the time when they're not shipping Kliff with someone their shipping Tomo with someone. Despite never seeing him before, Kliff knew that this Tomo person looked like a girl, but was actually a boy. 

Now, Kliff can comfirm it.
Kliff looked visibly confused for a second. He was postive that the person in front of him a was girl,but they obviously had a male's voice. Then he put two and two together.

"Oh! You're the infamous Tomo Kwakami! " Kliff exclaimed.

It would make sense. 

The slash community of their school included girls from every class, every year. Most of the time when they're not shipping Kliff with someone their shipping Tomo with someone. Despite never seeing him before, Kliff knew that this Tomo person looked like a girl, but was actually a boy. 

Now, Kliff can comfirm it.

  Reveal hidden contents
Tomo heard out Amilia's reasoning and thoughts in silence since he really didn't have a whole lot to say. She was a slight bit more opened minded than the other Class A students from what he could tell from her words, most of them didn't care for F Class. Amilia was different to say the least...in her views that is. "A lot of the class students think it's not only bad grades. They think your brain is bad, if you are in F class." she said while picking a flower from the ground. He knew a lot of people looked down on Class F and who could blame them? They were advertised as the worst of the worst, a class full of idiots who probably wouldn't  make it past high-school. However, despite how popular this opinion was of the students who roomed there he never did think of himself or his classmates as lower than the rest of the student body. If all of them were capable of speaking they couldn't be that dumb, right? 

Amilia continued on about her philosophy, he agreed with the part about ''finding your potential'' since he too liked to believe that when he found something he thought was worth getting invested in he would do it. His laziness was mostly caused by having a lack of motivation, or so he thinks, and he sometimes wonders what he could do if he found something he thought was worth doing. "But there are other subjects I like and am good at. I can help you find the ones you like." he paused for a second, not really expecting the offer. Once he recovered there was no hesitation though "Sure, that would be nice." he then added with a slight chuckle "You've been offering so much stuff to me I feel kind of like I'm imposing on you. Oh, here's a idea! Maybe I could-!" a voice interrupted him right in the middle of his sentence.

"Good morning! Lovely day isn't it?" said the male who came out of...nowhere? Actually there were two of them, the other hadn't spoke yet, how he did not notice them was questionable but not important. "Y-Yes, it is. Good morning to you too!" he said in a cheerful tone. The guy and his buddy weren't too bad looking though the one who had greeted them was cute in a ''I wanna hug you to death way'' and the other looked a bit rough around the edges.

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling ) Tae Mori-Jin ( @Mori-Jin )  Kliffton Beid ( @Anime King Kaleb )

Tae Jin Mori


Jin smiled, patting the boys head softly. He hugged him back, "Nope. Can't promise I won't do it again." He flicked the boys forehead, "Remember Kliff . . . This is ME we're talking about. What's the point of living if I can't have fun?" he asked.

Amilia as eager to hear what Tomo had to say, but he suddenly stopped. No, not even stopped. Tomo got interrupted. A boy´s voice spoke up, inquiring how it was a beautiful day. Amilia was turning around, facing the boy. He tried to be polite, she had to admit it. But he did so after interrupting a conversation, that he most likely listened to for unknown time. Amilia still forced herself to smile. It did not make it easier, that Amilia had liked the conversation with Tomo. 

"Yes, a beautiful day indeed. May i ask why you are spying on us? Or, at least hiding in a brush next to two people who have a conversation makes it seem that way." She shook her head. "I must say, it appears quite impolite. But i would never go as far as to say it was your intention. Unless, of course, it was, in which i would have to challenge you to a battle. You wouldnt mind that, would you?"
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