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Fandom Baka to Test: The tournament

"A tournament?" A murmur went through the well equipped room of A class. Everyone was shocked by the rules. The brilliant A class, paired with the schools worst? F class, the scum of school, how some people saw it. Only one person was not freaking out. "The announcement said representatives would be pairing up, right? A class with F class, B with E and C with D." Amilia smiled to herself. "This might be interesting. The F class Rep is a interesting person, I wonder how we will get along." She sipped at her tea, then putting the cup aside and standing up. "I should pay them a visit.", she thought out loud and with that left the classroom. 

F class did not quite match the standards of the best classes room. Amilia looked around quite shocked, when she entered and saw the students sit on cushions at orange boxes. She had never been to F class before. "Excuse me?" She cleared her throat to get attention. "I am looking for the representative, regarding the upcoming event, in which we would team up."
The people of Class C were shocked to hear a tournament of sorts, students started freaking out, they weren't prepared for this type of thing, only until Evan magically came from nowhere. "People of Class C!" Evan yelled across the room, standing behind the teacher's desk. "You are not to be afraid..." Evan spoke with a calming voice, silencing Class C. "This is for me, for I am to be paired with the likes of Class D. Yes, a sad indeed." Evan stepped off the elevated flooring, walking over to the door and opening it, leaving Class C. 

D Class was how Evan put it into words 'surprising'. Wasn't special in anyway to how much materials and pointless objects they were given to feel special. He took a deep breath in, and then out, looking around the room. He figured he could do something more then extravagant. Evan pushed the teacher off of his chair, for Evan to sit in, he did. "Now to people of Class D, I'd like to make a warm toast to Class D's Representative, now..." He looked around the room one last time. "Where are you?"

The people of Class C were shocked to hear a tournament of sorts, students started freaking out, they weren't prepared for this type of thing, only until Evan magically came from nowhere. "People of Class C!" Evan yelled across the room, standing behind the teacher's desk. "You are not to be afraid..." Evan spoke with a calming voice, silencing Class C. "This is for me, for I am to be paired with the likes of Class D. Yes, a sad indeed." Evan stepped off the elevated flooring, walking over to the door and opening it, leaving Class C. 

D Class was how Evan put it into words 'surprising'. Wasn't special in anyway to how much materials and pointless objects they were given to feel special. He took a deep breath in, and then out, looking around the room. He figured he could do something more then extravagant. Evan pushed the teacher off of his chair, for Evan to sit in, he did. "Now to people of Class D, I'd like to make a warm toast to Class D's Representative, now..." He looked around the room one last time. "Where are you?"


Class Ds reaction was rather mixed. While some were ecxited for the gossip, others were moaning. They knew their class representative was gonna do something stupid.

"Don' worry ma' lads," a female voice cheered loudly from behind ,"Ah've got this!"

The teacher looked quiet troubled into the crowd, who's chattering sounded like a bee hive slowly getting ready to fight an intruder. "Well class, as you know, our representative Bonnie McKenzie....she may not be suited for this task. Especially with class C. Does anyone want to-"

"Oi ye Eejit! Of course-!" 

The door opened, interrupting her loud speech. A boy entered, presumingly from class C, pushing the teacher off his chair and sitting down. Class D went quiet, staring at the figure in front of the blackboard who took their teachers place.

"Now to people of Class D, I'd like to make a warm toast to Class D's Representative, now...Where are you?"

Loud noises of a chair being pushed around and falling over came from the last row of seats. Bonnie shot up from her chair, knocking it over in the process. 

"Oi 'ye $%^&! Can'ya mind 'ya manners if 'yar already talking like 'ye got a stick up 'yer ass!" Her furious arm wiggling, dedicated towards the strange figure infront of her, indicated slight anger caused by the strange acts of the univited guest.
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Class Ds reaction was rather mixed. While some were ecxited for the gossip, others were moaning. They knew their class representative was gonna do something stupid.

"Don' worry ma' lads," a female voice cheered loudly from behind ,"Ah've got this!"

The teacher looked quiet troubled into the crowd, who's chattering sounded like a bee hive slowly getting ready to fight an intruder. "Well class, as you know, our representative Bonnie McKenzie....she may not be suited for this task. Especially with class C. Does anyone want to-"

"Oi ye Eejit! Of course-!" 

The door opened, interrupting her loud speech. A boy entered, presumingly from class C, pushing the teacher off his chair and sitting down. Class D went quiet, staring at the figure in front of the blackboard who took their teachers place.

"Now to people of Class D, I'd like to make a warm toast to Class D's Representative, now...Where are you?"

Loud noises of a chair being pushed around and falling over came from the last row of seats. Bonnie shot up from her chair, knocking it over in the process. 

"Oi 'ye I'm uncultured! Can'ya mind 'ya manners if 'yar already talking like 'ye got a stick up 'yer ass!" Her furious arm wiggling, dedicated towards the strange figure infront of her, indicated slight anger caused by the strange acts of the univited guest.

Evan listened to Class D's Representative, though, most of what she said didn't enter Evan's mind. "I'm sorry, but what did you say again?" He got up from his chair, approaching the representative. "What did you say again? I'm sorry because I couldn't hear you over your stupidity!" Evan was alone in this battle, there was no other Class C student to help him fight if a duel randomly initiated. He'd be the one alone against a class. Even if his score is higher then the rest, he'll still die. So Evan decided to take this slow.

"Now, to be civil, I'm just gonna say, that we are.. I believe.. Partners." Evan took a deep breath in. “What difference does it make who started the war and who only wants to end it? No side is free of fault. It takes two to fight.” This quote was straight ripped off of his favorite movie, but it was good enough for a civil talk, just taking slow, if this escalated. Being civil will be the last thing Evan is worrying about.
Class A's students probably had the opposite reaction of Class F's, because all of the students in Tomo's class seemed incredibly pumped. The worst class' students believed they had a stroke of luck with getting paired with the best class in the school. Even with their low grades they would be able to win if Class  A was on their side and not against them for once...or that's what most of the class were thinking. Tomo was lying on his back and staring at the ceiling with a blank look and knitted eyebrows.

He wasn't prepared for a tournament, he didn't even want to participate really. Yes, he knew that if they came out on top in the end they could possibly get better equipment for their classroom and that sounded great but...Thinking of all that pressure piled onto him made his face scrunch up.

He inwardly groaned and grabbed a cushion to muffle his incoming screams of protest but stopped himself when he heard the voice of a girl. He looked over to the doorway to see a blonde female standing there and shot up from his place on the floor "Oh, that would be me!" he said, figuring this was Class A's representative from what she said. 

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke (@Ami the Breadling)
Class A's students probably had the opposite reaction of Class F's, because all of the students in Tomo's class seemed incredibly pumped. The worst class' students believed they had a stroke of luck with getting paired with the best class in the school. Even with their low grades they would be able to win if Class  A was on their side and not against them for once...or that's what most of the class were thinking. Tomo was lying on his back and staring at the ceiling with a blank look and knitted eyebrows.

He wasn't prepared for a tournament, he didn't even want to participate really. Yes, he knew that if they came out on top in the end they could possibly get better equipment for their classroom and that sounded great but...Thinking of all that pressure piled onto him made his face scrunch up.

He inwardly groaned and grabbed a cushion to muffle his incoming screams of protest but stopped himself when he heard the voice of a girl. He looked over to the doorway to see a blonde female standing there and shot up from his place on the floor "Oh, that would be me!" he said, figuring this was Class A's representative from what she said. 

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke (@Ami the Breadling)

Amilia looked at the person that had layed on the ground just a few moments ago. Amilia was pretty sure the F class representative was a boy, but the person now looking at her was clearly looking like a girl. Amilia however would not be as impolite as to assume things on just looks. "Hello there.", she kindly said and smiled, her whole attitude full of friendliness. "I'm Amilia, Amilia Clarke if you need a full name." She tilted her head a bit. "We will team up, you know? That's why I wanted to meet you." 

The A class Rep was not sure what to expect. Of course, you wouldn't go to F class just like that. But did that mean they were all stupid? Most people thought so. Amilia herself was drawn towards that thought, but she did not want to commit to it just yet, before talking to them herself. And even if, weren't idiots usually very loyal and fun people? Everything had it's good sides, that was something the British girl believed in strongly.
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Evan listened to Class D's Representative, though, most of what she said didn't enter Evan's mind. "I'm sorry, but what did you say again?" He got up from his chair, approaching the representative. "What did you say again? I'm sorry because I couldn't hear you over your stupidity!" Evan was alone in this battle, there was no other Class C student to help him fight if a duel randomly initiated. He'd be the one alone against a class. Even if his score is higher then the rest, he'll still die. So Evan decided to take this slow.

"Now, to be civil, I'm just gonna say, that we are.. I believe.. Partners." Evan took a deep breath in. “What difference does it make who started the war and who only wants to end it? No side is free of fault. It takes two to fight.” This quote was straight ripped off of his favorite movie, but it was good enough for a civil talk, just taking slow, if this escalated. Being civil will be the last thing Evan is worrying about.

Standing proud and tall, Bonnie looked at the other representative.

"Oi, did 'ye just call me stoopid?!" 

Her expression was clearly displaying anger. Students around her were squirming a little, yet still intensely staring at the couple, that was obviously gonna fight.

Bonnie went around her table, sitting on the edge of the table, staring in the males eyes. She listened to his speech, her expression getting darker the more words left his mouth.

"Ay, Ah'm tellin 'ye one thing laddie...if 'yer think we'll be guid partners...", she said, tapping on his left shoulder, " that may wirk!" 

She looked up at the Class C representative, showing a big, goofy smile, slapping him hard on his back while giggling. 

"Aye, laddie, I'm Bonnie McKenzie! But 'yer high kingly ass may call me Bonns!"
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Standing proud and tall, Bonnie looked at the other representative.

"Oi, did 'ye just call me stoopid?!" 

Her expression was clearly displaying anger. Students around her were squirming a little, yet still intensely staring at the couple, that was obviously gonna fight.

Bonnie went around her table, sitting on the edge of the table, staring in the males eyes. She listened to his speech, her expression getting darker the more words left his mouth.

"Ay, Ah'm tellin 'ye one thing laddie...if 'yer think we'll be guid partners...", she said, tapping on his left shoulder, " that may wirk!" 

She looked up at the Class C representative, showing a big, goofy smile, slapping him hard on his back while giggling. 

"Aye, laddie, I'm Bonnie McKenzie! But 'yer high kingly ass may call me Bonns!"

Evan sighed loudly, her words kept sounding more like gibberish every time she said something. Just keep it easy Evan, no need to get crazy, she's just idiotic. Evan took a deep breath in and out, like before. Keeping his eyes locked onto her. He kept breathing in and out, getting a little stressed out on how she pronounced things, and said things, and overall who she was. But it's how the school decided it. 

At this point, Evan was about to ask the shook teacher if he could at least just duel someone to get his anger out. The reason wasn't the best but at the very least, it would help Evan out. Though her stupid talking was hard to understand, he's pretty sure he got the point. "Um.. I'm never gonna call you Bonns. Nope." He took another deep breath in, then out. "Anyhow, Bonnie. I hope we're gonna be good partners." He puts his hand out for a handshake, "Put it there."
Amilia looked at the person that had layed on the ground just a few moments ago. Amilia was pretty sure the F class representative was a boy, but the person now looking at her was clearly looking like a girl. Amilia however would not be as impolite as to assume things on just looks. "Hello there.", she kindly said and smiled, her whole attitude full of friendliness. "I'm Amilia, Amilia Clarke if you need a full name." She tilted her head a bit. "We will team up, you know? That's why I wanted to meet you." 

The A class Rep was not sure what to expect. Of course, you wouldn't go to F class just like that. But did that mean they were all stupid? Most people thought so. Amilia herself was drawn towards that thought, but she did not want to commit to it just yet, before talking to them herself. And even if, weren't idiots usually very loyal and fun people? Everything had it's good sides, that was something the British girl believed in strongly.

Tomo smiled casually in response to her grin "Tomo Kwakami." he responded quickly, following behind  with "Yep, I heard."  Amilia hadn't said anything but he figured that she must of been rather irritated or maybe even depressed about the pairings for this event.  At least she had the decency to hide any distaste she may of had on the matter, unlike the majority  of Class A who would of probably been a lot more unreasonable.  Then again she might of simply been so confident in herself that she didn't think something like this could hinder her.

Either way it seemed like she was attempting to be friendly so he decided he might as well be too. "Oh, I'm a guy by the way. You might of been wondering or had been thinking I was female but let me say now that I'm male." though he wore the male uniform many seemed to not notice it and mistook him for a girl anyway. Even him saying he was a male wasn't enough to deter the thoughts of others so he eventually started accepting it and not arguing since his debating wouldn't help the issue at all apparently. Plus it was tedious and tiring.

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke (@Ami the Breadling)
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Tomo smiled casually in response to her grin "Tomo Kwakami." he responded quickly, following behind  with "Yep, I heard."  Amilia hadn't said anything but he figured that she must of been rather irritated or maybe even depressed about the pairings for this event.  At least she had the decency to hide any distaste she may of had on the matter, unlike the majority  of Class A who would of probably been a lot more unreasonable.  Then again she might of simply been so confident in herself that she didn't think something like this could hinder her.

Either way it seemed like she was attempting to be friendly so he decided he might as well be too. "Oh, I'm a guy by the way. You might of been wondering or had been thinking I was female but let me say now that I'm male." though he wore the male uniform many seemed to not notice it and mistook him for a girl anyway. Even him saying he was a male wasn't enough to deter the thoughts of others so he eventually started accepting it and not arguing since his debating wouldn't help the issue at all apparently. Plus it was tedious and tiring.

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke 

Amilia nodded. "I knew the rep was a male, though I must admit, I was doubting it for a moment. Not that it would matter what gender you are." She nodded and looked around. "This environment is not really... comfortable, is it? Or maybe I'm just a spoiled brat." She giggled, calling herself a spoiled brat was the closest Amilia had ever gotten to actually cursing and indeed, she felt a bit dangerous now. 

She then turned back to her new partner and her smile got brighter. "I hope we will get along well. As long as you keep your manners, I don't see why we wouldn't. I just distaste rude people and those that treat others without respect."
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Evan sighed loudly, her words kept sounding more like gibberish every time she said something. Just keep it easy Evan, no need to get crazy, she's just idiotic. Evan took a deep breath in and out, like before. Keeping his eyes locked onto her. He kept breathing in and out, getting a little stressed out on how she pronounced things, and said things, and overall who she was. But it's how the school decided it. 

At this point, Evan was about to ask the shook teacher if he could at least just duel someone to get his anger out. The reason wasn't the best but at the very least, it would help Evan out. Though her stupid talking was hard to understand, he's pretty sure he got the point. "Um.. I'm never gonna call you Bonns. Nope." He took another deep breath in, then out. "Anyhow, Bonnie. I hope we're gonna be good partners." He puts his hand out for a handshake, "Put it there."

As he declined her oh so friendly offer, she squinted her eyes a little. "Oi laddie, no need to keep tha' stick up 'yer ass, we buddies now! We've git ta' stick tigeth'r if we wanna win this tournament!"

She grabbed his hand, just a little to hard, shaking it overdramatically. 

"Whit's 'yer name mon? Gitta know tha' atleast! And whit's tha' competion 'bout anyway, 'ye know an'thing 'bout tha'?"

He seemed a little strange she thought, but still she didn't think of his behaviour as rude, rather she thought he was one of those weird, shy kids, that never have friends and then make problems later on. 

Bonnie kept shaking his hand while just brabbling about the event, not that there was anything else to talk about. Or that the whole class was just staring at them with great interest. 
Amilia nodded. "I knew the rep was a male, though I must admit, I was doubting it for a moment. Not that it would matter what gender you are." She nodded and looked around. "This environment is not really... comfortable, is it? Or maybe I'm just a spoiled brat." She giggled, calling herself a spoiled brat was the closest Amilia had ever gotten to actually cursing and indeed, she felt a bit dangerous now. 

She then turned back to her new partner and her smile got brighter. "I hope we will get along well. As long as you keep your manners, I don't see why we wouldn't. I just distaste rude people and those that treat others without respect."

He shrugged at her question about how comfortable the room was "Eh, not really but it's are classroom. We kind of have to tolerate these conditions y'know."  he chuckled  "I'm sure a lot of others think that we live in less than stellar conditions too." the members of Class F were some  of the people he was referring to, himself included. They complained and commented about how crappy their own stuff was a lot, probably more than the other classes combined. Rarely would he or anybody else start a war over it though since that would more than likely result in their cruddy equipment becoming even worse.

"But anyway I believe we'll be able to cooperate." or hopes that they'll be able to is more like what he's saying. "Heh, the manner part might be a problem." he scratched the back of his head sheepishly with a small chuckle. "My friends tell me I can have quite a mouth on me when angered...Oh, but I'll keep from being too vulgar around you."  he waved his hand in a jester that meant to disregard what he said previously.

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling )

He shrugged at her question about how comfortable the room was "Eh, not really but it's are classroom. We kind of have to tolerate these conditions y'know."  he chuckled  "I'm sure a lot of others think that we live in less than stellar conditions too." the members of Class F were some  of the people he was referring to, himself included. They complained and commented about how crappy their own stuff was a lot, probably more than the other classes combined. Rarely would he or anybody else start a war over it though since that would more than likely result in their cruddy equipment becoming even worse.

"But anyway I believe we'll be able to cooperate." or hopes that they'll be able to is more like what he's saying. "Heh, the manner part might be a problem." he scratched the back of his head sheepishly with a small chuckle. "My friends tell me I can have quite a mouth on me when angered...Oh, but I'll keep from being too vulgar around you."  he waved his hand in a jester that meant to disregard what he said previously.

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling )

Amilia kept smiling, the boy was at least trying. She had expected F class to be more prejudiced against the A class, but the Rep was really doing his best to make a good impression and get along with her. She could tell why people thought he was a girl. Not because he wasn't manly. He was too... cute. And nice. He wasn't like other guys, making him seem out of place when among other men. She blushed at her own thoughts, actually not listening to the rep as her trail of thoughts went. 

She blushed even more, as she looked at him, red like a tomato. "Uhm...", she said. She had only heard the last few words. "That's nice of you. If you at least try, we will be fine. I will try to keep you from being angry." She smiled a bit shy. 

"A tournament?" Tae Jin asked as he blinked himself awake. He was the B-Class representative for the B-Class in the school. One of the smartest students logically in the school. He was a tall boy with rough brown hair, who had a great physical body, with scars lining up and down his body from years of training his physical body, and because he used to be a VERY clumsily person, breaking bones, and having himself be hurt many times over. He had messed up on the entrance exams, as he never got to finish because, well, he jumped out of the window, because he "Saw a bird", as he stated. He was believed to be an F class student, until his test results were out, putting him in C. Everyone was shocked, thinking he cheated, they made him retake it. And his test grade then became a high B class grade, and he soon climbed the ropes. 


"Yes." one of the B-Class extras told him, "You will be paired up with the E-Class representative, Kliffton Beid." Jin smiled, "I'll be paired up with him? Ha, this will be fun." he stood up, stretching, "Whelp, how about I give them a little visit huh?" He said with a slight yawn. He waved goodbye, and took a sprint to the E-Class classroom.

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As he declined her oh so friendly offer, she squinted her eyes a little. "Oi laddie, no need to keep tha' stick up 'yer ass, we buddies now! We've git ta' stick tigeth'r if we wanna win this tournament!"

She grabbed his hand, just a little to hard, shaking it overdramatically. 

"Whit's 'yer name mon? Gitta know tha' atleast! And whit's tha' competion 'bout anyway, 'ye know an'thing 'bout tha'?"

He seemed a little strange she thought, but still she didn't think of his behaviour as rude, rather she thought he was one of those weird, shy kids, that never have friends and then make problems later on. 

Bonnie kept shaking his hand while just brabbling about the event, not that there was anything else to talk about. Or that the whole class was just staring at them with great interest. 

"I think that's enough handshaking for today." Evan pulled his hand out from her strong grip. I swear this girl is the most annoying person I've ever seen. I might actually shoot myself in the head because of her. "Anyhow, sadly... We have some special opponents against us." Evan cleared his throat. "We have Class A and Class F, not the best but Class A's representative will probably carry F the entire time." He stared down at the representatives eyes. "Then Class B and Class E. It'll be very interesting." 

He stretched his arms out, then yawned. I think I'm so tired because of her idiotic talking, and trying to understand it. "So, what's your bet we can beat Class A and Class F? Give me some strategies." 
Amilia kept smiling, the boy was at least trying. She had expected F class to be more prejudiced against the A class, but the Rep was really doing his best to make a good impression and get along with her. She could tell why people thought he was a girl. Not because he wasn't manly. He was too... cute. And nice. He wasn't like other guys, making him seem out of place when among other men. She blushed at her own thoughts, actually not listening to the rep as her trail of thoughts went. 

She blushed even more, as she looked at him, red like a tomato. "Uhm...", she said. She had only heard the last few words. "That's nice of you. If you at least try, we will be fine. I will try to keep you from being angry." She smiled a bit shy. 

It wasn't entirely hard to miss Amilia's face lighting up like a Christmas tree. He actually found himself staring at her in confusion with slightly widened eyes  which was more than likely rude but of course he hadn't considered that. Is...she alright? he thought, turning around to make sure his classmates weren't doing something that'd embarrass her to this stage. They weren't, actually most seemed to have forgotten about them plus the tournament for now and were continuing on with whatever they had been doing. Not many, if any were paying attention to them.

He turned back to his fellow rep looking more perplexed now.  If she was blushing because of him then he had no idea why. Had he said or done something inappropriate? She was fine until this point...

"Not really I'm just being courteous...I'm sure if you're there I  can probably keep from freaking out." he wasn't able to guarantee he would stay level-headed though he would try. "Um, are you hot?" he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly and pointing at his own face before elaborating "Cause you're all flushed. The airing here isn't the best so I understand..." 

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling )

It wasn't entirely hard to miss Amilia's face lighting up like a Christmas tree. He actually found himself staring at her in confusion with slightly widened eyes  which was more than likely rude but of course he hadn't considered that. Is...she alright? he thought, turning around to make sure his classmates weren't doing something that'd embarrass her to this stage. They weren't, actually most seemed to have forgotten about them plus the tournament for now and were continuing on with whatever they had been doing. Not many, if any were paying attention to them.

He turned back to his fellow rep looking more perplexed now.  If she was blushing because of him then he had no idea why. Had he said or done something inappropriate? She was fine until this point...

"Not really I'm just being courteous...I'm sure if you're there I  can probably keep from freaking out." he wasn't able to guarantee he would stay level-headed though he would try. "Um, are you hot?" he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly and pointing at his own face before elaborating "Cause you're all flushed. The airing here isn't the best so I understand..." 

Interacting With: Amilia Clarke ( @Ami the Breadling )

Amilia was completely embarrassed. She was getting redder at the second, even more as he bluntly stared at her. Why was he staring? What about her made him stare? In her embarrassment, she forgot he most likely stared because she was as red as a tomato. She was thinking of other reasons, each reason she could think of making her turn even more red.

Then, he finished her. "Are you hot?" Amilia in her current state of course misunderstood. She looked like her face would explode with embarrassment. She understood his question in a less temperature-related way. And in her embarrassment, she took the only way out of such a situation for a real lady. She passed out, falling forward, right towards her new team partner. 

"A tournament?" Tae Jin asked as he blinked himself awake. He was the B-Class representative for the B-Class in the school. One of the smartest students logically in the school. He was a tall boy with rough brown hair, who had a great physical body, with scars lining up and down his body from years of training his physical body, and because he used to be a VERY clumsily person, breaking bones, and having himself be hurt many times over. He had messed up on the entrance exams, as he never got to finish because, well, he jumped out of the window, because he "Saw a bird", as he stated. He was believed to be an F class student, until his test results were out, putting him in C. Everyone was shocked, thinking he cheated, they made him retake it. And his test grade then became a high B class grade, and he soon climbed the ropes. 


"Yes." one of the B-Class extras told him, "You will be paired up with the E-Class representative, Kliffton Beid." Jin smiled, "I'll be paired up with him? Ha, this will be fun." he stood up, stretching, "Whelp, how about I give them a little visit huh?" He said with a slight yawn. He waved goodbye, and took a sprint to the E-Class classroom.



Kliff was busy tuning out the rest of the world.

Not only did he have headphones on, but they were currently turned up to the max as well as the fact that he was in the middle of writing the chord progression to one of the songs he wrote.

"Uhm Kliff ..." A Class E student stated. As expected Kliff did not here him. The student sighed and tapped him on the shoulder, causing Kliff to look at him, pausing his music, "There's a tournament. Apparently as the Class E Rep, you are to be paired with the Class B Representative."

Kliff gave her his signature smile, " Oh thanks for letting me know."

The girl blushed deeply as she made a quick get away, internally crying that he was gay.

Kliff stood up and literally danced (?) his way to the door, using spins, turns, jumps, and steps to avoid the crowd of students in between him and the door. Unfortunately, during the midst of his final jump, the door opened and in walked a tall brown haired individual, right where Kliff was about to land.

"Watch out!" Kliff exclaimed.
Kliff was busy tuning out the rest of the world.

Not only did he have headphones on, but they were currently turned up to the max as well as the fact that he was in the middle of writing the chord progression to one of the songs he wrote.

"Uhm Kliff ..." A Class E student stated. As expected Kliff did not here him. The student sighed and tapped him on the shoulder, causing Kliff to look at him, pausing his music, "There's a tournament. Apparently as the Class E Rep, you are to be paired with the Class B Representative."

Kliff gave her his signature smile, " Oh thanks for letting me know."

The girl blushed deeply as she made a quick get away, internally crying that he was gay.

Kliff stood up and literally danced (?) his way to the door, using spins, turns, jumps, and steps to avoid the crowd of students in between him and the door. Unfortunately, during the midst of his final jump, the door opened and in walked a tall brown haired individual, right where Kliff was about to land.

"Watch out!" Kliff exclaimed.

Tae Jin had been jumped many, many, many times in his life. Random people he didn't know would try to rob him, fight him, his father was his trainer, and he would surprise attack him all the time. Jins modern reaction, would be a good spinning back kick to the chest, or the throat. But he couldn't now, but his leg as was already up. With almost no time to react he dropped it, pushing his arms forward to catch him instead. His body, in reaction, slid into the E-Class with swift movement, going past many students. 


He looked down in his arms, of which he held the E-Class Rep. "You alright?" he asked worriedly, ignoring the pain in his legs from driving in so quickly.


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Tae Jin had been jumped many, many, many times in his life. Random people he didn't know would try to rob him, fight him, his father was his trainer, and he would surprise attack him all the time. Jins modern reaction, would be a good spinning back kick to the chest, or the throat. But he couldn't now, but his leg as was already up. With almost no time to react he dropped it, pushing his arms forward to catch him instead. His body, in reaction, slid into the E-Class with swift movement, going past many students. 


He looked down in his arms, of which he held the E-Class Rep. "You alright?" he asked worriedly, ignoring the pain in his legs from driving in so quickly.


Kliff closed his eyes, expecting a collision. But after a second, he felt arms holding him up and about half the girls in his class screaming like fan girls.

"I ship it!" One girl yelled. Kliff opened his eyes to see the brown haired male holding him up. Kliff blushed profusely. 

"You alright?" The male asked.

"Uh ... Uh, y-yeah I'm fine. Just didn't expect anyone to come in." Kliff answered, "You can put me down, if you want. I wouldn't want to burden you. "

Kliff took note of the males frame. He was pretty muscular. Kliff was pretty sure he could hold someone as light as him for minutes.

He shrugged, "Gotchya." he placed the boy down softly, looking at his aching leg. He kicked the air, stretching it out. "There . . . that's better." he muttered, ignoring the girls around the room. He was quite used to this by now. Whenever he was around a person, people would naturally make fun of him, but when he was around Kliff, it seemed to be especially strong. Like someone had already secretly connected them. "Yo!" he said to Kliff with a goofy smile, he remembered the boy from his time as an E class member, before the retake. He was his best friend, or the closest thing to. Once he'd heard a group of girls whisper about something connecting donuts to bananas, but he'd ignored them.


He high fived him, placing a hand on the boys shoulder. "Kliff . . . Do you know what day it is?" he asked, giving him a serious, but not so serious, stare.



He shrugged, "Gotchya." he placed the boy down softly, looking at his aching leg. He kicked the air, stretching it out. "There . . . that's better." he muttered, ignoring the girls around the room. He was quite used to this by now. Whenever he was around a person, people would naturally make fun of him, but when he was around Kliff, it seemed to be especially strong. Like someone had already secretly connected them. "Yo!" he said to Kliff with a goofy smile, he remembered the boy from his time as an E class member, before the retake. He was his best friend, or the closest thing to. Once he'd heard a group of girls whisper about something connecting donuts to bananas, but he'd ignored them.


He high fived him, placing a hand on the boys shoulder. "Kliff . . . Do you know what day it is?" he asked, giving him a serious, but not so serious, stare.



Once Kliff was safely on the ground, he looked at the male once again. Then he slapped himself (internally) as he fully recognized the male as his friend Tae, " Oh, hey Tae! I didn't recognize you."


Kliff smiled back at Tae. When he was in E class, they quickly bonded over how their worst subject was History, and then they just hit it off. Despite, Tae then being retested and moved to Class B, they still stayed friends. Well, as close as they could be to being friends, having drastically different schedules. 

Of course, Kliff had to endure all the fan girls who shipped him and Tae together, because of how close they were. Kliff couldn't deny that he does have feelings for him but he didn't really want to act upon them, scared that it would cause unwanted and awkward tension between the two.

"Kliff ... Do you know what day it is?"

At first, Kliff looked confused, but then he remembered what the girl from earlier told him.

"Yeah! Today's the day of the tournament. Now that I think about it I should go find the Class B rep ..." Kliff said aloud, despite him mostly talking to himself. Kliff knew that Tae had been placed in Class B, however, he was unaware that his friend had been promoted to Class Rep.
Once Kliff was safely on the ground, he looked at the male once again. Then he slapped himself (internally) as he fully recognized the male as his friend Tae, " Oh, hey Tae! I didn't recognize you."


Kliff smiled back at Tae. When he was in E class, they quickly bonded over how their worst subject was History, and then they just hit it off. Despite, Tae then being retested and moved to Class B, they still stayed friends. Well, as close as they could be to being friends, having drastically different schedules. 

Of course, Kliff had to endure all the fan girls who shipped him and Tae together, because of how close they were. Kliff couldn't deny that he does have feelings for him but he didn't really want to act upon them, scared that it would cause unwanted and awkward tension between the two.

"Kliff ... Do you know what day it is?"

At first, Kliff looked confused, but then he remembered what the girl from earlier told him.

"Yeah! Today's the day of the tournament. Now that I think about it I should go find the Class B rep ..." Kliff said aloud, despite him mostly talking to himself. Kliff knew that Tae had been placed in Class B, however, he was unaware that his friend had been promoted to Class Rep.

He snickered softly, laughing as he shook his head."Kliff . . . My dear, ignorant, friend." he lifted his head up, showing a set of bright teeth in a wide grin, "Open your ears Kliffton!" he patted his shoulders strongly, jumping back and running to one of the tables. "Listen! One and all, my good, fellow, students! I-Tae Jin-Mori of Class B, am now, the proud, and fine, representative, of said class. And would like to formally ask the E-Class Rep, to be y partner for the upcoming tournament that is going on." He knew that Kliff really had no choice, as the school board forced this on them, but that didn't mean he didn't have to have fun with it.


He jumped off of the table, walking slowly to Kliff. He remembered there time when he was in E-Class, they were the go to duo team, no one could stop them when they worked together. Except, of course, some of the D class and higher, but that wasn't the point. He got on one knee, winking up at him. "C'mon man! Let's be the tag team duo again, it'll be fun."


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He snickered softly, laughing as he shook his head."Kliff . . . My dear, ignorant, friend." he lifted his head up, showing a set of bright teeth in a wide grin, "Open your ears Kliffton!" he patted his shoulders strongly, jumping back and running to one of the tables. "Listen! One and all, my good, fellow, students! I-Tae Jin-Mori of Class B, am now, the proud, and fine, representative, of said class. And would like to formally ask the E-Class Rep, to be y partner for the upcoming tournament that is going on." He knew that Kliff really had no choice, as the school board forced this on them, but that didn't mean he didn't have to have fun with it.


He jumped off of the table, walking slowly to Kliff. He remembered there time when he was in E-Class, they were the go to duo team, no one could stop them when they worked together. Except, of course, some of the D class and higher, but that wasn't the point. He got on one knee, winking up at him. "C'mon man! Let's be the tag team duo again, it'll be fun."



Kliff looked surprised as Tae started to jump on one of the tables.

"Listen! One and all, my good, fellow, students! I-Tae Jin-Mori of Class B, am now, the proud, and fine, representative, of said class. And would like to formally ask the E-Class Rep, to be my partner for the upcoming tournament that is going on."

Kliff blushed as all eyes in the Class turned towards him. Then back to Tae as he jumped off the table and started walking over to him slowly. Then Kliff looked completely surprised as Tae got on one knee and said , "C'mon man! Let's be the tag team duo again, it'll be fun."

The fan girl scream that then erupted from the Class E room would have caused people to think someone was being murdered. And Kliff's face was so red that you'd think it was him being murdered.

After wishing that he had his headphones on, Kliff turned towards Tae, still blushing, but also trying not to stammer, " S-Sure! I mean w-why not!"

Kliff gave Tae a big smile, face still red although, not as visibly.

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