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Back at it again (Detailed)


Senior Member
Alright greeting everyone! You may or may not know me. I've been on this site for a while on and off. I've been on an hiatus but I am back now and will have quite a bit of extra time on my hands for the next couple of months. I am hoping to fill that time with some new roleplays.

Before I get into the important stuff I'd first like to apologize for how ugly this post looks. I suck at the whole BBcode thing and to be honest it's just a lot of work...

What I'm looking for:

Just a warning I'm kind of picky so please do not bother responding if you have no intention of meeting these requirements. I will either ignore you or drop our rp. There are some things I am flexible on though.

  • Detailed: Detailed means attempt decent grammar. It's okay if it's not perfect and you have some typos. I'm not perfect either but at least try. I can usually write anywhere from 3 to 6 paragraphs with a minimum of 5-6 lines in a paragraph, and I expect my partner to be able to do the same. Some where between 3 and 4 paragraphs is a good average number though. Obviously that's not necessary all the time but you shouldn't consistently be posting under 3 paragraphs.

  • Be willing to play a male character in a MxF: I have nothing against other paring I just don't personally prefer them. Same goes for playing males. I can do it and I have done it I just don't prefer it and I usually get bored and drop the rp. So I'd like to stick to playing a female as that is what's most enjoyable for me. I will play side characters of any gender though. There are some occasions where I'd be open to doubling, but I need a really good plot and the doubling has to make sense with the plot and add to it in some way.

  • Plot with me : For me a good plot is really important and I like to have a fairly complex plot developed before we start. I'd like someone who is also interested in developing plots and who would help contribute ideas. It would also be important that we keep communicating about the plot, building on it as the role play goes along. I tend to do better figuring out an overall plot rather than planning random spontaneous events. So it would be nice to have some one who's better with coming up with the more spontaneous things.

  • Include romance: Ok so I'll admit I'm a sucker for romance. I need it to be included in my roleplays in some way. That being said, It should not be the only thing going on or even be the main plot line. I'd like for it to develop between characters naturally. There should also be some larger conflict happening besides our characters relationship. I always like to have multiple conflicts for characters to face that way the RP can go on longer.

  • Post regularly: I know everyone has a life and gets busy, I get that. I also will admit I'm sort of impatient and I get bored with rp's when I have to wait forever for a post. I make exceptions to this if I really like you/ our rp, but please try to let me know how often I can expect a post so I'm not sitting around waiting. It would be preferable if you could post at least once a day. I'll probably be online a lot so if you can post more than that that would be great too.

What I'm interested in:

I don't really have that many ideas. I have one paring with a plot in mind the rest is just stuff I like/ would be interested in trying. If you think we'd be a good fit and any of these catch your eye please PM me and I could probably come up with some proper ideas based of both our interests.

  • Historical setting (Especially a Victorian setting)
  • Something with vampire, demons, ghosts, ect... ( I don't do werewolves or zombies)
  • Some other sort of kidnapping situation
  • amnesia
  • Fake relationship
  • Something involving gangs/mob bosses
  • master x maid or Royal x someone below them
  • Fantasy
  • I've never done a horror type rp but I'd be interested in giving it a try.
  • If you have a cool idea already please feel free to share it with me

That's it. If you're interested in becoming partners please PM including a writing sample.
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I would send you a PM but I am unable to yet as I just signed up around here to RpN and am on the search for partners. I am up for the challenge of meeting your requirements, so why don't you send me a PM and we can go over the necessary details.
i want to do this, but i may reply slowly due to the must 3 paragraphs or so rule, sooooooo....

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