• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern b l o o m cs



embracing all my scars and imperfections
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Quick note: these roles are just to seperate the webtoon from the real, you can create your character however you want.

The Webtoon Characters
The Male Lead: (Mine)

The Female Lead: social social

Male Support:

Female Support:

The Team

Female Artist: wendy wendy

Male Artist:

Female Writer:

Male Writer:

Female Editor:

Male Editor:

persona (or just some vices and virtues):

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her heart

name : kang eun-yeong
age : 26
birthday : july 29th
zodiac : leo
gender : cis. female
sexuality : bisexual
role : female lead

likes : tea, walking in the rain, summer, the ocean, fashion, sleeping in, naps, dogs, traveling, photography, pastel colors

dislikes : cold weather, being bored, annoying people, her resting bitch face, gossip, fake people, liars

fears : bears, sharks, helicopters

hobbies : gardening, photography, painting

her soul
persona : her appearance and personality are more or less tied, which you would think would be a good thing. it isn't necessarily that way though. eun-yeong is what some might call an icy cold bitch and they aren't wrong (at least not all the way). She has a rbf that is her selling point in photoshoots, but not in the real world. she tends to give off that aura of a woman who doesn't want to be approached because you aren't good enough for her. this isn't the case with her, but her confidence is difficult to swallow at times, especially when first meeting her.

she has a chip off her shoulder due to her childhood, so she tends to be abrasive towards people she isn't comfortable with. she is a perfectionist and tends to voice her opinions and thoughts very openly, despite it possibly offending another person. she believes in complete honesty, even if it totally hurts. this causes eun-yeong to come off as insensitive, which she can be at times. she finds people rather annoying at times, especially ones that use their bodies to get their positions or simply suck up to the higher ups. this causes her to keep her distance from them.

being considered a bad girl isn't exactly what she is going for, but it's how she is, minus all the drugs and sex. she is a closed off person in general and has a bad attitude if her buttons are pushed wrongly. eun-yeong doesn't speak all the time as she prefers not wasting her breath, so when she does, it's a 50/50 chance of it being a comment about something she found wrong. her icy exterior makes it hard to get close, but when you do, it's a big accomplishment and the relationship you form is special.

eun-yeong is a very sweet friend and is close with everyone she lets underneath her cold sheild. she doesn't trust easily, so when she trusts people, she allows her walls to come down and she's able to relax and have fun. she isn't really childish, but she enjoys her time at cafes and arcades, just soaking in the atmosphere. since her job often requires her to be serious, eun-yeong tends to prefer walks or even reading in a cafe to anything else. she loves being able to spend time with the people she cares about and it makes her feel very satisfied.

when she does befriend someone, she shows sides that she normally wouldn't. she's got sarcastic humor and an adventurous spirit that is never dampened by crappy weather or anything. she lives for the moment and appreciates every single person in her life in her own quirky way. it's hard for her to express things like love, jealousy, and sadness, but when you're close, you're able to notice these subtle changes in her. (wip???)

history : turn into paragraphs later
- born in jeju island, only child, unmarried parents
- parents were bad mouthed for not being married
- didn't have much money
- was really good at school but not with ppl
- in high school she decided to move to seoul
- she went to college there and entered the modeling scene
- was a freelance model for a bit
- got scouted and didn't take long for her to get good
- has a lot of modeling jobs but doesn't have a lot of coworkers who like her
- her parents are finally married and visit her every so often
- people spread rumors she slept her way up to her current situation as a popular model but /shrugs man

other :
- tans really easily during the summer
- like 5'8"
- goes into dialect when angry
- gives great reactions to good food
- wakes up really early on rainy mornings to sit on the porch and drink coffee
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Name: Bing Han Seon
Age: Twenty-two
role: Male Writer
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 185cm
Eye: Dark Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Han Seon’s facial features match his personality, cold. He tends to stay away from a majority of the human population out of spite. People aren’t his forte, so he usually acts indifferent towards them. He’s not socially awkward or anti-social, he just prefers being alone. Even with lack of interest in socialization, he’s quite expressive with his own opinion. Being open, he often expresses his distaste or anger with something, while at the same time not being able to take any form of criticism. His writing being edited or critique always strikes a nerve of fresh anger inside of him. Why edit something that comes straight from the soul?

Humans have so much wrong with them, but his creations don’t. Writing felt like an outlet to express himself. He adored the characters he had the privilege to write and work on. Having writing as his passion, he loves the story and characters of the webtoon. He stays up late nights working on this webtoon, never getting enough sleep to last the day without coffee.

Likes: Writing, Music, His Characters, Milano cookies, Energy drinks, Being alone, Collecting seashells, The ocean, Smoking
Dislikes: People, His work being edited, People living vicariously through things, Writer's block, Grapes, Broken promises
Fears: His writing not being well received, Dogs
Hobbies: Writing, Collecting seashells,
- He listens to music while writing. It gives him inspo.
Sitting over the edge, eyes eyeing the blue mass while the wind blows his dark hair. He carefully carves a date into the metal. Lips parted as he pulled the knife from the pillar. He wanted to fall, but he stopped himself. That water would be cold, and the air would be chilling. Did he really want that?

Han Seon grew up in a lower class family, both mother and father struggled with jobs; his father was in and out of work constantly, each month, they were barely making rent. They even went as far as to turn off the heat in winter. He never had the newest clothes or sparkly new shoes. He had two older siblings, and he usually just got their hammy downs. It was rather disheartening for the young writer.

The bitter male was seen as weird in school. He didn’t have many friends in the first place, and the ones he did have were either two-sided or distant. Was it his confidence or weird interests? What made his classmates hate him? He had no clue. The bullying got worse, though, when he reached high school. Boys would follow him home from school, eventually, chase him into an alley and beat him up. Why were they so cruel to him? Why did he have to go home with cuts and bruises? He was bruising mentally like an apple that dropped onto the ground.

He turned to writing as an outlet for his emotions because he felt he could never express them to anyone in real life. His creativity began blooming in grade school with little stories he wrote on the back of his papers. His teacher’s encouraged him, and one, in particular, gave him a little notebook for his short stories. His writing steadily increased as each year based.

But, with each day he became colder and colder, losing any sweet and soft part of him there once was. He filled with so much bitter and sadness that he found himself contemplating suicide. He went for it multiple times, but always backed out due to fear. Countless nights, he’d hide under in his sheets, repeating to himself, no, encouraging to himself that he needed to do it. But, he couldn’t, so he just kept writing. It was the only real joy in his life, and he wanted to stay happy.

School ended and it passed. All his schoolmates who bullied him became nothing, just fragments of his imagination. Now, he’d laugh in their faces if he could. Laugh at how they became nothing, while he was flourishing as a writer.

'cause you're safe like spring time

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He does whatever he wants when he wants, but he's also a good kid who tries to make everyone happy and goes to church every Sunday. He despises authority and never does anything he's told (unless he likes the person) and he'd rather die then go to the police for anything.

Hae Sung is every girls (and guys) dream, which naturally happens when you're the lead of a story, and is known to be quite the romantic and easily smitten when he falls in love, doing anything to make that person happy.

He's scared of being seen as less then he is and has a slight inferiority complex.

He's pretty arrogant though, and loves to look at himself in mirrors and pictures.
name. kim hae sung
age: 22
role: male lead
gender: male
sexuality: closeted bisexual

likes: flowers, fashion, chaos, beaches, ice cream, shopping, and cats.

dislikes: spicy foods, authority, going outside, gore, and reading.

fears: his father, bugs, crabs, and small spaces.

hobbies: drawing/designing, playing guitar, singing


Born and raised in a rich and powerful family doesn't always have perks. He's the oldest of three siblings, making him the one in line to become the next ceo of there famous fashion company. He doesn't mind it truly, but he hates how much work has to be done and how he will run it by himself with no help.

He never had friends due to the fact that his father never let him, never let him move away from working and that he was too worried his only son would be distracted. Even when he did have friends, they just wanted his money and nothing else. Until he met the supporting cast and lead female of course.

His father is very scary, never abusive, but he would constantly yell and demand things and it kept Hae Sung from becoming close to him despite what he says. He does anything to avoid his father.

He's very protective of his two younger sisters, seeing as his father is more strict and mean to them, he constantly takes there sides and even takes a lot of the blame for them,
Fine, I’ll forget you. I’m gonna live like a flower, I’ll be myself.
code by pasta pasta
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Name: Han Cho Eun

age: 26

role: Female Artist

gender: Female

sexuality: Heterosexual

likes: Cheese in a can, Polaroid Photography, Floristry, Pumpkin Pie, Spicy Foods, Creating snow angels, Karaoke, Every single Disney film ever created, Sushi, cute cafes and musical numbers.

dislikes: Apple Sauce, Most fruit except pears and grapes, people who don't cover their mouth when they cough/sneeze, strong scents (they give her a headache), litter and people use still use plastic straws (save the turtles)

fears: Falling in love, Rejection, global warming and spiders

hobbies: Crochet, Making Slime, Learning musical number dances and performing them to her pets, elaborate skin care routines, leaning girl group routines and watching running man.

persona: She puts the bubble in bubbly and the sun in sunshine, Han Cho Eun has always been on the less serious side. If she could she'd spend her days sat with her friends cracking jokes and giggling her life away but unfortunately reality meant that the cheerful actually had to find a job. From a young age Cho Eun has always been a very chatty girl, she could strike up a conversation with anyone met, however this skill sometimes makes others feel awkward as she'll just be sitting on the bus and suddenly start talking to a stranger next to her, but if she's not chatting your ear off she's probably off in dream world somewhere. That's another thing that made Cho Eun seem sort of strange, she was a regular day dreamer. It would normally be on her way to work where she would be playing scenes of the webtoon in her head and how she was thinking of drawing them but what Cho Eun didn't realise but while she was dissociating she was probably dead staring at someone, this had almost led to a few fights when she was 'staring' at the wrong people. The last key thing to know about Cho Eun was she wore her heart on her sleeve, she couldn't hide any of her emotions if she tried due to her very obvious facial expressions, the 26 year old had even got a small heart tattoo on her lower fore arm just to poke fun at herself.

history: Han Cho Eun has had a rather average life, Born into a middle class nuclear family Cho Eun never had many big worries in her life like some other children did. The only thing Cho Eun had to worry about was living up to her parents expectations and the examples her 2 older brothers had set out for her but that didn't really go to plan. Cho Eun was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of 9 and her family was told that she'd never do that well in school and this was true, Cho Eun received less then average scores in maths and science, she got slightly better scores in her Korean Lessons but the thing that Cho Eun really succeeded in was Art. She wasn't a naturally gifted artist but Cho Eun practised art in most of her free time during her teenage years until she was drawing spectacular pieces and won a few art competitions in her high school and one regional art competition. Finally Cho Eun felt like she wasn't a complete failure in life and had something she could work towards to.

High School was amazing for Cho Eun, she had an amazing group of friends who supported eachother with their studies and dreams, she was even lucky enough to experience her first love during her final high school. The group had their fair share of fights during the final months due to how stressed they were about the KSAT but once it was finished the group immediately came back together. Cho Eun had applied for Yonsei University and due to her achievements within the art community and amazing reference letter written by her art teacher she was accepted onto the Fine Art programme even if her grades weren't entirely there. Her First year at university was the worst years of her life, missing home, missing friends and then the cherry on top was that her first love cheated on her and left poor Cho Eun heart broken for the rest of the year, that guy is why she's so reluctant to fall in love because of how much her hurt her. During her 2nd year Cho Eun finally settled into her new life in Seoul and found new friends and she began to flourish into a gorgeous, independent young women.

University came to an end and Cho Eun got an internship at a webtoon company and she spent a year busting her ass to get employeed by the company and her hard work payed off! She became a junior artist and was put on a rookie webtoon but after another year Cho Eun was reassigned to the webtoon Bloom. The young women really loves the Bloom team as they all stick together like glue but they also have their moments. Cho Eun also loves every characther in Bloom and wish she could reach into pull them into the real world.

other: she's a general cutie who loves her team.

[class=container] width:500px; height:500px; background:url('https://i.pinimg.com/236x/e3/ef/d1/e3efd1e4183c560b284e2ac3e29651d6.jpg'); border:1px solid #fff; position:relative; top:0px; [/class] [class=nameplate] width:300px; height:50px; background:#fff; border:1px solid #000; border-radius:20px; position:absolute; top:5px; right:5px; [/class] [class=name] font-size:34px; color:#000; position:absolute; bottom:1px; left:25px; [/class] [class=image] width:175px; height:175px; background:url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a1/4c/47/a14c476623aeefa11185c543bafdd0a2.jpg'); background-position:center; background-size:100%; border:5px dotted #fff; border-radius:25px; position:absolute; top:5px; left:5px; [/class] [class=general] width:185px; height: 285px; border:1px solid #fff; position:absolute; bottom:10px; left:5px; margin:auto; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class name=gensc] overflow:auto; width:186px; height:285px; padding:10px; text-align:justify; [/class] [class name=font] font-size:12px; color:#fff; line-height:15px; [/class] [class=main] width:290px; height: 400px; border:1px solid #fff; position:absolute; bottom:20px; right:10px; margin:auto; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class name=mainsc] overflow:auto; width:291px; height:390px; padding:10px; text-align:justify; [/class] [div class=container] [div class=nameplate][div class=name]Yoon Mun-su[/div][/div] [div class=image][/div] [div class=general][div class=gensc][div class=font] NAME: Yoon Mun-su
AGE: 24
ROLE: Male Artist
SEXUALITY: Pansexual

FC: Cha Eunwoo
EYE COLOR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT: 1.83m
WEIGHT: 63kg

LIKES: night sky, stargazing, daydreaming, art, music, poetry, kimchi

DISLIKES: math, bullies, most bugs, his awkwardness, his frail health, loud things, violence

FEARS: spiders

HOBBIES: drawing, singing, cooking, playing the piano

[/div][/div][/div] [div class=main][div class=mainsc][div class=font]

A boy who would rather spill his deepest heart's desire to the moon and stars, Yoon Mun-su may come off as an enigmatic mystery to most. He prefers listening than speaking and the sidelines than the spotlight. However, this is not because he is a cold and detached individual but rather because he is somewhat incompetent when it comes to socializing. Beneath the cool facade lies an awkward mess who is easily flustered and has no idea about holding a conversation. He tends to overthink a lot and has zero confidence in himself. Nonetheless, he means well and appreciates affection thrown his way.

Once he warms up to someone, however, he would be extremely loyal to the point that he would be willing to do everything for them. He is a man of action rather than words.

Born to a prominent and wealthy family, the weight on Mun-su's shoulders has always been heavy. Growing up with fragile health made it even worse. His story is akin to most kids blessed with rich yet problematic parents. He spent most of his early years either cooped up inside their mansion or confined in a hospital especially because he was homeschooled. With loneliness being his only friend, the boy relied on his pens and papers to keep him company. It was then when he found his passion for art.

Mun-su spent his years honing and perfecting his art much to the disappointment of his parents who expected him to inherit their business. After a heated argument with his father, 21-year-old Moon decided to pack his things and live independently in Seoul. His mother, being the softer parent, used her connections to get him in a webtoon department which turned out to be Mr. Hyungseok's. It wasn't long before he was assigned as an artist for his newest webtoon entitled "Bloom" to which the young artist poured his 101% effort in designing and drawing the characters he adored so much.


- Mun-su heavily based the appearance of [A Character from Bloom whom he worked on] on his imaginary childhood friend.
- His mother remains in contact with him.
- He loves cooking for everyone.
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his heart

name : kim woo-jin
age : 22
birthday : february 25th
zodiac : pisces
gender : cis. male
sexuality : demisexual
role : male editor

likes : hoodies, oversized clothes, working out, warm drinks, fluffy animals, sleeping, listening to music, editing, writing, reading mangas, reading

dislikes : public speaking, having to talk, sour foods, outgoing people, dry humor, smoking/drinking, too much skinship

fears : women, public speaking

hobbies : writing, photography, working out, taking walks

his soul
persona : a quiet person by nature, but he takes it the the level that people think he's mute. it's hard for him to communicate because of his crippling social anxiety that prevents him from opening his mouth. he shuts up easily and takes back the things he says almost as soon as they pass his lips. he tends to be a serial apologizer and thinks he messes up all the time. woojin isn't what someone calls a confident person at all and it shows. however, he is quite good at his job and nobody has told him otherwise so he's happy about that.

due to his fear of women, he tends to avoid them at all cost and when he does interact with them, he freezes up and doesn't know what he's supposed to do. it's uncomfortable for him and he usually tries to be respectful but it's hard for him to be social. he usually just keeps his earbuds in and plays music to distract and distance himself from everyone since that is what works the best for him. he will converse with some of the male staff, but that's very limited contact. the only one that he actively talks to is hyungseok since he is the person he checks his edits with when he isn't sure about them.

in the romance department, he is extremely inexperienced. he went to an all boy's school and had zero contact with the opposite sex.

background : paragraphs later smh
- has one older brother
- divorced parents
- never sees mom anymore
- lowkey abused by her
- developed large fear of women bc of her
- never told his dad till they divorced when he was 13
- went to an all boy's school
- stopped talking after the custody battle
- was thought to be mute throughout high school
- entered college but took mostly online classes after convincing his professors
- he was majoring in english and stumbled upon a few editing jobs for independent authors
- met hyungseok at (idk fam) and they talked about his project
- hired as an editor when there weren't any ladies
- women got hired and he retreated into solitary.
- worked on the webtoon but several books as well
- that's the tea sis

other : allergic to cats
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wip ! female editor

[div class=variations]
♡coded by uxie♡
[div class="container"]
[div class=tabbox][div class="tabcontents tab1"][div class=tabheadertagp]appearance[/div][div class=tabaflex][div class=hoverpicb]
[/div][div class=ablock][/div][div class=atabscroll][div class=scroll][div class=atag]♡ height[/div] 160cm

[div class=atag]♡ weight[/div] 51kg

[div class=atag]♡ hair colour[/div]
silvery-grey with a hint of blue or ash-brown

[div class=atag]♡ eye colour[/div]
dark brown

[div class=atag]♡ build[/div]
slim and though not board-like, not particularly well-endowed either

[/div][div class=atabscroll][div class=scroll][div class=atag]♡ style[/div]
nayeon is a dress-up kinda gal. of course, that doesn't mean that she spends the entire day in the office in a pair of stilettos and an uncomfortable pencil skirt, it just means she'll never let herself be looking like a hobo. you would suppose that that would be a standard for most people, but maybe not always in her line of work. even on bad days, nayeon would never allow her appearance to slip, but catching her out of a t-shirt and pair of comfy shorts off work hours isn't a particularly rare occurrence. honestly? nightdresses are so old-fashioned.

[div class=atag]♡ outfits[/div]
x o x o

[/div][div class=ablock][/div][div class=hoverpicb]

[/div][div class="tabcontents tab2" style=display:none;][div class=tabheadertagp]persona[/div][div class=tabpflex][div class=listgrp] [div class="perslist likes"] [div class=perslisttitle] likes [/div][div class=persblock][/div] [div class=perstag]♡ strawberries[/div][div class=perstag]♡ running[/div][div class=perstag]♡ animals[/div][div class=perstag]♡ laughing[/div][div class=perstag]♡ stickers[/div][div class=perstag]♡ rollercoasters[/div] [/div][div class="perslist dislikes"] [div class=perslisttitle] dislikes [/div][div class=persblock][/div] [div class=perstag]♡ slow walkers[/div][div class=perstag]♡ lobster[/div][div class=perstag]♡ neon[/div][div class=perstag]♡ mess[/div][div class=perstag]♡ durians[/div][div class=perstag]♡ bonsai trees[/div][div class=perstag]♡ mint[/div] [/div] [/div][div class=tabpfscroll][div class=scroll]nayeon's built like a friend. people tend to warm up to her easily, and in return for their friendship she offers her kindness. though not the most physically affectionate, nayeon shows how much she cares in the little things she does. she isn't compassionate enough to go out of her way to help out a stranger, but she takes her loyalty towards her close ones very seriously. being mature, nayeon more often than not assumes the role of a big sister, even if she isn't the oldest in age, and she's said to give the best advice (except money-wise. she can't keep her spending in check on most days). outgoing and fun-loving, it'll be hard to stay upset around nayeon but her enthusiasm can be a little overbearing at times.

in a professional setting, nayeon shows immense dedication to her work and takes it very seriously, setting perfectionist-level standards for both herself and those that she works with. she thinks it's important to enjoy and have a passion for what you do but hard work is still above all else. nayeon can't stand slackers, and can be a little unreasonable at times if people can't make certain deadlines because they didn't time manage well enough. somewhat strict, nayeon is never one to hold back critique or praise and is usually one of the more vocal members of the team. she is known to have harsh criticisms and often underestimates how hurtful her words actually can be. nayeon has good intentions and doesn't want to be mean, but she believes it's necessary to avoid sugarcoating things if you really want to improve. she has a distinct boundary between business and personal relations, and would never allow any of the clashes in the workplace to affect her friendship with her colleagues.

being looked up to and coupled with her upbringing, nayeon has never thought it was okay for her to show weakness in front of others. she keeps most emotional matters to herself but is terrible at taking her own advice in solving her problems, usually only seeking help when the problem has escalated to a minor inconvenience when it could've been settled easily at the start. despite her preaching to others that's it alright to make mistakes since it's all a learning experience, her own high expectations for herself leads to every mistake that she makes taking a toll on her mental.

[/div][/div][div class=listgrp] [div class="perslist fears"] [div class=perslisttitle] fears [/div][div class=persblock][/div] [div class=perstag]♡ death by bonsai tree[/div][div class=perstag]♡ spiders[/div][div class=perstag]♡ buried alive[/div][div class=perstag]♡ failure[/div][div class=perstag]♡ ghost[/div] [/div] [div class="perslist hobbies"] [div class=perslisttitle] hobbies [/div][div class=persblock][/div] [div class=perstag]♡ origami[/div][div class=perstag]♡ hating bonsais[/div][div class=perstag]♡ collecting stickers[/div][div class=perstag]♡ binders[/div][div class=perstag]♡ shopping[/div] [/div] [/div]

[/div][div class="tabcontents tab3" style=display:none;][div class=tabheader][div class=tabheaderquote]go crazy,
[div class=tabheadersubtext]you are banned from this server. my mum came in my room and saw that you typed fuck in the chat and now i'm grounded. you know the rules. you know the rules[/div]

[div class=tabheadertag]background[/div]

[/div][div class=tabhc][div class=tabhscroll][div class=scroll]brought up in a middle class household as the oldest of 4, nayeon has always been in a position where she had to take care of others. with both parents working, as soon as she was old enough nayeon was charged with taking care of her younger siblings, but it's led to them having a very strong bond and nayeon maturing and being independent from a young age. she baked and cooked often for them, and her siblings are very fond of her brownies. even after they've all gone off to university often beg her to send them some. she does so with mock reluctance every time, and always without request when their exams are coming around. with all the skills cultivated from a young age, she's quite capable and self-sufficient but has been accused by the second-oldest, minhyuk, of coddling the others too much. she doesn't know what he's talking about, nayeon was just as strict with them as she was with him.

when she reached schooling age, nayeon did extremely well academically though she would admit she was never the brightest, believing most of her good grades to come from hard work. she studied very hard with her only source of stress relief being a trip to lotte world once every two or three weeks with the money she'd saved from her allowance. it was only a few stops away, very convenient and something to look forward to, especially after grinding hard for exams and catching up on co-curriculars. nayeon had always been a bit of an overachiever, with stellar results and a decent number of non-academic achievements to back her up as well, having been club president of the school choir in middle school, participated in model un, and subsequently the student council president in her high school. she was well-liked among her peers and teachers, being a responsible yet nice student, but all that slowly made a cliff for her, an edge that she'd creep a little closer to if she ever made a mistake. nayeon believed they liked her because of her being near "perfect", and if she were to slip up and show that she wasn't, she'd inevitably fall off that cliff into a sheer drop of obscurity and disappointment.

in university, she'd managed to deal a little with that insecurity with the help of her younger brother, who'd noticed what she was going through and reached out. focusing more on just her studies and relaxing on trying to take up everything on the side, getting her communications degree was relatively peaceful for nayeon, but she found she couldn't completely shake it off, though it wasn't as big of an issue as it was before. she'd at first set her prospects on going into marketing, but her professor, a friend of hyungseok, had recommended she join the webtoon company instead, which nayeon didn't mind. it would be a new experience.

surprise, surprise! she loved it while she interned there during her senior year and joined as an official employee shortly after she graduated, quickly making a reputation for herself as someone efficient, responsible and reliable. nayeon greatly loves bloom and the team she has been working with, seeing them all as friends rather than co-workers, and is incredibly thankful to hyungseok for having given her the opportunity.

[/div][/div][div class=tabhsidepicb][div class=tabhsidepic1][/div][/div]

[/div][div class="tabcontents tab4" style=display:none;][div class=tabfc] [div class=tabpicheaderc] [div class=tabpicheader]
[/div] [div class=tabpicheader]
[/div] [/div][div class=tabfcscroll][div class=scroll][div class=etag]♡ spoken languages[/div]
- korean
- english
- some mandarin

[div class=etag]♡ pets[/div]
a scottish fold named bibi. she brings her to work sometimes.

[div class=etag]♡ somethin' extra[/div]
- writes everyone little notes after a tough period of time, folds them into their favourite origami animals and leaves them on their desks
- knows how everyone likes their coffee
- volunteers at a pet shelter in her free time
- has several scrapbooks
- owns many laptop stickers but only has one sticker on her laptop. refuses to ruin the ""aesthetic""
- will do your hair on request
- lowkey k-drama fan
- a decent cook and a very good baker
- everland/lotte world regular
- 3k followers on ig
[/div][div class=tabfooter][div class=tabfooterquote]go stupid.
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Jugyeong Choi

"Ah, no way!"

role: supporting female

age: 23

gender: Female

birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

sexuality: Bisexual

faceclaim: Bona


history. [Some parts are a WIP until all work is done!] Unique in her own way, Jugyeong Choi has always been an eye-catcher since a young age. Her intelligence and wit were well-developed, and she had no issues socializing with those older than her. However, her main talent was her ability to perform on the ice. The minute she could run, Jugyeong was ice-skating in all different ranks and competitions. School wasn't exactly a large concern for her family due to her already blossoming intelligence, but Jugyeong didn't seem to need that extra education anyway. When exams came around, she stopped practicing and took her tests. Acing them with flying colors, she was back on the ice that evening. Sure, it was a bit exhausting for the young child, and her social life surely suffered, but the trophies made up for it. Climbing the ladder, the Olympics were her main goal. Along the way, other major competitions were easy pickings.

But life isn't always perfect on the ice, and injuries were far too often. When Jugyeong attempted a triple axel to please her coach, she ended up with a dislocated meniscus and crutches for months. When you're out of the practice for that long, you're practically nobody in the skating world. Getting back on the ice was nearly impossible for the poor girl, but she didn't have anything else to rely on. She wasn't going to any sort of university, nor could she just crash with her family. Instead, she lurked about the rinks, recruiting young girls to come learn how to skate with her. Instead of forcing them to compete, she became a coach of those just wishing to expand their ability to glide across the ice. The gentle nature of it all has slowly coaxed Jugyeong back into skating, and she hopes one day to fully return to the ice.


Jugyeong can be seen as the girl others aspire to be. Confident in her own abilities and appearance, she often finds herself calmly addressing situations when they're presented to her. Dealing with children gave her a maternal instinct, and the patience of a goddess. When a disagreement arises that she can't handle with a polite smile and few words, Jugyeong dives into full debate mode. Her appearance is cool and collected, her confidence nearly radiating off in every direction. People tend to be surprised whenever she speaks her mind due to her 'ditzy' girl appearance, but she loves the surprise all the more. She views it as a life lesson as to not judge those by their appearance, or even rumors. She can only hope her confidence inspires the children she works with, so they don't deal with the hard pressures of immaturity from others later in life.


For millions of people, Jugyeoung was drawn as an attractive young woman with the ideal features. A hint of blush around her eyes, and pink lips airbrushed to perfection. Baby blue eyes with heavy lashes, and that hair that always seems messy but just the right amount of neat. Not to mention she possesed a rather tall and lean figure, though she still managed to have a bust. To simply say, she was drawn perfectly to attract a wider audience. Some argued that her character was too unrealistic, and that no woman could actually look like that.

Now suddenly in the real world, those critics are soon to eat their words. Though her eyes aren't as baby blue and her face doesn't magically have blush on it anymore, Jugyeong is still wooing men and women. Her appearance carried over well, and even her signature star earring can still be found dangling on her right ear!


☾ Although she appears cool and collected, Jugyeong is still terrified of failure. Her last performance on the ice nearly ruined her career completely, and the fear of doing such a daunting task again has stained her mind. Every task must be carried out to perfection, or else she fears the backlash of letting those down around her.
✰ As written in her character, Juyyeong speaks English and a bit of French. Language was important to her parents, due to the fact they believed their daughter would be heading to the Olympics.

☾In her spare time, Jugyeong has become an excellent baker. It was an easy task to do when she was injured, and the sweets always managed to cheer her up properly.
☾ Thai tea with lychee jelly - Tteokbokki - Reading - Baking - Painting - Coloring - Make-up - Creative Writing - Rain - Storms
✰ Harsh Sunlight - Radishes - Rudeness - Hopelessness - Dogs [A bit scared of them] - Carrots - Rutabaga - Kimchi
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padding:6px; background-color:#fff; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class=tab2] height:200px; width:150px; border-radius:3px; position:absolute; padding:6px; left:15px; top:16px; background-color:#fff; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class=tab3] height:200px; width:150px; border-radius:3px; position:absolute; padding:6px; left:15px; top:16px; background-color:#fff; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class=tab4] height:200px; width:150px; border-radius:3px; position:absolute; padding:6px; left:15px; top:16px; overflow:hidden; background-color:#fff; [/class] [div class="boxcontainer"][div class="box"] [div class="cover"] [div class="pbtitle"]playboy[/div] [div class=navi][div class=bigborder]
[div class=buttoncon][div class=button1]1.[/div][div class=button2]2.[/div][div class=button3]3.[/div][div class=button4]4.[/div] [/div][/div][/div] [div class=tabcon][div class=tab1 style=display:none][div class=scroll]
name. gong yelin (공여린)
alias. okinawa bunny
age. twenty-two
d.o.b. april 30st 1996
zodiac. taurus + ox
gender. female
sexuality. a lover
role. female writer
height. 155 cm
weight. 47 kg
build. yelin's body is quite contrary to her baby-faced looks. she has a rather womanly & curvaceous body, complete with wide hips and a somewhat toned body.
hair. copper brown with orange with auburn lowlights
eyes. burnt umber brown
style. her style is best described with one adjective: comfy. whether it’s billowy boxed tops or cozy cardigans, it seems that she’s always ready to lounge. She’s also quite keen for soft & romantic colors & is always in spring-esque color schemes. She frequents dresses & skirts and in fact, prefers them over pants & shorts which give a slightly preppy & frilly vibe to her aesthetic. (a . b . c . d . e)
ethnicity. korean
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[div class=scroll]- too trusting, - unintentional flirt, + altrustic, - emotional, + compassionate, - unlucky in love, + innocent, + nurturing, + feminine, - ditzy
[div class=scroll]the countryside, vintage fashion, farm animals, apples, pastries, oversized clothes
[div class=scroll]difficult technology, subways, her appearance, halloween, pesticides, edgy fashion
[div class=scroll]cooking, story writing, volunteering, modeling, embroidery
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[div class=scroll] Unlike many modern writers, Gong Yelin was born to a family of farmers. Her family had owned farms around Jeollanam-do for several generations which were often the only sources of income in her family due to their inherited & "artisinal" careers. On top of that, much of her family stayed in Jeollanam-do and rarely traveled elsewhere due to the farm, resulting in much of her family staying in Jeollanam-do, no matter how far they lived before. As a child, Yelin spent much of her free time shadowing her parents as they worked in the fields or in the farms. While her siblings played & took care of chores in the home, she seemed to take an interest in the farm, where she often spent time with the cows, goats & dogs or the fields where the fruits grew. She wrote poems & stories about her experiences in the farms. Something about the way the grass embraced the sunset & how calves went to their mothers immediately after birth enticed Yelin, which struck a chord into Yelin's love for writing. Much of her writing seems to strike a chord into the town, as it seemed that much of it was spread by relatives who reveled in this prospective author. Her teachers were impressed with the girl's affinity & ability in literature. Many of her essays & poems were submitted to her local newspapers & contests, making her somewhat of a local celebrity in her hometown. Who knew if the girl could become an influential poet or author & make her family proud? Soon after her graduation in middle school, she was invited to a prestigious high school to excel her writing skills. The only problem was that the school was located in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do. As said before, much of Yelin's family stayed in Jeollanam-do & hadn't ventured out of the province. Her family was scared of losing their daughter & having her to live on her own. Of course, this didn't stop Yelin. The teenaged girl somehow convinced her parents & took a train to Seoul where she started to study & live in high school. This marked the emergence of the modern Gong Yelin. In high school, the girl was considered an outsider to the posh & wealthy students in the school. Her accent was considered tacky & the girl's gregarious persona was deemed as flirtatious, much to Yelin's dismay. Despite her stellar grades & unmatched wordsmithery, much of the student & staff body were indifferent towards her & shunned her as a student. She had but a few close-knit friends in high school who came to her aid, but even then the atmosphere was critical & distant. She hoped for a time when she could enjoy high school life like a character in a drama, with friends & a love interest who seemed to come at yout every need. Another factor that lead to Yelin's exile was her "assets" that seemed to bring unwanted attention to the poor girl. On a certain incident, Yelin said a few wrong words to the wrong person, who happened to be a higher status privileged students, & the the girl's hope for a drama-like life was imploded. Rumors of Yelin's supposed "coquettish teasing" circulated around the school, resulting in the final nail in the coffin. Fortunately, the girl wasn't expelled or severely reprimanded as the rumors were by mouth & held little to no evidence of the incident taking place. However, the girl had lost a university scholarship due to the gossip. Concurrently, Yelin's family was at risk of losing the farm over unpaid debts that collected over the years. In effect, Yelin had to survive with any job that God gave to her- any job. During her freshman year in university, Yelin was introduced to gravure & import modeling due to a event being held by her then boyfriend who majored in engineering & mechanics. The models earned generous salaries & had flexible hours where they could pick & chose from a variety of shoots. Consequently, Yelin took the job & began to model from then on. She became somewhat popular for her baby-faced looks. Through the thousands of like & repots, her looks helped pave the way for some of her literary feats. In her social media, she posted many of her poems & stories to Instagram, Weibo & other social media to diverge from her modeling career into a different pathway. One fateful day, Kim Hyungseok saw the viral posts & hired Yelin to write for him, which lead to the Yelin we know now.
[div class=scroll]men, being lost, vomiting, snakes, car accidents
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[div class=scroll] + Since high school, Yelin has had about 5 boyfriends in which 3 of them cheated on her, 1 tried to convince her to join a pyramid scheme & the other was to be married to his fiancee he didn't mention. Her most recent boyfriend cheated on her with a colleague of hers from the modeling world.
+ Because of the nature of her ex-career as a gravure model, she can speak Japanese & Korean fluently. She is currently learning to speak Vietnamese.
+ Has 2 older sisters and a twin brother. Coincidentally, her brother is a modeling photographer.
+ Has pet cow named Diana and a pomeranian named Zsa Zsa
+ Yelin can speak in the Jeolla-do dialect which can slip out when she's drunk
+ Excellent Cook™
+ The girl occasionally appears for CFs on TV. Her most recent CF was a product commercial.
+ Yelin is the errand runner for the team and often brings food & buys things for the team.
[/div] [/div][/div] [div class="subpbtitle"]GONG YELIN[/div] [div class="subpbtitle2"]¡pretty young thing![/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div]
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major wip //


the supporting male lead of the popular webcomic bloom! he's introduced as caring and selfless guy who people can confide and seek comfort to. as of later releases it is revealed he owns cat's eye, a cafe right next to the station.

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