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Fandom Azurecoast Academy IC


Standing by for Battle
Azurecoast Academy IC

Azurecoast Academy, Seranova Region
September 13, 2024
Around 8:00 am, Seranova Standard Time
Current Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy, slight breeze

Temperature: 80 F/26.7 C

It was a nice day to be at Azurecoast Academy; the sun was shining, and many bird Pokemon flew in the sky. New students began to flood into the campus, talking amongst each other, grabbing food, or even having a small battle outside, but generally, a wave of excitement was present. People were chatting excitedly about the opportunities Azurecoast presented them, and everyone was eager to get going. Of course, there were a few outliers, as some people groaned about being here, but that currently was a minority of the student body.

Azurecoast boasted some of the best educational opportunities. Ranging from battling to biology, students have many opportunities to jumpstart their Pokemon-related careers. It also boasted a semi-large campus filled with various modern buildings and nature. The modern buildings reflect how new the Academy was, as it only started having classes 49 years ago. Yet, the academy still holds a place as one of if not the best academies in the Pokemon world.

"Greetings, everyone, and welcome to Azurecoast Academy. It is recommended that you head to your dorms before we begin the orientation. Make sure you arrive at the orientation no later than 10 pm. Please consult a staff member if you have any questions. Thank you!" a female voice announced through loudspeakers and intercoms around campus, informing students of what they needed to do.

Jack Wilson / Camilia Chevalier

  • Jack Wilson
    Mentions/Interactions: None, but open

    1715555406728.png“It’s the final showdown! Jack’s Rillaboom versus Leon’s Charizard! Both Pokemon have been driven to their absolute limits and have used their Gigantamax!”

    “And what a showdown it is! This is the closest we’ve seen Leon to defeat! Will Jack be able to do what his father couldn’t?!”

    The crowd was on their feet, everyone standing and cheering extremely loudly. It was so loud that it was nearly deafening to anyone who was there. Leon’s theme, reminiscent of the Hall of Fame theme, was playing in the background. This was a battle for the ages—nothing like anyone had seen yet. The undefeated champion Leon’s title was under threat, challenged by a most worthy opponent, the son of Oliver.

    “I must say, Jack, I’m impressed with how you’ve been batting. You’re truly Oliver’s son,” Leon remarked.

    “Heh, thanks,” Jack smirked, nodding at his Rillaboom.

    “But just like I did with your father, I’ll defeat you! Now, it’s champion time!” Leon said his signature phrase, tossing his hat behind him

    “I don’t think so! Rillaboom, use Drum Beating! WITH ALL OF YOUR MIGHT!”

    “Charizard, Fire Blast, let’s give them all we got!”

    The two attacks collided at full force. Because Drum Beating was a Grass-type move, you’d assume that Fire Blast would overpower it.

    But it didn’t. Somehow.

    The intensity of the clash had everyone questioning who was still up. Both Pokemon were completely exhausted - and both were likely seconds away from fainting. However, Rillaboom stood strong. It beat its drum aggressively, attempting to get Charizard to fall.

    And Charizard did, in dramatic fashion.

    The scene faded….

    The scene was only a scenario playing out in Jack’s mind. It was a daydream, but Jack didn’t seem to realize it. He was still, well, very much living in it.

    “AND JACK WILSON HAS DONE IT FOLKS! HE HAS BEATEN THE UNDEFEATED CHAMPION LEON!” Jack exclaimed. He said this while he was amongst a crowd of students who just entered Azurecoast, which warranted a few stares.

    A normal person would be embarrassed by this, but, well, as you could probably tell, Jack wasn’t a normal person.

    “Weirdo,” one guy in the crowd said, immediately catching Jack’s attention. Jack approached the man, shifting through the crowd to reach him. In terms of height and strength, Jack was certainly superior.

    “Excuse me? Wanna repeat what you just said?” Jack towered over the guy, looking like he was ready to beat him up. The male student was frightened

    “N-n-no, I-I’m sorry…” the man backed away in fear, which warranted a smirk from Jack.

    “That’s right, buddy. Now, buzz off, and don’t say that shit ever again,” Jack said, making the student leave.

    The students around Jack mostly left the scene, but there were a few people still watching. No one really dared to talk or attempt to help the man, as Jack had a clearly intimidating appearance.

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Triana Barkley
Mentions: Jack ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash )
Interactions: None

Triana's heart couldn't stop racing as she walked into the campus of Azurecoast Academy, looking at the different students milling about but keeping to herself. She underestimated just how many people would be here, how was she going to endure such a challenge? She had always connected with Pokemon the most, but Triana had yet to make a single human friend. Perhaps she should just keep her head down and pretend to be invisible? That was the safer bet - she was used to going on lone adventures with her own Pokemon...nothing like this. Still, her passion to be a paleontologist like her parents kept her moving forward, her beloved Leafeon named Clover in her arms and hugging her close.

She stopped when she heard a male student shouting out of nowhere, looking genuinely alarmed...was he okay? She and Clover couldn't help but stare for the longest time, even after the students dispersed. Then she noticed she was the only one left from the crowd staring at the weird guy, then nervously turned on her heel and walked off swiftly. First day and already she's embarrassing herself, great. "Come on, Clover, let's just get to the room and we'll be alright." She sighed down at her Leafeon who looked up at her softly before licking her cheek in empathy.

Annika Kazanari

Interactions: Camilla( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash ) Anyone else in the vincinity

She really don't know on what to say on this.... She really didn't. Standing in front of the Azurecoast Academy. "Woah Dess....." She finally arrived at the academy. She was finaly here, Finally here to try and become someone she could possibly be. Annika took a deep breath as she held onto her unusually large backpack holding all her things As a person who didn't really know on what to be in Azurecoast and wanted to become the best pokemon trainer and possibly she may grow up to follow one of her parents' pathways or her own, But she didn't even know. She looks around nervously as she sighed, Unknowningly one of her pokemon got out of the pokeball, as the all to familiar Luxray pops out of his own pokeball, He was concern for human having been with her long enough, as he nuzzled against her leg.


But she pets her pokemon partner smiling a little, as she just starts petting her Luxio. "Don't worry, Dess, Nothing bad won't happen... I thi-"

And there she was interrupted, as she let out a startled "Dess!" as she tripped over something while she was talking to herself as something bad happened followed by her literally stumbling and crashing into a blonde-haired young adult, with Blizt the Luxio trying to grab her by the sweater but ultimately failed. Way to go with her luck... Way to go...
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Laurie Auclair
Interactions: Jack( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash )

So this was it! The great Azurecoast Academy, in the flesh. Of course, Laurie had seen it plenty of times in photos and occasionally on the news, but there was no denying that the place felt a whole lot more magnificent in person. There was so much to take in! A flood of emotions was already rushing through her head, forming into a bubbly stew that Laurie herself couldn’t fully deconstruct into ingredients. There was certainly excitement, which she could feel in her veins…a tinge of pride, too…confusion, mostly because she had no idea where the dorms were and thus couldn’t follow the order issued by the PA…exhaustion, on account of the long ride from Kalos. But was that fear she detected as well? Other students were milling about all around her. There were so many of them, and she was suddenly acutely aware of the fact that she didn’t know a single one! To be fair, she didn’t really know that many people to begin with, but it was still a daunting thought to chew on as she moved through the crowd.

Laurie was taking little glances at the passing students now. Some of them looked so confident! It was like they'd been here their whole lives, and didn't just think, but knew for a fact that they were going to kill it here. So many confident people, taking every step sure footedly with tough, equally confident Pokemon at their heels. Laurie looked down at her own Pokemon, which she carried in her arms for fear that it would get trampled by accident. It was a Goomy which she'd received as a child and named Goo (such a creative name)! As much as Laurie loved Goo, she had to admit that the little Pokemon usually didn't show signs of much going on upstairs. Currently, it was just looking around and smiling and making little burbling noises to itself. Sometimes Laurie wished she could be that carefree—just wandering around all day with a dopey expression, thinking about how awesome it was to exist. Alas, here she was, thinking about how she was ever going to make some friends, and whether or not she was going to get killed in the classroom by these confident-walkers and their confident-walking Pokemon, and clutching her little happy sentient gelatinous blob like her life depended on it. God, she must look like such a scared little girl right now!

Her brother had told her, shortly before she’d departed, that she would be fine. He was a student at Azurecoast a long time ago, and swore that someone as “brainy as Laurie Auclair” would do amazing. Comforting words then, especially coming from someone of his stature. But come to think of it, he was a prodigy! Not only that, but he’d dropped out, prodigiously of course, to go straight to the big leagues—for the sole purpose of not having to waste time muddling around in General Lab Science and whatnot with people “brainy as Laurie Auclair!” What could he possibly know about being a regular old nobody? She decided to brush off this train of thought and focus on her goal, namely finding her room. Her dorm assignment was on a neatly folded slip of paper which she fished out of her pocket. “Room 501,” it read at the top. The following two lines contained her name first, then another—“Jack Wilson.” Her roommate, she presumed. She wondered what he would be like. The slip of paper didn’t provide any information beyond his name. Was he smart? Friendly? Charismatic? Laurie was torn from her thoughts by a shout directly in front of her, some ways down the hall. “…Jack Wilson has done it folks! He has beaten the undefeated champion Leon!

Why, speak of the devil! Laurie thought for a moment as she stared at an individual down the hall who appeared to be the bringer of this delightful announcement. Unbeknownst to most, as she was usually too ashamed to admit it, Laurie happened to be a huge fan of Pokemon battling tournaments in nearly every region. Because of this, she knew that the Galarian champion Leon had won his last battle and wasn’t scheduled to battle again for at least another week. Therefore, it was highly unlikely that he’d been defeated (by her purported roommate, no less), and highly likely that this individual was a friend of Jack Wilson. He was a tall man, handsome by Laurie’s standards, but also a bit scary. That last bit came not from his appearance, but the fact that he now seemed to be intimidating another student. Laurie watched in mild dismay as the student in question slinked off in dejection, and inadvertently caught the tall man’s eye. She quickly looked at her feet, and wondered what to do next.
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Quintin Blake.

After being dragged a few more meters by his Pokémon companions. Quintin Blake had finally made it to the prestigious Azurecoast Academy. The shining silver gate irritating his eyes as he laid there. Like a corpse. He did actually look an awful lot like a corpse at the moment. Some other students giving his nearly limp body a look of horror. What terrible crime could he have committed that these Pokémon felt the need to hide his body? The bootleg psyduck hat only added to his cadaver like demeanor. Mush the Swampert poked Quintin with a leek. He groaned. "Good." The Pokémon thought. "He isn't dead." After a few moments laying there, some students having brought our their phones and called an ambulance. He eventually got up and beholdeth the glorious building. His mouth opened in wonder. "Wow, I payed 3,500,000 Pokedollars. for this. . ." 1715571817229.png
The bootleg psyduck hat fell at an odd angle as his head tilted. ". . .Arceus this better be worth it." He said as he brushed the dirt off of his clothes. Some students screaming in confusion at what they once thought was a dead person. "Gosh people are loud here." He said to himself as he walked through the gates. His Pokémon companions following beside him. Johto the Crowbat landed on his head as Joey the Rattata's little legs pattered beside him. Mush sucked on his leek as Beth the Kirlia walked by his side.
"We thought you looked stupid." She said in his head. "I know shut up." He said out loud to the confusion of some other students. "The psyduck hat certainly wasn't helping." Quintin rolled his eyes and looked at Beth. "Like I said this hat is an investment to make people underestimate me thus giving me an edge in battle!" He replied telepathically this time because he was beginning to notice people whispering around him. He wanted people to think he was weak. Not crazy. "Let's just get in guys." He gestured for his companions to follow him as they all entered the building. He took a berry out of his berry bag and popped it into his mouth. "Mmmm. . . Nothing like a good'ol Oran berry." He whistled through the halls with his companions, the air brimming with much excitement and young adolescent anxiety as he entered what he deemed to be. A new adventure.
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Elsie Beaumont

interactions ; none| mentions ; jack ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash )

Arriving to Azurecoast Academy took quite awhile for Elsie, thankfully she had made it on time for the new school year. In her hometown she had been scrambling to get her things together, and her grandmother wasn't making that easy for her either, nagging her and asking Elsie whether or not she had everything she needed for her time at the academy. Elsie had laughed and waved off her grandma at the time but being so far from home now she was starting to miss her loving grandmother and her hometown. Elsie slapped both of her cheeks, and whispered to herself, "Get it together Elsie! You finally get the chance to get out of your hometown and explore something new!"

Her peers were scattered around the campus, all of them chatting, playing with their partner Pokemon, or going to their assigned dorms. Elsie bites her bottom lip fully realizing she's finally here and not stuck at home. What should she do now? She should probably introduce herself to some of her classmates perhaps? She did not want to get stuck getting through the school year all by herself. Elsie shrudders at the thought... she'd probably go insane if that was the case, doing homework by yourself? How atrocious. She felt a paw touch her thigh, and she looks over to see her Riolu hiding behind her leg. She giggles at her Pokemon's shyness, and pats him on the head, "Don't worry dear! They're all your friends, and you'll get to learn how to battle more here!" At her words of encouragment her Riolu yelps in happiness and jumps into her arms. Elsie laughs at her Riolu's reaction cradling him close to her chest. She too was excited to attend this esteemed establishment, the nurses back at home had taught them everything they knew, but Elsie craved more knowledge. The rest of her team were resting in their Pokeballs still, her Riolu the only exception as the young Pokemon had an excess of energy, the canine like Pokemon always waking up Elsie to play or practice. She couldn't say no to that adorable face!

The happy moment was interrupted by loud noises of battling coming from somewhere on the campus, Elsie noticed that the rest of her classmates had all gathered to watch. She too walked over, her little Riolu wriggling in her arms in excitement as he had never seen an all out full battle before. As Elsie arrived, she noticed she had came at the end part of the battle, the victor of battle seemingly.. screaming his head off. Elsie heard a person in the crowd call them out for it, and the air where they all were turned hostile, as the man threatened the audience member. Elsie rolls her eyes, scoffs and mutters, "What's his deal? It's only the first day of school." Elsie had the thought to get involved, but better not start off the school year, in a new place, with a tarnished reputation. Her stare lingering on him, a tinge of anger flowing through her, though she absolutely despises arrogant people like that.. she shouldn't do anything... Turning away with a hmph, she starts walking away from the scene, Elsie decides to finally go to her assigned dorm.

Screenshot 2024-05-12 211823.png
Marissa "Pear" Delbern
Interactions: None
Mentions: None

Xtransceiver Archive

GrowAPear :
Just arrived on campus. Man, I'm already exhausted and it literally hasn't started yet ύ.ὺ

: Looking4Treble
You'll be fine, your fault that you didn't sleep last night anyway
But really, it'll be okay, you're totally prepared for this and you'll do great! I'm rooting for you <3

You say that so confidently, oh wise and powerful second year student. All bow before
your great and mighty understanding of the world. Poor sad little me can't possibly compare
to your medical-school mastery =|

Shut it Dot lol
I mean, all you have to do right now is find your dorm, survive meeting your roomies, and then
figure out whatever you're supposed to do for orientation, right?
Just start with that and go from there! Easy enough for even you I think
Sure sure
I'll let you know when I get situated in the dorm. Hopefully the roomies are at least

Pear slipped their phone into their pocket as easily as they disappeared into the crowd of students. Many stopped to gawk at the pristine and sparkling gates that would lead them to their new lives of educational possibility, but Pear just wormed their way between them, suitcase towed with one hand, and their first partner clutched close to their chest with the other. They had done enough marveling at the fact that they had made it here in their own head, and would rather not have to spend any more time in such a crowded place than they already were required to. Even with their favorite platform sneakers on they could barely see over the shoulders of the majority of their peers, and it was already reminding them too much of being stuck in high school after everyone had reached their gargantuan heights.

Slipping into a less crowded spot off to the side near one of the many immaculate buildings that made up the campus, Pear rustled in their pocket for a neatly folded slip of paper, cleanly unfolding it to reveal the room number and roommates' names that would define their home life for the next year. They knew they already had the note memorized - they had written it themself, after all, and had read over it numerous times - but it was still a comfort to have the certainty of a written note to guide them rather than their unreliable mind. And it was better than having to carry around the acceptance letter with their first name boldly written on it.

Room 310
Elsie Beaumont
Nathaniel Hotch

Pear of course had stressed intensely wondering what kind of people Elsie and Nathaniel would be, knowing they would be stuck with them whether they were pleasant or otherwise, but seeing their names, knowing they would be meeting within the coming minutes, brought with it a fresh wave of uncertainty. Pear looked around for a nearby bench, and finding one, they refolded the slip of paper, shoved it in their pocket, and flopped down for a short rest. Surely that was allowed, right? Just a few minutes of trying to calm their mind, and then they would head over to the residence hall. They ran their hand over the bumps and crags of the Corsola they were carrying, eliciting a faint *peep* of joy. Yes, stilling their mind sounded like a good idea.

Elsie Beaumont.. that was a pretty name, probably for a pretty person. Pear couldn't help but muster up an image of an attractive and confident young woman when hearing the name, someone with plenty of makeup and skirts and heels. Hopefully not too oppressive with the perfume, if they were being forced to live together. Or they could always be more like Pear, the opposite of what someone expected when they heard their first name. No way of knowing until they met in person, anyway. And Nathaniel Hotch.. that felt like a rugged name to Pear, the kind that inspired images of mountain climbers and outdoorsman. Pear wondered if he was handsome, at least not too standoffish and relatively pleasant of personality. They supposed they would find out soon enough, if they could just get up the motivation to leave the comforting lap of their new friend the bench, where they were safe and free of responsibility. They let out a sigh laced with frustration and melancholy.

"Guess I have to face things at some point, huh, Key?"
"I see, I see. Maybe we should get a second opinion, just in case."

Pear zipped open a small pocket on the outside of their suitcase, retrieving their other safely-stowed Pokéball. Pressing the button in the center, they called out their Clefairy, who immediately climbed up onto the bench to sit beside her trainer with a content expression on her chubby face.

"Okay, so Mento, Key thinks I should accept that I am afraid of meeting my roomies and face the challenge with a smile on my face. Do you second that?"
"Clef, clef! Clefairy fair fair!"
"Alright, alright, I hear you! I'll do it, okay?!"

Letting themself feel the giggle that was trying its way to escape from their lips, they hugged the two Pokémon close and gave them each a quick kiss on the head, relishing the small sounds of happiness they both let out in return. It was a scary time, sure, but it wouldn't end up being more than they could handle with their companions alongside them.. right?

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Aurora Durand
Mentions: Jack ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash )

Taking a few uncertain steps onto the campus of Azurecoast, Aurora glanced around at the surrounding students, her Plusle sat on her shoulder. The academy itself stood in front of her menacingly, appearing larger in person. Attending here was no longer simply an idea presented to her, but a new reality, even if it didn’t feel like it yet.

In truth, returning to Kalos still felt possible. She could just turn around now and be done with this place. It was probably the easier path. Much easier than trying to stand under the spotlight again as a performer.

However, Aurora wouldn’t run. That wasn’t an option. Instead, she maneuvered her way through the incoming crowd of students and kept moving. She already knew where she wanted to go – her dorm room. It was high on her list of priorities to locate it before doing anything else.

The gears in her mind were turning as she walked at a brisk pace, her eyes moving from one unrecognizable face to the next. There were already so many people here, she had to be careful in order to not bump into anyone.

Ugh, where were the dorms again…?

Pausing for a moment to assess her surroundings, Aurora jumped a little when she heard someone start yelling all of a sudden. Turning her head towards the source of the startling commotion, she saw some guy intimidating another student. Watching the scene with a disapproving glare, Aurora felt like she was a little kid again – sharing the playground with enemies and bullies alike.

People like that were nothing but trouble.

“Plaaa…” Beginning to growl and show its teeth, Aurora noticed her Plusle going on the defensive. Tiny sparks came from its cheeks, eyes trained on the obnoxious guy. This was not what Aurora planned on dealing with the moment she got here.

“Plusle, non.” She spoke firmly with a low voice. She would prefer not drawing attention to herself right now. This wasn’t a stage, after all. “Don’t.”

She pet the small electric type’s head as it slowly calmed itself. Deciding it wouldn’t be worth it to stick around any longer, Aurora began to quickly walk away. It would be best to just hurry and get to her new dorm.

Aurora could only hope she wouldn’t see that guy again. He seemed like a headache to deal with.
Roxanne Stone

"This seems like a nice place. What do you think Panzer?" Roxanne asked the Aron walking beside her as she entered the Academy grounds.
"Ar, Aron!" The Steel/Rock type happily agreed with her trainer as they continued looking around.
The place was positively loaded with students and Pokemon alike from various regions. It felt like she was at some sort of convention if Roxanne was being honest with herself. If she was not careful, she would likely lose track of Panzer pretty quickly. Feeling a bit tired and wanting to check her cargo, Roxanne quickly found a bench and sat down, removing her pack as she did. Shortly after opening it, she pulled out the portable incubator containing the egg she had found back in her home region. Detecting no changes to its condition, Roxanne sighed and placed it back in her bag, Panzer rubbing her head against her trainer's leg in an effort to comfort her.
"Thanks Panzer." With that, Roxanne stood back up and stretched. "Come on girl, let's find the dorm building."
Jack Wilson / Camilia Chevalier

  • Jack Wilson
    Indirect Mentions: Elise Beaumont ( felideli felideli ), Triana Barkley ( Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples )
    Interactions: Laurie Auclair ( seaweed seaweed ), Aurora Durand ( withinasapphire withinasapphire )

    Jack noticed that a few people were watching the scene unfold. 1715641328462.png
    However, noticeably, many of them were female, and in Jack's mind, that was actually a good thing! They'd all get to see his magnificent self in front of their eyes for the first time, and best of all, they got to see him absolutely wipe the floor with that stupid idiot who called him a weirdo! He smiled, but he noticed some of them went away.

    Aha, they were possibly too stunned and nervous to talk to him, certainly! Oh well, that's fine; he'll get to them later! He has a full year to get someone, so there's no problem. Certainly, he could get one by next week-

    Jack's train of thought was interrupted as he saw a Plusle in the distance. He wasn't intimidated by it, though, and grabbed a Poke Ball out of his pocket, about ready to summon one of his Pokemon to battle it. However, noticing the trainer who supposedly owned the Plusle made her back off, he put his Poke Ball back.

    But Jack didn't want to send the Plusle home with nothing as the Pokemon and their trainer left.

    "Yeah, that's what I thought, Addition Pikachu," he scoffed as he was just about to move towards his dorm. Instead, however, he found a brown-haired woman with yellow eyes who was certainly almost a foot shorter than him.

    He considered the female to be "attractive" by his standards, so he decided to shoot his shot.

    "Oh, heh, sorry about all of that, ma'am," Jack scratched the back of his head, forcing a smirk and temporarily closing his eyes.

    "Well, I guess I should introduce myself. Most people call me 'The Most Honorable Sir Jack Douglas Harrington Wilson, of the Great and Fine City of Hammerlocke, the descendant of the Most Honorable and Fearsome Sir Oliver Douglas Harrington Wilson the Second', but you, my lady, you can call me anytime," Jack immediately decided to throw in a pick-up line, winking at the brunette. He apparently seemed very proud of his pickup line despite the fact that it actually sounded very, very corny. Some students actually walked by, and some visibly cringed at how cheesy this line was.

Triana Barkley
Mentions: Jack ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash ) Laurie ( seaweed seaweed ) & Aurora ( withinasapphire withinasapphire )
Interactions: None

Whatever was going on with that strange guy, Triana wanted no part of it. She could barely handle normal human beings, if at all, but someone who seemed genuinely insane? That was out way out of her comfort zone. She noted two other girls that seemed to have gotten his attention, and Triana exhaled a sigh of relief. That was close - she could handle scary creatures in the forests, but humans were even more terrifying in her view. Her parents were the only human beings she could trust in this entire world, outside of them...? After what Triana had been through growing up and the trauma she faced, she didn't want to take a chance.

Survival was going to tricky here in this urban academic landscape, if her bow and arrows weren't tucked away she'd feel a lot more confident as she could defend herself just in case. But thankfully Clover was in her arms and keeping her calm, her best friend, the Pokemon she was attached to the most. She looked at the paper that had her room information printed on it: Room 102, a single small room just for her. Thankfully her parents were able to arrange it and pay extra for it, as their daughter's comfort meant the world to them. Triana couldn't thank them enough, especially based on what she's seen already.

"Clover, we need to be careful around here. There's danger around every corner, it seems." She said to her Pokemon, to which the Leafeon looked at her in concern at first but then licked her nose in comfort, earning a giggle from the future paleontologist. "Come on, let's head to our room." Her only roommates would be Clover, her Bayleaf named Basil and her Grovyle named Dill. Her paced picked up into a run, looking around at the students and narrowly avoiding them like they were traps in an ancient tomb.
Laurie Auclair
Interactions: Jack ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash )

Just when it seemed as if the man seemed ready to leave, he turned directly towards Laurie—it was clear that he intended to address her. She froze where she stood, thoughts swirling around in her head faster than neurons that carried them. What did he want with her? Was she next in line to be shot down with a nasty glare and half-baked witticism? He simply towered over her! Despite the fact that she felt very much intimidated, Laurie swallowed her panic and straightened up her posture. Whatever was coming, she was prepared to face it with an unflinching gaze, steady legs, and a resolve cold as steel. Her family had taught her to never take shit from anyone, and she wasn’t about to let them down now!

Then the man introduced himself. It took Laurie half a second to process the double entendre, and half a second more to deconstruct his behemoth of a name into its simpler form, which she realized was currently printed under her own on the crumpled sheet of paper in her hand. She felt her face grow warm, and her expression falter. So much for “cold as steel”. The whirlwind in her head returned; so this was her roommate? Never had she seen a man so sure of himself as to utter a line like that
without even a hint of irony, and in front of an audience no less! People were looking at them! Why couldn’t they just stop watching and walk away? Furthermore, how was one even supposed to respond to that?

Laurie held up the dorm assignment so that Jack could see it, looking down to hide her face.

I…I won’t have to,” she replied. She’d meant to say it in a dry tone, one that said “Despite appearances, I’m not fazed in the slightest.” Instead it came out nervous and timid—communicating the exact opposite. Laurie wished she could
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Quintin Blake
Mentions: Jack ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash ) Laurie ( seaweed seaweed )

Quintin was walking through the dorms giving himself a small tour of the place. The rest of his team had gone off to due their own thing except Beth who also wanted to see the inside of the place. "*Sure would have been nice if we could have afforded one of these dorms.*" She said telepathically to Quintin. "Are you still pissed we spent 20,000 Pokedollars for that exp share?" "*That piece of crap only worked for "domesticated" Pokémon*" She grumbled. "Beth you know we're not supposed to use that word even if its for an example. It's derogatory you know that." "I know I know. . ." She said begrudgingly. "At least we'll be living somewhere we're used to." "That tent must have been made by Arceus himself for it to last this long." She theorized. They suddenly both saw some tall meathead do his best attempt at what they both observed to be. . . Flirting? Wow if it was this repulsive Quintin might swear off dating forever.
you can call me anytime
"Hehe." Quintin chuckled quite audibly as he passed by the two individuals. "That was terrible." He said as Beth gagged. They both made their way outside and started scouting for what may be their living grounds for the next two years.

They walked into the middle of a field.
"This place looks eerily familiar. . ." She said while crossing her arms. "Remember when you were eight and you were nearly kidnapped by that Drifloon?" Quintin planted a Chesto berry on the ground. "When you first formed a psychic bond with me? Sure I do why?" He asked as he watered the ground with his Wailord watering can. "This kind of looks like the field you were grabbed from, and for the record. I could have made a bond earlier if your skull wasn't so thick!" She laughed as Quintin frowned at her. "Hey, just because I went willingly didn't mean I was dumb." "You told the Drifloon to, "fulfil it's purpose as a Pokémon"?" "That showed a different kind of intelligence! An emotional one!" "It was trying to bring you to the afterlife Quintin." "My point still stands. On that note I still feel sorry for that Drifloon. . . You cussed it out so hard I'm pretty sure he was the one traumatized that day." "And rightfully so! I wasn't letting anyone take my idiot to the afterlife! I nearly made a new kind of Pokémon move that day. I would have called it vicious mockery!" "Of course you would. . ." Quintin rolled his eyes as he raised a mallet to hammer in his first stake.

nathaniel “newt” hotch.

  • summary

    Newt Thinks™ and Picks a Bedroom

the soundscape of the city lingers in Newt’s ears as he alights from the bus and steps through his new campus, a battered suitcase dragging behind him as he guides himself towards the dorms with the aid of a printed map, its body already lightly crinkled. in place of braying Miltank and singing Kricketot, the rush of engines and the meld of chatter almost seems to be a physical presence. still, despite the crush of people and the tales he’s heard about cities, Newt can’t help but find the masses comforting in their anonymity.

because in the city, no one knows him. there’s no one to startle when he looks, seeing, into their eyes, and no one to warn him of the dangers of “blurring the lines between the living and the dead” when he continuously channels a spirit so he’s not stuck in a sea of black. Newt can be whoever he wants to be here, and that? that is freeing.

even if the campus radiates wealth, with a single dorm hall possessing a receptionist and a healing center, all solely for the use of the incoming students. that’s not all. the map also lists two more dorms, presumably similarly equipped, two student union buildings, and a recreational. Newt’s hometown had one rundown Pokécenter, and it only needed a pair of machines to support the entire population on a busy day.

walking through those well-funded halls, Newt makes his way to his dorm. a quick glance reveals that none of his roommates have arrived, leaving him to evaluate the three bedrooms. all of them have equally good windows with nice views and open access to sunlight, so he decides to settle into the one farthest from the main entrance. hopefully, there’s less chance of him getting woken up in the middle of the night by someone in the halls that way.

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡
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Roxanne Stone

Roxanne facepalmed as she walked by Jack and Laurie, having heard the long-winded introduction from about twenty feet by her estimate. "Some people are completely lacking in the social awareness department, aren't they girl?"
Panzer nodded as the duo came to a tree. "I'm going to take a look around, wait here." Roxanne set her pack on the ground next to her Pokemon before scurrying up the trunk and into the branches, earning a bird's eye view of her surroundings for her efforts. While it would have been fairly easy to notice the signs if she just craned her neck a little bit on the ground, Roxanne preferred a less obstructed view in urban environments.
"That must be the building." Roxanne quickly identified what she was looking for and dropped from the branches, bending her knees as she landed on her feet. Panzer sighed, wondering how her trainer had not yet broken anything the whole time they knew each other.
Roxanne swung her pack back on before she and Panzer made their way to the building. After checking in with the receptionist, Roxanne made her way to her dorm, which was oddly empty.
"Huh, I guess we're the first ones here." That said, Roxanne picked a bedroom and unpacked her things. "This is going to be an interesting year."
Screenshot 2024-05-12 211823.png
Marissa "Pear" Delbern
Interactions: None
Mentions: None

After their short break, Pear returned the Clefairy to her ball and continued their walk to their dorm building, holding Key the Corsola in one arm and tugging their heavy suitcase behind them with their other. Glancing back at it as they walked, Pear couldn't help but let a smile creep onto their face. Despite it being so cumbersome, the nice new suitcase - a pale shade of green that they had picked out just for this trip - felt like a piece of home and a reminder of their mother, here to support them on this new journey. After Pear had shared the news that they had been accepted, and better yet, that they had received money from the International Young Pokémon Breeder's Association to offset the cost like they had been hoping for, she had gone out that day with them to pick out a new suitcase, paying for it with some of the money they had gotten from the court case. It was a pleasant bonding moment and a memory that the light green hue seemed to reflect in their heart. Even if it was heavy as hell.

Arriving at the building without incident, Pear quickly checked in with the attendant on duty, receiving their room key and some flowery words of encouragement, and spent a short time perusing the amenities on the ground floor. Because they were interested in seeing it all, and not because the dread has settled back into their stomach, of course. It really made home seem small and uninteresting by comparison; here the students had everything they could possibly want or need, right at their fingertips, or perhaps only one interaction with staff away. Of course Nacrene City wasn't bad, sure, but all it really had going for it was the Gym and a museum of all things. It lacked the polish and glamour that this place seemed to be bleeding from every orifice, nor the smell of new technology and opportunity that Pear felt themself latching onto. Despite feeling so small against all the pomp, maybe they could still find a place for themself in this shiny new world!

Latching onto this fleeting feeling of confidence, Pear squeezed Key tightly against their chest and wormed their way through the ever-increasing tide of students to one of the elevators, making their way up to the third floor. Room 310, right? As they approached, they noticed the door was already slightly ajar, indicating that one of their roommates had likely already arrived. They silently kicked themself for stopping for that break. Maybe if they had just sucked it up like a normal person, they wouldn't have to walk in on a stranger like this! They pushed down the rising feeling of panic, and setting their face to as neutral an expression as they could manage, they gently pushed open the door...

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nathaniel “newt” hotch.

  • summary

    The Newt + Pear Short Accident

Newt begins to unpack, sorting his clothes into the spacious closet within the bedroom and setting his sparse decorations aside on his bed for a later evaluation. When the bottom of his suitcase is in sight, his Drifblim turns toward the door in curiosity, tightening the strings it’s set onto his shoulders in a signal to explore. Considering its ability to sense life force, Newt takes it as a sign that his roommates have arrived and steps out of his room.

A slim individual comes into view, their short hair framing a rounded face with large, golden eyes. Newt smiles, lifting his hand in a slight wave.
“It’s nice to meet you,”
he introduces.
“I’m Newt Hotch. What about you?”

He waits as the other pauses, seemingly gathering their words as they squeeze their Corsola.
“Oh, um, my name is Pear, and this is Key,”
they start.
“I use they/them pronouns, and, well… it’s nice to meet you, too.”
Words finished, they stop speaking, gaze occasionally glancing upward, only to dart away as soon as their eyes meet.

“I’ll remember that,”
Newt says, a promise. He pauses, noting Pear’s fidgeting, and turns towards the bedrooms.
“Well, why don’t I let you pick a room, then? I’ve taken the farthest one, but the other two are open.”
Hopefully a bit of time to themselves can help them relax; there’s always time to get introduced later, after all. It seems to work.

“Ah, right. Thanks,”
Pear says, nodding back to him before promptly dragging their suitcase into the closest room. For a moment, Newt thinks that’s it, that he’s offered them comfort, and they’ve taken it, content to vanish until they’re calmer. Then, a head pops back around the corner.
“That’s, um, an interesting name. Newt. Is there a reason you go by that?”

It startles Newt into a laugh, his eyes dancing with a sudden mirth as he goes along with Pear’s efforts at conversation.
“I could say the same to you. Newt and Pear—they’re about the same, aren’t they? If I had to explain it, though, I wanted it to start with ‘n’ because of Nathaniel, that’s my given name, and the rest just kind of happened. I don’t have a special relationship with the animal or anything.”

Perhaps his roommate finds his explanation a little disappointing, or perhaps they’re inclined towards sharing less rather than more.
“Ah, okay,”
they say, another pause lingering poignant in the air as they look away.
“Pear is, well… just a silly nickname a friend came up with. But it’s better than hearing my given name all the time…”

Newt thinks back to the names beside his doorway. Marissa or Elise, then, though the name Pear is entirely devoid of any hints that could tell him which one belongs to the individual before him. All’s well, though. If Pear doesn’t want to share, then he won’t press them.

“Then I’ll just call you Pear,”
Newt says. Racking his mind for another topic, his mind drifts back to his own room, and he comes up with an idea. Gesturing inside their bedroom, he offers,
“Say, do you want help hanging your decorations up once you’re done unpacking? I’m a bit taller than you, so it’d be a bit easier for me if you have any photos or hooks you want to put on the walls.”

Newt waits, smiling, for Pear’s response, only to see their golden eyes narrow.
“That won’t be needed, thanks,”
they say, and a moment later, the door swings shut. It’s just a little short of slamming as if the only thing holding his roommate back is a last attempt at kindness.

His smile falls at the sight, leaving him to wonder the cause of Pear’s sudden annoyance. Did he do something wrong? He’s fairly sure his offer was socially acceptable on all accounts.

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡
Jack Wilson / Laurie Auclair

Jack was completely oblivious to both the people around him and Laurie's true feelings about this. He clearly didn't fall for Laurie's facade, as he could sense some nervousness coming from her.

But he noticed Laurie holding up some sort of note, and he stared at it. He noticed his own name alongside "Room 501." Quickly, he realized that, by fate, he had bumped into his roommate! And his roommate was a "hot girl," nonetheless!

"I got a hot chick as my roommate! Hell yeah!" Jack exclaimed, ignoring Laurie's facade of strength altogether.

In response to this exclamation, Laurie said nothing—simply stood there looking positively mortified. Her head was spinning, because truth be told, she was far out of her charted territory. She wondered if she could just walk away… Was that allowed? It would be rude, wouldn’t it? She could say something indignant perhaps… But wait, didn’t some guys actually view that kind of thing as flirtatious? That was not a message she wanted to send! Cold blooded social murder crossed her mind. She imagined herself drawling back in an oh-so-bored tone of voice, “Oh…I was hoping for so much more!” or something along those lines—right in front of all these people. She brushed the thought away in an instant; she could never hurt someone like that intentionally! Now, how about she stop thinking and just do something? Laurie thought this last idea was exceptionally bright, in light of the fact that she was just standing there looking like a floored idiot. She wanted to get out of here so badly!

…Come on, why don’t we get going? I…uh…can’t wait to get to know you!” Laurie said, taking hold of Jack’s arm and giving it a light tug that said “Right now!

Jack continued to sense Laurie's uneasiness and nervousness, noticing how mortified she looked. He thought that was a result of how "successful" his flirting was, which certainly boosted his ego. Jack completely misread the situation - he didn't realize Laurie was completely discomforted and even disgusted by his comments. But even if he realized her discomfort, would he actually care? Likely not, in fact. This wasn't Jack's first attempt; in fact, this was likely along the lines of his fourteenth, and most of the girls seemed to either run away or nervously blush and attempt to fight it every time he attempted something like this.

He was a bit shocked that Laurie actually wanted to learn more about him. This was, well, certainly a first. He smiled and decided to move forward, walking alongside Laurie.

"I can't wait to learn more about you too... heh," Jack smirked, happy that "results" were starting to show.

Laurie simply rolled her eyes and kept walking—she was sure that Jack wouldn’t notice. Once she was sure that the passersby were thoroughly uninterested in her, what she said, and who she said it to, she spoke.

So, you try that on a lot of girls?” she was about to say, maybe with a touch of sarcasm—but stopped herself on grounds that she really didn’t want to know the answer to that question.

So, you’re a battle major I take it?

"Hell yeah, obviously I'm a battle major! It's the best major there is! Why the hell would you waste your time by majoring in something stupid, like, I don't know, biology?" Jack boldly stated.

"So, I assume you are, too, or something?" Jack followed up.

Laurie took a sidelong glance at Jack, then to the Goomy nestled in her arms—which had now taken to blowing little bubbles into the air—then back to Jack, as if to say “What do you think?

No, I’m a biology major actually,” she replied drily. Then, laced with sarcasm,

Guess I’m just not on your level.

Jack’s eyebrow rose, and his smile disappeared. This was a near deal breaker for him.

You’re actually… in biology?” Jack asked, his tone growing a bit colder. He seemed a bit pissed off that Laurie wasn’t a battler. To him, at least, an “ideal” girlfriend would be in the battle major.

As they continued to walk, they started to approach the dorm buildings.

That’s right,” Laurie replied. She had begun to sense a change in Jack’s demeanor, and wondered if she could’ve stood to act a bit friendlier before. They would be seeing a lot of each other from now on, after all.

I think you’d get along with my brother—he’s a battle freak like you. Kalos league,” she said.

Jack sighed. It wasn't going to be great to have a "nerd" in his room.

"Kalos League. Excuse me, Kalos League?" Jack began to chuckle a bit. It was clear he didn't take the Kalos League very seriously; in fact, he was practically mocking it with his tone.

"Those damn baguettes can't beat Galar's weakest gym leader. Every single one of your challengers is a fraud; Diantha's quite possibly the worst champion, and those other frauds, like I don't know, Malva and that one Charles dude, they're actually trash that my eyes bleed every time I watch them," Jack seemed to get cocky. He was very much over exaggerating things.

Galar? Galar League is fun, I guess, but why’s everything have to be about big Pokemon?” Laurie replied. Her brother Charles was vehement about nobody, especially his sister, defending his skills by word—he preferred to “let his Pokemon do the talking”—so Laurie didn’t mention him, and continued with a light hearted tone.

In a pinch?

Laurie held her Goomy above her head with both hands as if she were about to chuck it, much to the little Pokémon’s amusement. It was a pantomime of the motions a Galarian trainer would go through to Dynamax a Pokemon.

Just make your Pokemon big! And do a big attack! Where’s the finesse?

You clearly haven’t seen a match in person. It’s one of the most breathtaking things you’ll ever see,” Jack saw Goomy’s representative of the phenomenon and rolled his eyes.

Jack was going to make an argument on how Mega Evolution sucked, way more than Dynamax - but he couldn’t lie, Mega Evolution was really cool. He didn’t want to give Laurie a point in the argument.

Oh, and it looks like we’re here. Room 501, correct? I’m assuming that’s the fifth floor,” Jack asked.

That was likely the smartest thing Jack said today.

Wait, I’ve got my key right here,” Laurie muttered, slipping a hand into her pocket. A moment later, she withdrew a card and swiped them in. She held the door and gestured inside with a one-armed flourish, as if she were a gentleman.

“I’ve got one too-“ Jack was cut off as Laurie decided to hold the door for him.

Thanks, Ms. Biology, appreciate it,” Jack’s gratitude seemed not too genuine. He walked in, and immediately placed his backpack inside.

The modern dorm room was quite nice, it had three bedrooms, a small kitchen, a balcony, and a small living room with a TV. Jack seemed mildly impressed, but he had certainly seen better.

This is nice,” Jack stated, “but nothing beats the good mansion at Hammerlocke.

Laurie was more impressed.

Wow! They put everything in here! Even a kitchen! It’s just like a…like a five-star hotel!
Of course, she had no idea what anything beyond the third star actually meant, but to her a temporary living space equipped with actual working cookware was the picture of luxury.
Though I guess even those don’t hold a candle to your…mansion,” she added.

You’ve clearly never been in a five star hotel. They give you unlimited food, unlimited drinks, oh, and unlimited massages,” Jack chuckled a bit on the last part of his sentence. As he walked into the living room, he noticed a letter on the table. It read this:

”Dear Jack Wilson and Laurie Auclair,

Welcome to Azurecoast Academy, and we hope you enjoy your stay at these beautiful, state-of-the-art dorm rooms.
Due to some last minute circumstances, you two will be the only people in this room for the foreseeable future. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.”

Looks like I’m stuck here with the damn biologist. Wait a minute, what do you guys even do in biology? Isn’t it literally just I don’t know, like a Pokémon’s body parts? Sounds pretty fucking boring to me,” Jack stated.

A lot of that data you battlers use comes from biologists, you know,” Laurie protested.

There’s a lot about a Pokemon you can’t learn just by looking at it. Like that disappearing trick you see Vaporeon do sometimes, after they jump in a fountain or something. It comes from its cell structure being similar to water. Or um…you know how Duraludon rust up after a while? Add a little chromium to its diet, and that won’t happen as much. I helped come up with that one myself, actually. And in Alola, rumor has it that they created an entire new Pokemon in a lab. Cool, right?

She looked for any signs of impact whatsoever after her little speech.

There were none, however. Jack completely ignored everything Laurie said, as everything she said felt like a lecture to Jack. In fact, he went on the couch and pretended to fall asleep, fake snoring and all of that. He didn’t even care for a second.

He “woke up” after Laurie finished with her rambling.

Didn’t ask for a fucking biology lesson,” Jack said, not even directly looking at Laurie when he said that.

Science is so unbelievably boring that I turn into a Snorlax every damn time I have to listen to a lecture.” Jack added on, directly insulting biology.

The irony in all of this is that Jack actually regularly feeds his Duraludon the chromium Laurie mentioned.

Upon realizing that Jack hadn’t heard a word she said—a direct response to a question that he had asked, if she remembered correctly—Laurie simply sighed and changed the subject.

Look, why don’t we get our rooms set up? I’ll take this one, if you don’t mind.” She gestured to the one nearest to her, on the far side of the room.

Fair enough, miss PhD,” Jack got off of the couch and went into his room. He only had his backpack on him - his other luggage was currently being transported. As such, he couldn’t really set up anything. Sighing, Jack went back to the couch, pressed the remote, and began searching for a battle league to watch.
Elsie Beaumont

interactions ; none | mentions ; Melissa (Pear) LumeNym LumeNym + Nathaniel (Newt) luciferin luciferin

Elsie found herself weaving through the giant mass of her peers, each and every one of them still talking to one another, laughing, giggling and messing around. Were any of them ever going to move? At this Elsie wondered whether or not she would get along with her other two roommates. She hadn't left her hometown before and since arriving to the academy it hadn't been that long but her stomach was already turning with homesickness. Hopefully her grandmother is doing alright without her being there to help around the house. Hell, Elsie even missed their city's eccentric gym leader, though she did have to admit the latter was incredibly pretty. At one point Elsie even asked for some makeup tips from her. Though the gym leader had told her to come back once she was "pretty enough". Boy... did that piss Elsie off, but now Elsie finds herself missing her.

Futhermore, it hadn't helped that she witnessed one of her classmates (she had hoped he wasn't in the same classes or dorms as her) cause an absolute ruckus on the first day too. Elsie was still upset after the fact, it couldn't be helped, she hated arrogant and rude people like that, she so badly wanted to give them a piece of her mind. Shaking her head to pull herself out of her thoughts, because she felt her little Riolu attempt to jump out of her arm. Elsie gently places her Riolu onto the path they were on, and the blue Pokemon points at the building they were right in front of. Her assigned dorm building. Elsie laughs because she had noticed other trainer's Pokemon running freely, and Elsie assumed her Riolu wanted to do the same. Patting her Riolu on it's head she heads to the front door of the building pulling it open motioning for her Riolu to follow, "I know you wanna play but I have to go unpack and settle in, and maybe meet our new roommates! Perhaps you can meet a new Poke-friend how does that sound, dear?" Her Riolu instantly nods and runs into the entrance leaving Elsie in the dust. Rolling her eyes playfully at her Pokemon's antics she follows dragging her suitcase behind her, while closing the door.

As she approaches the front desk, she apologizes to the person standing behind the desk for her Pokemon running in the building. They laughed and Elsie was told that this happens often and to not worry about it. After a short conversation, they had handed her the key to her dorm with a big smile. Elsie thanked them and headed towards the elevators (after looking for her Riolu that got lost on the ground floor). Elsie stood in front of the elevators, peeking at the paper she was given before arriving, "Room 310... I assume this must be on the third floor then?", she mumbled to herself. Clicking the button to go up, she waits, thankful for being one of the last to enter the building not wanting to deal with crowds upon crowds of people. On the ride up, she had briefly read the names of her roommates, Nathaniel Hotch and Melissa Delburn. Elsie shrugs wanting to meet her roommates before forming a opinion of them. She just hoped they were nice enough.

Upon reaching the third floor, Elsie walks down the hallway scanning each number by each door, her Riolu quietly walking by her for once. Spotting the door with the number 310 she walks over towards it, already hearing voices coming from inside, and then a door closing. She should've known her roommates were already here considering how long it had taken her to get to the dorms. Might as well meet them now to get it over with then, maybe she can befriend them.. god knows if Elsie can survive in this academy by herself. Grabbing the latch to the door, she swings it open loudly announcing her presence, her Riolu already running into the dorm, leaving Elsie standing in the doorway with her suitcase in tow.
Quintin Blake/Laurie Auclair

Laurie unpacked quickly; she hadn’t bothered to bring proper luggage, instead choosing to stuff everything she needed into her backpack. In this case, “all she needed” merely consisted of a few sets of clothing, which she unrolled and hung up in her wardrobe, a computer which she set upon her desk, and a small bag of personal items which she set aside to deal with later.

She set her Goomy on the desk and gave it some food. The little Pokémon set upon the stuff with an efficiency rarely seen from a placid creature such as itself. During the frighteningly short period in which the meal remained in existence, a Wingull already began pecking on the window. Laurie simply closed the curtains on it. She thought about lying down to take a nap, but figured that it might be a good idea to go exploring a little since there wasn’t much going on today; as long as there was plenty of time to kill, she might as well kill it with purpose. A minute later, she slipped out of her room and headed downstairs.

Quintin strolled through the school grounds as Joey the rat slept on his semi bushy head. Taking a small note of each locker he passed by, imagining what the owner of that locker might think about the Liberation Of Pokémon. "They better be for it." He thought to himself with a smile as Joey the rattata snored.

He scanned the lockers carefully searching for his locker. It should blue he thought. And if it wasn't well, he didn't bring those spray cans for nothing. He would ask for permission first obviously. "Aha!" He exclaimed when he finally found his locker. Still looking relatively new despite the many semesters it probably went through. It was also quite fortunately, blue. "Yesss. . ." He whispered to himself as he fiddled with the lock. All he needed to do now was remember the passcode and-dang nabbit he forgot.

Quintin started trying to guess the combination.
"Ruby. . . Sapphire. . . Gold. . . Silver. . . Diamond. . . Pearl. . ."

Laurie, who was aimlessly passing by, noticed him struggling with the lock. Normally, she would have passed by without a word. But it was the first day, and she could certainly go for some goodwill after her last conversation (which didn’t quite hit the spot).

Hey, uhm…you need some help with that?” she began.

"It's very possible that I do but if you just give me a moment. . ." He held up a finger. "Scarlet. . . Violet. . . Sun. . . Moon. . . Black. . . White. . ." He paused. ". . .Yes I do need help please." He turned towards the voice who offered assistance.

". . .Ey!" He exclaimed upon recognizing this specific person. His Unovan accent bleeding through heavily.

Got your acceptance letter by any chance?” Laurie replied. “I remember seeing it there?
"Oh, I wasn't accepted. I just bought the uniform and snuck in here." Quintin replied.

He tried his hardest to keep a straight face for as long as possible, which was about three seconds before he burst out laughing. "You should have seen the look on your face! I'm kidding! Yeah I actually don't have the letter on me right now. My friend Beth probably has it with her at the moment though. On that note the name is Quintin! Quintin Blake!" He tipped his bootleg psyduck hat which nearly caused Joey to fall. "Oh, sorry about that Joey."

Oh, erm…that’s too bad,” Laurie replied, looking a bit flustered that she’d spent so long contemplating the validity of an obvious lie.

I’m Laurie,” she added.

"Nice to meet'cha Laurie! Wait aren't cha the one stuck with the pure essence of scum? I'm really sorry about that by the way. Sometimes you really do get stuck with the wrong end of the Charizard. . . So! what's your major?"
*Quintin used small talk!*

Laurie thought for a second, trying to figure out what exactly Quintin was talking about. She realized that he must have been there during that little incident she’d had with Jack earlier. It wasn’t exactly something she wanted to be associated with, so she lied.

Sorry? Um…I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I think you have me mixed up with someone else?

Eager to change the subject, she continued in a less nervous sounding voice.

I’m biology! How about you?

"Biology? Wow, that's impressive. And extremely intimidating for a person like me! A 1000+ Pokémon you need to learn and study about? I could never! You're amazing!" He said with surprising sincerity.

"My major isn't nearly as impressive or beneficial to Pokémon and/or humanity as biology. . ."
I know some who would disagree with that statement,” Laurie replied with a little laugh.
"Who? Scum boy?"
I still don’t know who you’re talking about!
"I guess not." Quintin shrugged, oblivious to Laurie's charade. "I still think your Major is great though. Despite what other people might say."

Laurie smiled in light of the compliment.

Thank you, thank you! You still haven’t told me what you’re here for though.
I’m sure it’s great,” she added.

"No, not really, barbaric? Probably, morally dubious? Definitely. "Great?" Nah." He sighed while Joey the rattata snored on his head.

"If you haven't guessed it yet my major it's Pokémon battling. How original. I know." He rolled his eyes in self mockery.

Don’t be ashamed! I have a lot of respect for battlers,” Laurie replied. “Almost everyone in my family is one.
"Oh you really are unfortunate. . ."

She took a mildly interested look at the sleeping Rattata—they didn’t have these back where she came from. Apparently the species was a common pest in other regions, but seeing one in person was rather novel to Laurie. She found the little creature rather cute, too.

I guess that little guy must be tougher than he looks!

He shook his head because of Laurie's misfortune before perking up at the mention of Joey.

"Yes and no!" He giggled like he knew a funny secret. "Yeah Joey here is a real fighter! More grit than I can usually handle sometimes!" Quintin scratched Joey's chin.

"He the newest member of my gang actually. I found him when he was fighting a Gyarados by himself. All he had at that moment was nothing but a single Oran berry and unearned confidence . He probably would have died if I hadn't intervened. And even then it was pretty close for me too!" He chuckled. "So what kind of Pokémon are they?" He gestured at the Goomy.

Oh, the useless kind!” Laurie replied jokingly. As usual, Goo was smiling obliviously; it was debatable if the little Pokemon was even listening.

"Useless is a term that requires many things to happen/not happen to be true to it's meaning. I'm pretty sure that's not true for this little guy! Or girl I don't know you're the biologist." Quintin patted Goo on the head, slime smothering his hand. "Okay. . ."
Guess so.” Said Laurie, unaware of what's about to come next.

"Do you use Pokeballs by any chance Laurie?" He brought up suddenly. He was didn't make eye contact when he spoke, his attention was the Goomy slime which he was playing with his hands.
Umm…yes?” Laurie replied. It was certainly a strange question to ask, and she wasn’t quite sure where he could be going with this. “Doesn’t everyone?

". . . No. . . not necessarily. . ." He said rather ominously. "And maybe you might change your mind about them too if you think about it." Quintin stood up and wiped the Goomy goo off of his hands. "Do you love your Pokémon Laurie?" Quintin then realized what he just said and slapped himself. "Oh I am so sorry that was stupid of me to ask that! I have a bad habit of saying dumb stuff like that sometimes! Haha..."

What are you trying to say…?

"Oh nothing, nothing nobody already said before. It's just that I have some, ideals that some people might find hard to swallow. You can forget about it honestly!" Quintin fiddled with the locker again. ". . .But I do think it's important to think about it every once and awhile. . . So what region are you from?" He said as he tried to redirect the conversation.

Kalos. What sort of ‘ideals’ are we talking?” Laurie said in a cautious voice, not letting him drop the subject so easily now that he’d brought it up.

"Kalos, that's where mega evolution was innovated right?" Quintin didn't want to alienate himself from someone he just met.
But if she insisted. . . "My ideals. . . Are that Pokémon should be free to pursue their interests like everyone else."
He looked Laurie straight in the eye. "That's why I asked you if you loved your Pokémon. Do you love them enough that should they ever want to leave that, you would let them?"
"I just think that Pokeballs. They don't. . . Hold on let me give you an example." He pointed at Joey.
"You know this little guy. I didn't catch him with a Pokeball. He just followed me and he's free to leave whenever he wants. But he doesn't.
You know why?

"Why?" Asked Laurie.
"I don't know. That's why I asked you!" He giggled. "All I know is that it's his own choice. And that means a lot to me."
"Pokeballs. I think they take away something very precious when we use them. And for the Pokémon, it takes away their freedom. . ."
"I'm sorry for being so preachy I swear I tried not to bring it up but I just couldn't because Pokémon mean a lot to me and I should shut up now." Quintin looked at the ground and fiddled with his feet.

Don’t worry about it,” Laurie replied offhandedly. She noted Quintin’s Unovan accent; come to think of it, she had heard of some movement like this in Unova a while back. Of course, she was no expert in the politics of other regions (or her own, for that matter), so this information wasn’t really helping her get a read. In any case, there was a noticeable tension now, and Laurie wondered if it was a bad idea to pry.

Well, anyways, I’ve got somewhere I need to be,” she said finally, deciding that at this point it might be a good idea to disengage.

See you around?

Quintin looked up, slightly surprised at what Laurie last said. "Uh, sure! If it doesn't bother you!"

Quintin got a look of realization on his face before looking through his bag and took out his berry pouch. "Before you leave. . ." He pulled out one berry offered it to Laurie. "It's a Haban berry! It's great for dragon types like this little guy! (Or girl) Their horns kind of felt like the dragon types my mom used to take care of back in the Pokémon center."
"I also like to call them apology berries because I offer when I want to, you know. . . Apologize?"

Laurie took the offering with a nod of appreciation, and turned to leave.

Quintin waved goodbye. "I think that went well." Joey snorted sarcastically.

nathaniel “newt” hotch.

  • summary

    Newt Suggests Discussing Dorm Boundaries

For a moment, Newt continues to hover at Pear’s door, hand stretch towards the doorknob as he wonders if he should apologize. Yet in the end, he rakes it through his hair before letting it fall. Given the encounter, he’s not in the mood to return to his room, even if he doesn’t try to fix his relationship with his roommate.

Instead, he turns to explore the shared space, letting himself relax into the motions of flipping our cabinets and poking through the fridge. It’s a small space with only basic appliances, so he’ll probably have to visit the cooking class’s room if he wants to make dumplings or rice, but Newt finds his lips curving at the thought of this small space, just for the three of them.

…He thought of Pear again.

Before Newt can consider his situation too deeply, his last roommate arrives, leaving him to laugh in quiet surprise as a Riolu comes barreling in.

“Someone’s excited, I take it?”
Newt asks. He turns away from his exploration to come over to Elise, waving slightly as he does.
“It’s nice to meet you, my name’s Newt.”

“Would your Riolu like someone to play with? I’m sure my Meowth and my Numel would love to explore, but I figured we should discuss our feelings towards Pokèmon in the shared spaces, first. ”

“Personally, I don’t mind at all, but I can also take them out somewhere else, if either of you prefer it.”

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡
Elsie Beaumont

interactions ; Nathaniel (Newt) luciferin luciferin | mentions ; n/a

Elsie should feel embarassed for this to be her first interaction with her roommates, especially for how rambunctious her own Pokemon was being. Does it make her look like she can't control her Pokemon? Eh, oh well, first impressions aren't everything.... Right? All Elsie could think about was getting to explore her new home for the school year, (and how she was going to be decorating her part of the room). Still standing in the doorway of the dorm, Elsie hears a voice talking to her and she looks over to see one of her roommates walking over towards her. Dragging the rest of her suitcase into the dorm room, and shutting the door behind her. She then turns to look at her roommate to give the male a huge smile and to laugh at his comment about her Riolu, " He's such a scamp sometimes, but at least he's adorable, I hope you don't mind! Anyways, it's so nice to meet you, Newt! My name is Elsie, but you can call me Els if you want, or some other nickname if you can come up with one, I'm not picky!" Elsie turns for a second to look at her Riolu currently walking around the living space poking his head around whatever interested him, to Elsie she's just glad that he had calmed himself down, she never knew how rough taking care of a baby Pokemon would be. Though she can't blame the Pokemon, she thinks he gets all that energy from her after being around each other for so long.

Elsie turns back to look at her roommate to answer his questions, as her Riolu walks over to look at the two of them with questioning eyes seemingly concerned on why they were talking about him, "I'm sure my Riolu would love someone to play with! All morning he's been itching to move around leaving me to chase after him, but with a playmate it'll definitely lighten the load for me, that's for sure.", Elsie says picking up her confused Riolu and giving him a big hug, "Personally I don't mind Pokemon being out, if I was that'd be so hypocritical of me cause I have my Riolu out. But.... let's just hope they don't break something that isn't ours. Plus it gives me an excuse to meet your little ones! I bet they're super cute, I especially love Numel, though I never actually seen a Meowth in person, they're not too common in Kalos where I'm from.", Elsie rambles, the Pokemon in her arms rolling his eyes at her, knowing Elsie could talk your ear off about whatever.
Camilia Chevalier / Annika Kanzanari
"dialogue chain" w/ Mirai-chan Mirai-chan

Annika rubs her head in pain from the impact of hitting the ground with a small "Dess..." With her Luxio by her side worried about his human companion as Blitz helps her in trying to pull her up as the dark haired looks dazed until glancing up upon the blonde.

"G-gah! I-I'm fine." She said, looking at Camilla and hearing her French accent as the dark-haired stared up at Camilla very nervously, not really knowing what to do. She immediately gets up, nervous, not really knowing what to say, as her thoughts raced a million miles per hour with Blizt staring at his human partner, worried as he sweatdropped at her rapidly bowing.

"Gomennasai Gomennasai! I didn't mean to knock you over." She said frantically as she stopped bowing. "I didn't look at where I was going and I was rambling on with Blizt while I wasn't looking at where I was going!" She said all too quickly her anxiety and nervousness through the roof.

In a steep contrast to Annika's anxiety and nervousness, Camilia seemed relatively relaxed and calm. She noticed the girl's nervousness and wanted to do her best to calm her down.

"Madame, you're fine. It was an honest mistake; it happens," Camilia assured. She noticed the girl minced some Japanese words in her words, and while Camilia wasn't fluent in the language, she was at least pretty familiar with it. She understood that the girl was trying to frantically apologize.

"Are you sure you're fine, though?"

Annika managed to take a deep breath as she felt Blizt immediately nuzzle her as he lets out a low.

"Lux..... Luxio...."

He was trying to assure her as she finally managed to calm down. She did catch in Camilla's French accent. "Oh, Uh- I am i'm sorry." She answered nervously.

"But are y-you ok?"

"No need to further apologize. And don't worry, I'm fine," Camilia stated. She sighed quietly a bit, realizing she'd likely have to clean and switch her shirt, but that wasn't the main concern for now, at least.

"Do you need help with something? You did hit your head a bit hard; I'm just a bit worried you got an injury of sorts," Camilia asked.

Annika looks at Camilla as she was relieved a little bit. "Oh thank Arceus." She said, as she sighed in relief. But on the girl's main concern she waved her hands around frantically. "O-oh, I'm fine! I don't really need help; I'm just going to my dorm." She answered.

Annika's Luxio stares at Camillia as he sat on his haunches next to his human partner trying to assess what Camilla's character is like, Out of his curiosity of course.

“Do you know where the dorms are? I can certainly help you get there,” Camilia asked. She couldn’t have this woman running around lost and falling on more people, so she offered to guide her there.

“Oh, and by the way, I really like your Luxio; they’re certainly cute. I’ve wanted to have one at some point in my career,” she remarked.

Annika stares at Camillia before zoning out in her thoughts for a moment before sheepishly rubbing her head. "No I really don't but that would be helpful." She was grateful for someone like Camilla in helping her.

But with that Compliment, Blizt immediately started to show off as to show how cool he was, Which ended with him tripping and face planting. Annika tries to hold herself from laughing. "thank you, Seems like Blizt likes the compliment too. "

Camilia looked at her PokePhone, pulling up a digital image of the campus map. They seemed just to be a block or two away from the dorm buildings at the moment.

"Hmm, it seems like we're just about there. Here, what room are you in?" Camilia asked, guiding the young woman to the building.

Annika glances at Camilla as she looks at the paper. "Uhhhhhh, That would be 301." She answered as she was grateful for someone like Camilla helping her. She was really new to this place as she could've gotten lost. Luxio would be followed by his partner's side as he listens in.

“Wait a minute….”

Camilia looked at her paper as well. It turned out that the two actually were in the same room alongside another woman.

“We’re in the same room. Heh. What are the odds?” Camilia smiled at Annika.

“Are you Annika, or are you Aurora?” Camilia added a follow-up question.

Annika nods as she beams happily at Camilia. "Well, that's great," she says before sighing. "I'm Annika," she says.

"Well, I'm Camilia. It's good to meet you, Annika," Camilia bowed.

Camilia seemed happy that her roommate wasn't a complete jerk. She was a little concerned that the girl would be clumsy and, therefore, messy, but other than that, she was rather happy with the arrangement. She started heading to the room, swiping the card key.

Annika beamed happily as she bowed towards Camillia. "Nice to meet you, too." She said.

This was her first step in making friends and figuring out what she wanted to do as a Pokemon trainer. She followed behind Camilla, with her Luxio trailing behind her quite calmly.

“Well then, we’re here,” Camilia smiled at Annika, noticing the woman’s happiness, which only made her smile increase. This was a nice distraction from the reason why she was here.

As Camilia entered the room, she was a bit impressed. She had seen better, after all, she did live in a rich mansion for years, but the room was nice regardless.

Camilia put her luggage down on the floor, noticing there were three unique bedrooms.

“Feel free to choose a room you’d like. I’m certain they’re all the same, but you can choose first.”
Aurora Durand
Interactions: Camilia ( Aura-Slash Aura-Slash ) & Annika ( Mirai-chan Mirai-chan )

Aurora moved swiftly, not having time to spare and wanting to hurry so she could settle into her dorm. The idea of being able to set her things down, and perhaps sit down for a moment, was rather appealing. It felt like she hadn’t been able to truly relax since she’d made the trip to get here.

After wandering for a couple minutes, and feeling a bit lost in this unfamiliar place, Aurora managed to finally come across what she assumed had to be the dorm building she was looking for. She took out the paper that listed the necessary information she needed, noting the names of two other people she’d be sharing her room with as well as the room number. She then took another look at the building.

“This better be it, Ophélie…” She said to her Plusle, petting the little pokemon’s head. She would like to not have to walk around aimlessly again. Hopefully in the coming days getting around campus would get a bit easier.

Holding onto her luggage, Aurora walked into the building and then made her way towards where her dorm probably was.

301…301…oh, this should be it.

Stopping in front of the room, she swiped her card and successfully opened the door. As she took a step inside, Aurora was a bit surprised to see two other women already there. Her roommates, presumably. So she wasn’t the first to get here it seems.

A feeling of awkwardness immediately hit her. What was she supposed to do now?

“...Je suis désolé de vous déranger…” She mumbled, the words coming out fast before she could even think about it. She decided not to look at them, her eyes instead looking towards the other parts of the room. Her hands tightened around the handle of her luggage. A part of her wanted to escape back through the door she came.

“Uh, sorry. Just – um. Carry on.” She said, assuming they were in the middle of something before she walked in.
Camilia Chevalier
Mentions/Interactions: Aurora Durand ( withinasapphire withinasapphire ), Annika Kazanari ( Mirai-chan Mirai-chan )


Camilia noticed the door opening, and she looked at the person who entered. She noticed the person looked extremely nervous and she noticed how awkward she felt as both Annika and Camilia were currently in a conversation. She also noticed that the woman spoke some French.

"Ah, don't worry, you're not interrupting anything. We're just getting settled in. Ne te sens pas désolé," Camilia assured her new roommate, telling her at the end that she didn't need to feel sorry for anything. Camilia could definitely tell this girl was a Kalosian by her accent and the French she mumbled earlier, so she hoped speaking to her in a familiar language would provide a sense of familiarity to the girl.

"You're Aurora, right? I'm Camilia Chevalier, and she's Annika," Camilia introduced herself with a friendly yet formal demeanor, pointing at Annika as she said her name, and bowing for a second as she spoke, "et c'est un plaisir de te rencontrer."

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