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Fandom Avengers: The Last War CS


Flame Demon

Autistic Ace Vampire
Roleplay Type(s)
(picture here)
Personality(3 good/bad traits):
Hero you rival(up to 2 people only):
Hero you admire(can become a crush if you want):

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Angel Knight Avengers.png
Name: Angelique Knight
Alias: Scarlet Dragon
Age: seems 20(she's practically immortal)
+ Determined
+ Genius
+ Honest
- Dislikes working in a team
- Perfectionist
- Dislikes people in general
Hero you rival: Thor, Tony Stark(Iron Man)
Hero you admire: Thor
Her super advanced Sniper Rifle
Elemental dual blades
bow and arrow(she has lots of different arrows)
Several knifes
Dual guns
2 daggers
Thunder magic: She can absorb electricity/lightning to use as her own.
Fire magic: She's immune to fire and can use fire magic
Dragon wings: She has black dragon wings that can change in size, she can use them to fly(as long as they're not too small)

Angel comes from a destroyed planet, thanks to Loki, so she lives just outside New York, she picked a house underground so she could make a giant lab where she put her experiments, like cloning people, making the strangest things with technology or enhancing animals. Most of her experiments have yet to succeed though, she began stealing when she ran out of materials and stuff, but other then that has stayed under the radar of the heroes. She's always up a fight and a good fighter at that too as her people were experts on, that's why Loki looked for her and asked her to join him, without telling her his real plan, but she doesn't want her new home to be destroyed by anyone. She knows she'll probably still be alive when most people are gone as her people have an insanely long lifespan, there are only a few ways to kill them, but she'll never tell anyone what those ways are.
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I've attached the photo

Name:Airion corinthius
Age: 21 (cannot age due to experiments)
+/- independent (this can be seen as good or bad)
Admires black widow
Rival:Steve rogers and hulk
Crooks bow and normal bow that fires lasers
A double sided indestructible spear ( a bit like Thor hammer,only lifted by the worthy)
(This isn't a weapon) suit of armour
dual blasters connected to armour
Dark magic
Ability to mind control for short time(so I'm not op)
Super soldier effect

His home planet was once under attack. So the decided to introduce knights, genetically encehnced super soldiers. airion was picked.He fought for his planet and lost, he was sent to earth to one day come back and fight for the planet.He was frozen in earth until one day hydra found him and used him. He escaped and decided to get revenge. His normal self is quite rich,neither a business called techno industries. He is pretty indestructible, only the infinity gauntlet can kill him.


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I've attached the photo

Name:Airion corinthius
Age: 21 (cannot age due to experiments)
+/- independent (this can be seen as good or bad)
Admires black widow
Rival:Steve rogers and hulk
Crooks bow and normal bow that fires lasers
A double sided indestructible spear ( a bit like Thor hammer,only lifted by the worthy)
(This isn't a weapon) suit of armour
dual blasters connected to armour
Dark magic
Ability to mind control for short time(so I'm not op)
Super soldier effect

His home planet was once under attack. So the decided to introduce knights, genetically encehnced super soldiers. airion was picked.He fought for his planet and lost, he was sent to earth to one day come back and fight for the planet.He was frozen in earth until one day hydra found him and used him. He escaped with the help of black widow and decided to become saviour of earth. His normal self is quite rich,neither a business called techno industries. He is pretty indestructible, only the infinity gauntlet can kill him, but thanos likes him so at the moment he is ok
Our characters are working for Loki until he reveals his master plan, then they can chose to go against him or stay on his side
Ohhhhh ok

Do you want to start as in just us two and when the other person comes along they can join in
We can start with just us two, but you might wanna change your charaxter's backstory a little, Loki would want the best of the best, not someond rescued by a superheri
Name: Abbie O'clear
Alias: Diamond fox
Age: 18
Personality: she is cunning, enthusiastic, she has a temper which she tries to hold back.
good traits: her attitude, her enthusiasm
bad traits: her temper
combination of good and bad traits: slyness

Hero you rival(up to 2 people only): ironman,black widow.
Hero you admire(can become a crush if you want):
Weapon(s):a diamond sword and shield.
generating body in to completely diamond.
power to shoot diamond out of her hand at opposing enemies.

Background: she came from the diamond planet of Zerforna. The planet was destroyed by a terrible disease called the Erosasha which is very similar to the black death that happened on earth that killed a lot of the people in europe. Abbie fled to earth to live a safer life as her planet decreased in population till a year later her kind was extinct. she took up the alias diamond fox from the idea of her beauty and powers. she landed outside of New york in a field.
View attachment 394768
Name: Abbie O'clear
Alias: Diamond fox
Age: 18
Personality: she is cunning, enthusiastic, she has a temper which she tries to hold back.
good traits: her attitude, her enthusiasm
bad traits: her temper
combination of good and bad traits: slyness

Hero you rival(up to 2 people only): ironman,black widow.
Hero you admire(can become a crush if you want):
Weapon(s):a diamond sword and shield.
generating body in to completely diamond.
power to shoot diamond out of her hand at opposing enemies.

Background: she came from the diamond planet of Zerforna. The planet was destroyed by a terrible disease called the Erosasha which is very similar to the black death that happened on earth that killed a lot of the people in europe. Abbie fled to earth to live a safer life as her planet decreased in population till a year later her kind was extinct. she took up the alias diamond fox from the idea of her beauty and powers. she landed outside of New york in a field.
You need 3 goo traits and bad 3 bad traits and can you maybe put the picture in the small version?
rp naruto.jpg
He also has a long black robe with a hood
Name: James McAbre
Alias: MacAbre (His identity is public)
Age: 20
+ Empathic
+ Intelligent
+ Wise
- Direct
Hero you rival: Black Widow
Hero you admire: For the time being none, might change with time
He has a long white spear made out of ivory, it is embedded with magic to increase its durability and power, the spell also allows it to shrink for storange and to be inmune to blood stains.
He is a sorcerer that specializes in healing magic both physical and mental
He is able to create hard energy constructs made out of light, this can take any shape he thinks of and with his spear are his weapons of choice.
He is able to fly

James was born in Spain but his parents died when he was 6 years old, he lived with his uncle for 3 years until he decided to escape due to the abuse he suffered in his uncle's house, with nowhere to go he ended up working as a criminal for a gang that worked in Madrid. 2 years later his boss sold him to a man that worked in Asia and ended up in the Himalayas. He managed to escape and lost in the mountains he finally arrived at Kamar-Taj. He was accepted and decided to cleanse his soul by learning the ways of the sorcerers. While in Kamar-Taj he showed proficiency in the arts of healing and empathy, about 8 years later he left the place just to make new bonds and loose them again to death and violence, this made hism cold adn decided that in order to cleanse this worls killings should be made.
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picture: sorry can't draw. Hound is like a giant powerful werewolf wearing baggy black pants, and shaggy brown fur covering his body.

Name: Simon Jacobs
Alias: Hound
Age: 38

Personality: Simon
-no fighting skill

Personality: Hound
-easily angered

Hero you rival: Hulk
Hero you admire: none

Weapons: Simon- small handgun. Hound- claws.

Abilities: Simon has no abilities. Hound- immense strength. Enhanced sense of smell. Travels fast, and can climb almost anything.

Simon was a scientist who wished to recreate the super soldier serum. After many failed attempts he finally created one. It did not give him the desired affects. Hound was a vicious monster who was inserted into Simon's mind. Thinking the serum a failure Simon was so frustrated that Hound was able to take over his mind and body. After destroying his lab Hound retreated into the wild.

Being slated as less of a priority the US government did not make many attempts to capture Hound. Although Hounds predatory nature, and great strength has caused speculation that maybe the dog could beat the green monster.
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picture: sorry can't draw. Hound is like a giant powerful werewolf wearing baggy black pants, and shaggy brown fur covering his body.

Name: Simon Jacobs
Alias: Hound
Age: 38

Personality: Simon- Good- he is very intelligent, he is resourceful. Simon is intuitive staying away from danger. Bad- useless in a direct fight. Panics easily. Simon often avoids a conflict even trying to find an out after a fight starts.
Hound- good- loyal once joining a cause. Enjoys fighting to the finish. Focused.
Bad- Not the smartest. Hound is ferocious and will attack almost anything. Hound does not do well around other living things due to his destructive nature.

Hero you rival: Hulk
Hero you admire: none

Weapons: Simon- small handgun. Hound- claws.

Abilities: Simon has no abilities. Hound- immense strength. Enhanced sense of smell. Travels fast, and can climb almost anything.

Simon was a scientist who wished to recreate the super soldier serum. After many failed attempts he finally created one. It did not give him the desired affects. Hound was a vicious monster who was inserted into Simon's mind. Thinking the serum a failure Simon was so frustrated that Hound was able to take over his mind and body. After destroying his lab Hound retreated into the wild.

Being slated as less of a priority the US government did not make many attempts to capture Hound. Although Hounds predatory nature, and great strength has caused speculation that maybe the dog could beat the green monster.
You need 3 good and 3 bad traits other then that it's good
View attachment 397859
He also has a long black robe with a hood
Name: James McAbre
Alias: MacAbre (His identity is public)
Age: 20
+ Empathic
+ Intelligent
+ Wise
- Direct
Hero you rival: Black Widow
Hero you admire: For the time being none, might change with time
He has a long white spear made out of ivory, it is embedded with magic to increase its durability and power, the spell also allows it to shrink for storange and to be inmune to blood stains.
He is a sorcerer that specializes in healing magic both physical and mental
He is able to create hard energy constructs made out of light, this can take any shape he thinks of and with his spear are his weapons of choice.
He is able to fly

James was born in Spain but his parents died when he was 6 years old, he lived with his uncle for 3 years until he decided to escape due to the abuse he suffered in his uncle's house, with nowhere to go he ended up working as a criminal for a gang that worked in Madrid. 2 years later his boss sold him to a man that worked in Asia and ended up in the Himalayas. He managed to escape and lost in the mountains he finally arrived at Kamar-Taj. He was accepted and decided to cleanse his soul by learning the ways of the sorcerers. While in Kamar-Taj he showed proficiency in the arts of healing and empathy, about 8 years later he left the place just to make new bonds and loose them again to death and violence, this made hism cold adn decided that in order to cleanse this worls killings should be made.
Am I in?
You need 3 good and 3 bad traits other then that it's good
Well I do have three good and three bad. Hound and Simon are different minds with different characteristics. They're like Jeckle and Hyde, or Hulk and Banner. If you want me to split the traits between them I guess I could.
Well I do have three good and three bad. Hound and Simon are different minds with different characteristics. They're like Jeckle and Hyde, or Hulk and Banner. If you want me to split the traits between them I guess I could.
I want each of them to have 3 of each, since they have different personalities
I should have 3 good and three bad up there for both of them. I guess I can reformat it to make it easier to understand
View attachment 398889
Name: Donnie London (the man) & Frank Shepherd (the Pug)
Alias: King Don (The Man) & Mr.Frank (the Pug)
Age: 26yrs (The man) 55yrs (the pug)
The man

The Pug
+Laid back
-Gross (he is a dog after all.)

Hero you rival: Vision & Scarlet witch
Hero you admire: Tony stark

Spiked knuckles
Twin Batons
Smoke grenades x3
Flashbangs x3


The man
Physics immunity (Law of energy)- Donnie bears a pretty hefty power set. He can defy the laws of physics stating that energy cannot be created or destroyed. He can generate two different kinds of force. Blue force which amplifies pre existing energy by creating more of it (for example he can start running and increase his kintic energy boosting his speed.) and the Red Force destroys energy effectively cancelling it out. (For example he can coat himself in a red aura which negates energy making the hail of gunfire flying at him stop in its tracks.) these forces he generates are constantly swirling within him protecting his body and mind from external change. The applications for his ability are nearly limitless, but the force he generates is not. Excessive use of either kind of Force can exhaust him and if exhausted enough his power will fail altogether.

The Pug-
Undying curse- Frank was once a man. Until he pissed off three of the seven endless. Dream, Death, and Delirium. The three siblings decided to curse the man by giving him the body of a pug (Delerium.), making it so that he can never sleep (Dream.) And Cursing him with eternal life (Death.) he has spent the last 20 years as a pug...and nothing seems capable of breaking his curse.

Background: WIP (gimme like 4 hours. Im at work and my break is over.)​
Simply put, he's too strong and the 'Hero you admire' can turn into a crush further in the rp, just saying

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