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Fandom AVATAR: The Exiled Chronicles

. D O V E

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Welcome to the character depot of Avatar: The Exiled Chronicles where you can get to know all about our lovely cast.​
Xiurong Beifong

  • Name:
    Xiurong BeiFong​
    Xiu, Ughvatar​
    Avatar, Earth Imperial Princess​

    Standing at a height of 5'8", Xiurong possesses an athletic frame befitting a bender who has been extensively training from a very young age. She has a pair of emerald eyes, a strong set of eyebrows, and brown locks that reaches her waist albeit always styled into a high ponytail. She has bronze skin marred with numerous scars all over her body and a notable mole on the skin beneath her left eye.​
BG credit: Hue Teo
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Jia Xiaodan
Basic Information
Full Name
Jia Xiaodan
Dai Li Prodigy
Barnaby [ Catowl ]
Earth Empire
Hair Color
Dark Brown
Eye Color

There are many distinct features that make Jia stand out amongst her peers. Jia may be on the shorter side of the spectrum but she was known to have a piercing gaze alongside an indifferent expression that she always wore. She wears a special gauntlet on her left arm that is made out of platinum and acts as a small to accompany her Wodao, a sword that she uses with her right hand.

Her Dai Li uniform is altered to the point that she has no sleeves on her right arm, exposing her large burn scar that reaches up to her neck, and allowing her more movement due to her old wound and accessory. Jia's hair is often tied in a braid or a simple low tail, her hair curls slightly at the ends and reaches up to the middle of her thighs. While it may not be evident due to her choice of clothing, Jia has fairly toned muscles that come from her rigorous and continuous days of training since she was young.

“Ha!" A hand pushed forward, as a child takes on a wide stance, mimicking the man in front of her. Her face was scrunched to mirror her father's expression. Accompanied by her pudgy figure her mother laughed and called her an angry bao before taking her up to her arms.

“Mama! My training isn't done yet!” The child complained, their broken teeth bared at their mother.

The mother laughed, it had been a while since her daughter had such energy ever since she broke her tooth. ‘Everyone will make fun of me!’ She whined not too long ago. “Oh my little Jia, does being a bender excite you that much?

"Of course! I get to be like Papa! I’ll be able to protect the Princess!" The child cheered and flexed their lanky arms, the image in her head was that of a swole and older version of her.

“The Princess, huh? Perhaps one day, little one.” Her mother said affectionately before she planted a kiss on her forehead. "I’ll take her inside, Liu." Yue, the mother, started walking towards their house when she turned around and said, “Food’s been made, just the way you liked it.” There was a hesitation in her voice that Jia never understood before. Still, her mother hurried back inside.

A few weeks later…

“Ha! Ha!" Jia screamed, mimicking the same stances over and over again. She knew that her father was starting to become disappointed. She still couldn't bend, yet all he wanted was a bender like him.

Her mother watched Jia from the window of their house. For a kid at the age of nine, she noticed how there were times when Jia acted older than she should.

“Ha!" Jia huffed once again, her fist pumped forward. Nothing. Again and again, not even the tiniest speck of dust followed the child’s will. “... Still nothing.” She said dejectedly, her arms and legs felt like they were on fire from all the earth stances she’d done since early morning.

“Jia!” Her mom called from the open window of their house. Yue’s home-cooked food wafted through the air, Jia’s mouth drooling just from the smell.

“I’m coming!” Her sadness became secondary as the thought of her mother's scrumptious food would be devoured by her seemingly bottomless stomach. She giggled like the gremlin that she was and ran to her mother.

But before she could enter the door to their house, Jia heard a quiet whimper near their house accompanied by the harsh flaps of wings.

An avian predator screeched from a distance, its target was a young and injured Catowl. Even at a young age, Jia held a great sense of justice due to her mother's influence. Without a moment's hesitation, she leaped towards the small animal, despite her mother's scream. Adrenaline fueled her system as she ran and ducked above the little critter.

Her mother screamed in terror as she ran through the back door. "Jia!" Her arms moved in sync, power coursed through her body as fire blasted from her fingertips.

The little Xiaodan found herself sweating beneath the flames of her mother's protection. She was unmoving in her duty to protect, even when she had heard the vulture flap away.

"Jia, it's safe to come out now." Her mother cooed gently to which she obliged, but for some reason, something was preventing her from doing so.

"Mom... Why is it..." She felt her hips be held by her mother as she was pulled away from a small earthen dome that wasn't there before. "How did that get there?"

"How else would it?" Her mother asked for there was no way that a firebender like her would be able to create such a thing, her father had also been away for work.

Jia's eyes lit up as the realization hit her. She was a bender. Her father would finally be proud of her. And she could probably sneak to see the princess more often! "I did that! Mom, I did that! I'm a bender!"

"Yes, yes you are!" Her mother mirrored her excitement. Yue pulled Jia into a hug, she was happy for her daughter but she dreaded what Liu would do. Ever since he had been cast away by the Xiaodan Family, he had never been the same man she fell in love with.


Their celebration was stopped by the shy cry of the catowl. Yue’s face softened, and her hand found its way to the little creature’s head. Her hand was gentle as it gave the babe gentle caresses. “Jia, please, never do that again. You scared me, I thought you’d get hurt.”

“I’m sorry, Mama. I just… I couldn't help but feel like I had to protect it from the evil bird. They’re like the Princess! Small and shy!” Jia explained wholeheartedly as she kneeled beside the animal and scooped it up. “Can we keep them?”

Yue sighed at Jia then replaced it with a smile as her hand reached out to tuck a loose strand behind her daughter's ear. “You can, but you’ll have to learn to take care of them on your own one day, and make sure that they’re properly fed and bathed.”

She jumped in excitement then looked at the young catowl that had been sniffing her hands for the past few seconds. “I’ll call you…”

“Barnaby,” Jia called out, exhaustion was clear in her voice. She raised her hand to give her companion a place to sit. There was nothing much to note with her room. It was clean, and empty aside from the pet bed and bowls that Barnaby used in their daily life. She looked in the mirror and saw her dark, glazed eyes. She was far from the joyful and pudgy child that she used to be. Now she was a shell filled with despair, anger, disappointment, and a sense of duty.

Barnaby flew towards her immediately, purring as she landed and rubbed her head at Jia’s cheek. A small smile formed on the earth bender’s lips, rare occurrences are given only to select people… the people being the Crowned Prince, and while not technically a person, Barnaby. “I’m sorry I haven’t taken you out with me for a while, you must have been lonely staying here all day.”

Barnaby only cooed in response, further rubbing its soft head at Jia’s cheek to signal that it was fine. Barnaby liked being alone, staying behind to greet Jia whenever she came back. Memories resurfaced in Jia’s mind as her focus went to the burn scar in her reflection. She pulled Barnaby close to her and laid down on her bed. She scratched her animal’s ear as her mind wandered to the past.

“If only…” She spoke sentimentally, those wonderfully sweet memories that had become bitter in mere moments. Perhaps it was better to be exiled. Perhaps she shouldn’t have dreamt of being a bender, a Dai Li. She should have never met her in the first place. Her mother should have left with her rather than abandoning her with her father. “It still hurts, no matter what I do I still remember the smell, and how it felt… how painful it was to burn in that arena.”

She touched the bracelet that dangled on her wrist. Amber eyes stared at the letter x that was surrounded by the four elements and blue-colored beads. She wondered what happened, what changed, what she had done wrong for Xiurong to hurt her like that, for her mother to leave. “Grow up, Jia… You know you didn’t actually matter to her, to them. Not to the Avatar or my mother.”

“At least I know I have you Barnaby, I know you’ll stick by me no matter what happens.” She rubbed her hand on Barnaby’s body, feeling the soft fur brush her skin helped calm her mind a bit more with the soft purr of her companion lulling her to sleep.




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(Artwork was commissioned and drawn by TessieDreamDrawer over on Etsy.)​

  • Name: Kallik (She like most people in the avatar universe wasn't worthy of a last name)~

    Nickname: Kali,

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19

    Sexuality: Asexual Lesbian

    Nationality: Northern Water Tribe.

    Nonbender or bender?: Waterbender/knows some healing.



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Maizen Tosuda New
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M. Tosuda
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Xu BeiFong New

  • Name: Xu Beifong

    Gender: Male

    Age: 19

    Sexuality: Asexual

    Nationality: Earth

    Bender? Or Nonbender?: Nonbender


    Xu stands at a height of 5'10, he sports a slightly muscular and athletic frame due to the years of physical training he has undergone alongside his physical labor from his engineering feats. Much like his parents and twin, he has a pair of emerald green eyes and dark brown hair. Though his hair reaches around his shoulders, he often wears it in a tight bun. While he is technically the crown prince, he rarely wears his crown when not on official business, preferring to keep himself as low profile as possible. His skin errs on the darker side, bronze in color with scars and burn marks from accidents all across his body.

Hanna-Kiyara New
Hanna-Kiyara, "Yara"

24 years old, female, bisexual

Southern Water Tribe
Waterbender: average combat skills, exceptional healer

Persistent, dependable, self-assured
Afraid of heights, extreme sweet tooth
Pessimistic, often perceived as moody or unapproachable

Yara stands about 5'5" without much bulk; most would call her slender. She has a straight nose that she's a bit conscious of, and raven-black hair. Her eyes are in between blue and gray. When traveling, she keeps her hair carefully braided, but prefers to have it down, as she sees it as her best feature. She dresses simply, aware of trends but prioritizing her own comfort, and prefers grays and unsaturated blues over the typical bright hues waterbenders tend to wear.

Yara grew up in a fairly normal family in the Southern Water Tribe. She is one of five waterbending children, the fourth to be born, and the least adept at combat. Her father wasn't a bender, but her mother was a fierce and uncompromising warrior. Her lack of innate fighting ability drove a wedge between them, and she gravitated to her father. He was a very different personality- calming, cooperative, understanding. When asked now, she would say that her parents balanced each other, but as a child she thought her mother was simply mean.

Her understanding of waterbending fell into place when she was taught to heal; it was like an entirely different language, finally one she could understand. Once she started to develop that skill, her combat skills improved with her confidence. Her confidence also took the edge off her mother's judgement. As a young adult, she prefers to think of the disapproval as a lack of understanding, instead of simple dislike.

Once she knew there was something she could be good at, she chased it with singular focus. She started volunteering at a hospital near home as a young teen, then studied with a healer a little further away, then a master even further. Before long, she was living across the world, choosing between working at a prestigious hospital and The White Lotus's offer of working with the Avatar. It all happened in a somewhat accidental way that no one seems to believe when she talks about it. It is a conscious choice not to think about what that might say about the general public's opinion of her.
Tashi Choyang New

Tashi Choyang

  • Basics

    Tashi Choyang

    Tashi, Lil’ Cicada



    Republic City

    Bender or Nonbender


    Sporting an oft smiling face and curly brown-auburn locks, Tashi typically gives off an impression of warm approachability, the perception unhindered by his equally warm-toned and unobtrusive apparel. The only thing docking points from the overall ensemble are his sharp eyes—eyes that have the unfortunate tendency of appearing to glow in the dark (they don’t). As the proud owner of the 13th fastest legs in Republic City and arms noodlier than the noodliest noodles in the United Republic, his body has ended up as a sort of gradient of athleticism, where it becomes more squishy the further up you go.

    His wardrobe consists of the traditional oranges, yellows and browns worn by airbenders, along with a small amount of earthy greens and muted reds from familial habit. With no particular preference in style, he generally gravitates towards loose, unrestricting articles that take little effort to wear.

    5 cm 185 cm


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