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Fandom Avatar: The Exiled Chronicles


Crimson Rose

Elder Member

  • (Note: This is an actual serious RP, the name is just a joke.)

    1. No god-modding or overpowering your character, please do not control someone else's characters either.
    2. Please have discord and be active in it as that is where our Out of Character chat will take place, and its the best way to learn whats going on in the rps, keeping track of stuff, forming friendships for this RP.
    3. Don't force your character into a relationship with anyone else.
    4. This is an LGBTQIA+ Friendly RP, we do not take lightly to homophobia around here.
    5. As of now, there's a 1 Oc limit per person but as the RP progresses the limit will change to 2.
    6. No Bloodbending allowed. Say Little Soldier Boy if you read all the rules.
    7. No, you cannot somehow secretly be related to Amon.
    8. I'm trying to keep a limit of how many of what benders are of each nation
    9. The post limit is at least 3 lines. Please be active with your posts, if you vanish for a long period without specifying you may be kicked from the RP.
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ARC 1: Ep 1 - The Exiled Princess


Episode 1 - The Exiled Princess

So much has passed since the time of Avatar Korra, from villain to terrorist, and people lost to one believe it was almost a constant drag for water bending Avatar. Almost like the job was never done it was always work, work, and more. Leaving not much time for her own doing, with short vacations for her and her beloved in between, No matter how many times it was just like there was always something she needed to do.
Leaving to her friends not much of a surprise when in her older years, after Korra passed out from exhaustion just a week after the loss of her beloved wife, only to never wake up again. She lived a long fulfilling life as the avatar surrounded by her friends and family, achieving many things in her lifetime. However, as her mentor once said like the cycle of the seasons the new cycle of the Avatar began anew. Leaving many to wonder, what’s to happen with this new cycle and how will the Avatar seek wisdom along their new journey?

We now follow along with the new avatar, Avatar Xiurong of the Beifong family, a daughter to the new Emperor of the Earth Empire. Leaving some people to wonder what two of their past lives would think, all certainly surprised to find their reincarnation born to that name. While others hope that they’d grow to be a great confident Avatar. (Ughvatar)

The dawn of the attack. Month #6, day 14. (Couple years later from up above)

Newspapers flew everywhere, with almost every radio station, commercial, just on constant repeat. “BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello to the Earth Empire and those else looking in! We really hate to inform everyone as we bring some rather devastating news. Seeing as security was recently boosted within his greatness’s grand palace. Along with all-around Ba Sing Se, It’ is not for a good reason seeing.... " A pause stood between the news broadcast, as the person sweated on the camera before continuing as planned.

"There was an attack recently, while many would have known by now some still don't know the story of what happened during the darkest of the night about two days ago within the walls of the Emperor’s palace. Somehow some scum managed to squeeze themselves past the finest security in the land, there are no traces to exactly how many were involved, or how they've yet to figure out where exactly the culprits got into the prestige palace. While your royal twins are safe and secure. What we most hate to say is, the Emperor is gone.” Another pause sunk into the performance, the voice sounding rather shaky.

"We're not sure what exactly is to happen at the moment, and with the young prince Xu Beifong still not being of age it will be decided by the end of the sunset tomorrow of just who will become the Regent until the young Beifong is of age or our Lord returns. Please everyone stay safe out there tonight." And with that the performance cut off. As the high security prepared for the panic of its civilians of the Earth Empire State.

Month Number 7, Day 16

It’s been a little over a month since the attack of the Earth Emperor’s palace, with many still unsettled over what exactly happened. The wide panic slowly burning out like a fire bender sneezing in a field of tall grass. With still no traces of how the palace was breached, though at least one good sign came out of the recent panic.
Of rumors spreading all over of potential sightings of the missing Emperor all around. Word quickly spread fast around and now the Avatar was hot on their trail.

It hasn’t been easy the past couple of days not having much luck as each town they had traveled to in search, didn’t entirely go as planned. Especially with the most recent accident in the Sand Kingdom happening yesterday. What was meant to be a smooth search, ended up not as planned now with the Avatar being wanted by Queen of the Sand Kingdom. When it wasn’t even her fault. Now we follow her and co, with the goal of reaching Republic City.​
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Bao Rongye
Royal Palace - Upper Ring, Ba Sing Se
The Fifteenth Day of the Seventh Month
In the Royal training arena, silence reigned, despite the three powerful earthbenders that occupied it. The two dressed in green hued training padding stood alert, watching each other intently from several paces away. The third, wearing white and indigo, stood on the edge of the room. Equally alert but more relaxed, the older man’s gaze swept between those before slowly raising an arm. The sound of whooshing cloth broke the silence for only a moment, flooding the room before the silence reclaimed it’s superiority.

The two men continued to watch each other for another few seconds before the younger of the two took the first step. It was a causal stride, followed by another, and then another, each one causing a faint echo. When an invisible line was crossed, the opponent finally took action, exploding into a flurry of motion. Several rapid thrusts, ripping sizable chunks from the earthen floor and were sent flying towards the encroacher, followed by a forceful shift forward in footing. A spine of earth breached from where the foot stopped and coursed towards the young man.

The young man continued his comfortable stride as his hands moved from his side to meet the oncoming projectiles. Weaving only to keep the off-center projectiles from clipping him, the young man palmed the last two projectiles, diverting the others into the ground as he walked. When the spine hit the bottom of his front foot, he kicked off with the back one as the ground underneath of him erupted into a man sized column, sending him spinning through air towards his opponent instead of away. Using his power to crush one of the chunks into smaller pieces, he used the spinning momentum to pelt his opponent’s position.

Flashing a confident half-smile, the older man reached out with his hands and power to seemingly accept the shower of projectiles, only to clasp them shut a split second before contact, crushing them into a cloud of dust before pulling his arms in close. The dust swirled around the older man as he redirected his energy underneath him, causing a pillar to eject him up and away from his opponent’s landing.

In an attempt to intercept the retreat, the younger man flung the remaining chunk at his opponent, only for it was used as foot hold to gain even more space between the two of them. Slamming into the ground where the older man had been a moment before, several more chunks of earth erupted from the floor before they were launched with various kicks and jabs.

As the two men continued to rend and transform the spacious chamber in their sparring match, the Grand Lotus watched with interest. His focus was diverted however when he sensed someone quickly approaching in the hall leading to the arena. Backing up towards the door behind him, he prepared to intercept them as he continued to keep an eye on the ongoing match. The messenger that burst through the door was surprised to be met with a motion to stop before he could even vocalize, which was followed by a short sequence of gestures to speak into the old man’s ear.

The Grand Lotus glanced briefly at the man’s face to make sure that the message wasn’t some prank before his shoulders briefly slouched under a heavy sigh. Raising his arm in the air, a single thunderous word was unleashed throughout the chamber, “HALT!”

The younger man caught the projectile that happened to be in the air as the signal to stop echoed. Fighting the instinct to retaliate, the chunk of earth was crushed before letting it crumble to the floor. The older man dropped from his position on the ceiling, flattening a pillar into sand to cushion his landing. Both nodded to each other before they approached the Grand Lotus and the messenger.

“What is it?” Bao asked as he wiped some sweat away with his sleeve.

“Word from the Sand Kingdom, Lord Regent. Apparently there was a major altercation involving the Avatar and Crown Prince. There were only a few injuries, but the reported infrastructure damage is, well, extensive. The Queen is demanding an explanation,” the messenger reported.

The older man in green bristled forth, “And the twins, my daughter, are they in custody?”

The messenger recoiled a bit from the Head of the Dai Li before answering, “Ah, no. They seemed to have fled.”

“Prepare the Royal Airship for immediate departure,” Bao said, gesturing to the messenger to carry out the order.

“And what are you planning on doing?” The Grand Lotus asked, his tone almost rhetorical.

“I plan to make them fix this problem they've created.”

As the Regent moved to collect his gear, the two older men exchanged a knowing look.

“Lord Regent, you’ve come into your position, and the palace, barely a month ago. But surely you’ve noticed that Xiurong can be rather…'' The Dai Li Head paused for a split second to find a more appropriate word than the one on the tip of his tongue, “...headstrong.”

The Grand Lotus scoffed, “That’s an extremely polite way of putting it.”

“I’m aware. Get to the point, Xiaodan.” Bao said as he began stripping off his dusty training pads.

“Perhaps, for the good of Ba Sing Se, it’s time to utilize a more drastic measure.”

"Perhaps. However, the Crown Prince is now my primary concern, and yours. I will contact Queen Rasha before I leave to hear what exactly happened. Meanwhile, do what you Dai Li are best at and find his Highness, so I can fix this."
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07 / 16 / 264AG

"The Avatar is the master of the Four Elements."

Screams of terror resonated throughout the central portion of the Sand Kingdom's capital as the ground shook with fervor. Soon, the sharp sound of concrete cracking followed as some of the less refined establishments in the area gave in to the intensity. Debris rained like hailstorm from the midnight sky, forcing countless soldiers to seek refuge from the onslaught lest they received the same fate as their ruptured pavements. From their covers, they could smell something acrid and pungent, wafting throughout before they took notice of a bright light. Flames, red-hot and scorching, licked their surroundings; a wall of fire emerging from its wake, trapping the soldiers like a helpless herd enclosed by a pack of hungry wolves, eager to devour. A strong gust of wind followed suit; the soldiers had to grab onto whatever they could get a hold of , whether it be a sturdy tree or their wavering morale.

"It's your duty to use these powers to preserve harmony."

The Sand Kingdom's ruler, Queen Rasha, gawked as her city crumbled; her lips quivering as her hazel eyes focused on the source of such destruction. "Avatar Xiurong! I command you to cease this madness right this instance!" She demanded as she hid behind a wall of rock one of her guards conjured; her eyes were squinted through the intense wind, her heels digging into yellow sands, while her dark skin absorbed the torrid heat. However, it wasn't obedience she received but a fiery cry: "YOU WILL NOT TAKE ME AS YOU'VE DONE TO MY FATHER!" The Avatar's eyes were pools of white, the four elemental rings revolving around her slender frame as she loomed above all, her feet ten meters from the ground.

"For you are the embodiment of light and peace."

Drunken with fury, she has grown blind from reason and deaf from despair; resisting capture was the only thing in her strung out mind. At that moment, there was neither light nor peace. Instead was Xiurong, in her Avatar state, unleashing nothing but chaos...

"Xiurong... she's unlike you, me, or Xu... I knew she has always been different... I am..."


Xiurong's eyes snapped open, bolting upright as soon as the morning light entered her foggy vision. Her head throbbed as she scrambled to figure out what was real and what was not; her nightmare was too vivid, it felt so real. "Again...," came her weak murmur, one hand shooting up to press the spot between her eyes, as though it would ease whatever pain she was feeling. Even with her eyes closed like this, she could still hear the voices- some angry, most scared; she wished they would just stop.

What snapped her out of this stupor was a beak, cold and prodding against her skin, causing the Avatar to shift and open her eyes. What greeted her was the sight of a majestic griffin; its dark feathers had the gradient of the night sky, its eyes a pool of gold with an island of darkness staring right at her. "Nightwing...," the female groaned, pushing the creature's head away from her face, "It's fine. I'm fine." The creature has always been empathetic towards her. Whenever she was in distress, Nightwing would always know. He would always come soaring down for her no matter what. The Grand Lotus explained that it was because griffins had extraordinary senses; it could tell the tiniest of shift in her heartbeat or breathing, much like a truth seer. Xiurong, however, liked to think it was because they had a more special connection. "Come over here, you." A small smile tugged on her lips as she reached out to ruffle the feathers on Nightwing's chin, coaxing a delightful chitter in response.

It was a pleasant moment- yet brief. Xiurong was quickly reminded of yesterday's incident when her eyes fell on the bruises on her knuckles. She has become far too used to violence that she couldn't even feel them anymore. She closed her eyes, taking a sharp breath as memories of her outburst swamped her mind. She did it. Again. She activated the Avatar State for the wrong purpose. How many people did she terrorize this time?

"...It wasn't my fault." Xiurong whispered, her voice heard by nothing but the wind and her avian companion who tilted his head at her. "If they didn't take father then it wouldn't have happened..." There was no point in trying to convince Nightwing she was innocent. She was plenty aware of this. Nightwing would always take her side no matter what happens. So, who exactly was she trying to convince? In the end, this was pointless. She was wasting her time., like a fool. Xiurong was no fool; she was the Avatar.

With a huff, she hopped off her bed and got ready for the morning. She noticed she never managed to change out of her outfit the night before, and she was looking like a peasant from the outer ring instead of the dignified princess of Ba Sing Se. Nightwing watched with curious eyes as his mother ran back and forth the room like an eager dame an hour before a date. It was almost as if they weren't inside a zeppelin with an angry kingdom hot on their trail- or not, if the Sand Queen was a smart woman. Then again, she managed to orchestrate such intricate abduction and even manipulated her into rampaging. It wouldn't be a stretch if the monarch already contacted the Earth Empire's regent, Bao.

She clicked her tongue with great disdain as she put on a green robe with golden trims, the symbol of the proud empire glaring on its back. She was the Empire's princess, the Emperor's firstborn, and the Avatar. Bao should take her side. She pulled her hair onto its usual high ponytail, brow twitching when she put too much force that her scalp burned a bit. Her hands then dropped to the sides as she stared at her reflection on the mirror; she looked fitting. Strong and regal- like someone who should be sitting on a throne instead of being dumped inside an airship with a bunch of weaklings!

Completely frustrated, her right hand shot for the mirror with great force. The shrill sound of it breaking into pieces echoing throughout the ship, quickly followed by the sound of the metallic wall behind denting.

Tag/s: People inside the airship ( AI10100 AI10100 Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Flutterby Flutterby ) Brief mention of Bao ( Fletchawk Fletchawk )
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Jia Xiaodan

The Avatar state, it had been nine years since she saw those white glowing eyes. The sight of fire never failed to make her mouth dry, chest tightened, and short of breath that it left her gasping. That moment made her remember that fateful day that Xiurong became known as the Avatar, her trembling hand instinctively held on to the burned shoulder beneath her uniform.

A day after the events of the Sand Kingdom and Jia woke early a little before dawn had even come and barely any light passed through her window. There was little to nothing to do inside an airship. Barnaby purred awake as Jia shifted on her bed. "Sorry," She said softly to her Cat Owl. "Had another nightmare." Only with her pet did she ever show any hint of affection anymore. Others would more often than not find her with a blank expression on her face, a rigid posture, and well-memorized responses.

She stroked Barnaby's head, a frown on her face as she wondered if there is anyway of salvaging her relationship with the twins. A feat that seemed impossible given their circumstances and how much they have changed. "At least I have you by my side." The Cat Own then nuzzled his beak to her palm affectionately. She smiled weakly. There was hardly any smile in it to be honest.

Jia changed into her uniform, the celery colored sleeves and belt that complimented the dark apron that shows of her position as part of the Dai Li. She braided her hair, "I won't have to do this everyday if I cut this." A statement to no one in particular but herself, it was a hassle but she would never cut it. She'd look too much like her mother if she did and she didn't want any reminder of the woman.

"I'll be back later." She said to her pet while it went back to sleep. Closing the door softly. And headed to Xu, who was surely handling the wheel since the day they left the Sand Kingdom. She's confident enough that Xu, knowing him for years, hadn't had a wink of sleepy. Not that she had much herself. The hum of the machine's vibration could be felt by her calloused feet. It helped taking her mind off of things.

Bang! Sound doesn't travel much inside the airship but there was clearly the sound of a denting metal wall inside of the room she was standing next to. It was Xiurong's. That mask of apathy that she had built was replaced by worry for the slightest of second before she squared up her shoulders once again, a short knock on the door. "Avatar Xiurong, I heard a loud bang, is everything alright?" She asked devoid of the playful tone she once had, eyes half-lidded as she waited for an answer.

mention: Xu BeiFong AI10100 AI10100 || interaction: Xiurong BeiFong . D O V E . D O V E

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B E I F O N G , X U
Interacting with:
Xu's Airship | En route to the Earth Kingdom

His stomach churned at the sight and it was like he was thrown back to when he was twelve years old - both amazement and fright plain in his face as his sister's eyes glowed and the elements bent to her will and surrounded her - encasing her in a near impenetrable barrier, slinging air, rocks, water and fire with wild abandon. They had to rush her away after that, away from the Sand Kingdom that they had ruined... them... the prince and princess of the Earth Kingdom... the crown prince who should be maintaining civility and the Avatar who should be maintaining the peace...


He let out a heavy sigh as he rubbed his eyes. He knew that his body was beginning to feel the consequences of the overnight piloting but his mind was going a mile a minute. It wasn't a big surprise that he found himself unable to sleep, or even just nap, for the past day. After what had transpired in the Sand Kingdom, he always felt like someone was right behind them - that they were close and their hands would lock around their necks. That they had given chase and Xu had to be awake or else the airship would be attacked.

He clenched his fist around the wheel. He's... safe. Safe? The airship had been locked up tight. The only occupants are himself, Jia, Xiurong and Yara as well as their respective companion animals - all of which he had accounted for when they took flight. He knows that they're still in their rooms. It was a long day, they needed the rest. And even if they weren't in their rooms, they were not in the hull where he was. No one was with him. And yet, there was this gnawing feeling that someone was watching him. That someone was there, waiting for the right opportunity to-

His hand was on his bow the moment he heard the shatter and a thud. Glass? He let out a sigh. It was probably just Xiurong. Probably. Besides, Jia would have already checked it out so there was no need to check for himself. He settled down and placed his bow back beside him and continued to steer. They was probably another day's travel ahead of them. It gave Xu enough time to think about what he would say to Bao. Surely, the regent would have already heard of what had happened. How was he supposed to excuse them now? That they snuck into the Sand Kingdom based on what they know was evidence that they may have kidnapped their father and yet... they found nothing. They were caught.

Whatever, at least he could get his story straight before then.
When Yara woke, she had to remind herself, yet again, that she wasn't working in a hospital anymore. She was on an airship. Flying. High above the ground. Her stomach lurched. They were leaving the Sand Kingdom. They were fugitives now. Or would the Earth Empire smooth this over for them?
As she placed her feet onto the floor, she decided it wasn't her concern.. up to the point of actually being arrested, maybe.
"I am on this hunk of metal to assist the Avatar and ensure proper medical care of the party." Yara whispered to herself, as she had most mornings since boarding her personal torture chamber. Her father has once told her that she would find great purpose if she pursued her own skills. As she glared at the cloth covering the windows in her room, she repeated the statement in her mind and set to braiding her hair neatly to begin the day in earnest.

Yara stepped out as a loud crash, the sound of glass breaking, resounded down the hall. She could only assume it came from Avatar Xiurong's quarters. The waterbender started to turn in that direction, and then stopped short when she heard Jia's voice. Yara pressed her lips together and quickly went the other direction.
She had done a very quick check over everyone as they had made their exit, but by now the thrill of the event had worn off, and there may be some lesser injuries she could help with. And since the Avatar didn't seem particularly friendly right now.. I really better start with the Crown Prince anyway, right? Isn't that how nobility works?

Yara made sure to give the door a rap before swinging the door open and addressing their pilot.
"Prince Xu? I wanted to be sure that you aren't injured-" Her voice started out strong, but confronted with the near-panoramic view of the horizon in front of them, she started to waver embarrassingly, and the hand clutching the door clenched until her knuckles paled.
Mentioned: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum . D O V E . D O V E // Interaction: AI10100 AI10100
Bao Rongye
Imperial Royal Airship - Near the Earth Empire Border
Sixteenth Day of the Seventh Month

Capable of reaching the furthest nation with a full diplomatic envoy within several days, speed was what the Imperial Royal Airship designed for. For that, Bao was thankful, as he wanted to confront this problem as soon as possible. The bed in his quarters was far too soft though, and ended up moving to the small barracks with the half dozen Royal Guards to find a more suitable one. It was awkward at first, but the guardsmen soon relaxed after realizing that Bao was more of a kindred spirit than they had originally imagined. Bao had come to appreciate the company of soldiers to those of nobles in the since his time stationed at the frontier outpost. They also rarely asked for him to recount his tale of the sand shark.

Despite his figure remaining stoic at the forefront of the airship's bridge, an excited energy coursed through the Lord Regent. His sense of duty had demanded that Bao take the position, but he also found it tedious. Especially learning to wheel and deal the aristocrats to balance their wants with the needs of the Ba Sing Se. So when a problem that was more aligned to his talents arose, Bao eagerly jumped on it. The fact that there was a high chance of conflict with the 'master' of all the elements only made it more tantalizing. He was tired of restricting himself to the more traditional earthbending forms.

The navigational officer on the lower lever of the bridge rose and bowed quickly before addressing Bao, "Lord Regent, I'm reading a small airship on the edge of our radar range. I believe it's the Prince's, sir."

"Seems like the intel was correct. Leave it to the Sand Queen to know exactly what's going on in her desert," Bao confirmed, turning to the Captain of the airship, "Hail and intercept. I'll be in my quarters. Alert me if they attempt to flee."

With a growing smile, Bao traced one of the scars on his chin in anticipation as he moved to prepare for the almost certain fight to come.

. D O V E . D O V E [Crankypants]
Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum [Masochist]
AI10100 AI10100 [Sleepy]
Flutterby Flutterby [Skittles]
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07 / 16 / 264AG
Blood trickled down the Avatar's fists as soon as she retracted from the shattered mirror. A few sharp shards has embedded themselves onto her tan skin, adding to her growing collection of scars and bruises. With a low growl, Xiu began picking them off her skin. She could barely feel them nowadays. The Grand Lotus has been exposing her to different dangers on a daily basis ever since he picked her up. To her, most injuries were trivial.

It wasn't long before a knock whisked her attention. Xiu furrowed her brow in contemplation before a cold albeit familiar voice introduced itself. It was Jia, her former retainer- at least she was supposed to be. Fragments from her childhood resurfaced at the back of her mind; a moment shared on a hillside, beneath the shade of an old oak tree as the sun slowly set into pools of bright orange.

Xiu shook her head and made her way to the door, firmly grabbing onto the handle until her knuckles turned white before pulling it open. She was immediately greeted by the solemn face of Jia Xiaodown. It has been so long, Xiu had forgotten what her grins looked like.

"What a brilliant question." She remarked, her right brow arching. "Let's see: my father had been abducted, he has been gone for over a month now, the only lead to his whereabouts was a trap, the Sand Kingdom might be considering war, and I remain uncertain if my last living parent is still living." It was full of snark and there was that notorious antagonistic glint in her dark eyes as she looked down the shorter girl. "Everything's clearly alright."

The vitriolic woman brushed past the Dai Li after one last sarcastic smirk. Once she was a few steps away, the Avatar stomped a foot on the metallic ground and activated her seismic sense, easily identifying the location of each passengers through the beats of their hearts. Yara and Xu seemed to be enjoying each other's company in the ship's control room.

Nonetheless, Xiu made her way towards them. "Yara, there you are. I require your service." She was about to grab the waterbender when she noticed her trembling. Unfortunately, it wasn't a rare sight whenever the healer was in a high altitude environment. The Grand Lotus and she knew this best. "Oh grow up. Heal me once you're done being a wuss." The princess offered her injured hand.

Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Flutterby Flutterby AI10100 AI10100
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Jia Xiaodan

Xiurong opened the door and looking up Jia was instantly met with sarcasm. It seemed like the only thing that the Avatar did ever since then. The memories of them playing by the castle garden were replaced by arrogance, snide remarks, and silence. Just like now. Of course, she knew that everything is not fine. But at the same time, she wasn't really expecting a real answer to her question when she had asked that.

As usual of what happens in their interactions as of lately, Jia had stayed completely silent. A lackluster of emotion on her face as Xiurong smirked and left her brother's retainer staring at nothing. She can't remember how the other woman laughs, not even a genuine smile. Chartreuse-colored eyes followed the slowly disappearing figure of the Avatar, wondering if she had done more then would things be different? Not just with her friendship with the twins but with her family as well.

There was no use thinking about it, what's done is done and the only thing that she had to do now is her job. Prince Xu. She walked to the hull with quiet steps. Upon reaching she was met with the sight of a demanding older BeiFong sibling, a trembling Yara, and a sleepy Crowned Prince. "Greetings, Yara." A firm tone accompanying her words.

She continued walking to Xu, passing the two, and addressing him with fitting regard. "Prince Xu," She started off before continuing, "I highly suggest that you take a break from manning the ship. I'll make you some tea to calm your nerves." She looked up to him, literally. Her eyes weren't pleading, glassy but it was clear that she wouldn't be taking no for an answer. "How about you, Avatar Xiurong, Yara?"

mention: n/a || interaction: Xiurong BeiFong . D O V E . D O V E Xu BeiFong AI10100 AI10100 Yara Flutterby Flutterby

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B E I F O N G , X U
Interacting with: Flutterby Flutterby . D O V E . D O V E Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum
Location: Xu's Airship | En route to the Earth Kingdom

The knocks on the door took his attention away from the instruments of the airship and he turned to see that Yara had come to check up on him - asking if he had any injuries. He assumed she was asking about the scuffle they had found themselves the day before, but she suddenly stopped. Pale. "I'm perfectly fine. Just a few cuts that will heal." He reassured her in a calm voice paired with a smile. "You don't have to stay here. I'll come look for you if anything hurts. I know you're uncomfortable with this." He gestured to the open scenery. They had to make adjustments to Yara's room to remove the windows because of her fear of flying. While Xu couldn't understand why she would be so uncomfortable, he wasn't going to let her force herself out of her comfort zone for him.

Of course Xiurong came a second after that, asking for help in her own charming way of ordering people and putting them down. He scoffed. "Can't you ask for help like a normal person? It doesn't take much effort to just say you need to get yourself healed. Not everyone is superhuman with no fears like you." He would usually just ignore her insults, but this was Xiurong's own companion. Yara had gone out of her way to help them and is now on the run with them only to be put down like that? Just because Xiurong is a little bit more pissed off than she usually is?

Jia entered the cockpit as well, her same rigid tone grating against his ears. That tone never changed ever since he was fifteen. No emotions. Only duty. Her smile was but a distant memory that Xu wasn't even sure if he had simply imagined once upon a time. Just like Xiurong's praise. "We'll see. Just get me the tea and-" He paused, narrowing his eyes at his radar.

He looked up to the horizon before them. He couldn't see whatever the radar was picking up, but there was definitely something in the airspace heading towards them. His grip on the controls tightened. "We have company." He alerted them. As the airship continued to move, the unmistakable royal airship came into view. Xu slowed down their approach, leaving a wide space between them and the Earth Kingdom's airship. "Looks like they found us early." Xu was slowly being convinced that the universe was conspiring against them.
Yara quickly gave the Prince a relieved smile. "I know I should think it's beautiful, but-"
The Avatar appeared behind her, with Jia in tow and a bloody fist. Jia got a nod in greeting, but Xiurong demanded her full attention. She mentally scolded when her internal voice added an "as usual" to the end of that thought. Yara reached down and popped open her water skin and drew the water out onto her palms. She had taken Xiu's arm and already begun when Prince Xu spoke up in her defense. Well, sort of- she knew that any excuse was good enough for the siblings to poke at one another.

With the wounds quickly closing, Yara gave Prince Xu another tight-lipped half-smile.
"I've gotten used to Avatar Xiurong's charming nature by now." The water's glow faded, and she guided it back into the skin as she lightly rotated Xiurong's wrist in her hand, inspecting her work. "Although I will say, the recommended course of treatment for self-inflicted injuries is usually prevention."
As she said it, Yara looked up at the Avatar's face. Those words, coupled with a slight tilt of her head and a raised eyebrow, were as close to scolding Xiurong as she dared to get.

Yara was going to open her mouth and agree that tea, along with some food, might help with everyone's mood. Her own included, now that she had been reminded of the inconvenience her fear presented. She risked the look outside to see the Royal Airship ahead. Was it just soldiers or a lower-level representative on board.. or Lord Regent himself? Was this an escort to safety.. or would they be turned around to take responsibility? The happenings of royals were still.. hard to anticipate, in her opinion.
Anything but prison in a desert. Anything but prison in a desert.
Yara's hand drifted back to her water skin, as she took a step backward to stand in the door frame.
"What are the chances that's a friendly escort in our time of need?"
Mentions: Fletchawk Fletchawk // Interaction: AI10100 AI10100 . D O V E . D O V E Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum
Mentions/Interactions: N/A
A void of darkness had swept around his vision, everything consumed by the pitch-black endlessly. It was silent, devoid of light... devoid of hope. Slowly moving forward, a specter began shifting through the shadow. A slow rhythmic beat pulsing outwards before dissipating into the darkness once again, returning to silence once more. Looking down to his chest Taka could feel the pulsing, it weakly beat into the void. Ba-bump... Ba-bump... ba-bump. Slowly the sound began to dull, the darkness creeping closer. Only as the darkness began to encroach did he begin to see it. Off in the distance, he could see tiny flickering lights, each one beginning to fade. Seven lights in total, some huddled close together while others remained astray. Then one of the lights began to get closer, it's flame enlarging before crackling into a blue flash of energy. It twisted and contorted in the air, his eyes following it upwards before it arched sharply downward and moved to strike him.

His eyes shot open as his body pulled forwards. A bead of sweat trailed down the side of his face as his eyes adjusted to the light and began taking in the scene before him. The smell of saltwater immediately assaulted his nose as he looked down at the sea. "Did I fall asleep?" The question was spoken to absolutely no one, but a nearby iguana seal took it upon themselves to answer. "If the Iguana Seal says it, then it must be true" He chuckled to himself before getting to his feet and heading up the hill. Climbing into his car he went ahead and adjusted everything to make sure he'd be fine to move.

~~Twenty Minutes Later~~

Oddly enough Taka hadn't hit much in the way of traffic up until this point, but now that he approached the port he began to notice the crowding. There had to be at least a hundred people disembarking from the boat and making their way onto the land. From what he could tell, most of them were from the other nations. A man in water-bender garb ran past him as he made his way towards the loading dock. The sight of a water-bender here wasn't something he had been all too used to, given that he hadn't met all that many of them, though that didn't mean he hadn't enjoyed the encounter. A hand lifted to his chest, his fingers running across the scar that his brother had given him. A memory flooded back as he did so. The image of a woman's face, details obscured by light, as she diligently tended to his wounds. A small smile crept across his lips before he was pulled back to the moment, the sound of a horn honking behind him served as a sharp reminder of the situation.

He'd never caught his healers name, but that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was that he had a boat to catch, and a call for aid to attend to, regardless of how little he believed he could do. Much like many cars before him, he began to move into the ship with the assistance of a marshaller. He was left without much in the way of direction from that point onward, outside of "The deck is right up that way, if you'd like to stretch your legs, or acquaint with others aboard the ship. We hope you enjoy the ride!" Though it was clear that her enthusiasm was faked, she was still extremely efficient with her work. Taka took this in stride, grabbing his ruan and blade from the phoenix before locking it up for a while. From there he made his way topside and began looking about the deck, where he was immediately met by quite a few fellow passengers. It wasn't enough to where you'd be brushing elbows with everyone that you meet, but it was enough to feel crowded. Despite this Taka managed to find himself a little spot off to the port side of the ship and pulled out his instrument. From there he began to strum on the ruan and stare out at the sea.

The sun reflected from the waves, shimmering in a magnificent way. It was... for lack of a better word, "Beautiful..."
Li was overjoyed when Grand Lotus Hakim asked her to go to republic city to look after the ughvatar. She wasn’t much of a traveler, but she couldn’t bear living near her parents. For the past few years she had avoided them like the plague. Now she would have a rest from hiding in plain sight; and finally get to hide in more unusual sight.

As she packed a satchel with clothes, and some fire flakes, Miku her fire ferret crawled all over her. It was a strenuous task. Though excited about it there was a bit of a snatch. She gets unbearably seasick. When she was younger she took a trip on the ocean with her Dad, and she never stopped throwing up.

Bracing herself. She hugged Grand Lotus Hakim goodbye, and went to the port. It was an almost unbearably long wait. Since the line rarely moved she took to sitting on the satchel, and slowly falling asleep. Suddenly she was jolted awake by a scream. “All aboard!” The captain called. Then with the assistance of a Marshaller She moved into her cabin. This was fine for a while. Then she started to feel the seasickness. She ran up to the deck with Miku trailing behind her. Standing beside Taka she put her hands on the railing, and retched.
07 / 16 / 264AG

Someone once told Xiurong that strength and weakness were twins. She liked to think she was the former.

"Oh, how unbecoming of me." The Avatar dramatically pressed her free hand over her heart. "I didn't even notice you there, dear brother. Perhaps you should worry less about me and start working on your presence. Maybe then you'll finally get the attention you so desire." It wasn't a sharp delivery yet each word still trickled with venom, fatally contemptuous. It was a cosmic contrast to the gentle water on her arm as Yara exhibited her expertise. A few moments later and the luminous liquid left her skin, along with the shallow cuts and bruise as though they never existed in the first place.

The princess retracted her hand and wiggled her fingers as if she was checking if they still had the same functions as before. A conniving smirk tugged at her lips upon Yara's response although it quickly turned into a frown when the healer dropped her suggestion. "Of course, prevention, right. Why didn't I think of that?" She rolled her eyes. Did these people actually think she took pleasure from punching things much less getting hurt? If she could stop herself, then she would have. "Quit the act. You probably enjoy seeing me hurt anyways. It makes you feel relevant."

When Jia threw her question, Xiurong merely shot her a look before averting, opting instead to act as if she didn't hear a thing from the Dai Li. Xiurong didn't want to be an afterthought. It was repulsing.

Nevertheless, the Avatar wasn't given the chance to dwell on the matter when her twin made an announcement, sounding a little bit in distress. Xiu kept her eyes on the horizon ahead, patiently peering until the recognizable figure of their empire's royal ship came into view.

"Hardly friendly." She replied to Yara's remark, crossing her arms and shifting her weight onto her other leg. "I reckon that's your regent. I'd like to speak with him. Let him board the ship." Xiurong ordered.

AI10100 AI10100 Flutterby Flutterby Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Fletchawk Fletchawk

Jia Xiaodan

Jia stood next to the Prince's side despite the thick tension that surrounded the place. Ignoring it, her eyes fluttered to the radar that Xu had been looking at. Her heartbeat picked up, as it was most likely to be the Royal Airship that the radar was picking up. Was her father there? She doesn't want to see him. She doesn't want to see his face. Not a remainder of those hours of training after her mother had left.

She stayed silent, her eyes keeping to the radar like glue. No, if her father is there it's certainly not a friendly escort...

The Earthbender shifted in place, calming herself down. No matter what she had to be level-headed at all times, sharp and alert at all times. She watched the ship come into view, listening to Xiurongs words. Seeing how the other woman had been acting as of late, she wasn't the best to go and speak to the Regent of the Earth Empire. "I think it would be best to have your brother explain our situation," Jia stated first, phlegmatically.

"You have a tendency to let your emotions get ahead of you. There is a high chance of making things worse, I think it would be better to avoid any chances of conflict as former-Captain Rongye is now currently the Lord Regent of the Earth Empire."

mention: Bao Fletchawk Fletchawk || interaction: Xiurong BeiFong . D O V E . D O V E Xu BeiFong AI10100 AI10100 Yara Flutterby Flutterby


B E I F O N G , X U
Interacting with: Flutterby Flutterby . D O V E . D O V E Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Fletchawk Fletchawk
Location: Xu's Airship | En route to the Earth Kingdom

Xu rolled his eyes at his sister's comments. "Such a quick move to avoid the topic." He mused idly as he returned his attention to steering the airship. He couldn't help but let out an amused huff at Yara's reply. Spend a few months with Xiurong and it's either you break down or you get used to it. In his case, he was in the latter portion with the occasional feeling to snap back. It led to a few verbal fights until one of them backs off or completely throws the conversation out of the window and they go their separate ways. It's funny how horrible of an idea it was to put Xiurong and Xu in the same room and expect them to converse like normal siblings do.

It's funny how they still think that they could return to when they were kids.

Xiurong seemed to want for the Lord Regent - who was most likely operating the royal airship considering he's one of the few who has permission to fly it - to board for a talk. He wasn't opposed to it. He felt much safer in the comforts of his own airship than someone else's. Not to mention how easily it would be for the pilot to simply take off while they were in the royal airship.

"He will want to speak to the both of us. It doesn't matter." He pointed out as he steered the airship closer to the other. He pulled to a stop, his mind rushing with possibilities of what would happen in this entire exchange. Xu would rather have it end on peaceful terms. Jia had a fair point in letting him speak, but he doubted his dearest sister would keep silent long enough for Xu to finish his explanation. Her pride, unfortunately, wouldn't allow such a hit.

Once he was sure the airship was in full stop, he made his way down to a side door with a raised platform. It had been designed for exchanges such as this, as well as emergency exits should the airship need to be abandoned. He pulled a lever and the platform descended until it was parallel to the ground and he opened the door, a silent signal for Bao to come into the airship.
Bao Rongye
Xu's Airship - Near the Earth Empire Border
Sixteenth Day of the Seventh Month

As Bao approached the door of the Prince's airship, he discreetly made a final adjustment to the compressed strips of earth that were pressed against the small of his back. Going in armed for a battle, however likely, would send the wrong the message. However, going in completely unarmed was also foolhardy. Rolling his shoulders to shed the anticipation from his frame, Bao tried to ignore the growing distance between him and the ground.

The stepping through the door, Bao scanned inside of the airship before turning his attention to the Prince and bowing slightly, "I assume you know why I'm here, your Highness. But first, are you and your sister well?" Bao said, making no attempt to hide the fact he was looking each of them up and down with mild concern, "You look exhausted."

AI10100 AI10100 [Xu]
. D O V E . D O V E [Xiu]
Flutterby Flutterby [Yara]
Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum [Jia]
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07 / 16 / 264AG

With clenched fists, the Avatar listened to Jia's words. Her words were no knives, Xiurong decided, they were more akin to a hammer. Even Jia, someone whom she once considered a friend, were out to break her. Unfortunately for them though, Xiurong wasn't made of glass. She could never shatter.

"And you, Dai Li, have a tendency to overstep your boundaries. It seems like your father never got to fix that." Xiurong scornfully smirked. Jia was forgetting who she was talking to. She was the Avatar and the princess of Ba Sing Se; nobody has the right to imply she was inferior to her brother. "Then again, you Dai Lis have always been quite the failure. Perhaps if you guys only focused on your actual duty, protecting your sovereigns, there would be no situation to explain at all." Useless. All of them were utterly useless.

Satisfied with her message, the unsympathetic female prepared herself for the regent's arrival. When he did arrive, Xiurong regarded him with an air of formality and confidence. However, a frown quickly made its way to her face when Bao bowed his head to Xu alone. Xu did not deserve a single bow! He was a failure. He was twiddling his thumbs while she was off saving the world and their father got abducted to who knows where. Heck, even until now, he still needed a babysitter! He was incapable of anything!

"I simply love that question, Lord Regent." Xiurong started. "Our father remains missing and our only lead turned out to be a trap. So, to answer your question, no. We are far from well." Just like Bao's etiquette.

"We barely escaped. If it wasn't for me, we would've been all locked up beneath millions of sands or spirits know where."

AI10100 AI10100 Fletchawk Fletchawk Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum

B E I F O N G , X U
Interacting with: Flutterby Flutterby . D O V E . D O V E Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Fletchawk Fletchawk
Location: Xu's Airship | En route to the Earth Kingdom

Xu would have argued against Xiurong had it not been for more pressing issues at hand. She may have spoken a few facts - ever since his father's disappearance, the palace never felt safe. The Dai Li, skilled fighters they may be, had allowed something like that to happen. However, there was no need to directly attack Jia who had done her job wonderfully as far as he was concerned. He was unharmed, wasn't he? Though, then again, their target seemed to be his father only. Which was... certainly odd. Why take the reigning monarch and not the entire royal family?

He pulled himself out of his thoughts as Bao came into the airship, giving him a bow. Xu nodded in return. "Lord Regent." He greeted. Before he could say anything, however, Xiurong had already spoken. The younger twin kept silent, his passive face only betrayed by his increasing heart rate. Something that was already a typical occurrence when around Xu once he's entered a formal discussion... or really, any discussion. It was easy to control body movements - his heart rate was another matter entirely.

He nodded along with Xiurong's statements. She wasn't wrong, after all. The evidences led to nowhere, they were caught and their father was still missing but now they had the added problem of the Sand Kingdom after their heads. Things could be better, certainly. "We had tried negotiating with Queen Rasha, but it had failed. Unfortunately, she was not open into letting us investigate within her kingdom despite the evidences that we had." Xu remembered vividly how they were going in circles for an agonizingly long amount of time and the woman would just not budge. He thought he could wear her down but he had nothing enticing to offer and she was far more experienced than he was, regrettably. "And so, we took matter into our own hands. And as Avatar Xiurong said, it simply led to a trap."

Xu shifted, moving his hand to adjust the sleeves of his top. He felt the shift of his throwing knife inside his sleeves, not enough to make it fall down, but it gave him comfort. "Though, the situation did get out of hand. But we're still skeptical due to the evidences we have, and we'd rather not disappear." - just like their father did, but that remained unspoken. Still, Xu was confident that the consequences of Xiurong's destruction would greatly affect their relationship with the Sand Kingdom. If the Sand Kingdom was not guilty, then he was looking at a very heavy cost. And he was sure that Bao was there to remind them of that.
Mentions/Interactions: tamarapasek tamarapasek
Gently the waves were lapping up against the boat, much like a young pup showering its master with affection. This gentle rocking of the boat reminded him of a not-so-distant memory of a fishing trip with his uncle on a near-by lake. Sizzlesnap lake always was the best place to fish, granted the small wooden boat they had used was far different from this large vessel. His uncle's song came back to mind, the melody of his ruan began to change to something of a solemn sailor's tune as he murmured beneath his breath. "Ebb and flow, away we'll go. Searching for what we can not know. Out to sea, my boy and me-" Though his ballad was cut off almost as quickly as it had begun. In his moment of recollection, he had failed to notice the hastily approaching footfall of a young lady. But by the time he had noticed it was too late.

As he turned to face the individual, the thought that they disliked his song and had come to confront him about it flashed through his mind. That hadn't been the case... or maybe it had? The pungent scent immediately assaulted his nose. If his performance had been that upsetting, maybe he should stop with the instruments. He made haste to put his ruan behind his back once more, the instrument securing itself between the small of the back and his shoulders. He could feel the bile rising in his own throat due to the acrid scent that filled the area, thankfully he still managed to choke it down. Taking a second look to the girl he could take a rough guess as to what was going on, the motion of the boat had probably caused her stomach to turn. Which meant that it wasn't his music after all. He would have taken a breath of relief, but he didn't want to risk the security of his stomach. Moving forward a bit he began to lightly pat her on the back, taking caution not to startle her more than the situation likely had.

"Not trying to be weird, just making sure you're alright" He spoke out to clarify the situation as best he could. "Try staring ahead at the horizon there, it might help to settle your nausea a little." While his tone didn't hold much urgency, he did speak with a somewhat cautious tone. Glancing downward he made note of the creature that had tailed the woman on her way to the railing, a fire ferret, before turning back to her. "If you'd like, I know a few pressure points that might ease some of the sicknesses." He tried to take on a more comforting tone throughout this experience so that she might not be too upset from it all. Granted he didn't know if you could really reduce the terrible feeling that came with getting sick like this. With that in mind, he gave her a small smile in attempts to further the reassuring tone he attempted to present.
There was a twitch at the corner of Yara's nose, as she processed the fact that the Avatar had just accused her of enjoying her injuries because it gave her something to do. I am a patient, peaceful person. I am here for a reason. I am a patient, peaceful person. I am here for a reason... I bet even Avatar Korra wasn't so freaking rude.
She was almost grateful that the regent's arrival gave them all something else to think about, because her thoughts were slipping further into 'unhelpful' territory.

As they prepared for their company, Xiurong went after Jia for what had been a relatively tame comment. Yara tried not to stare at the Avatar and her.. assigned bodyguard? Former friend? Ex-secret-lover? She had been able to figure out that there was a history there, but what was still hard to tell. Something that made Avatar Xiurong even more likely to be vicious towards her, that was for sure.
It's like having a mink snake along for the ride.
With a deep breath, Yara scolded herself again, and then the Lord Regent stepped into view.

Quickly, Yara moved her eyes to the floor. Better to avoid the gaze of a powerful person, especially when she didn't intend to bow or anything. He wasn't her regent, after all. But as she stared at the far corner of the room, where the wall met the floor, her jaw clenched slowly, and her eyes closed. Everything had to be a fight, or a stepping-stone to glory. My patience really is thin today. I guess I didn't exactly sleep well. Or is it the airship getting to me? Combined with the desert? Or the fact that I might be arrested for being in the wrong travel group?

She was starting to feel strange- she had never been in this room for so long before. And this.. political crap certainly wasn't helping.
In through the nose, out through the mouth. The airship is perfectly safe. Just keep your eyes off the windows, and breathe.
Mentions: // Interaction: . D O V E . D O V E AI10100 AI10100 Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum Fletchawk Fletchawk
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Jia Xiaodan

Xu had said that the both of them would speak to the Lord Regent, Jia did not complain. She was merely offering a suggestion that would not lead into something worse but the choice is still theirs. She didn't speak anymore. Not even when Xiurong started insulting her.

She didn't make any move, she didn't make any face. But it made her angry. So angry but she held it down, every word that was spit out of the Avatar's mouth made her clench her teeth even harder than before but her face remained impassive throughout the whole sermon. She could hear her teeth being grinded against one another that it seemed like it was screeching to her ears.

Jia wanted to clamp the Avatar's mouth so bad. Why did she have to bring up her father? "Never got to fix that." It made her heart sank. She doesn't want any more fixing from her father. She did everything well, perfect. She didn't need fixing from her father. She doesn't want to, she-

The regent was there. She shoved down her feelings into a box and locked it away. She felt numb, nevertheless Jia bowed to Bao like a proper citizen of the empire. She can't show that she was breaking, she has to piece herself together. Again. She's not allowed to show sadness, no crying, no falling apart, no emotion.

She listened to the political conversation from the side, like a statue made up of stone. Her eyes flitted over to Yara, who was doing breathing exercises which made her wonder if there was anything bother the water bender but dismissed the thought. She can't concern herself with others.

mention: n/a || interaction: Xiurong BeiFong . D O V E . D O V E Xu BeiFong AI10100 AI10100 Yara Flutterby Flutterby Bao Rongye Fletchawk Fletchawk

Bao Rongye
Xu's Airship - Near the Earth Empire Border
Sixteenth Day of the Seventh Month

Bao's attention didn't initially shift from Xu, even though he could almost feel Xiurong's toxic tone prickle his skin. He had no intention of rewarding such an insolent attitude with acknowledgement though. Instead, Bao casually watched Xu's features, and Jia in his peripheral vision. When the young Prince expanded upon his sister's explanation, it quickly became clear where they went off course, and why. Despite their massive differences in temperaments, and the resources they had should have access to as Royals, they'd chosen to rely solely on each other instead of asking for assistance from him or anyone else in the Empire. Quite simply, Bao reasoned that it boiled down to being a matter of pride, lack of trust, and stupidity.

For Bao, fixing the Sand Kingdom problem took precedence, as it could have disastrous effects on the Empire. He personally had no fear of the Sand Queen, as he had no dark secrets to hide, but the same could not be said for the aristocrats back in Ba Sing Se. In order for their secrets to not be weaponized, the outrage of the Sand Kingdom needed to be pacified.

"We'll discuss what happened in detail on our way back to the Sand Kingdom. Queen Rasha and her people have rightfully demanded a public apology from those that had publicly attacked their nation, and that's just the start. So unless you can prove wreaking their city was justified, the consequences of not doing so will be extensive and severe," Bao said sternly, finally turning to address Xiurong, "especially for you, Avatar Beifong." The hands that were folded behind Bao's back loosened a bit, ready to twitch into action.

AI10100 AI10100 | . D O V E . D O V E | Flutterby Flutterby | Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum
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07 / 16 / 264AG

Xiurong honestly couldn't believe what she was hearing.

The Sand Kingdom was expecting her, the Avatar and the princess of Ba Sing Se, to apologize for something she had no control of? Was it her fault that her father got kidnapped? Was it her fault that all evidences pointed their way? Was it her fault that they dared to raise their weapons against her?

"Absolutely not." Xiurong firmly answered. What made the matter even more ridiculous was that the regent had the nerve to side with the enemy. "Why should I apologize for trying to find my father? For all I know, I would be apologizing to his kidnappers!" She threw her hands to the side, a small burst of flames erupting on her skin.

"Besides, I'm the only one who seems to be actually doing something about this issue. You, my brother, the Dai Lis, and the rest of the useless soldiers, aren't even doing anything until I came along." This fiery statement was then followed by a scornful huff. "What am I saying? Of course neither of you would budge. You're all benefiting from this." That was right. If her father was still there, Bao wouldn't even have a taste of the throne.

"My decision is final. I will not be apologizing to anyone. I am not at fault."

From behind them, she could see Nightwing peeking, looking somewhat concerned as it detected her aggravation.

Fletchawk Fletchawk AI10100 AI10100
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