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Fantasy Augurium ~ Information



I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!

[class=tabs] background-color: #509cf7; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000088; box-sizing: border-box; color: #e4eeff; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; margin: 20px auto; min-width: 350px; text-align: center; width: 50%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 33%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: #2b7abb; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Information) (show tabsContentInformation) if (eq ${currentTab} Locations) (show tabsContentLocations) if (eq ${currentTab} Rules) (show tabsContentRules) [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab style="border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;"]Information[/div][div class=tab]Locations[/div][div class=tab style="border-top-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; width: 34%;"]Rules[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentInformation"] Origin:
Magic came from a combination of certain genetic traits and a fine coating of meteor dust. Called “Magic,” due to its elusive but undeniably real and powerful nature, it sparked WW3. China was among the first to produce some magically capable individuals and delivered the first blow, but soon the Red Dragon was decapitated by the UN, but having to get a taste of the poison to defeat China, the other nations soon developed a taste for Magic, and like gunpowder, it set off more wars than can be counted. A near global apocalypse occurred. The powerful bombs that were developed as a mix of science, nuclear to be exact, and magic resulted in a “genetic contamination.” That generation onward had stronger latent magic potential, and in some, it manifested as a powerful new class. It started small, but grew with each progressive generation. Magic went unchecked for many years, all kinds of atrocities were committed by the users the world didn’t know how to control. This has spawned many anti-magic and magic-cults. Especially with the advent of powerful cosmetic surgeries, resulting in many inhuman features becoming possible and common.

The Third World War was ended only by the utter devastation of the world by the rest of the meteor coming down. The meteor was broken in the atmosphere, the shards of the quartz-like stone raining over the whole planet. It was large enough it caused massive damage, those cities that remained from the dragged-on war suffering catastrophic casualties. Great swathes of Earth were rendered unlivable to human life, the stones releasing a powerful magic radiation. This resulted in most life in constant contact with it changing significantly, sometimes with things as simple as colors to things as dangerous as turning blood and meat toxic. Humanity was doomed.

However, enough humans quickly developed powers because of this event that they persevered. Two-hundred years later and humanity has adapted and stabilized, once again beginning a slow spread across the surface of the world with the assistance of abundant magic users, which has by this point become an advanced if not well understood art.

2018 - Modern Era
2020-2030 - VR is truly finished and becomes a polished product, with massive leaps and popularity.
2035-2060 - The medical industry makes massive progress, with advancements in the field coming one after another. Many dangerous maladies that kill people today, such as heart attacks and cancers, are cured.
2065-2090 - The technological advancements begin coming faster and faster, with the stock market for the field at an all time high.
2095-2105 - The Traditionalist movement begins, advocating the growth of the then dying fields of non-digital literature in all its forms.
2110- “Super” Era begins. First substantial amount of people begin showing powers. Primarily children began showing. They were very dangerous at first, being completely untrained, but were immediately weaponized by global military forces. China had 11 children by 2110, and two adults. There are few restrictions in China on how to treat these powered individuals. The U.S. had 6 children and 5 adults, but considerably more moral quandaries with treating them poorly. WW3 shortly follows after a prolonged period of cold warfare.

Made up of a series of floating islands taken from the mainland which used to be known as Australia, this school is one of a kind. The Augurium school, or Collegium Magi as some like to call it, is made up of four tiers and around 139+ islands.

Outside towers are called sentinels. (The cylinders)

Dorms for protectors, guardians, and students aspiring to be protectors, etc, is a ring around the outside of the major islands, but inside the towers. The first, small islands from the center are dorms for the regular students. The center islands is shared between spirit and energy users and their dorms are also on their center islands. The islands above and below the tiers are trade islands, and the tiny islands above and below tiers are navigational/operational/mechanic islands.

The placement process occurs via a sorting process whereby Tres Forus students read the inner emotions and thoughts of Unum Forus students and give them a placement after observing their thoughts and feelings on the various Programs and Classes. This process is observed by teachers and various staff.

One’s title is visually represented to staff and security by a series of colored bars of varying shapes. To other students, these patches are invisible, so they can accessorize how they desire. These bars appear no matter what clothing they are wearing or what shoulder they are looking at. These bars will always be visible to relevant members. They are based on invisible, magic temporary tattoos on the shoulders that project the image to those with the appropriate enchantments upon them.

The title always goes: Class, Program, Caster Type, Tier.
Class (P, S, A, D) Programs (P M D De I A) Caster Type (Vi Va Vae Vt Vn Mm Mv Ms Mat Maed) Tier (Uf Df Nf Tf Ultima) (Approximately 800 Possible combinations here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TpmZ53Rzb8cjQFDjito0_sAqtAwkW7UO2Q3ZI6zWYIw/edit?usp=sharing)

The city temporarily anchors to certain pickup and drop off points. The security from these points would include restricted portals, that only certain soul frequencies can enter or exit. Four squads of four remain on the ground, with two scanners on the ground to follow along under the city, making sure that no ground threat gets in the way of the city. They have access to all they need from any government, and have powerful artifacts and weapons that are more or less unrivaled. They are based in what used to be Australia, and one requires certain passes to be able to enter the continent.

Terra Augurium is, as previously mentioned, the Great Anchor for the roaming tower, and where most of the graduates end up staying. The place makes a great deal of the magical items that make their way round the world, and where one can go for training in different specialized fields. It is encouraged for graduates to explore the world, and some are trained to travel and serve in various courts, assuring equal balance of the politics of the world. Much of the trade that supplies the school, instead of coming solely from their mother country, comes from the “Trade Licensed Aliens” that take up the majority of the trade islands. They carry goods from their home country, a certain supply of money which is traded for various values from their home currency, and traded for certain goods from the school. Clearance to sell on the school trade islands is exceptionally difficult to obtain, but when obtained, can be extremely profitable. The Trade Licensed Aliens must sign onto a list for importing whenever the school arrives in their home country.
A class designed around the application of powers in the form of violence, be it in the form of Protectors or soldiers or mercenaries.

A class for those who plan to apply their powers in the form of study and the advancement of the sciences in any form.

A class for those who plan to apply their powers in a more personal use, such as those planning on using their powers for mercantile arts.

A class set around those planning to avoid all association with their powers. The class consists of learning how to get by in life without abilities becoming involved, such as how to keep energy from flaring when upset or excited. By signing onto the Dissimulatrix, one signs a binding agreement that forces them to send their child to the school, by any means necessary. This class is not available for Nulla tier initiates.

The Protector program. This program is for those who plan on staying on the schools payroll after graduation, and gives access to higher level combat training that the standard Pugnator level class. This program welcomes all kinds, but most focuses on combat.

The Teacher program. This program is for those who plan on educating others in the ways of magic, no matter their intended destination, though those who plan on staying on are given more incentives to continue working with the school.

The Leadership program. This program is for those who plan on assuming more political roles after graduation, including in depth lessons on the political status of every nation and intense study of psychology especially pertaining to masses.

The Growth program. This program focuses on those of more than enough emotional stability to graduate between Tiers, but who are, for whatever cause, unable to grasp the lessons necessary to advance.

The Spy program. This program focuses on those whose sole focus is leaving the school armed with the knowledge needed to make changes in the world, by whatever means they deem necessary. Less a specialized program on its own, the Insidiator program takes bits and pieces from all programs and classes, a jack-of-all trades.

The Craftsman program. This program focuses on those who seek to use their powers in the pursuit of everyday applications for their abilities. This most frequently includes merchants, inventors, crafters, mercenaries and the sort. Whatever their end goal, they are most likely of all others to make a profit from their powers at the end of the day.
Your tier is defined by the observed level of skill observed by the instructor. Your tier is not defined by age, experience, time in the school, etc. It is defined only by how fast you learn and your level of skill.

Unum Forus: The First tier of the school is focused on the growth of the raw amount of power and abilities of the initiate.
Duo Forus: The Second tier of the school is focused on the control of what has already been learned, the sharpening of the material that was already taught.
Nulla Forus: The Zeroth tier of the school is focused on those rare exceptions; those who come incredibly late or have such potential and power that the First tier is deemed unnecessary, but does not have the knowledge needed for the Second tier. The Zeroth tier takes the place of both First and Second tier for those who apply.
Tres Forus: The Third tier of the school is focused much like the second tier, on the harnessing of abilities unlocked in year one. However, in tier three one is taught specializations, given direction in the broad field that most powers encompass.
Ultima Forus: The Ultima tier is for those who are not satisfied with the level of education received during the prior three years, mostly for those who have an interest in truly mastering all aspects of their element. This tier is not actually located within the school, instead placed in the base of all their operations, Terra Augurium. This is the highest level tier available, elevating one to true mastery of their magic. Very few actually graduate this tier, because, due to the intensity of the program and the need to push one beyond normal human limits, 65% quit early due to a variety of reasons, including physical, mental, and spiritual trauma. Of those remaining, nearly 20% of the few initiates do not survive. The lethality rates are so significant due to the courses taking place in major nexuses of magical stones that grant Augurium its great power to begin with. To begin their training, initiates are tested in other ways, both on and off the school. Phase One common way is to become a teacher’s aide for a year to hone their education in a practical way as well as review information. Phase Two consists of bi-weekly tournaments, which generally establishes a pecking order of power and in what order one commences Phase Three. Phase Three is team based survival exercise taking place in the Mainland Crystal Fields that mark some of the most inhospitable areas of the continent of Terra Augurium. They are given quests such as harvesting so much of certain items found only there, or hunting out certain animals to a certain amount. This helps control monster populations and keep up certain scarce supplies. Phase Four of training involves a solo survival exercise wherein you enter one of the surrounding Island Crystal Fields that were also heavily hit by crystals and seek out a higher form of Spirit Eggs, a rare and powerful form called Ultima Eggs. You then bring them back and proceed to Phase Five. During this phase, one goes into a deep meditative state and runs a gauntlet of mental challenges, expelling oneself of powerful weaknesses like phobias and repressed memories. Once the Ultima is as strong as they can be spiritually, physically and mentally, the egg hatches and they are declared a fully-fledged Ultima. Upon reaching this stage, you are issued a license by the government of Terra Augurium. You have power, supplies and resources at your disposal nearly no one else does, to do with what you will so long as it serves Augurium. You are, however, now irrevocably in the service of Augurium til you die. To rebel against this is to be hunted down by fellow Ultimas and summarily executed.
(A few of these are unfinished. It's pretty obvious which ones.)
Vene Ignus - Elemental user of Fire. By manipulating heat, elemental Vene Ignus users are capable of creating fire from little more than motion and air. At low levels of skill, it tends to be limited to creating bursts of flames for varying lengths of time, with the hotter and longer the duration of the flame making it more difficult in increasing increments. At high levels of skill and energy, however, it is an extremely flexible caster class, allowing one to not only create fire with nearly no temperature or time limit and move objects with hot air currents, but even the creation of ice and the draining of heat.
Vene Aquas - Elemental user of Water. By bending water to their will, elemental Vene Aquas users are able to control water. At low levels of skill, the average Vene Aquas user is capable of pulling water from a far distance and controlling it to form all sorts of objects and shapes, with some degree of dexterous movement. A master of the powers, however, is capable of controlling other fluids, creating ice and steam from the water present in their and other’s bodies alone, as well as being able to pick locks and pockets with their water.
Vene Aere - Elemental user of Air. Through changing the motions of air, elemental Vene Aere users without a lot of experience are able to do many things, from performing basic manipulations like opening windows and levitating objects with tightly packed units of air to knocking down enemies and blowing around light objects with weak tornados and walls of air as well as generating simple sounds. More advanced users are able to achieve finer manipulations like working with tools, opening doors and cutting even the hardest of objects with fine blades of wind. They are also capable of blowing away huge reaches of land with tidal waves, tornadoes and hurricanes, bowling over the strongest of structures with powerful walls of air.
Vene Terra - Elemental user of Earth. By controlling the stone of the earth, elemental Vene Terra casters are able to use the planet itself to apply force and material according to your will.
Vene Navitas - Elemental user of Energy. Drawing upon a most basic of forces, energy itself from molecules around them, Vene Navitas users then turn this potential energy into kinetic energy and force, allowing the creation of all kinds of abilities. Easily one of the most diverse abilities, it is also one of the most dangerous to the users. The most common uses of Vene Navitas is to accelerate(such as striking harder or running faster) or slow movement(absorption of energy to slow down blows or soften a landing), and release shockwaves of energy, but it has many other creative uses. The school only endorses certain numbers of techniques for Unum Forus students, however, as more Navitas students wind up in the hospital due to self-inflicted injuries than any other class of student, including the Ignus caster type. An impressive feat. For this reason, acrobatics are a mandatory course for all Navitas students, with how to properly land, brace or absorb energy before impact being foremost in their lessons before they’re allowed to play with their powers in any official capacity.

Magum Mortis - Conjuration user of Death. This class has to do with entropy, users able to bring things from a state of order into a state of chaos. More specifically, users do so in regards to living matter. Masters of the casting type can do so to non-organic matter relatively easily, as well as bring things from chaos into a state of order.
Magum Vitae - Conjuration user of Life. This class is the penultimate summoner, able to both command natural, non-sentient life such as wild animals and plants, and to over time develop “Life Sparks”, seeds of energy that give direction to the ambient life energy to form plant like organisms that can take any shape, preserved by their Mana Wyrm. This process takes a great deal of time for beginners, days for the first many of their creations. It also takes time to grow once these seeds are “planted”, or deposited in the ground by the incorporeal mana wyrm. Their mana wyrm would also only be able to store so many seeds until the user's own mana pool has increased significantly. The more stubborn the animal, the more powerful its will, the more energy it takes to control. Forethought and intelligence are key features of this class, capable of making everything from a mighty, powerful dragon, or a revolutionary medicine. Their creations do fade in time unless they are made to self-preserve, but even this only prolongs the process and is very difficult to program in. The more complex or large creation, the more energy dedication and time is needed to complete.
Magum Spiritus - Conjuration user of Spirit. ((Spirit, instead, is more along the lines of the "spirit" of objects, of people, and of the world. They can see far more than the usual person can, can sense far more, and deal with the mental aspect of things, unlike the other elements. They can see and sense things like psychometry, clairvoyance, etc. They can also use telepathy to a certain degree and can create links. Many things having to do with the mind and soul of the world and people. They also have an extremely hard time mimicking the abilities of other casters.))

Mago Tenebris - Polar user of Darkness. One of the most obscure and misunderstood of the various elements, Mago Tenebris users tend to be rather mysterious lot. One of the most distinct and obvious features of darkness users is their ability to create darkened areas unless lit from inside, most typically Vene Ignus fire or Mago Ex Diem light. This area contains no texture, weight or feeling in particular, but it cannot be seen through no matter how intense the outside source of light is. However, once cleared, it has to be manually reapplied unless done by a high level user. The second ability of Mago Tenebris users are basic constructs, done swiftly and with relative ease, but without much by way of intelligence or agency to each being they create. Using shadows near them to draw on the air, they are able to make solid, three dimensional objects with a facsimile of intelligence, either crudely following the initiative given upon creation or directly following the will of the one who called them. The toughness and power of each summon is equal to the density of power distribution per creation each creation; a master Ultima could, for example, make one as hard as diamond, but a beginner could likely only make things as strong as brittle stone like flint. The third primary ability of Mago Tenebris users is linking space, making them able to create create portals of varying shapes and sizes, but to utilize them is where difficulty ensues. The more mass the object has, not volume, the harder it is to transport, as the portals turn all matter into shadows, passes them between locations that have been seen by the user. The greater the distance that has to be passed as a shadow, the more energy it takes. It is a skill typically used only by high level users, as to pass an entire person through is a very difficult feat.
Mago Ex Diem - Polar user of Light. This element is a bit obscure and strange in application. The obvious is that it creates light, illuminating the area that the user desires it to. On top of this, however, much more is possible. For instance, one of the most common applications of the light element is the use of hard-light constructs. This is similar in application to a "Green Lantern"-esque ability. Another common application of the light element is in the concentration of the energy into a multi-purpose laser. One slightly less common use of the element is to utilize it for teleportation purposes. In doing so, the user temporarily becomes light to "blink" short distances. If used correctly, this blinking technique can be used to apply an impressive amount of force. Users of this technique must be careful to remember that they are not indestructible, and if they hit something at near-light speed, they will break themselves.

Duplex Magum/Vene/Mago - Double Conjuration/Polar/Elemental user of any two elements.
Unum Forus:
(1st-3rd days of the week)
0900-0945: Wake-up/Breakfast
1000-1245: Class Classes
1300-1400: Lunch
1415-1700: Caster Type Classes
1715-1900: Dinner
1915-2200: Fitness Class (On the Ring)
2215-0900: Sleep/Freetime

Each housing building is more of an apartment complex. They are large, and nice. Each dorm-house has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen/dining room, and a living room. Some students never get a roommate, and while some consider that to be a curse, others consider it quite the boon. They are the colors of the element living there, within a gradient range (Aside from the Pugnator dorms, which are a tasteful mix of darker and lighter shades of the colors, signifying that they are unified. No, they don't look like a rainbow.). Look at the crest of the school if you want an example of the colors.

School uniform: Can only wear non-uniform clothing in off-time.

Each element has its own color scheme:
Ignus: Red
Terra: Brown
Aquas: Blue
Aere: Yellow
Mortis: Grey
Vitae: Green
Tenebris: Black
Ex Diem: White
Spiritus: Purple
Navitas: Pink
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentLocations" style="display: none;"]
Terra Occidens: Translates to Land of the West. Open trade between school and itself, and loves the school. Opinion on magic is varied, it isn’t trusted, but they feel the school is doing a good job.

Terra Orientis: Translates to Land of the East. Open trade, but isn’t trusting of the school. Magic is frowned upon, but not abhorrent.

Terra Aquilonis: Translates to Land of the North. Greenland and anything near the North Pole is theirs. Restricts trade heavily, but keeps open communication. They do not like the school much. Magic is cherished, but they prefer to teach their people themselves.

Terra Austri: Translates to Land of the South. Antarctica is theirs. Minimizes trade as much as possible. They hate the school and anyone associated. They have complete distrust and dislike of all things magic. They, behind closed doors, execute those that they find with especially strong magic. Super religious cult controls their government. They think that magic is sinful. They have developed ways to pick up on the genetic traits before they show themselves. Not perfected yet.

Terra Augurium: Translates to Land of Enchantment. Australia is theirs. They ARE the school. The school is differentiated from Terra Augurium by either simply being called Augurium or the Collegium Magi.

New Holy Roman Empire: Has great distaste towards the school, and regards it as a potential time bomb. Allows some limited trade. Views magic as something that should be removed and only used when in need and for extremely important functions.

New Republic of North America: Has great love for the school, engaging in active trade and like Japan even offers festivals upon the school’s arrival. Views magic as something to use with great caution, but is celebrated.

Great Khan Republic: Hates the school and considers it a threat to power, but trades with it regardless of that in order to maintain power. Magic is allowed though disliked, and is carefully watched, but they regard it as too useful to ban.

Egyptian Theocracy: Hates the school and considers it heretical. Refuses trade with the school itself, but many of its citizens trade with the people that run as guards incognito. Magic is reserved for the hierarchy and guard and military.

Japanese Undersea Empire: Loves and supports the School. Relies on trade from the school to keep their equipment working. Magic is openly embraced.

The World:
  • Brazilian Deadzone
    • Brazil recovered shockingly fast from the nuclear blasts, but not in any way conducive for human life. To this day, Brazil in unoccupiable for more than just the radiation… The creatures have mutated to barely recognizable states, with one similarity: they’re deadly to human life. The Terra Augurium drops in every year to harvest more Soul Eggs.
  • Egyptian Sandtomb
    • Many rising radical parties in Egypt quickly took charge once magic came to the forefront, beginning a supermassive project to built huge tomb-cities in worship of the old gods. Forged from magic, these places survived, but that saved at most 2,000 radicals. Even now Egypt is a very dangerous place, for the people there have magically mutated themselves to the point they can scarcely be called human. While they live very long lives, they are sterile, with a slowly but surely falling population of meta-humans. This area is extremely lethal, with the incredibly powerful metahumans capable of performing high level magics as a standard, and abhor all non-mutated human life.
  • Chinese Wastelands
    • Despite having started the next Great War, China was blown up almost last, likely due to the massive land mass of it and the then fractured government.
  • Japanese Sea
    • Japan was hit easily the hardest due to their small but mighty nature. The few survivors founded an underwater, if small, society. Highly dependent upon magic for survival.
  • Israelic Crater
    • Israel being of such extreme religious nature, all out war broke quickly. Much like the American Deadlands, there are periodic points where one can rest and not worry about radiation.
  • Great Phonecian Crater
    • This place was not actually made during WW3. The only nation to directly oppose the school, Terra Augurium activated their old weapons of war they’d found to demonstrate what happens to those who try to interrupt the path of the Tower.
  • American Deadlands(North and South)
    • America was one of the first targets. Having been nuked to hell from all directions, they are the cause of a great many other Primary Wastelands.
  • Madagascar Crystal Jungle
    • Augurium owns it
  • Augurium Crystal Fields
    • Born from the massive quantity of crystal shards that both fell in Australia naturally and were gathered there through the efforts of Augurium. The area is so heavily radiated by magic that it has become nearly inhospitable to human life and impossible to settle in the long term without protection. The only exceptions are several areas sheltered from the extreme magical radiation. In these small areas are safe outposts armed with heavy weapons designed to destroy heavy artillery in the last Great War. The wild-life in the area is mutated beyond the point of being recognizable, into the realm of the slightly obscene. The natural magics and powers wielded by these creatures can be matched only by true masters of magic. Ultima Forus magic users enter the fields as the final test of their mastery. This is not a learning experience for them; it is proof they have utter control and mastery, as well as a stress test like no other. The survival rate of trespassers in the crystal field are very, very small. This is the only area outside of the Brazilian Deadzone where Spirit Eggs exist.
2 = 3
Trade Islands:

Fire Island:

Water Island:

Life Island:

Darkness Island:

Light Island:

Earth Island:

Air Island:

Death Island:

Energy/Spirit Island:

The Ring/Training Grounds:
These ones disappeared and I need to find them again...

Cat Island:
This is a maintenance island that rarely needs work on it, but after a Magum Vitae experiment gone wild, the island has been overrun by cat plants that both look and act like regular cats. It's a popular place to come to study and relax. Think of it like the "cat/dog rooms" some colleges have. A de-stress area where you can chill out and relax during stressful testing times. In a prank, life students planted "cat seeds", expecting it to generally fail and be creepy and gross. They were wrong, and the cat-plants propagated and grew wildly. They took over the island, and the dean decided it was useful to have during extremely stressful periods of time.
cat island.jpg
cat island2.png
cat island3.jpg

3 = 3
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentRules" style="display: none;"] One big thing for me with this one is that I want only people who can do large posts. This is a detailed RP. Mind you, that doesn't mean we have to post every single day or something like that. I have college and life to attend to... so slow but substantial is kinda the easiest thing to do. Quality and quantity and all that. Because of this, I'm setting a three paragraph strict minimum. For a definition of paragraph, I'll refer to high school. 5+ sentences equals a paragraph. If you have multiple characters, it is total, not individual, though I doubt there'll be much trouble with it in general.

There is no limit to how many characters you can have. Go wild if you want, just make sure you can handle however many you make.

At the moment, all students will be either Unum Forus or, in a few situations, Nulla Forus.

Currently, the mods of this roleplay are WeaselThor WeaselThor and Osuka Osuka . Mods can create teachers and the like. I may add more mods at a later date, and that will be reflected here.

Other than these simple rules... I can't think of any at the moment. Obviously, follow RpN rules, but otherwise, just have fun!

Oh. To make sure you have read everything, I've hidden a 4 code to allow you access to the character sheet. (I like trying to play with BBCode and BBCode+, it's fun. :P )

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Osuka Osuka Djinni Djinni Mina Mina dragonsfire dragonsfire Four Eyes Four Eyes trix trix Latios Latios Allibi Allibi Life. Life. Tenebrous Tenebrous The Secret Archives The Secret Archives
Astralworks Astralworks Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Kyrenka Kyrenka MirrorBoy MirrorBoy OnyxReaper OnyxReaper Rantos Rantos Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Slim Intoxicado Slim Intoxicado Ixacise Ixacise plastic_lover plastic_lover amva amva Hubub101 Hubub101 Peckinou Peckinou WeaselThor WeaselThor
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