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Fantasy At Sea, With Me...

Midnight Paragon

Savior of Dusk
Roleplay Availability
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The rain fell slowly and lightly on this moonlit night. It wasn't everyday Admiral Hauster could enjoy himself like this. Usually, his nights consisted of him rolling around in his bed, trying to sleep, but when it rained, he always found himself more....at peace.

The Harraway, Admiral Hauster's ship, rocked gently in the port. The good Admiral had docked into the port city of Gretingshan a couple of hours ago, and told his men to have the night off, which they graciously accepted. As far as he knew, he was all alone on the ship now. He sighed and thought back to why he was out here in the first place. The King had said Pirate attacks had been getting more and more aggressive lately, which he had to agree with. Gretingshan was just one of many port towns that had to deal with him. He was told to try and track down the biggest Pirate he could find and bring them in; for what reason he wasn't told. He shook his head, for it seems to him mostly pointless. The Pirates, while all scoundrels, weren't stupid. If a big Pirate were to fall, another would take his place. Still, he had to believe in the King. Without belief, the nation of Katharsis would have fallen long ago. He fixed his hat and, with one last sigh, retreated back into his cabin.

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Rin quietly slipped through the port city streets moving closer to the water. The rain fell lightly and she pulled her cloak tighter around herself, the mist in the air dampening her face. In the distance Rin could hear the drunk laughter of men at a tavern who should have long been cut off. She shivered. On nights like these you could never be too careful especially with the amount of pirates that had been slinking around as of late.

It had been almost a week since Rin arrived in Gretingshan. She was staying at a local inn for now but preferred to wait until most of the occupants were asleep before she returned to her room. If anything the girl knew how to keep to the shadows, thanks to her mother's fears. As much as she liked it here, it was still far too close to danger for Rin and she knew she needed to get farther away. For now though her plan was to sit on the edge of the docks and wait for the drunks to pass out or go home. Whichever came first. In her pouch at her waist she kept her money, charcoal, and a few sheets of folded paper, some blank and others with various maps sketched on them. Rin did a quick check to make sure she still had everything. Content that it was all there she relaxed and listened to the sound of the water lapping against the nearby ships and the soft rainfall.
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Raphael Hauster retreated to his desk inside the Captains Cabin with a sigh as he opened a bottle of whiskey and poured himself a glass. He looked down at the large map on his desk that had been marked here and there with red ink. These were the places were he had captured, or killed, pirates at large. So far there were only a dozen, but he planned on having that quantity change very soon. He took a sip of his whiskey and opened a drawer, pulling out his journey and opening it to a clean page. He set his drink to the side and grabbed his quilt as he began to scribble this days entry.

Mornandos, 12th of Bree

Seems all quiet today. Gretingshan, as big of a town as it is, was relatively calm. I'm unsure as to when we're going to find the next sea-dog delinquent, but a feeling in my bones tells me we're getting closer. The men grow more and restless the less we hear of Pirate activity. I can tell they're itching for a fight, and I don't know if I can scratch it soon. Perhaps tommorows ventures shall prove more fruitful. I can only hope.

He put down his quill with another sigh and picked his cup back up, taking another swig as he stared out his window, the glass streaked with the blots of rain running down it...
Morgan stepped out into the sprinkling rain, still clutching his flask as he tightened his coat about him and set off down the cobblestone lane. It was a strange experience for him to feel the need to watch his surroundings as he had in recent months. He'd been on the seas for years, ransacking and plundering as he went but never felt the pressure his did now from the navy. He'd warned his crew to keep a low profile as they enjoyed themselves at port, though a low profile is hardly what drunken sailors are known for.

Three days they had been docked, and they would again head out tomorrow. It couldn't come soon enough. Unlike most of his crew spare a handful, the Captain continued to sleep in his quarters on his primary ship the Red Vanessa. Not only was it nicer than most of the rooms that would have been available on short notice, but it allowed him to keep a sharp eye for loitering persons that might indicate negative attention from the crown. The sound of his boot steps changed from the crunching of the fine stones to the hollow and comforting retort of wood as he arrived to the docks and took a generous swig of amber liquor from his sterling flask.

He would be more than thrilled to leave this city and be once again surrounded by endless ocean and the salty air burning his cheeks.

As he neared his ship that had been disgustingly plucked of her black sails in exchange for white ones that allowed them to enter the city, the Captain squinted in the night at a figure sat on the dock. A figure alone, but an unusual place for an individual in the rain nonetheless. He debated whether or not to approach, weighing the options before deciding that an offensive position was probably for the best.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He said, when he was still a few feet away and could make out the petite frame. "I always loved the look of rain on the seas. Though, I'll have to admit that I usually partake in that pleasure from the comfort of a room and not sitting out in it." Morgan rested his forearm against the blade at his side without threat, but moved to stand beside the figure, facing out to the bay. It would be a damned shame if the Navy had begun to employ young women in their battle against piracy.
Rin was more lost in the sea of thoughts in her head than the beauty of the one in front of her. It was for this reason she didn't hear the footsteps nearing her on the dock. Startled, she turned at the sound of a voice. Before answering his question she thought for a minute on the best course of action. She didn't want to anger or upset him, even though it was dark and he hadn't yet stepped into the dock lantern's light, she could tell he had a weapon. The best way to approach the situation would be to proceed with caution but stay alert.

"Absolutely breath taking," she agreed smiling softly from under her hood. She didn't want to give away that other than the inn she didn't have a place to stay or anyone waiting for her return. "I like to get as close as I can to the water," she revealed, "Getting rained on has never really bothered me." While this wasn't the true reason she was outside in the rain, her statement was still true, feeling the droplets of water on her skin felt like a certain freedom washing over her.

As he moved to stand beside her, his weapon came into view and Rin doubted that was the only one he had on him. Still he didn't seem threatening at the moment. She stood up not taking her eyes off him while she did so. She might be overly cautious but it had kept her alive this long. "If you usually prefer to stay inside on nights like these, then what might I ask brought you out here tonight?" She asked the question innocently enough, her green eyes soft but curious.

Meara had finally made it to the top in the area. Rumors of her succession with bounty hunting had reached the ears of the king. Although she had never actually met him, she was instructed to accompany "Admiral Hauster" on his ship per his letter with his signature and stamp. Not being able to see him was understandable to her though; why trust a dirty bounty hunter that could turn on and betray you at any moment if given enough money. More not so formal instructions were written on a separate piece of paper that she currently had in her pants left pocket that stated to meet this crew at the specific docks she was currently heading to. Although, it did not say when so she questioned if she should even come this late at night, but after a thought like that she then reasoned thinking to herself, "Then where would the fun be in that?"

She tugged on the hood of her cloak trying keep dry from the rain but her effort was futile since her long red hair was already drenched as she approached the docks. The bounty huntress took out the informal piece of paper hoping that her head would get in the way of the rain hitting the paper but this too failed making it so that water fell from her hood and the bridge of her nose as she looked down. Not to mention that it was also dark out so with on hand she summoned a tiny flame at the end of her index finger to bring light to the paper. She read through finding the name of the ship and extinguished the flame putting the paper away as she did so. She then walked down the dock trying to search for it until she came across the correct one, The Harraway. "Alright, now let's see how this will turn out. " She walked on the deck just taking a look around checking out the ship. She slid a hand across the ships wooden railing, "Seems to be pretty new," she continued to walk alongside the railing as she whispered to herself, "not even a creak when I step."

@Knight Nate
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Raphael turned back to his journal and sighed. While it wasn't really mandatory for the Officers to keep logs or journals, many did. It did grow tiring at times, but Raphael would push through it; he wanted something interesting to read when he got older. He picked his quill up and dipped it back into the ink before continuing his entry.

His Majesty informed no less than a fortnight ago that he would be bringing a headhunter into our midst. I knew better than to question him, but it irks me to no end that he thinks I am incapable of capturing these bastards by myself.

Still, orders are orders. I guess this is half the reason we docked in Gretingshan, to meet this 'Bounty Hunter', and bring them aboard. His Majesty didn't say much besides that I could trust in their abilities, which I seriously doubt. I've met many a sellsword in my time; they're all big talk and short swords. I'm willing to bet this one will be no different.

He put down his quill and stood again. He stretched as he began to pace around his cabin. The silence that came with his crew leaving the ship was always a little....uncomfortable. He looked to his side at the Rapier still on his belt, and a small grin crawled onto his face. He pulled Amethyst from its sheath and admired it under the gentle candlelight. He then turned around and assumed a fighting stance in front of a hat rack, where one of his old hats sat. His imagination took over, and the hat rack was now one of his old rivals, the Dread Pirate Robbins.

"Meet your maker, Robbins! Haha!"

He began having a fake duel with the hat rack, thrusting at its side multiple times and then pulling back, enjoying the old memory. He longed for some actual combat, but this little practice session against the fake Robbins satiated it just a little....

@Maeve Valor
Meara looked up and whistled in admiration of the ship. Just the size of the sail were massive. The ashes would be massive if I were to burn this beauty down. She thought turning around in a circle before seeing some stair leading down the ship. Sh walked over to it only to see there were no lanterns lit. She soon realized the sailors must be having their one last night on land before taking off. Hm, too bad I have to make a good impression... or else I'd be doing the same. She hated introduction when it came to the officials. For her either she ends up getting shunned or treated like scum. Usually, at least showing effort in making a good impression will give her the result of the better of the two. She looked back across the deck and saw just one lantern lit inside and the room looked to be medium sized. Now I've been on enough ships to guess this is the captain's cabin. She clasped her hands her hands together and stretched to crack her fingers and then cracked her neck. "Let's get this over with then shall we?" She briskly walked across to the door of the cabin only to be met with the sound of clinking and some shuffling inside. She knocked on the door just in case she was possibly interrupting anything and to hear the reaction of the person on the other side.

@Knight Nate
"Avast, yet dirty scoundr-"

Raphael was knocked out of his reverie and brought his sword down roughly as he turned his head to the door which had been rapped on repeatedly. He heard a clonk and turned again to find the top of his hat rack on the floor. It seemed he beheaded Robbins unintentionally.

He turned his attention back to the door. Who in the world would be knocking at this hour? It wouldn't be one of his crew; he knew them too well for them to just knock like that. This was probably someone he hadn't met yet. He quickly put Amethyst back into its sheath and sat back down at his desk. He picked up his quill and tried to look busy by writing on a piece of parchment as he cleared his throat and called out.


@Maeve Valor
Meara carefully opened the door and walked inside. She looked around the room observing it, trying to get a good feel for this person before she jumps into discussion. Her eyes came a across the hat rack that was still on its side and the top part was cut off. Ah, I see now, she thought. From what she so far gathered he didn't seem as tightly wound as the other sea captains in her time. Even if her first impression would be a bad one, he would get over it... or so she hoped. Regardless, she walked over taking the chair in front of the desk as we was "busy" writing something and she kicked up her wet boots on his desk. "Evening captain, your looking at your new sword for hire. Meara Chevalle is the name, you might of heard of it..." she cockily smirked and shrugged," or not, I really don't care nor does it matter."

@Knight Nate

(Hopefully this post bumps it up. Please people, post! T_T I don't want this rp to die already.)
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