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Futuristic Asylum {A Futuristic Dome Mystery}

Quip a Witticism

Er... I knew that, probably.


Files Received.


To view Archived File titled '
Final Entry,'

Please proceed to the section below.

Access File: Final Entry

A cold sweat clawed down his back, sending a shudder up through his aching bones. His pupils were dilated, unfocused, and his thinning hair was disheveled, furiously swept to the side. He couldn’t stop thinking the same damn thoughts, over and over.

Get up. Eat. Go to work. Eat. Go home. Eat. Socialize. Sleep.

The same words, over and
over again, like someone had cracked a record and left the needle down in and endless sea of repetition and tedium. Sweat trickled down his brow, his mind a jumbled mess of words, endless words, all screaming at him and digging their nails deeper into the back of his brain. In all his forty years on this earth, he had never experienced this before in his life. This.. inexplicable drawl, this persistent bubble of something intangible boiling up from the pit of his stomach, threatening to consume him.

Was this because he missed the monthly shot? Was it a
side effect?

That couldn’t possibly be right. Nostrils flaring and chest heaving with strain, the man brought a trembling, weakened hand to dab lamely at his forehead, before the same hand reached out to activate his personal rig. Tapping the side of his left temple, a soft beep filled his ruined apartment, and a quiet blue light appeared before his face.

Good Afternoon, Mister Denim. How may I be of service to you today?” The cool, British female voice chimed from his ear piece.

Chancel Medical Advice.” His voice croaked out, and the words scratched as his throat as they stammered through his lips. Surely there would be something about this on file? There were quite possibly millions living within the protective walls of the City, and all of them were on monthly injections. He couldn’t possibly be the only one to have ever missed a shot. The holographic screen flickered to life directly in front his his eyes as Anna, his Rig’s standard AI system, processed and displayed his request.

Connecting to Chancel Medical Advice. Search for specified file?” Anna inquired, and the man felt something rise up hot from the very depths of his mind.

Nivalis!” It came out with such a force, that he found himself perturbed by his own voice. That’s right- if he could just find a file on, perhaps, withdrawals of Nivalis, maybe he could find out a way to tough it out until his next injection. Anna gave an affirmative beep, and the screen displayed in front of his eyes widened to fit the format of the pages that loaded upon his request.

He wasn’t sure how long he’d been looking, but his reddening eyes and the pounding in his head only worsened by the
moment. He felt the rise of something new- something he would never know how to put into words- and he wasn’t sure this wave of emotion was something he liked. His eyes narrowed and his teeth began to grind, desperately scrolling with his finger in the air, searching for the answer to his neurosis, when something curious caught his eye. The files he had seen were all Chancel official files- documents on what Nivalis was, how it helped the people survive, and what it was supposed to do to the body. The forum where the files were contained was not open for public posting, and yet as he was scrolling through the list of entirely unhelpful documents, something stood out like a sore thumb.

A single, unopened document submitted by a user. An unknown user, at that. And if that wasn’t enough, the title of the file itself was disturbingly vague.


Alarmed, he found himself unwittingly bringing a quivering finger up, and selected it without much care of thought. He had been through these forums possibly a hundred times, why hadn’t he seen this here before? Just then though, out of nowhere, the sickening feeling of
familiarity stuck him like a fist to his gut- he had seen this before. Something told him it had been here, the entire time, but he hadn’t had a care to look at it.

Why not, again?

The page took what felt like forever to load, and the man looked rather physically dejected upon discovery that the page had henceforth been removed. At least, that’s what the outlandish message displaying on his screen said. Sighing in defeat, he went to exit out of the useless file, when the far bottom right corner caught his eye.

don’t leave us

The link read, and he found himself unable to do anything but open the attached file. For a moment, he waited with his breath held stiffly within his lungs, wrinkled eyes squinting at the loading symbol floating in front of his face. Quite suddenly the screen went blank, and his rig collapsed the page, before the ground in front of his feet lit up in a vibrant blue circle.

Ah, a hologram, then. The man felt a sudden pang of panic, as he realized he was probably doing something he wasn’t supposed to, and for a moment the voices shouting the insistent words got irrefutably louder.

Eat! They shrieked at him, and he realized he had begun to sweat far more profusely than before. He almost ripped himself away from the projection, and had turned in a whirlwind of force towards the kitchen door, when lights flashed behind him, and a voice cried out in pure desperation.

Please!” The voice moaned, and the man found himself once again overcome by agonizing curiosity. Turning to face the flickering, interrupted projection, and found his eyes widening in shock. The aging man was staring back at him through dead, holographic eyes, and was absolutely disheveled. The pure epitome of socially unacceptable behaviour. Mr. Denim found himself utterly appalled.

They aren’t what you think they are,” The man, who sounded like an absolute raving lunatic, seemed to insist with such a force that he was sure to pop his eyes right out from his head. “They’re not for the cold. They’re for something far, far worse. It changes you. Every time you let the stick you with it, it changes you. Can’t you see? If you got here, that means you opened your eyes- don’t you see?” The man was screeching now, a veritable source of noise that seemed to penetrate even the chorus of obstinate voices in the back of Mr. Denim's mind.

Don’t let them win- you can’t let them win. You have to help us.” The hologram flickered and spit, hissing with some sort of interference. “Don’t believe them- they’re the enemy, not us. The clues- follow the clues, they lead to the truth. Don’t let them stick you again, you hear me? Don’t let them-” The quality of the hologram took a turn for the worse, and the man viewing this absurd spectacle found himself lunging a hand up to his rig. Was his rig dying?

Or had someone been jamming this man’s signal whilst he’d been recording?

His words came out in jumbled, broken messes, and the man physically strained himself to make out the garbled words.

Link…. Sent you… find...others.” Furrowing his brows, he watched as the light began to wane in protest. “Don...let her...find..you. Kill...Aina before...kills us.” What? What the hell was that supposed to mean? Anna gave a warning beep, and the man found himself clutching the empty air as the transmission ended with a sickening pop.

What happened to him? Who were 'they'? He said it wasn’t for the cold.. If Chancel wasn’t handing out injections to prevent environmental disaster from killing everyone, then just what the hell were they doing? Panic overtook him, and he set about his apartment in a furious scuffle for the second time tonight. This time, however, he was searching for changes of clothes, and perhaps some provisions. He’d need some time to think- maybe he could get away for a little bit, try to decipher the meaning of the message.

In all his confusion, scuffling, and rushing, he failed to notice the dread pounding on his door. Missed the sound of his security system being overwritten, and his doors sliding open to welcome unknown assailants.

Assailants that he had no idea were there, until a man dressed in full black security garments with the latest military rig pointed an assault rifle up into his

His heart raced out of his chest.

Rat tat tat.

File Archives: Plot.
It’s the year 3062, and you are a resident of the beautiful, majestic city state in the north- Aurora. The city boasts itself as the largest city state in the world, and is a marvel of human ingenuity and engineering. Many call it a paradise on earth; little to no carbon emissions, an entire ecosystem with wildlife and sea life alike, sporting some of the most advanced technology known to man.

There is, however, a catch. The city was built in the north- as in, the North Pole. Surrounding the city lay miles and miles of icy tundra, unforgiving wildlife, and a climate riddled with frozen death. Lucky for you, Aurora is a city of warmth and prosperity- brought upon by the city’s protective Dome, sporting automatic environmental regulations. The inside of the Dome feels like the South American Continent during the summer, and a comfortable southern-American climate during the winter. The inner walls of the Dome are lined with holographic technology, hiding the hellish white and blistering snow clouds with clear blue skies, and on occasion, scheduled rain. However, as natural disasters are still commonplace outside the protective barrier of the Dome’s walls, the residents of Aurora are cautioned to remain vigilant.

Thus the genetics department of Chancel Corporation’s research and development team came out with a miracle serum- a serum that, in case of the Dome becoming damaged or breached, would automatically activate within the bloodstream. The serum would begin providing an internal heat source that would last at the very least a few hours, whilst the the damage is being repaired. In theory, saving the lives of possibly millions of people from a hypothermic demise.

At least, that’s what Chancel Corp would like everyone to believe. The truth of the matter is far more complicated- if not entirely dire- than their pretty garnished lies could ever amount to.

Unbenounced to the citizens living within the walls of Aurora’s Dome, the serum they are being injected with once a month has nothing to do with the cold. Additionally unbenounced to them, they have no idea that they are living amongst the emotionally deceased- for the serum has one side effect. An effect that, if issued properly to the people, would go blissfully unnoticed-

individuality has been stripped from them. Everyone performs the same tasks, over and over, the same routine, and have never been the wiser. People are placed into fields of work that are required, during the time, to keep the city running smoothly. People are forced into relationships with no love, have families built from scientific compatibility checks, and would never know joy. Nor anger, or frustration; nor love or hate.

As long as they keep taking their monthly shot of Nivalis, many people live and die without feeling a
single thing.

But YOU, along with a few other for whatever reason, have missed your shot this month. Or, perhaps, missed a couple of shots in a row, and are starting to
feel things. Frustration, confusion, pain and dysphoria- all of these things pushed you and the others to search for medical advice, and all of you found yourselves overwhelmed with curiosity upon finding the rogue file. And now, after witnessing such an audacious thing, you are starting to question the very fibres of your existence here in Aurora, and are beginning to ask questions that Chancel believes no one has got any business asking-

is Nivalis? And more importantly, why?

A few days after you viewed the file, a message from an unknown user came up on your notifications from your personal rig- a message that has pushed you to take action. It contained two words and a location marker- one you could ping to your city map and calculate out the fastest route to.

The Truth- District 11, centre 3.

Deciding to ping the coordinate link to your map, you’ve gathered your things and are preparing to find the truth. Upon arrival to your destination, you're surprised to encounter others, whom of which are just as confused and unexpected as you. Together, you all might be able to find the truth.

Only, the truth would be far more than you bargained for, and it would put a target right between your eyes. For in this city, knowledge is power, and those in power have no intention of letting it go.

And finding the truth will be far harder than you originally anticipated- subterfuge, theft, hacking, undercover excursions, building up fake ties and calling in favours from your mysterious ‘unknown user’ are some of the things you hadn’t ever imagined yourself doing. And yet, these actions of defiance and criminality are now the only things that safeguard your life.

If only things were that easy, though- because while being off Nivalis has given you the ability to think for yourself, to feel again, there are also some distressing side effects. There is a weakness within you, something you can’t put to words.

That, and for some reason, you find yourself
changing in ways you never imagined was possible. The only way you could describe these changes to someone else would be through a single, obscure term that even YOU have yet to wrap your head around-


Unfortunately, the more powerful your ‘
abilities’ become, the more the weakness inside you spreads. Finding out the truth isn’t just a matter of life and death between you and whoever it is you are fighting- but it’s also a matter of time.

Role Play Breakdown

Role Play Genre: Futuristic

Role Play Skill Level: Advanced Detailed

Role Play Game Masters: Quip a Witticism, Casssiopeiaaa and Semblance.

Tags: Futuristic, tech, strategy, mystery, player creatively oriented, real pictures, long term, detailed, plot driven.

Player Limits: 8 Players will be accepted at a time. That means we have 5 slots available upon creation of the interest check thread.

Character Limits: Two, possibly three characters per person. You may have to ask permission for a third character.


Character Reservation Requirements: There will be a total of eight characters available. You may reserve a slot if it is open, and send in a Character Sheet later as an application.

Please note: Reservations will be held for a total of five days before the reservation becomes null and the position will be opened back up again. If you lost a reservation due to life issues, yet wish to make the reservation again and it is still open, you are allowed to do so.

Characters who are submitted and
accepted will solidify their reservation as their own.

Characters who are submitted and
not accepted will lose their reservation, and the spot will be opened up for someone else. Please remember that, if your application is not accepted, it's nothing against you personally. ;;3 ;¡ Your writing style may just not line up with the type of game this is.

Additional Characters: Once the first eight initial slots have been filled, or once the role play has begun, players will have the option of creating an additional character that will fall under the ‘Additional Character’ list. Please send me in reserve sheets for your additional characters, just so I can add them to the mini list before it is posted.

Making a Character Sheet: Character Sheets will be provided for you to fill out to your creative freedom. Please do not change the character sheet aside from colour, additional coding and/ or photos that you wish to add.

Character sheets will be flexible, but as we are searching for people who will dive right into our world and enjoy it to its full potential, we are looking for detailed sheets. Information about Aurora and Chancel will be provided, along with city life, to help you build a character that is unique to you.

There will be more detailed instructions on how to submit your reservation and character sheet under the ‘Character Sheet’ section. Please be aware, this is a real face claim for characters ONLY role play.

(Don't worry, it won't be freakishly complicated, I promise.
xD )

Link to the Doc, with more information is located just above the progress bar.


Roleplay Completion

Open Positions;

@Quip a Witticism





@Elenion Aura


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Semblance said:
ayeee this looks AWESOME another job well done quip <3
I worked really hard on it ;;A;! My face hurts kjhdfkhjsd

BUT if anyone wants to pre-reserve slots before the reserve sheets are coded and sent, then you can go ahead and call a spot now! o uob;;

I'm still working on all the other important information- much of the info is located on the doc, to which the link I will re-post again here.


I hope people are interestteeddd, hnngggg
Semblance said:
ayeee this looks AWESOME another job well done quip <3
ALSO ITS TO BE NOTED THAT Youa re the one who sent me the basis for the idea, so part of the credit is yours, and Cass' too- cause she helped spark the details. ;;3;b
Casssiopeiaaa said:
So excited to be a part of this roleplay!
I am, too! Right now I am just finishing up the organizations tab, then after that I am going to work on technology and districts.

We should get close to the Character Sheet code by then. :'D
[QUOTE="Glass Jellyfish]Ooh this looks fun :3 could I pre-reserve a spot? (I've got a really cool idea for an Inuit character I think)

Of course! o uo! I'm working on the Doc still, and I've got some more information to plunk down, but she's coming together pretty nicely. o Uo!

There's so many relationship possibilities, considering I am planning on having it where people are randomly slotted with other people to keep population count up. gfjdfh- so many horrible possibilities.
11254man said:
I'm interested!
Awesome! I will plot you down on the list! I am going to keep everyone up to date with where I am thread completion wise, as well as up to date on information regarding the doc. If you have any questions at any time, feel free to ask! o uob

I am going to get some major work on the doc done tomorrow. I just finished off the organizations tab, and I am going to work on districts, as well as gallery/maps! I am planning on having a master map of the city, but that may take me a little time to complete.

I will also have information on technology in the city!
Kirito Kei] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31218-quip-a-witticism/ said:
@Quip a Witticism[/URL] You've really outdone yourself this time.
Askfkf- thank you! ;;3 ;¡ Would you like me to put you down on the list? o uo
May I also pre-reserve a spot? Also, I love the city name: Aurora - like sleeping beauty (referring to how the citizens are 'sleeping' on an emotional level rather than living their lives), or Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights). Either meaning suits it.

Also, considering that the North pole has times where it is completely dark for several months... I imagine the simulation of daytime inside the dome would be very useful. And, does that mean that the Serum doesn't even protect the citizens from hypothermia? Or is that only a convenient side effect of the drug? Or would they claim any deaths due to hypothermia as a faulty batch of the serum, and they'll "try to improve it in the future", only to sweep everything under a rug?

Who enforces this? Is there some sort of elite society who can feel (perhaps higher ups from the Chancel Corporation?) You've made it obvious that there is a secret police team (also operated by CC maybe?). Or maybe not secret police, since the gear was recognized as military? Are the assailants that keep order also under the influence of the Serum, is it possible that one of them could go rogue? Or are they told that the individual has performed an act of treason, or something? Though imagine how low the crime rates would be - the only people committing crimes would probably just be the emotionally aware?

If people are unfeeling, then is there a list of names that parents choose from (do parents name their children) - or is it generated by computers? If the city is so technologically advanced, is it mostly maintained by computers and robots (i.e. technology), or is there a limited amount of power they can source to the city, which makes human labor so important? Or are humans part of electricity farming - what are some of the most necessary jobs that people get assigned? Are children taught through rigs or through people?

Sorry for asking so many questions.

EDIT: Just saw there was a document for this, I'll scan through to see how many of my questions can be answered through that.
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sealdust said:
May I also pre-reserve a spot? Also, I love the city name: Aurora - like sleeping beauty (referring to how the citizens are 'sleeping' on an emotional level rather than living their lives), or Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights). Either meaning suits it.
Also, considering that the North pole has times where it is completely dark for several months... I imagine the simulation of daytime inside the dome would be very useful. And, does that mean that the Serum doesn't even protect the citizens from hypothermia? Or is that only a convenient side effect of the drug? Or would they claim any deaths due to hypothermia as a faulty batch of the serum, and they'll "try to improve it in the future", only to sweep everything under a rug?

Who enforces this? Is there some sort of elite society who can feel (perhaps higher ups from the Chancel Corporation?) You've made it obvious that there is a secret police team (also operated by CC maybe?). Or maybe not secret police, since the gear was recognized as military? Are the assailants that keep order also under the influence of the Serum, is it possible that one of them could go rogue? Or are they told that the individual has performed an act of treason, or something? Though imagine how low the crime rates would be - the only people committing crimes would probably just be the emotionally aware?

If people are unfeeling, then is there a list of names that parents choose from (do parents name their children) - or is it generated by computers? If the city is so technologically advanced, is it mostly maintained by computers and robots (i.e. technology), or is there a limited amount of power they can source to the city, which makes human labor so important? Or are humans part of electricity farming - what are some of the most necessary jobs that people get assigned? Are children taught through rigs or through people?

Sorry for asking so many questions.

EDIT: Just saw there was a document for this, I'll scan through to see how many of my questions can be answered through that.

Added you to the list! The doc is still in it's young stages, but the majority of this information will definitely be provided for you, once I get it down. xD ! But I will go through what I can and answer those for sure!

For the first question, the answer is no- Nivalis doesn't protect them from the cold, like, at all. The truth behind what they are ACTUALLY doing and what their motives and intentions are will be found out the closer we get to the truth.

Which, situations will be provided by our lovely GM'S, and it will be up with the players to form strategies to figure them out, and decide what the best course of action would be. Certainly every action has a consequence, and that is a big part of the RP.

But anyways, if the Dome becomes damaged, as far as anyone is aware, they will die from the cold. :'D

For the second question, it's a really good question and I WISH I could answer it, but that's a part of the plot. I mean, you have some really good guesses, though! Rest assured, this is one of the first things that gets revealed.

The last questions you have regarding people, sociology whilst on Nivalis, and technology will be explained through the doc very soon- those are topics that definitely come up that I will be working on today.

Lasrever said:
I'd like to reserve a spot if possible!
Of course! Got you down, too. If Kirito wishes to join, that would mean we would be full! I will buckle down on the doc, since I haven't got anything better to do. ;;3 ;
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UPDATE: I am drawing a shitty map in comparison to the first map I got up. :'D (Don't judge me, I have a mac, and there are like zero decent programs available for not a kajillion dollars kjhfgkhjgd)

I am going to get the city section written up AS I dump reference images for people to go off of in the doc. Due to the nifty Doc feature, you guys can read what I type as I type it, so don't forget to check back for updates there!
UPDATE #2: Okay! I am done with the Gallery/ Maps section- DON'T JUDGE MY STANK MAP, IT WILL LOOK SOMEWHAT BETTER ONCE IT'S IN THREAD KJHFGDJKLGF- Which means the only two main sections that I need to type out is City Sociology, and Technology.

I think that would be it for what I would need to successfully make the main thread, to which I might make it early. In any case- after I have technology up, I believe I have given you guys all the information you would need to create unique character sheets! I will create the thread first, then type up the Character Sign-Ups section which will have more information about 'Abilities' and the like, and you guys are good to go!

I am ALSO accepting 2 SPIES, please PM me if you want to know what that means. Do not post your interest in being a Spy, or ask what it entails here- I would like to keep everyone blissfully unaware of the 'spies', if anyone should be interested in taking those positions at all.

In any case! The Progress bar has been updated, and we are getting close to main thread Creation and Completion!
[QUOTE="Elenion Aura]I like the dystopian aspect to it! I'd like to reserve a character if that's okay!

Of course! Sorry for poofing yesterday, I had to do some adult government related stuff all day. :'D

But I added you to the list! I am going to get some more major work done on the doc today, so be prepared for a thread to be popping up some time soon!
I've almost completed the last section before I make the official Thread and get the Character Sheet up! PLEASE let me know if you have any questions! I will be tagging everyone soon with the Link to the official Thread once it's up, which HOPEFULLY will be some time today!

I will try very hard to keep you posted. Thanks!

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