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Futuristic Asylum {A Futuristic Dome Dystopia}

Quip a Witticism

Er... I knew that, probably.
Hey there! This is where the OOC chat will take place! I'd like to move the OOC chat from the Interest Check thread over to the main thread here. Those of you who have shown interest in the past, please post here. For those of you who are new, feel free to ask your questions here, hype about it, or perform general japery!
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Hi! Just popping in to say that everything looks great! Annnnd I should have my Character Reservation Thingamabob in by late afternoon/tonight the latest! Can't wait to get started :3
Thanks! Can't wait to see who you're going to play this time! I've fixed up the Code for the character sheet, sometimes RPN likes to add weird code and mess up the whole thing by itself. However, the new code I put up should be FAIRLY free of issues, I hope! ;;3;b
UGH! I can't get Simon out of my head x.x

So tbh June is gonna have a little bit of my favorite socially awkward savant Badger in her
[QUOTE="Elenion Aura]UGH! I can't get Simon out of my head x.x
So tbh June is gonna have a little bit of my favorite socially awkward savant Badger in her

Why not? I loved Simon! I am going to be pulling Keepers back up out of the dark soon, though! Ughu, I really hope this code doesn't screw itself too badly- it doesn't matter what you do on RPN, coding is a nightmare, even IF you refrain from switching from HTML to Rich. :'D
How does Nivalis affect motivation and the will to succeed in life? Also, what would happen if someone got more than an average dosage of Nivalis?
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sunshineintoveins said:
How does Nivalis affect motivation and the will to succeed in life? Also, what would happen if someone got more than an average dosage of Nivalis?
Good questions! I'll add this up to the Q&A section after I'm done the Gallery and Maps section for sure! Here's the answer-

Motivation to do anything is non existent on Nivalis. People don't do things because they want to, but rather they're programmed too through social media, education, and another mysterious mean that could be discovered if you guys decide to do the mini quest for it. Background/ optional information is always open to discover as side missions throughout the RP, to keep the downtime interesting.

If someone were to receive more than the regular dose, they're body's autonomous nervous system will begin to shut down over time. This is primarily because Nivalis' notorious side effect is caused by preventing neurological pathways from completing their chemical reaction- by ways of limiting sodium between receptors- within the part of your brain that regulates emotions. For some reason, this side effect only targets that area when in controlled doses.

However, if the dose were to increase, then over the next month, the person's health would drop dramatically, and depending on the overdose give, may even cause
death. It would start off by shutting down some of the organ autonomous functions- which would eventually lead to organ failure, including heart failure, over time. If there is a LARGE overdose in one sitting, it would shut down the brains autonomous functions in regards to breathing and heartbeat, causing a much more severe death within a short period of time.

Of course, this all depends on how much Nivalis we're talking. Slightly higher doses don't have a chance to kill you, but may seriously impair body function, as well as make them walk around in a sort of delirious or sedated state.

The amount of Nivalis that would depress physical function, and basically mimic physical exhaustion, dehydration, and sedation would
.5x what the regular dose is. The point where the person would become severely physically ill, unable to move if at all, and will begin showing signs of liver dysfunction would be doubling the previous increase in dose, to bring it up to a solid 1. The amount that can start to shut down organs and autonomous functions of long periods of time is 1.5x the normals dose, and the dose that can kill someone within seconds is 2x the normal dose.
sunshineintoveins said:
At what age are people expected to start a family?
Around 20 is when people start getting paired off, if they get paired off at all. Some people don't get married until later, however- finding out how and why people get paired off is another available optional side mission.

But I CAN tell you that the system is tailored so you guys have creative freedom with whether or not your character has been married or started a family in their life.

So ultimately it's up to how you personally want your character's history to go. o uob
So I'm having my character oversleep and be an hour late to her appointment for the Nivalis shot, and the doctor won't see her because she was so late. Would that be a possible scenario or would her being late not matter?
sunshineintoveins said:
So I'm having my character oversleep and be an hour late to her appointment for the Nivalis shot, and the doctor won't see her because she was so late. Would that be a possible scenario or would her being late not matter?

In a regular circumstance, it wouldn't matter, since Chancel tries to enforce Nivalis very hard. However, there could have been an emergency or something at the hospital or clinic she was going to- if she was late and there was an emergency, the doctors would submit to their medical 'programming' and refuse to see her about her shot, perhaps they would even forget about her entirely. o uob
Just to let you guys know- my character will be up tomorrow! I am almost finished him, and hopefully after that I can get the Gallery/Maps transferred over!
sunshineintoveins said:
Are the citizens aware that emotions exist?
Nope! They live their lives completely unaware- that's why it's so shocking and difficult for people when they first 'go rogue' off of Nivalis, it's like a whole new world opens up for them. It's why I have developmental traits like strengths and weaknesses- to help characters discover their emotions as they go through the role play, with events dictating whether their strengths or weaknesses get better or worse.

All the rest of the citizens don't know emotions are a thing, unless they miss their shot, that is.
[QUOTE="Quip a Witticism]
Nope! They live their lives completely unaware- that's why it's so shocking and difficult for people when they first 'go rogue' off of Nivalis, it's like a whole new world opens up for them. It's why I have developmental traits like strengths and weaknesses- to help characters discover their emotions as they go through the role play, with events dictating whether their strengths or weaknesses get better or worse.
All the rest of the citizens don't know emotions are a thing, unless they miss their shot, that is.

I know I asked a bunch of questions today so thank you very very much for answering them, you are too kind <3
James is up in the Character Sign-Ups section! I haven't got the correct computer right now to do any major photo editing, so I will be adding all my additional images into his Biography section later.


RPN REALLY WANTS TO MESS UP THE CHARACTER SHEET CODE FOR SOME REASON. If you find your code messes up out of the blue, try copy/ pasting your info into the revised-and hopefully
less likely to screw itself over randomly- code that I have in the second post of the character sign-ups section. I fixed the code again yesterday in hopes that RPN will be a little kinder to it, so if it messes up, try resetting the base code with the code I have provided! If it STILL randomly messes up, send me your code in a PM, and I will fix it up for you so it works properly. ;;3;b

SORRY, I have no idea why RPN randomly shits on the code every now and again when you hit preview and breaks everything with strange additional coding that you didn't input, or 'ghost codes' as I like to call it, but hopefully we can get it all sorted out in time. o uob
[QUOTE="Quip a Witticism]
James is up in the Character Sign-Ups section! I haven't got the correct computer right now to do any major photo editing, so I will be adding all my additional images into his Biography section later.

RPN REALLY WANTS TO MESS UP THE CHARACTER SHEET CODE FOR SOME REASON. If you find your code messes up out of the blue, try copy/ pasting your info into the revised-and hopefully
less likely to screw itself over randomly- code that I have in the second post of the character sign-ups section. I fixed the code again yesterday in hopes that RPN will be a little kinder to it, so if it messes up, try resetting the base code with the code I have provided! If it STILL randomly messes up, send me your code in a PM, and I will fix it up for you so it works properly. ;;3;b

SORRY, I have no idea why RPN randomly shits on the code every now and again when you hit preview and breaks everything with strange additional coding that you didn't input, or 'ghost codes' as I like to call it, but hopefully we can get it all sorted out in time. o uob

FYI- It really helps if you turn off rich text editor in your preferences!
Semblance said:
FYI- It really helps if you turn off rich text editor in your preferences!
Sem is right- I normally have mine turned off, so this is good advice! That might be why when people go to put it in, it does silly things in response. :'D
Alright! I'm going to set up OP in the main thread now, and then make first post. @Glass Jellyfish and @sealdust , you guys still have time to create your character sheets, and I will make sure you guys can jump in, so no worries. Don't feel rushed!
OKAY! Original Post is up.

For me, I like to use OP as the update center- I keep constant updates on character locations, plot developments, and post recaps for people to flick over to and easily recall an event without having to read through all the posts over again. It's also the central hub for time skips, plot and event information, and just general updates on the Role Play itself and what's happening.

Older news gets deleted after a while, and newer news replaces it. That being said, now that OP is up, I am starting on first post! o uob
Open for Posting!

First post is up! Its sorta longer than the posts I will normally be making, but only because I had to introduce Jim AND set the scene at the same time. ;;3;b

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