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Assassin's creed (Romance)

Anno Bane

Gone from G to Gent
1. A slave who works for Ceasare Borgia. She is freed by an assassin (would have to resemble Ezio a bit..) and instead of freeing her totally, he takes her on as his student. But he is a real ladies man, and even though he begins having feelings for her, the nightmares of his past, makes it impossible for him to sleep alone, and he would never risk the relationship he has with her. (Based off of Assassin's creed 2)

2. France is in an uproar, but what happens when an assassin, who is supposed to be fighting for the people, falls in love with a noble who is being accused of something she hasn't done. The idea here is that the girl would be on the republics side, but her nobility makes her a target. I was thinking something of the lines of her having written a book that inspired the people, but since she was a lady, she did it under a pen name. And now she and the assassin will have to survive without loosing themselves.

3. A noble girl living Kingston, which is under English rule at this time. The girl's father is part of the regimen that is taking over the pirate town Nassau. Her father is actually the leader of this regimen. So when the pirates are pushed to the edge of loosing their home, they use a harsh method. Kidnapping. But what happens when the girl and the captain of the Jackdaw fall in love, and she also falls in love with the pirate way of life

Chose one, and tell me if you are interested, then we can PM! :D
Hello, option 3 sounds like a lot of fun. If you are still interested in doing a rp like that I'd love to be a part of it

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