Assassin Family


The New Boy Wonder

-mom (@AceXCrossix)

-Middle son (@Jen Underwood)

-youngest sister (@kira blackthorn)

-youngest son (me)

Character sheet:











Name: Lucas Grayson

Age: 11

Birthday: December 3rd

Gender: male


Role: youngest son

Sexuality: unsure/questioning

Personality: Luke is shy. He's very submissive and pretty sheltered. He tries to be outgoing but he tends to be that weird antisocial kid. Luke tries to be the trophy child at home. He's always trying to show his parents he's a somebody to try and get his attention.

History: Lucas was born in an abusive home. His father was a drunk and his mother was a crack whore. He was around 4 when his mother got so high she tried to fly and accidentally killed herself. Lucas's father neglected the boy and one day at preschool a teacher saw he had fresh cigarette burns near his collar bone. It was known that his father had to have been the one who had done it. His father was arrested and later committed suicide in prison. Lucas was sent to different foster homes and eventually an orphanage where he was legally adopted by the man he lives with now. Lucas almost immediately formed a very special bond with his adoptive father. He's lived with his adoptive father since he was 7,enough time for his adoptive parents to warp his mind and train him into the perfect killer.


-he had 3 cigarette burns bellow his left collar bone that make an upside triangle.

-Lucas is very clingy with his adoptive family.

-Lucas absolutely refuses to do certain tasks on his own so his parents or an older sibling tends to do them for him. These tasks include (but are not limited to):

1) dressing himself

2) bathing himself

3) brushing his own hair

4) and occasionally he won't brush his own teeth.

- he also still wets the bed and has to wear pull-ups at night for it


-double stuff Oreos-

-his wolf plush

-his cat Shadow

-and his adoptive family
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Name: Richard/Richie Bronx

Age: 21 Years

Gender: Male

Appearance: Blonde with brown streaks, lightly tanned skin and brown eyes. He is about 6'1" and since he's an adult it's safe to assume he's done growing.

Role: Older brother

Sexuality: Sapiosexual, but he's picky.

Personality: Richard is the noogie-loving older brother that loves to tease and embarrass his younger siblings despite his full awareness of the... Er... Ways of the... "Family business". He is typically fun and laid back but when he's serious he becomes a cautious, first-name basis, no-nonsense individual, and will do what he can to protect his family, luckily this only happened once, and that was ages ago, ancient history that he locks away with other memories and information he pretends doesn't exist. He is quick to show he'll put up with Lucas' childish antics, and tends to be all-around supportive around him so he might "Stop being such a little monkey and go fucking make some god damn friends.", did I forget to say that he has the vocabulary of a sailor when he gets frustrated? Woops. This was tame.

Other than that, I could tell you he cares very little for manliness, meaning he won't go out of his way to be manly, and that he cares even less about others' opinions of him, he has bigger problems and knows he could knock them out without much effort.

Bio: Richard was always successful, socially, academically, you name it, he could do it or learn to do it in no time at all... That was until he turned eighteen and headed off to college, where he was successful but the pure stress of it all was crushing, and after a few mental and emotional breakdowns that scared his friends and lead to him cussing them out and chasing them away, he was kicked out of school, for two years he lived on the streets pretending he was fine and still in school before he started getting sick, stopped calling, and a letter came in to home that told his parents that he was in the hospital with a tumor in his brain. The jig was up, and in critical condition he ended up getting the tumor surgically removed and after that and going through some chemotherapy he was able to go back home, where he's been dormant for another year. His birthday has just passed, and his motor skills, temporarily dulled by the tumor, have finally gotten back to their former glory... But he can't work, no, if he works too much he's afraid he might have a seizure, as had happened before, during, and after that life-saving procedure.

But at least he could still protect his family, to some extent.


- He has a bad drinking habit that began under-aged.

- He has a scar from the surgery from the top of his forehead to the middle of the part in his hair.

- He's becoming near-sighted due to reading and gaming habits.



Animals, the stray dog that lives behind the house, Shala, his family, sports cars, candy, tea, whales, nature, flowers.


His past, getting sick, loud noises/music, sports, manual labor.


Kill Bill

Heeeeeeeey. Your brain, it's great, myeeeeeh. Hallo there.
Name: Jace 'Jay' Silver

Age: 15

Gender: F



Middle Daughter

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: A very hardcore sister and violent person. Probably the most sadistic out of everyone but she knows when to stop. Despite Jay's cold, hard features, she's a very loyal person. She puts up a wall of masks to block out her true feelings which makes her distant from everyone but she's very protective of her siblings. Being one if the youngest doesn't mean she's weak.

Bio: Jay was raised and trained to "protect justice" since she was born. Thing was, she never wanted to do that so she decides to abandon her old family. They were persistent pests, or so she calls them. Immediately afterwards, she was cornered in an alleyway by gangsters. Scared with only a knife in hand, she killed them before running. Jay didn't know how she ended up in this family but she doesn't regret it.

Other: Somehow when running away from the gangsters, Jay was either knocked unconscious or fainted. Either way, she lost some if her memory due to that.

Password: Kill Bill
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Name: Eren arenando

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Role: middle brother

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Eren is a small quiet type he can be very apprehensive or agitated at first when he's around people he doesn't know well, he was never the one to start great conversations, he usually tries to hide her anxiety and panick attacks with looking over to different directions, singing randomly while talking or lowering into a small mumble of different semantics. When he gets out of his comfort zone he can get more exuberant and vivacious, he tends to release a colorful and artistic type of feeling since he's always been a crafty type but he can be bold and intrepid when needed to. He's a happy soul and doesn't mind helping others, it's always been his own choice to do so.


Eren had a tough time growing up as a child, he was never really able to make any friends no matter how many times hhe tried, his personality wasn't that compatible with those of the children who openly and happily grasped the meaning of life, though for him it was hard, he didn't really know how to have fun and quickly sunk into the shadows, some years passed and he Hadn't quite been able to pick any skills on how to be social, but he did met someone who was able to accept hid anxious self, he spent many days with him and gained a passionate feeling for him as well. Though he was afraid he gained the urge to confess himself to him but his riend did not return any feeling at all and pushed her away, he had no contact with him, until he was ratted out too his father, he couldn't help but feel betrayed, thankfully he had no problem with him orientation but his mother wasn't able to feel the same, for a small amount of months he was abused and left with scars, his father hadn't noticed but Eren had lost his voice to speak, it wasn't until his mother convinced his loving father into getting him sent to a religious school to be fixed and adjusted for the sake and well being of their reputation. He was being abandoned, and the only words he heard before leaving were the tearful words from his father "I'm sorry", luckily he ecaped but he was never able to repair the scars they left on him

Other: he's very artistic and likes to play the piano, likes fruit, protective, athletic

Password: Kill Bill
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@AceXCrossix you forgot to put what role. I'm assuming it's the middle daughter but I'm not sure

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
wonderboy1234 said:
@AceXCrossix you forgot to put what role. I'm assuming it's the middle daughter but I'm not sure
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yea it's middle daughter. Pretty sure I didn't leave that out
Character sheet:

Name: Kelo

Age: 14

Gender: female



Role: youngest daughter

Sexuality: straight


A happy go lucky girl shes a daredevil who hates to see others sad. She loves to have adventures and is brave always up for trying something new. She has a kind heart and is protective of those she cares about. She's smart and quick on her feet. She is affectionate and loves to touch others though keeps a certain distance emotionally. She has a tough side though and isn't afraid to get dirty when it comes to his family. She's otherwise childish and hyperactive.


Kelo had an easy childhood on the outside. She was always cheerful and up for making friends. Her personality drew other kids to her and left her with lots of friends. She wasn't truly close to most of them though she enjoyed playing with them and kept her distance. This was caused by what went on at home. Her mother was a drunk and he father long gone. Her mother beat and starved her constantly until she was ten. Then hse left ran off into the night and never looked back. She's happy were she is now and will do anything to stay there.

Other: she's slightly manipulative and full of curiousity. She loves to draw and explore.

Password: kill bill
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Name: Kayden

Age: 39

Gender: Female


Role: Mom

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Kayden tries all her might to be the 'Normal' mom her kids can look up to. Ever since she quit being an assassin all those years ago, her primary focus has always been on her family. She's out going, and her kids can always count on her when they're in trouble. She's generally the watchful mother hawk and very over protective when it comes to her children. You mess with her kids, then she can't grantee that you'll live another day. Kayden also always tends to multitask; with her job as a house maid and so many mouths to feed how can she not? She always tries to remain cool and collective in heated situations, a trait she learned while being an assassin for so many years. She's always in control and has never faced a situation when she wasn't. A part of her is quite paranoid, and being on the run for as long as she has, she's rightfully so.

Bio: Her innocence was taken away from her when her family sold her off to some nameless assassin academy for a few hundred bucks. Starting from the tender age of ten, Kayden had always been trained in the arts and forms of being an assassin. She was taught how to survive, how to be stealthy, how to fight, and most of to kill. She forgot how to feel and how to communicate with other human beings. But she gained the killer instincts of an elite trained assassin. Killing came natural to her as time passed. Weather the person she was assigned to kill was innocent or not, it didn't matter to her. Nothing mattered to her. Even the people at the academy called her an emotionless robot. Kayden was called that so often, that she actually began to believe it. After that, she killed for the fun of it. Didn't matter how much money she was being offered anymore. A kill was just a fun game to her.

It wasn't until she turned 17 that her whole life changed. How you may ask? How could the cold hearted assassin change? Well the answer is simple - she met her husband. He was the one that changed her. Ever since they met on a mission in japan, that acquired A LOT of beheading. Of course it wasn't easy to melt her
oh so frozen heart. But he did eventually after pursuing her and never giving up on her. They even got married. Cheesy, I know, but that is exactly how the story goes.

At 18, she gave birth to their first child
Richard/Richie. Originally, she was going to put him up for adoption, in all honesty. After all, she was 18, and an assassin at that. How the hell was she ever going to be fit raising a kid?He'd be messed up. He'll hate me for keeping him. He'd be better off somewhere else. ; those were the thoughts that haunted her. But after looking into his deep brown eyes, after holding his small fragile hand, holding him in her arms, after he smiled at her innocently ;she couldn't let go. She wouldn't let him go. So...She and her husband fled the company that same night she gave birth to Richie. Ever since then, they've relocated in a small town in the suburbs and tried to live a normal life, while adopting a few children along the way.

Other: She does yoga.

Password: Kill Bill (Awesome movie btw)

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Character sheet:

Name: Dameon


Gender: male


Role: father

Sexuality: straight

Personality:He is very protective of his Family and loves to play video games on his down time. He is very stubborn. He's also very living and excepting and loves to play around with his kids.

Bio: He was Trained to kill his whole life raised by a whole family of assassins. He was a playboy up until he met his Gorgeous wife at age 17 on a mission in Japan. She didn't seem interested at first but he is known for his stubborness. He won her over eventually and they for married. They had there eldest child Richard at age 18. Him and his wife adopted other kids over the years after moving into a suburb to live 'normal' lives.

Other: -He has many tattoos but not many show unless he removes his shirt.

Password: kill bill

This is Yumis post. Her phone is being mean so she's using mine.

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