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Dice Ashes to Ashes

What is currency that you guys are making and how much of it is worth 1-barter?

You guys okay with me popping your account names at the top with the character names, or is that not needed? I figured I'd try it since the notification system is so wonky.
I think the barter was something to do with coins. And I'm 10000% okay with it. It helps me know who's who.
I hadn't thought of a name for the currency admittedly, the roman fetishist in me wants to say Denari but it would make little sense. And I'm not sure... 100-150 per barter, since 1-barter is supposed to get you something not-shitty? Possibly less given the need to use resources to create the currency so it may be something of a smaller quantity compared to modern currencies. I'll either leave it to your logical discretion or to when I have enough sleep to think like a person. Whichever you'd prefer to go first.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]oh my god. worst roll of all time. Odessa sure ain't no Hooper...

You give her a look that makes cars explode and she blasts into small scraps of skin and bone. You read nothing, but bathing has just become a necessity. Of course, those dogs smell her and you seem to be their next meal.
Arlet said:
I hadn't thought of a name for the currency admittedly, the roman fetishist in me wants to say Denari but it would make little sense. And I'm not sure... 100-150 per barter, since 1-barter is supposed to get you something not-shitty? Possibly less given the need to use resources to create the currency so it may be something of a smaller quantity compared to modern currencies. I'll either leave it to your logical discretion or to when I have enough sleep to think like a person. Whichever you'd prefer to go first.
It doesn't have to be exact. A name will suffice. We can just say 1-barter worth of Denari. We don't need to know how many Denari that really is.

Everyone cool with Denari?
Sorry everyone. They tore up my floors last week, and my router and wifi were put in a box somewhere. I got the floors in over the weekend. And found the router and wifi and am back online. Will be posting very soon.
Stormtrooper996 said:
I am familiar with how the game works and do a little MCing but never as a player.
Interesting. Well, welcome aboard.

DreamingofRoses said:
Wlf, I just edited my old post with my Towering Presence roll.
Okay. That's works. Thanks.

solyrflair said:
Sorry everyone. They tore up my floors last week, and my router and wifi were put in a box somewhere. I got the floors in over the weekend. And found the router and wifi and am back online. Will be posting very soon.
No prob. What kind of new flooring did you get?

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