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Realistic or Modern Ashes of Valmere [Lore]



The Tents- The outer parts of the city are still very much in poor conditions. Crumbled building fronts, uneven roads, rusted cars, and the poor people living in half standing houses and tents. That is why many people refer to this part of the city as "The Tents". The crime rate is high here and many people are sick with little help. The world order comes in every day to bring these people bland food but there isn't always enough to go around- same with medical supplies. There are shockingly fewer children in these areas- and if any soldiers, government-employed doctors, or anyone else connected with the world order sees a child alone in this part of town, he or she is taken away.

The Burbs- The innermost part of the city was named the Burbs by most in Valmere. It reflected the residential aspects of the pristine parts of the city. It housed the wealthy upper class that developed due to the funding by the government. Those people were mostly those who had skills and services to sell to the people and world order. The Burbs themselves are surrounded by walls and fencing unlike any other in the entirety of the city. Large homes have been erected including the homes of the public officials who now run Valmere at the behest of the world order.

Marketplace- The main place of commerce is between the Tents and the Burbs. The marketplace usually housed those merchants brave enough to sell their merchandise to the citizens of Valmere. The number of guards is much higher than that in the Tents to keep a watchful eye on the people's wares. The place itself has a mixture of dilapidated buildings and new stands and roads. This is a very expansive area of the city.

The Sprawl- The place between the city and the Barrens. This is where most crops are grown though most are affected by the after-effects of the war- radiation, and pollution. All farms have paid guards to ensure their crops are not being stolen- trespassers will be shot on sight. However, most the sprawl is empty lots of lands awaiting someone rich enough to plant on.

The forest- The overgrowth of mutated plantlife and animals was labeled the Barrens despite being quite the opposite. The area is covered with tall trees, bushes, vines. The place itself was the victim of a nuclear bomb several thousand miles away and yet the land seems to be covered in radiated gasses. People can venture into the barrens with the proper protection- though most of the gasses are further into the forest. The government is working hard to eradicate the wildlife who is becoming a problem and purifying the lands of the radiations.

Outpost 1- This outpost was once home to the government years prior as their first attempt to make the facility inside the dangerous Barrens. It has been long abandon by them due to dangerous wildlife and increased noxious fumes. Now, it has been taken over by the Ashlatas and is used as one of the many outposts to keep members together and away from prying eyes. People who stay here are quiet to not alarm the animals or plant life and must wear gas masks while outside the building.

Facility- The largely built, self-sustaining building is in the safer parts of the barrens- still surrounded by trees away from the city of Valmere. The outside of the facility is very industrial with no easy looking assess points. No windows. No doors. Just grey stone and hard metals. The technology is on the very high end and only a few choice people know how to enter and exit the place. The many doctors and soldiers inside the place live there full time and cannot leave. The inside has its own ecosystem of the vast clean gardens, trees, and even a man-made river of fresh water. This is the western part- completely dedicated to food, plants, and animal rearing. This is what makes the facility self-sustaining. To the south, the more dangerous parts of the whole building. This is where the laboratories are as well as nursing stations and where the newcomers spend their days for the first several years of living in the place. This is a high-security part where no one is allowed to wander in or leave. This is the only place the experiments must be escorted in and out of. The northern and eastern parts are completely dedicated to living arrangements for the experiments and everyone else. Some places are not accessible- like personal sleeping quarters, but mostly it is there for the experiments to find some sense of happiness. Other than rooms for each person, these parts have several gyms, pools, one library, dining quarters, sparring rooms, and things of that nature. Compared to the outside world, it is a little slice of Heaven- as long as you don't mind having absolutely any freedom and being tortured nearly daily with experiments and training.

Capital- Not much is known about Cyrenic in the city of Valmere. It is a metropolis and the cornerstone of the parliament that controls all the government.
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Monsters of the Barrens

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