Artificial Souls: Heart of the Unknown (Official RP)

Alcain, Stormbreaker's Pass

During the time the women talked, seemingly mostly about the blade that the one named "Aeris" wielded, Aidan's attention split between trying to keep his eyes averted from the corpse and trying to think of a reason as to how it could have spoken. Whatever thoughts he had gathered in the shot time period however were scattered like leaves to the wind at the noisy clanking, clattering approach of Caine. As well as causing him to jump as he snaps back to reality in time to flinch at Aeris' raised tone of voice. His hand immediately finding his arm in a crushing grip as he meekly looks at his feet and suppresses an audible gulp.

He glances up when Dren speaks first, thankful he had done so as Aidan's mind was still collecting itself from the panic it had been shoved into. He immediately came to the conclusion he could not tell them his name, not so close to the capital. In all honesty he would have preferred to have not spoke at all, but she was adamant in her demand and he knew he would have to say something at least. He takes a slow, deep breathe before he answers, his voice low and soft, making even Dren's voice sound nearly booming in comparison.


the soft reply barely makes it past his lips when he regrets even speaking. He shifts uncomfortably from foot to foot under what he's sure is a scrutinizing gaze.

His breathing picking up ever so slightly and his shoulder's slump a bit more as he stares at the ground. Feeling for all the world like an animal caught in the hunter's trap. It was all he could do to keep himself stable and await some sort of reply, of which he was nearly certain would be none too kind......
-Dove Graceheart, Silara, Silarus, City of Spires, Giogiri's Medical Clinic-

She froze as he named the disease, her eyes widening in fear. An illness caused by Alchemic radiation from Homunculi. Meaning, her mother's sickness was her fault. The thought made her wince, guilt and terror filling her like a madness. Even worse, the truth about her was close to being discovered. If she was found out, what would happen? Would they harm Mother? Would they threaten her? Shivers ran down Dove's spine as she clutched onto her cloak, staring intently at the ground.

When the Irbalan returned, she let out a startled yelp, jumping to attention, almost cowering away from him. His words were sharp and clear, and she nodded quickly darting ahead of him, leading the way to her home. Throbbing in the back of her mind, however, was the fear of being discovered. If she was.... who knew what would happen.

((It's fine, Don ^.^ I apologize for the wait as well, and for the rather crappy post))
(lousy post. Just to withdraw Narathzul from the scene.)

Narathzul did not speak, then spun his lance, an elaborate twirl that left a wake of flames in the air. He caught the shaft then slashed the air above the lady’s head, the heat passing over her. With a gust of wind that came with the lance, the fire extinguished. “Whatever the threat, it seems to have passed. I hardly doubt any of these rogues you claimed to have seen would assault one of the Empire’s soldiers.” He held up his hand and motioned to his soldiers. “Venn, take this lady. Ride fast to the capital. We will-“

“General.” There came the sound of hooves from behind and a soldier in the pitch-black armor of the Stygian troop arrived, his horse breathing hard as the soldier reared it to a stop. “General, there is something of utmost importance that you must attend to, at once.”

“What is it?” Narathzul turned away from the lady, facing the soldier. “What could be more important than-“

“The Philosopher’s Stone.” The soldier said simply, silencing the General immediately.

The General went quiet, before climbing back onto his horse. Quietly, he uttered one question. “Who?”

“We have reason to believe it is none other than Lady Liandra herself.”

“…..” The General lowered his head, his entire physique trembling slightly at the memory of the ex-Colonel, either from rage or something else entirely. “We go back to the capital.” With those words, he directed the rest of the soldiers to return.

(Once again, bad post. It’s 1 am here.)
~Silara / Lower Inner Cloister / Church of Repentance

The low sullen halls of the church held the dim light as it pierced the through the colored shards and glass of the churches stories of old put on display on a fragile surface. The tempered stone clicked under foot of the 4 figures at walked to the main under chamber of the church. The vast expanse of regal beauty of the church above shadowed the lower stone corridors who was teasingly touched by the light of day outside. Torches lined the walls and candles that created stalagmites of wax as they rose up from the floor. The flames flickered as the 4 figures entered the room.

"Kneel." a voice in a deep monotone voice permeated the hall as the four figures stopped and dropped to their knee awaiting further instruction.

The 4 figures faces lifted to look forward into the room as the low flames illuminated their once shadowed face. A young man with rich brown hair that resembled that of the richest chocolate. His yellow eyes flickered in the light as they pierced through the darkness never blinking as the young man waited for his task. He was Lock a member of the four heavenly swords, the churches hand that purged the world of its traitorous tenants. he was placed in the middle of the group as the two female members in the group knelt beside him. On his left a beautiful blonde whose dirtied blonde hair swept over her shoulders her bright blue eyes seemed to shine in the low darkness of the room. The woman to his right had hair as black as the night itself that remained just above her shoulders, her eyes resembled those of the rich emeralds that are dug from the earth. The last member on the farthest right was a man whose hair was peppered with age with a goatee extending from his chin. the members knelt only an inch between each other, the knights awaited their instructions and mission like statues.

The voice rang out again as it said a prayer for those who would go to war. Never wavering during the sermon the voice finally died out as it reached its completion. As it ceased the four knights all replied in unison "For our Lord."

A robed figure began to walk parallel with with their line as he passed a scroll was placed in front of them the wax seal of the church of Silara pressing the red ribbon that held the papers close. The robed being made his way back into the shadows as the knights gently lifted the scroll and mumbled something all in unison.

"As we who serve shall be guided."

pulling on the red ribbon Locks scroll opened up with the names of his targets the church wished to cleanse in order to bring peace to the world. His eyes shook as he read his list out in his head.

Those that hereby bring an imbalance to the world must be purged in the name of our Lord. May Honor be restored by your hand.

Raiza Xerxes

Narathzul Amateas

Oswald Henry Malkavich

@Don Valence @Grin @Ineffectivd

In between the blank slots of the name held a wooden stick like incense. A device that was attuned to that person a tracking alchemy of sort.

Lock was to fight two of the most notorious men of Alcain. The avatar of war and carnage Narathzul whose every presence of the battlefield changes history and destroys generations of men. Malkavich or Doctor Ohm as he was named is the dark tinkerer who changes metal into beasts. Whose skills and techniques are feared and revered around the land.

The first name Raiza Xerxes left an odd taste in his mind as it made his thoughts dirtied and muddied he did not know who she was but she is listed above all the others. Does that mean she is more dangerous then the other two... or is it something else.

Lock heard a small gasp as the blonde justice looked over at his scroll. Her eyes slightly wavering in the light as she stared at Lock with a somber gaze. Lock met her eyes with no emotion as he swallowed his fear. This was his first task and he must complete it. He was a knight now... he was Honor, he is the hand of heaven. The four figures rose from the ground as they turned and left the chamber. Justice started "Lock... I mean Honor you will die if you do this." Lock continued to walk as the other two knights looked confused at Justices sudden outburst. "You need to do something Lock... those names you cant..."

Lock stopped as did the rest alone in the dark lit corridor. "What would you have me do Reina? This is my task and mine alone. They have entrusted me with this and ill see it through." The black haired girls hand moved swiftly as it snatched the scroll from Lock. Her speed outmatched him as he tried to reach for it in vain the two knights of Penance and Faith read the names as their eyes widened. "You can not do this alone boy." The old man known as Faith gave concern to his new youthful counterpart. Lock's frustration began to boil as his comrades who were supposed to believe in him doubted him. "I AM A KNIGHT!" Lock cried out as he snatched back up the scroll and stormed from the hallway. "There... is no honor in this..." Justice in a low whisper spoke as it floated to Locks ears. His eyes closed as he breathed in the muggy warm air of the lower corridors. As the musty air filled his lungs his mind returned... he would show what he was capable of, that he would complete this.

The young knight moved out into the city streets as the light of outside washed over his body with a loving embrace as Lock continued out.

His adventure started here...

He kicked the spurs of his horse and took off towards the Elparan Mountains.
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Magistrate Brutus Erganda; Corvosinium, outside Corvosinium City, the Prymuth Mansion...

The Magistrate eyed the man known as Caridin curiously for a moment at his sudden question and quick apology. For a moment, he was silent, before an amused smile spread across his handsome face and he chuckled lightly. "You are very blunt, Mr. Atanno. I respect that...but as for what I 'want', you must be patient. I have yet to greet my other guests, and we have not even dined yet!" As soon as he finished speaking, one of the women approached him with a polite, if somewhat mocking, curtsy. The gorgeous Miss Farah, from what he could gather. The reports were fairly accurate, which was excellent meant he would still have the upper hand against the dangerously clever Homunculus. A deviousness that she revealed with her introduction. His lips curled upward in a slight smile when she brought up his 'game'...she was not a fool, but she also had no idea of the extent his control had. Erganda did not respond though besides a respectful nod, taking her offered hand gingerly and allowing her to braid her arm around his.

He was led to the young, casually-dressed Eranin girl with what appeared to be a suited rabbit, being introduced and hearing the brief greeting from Eunice. It was almost amusing to see her tongue so tied up when in his presence, but he hid his mirth well. His eyes were drawn to Eunice's rabbit, raising an eyebrow as it squirmed and its nose twitched. Clearly, it was trying to tell him something...but, since he was only Human, he could not understand the creature. His attention was taken away by the second Eranin woman in the room; a roughly but well-cut dressed woman with an arrogance in her posture that seemed to befit a interested the Magistrate. When Farah introduced her as 'the Lady Selyf of the Eranin', he wondered if she were simply giving a respectful title...but he felt that there was more to it than that. Watching her make a Xerithian motion of guaranteed honesty, Erganda returned the motion with his free hand. He would be speaking the truth to all of them, one way or another.

"Well met indeed, Lady Selyf. I trust that the people of Corvosinium have been hospitable towards you? We have great respect for the people of Xerith, as you may be aware of. I thank you for your deeper explanation as to the Eranin exodus that is in definitely clears a few issues from my conscience." When Selyf addressed Eunice once more on the fact of the rabbit introducing the young girl, he knew his suspicions had been correct. "No, I am afraid I do not possess the Gift of the Tree-folk. However, I am sure your companion is quite intelligent, Miss Eunice. Ah! But look at the time! Veronica, my love, please go address the chefs on our evening meal while I entertain our guests?" His wife smiled and dipped her head in acceptance, drifting away from the anteroom and toward the mansion kitchens. Once she was out of sight and earshot, the smile slipped from Erganda's face and he unhooked his arm from Farah. His expression became serious and solemn as he looked back at the gathered party.

"We have much to discuss...and little time to go about it. You four may be wondering why I have summoned you here, and how I knew exactly where you would be. A desperate man often finds a way to do what he must, and I am a very desperate man indeed. My question is, can I bother to trust any of you with any of the knowledge I may bestow? Each of you has a specialty that I seek...and without one of you, the rest will surely fail. Along...with the entirety of Corvosinium."

Raiza Xerxes; Alcain, the Elparan Mountains, Stormbreaker's Pass...

She turned to look at the two boys who had followed them up here...and in fact, they were boys. One could not be called a man, and the other was on the brink of adulthood, but was too sickly-looking. Crossing her arms, she fixed her eyes on them sternly, like a mother about to scold her child. "You two should not be here; it is dangerous. Where are your parents? Your guardians?" Raiza did not like what she saw...both of the boys looked as though they had seen combat and bloodshed before, and thus that led her to think that if they had that experience, their parents were likely dead. Pity welled up inside her, but she repressed it; curse her sense of honor! If that one red-haired boy, who looked no more than twelve, was by himself, she would be forced to look after him until she could find someone else who would.

(Short post for Raiza, sorry. Also, will post for Giogiri later. Sorry for the long wait too, had to work out some kinks in my posts.)
~Aeris Fallborne, Alcain, the Elparan Mountains, Stormbreaker's Pass~

Aeris' eyes narrowed slightly as the red-haired boy growled before addressing her, what the hell was wrong with him? Was this child raised among animals? Did he not receive the proper training in order to know how to function in society? Did he know who he was growling at?

"Caine, go watch the entrance of the pass, take shelter within the Model T Caine if you must, I fear the rocky pass will not allow you to maneuver well... under your weight," she sighed, attempting to shoo him off before he blabbered all of their business to these strangers. In fact wondering why she even wasted time explaining something to him that she doubted he would even be able to comprehend.

"As Daisy wishes, no hereticular blood will go unshed through the enterance! I've been meaning to talk to a rock that was being a stubborn stump, it wouldn't let me transmute it! I must question it further!" he babbled, leaning closer to Aeris, gears and grinders hissing due to the movement, "Watch out for the red one, I fear he's an Alchemist, and the pretty one too," he said in what she assumed was supposed to be a whisper, but was no where lower than his normal speaking voice. Before she could even begin to roll into the speech about following orders and shutting up he stuffed a large wrapped morsel of salted meat into her arms, patting her shoulder with what she assumed to be affection before he lumbered off, speaking to himself in contrasting high and low voices.

She turned back to the group of people and surveyed each one of them, taking in Raiza's words as she spoke, the woman had instantly slipped into a state maternal protectiveness.

"Yes, my name is Aeris, eavesdropping is not an admirable trait in a child, though you look like you've been through the wear and tear of someone three times your age would have trouble dealing with... Dren," Aeris said putting one hand on her hip while the other combed through her hair, her eyes traveled over to the one who called himself Eon. She glanced him up and down, he had the personality of a newborn calf and looked to be no older than fifteen, the strain of travel was apparent on him as well. She wanted to discuss the happenings of the attack with Raiza but she knew nothing would be done with these two hanging around.

"You must be hungry... here," Aeris said, tearing the meat she held into two equal pieces and offering it to the both of them, "You must eat and move, we don't know how many more of these things are lurking, I'm hoping to have a lead before nightfall," she said, glancing back at the three of them, "That is if you wish to move as a group, we would be much safer covering each other's backs... assuming neither of you are thieves... "
Dren Zerole: Alcain, the Elparan Mountains, Stormbreaker's Pass

Dren just stared at Raiza as she scolded him, scoffing in his mind. Just another foolish adult telling him what to do, if they weren't trying to kill him they always acted like they new best when they knew nothing. then she mentioned something she shouldn't have, asking about his parents or guardians. Dren's eyes immediately scowled at her, his intense anger bursting through his stare at he growled.

"Dead!" He yelled out in response, his answer exactly what she had expected.

He then noticed the second girl offer food, after adding her equally annoying scolding. His tummy immediately began to rumble when he remembered he had not eaten, his feast being burnt thanks to those stupid Alcanian soldier twits. It grumbled in pain as he held it, his mouth watered.

Dren immediately swung his head in defiance, refusing the food. He didn't need their help and he wasn't stupid enough to take food from strangers.

"I don't want your food and I am no thief!" Of course Dren wanted the food, he was starving but his pride and paranoia would never allow him to take it. However traveling with them, well there were factors. Firstly there could very well be more of those dead around, not only did he know nothing of this, but he knew something was amiss. Secondly he had no idea about these people, he did not know if he could trust them... What if they would sell him out to Alcain, the soldiers would find him capture and then... The fist.... He had to watch them and make sure first....

"But I suppose since we are stuck in this pass, traveling through it together would be wise for the time being" Dren spoke, trying to sound wise once again.
Eunice's face went bright red as she realized that the others except for Lady Selyf could not understand her rabbit associate. "Uh, sorry, Mr. Magistrate Sir... My name is Eunice" Eunice chuckled nervously and sat back into her seat. Claus crossed his arms and sat next to Eunice in her chair. His ears perked up when he heard the Grand Magistrate's kind statement about him "Why, I am sir" he straightened his bow tie and dusted off his tailcoat.

When Eunice heard about Mr. Erganda's reason for summoning him she still wasn't super clear as to why she was summoned here. She didn't really believe that she possessed too great of powers. She needed to have certain items to even fight and if she was without Claus she was doomed! She rose once again "Er, why would you need my skills, Sir? I don't believe that the skills I possess are very useful besides my knowledge of nature, but that might not be very helpful out here in Corvosinium"

Eon, Alcain - Stormbreaker's Pass

Aidan, or 'Eon' as he had told them, eye's scanned the three. Not long after being... 'volunteered' for the Fist he'd discovered something peculiar about himself. Whether it was in part due to the influence of his Mortal Alchemy upon his mind and personality, he couldn't say. What he DID know is that more often than not, his mind will work in two ways in coherence. One being the cold, calculating, pragmatic manner drilled into him from an early age. Noting first the one called 'Raiza', she seemed strong, proud but..he knew the brief glimmer of pity in her eyes all too well, though she hid it better than most.

He showed no sign of what he had gathered and barely registered her words as she spoke. Next between glances from the ground to her, he could tel Aeris was spoiled to a fault rather easily. The look and air of superiority and infallibility she exuded when Dren growled at her was evidence enough of that. Though when Caine approached her it... didn't recede so much as take a new shape. They'd obviously traveled together often but she still seemed to act like he was something she couldn't understand. Though from what he'd seen of the lumber metal man he didn't blame her. If nothing else he assumed that once past her ego she was reasonable enough to get along with.

Lastly was Dren who seemed, what one could call 'text-book Irbalan' in his attitude. That is not to say he was by any means ordinary, but he showed a lot of the common traits showcased by his race. Stubborn, Smart but he obviously carried the same air of secrecy Eon himself carried. He had no intentions of prying, after all, who was he to try and figure out other people's pasts when he himself wished to escape his own?

His attention is drawn away when Aeris offers the food, he was used to hunger, in the same manner one becomes used to an extreme training regiment. Though now he had more of a choice when it came to it, his first instinct was to deny but... he takes it anyways. Giving her a slight nod of thanks, though upon the first bite he wonders if so small a token of appreciation might offend her. He doesn't think it likely, not that she would want him to bow at her feet for food but... still. He returns his gaze to his usual place upon the ground in front of him, jumping at Dren's loud voice and going to sit on a rock a ways away from the group of three. He did have to admit however, that traveling with a group through such a dangerous place was preferable to being alone, as no doubt that poor soul they just re-killed was.

He finishes the piece of meat and sighs, looking up at the group expectantly. He didn't wish to have a say in the matter and if nothing else would go with what they decided. He just can't help but wonder though.. if he's made the right choice by being willing to go with them. Or, as is his usual luck, if he is leading himself down a path he'll wished he hadn't followed, and should have just kept walking....
Selyf Magali: Prymouth Mansion, outside of Corvosinium

"Indeed, Farah Valen has extended every courtesy to me, setting a fine example of Corvosinium's hospitality," Selyf responded to the Magistrate's quiery while smiling warmly at Farah, "She gave me a tour around your city today, which is surviving quite admirably despite the war." Selyf did not mention the tensions she had witnessed in the Bazaar over the cost of food, nor the city's wealth inequality-- though she implied the latter with her next comment, swivelling her smile towards the Magistrate. "However, never in all my years have I been inside a home so grand as yours Magistrate,. Not even Xerith's royalty lives in so grand a palace."

As Selyf's mind turned to Farah, the kindly woman's words echoed in her ears. A game well played, Farah had said. What fitting words, given how Erganda was toying with them all and buying himself time by being so elusive. At least, that's what Selyf assumed was happening, since Erganda had not answered Caradin Atano's question directly, which was probably the most pertinent question of the evening thus far, nor had he commented on the "enigmatic circumstances" of their meeting, in Farah's words. Selyf wondered if the Magistrate would even deign to respond Eunice's quieries. Mysteries ontop of mysteries. What was Erganda waiting for, now that they had all arrived?

Selyf picked up her teacup, hiding her scowl in the cup's rim. This was precisely why Selyf disliked dealing with politicans, and why she appreciated the straightforwardness of the Alkor clan. Xavir, the Alkor clan's patriarch, had a much more direct approach when it came to doling out orders and executing plans. His expectations were clear, as were the consequences of defying his rule. As a result of this consistency and a good head for the business of selling Scaled Behemoths, the Alkor clan trusted Xavir. By contrast, every minute that Erganda left Selyf and the others in the dark only escalated her mistrust of the politician.

In addition to Eunice's question about common skills, Selyf added, hoping to pressure Erganda into giving them some answers,
"Indeed, you ask whether you can trust us, but how can we be so sure that we can trust you? You invite us here without having met most of us before. On my part, I am uncertain how you even knew where I was last night when I received my invitation. And yet, when we do arrive, you keep us curious, as though you are waiting for something. Surely, a bridge of friendship requires honesty and forthrightness of parties on both ends, does it not?"
- Doctor Ohm, Outside of Marketplace in Alcain -

Ohm, paying little attention to the scenes before him, had his 'eyes' downward at the mess of random tech he carried, fingers fluttering over each piece. A lever would be removed and pocketed as a gear was twisted forward and springs were twisted tighter. Making quick work of whatever he was tinkering on, the strange man crafted together a bizarre box of parts that, as he pushed electricity through it, whirred and clicked, giving a weak beep or two as the charge left it. Behind the mask, the doctor smiled and tutted something aloud to himself, but before he could finish the thought, something ran into him.

"Or someone," he stated aloud in surprise as his blue hued vision showed a girl moving at a strange angle away from him. It took him a second to realize that he was falling. Hardly giving him time to react, however, vines push forth from a nearby bit of foliage and tugged around his form loosely, preventing the tumble. His creation and the bits of things that were going into it, however, clattered to the ground. "Oh dear."

As the vines released him and he stood fully, he looked toward the female and held up his hands.
"Oh, I do apologize ma'am. I fear that I was not at all paying attention to my surroundings," he began, halting his words when he saw the look of apology cross her face. He smiled again behind the mask and nodded his head. "The fault of both of us, then. Equal blame. It would seem we both share a habit of preoccupying ourselves with things other than watching crowds." A mechanical sounding laugh crackled out from the mask and a light cough followed.

Dusting off his cloak and moving his hands expertly to the top of his head, he made sure the thin, hair-like wires there were secure, then looked down at her again, azure glow of his eyes seeming to strengthen for a moment as he studied her studying him. She handed his things back and he gave a polite nod, placing the instruments into various pockets of his cloak before speaking again at her smile.
"How rude of me, I've not introduced myself. Though we've met in strange circumstance, it would be terrible of me to think I could forgo manners." Extending a gauntlet toward her, he continued. "I am called Doctor Ohm. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss...?"
~Nerissa, Elparan Mountains~

The woman looked up as a the one named Venn hopped off his horse and walked over to Nerissa. He grabs her arm and pulls her up from the ground and on to her feet. Her gauntlet hand swung around and the claws grabbed the man's throat. She pushed him back away from her, taking a step forward and slamming her gauntlet cover fist into the mans face. She took a step back and watched as blood ran down his face, from his nose, and she took off for the woods.

The woman was quick on her feet, dodging trees and limbs as she maneuvered her way through the forest, heading for her things she had hid. Skidding to a stop she threw her cloak over her shoulders and tied it around her neck as she sheathed her dagger and strapped her crossbow around her torso. She never fails at taking things from her victims but she just did. Taking off again, she ran for the other side of the forest, runnung from the soldiers if any decided to chase after her. Pushing through the thick foliage, she took off, deeper into the mountains.

~Peya Freesia, near Ohm in Alcain~

Her white hair flipped around from the wind as she looked up to the man in front of her. He begin to talk in a very nice and polite way, making Peya smile. She listened to him closely, taking in everything he said. A small but yet audible giggle sounded from her mouth and her eyes widened. She had not made a sound in years and it scared her some. His name, Doctor Ohm? She smiled again the furrowed her brow at him asking her name. Opening her mouth a bit she thought on how she could let him know her name. She looked to the ground.

Looking down at her staff she moved it slowly, spelling out her name in the dark dirt. 'Peya Freesia.' She spelled in nice slanted writing. She then looked up at him and pointed to her name in the dirt also writing out. 'I cant don't talk.' Once again she looked up at the man with a saddened smile. Her hands came together, threading her fingers together with her staff in the middle. The bottom of her dress, now an off white color from falling to the ground. She tilts her head down, still watching the man.

(Sucky post!)
~Outside of Marketplace in Alcain

Lock's cloak cascaded down the side of the horse as he dismounted the black cloak flowed down to its resting place as it fell to the bottom of his pocket line. The brown and white scarf he wore around his neck laid lazily atop of it. Lock's formal demeanor looked almost that of a college or academic professor standing out slightly in the crowd people gave him a slight glance as they passed by him. Locks dark brown leather gloved hands moved from under his cloak as he held a thin stick of what seemed like incense as a trail of gray smoke burned down its stem. The stick had only a little burning material left... This was tracking alchemy used to find targets of assassination or others discrete and effective it put you in a 10 yard radius of the target. Although Lock could feel the presence of his mark he did not know who it was unfortunately as he was never given a picture or description of the great Doctor Ohm. Lock had to be careful though he was far into enemy territory and out of the shelter of his own country. Lock watched as the stick burnt out his lips changed into that of a slight smirk as he gazed around the area. With a sudden sound the crashing of a toy of some kind filled with cogs and parts cracked and sprayed across the floor shrapnel to the momentum of the force. A sudden wrap of vines enveloped the man who seemed poised to take to the floor in a manner of unnatural means. The snow like haired female found her backside against the floor with a tap against the dirtied floor. The scene was watched by onlookers as well as Lock with a piqued interest as a form of alchemy was displayed.

As the spotlight faded from the two so did the attention of Lock as he moved to a man and a woman. "Have you seen Doctor Ohm, It is imperative I must speak with him." Lock would ask as they shook their head or did not reply to him. He continued throughout the crowd in a random fashion as he shifted his sight back and forth. The white haired female drew something in the ground with her staff which taunted Lock's state of curious nature to know all things and understand others. His mission took precedence though as he continued moving through the crowd closer and closer to the man and the silver haired woman. "Have you seen Doctor Ohm?" He asked as his voice and question would soon be in range of the two... Lock moved closer and closer as a man who stood next to them was his next receiver of his plight. "Have you seen Doctor Ohm, I must speak to him it is a matter of importance." The man stared at him for a moment as he gave a few blinks and walked away. Lock closed his eyes as he contained his rage. "When people ask questions at least have the decency to acquiesce their request and simply answer No." Lock slowly turned as he gazed at the faces of those around him who all seemed the same common folk of merchants and consumers who would pay no heed to him.

In his turn his body now faced the two that had bumped in before the ones of slight entertainment. Lock hoped they would be more forthcoming than the rest. "Good morrow Sir. I am looking for a Doctor Ohm I must speak to him it is a matter of importance." Lock gave a slight tilt of his head towards the male as in his mind the male figure is more important to address than the female in any given group. Women they are fragile and also naturally evil so their tongue like a spider spin webs filled lies. Lock neither trusted or liked being around them, he feared them in their destructive power to ensnare the stronger man with cheap trickery and witchcraft. Fear is what drove Lock on against his battle of the feminist movement as one day there would be a great battle between the genders. Lock awaited the mans answer.
- Doctor Ohm, Outside of Marketplace in Alcain -

Lowering his hand, the taller man took no offence to the lack of handshake. He'd genuinely forgotten he was wearing gauntlets. Plus, it seemed the white haired girl was busying herself with 'answering' him instead, staff drawing out a name upon the ground. "Peya Freesia," he said aloud as if testing it, pronouncing it nearly perfectly and giving a knowing nod, the blueish glow of his 'eyes' shimmering curiously. "A beautiful name, ma'am, and one that I can honestly say I've not heard before."

Before he could continue, though, she was writing again. Explaining to him how she could not - no - DID not speak. Her face taking on a mask of sorrow, Ohm reached forward and touched her shoulder gently for just a moment, the action giving off an air of understanding that his masked face could not show. Looking down at her dress, he cursed quietly.
"Apologies again are mine to give, Peya Freesia, as it would appear the fall sullied your dress. Those vines of yours could have easily stopped your tumble rather than mine," he began, clanking a gauntlet against his robed chest. It thudded heavily, the sound telling of the armor underneath. "I am quite sturdy and this robe much less a thing of care than your garment."

The tall male gave another mechanical chuckle and meant to continue, but the call of his name stopped him. Tilting his head, the blue glow of his optics seemed to narrow as he scanned the crowd for the source of the caller. There was a male, cloaked and scarved, that was asking about him, pushing through the crowds. Eventually, before the doctor could shout out, the other started toward them.
"Interesting," he mused, watching the fellow as he eventually came before them and addressed him.

"Well, a good morrow to you as well, Sir. I must say, you're in luck if that is whom you seek," he started with a laugh, azure glow flashing brightly for just a second as he scanned over the other. "My name is Doctor Oswald Henry Malkavich, or Ohm if you'd prefer. If it's not much a bother, might I ask just why you seem to be seeking my services with such surprising vigor?"

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"Ah Good Sir Malkavich finally a man of civility in this crowded sham of cordial dissidence. I am Sir Lockval Belvarius Cromwell the third. I have traveled a great distance to see your presence. You see your great works and future endeavors have gained the eye of a certain place that holds a great interest and stock in your workings. It seems you have been found to be a man of honor and intention which I dare say is an admirable trait in these trying times of societal deconstruction. Alas I am not here to congratulate you or seek your council or flew here on behalf of a hand that wishes to hold your secrets. I am Honor Mr. Malkavich... Of different conviction and righteousness all on its own... I am neither man nor a figure just a sword and you will know me by that name, the name of 'Honor'..." Lock took his wrist in hand and began to message it in a circle like he was unscrewing it. The low shrieks of the leather on leather accompanied the markets idle chatter. Lock slowly switched as the same cries continued his dark leather gloves squeaking in protest. Stopping the wrenching Lock gingerly moved his left hand to his waste as he placed his hand on his waistline his elbow pushing out his black mid cloak. The brown gloves each had a golden transmutation circle with different parts of algorithms etching the outside circles. Doctor Ohm would be able to see his left hand as the back of his hand slightly faced him.

"Now if you would, kind sir I would like to continue this talk in private as spectators with ears and eyes are innocent and our tongues and eyes be but sharp tools too coarse and filled with malice for them." Lock gave a slight smile as a low breeze flowed from his back pressing and tugging at his hair and cloak in a gentle manner. The tails of the scarf kicked up as the flowed in the fair wind exchanging to their new found waves with the gentle sound of snapping with each tail flick of the ending pulses through the cloth scarf. Lock stared at the man for a few moments before removing his left hand from his waist and sweeping it in front of him as a gesture to lead on. "Please Sir if you would be so kind." Lock would wait for Ohm to either walk or stay in the crowd.

If Ohm stayed Lock's tongue would remain silent as he would remove his scarf around his neck.

If Ohm chose to lead him Lock would ask the man "If I may good Malkavich, what has caused for the righteous eyes of conviction to find a man of you so guilty?" As he trailed beside him.
~Peya Freesia, with Ohm and Lock in Alcain~

The young woman smiled up at Ohm as he said he was sorry. She shook her head quickly, not wanting him to say he was sorry. It was mostly her fault. She had her head down. She looked up when Ohm did as a man walked up asking for Ohm. She got a bad feeling as he begin to talk. She didnt like it at all. She listened to the men talk and the man, Lockval. Why would he need to speak to Ohm in private so bad? She looked up at Ohm the looked down at the ground as she scribbled something into the dirt. She needed to know if this kind man was going to be fine. 'May I tag along, Mr. Ohm?'

She looked up at him and tapped his shoulder as she pointed to the writing. She looked at Lockval again. He was odd to her. She would not speak as she looked down at his hands. What was he doing? Furrowing her brow she looked up at Ohm hoping he read what she wrote in the dirt. Her hands moved her staff to her side as the other one rested on her lower hip softly. The girl was dainty with her movements, having been raised by a rich mother.

Atanno; Prymouth Mansion, Corvosinium

It only dawned on Caridin that question was brushed aside by the politician, whatever answers he wanted tonight would only come later and at the politician's behest, assuming what he says is even the truth. Caridin thought it would be in his best interest for this night to exercise self-control and attribute he possesses but rarely utilizes. A "wait-and-see" approach fits the situation, being impatient against such a seasoned politician and a very powerful man would have consequences, the extent of which is unknown.

Magister Erganda moved to introduce himself and greet the other three guests present in the estate of Corvosinium's most powerful person, the monarch if one felt so inclined. Three other females, one of was the girl from the bazaar or at least looked like her. It wasn't hard to see that one of them sought to probe Magister Erganda while the other looked like she was completely unimpressed with the magister or Corvosinium in its entirety, which meant that there is a complete foreigner in the presence of Magister Erganda. The other two women also dressed formally which meant they also controlled some degree of power or hold some position of importance. The situation begged the question "Why am I here?" a question he kept to himself not voicing out to the rest of gathered tonight.

Caridin knew he was out of his element the moment he stepped into something so luxurious, something that exuded status and position. He was a farm boy not 10 years ago and now he's in the Prymouth Mansion owned by the most powerful man in Corvosinium being given an unknown task that had them carrying the entirety of Corvosinium on their shoulders, it almost felt storybook. It was too unreal, there was no way he could be given such a task especially not to one who has Corvosinian highborn blood on his hands, but he had to stop wading waist-deep in disbelief soon. It was a trait of his to simply adapt to a situation, one that he had formed only recently as he was usually in trouble after his initial charge into anything. For now he would simply have to come to grips with his situation he'd leave the debates and arguments to the other three and the Magister.
((I'm so Sorry for not posting in so Long ;-; if I can't post any longer you can kick me out))

-Leina Arakos, Elparan Mountains, Heading to Stormbreaker's pass-

Leina sits on a rock, enjoying the breeze from the mountains and coming close to Stormbreaker's Pass. She saw several people pass by but she hid from them hoping they don't notice her or question her. She even saw some Alchemist but she wished to be safe. Alcain was a dangerous and unpredictable place, it's people even worse. She didn't want to risk anything so she walked to Stormbreaker's Pass and noticed a woman *Aeris* being growled at by a red haired lad.

Leina hid behind a rock, her red cloak a clear give away since it's so bright. But it's best to try to hide. The boy growled at the woman, she couldn't hear what they were saying but she simply started walking around them. Several pebbles falling over as she walks. She curses silently. Hoping they don't notice her. She sits behind a rock and looks at her book. Brushing the white locks from her hair away from her face. She simply decided to wait them out. The pass was long and they seemed to be discussing seriously.

Leina sneaked a peek at them and sighed, she wasn't going to hide just because there are a few people there. She stood up and brushed herself off. She kept walking along the pass. Heading towards Alcain.

((Sorry if I broke any Rulz))
- Doctor Ohm, Outside of Marketplace in Alcain with Peya and Lock -

At the other's words, Ohm couldn't help but give a light smile. The speech surprised him. It was indeed, as the man said, difficult to find civility in the madness of his surroundings, but the doctor had put little thought to it until that moment. Giving a huff of a chuckle behind his mask, Ohm let the younger male continue, smile fading as the words took on darker meaning. "The sword of Honor," repeated the doctor, eyes flickering alight, the glow popping audibly and seeming to swirl and arc in the sockets of his black mask. Shifting his vision, he stopped it on the gloves, examining as best he could the golden transmutation circles which were in his eyes just a brighter shade of cerulean.

When the other mentioned speaking in private, Malkavich gave a grave and solemn nod.
"You are correct, Sir Lockval. We should not involve innocents in such a 'conversation' at all. At the very least, let us move to an area far from here." Looking again toward the female, Peya, Ohm gave a mechanical sigh, frown behind his mask deepening when he noticed her words in the dirt around the time she tapped his shoulder. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Peya Freesia. Though I would very much like you to 'tag along', I fear the time for such a thing is not right. I hope we may meet again under better circumstance."

Nodding once again and giving a polite wave, the doctor continued onward at Lock's request, the other following alongside him. More words were produced as they walked and Ohm could feel a light and tingling hum begin to push outward from his armor.
"What, you ask, has caused the eye of righteousness to fall upon me? I am afraid I can guess a few things. Perhaps my experimentation with machinery? Could it be the death of my family? How am I to guess just what sin has been attached to my name, Sir Cromwell?" he asked, tone of his words quick and precise, matching the mechanical tone of his distorted voice. "Did it occur to you that what you've been told about me might very well be fiction?" Smiling bitterly at this, he continued to walk, picking up his pace ever slightly.

Erganda's Mansion on the Outskirts of Corvosinium Capital.

Once introductions were made and everyone became somewhat familiar with each other Farah took a step into herself, she became subdued while she tried to link together thoughts and plan ahead but alas it was all beyond her grasp, she needed more links for the chain to be whole and few more colours to grasp the scope of the picture she was trying to comprehend. She breathed in heavily and realised that she had been led by the Magistrate himself, she fought down the surprise brought about by her collapsing reverie but could not battle off the sudden flare of red that flushed her cheeks.

Suddenly the magistrate asked her a question that struck her feet from beneath her, she reeled as the question threw her carefully constructed opinion of their host askew. Selyf's opinions didn't surprise Farah in the slightest, she seemed like person who valued the blunt and unforgiving truth as opposed to an easy lie but Farah also knew that Selyf understood the workings of politics. The Magistrate had yet to lie to them but his lack of forthrightness was unsettling, it meant that there were things beyond her knowledge beneath the veneer of Corvosinium. Such things hadn't worried her before but now her unanswered suspicions became foremost in her mind.

Farah imagined several games of Talon being played and in most of them she was a lowly Emder, a pawn. In many of them Erganda was a player but in others she was a player, their opponents invisible and unknowable. Magistrate, forgive my candidness but you are playing us, we are your pieces. You know full well you can trust each of us to a point. You know I live for the betterment of Corvosinium and it would not shock me to find that you know exactly what I am. I cannot speak for the others but I believe them to be of upstanding character. How much you can trust us depends on how much you wish to trust us.

With that Farah beckoned forth a servant who lead her to the able and subsequently her seat. Now forgive me but I am famished and your wife has prepared a delectable spread here. Farah nodded appreciatively to the woman and waited for the rest to sit. She knew she was being all kinds of rude Please forgive my barbarism milady but we must forestall such seriousness until after we have had ample time to appreciate your generosity and hospitality. She turned to smile winsomely at the magistrate before shooting a look of reassurance to Selyf and the others, she would leave it to Erganda to invite the rest to sit and eat.
The cobbled stone below the to men clicked with a fine tune as they moved side by side one another. Lock looked towards the man as he spoke each word never losing face with the mask in front of him. "None seem a right to condemn a man on the surface. There in lies the problem as the tongues that whisper into both ears could be tainted and salted with lies. Personally I would like to believe in this case the blind does not lead the blind. As it is a dark area I travel in and am vexed situation with a heavy burden to take what most people find sacred... It is neither a pleasure or wanton..." As they continued to walk peoples eyes locked on the handsome young youth dressed in dapper attire and the armor clad masked figure consorting not a sight you see everyday.

Locks hand gently rose to around his neck as he gave a light tug to loosen his tie for the coming storm. "This cloth could be the very collar around my neck." Lock gave out a chuckle as his hand slid from his tie and back down underneath the cloak.

As they came upon his horse that was resting on the side of the building Lock gave a slight nod to Ohm to follow him over. "If you would allow me to retrieve my sword... as it seems you are well equipped and I am ill prepared." Lock gave a warm smile to the man as he made his way to the horse.

The horse lowered its head to his rider as Lock moved his hand out from the wraps of the cloak as it floated in the air it pressed against the horses snout as he gently glided it up the horses face. The horse gave a tap with its foot in acceptance to the love it received as Lock made his way to the side of the animal to the large sheath that held his great sword.

"That is what loyalty looks like... and only will you find it with the beasts that we mistake for lesser intelligence and we dominate them with out superiority... but only in them will you find true love like a man to a dog or loyalty between horse and rider. We creatures of intellect are burdened by our 'superior' mind but you will only find animals and beasts are truly happy and content with life... Of course I am babbling I apologize as it has been sometime to speak heart and mind to a person." Lock untied the leather strap that held the sword to the saddle. With quick lift Lock threw the large sheathed blade on his back holding the leather strap in his hand as he turned round to look at Ohm. "Now... if you don't mind me asking you something of a personal nature. Seems how we will become very close soon... seeing a side of ourselves that even our lovers do not see. We are men of thought and action unblinded by what we truly desire which is knowledge and peace... Here I ask you something... What would you give to bring peace to the land?" Lock gave a slight joking huff as he continued to walk to a warehouse that he had spied close by. Giving a little point indicating the final spot they would venture to together Lock made his way waiting for an answer
- Doctor Ohm, Leaving Marketplace - Walking with Lock -

Ohm's boots scraped across the cobblestone briskly as they walked, seeming to sync with the other male's own steps. The other spoke again and the doctor listened, moving his hand up to lower the hood from his scarred head. The straps of the mask were black as well and pulled tightly and securely, seeming to have a light shine to them as well as if crafted from something other than normal cloth.

As the younger male's words churned through his mind, Ohm found his bitterness fading, replaced with a grim understanding. This was no mere bounty hunter, no young fool just out for the joy of a kill. He was simply doing a job, however horrid such a job may be. The taller male found himself nodding, voice silent at the first burst of speech from the young man. As the other loosened his tie, Ohm followed in a sort of suit and, in one fluid motion, swung the cloak from his body and over his head. Quickly, he would fold it over an arm, revealing not only his armor, but a strange looking contraption on his back that, to an unkeen eye, would seem very much like a mechanical backpack.

When Lock spoke of his sword, the doctor vocalized approval.
"Please do. If what is to come must happen, let it at the very least be honorable," he stated plainly, mechanical voice regaining a bit of its usual chipperness. As the other went to his horse, Oswald Malkovich stretched lightly, checking over his armor in this place and that. Quickly he released the whips, then drew them back into their holders on his gauntlets, the only indication they'd emerged from the reflection on the metal.

"Loyalty?" he repeated and smiled behind his mask. "You are correct in your words, Sir Cromwell, but perhaps the aspect of loyalty is skewed to a beast. Let it be considered that the creature feels less love and loyalty and is instead trained to show such affection?" He mulled the thoughts over in his mind for a moment and continued. "Though, perhaps you are right. It's quite the uplifting thought to believe they are indeed truly happy. A very feeling our kind and others seem to quick to squander."

The older male sighed, the expression a tinny sound through his mask.
"Personal nature?" he questioned, 'eyes' flickering aglow with renewed interest. Peace. It was about peace. Ohm continued walking, but a beat of silence passed, boots the only sound as they clapped the stones. "I suppose I would give my power to create. My will to tinker, to craft..." he started, trailing off for a moment as his pace slowed. "My life."

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