Artificial Souls: Heart of the Unknown (Official RP)

-Periutel, Silara, heading towards the Elparan Mountains-

(Sorry if I spelled Periutel wrong, sorry for the bad post not sure where to start xD )

Leina walked along the dirt trail, a bag on her shoulder and she held her book close at her side. Her light feet made little sound on the hard, dry dirt. She looked back at Silara, where she used to live and sighed. "I wonder how they're doing.." she thought out loud. She put her hood on and kept walking along, avoiding most people that walked by her. She pushed back her hood and looked at a map, she was heading the the right trail so far.

She put the hood on again, after fixing her hair. A warm breeze having swept it unto her face. She pulled the stray lock of her white hair back. People would usually judge her for having white hair, mocking her, probably figuring she's an alchemist. She wanted to head towards Alcain, even if it is a corrupt empire it allows some things that Silara would execute people for. She opened the book to the forbidden page, making sure no one was around. "How did she know mortal Alchemy..." she thought. What type of past did her mother have?
Alcain, outskirts of Beresmiah

Aidan let out a soft sigh of exasperation, kicking a lone rock that had crossed his path as he walked. Clutching his right arm softly with his left and giving an occasional scratch at the scars under his robe. Twisting and entwining along his skin like elegantly drafted writing. His soft, pale blue eyes downcast as if searching the ground for something that he couldn't seem to locate, and that constantly stayed just ahead of him. Finally he raises his gaze to look out over the landscape he knew hadn't changed any, rough patches of grass jutting up at random from place to place as if life struggled to find even the faintest foothold to grow. The real reason, he reminds himself almost mechanically, is the constant patrols of cavalry that makes absolutely certain nothing, not even the smallest insect makes an unexpected arrival at the Alcanian capital.

It was another hour of an almost endless cycle, walk then listen then hide then continue to walk. There was probably no word he'd even vanished yet at this point but.... his grip tightens on his arm instinctively, but he would rather not take any chances. He pauses, pursing his lips as he turns this thought over in his head a few times before an ominous shadow falls over him. He freezes, expecting some rough hand to grab him and demand what he's doing out here alone, or even the cold metal of a blade at his throat. After a breathless moment of neither he looks up to the familiar sight of the Elparan Mountains and releases the breathe he'd been holding. "Finally... maybe now I can escape.." he hopes softly, though admittedly he didn't have much of a plan other than to head North and possibly even leave Daestraya altogether, anything would be better than continuing his past life.

Elparan Mountains, Stormbreaker's Pass

Aidan trudges slowly up toward the Stormbreaker's Pass, the only pass he knew that ran through these parts, or any part of the mountains to be precise. He stops however when he hears the hushed voice of an older, and annoyed-sounding woman. All he could really hear were the echoes off the walls of the pass so he stops dead in his tracks, a twinge of fear gripping his chest. However this small amount of fear was quickly washed over by a small boy falling from.. well what seemed like the heavens. Though upon looking up he sees a crevice in the roof of the pass and what looks like some sort of animal...probably what chased him to have him willingly fall down a hole...

It wasn't long before the boy spoke, but to Aidan it felt like nearly an hour everything had happened so quickly. From his distance all he could make out was the messy red hair of the boy and what looked like two rather attractive women, one standing beside a jigsaw-puzzle of a man, and the other listening to them speak. The years of muscle-deep training made him reach instinctively for the sword at his side, a rather unique little blade he'd stolen from one of his harsher trainers that he himself had just received. It was for all intents and purposes normal-looking, other than the gem in-set in the hilt that shone a deep violet. The gem however was not normal, it enhanced whatever Alchemical symbols were engraved into the blade. The only problem with that being, was that he was extremely nervous about making decisions. So he'd never decided upon the symbols to engrave.

Aidan blinks, the sudden silence in the pass as thew boy finished speaking startling him out of his thoughts. He steps back, hoping no one notices him a she watches to see what unfolds between the strangers.....

Camp Terra, Ludvig Plot. A days trek from Corvosinium.

I wouldn't trust him if he had worked his entire life for the betterment of Corvosinium. No, that man is a snake, who he bites is another story, I suggest you come with me tomorrow it'll serve us both well if we don't get on his bad side, its bad enough he knows you are here.

Farah counselled Selyf, she watched as the messenger disappeared into the night upon his horse, it would be a few hours travel for the man, longer still because the moon was overcast by large grey cloud banks. In a day's time it would rain, heavily. Farah thought it odd that the weather would correspond with the unfortunate events about to befall the world, perhaps it was a warning from the Great Divine of the coming War.

Farah looked at Selyf for a moment, Magister Erganta was quite the enigmatic man but how did he know she was there? Not even the soldiers knew the woman had stopped by, she shook her head and rid her mind of the unwelcome thought and replaced her puzzled expression with a languid smile.

Oh and yes, he is the monarch of Corvosinium, or at least he's got his hnds dug in so far that the moment he twitches his finger, people in Corvosinium move. Rude? It would be rude but then I do not know your Eranin customs, you could deny him your company by using one of them as an excuse. For now however, I am tired. I will travel in the morning, I hope to see you with me Selyf.

Farah smiled at the Eranin woman and began working on the fire, she stabbed to somewhat thick sticks in the ground and began sticking long logs against them until the logs were tall enough that the heat bounced off of them and back at the camp.Farah then went into the tent and came back out with an extra bedroll.

I think with our large 'friend' over there we should be fine to sleep outside tonight with the fire, here. Take this, you can spend tonight in front of the fire with me, it's been some time since I've spoken to a female alchemist.


Secret Institute for Mentally Unstable Alchemists (SIMUA), Beresmiah, Alcain.

His vision blurred momentarily, his dungeon slowly disappearing from view. The grey dirt strewn walls faded and were replaced by white walls, the hard floor he had imagined turned into a white bed, soft and comfy. He tried to get up but found himself wrapped in some constricting white jacket. Bellus looked around himself in panic searching for a reason as to why he had been constricted in such a unmannerly fashion.

Then a memory pushed its way into his mind and his vision swam once more:

He was watching idly, hidden in the low underbrush as soldiers passed him by, some tramped by in heave armour while others rode horses and bore plumes upon their helms. Bellus hadn't seen such a large military force in several decades. Something was amiss and Bellus had a mind to find out what it was.

He followed the column for several days, the terrain changed but he had no idea where the immense force was heading, finally they made camp. Bellus waited till night fall, true the watch would be redoubled but he had been in the wilderness for a long time, he could sneak up on a rabbit without it ever seeing him, he was sure he could manage to sneak past a few guards.

Using the abundant low bushels and trees he managed to get to the perimeter of the camp, he had narrowly missed a few patrolling soldiers but finally he managed to infiltrate the camp. His feet touched the ground with a soft pat that barely denoted his presence, amidst the raucous calamity of the camp filled with loud, drunk soldiers and their camp followers his footsteps were practically silent.

Eventually he managed to make his way to the command tent, it was located in the center of the entire camp, it was quite the feat but he managed to get past all of the camp goers without incident and was now snuggled tightly between a column of crates behind the command tent where he could listen intently to the conversations being had within its canvas walls.

The tent was filled with quite a few voices, most of them male and loud, they argued vehemently with each other over some strategy or other but what intrigued him most was the female voice within the tent, her laugh was so familiar and alluring. Bellus couldn't help it, he needed to see who it was with such a melodious laugh, his curiosity was killing him. Deftly circled the camp, avoiding the guards but he could not find an opening so he decided to throw caution to the wind.

He disabled the guard with little effort, a touch to the back of their craniums had them lying on the ground in seconds. Then he entered the tent, he was greeted with puzzled looks that changed from confused to outrage, several of the men bearing ornate armour drew their swords and bared their teeth at him but he paid them no mind. Instead his attention was drawn straight to the leather clad female who stood in the center of the group. Their stood his wife smiling knowingly at him. He could neither move nor speak, all he could do was stare unbelievingly at his wife who was meant to be dead. Slowly she approached him, her smile never leaving his face, she placed her hands on his head and kissed him before whispering Goodbye my love, you should never have found me, now you will suffer for the rest of your life. It felt like lightning bounced around in his mind before he sank into darkness.

He snapped back from his memory and with all his strength he squirmed in his bonds and screamed, he screamed not out of fear but sadness. Sadness and hate, a hate as yet unleashed, the visions were her fault, the madness, it was her doing. Men and women rushed into the room, some of them held him down while one of them shoved a needle deep into his arm, the pain was sharp but it faded quickly as he fell into deep sleep.

Scarlette had near trampled over the woman when she broke through the treeline. Narathzul had to pull in the reins before the startled steed could decide to run over the lady anyway. The horse snorted and released a cloud of steam into the air from its nostrils, comprised of boiling temperatures that could sting if one left his hand too close. Scarlette pawed the ground with her hooves as Narathzul cast a look over the lady who had just appeared. Alcainian. Brown hair. Eyes of a blend of green and blue.

"They... they... They attacked me!"

Narathzul looked towards the direction where she pointed and said nothing, though his hand tightened around the lance in his hands slightly, his expression unchanging, as stoic as ever. After a moment of silence pervaded only by the restless sound of the hooves of the horses upon the ground and a cough from Kester, Narathzul dismounted from his horse and strode towards the lady on the ground. He cast another look at the trees, before the runic engravings on the lance’s point flared bright red and the weapon burst into flames, its wielder unharmed by the fire that ensorcelled the entirety of the lance. With a sudden turn, the lance was directed at the lady, the flames barely licking her face, an uncomfortable heat emanating from the flames, one that showed that they were real enough, as if the thicket that got in the way of the lance wasn’t proof enough, its branches melting as Narathzul spoke, his voice dangerously quiet. “Who is this ‘they’? Bandits do not cross these lands.”
- Doctor Oswald Henry Malkavich Ohm, Small Home in Alcain -

The good doctor, Oswald Malkavich, tossed and turned in his restless sleep, the small house echoing with muffled gasps and, finally, a shout. Pale, slender fingers grasped over an unceremoniously wakened face, clutching for a moment before going limp. "Another nightmare, that's all," sighed the male, rolling off of the cot that served as his bedding. Both feet to the floor, left side. Stand. Six steps to the basin of water. "No time or energy to fret on dreams, old man. Things to be done, parts to be sold and bought."

The man traced these steps as he did every day, never fumbling or faltering despite his current lack of sight. He cleaned himself quickly, then grabbed at clothing and dressed, tracking each step as if he was one of the very machines on which he worked. Food was next, nothing more than some stale bread, but it would have to do. It was quick and, if the warmth in the air was any suggestion, he'd wasted enough time already. More counted steps. Armor was next. Quickly pulling it over himself and securing it, he also slung the usual backpack over his form. Nearly there.

With 8 more steps, he moved toward the outside and stopped. The most important part, now. His mask, his savior, his vision. Quickly taking it from the makeshift stand, he pushed it toward his face, trained hands securing thin strands of strange and thin iridescent wire to places on in the flesh of his scalp. When it was finished, he leaned back with a sigh and pushed with both body and mind. Energy surged through him and, in mere seconds, the mask hummed to life, eyes glowing a dull silvery-blue against the black. Visuals flooded to him and, for the first time that morning (much like every morning), the doctor slightly stumbled as his body processed the sights before him and seemed to right itself. "And a good morning it is," he stated, cheery voice marred slightly still in sleep. Grabbing one of many cloaks that hung lazily in haphazard places, Oswald donned it quickly and was on his way outside.

"So much to do, so much to do," he quipped quickly to himself, voice distorted mechanically as if he spoke through some sort of amplification. Moving this was and that, he artfully dodged past a few people, beggers and storefronts until he reached a small cart near the end of the cluster. There were parts there, good ones, and the crazed old man that ran it didn't just offer them to any. Oh, he had his ways, alright... and if onlookers didn't know any better, they would think the strange masked man found it all rather charming in his own strange way. "Gideon Gormag Graves, I entrust that you've got some things that I might acquire through mutually satisfactory trading!"

The dingy looking, corpse of a man looked up and, for a moment seemed to scowl as if he'd been interrupted. When his eyes drifted over the mask, however, flames seemed to dance alight within them. "Well iffit idn't tha' gud Docta' Ohm outta' lil lata' den usual. Wondrin' when you'er gon' come pay me anudder visit!" the raspy and almost creaky voice barked, full of life despite appearances. "Always a pleasure to make a purchase from a friend, Sir Graves!" the doctor replied, chipper voice crackling with a bit of static. Quickly, he gathered this and that; small things, large things and some in between.

"That will be everything, Gideon, thank you kindly," he exclaimed after paying, half-heartedly paying attention to the strangled reply from the other at his latest bit of work. "I do hope you'll be able to get a buyer for that. Even if it is for parts, you understand. So many things to build, so little time to build them!" With that, he was off again, tinkering with his new toys even as he walked. If his gauntlets hindered any dexterity, it was ignored by the doctor as he fumbled quick bursts of light snapping and flashing every once and awhile. "Hmm, yes, that is just the key there of course and maybe something here..." the absentminded man grumbled in a misplaced manner, altogether forgetting to watch in where he was walking.

Raiza Xerxes; Alcain, the Elparan Mountains, Stormbreaker's Pass...

The Corvosinian woman grimaced to herself as the collection of arrivals filled her with unease; too many strangers were appearing, and any of them could turn hostile at a moment's notice. Raiza did not want to harm anyone today, and certainly not a boy. Hefting her wind-spear from the ground, she twirled it for a moment as she channeled into the transmutation runes on the metal hilt. Suddenly, a green light radiated from the wind-spear as she altered the air pressure around her, causing small strands of emerald sparks fall to the ground. With her preparations complete in the breadth of a few seconds, she smirked and raised a hand to her head and placed her thumb on her left temple; a Corvosinian salute toward the Silarans and the Alcainian boy. "Sorry to make this short, but...gotta fly!"

As soon as the last word left her mouth, the air pressure snapped and resulted in a powerful updraft to occur in the pass. When the wind began to whip around her, she pressed a hand to the edge of her wind-spear, watching as the metal altered itself into a custom-made umbrella. Once it was fully formed, Raiza leaped into the air and strapped it to her back, immediately taking off into the air smoothly. In a couple of seconds she found herself at the top of the pass. Guiding her wind-sail down to the ledge, she landed easily and detached the device from her back, channeling into the transmutation circles once more to revert it back to its wind-spear form. Glancing back down at the strangers, she laughed a bit before turning away from them...but she froze in her tracks, her eyes widening at what she saw.

On the far side of the underbrush a few meters away extended a deathly-pale hand from one of the bushes. Approaching it cautiously, Raiza lowered the wind-spear and thrust the blade into the movement. Pushing aside the plant growth, the woman attempted to get a closer look...and could not help the shriek that escaped her mouth at the sight. "Oh, bloody hell!" Raiza shouted in distress and frustration, mainly at her own reaction. Laying there was the corpse of a dead man with his throat ripped out, one that bore standard Alcainian plating...except where his chest was. With the chestplate removed and all clothing discarded, a sign had been etched into the man's flesh. She peered at it cautiously, unsure what it was. The mark had the shape of a transmutation circle, but there were many things different about it; the ley-lines were in an eight-pointed star pattern than the standard five-pointed and six-pointed star patterns, and it bore the alchemical symbol for the moon in each of the eight gaps provided.

Stepping back and letting the bushes hid the man once more, Raiza slowly began to ease her heartbeat and breathing, but she still kept her grip on the wind-spear tight. What this revealed was the fact that the murderer was an Alchemist...but of what kind, she had no idea. Also, a rather foreboding question came up in her mind; why was a transmutation circle carved into a dead man? Her answer was soon answered when the hand of the man reached outward and grasped her ankle with a powerful grip. Screaming, Raiza tried to pull her foot back, but the hand continued to maintain its hold. Snarling, she raised her wind-spear and sliced the hand off by the wrist, kicking the dead limb away.

Stepping back, Raiza stared in horror as the dead man slowly began to emerge from the bushes, fully standing and functioning. A dead man was was walking! It was then that she realized it for what it was; Mortal Alchemy. She had heard that some of the more malevolent Alcainian Alchemists practiced the forbidden Alchemy, and some were powerful enough to do something like this. If that were the case...maybe the Alcainian government had a secret to hide here, one dangerous enough to force the death of its own soldiers and use them as unliving sentries? The thought was indeed a disturbing one.

The creature approached her slowly, its milky, clouded eyes focusing on her as a malicious grin spread across its slowly-rotting face, revealing the blood-caked teeth in its maw. However, it stopped suddenly and stared at her wind-spear cautiously, before eventually raising its arms into the air in a submissive stance. The bizarre action frightened her beyond her wits; she was told that undead raised by Mortal Alchemists were unthinking constructs used with mortal souls...they could not be rational, and yet here one was...doing that exact thing! The creature continued to astound her when it cackled wickedly, as if reading her thoughts. Then came its words...a jumble of acidic, hard-to-understand speech. " should not be here. The Hunter...he find you...he devour you, like me. Then his friend...curse you..." The dead man laughed again as dark, old blood leaked from his jaws and the tear in his throat. The sight was like that of a horror story.

Raiza shook from the terror she felt deep inside, but she kept the wind-spear leveled so as to maintain distance between herself and the monstrosity. It continued to study her, like a wolf eyeing a lone sheep that had strayed from its flock. The dead, sightless gaze of the undead construct sent chills down her spine, and it was all she could do to keep herself from turning tail and running.

Giogiri; Silara, Silarus, the City of Spires, his Medicial Clinic...

Giogiri stared at the young girl with a suspicious glare, listening quietly as she explained her presence. His eyes widened at her mention of the High Inquisitor, and his frown grew even more. So, that blasted clergyman wanted to cash in his favor, hmm? On a common child? Very well; it mattered little to Giogiri. Sighing, he opened his door fully to admit the human girl. "Well, you might as well come in, girl...I've got to rap up a patient anyway." Leaving the door open for her, he approached the operating table with the still-sleeping man and laughed lightly; this was his favorite part of the job. Moving within a few inches of the man's head, Giogiri raised his right hand and slapped the patient around a few times, jarring the man awake from the pain. Sitting up hastily, the man turned to curse at Giogiri, but the elderly Irbalan fixed a glare on him that would quell most people's thoughts.

"You're lucky to be alive, Mr. Fennici. If you had any other doctor, you would have died from an infection in your burn wounds. I have already collected my GET OUT!" Startled, the man nodded and gathered his clothes while Giogiri bustled him out of the door. Right as the man was on his way out, the Irbalan placed his foot on the idiot human and kicked him out onto the street, a satisfied expression on his face. "And do not mess with fireworks again, you idiot! Otherwise I'll charge triple next time, and with four times the abuse!" Once the man picked himself up, he scurried away down the road while being subjected to the laughing and harassment directed toward him from the other citizens. Turning to the girl, he grumbled softly. "Now...for you. Tell me what your mother's symptoms are, and I'll gather what I need to help her."

~Aeris Fallborne, Stormbreaker's Pass, Elparan Mountains, Alcain~

Aeris began to grow uneasy with the amount of new people showing up, the boy himself and another man, sickly and weak in his appearance was in the corner of her vision. She stepped backwards, stepping closer to Caine who sat idly by a dumb smile on his face, she turned to the boy listening as he explained his troubles, and as he did the woman she had been speaking to took off with a twirl of her spear and a burst of wind, sending her white hair whipping around her face and her gown a flutter.

When the sudden gust of wind had paused she glanced back at the boy, " Well lucky you, it isn't any of your business, goodbye now child. Caine come along now!" she said, the woman obviously knew something and by the Divine if she didn't find out what she'd be upset. Out the corner of her eye she saw the alchemy ruins scratched in where the woman was standing previously, she was checking those out eh? She gripped the hilt of her broad sword, hitting the button so it extended three links, jabbing the blade into the gritty surface of the rock she began to scale the wall.

As she neared the top she could hear the snippets of a conversation.

" should not be here. The Hunter...he find you...he devour you, like me. Then his friend...curse you..."

Who was talking? The voice sounded... inhuman, she hastened her pace hearing the woman screa,, reaching the ledge within minutes, no doubt due to her gift and the precise craft of Caine's weaponry. She reached the ledge and with a birst of strength heaved herself over, launching upward and twisting her body to land, shakily onto her feet. The sight in front of her was something that brought bile to her throat, the stench of the dead plagued her nose, and the rotting animated corpse... speaking to the woman. The Hunter did this? Was this the victim?

He obviously intended to attack and it would do no use to interrogate a dead man, besides this was the work of a forbidden Alchemy, a plague upon the Divine's Daestraya. She could already feel herself slipping into a soldier's stance, clicking the hilt of her blade and extending the broadsword, gripping it with two hands she charged forward, the corpse screeched, the disgusting smell of dead flesh bursting forth from it maw. Gripping her blade she brought it forth in a horizontal fashion, tilting so the flat side blocked it's clawing arms reaching forth and then shoving forward sending the swine off balance, as he stumbled she turned in a full arc unlocking the broadsword's chainsaw teeth as the sharp end of the blade met the monster, with a twist and a yank the monster was no more.

"In the name of the Divine I SLAUGHTER YOU, Heretic!" she spat, the quick movement of her blade ceasing the old blood from splattering her face, hitting the button to return the links back into the portable hilt of her sword she turned to the tall woman, breathing heavily and eyes serious.

"I believe we are searching for the same thing, do you still believe I wish to harm you? I am not the enemy, you would surely know if I was," she said, sending her hair over her shoulder and tucking away the blade of her hilt. A disgusting feeling creeping up her spine caused her to slip her gauntlets on, over her fists, fastening them twice as she glanced around her surroundings.

"Now what in the bloody hell were those things? And are there more?" she asked, slipping into a battle stance once again.
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((Sol The Hastag Toaster Muffins

Hey guys, Farah (Nin) and Selyf (Myself) are timeskipping to the gathering at Magistrate Erganda's mansion in the countryside outside of Corsovinium. The setting will be early evening, and the architecture of the mansion is Victorian-style, should you wish to expound on any visual details. Anyways, feel free to join us if you two are looking for something to do. :) ))

The Messenger, Merchant's Quarter Bazaar, Corvosinium

After a night of fitful sleep in the Magistrate's guest quarters, the messenger was given more letters to deliver. If he had hoped that the delivery of these new messages was going to be as quick and painless as his late-night delivery the evening past, the man was sadly mistaken. A visit to the Ragged Rat and the Animal Emporium told the man that the next two recipients were not in their expected locations, and so the messenger spent the next hour looking around for two people who were possible Alchemists.

The messenger had a stroke of luck when he noticed someone moving uncommonly- no, inhumanly- fast through the crowd. The messenger spurred his horse into a canter, weaving through the myriad of buyers and sellers as he tried to keep up with the dark-haired man. Finally, the speedy man crashed into a girl with bright orange hair. The messenger approached the unlikely pair just in time to overhear the girl say, "...I specialize in Fauna Alchemy..."

Reigning his horse in to a slow trot, he approached the pair of alchemists. He cleared his throat and in a clear, smooth voice, the messenger inquired, "Caridin Atanno and Eunice Schneider? I have messages for both of you from Magistrate Erganda." From his satchel, he produced two scrolls of crisp, white parchment, each sealed with a drop of wax bearing the Magistrate's crest.


Selyf Magali, Camp Terra, outside Corvosinium

Had it only been herself that Selyf was worried about, she still would have refused the Magistrate's invitation, regardless of the misfortunes she might reap of offending such a man. However, if he was as influential as Farah seemed to think... Selyf bit her lip again. She had the Alkor clan to think about. Although the had never treated her like kin, nor she them, they were allies for better or for worse. If the Magistrate knew her location, it took a small stretch of imagination to assume that he also knew that she was travelling with men and women whose livelihood depended on selling Scaled Behemoths. Should Selyf refuse the invitation, the Magistrate might ban the Alkor clan from entering Corvosinium--- perhaps permanently.

She swallowed the bitter reality with as much grace as she could muster, finally looking up at Farah and giving the woman a small smile. It was interesting, Selyf mused, that this woman who was probably half her age had the appearance of one who was slightly older and wiser. Older, certainly not, but perhaps Farah was the wiser out of the two. Why make an enemy out of one Selyf could just as easily make a friend?

"Farah Valen, I will travel with you upon the morrow," Selyf promised at last. A part of her saddened at the notion, she had spent so long trying to live away from civilization--- half a lifetime--- and now she was willingly putting herself back within reach of its tendrils.

As per her routine, Selyf reached into her rucksack and drew out a bottle of a finely ground herb. She sprinkled the contents of the bottle around the campfire, creating a transmutation circle on the ground that encompassed the firepit as well as the bedding that Farah had rolled out for both of them. Though the firelight was dwindling, making it near impossible to see where the herb landed, the Eranin created the large transmutation circle with the ease of a practiced hand. Once the circle was complete, she stood in its middle and placed her hands upon the ground. She closed her eyes and concentrated, feeling her breathing and her heartbeat and the heat of the fire. She thought about the meaning of the circle- to grant sleep to all who entered it- and exhaled slowly. With that breath, the transmutation circle began to glow dully. It would continue glowing until Selyf awoke.

Selyf had just been about to comment on Farah's observation that they were both Alchemists, but as soon as she curled up onto Farah's extra bedding, she closed her eyes and let her dreams take her where they would.


The Eranin opened her eyes at the first crack of dawn. She was used to waking up with the sun, as the Alkor used every ray of daylight to continue on their endless journey throughout the five nations. As she sat up, looking around at the soldiers' tents glistening with dew and the mist that tickled the grass, the circle that surrounded both women ceased to glow.

Farah was still asleep, so Selyf used the time to untie the Scaled Behemoth from its tree and rouse it, which took several moments. Once the beast opened its eyes and lifted its head, Selyf pulled on its leash and bribed the creature with breakfast. The Behemoth did not need to be told twice, and got up quickly, hurrying after the small Eranin who jogged through the forest underbrush, following the caravan's trail of bruised bushes until she came upon their camp.

They too were beginning to wake. A few called to Selyf as she approached, happy to see their animal and their healer both alive and well. The Eranin wasted little time explaining what had taken place last night, and the Magistrate's gathering she was expected to attend this evening. The Alkor and Selyf arranged to meet again at the same place in one day hence.

A nearby member of the Alkor clan who had listened to the dialogue in silence walked over to one of the wagons. With far more intuition than most gave him credit for, he brought forth a small cherrywood trunk which belonged to Selyf, although she almost never opened it. It contained pieces of her past identity.

Gingerly accepting the trunk, Selyf excused herself with a bow and walked a bit deeper into the forest, away from any prying eyes. Of course most of the Alkor had peered inside the trunk at one point or another; it was not its contents she feared the Alkor seeing--- it was her reaction to its contents she wanted to hide. The Eranin gulped down a lungful of morning mist as she unlatched the trunk and pulled open the lid, old wood creaking in the process.

A stack of drawings, letters and identity records; a wedding band; three books; and a set of traditional Eranin clothes. That was all the small trunk contained. Her hand leafed over the papers before settling on the soft fabric of an outfit she had not worn since her days in government. As she pulled out the sleeveless robin's egg blue shift which was embroidered with designs inspired by the Azuraen Jungle, Selyf felt her shoulders tense and her throat tighten. The white sash, grey leggings and soft grey slippers elucidated similar feelings.

After bathing briefly in the unforgiving frigidity of the river, mercilessly scrubbing the dirt off her skin and out of her hair and fingernails, the Eranin dressed in her Xerithian garb. The shift fell to just above her knees, tied around her slim waist with the white sash. She pulled on the leggings and slippers, feeling decidedly uneasy without the comfortable practicality of her deerskin boots.

Once dressed, she folded her usual tunic and boots into the chest and replaced the latch, and walked back into the camp. The normally cheerful air of the Alkor camp was noticeably punctured with awkwardness boarding on aversion as they watched the Eranin wander back to them, her outfit marking her clearly as an outsider. Selyf was relieved there was nothing she could do to hide her dreadlocks and the shaved sides of her scalp. She supposed she could wear a headscarf, but she would not do the Alkor clan such an injustice.

Replacing the trunk back in one of the wagons, Selyf withdrew her bow and arrows. No matter how she dressed in order to please the new Magistrate, she did not trust him. If the Magistrate would not allow her to bring her weapons inside, she would hide them as nearby as possible.

Finally, Selyf walked back to Farah's camp, made herself useful by shooting two pigeons for their breakfast, and followed Farah around for the rest of the day until they arrived at Magistrate Erganda's mansion in the countryside outside of Corovosinium.
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In and around Corvosinium

Selyf's acquiescence to attending the Magister's Function on the morrow's eve put Farah in good spirits, she didn't know why but having this alchemist on hand just made her feel safer. Farah lay down on her bedroll comforted by the the last residue of heat let off by the fire, she watched idly as Selyf made her transmutation circle, she was a biological Alchemist who specialised in Flora. Farah thought that was typical as she slipped smoothly into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning Farah woke up bright and early to fin that Selyf had disappeared along with her Behemoth. Farah wasted no time in wondering if the woman would return, instead she busied herself by stoking the fire back to life with new twigs and stomping down her camp ground. By the time Selyf had returned Farah had managed to pack most of her things bar a pan and a pot which she had placed near the fire to warm them up.

After breaking their fast with a pigeon fried in lamb fat with sweet wild onions and the remainder of last night's potatoes. They only ate one pigeon, with the other Farah boiled with several herbs she purloined from the area around the camp. After the second Pigeon was Farah chopped the cooked bird in two, wrapped both halves of the bird in oiled canvas. She kept half of the pigeon for cooking it and returned the other half to Selyf for catching it as was the Traveler's custom.

Their return to Corvosinium didn't take so long as a day's trek with the two of them riding Daisy back to the city it took them almost 3 hours. Their first stop was Farah's house, she needed to get ready for the night's festivities. Instead of a long slimming gown Farah decided to go for a pale set of leather boots, trews of a light green cotton a light, a soft leather vest that buttoned at her hips and a cotton shirt of a darker green. By the standards of nobility he clothes were humble but by the standard of a working man or woman it was a month's wages down the drain, extravagant by any means.

Farah went to work on her Sesame Puffs, the process was relatively short and the edible morsels made of profiterole dough rolled in honey and toasted sesame seeds. Farah was ready, she and Selyf had half the day to waste away so Farah called on her friend Markus to drive them around the town in his coach until the time came for them to go to the Magistrate's party.

The sun had begun setting, Farah and Selyf were well on their well to Erganda's Mansion. The rolling hills of the countryside were a beautiful sight in the sunset. They rounded a hill in the black horse drawn coach to arrive in front of a very large building. Farah and Selyf left their transport and Markus took the coach around the side where he was meat by a group of teamsters who tended to both him and his horse.

The mansion itself was grand beyond words (not that I won't try), before the grand Marble steps there was a trimmed garden, flower beds were arranged in the alchemical symbols for health and security, they were a picture of art unto themselves. The two women climbed the marbled stairs, a doorman smiled and bowed politely before allowing them entrance into the mansion via the polished mahogany doors.

The hallways were covered in teal carpets that complimented the dark mahogany that made up the walls. Tapestries and marble busts of people unknown lined the walls, the Magistrate truly knew what extravagance was. At first they were led into an anteroom decorated with pictures of flowers and trees, it was likely of Erganta's wife's design, the Lady Elaine had a subtle and elegant style. She and Selyf sat at a small Birch table, they were both served a cup of camomile tea which Farah took greatfully. Lady Elaine walked into the room, she wore a light creme gown cinched at the waste by a silk lavender Ribbon.

Elaine smiled broadley, Farah had no choice but to admire the woman's natural beauty. Oh, Milady I have the sesame puffs your husband asked me for, here. Farah gave their hostess a box. Elaine opened the box expectantly and picked out one of the Puffs I shan't wait for my husband, I've heard so much of them from the butcher's daughter and the Baker. Erold told me these put even his best pastries to shame, he also told me you keep their recipe close to your heart so I shall not insult you by asking for it. She replied elegantly, her voice light and whimsical yet sure and confident. We have to more guests still to come and I must return to the kitchen to oversee the preparations for dinner. For now please enjoy the music, Franz here was trained by Marco Le'Vant himself. Farah was astounded, Marco Le'Vant was a genius with the violin, all of his students were apparent geniuses.
Dren seemed slightly relieved when the woman excused herself as she used her wind abilities to launch upwards and away like some bird gliding along the wind, furthermore the other two announced their departure and uninterest in him. He was lucky....

He took a deep breath from his little ledge as his body relaxed, but suddenly tensed up as he heard the scream and he got the most terribly feeling as his head guard sensed the dark energy that suddenly flickered alive. It was the girl from before with spear, she was being attacked by....

He couldn't believe it, it appeared to be a corpse. A walking and no talking corpse... His runes glowed uncontrollably as if he wanted to attack, but before he could move the second woman swung in and dealt her own blow to the creature. Every fiber of his being was telling him to leave now while he had the chance, but he couldn't move. Something was going on, something big... He just couldn't leave.
-Dove Graceheart, Silara, Silarus, City of Spires, Giogiri's Medical Clinic-

Silently, Dove made her way inside the Irbalan's clinic, her dark eyes darting around nervously. From the scene with the patient before her, he seemed to be rough and rather... blunt?... a thought which made worry even more. Would he slap her mother awake like that? Or would he be more gentle with his methods? She could only watch in silence as he kicked the man outside to suffer the taunts and laughter of the citizens, causing her to flinch and shrink down even more then she already had.

Satisfied that his duties were done with that man, the Irbalan turned towards Dove, asking her for any symptoms her mother had. Still rather shocked by his.... er... dramatic... actions, she was silent for a long moment. Shaking her head, she finally began to speak, losing the constant stutter she had when explaining her situation. "She doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't really sleep either. She just lays in bed, pale and feverish, her eyes open and staring at nothing... Her skin's cold, too. Cold as ice."
Alcain - Elparan Mountains, Stormbreaker's Pass

Aidan blinks at the sudden departure of the woman with the spear.... watching her ascend up to the top of the pass with little trouble. After a scream echoed after her the other woman takes a more... direct approach, climbing the side of the pass by using her sword as a form of climbing device. His eyes dart down to her companion, 'Caine' she called him. He seemed to watch her with interest as she climbed, though the extent of that interest wasn't discernible in the least. The last stranger, the other boy, seemed to relax at their departure before tensing again at the scream and the glowing of his gauntlets immediately signaled him as an Alchemist.

From up above he could barely discern the sound of slurred, morphed speech. As if someone was very drunk, or either very tired. What followed causes Aidan to flinch, a screeching noise followed by a defiant yell from one of the women, probably the one with the large sword, as it sounded different in tone than the scream from before "In the name of the Divine I SLAUGHTER YOU, Heretic!" He couldn't help an involuntary grip on his arm at the word 'Heretic', perfect, someone else that would slaughter him for his abilities. He shakes his head, now not being the time to dwell on that, he cranes his neck back to look up at the pass and sighs. "How am I going to get up there?" he thinks for a moment before finally resigning to climbing with a slump of his shoulders.

In retrospect, climbing the pass wasn't the most difficult thing he'd ever done by far, in fact he'd hardly call it difficult. But that didn't mean he liked it anymore because of it's ease, all in all he pulls himself up onto the ledge in just over the amount of time it took the woman to climb it with her sword. He could hear conversation as he climbed and as he pulls himself over the side he looks over, seeing the cut-open body between himself and the women and standing slowly. Something very close to hypnotized by what he saw as the pieces connected in his brain like puzzle pieces. The corpse before him had obviously been re-animated, no question as to that, but... if what he thought was right, then the slurred speech from before had indeed come from the creature.

He snaps himself out of his thoughts with a quick shake of his head, not wanting to seem wholly interested in the creature as that would make him seem suspicious. Though will luck they wouldn't notice his staring, or just assume it to be fear or astonishment on his part. With a concerted effort he looks up at the two women, not seeing any sort of wound or injury to his relief and finally he just decides to look down at his feet, not wanting to be accused of staring at them either. Which in some ways, could be considered worse than being interested in a talking corpse.

-Silara, Outskirts of the Elparan Mountains-

Leina stared at the tall series of mountains, and the poor selection of trails that led through them, it was a wonderful evening but she needed to keep moving. She had never been so far from her home and her body ached from so much walking. She ignored it and kept following the trail, she was lucky the sun was out. Not that many predators would be around.

After a while of walking up the trail she realized how hungry she was and pulled out some bread but not much else, she didn't want to waste time, she'll make food in Alcain. After avoiding a few traveling guards she knew taking the main road wasn't the best thing so she went along the trees in the upper pass. Carefully watching them as her quiet footsteps avoided branches and twigs.

Her stomach nagged her again but she put it aside, she needed to get to Alcain, when it was getting cold she used alchemy to light a fire, she knew she needed to rest so she sat down and made a fire. She cooks a bunny as she looks around, hoping no one notices her.

Eunice was absolutely shocked at her invitation to the Grand Magistrate's mansion, but Claus was a little bit more than suspicious. "Eunice deary, why would he want to invite you? It's not like you're a Homunculi or anything!" "I know Claus, but it would just be so rude to turn down an invitation from the Grand Magistrate! You know how powerful and rich he is!" Claus sighed "Very well Eunice, but I'm still going to stay suspicious" he let her know. Eunice nodded and headed back to her house. She needed to wear something nice unlike the dirty tunic she was wearing at the moment.

Eunice headed back over to her small house and put on a white blouse and a dark brown skirt. She gave Claus a new Bowtie and a blue tailcoat. "There, now you look all cute!" she told Claus. The white bunny rolled his eyes and hopped onto Eunice's shoulder. Eunice and Claus travelled towards the extravagant mansion of the Grand Magistrate. She noticed a doorman and approached him "Hello, I am Eunice Schneider. The Grand Magistrate invited me to this lovely mansion" the doorman nodded and opened the door "If you would care to follow me" Eunice complied and followed him through large hallways with several chandeliers. The three ended up at a quaint little parlor decorated with lots of plants and trees most likely painted by an Eranin as nobody else could capture that much detail in nature.

Eunice waved to the other two women who were in parlor and one appeared to be an Eranin like her. Claus rolled his eyes not wanting to look at these filthy people. "Uh, hello my name is Eunice Schneider." she told the women. She didn't know how to act in such a nice place and these other women were intimidating her. "Um, are there any refreshments" Eunice felt a drip of sweat trickle down her forehead.
Selyf Magali: Magistrate Erganda's mansion, outside Corvosinium City.

The day had slipped by rather easily. Once they had arrived at Farah's house in Corvosinium City proper, Selyf had seated herself in the kitchen while Farah once again demonstrated her skill at turning raw ingredients into a gourmet meal. The man named Markus had arrived in time to sniff the succulent aromas of the Sesame Puffs, but not soon enough to sneak one off the baking tray as they cooled.

The coach ride around the city was illuminating, if somewhat disconcerting. Selyf, accustomed as she was to woodlands, prairies and deserts, felt uneasy near such tall stone structures, the crowds of people and the strench of the city's sewers and animals. The air freshened as the coach travelled towards the North Shore of Corvosinium City, nearing the clear waters of the Crystal Lake and the breeze that blew off the waves. As their tour of the city progressed towards the lake, the buildings grew taller, some even three and four stories high--- and the detail work on the eaves and the square spires perched atop of fashionable flat roofs reeked of wealth.

The buildings shrank as they reached the bazaar in the merchant's quarter. Farah had mentioned that they were terraforming the landscape around the city to produce food, but Selyf had not realized how delicate the food situation was in the city already. Perhaps if people were not inherently greedy to some degree, supplies could have been stretched to feed everyone in the city. However, as the sea of people eddied and churned around their coach, Selyf saw at least three skirmishes break out over the price of bread and preserved vegetables.

Finally, when it was time, Markus drove Selyf and Farah up to Magistrate Erganda's mansion. If the houses near the North Shore had been impressive, Erganda's mansion was jaw-dropping. Five stories--- not four, nor three--- of sandstone wall shot out of the ground in perfectly smooth, straight planes. Like the other houses in Corvosinium, this one had adopted the fashion of a flat roof, yet had heightened its sense of grandeur by adding double-paned windows and doors which opened onto balustraded balconies on the second and third levels. Not to be outdone, the ground floor had a roofed pavilion attached to the house, the roof held aloft by columns in the style of the First City.

Selyf knew just by looking at this house that this was no place for her bow and arrows.

At the door, she apologized to the footman for her rucksack and weapons, who nodded and showed her to a small room of to the side where she could deposit her belongings. Just to be on the safe side, once the footman had left, Selyf took the oilskin Farah had given her earlier, wrapped up a scalpel and a cooking knife from her rucksack in the cloth and hid the oilskin in her slipper.

While they waited for Erganda to arrive in the anteroom, Selyf commented quietly to Farah,
"Well, I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't this." Selyf grinned, a little dazed and confused. She held tightly onto the porcelain cup of chamomile tea, afraid of dropping it. "Also, since I never got around to asking- what sort of Alchemy do you practice?" This question had the double advantage of being something they could both talk about freely, while also giving Selyf ideas on how they could escape, if they needed to.

As she turned around in a circle, assessing her surroundings, something caught the corner of her eye. From the hallway into the anteroom, her eyes followed the small woman with bright orange hair and a rabbit dressed in a rather ridiculous costume, in Selyf's opinion.

"Also," she added, "Are there many Eranin in Corvosinium city?"

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Caridin Atanno, Merchant's Quarter Bazaar, Corvosinium

Navigating your way through the bazaar was already hard enough as it was due to space limitations, Caridin was completely surprised when a messenger on horseback was able to at least look like he had an easy time navigating the Bazaar on horseback, no less. He took the messages and noticed the Magistrate seal, immediately Caridin went into a panic. Keeping a level interior he was going through possible reasons why the Magistrate would want anything with him.

The first thing that pops into his mind is that he was being called to a more private court for the unintended death of an influential heiress four years back, the magistrate would render a harsh judgement that is normally prohibit in normal courts of law. Another, less severe, instance would mean that this was a follow up to what Reyva had said four years ago. For all Caridin knew, his recent mentor had ties to the upper echelons of Corvosinian Elite which might justify this. All his theories had a very large hole in them, Eunice. Then again, there was no guarantee that their respective letters would have the same contents.

"...but it would just be so rude to turn down an invitation from the Grand Magistrate..." That cemented the fact that they both received the same letters. Caridin relaxed a bit, knowing that the letter was not directed exclusively at him. "So you have an invitation from the Magistrate too?" Caridin asked more in verification that his ears weren't playing tricks on him rather than actual authentication that it was in fact from the Magistrate. Of course, he was too deep in thought he didn't notice the girl leave. There were just some things in Corvosinium that you know would never be counterfeit no matter how ridiculous or improbable it may be, being invited to the Magistrate's mansion was one of them.

Judging that he looked a bit formal enough, Caridin made his way toward the Magistrate's mansion. He didn't want to deal with the hassle of crossing majority of the Merchant's Quarter to his house, which his father had left for him after he had moved on a year ago. Although the house itself was located by the border between the Merchant's and Residential Quarters, he'd be wasting too much time negotiating the crowded paths of both quarters which would mean he would be severely late to the meeting with the Magistrate.

A man who commands such power and influence, technically being the ruler of Corvonsinium, may not be accustomed to waiting long periods of time. Besides, Caridin wasn't keen on finding out just what an impatient Magistrate would do to him. It was also an honor he could afford to keep waiting. The trek to the Mansion would prove to be a bit longer.

The mansion itself was not within the city limits but rather in a picturesque countryside landscape, that seemed to be just as beautiful and peaceful at night as it was during the day. The walk was simply relaxing as the cool night breeze seemed to kiss his cheek and whatever part of him that wasn't covered by his clothes, it put him at ease, when he should be picking up the pace to get to the mansion. Caridin had made it to the mansion after some time, he showed his invitation to the guards by the door of the mansion and they let him.

Outside, the mansion seemed to be built for the very essence of luxury, the inside would prove to further cement that idea. Caridin had that feeling that he was the last one of the invited to arrive, he had in fact taken his time getting to the mansion so as to make himself presentable as possible to the Magistrate and not sweaty, although it seemed his efforts were in vain as he was already sweating a lot by the time he made it to the front door.

Magistrate Erganda; Corvosinium, the Prymuth Mansion...

The man quietly stood in his private chambers as his servants dressed him, barely paying them any mind as he dwelled on his own thoughts. Magistrate Brutus Erganda...the most powerful man in Corvosinium. That was what people knew him as. Of course...that barely even scratched the surface of the person he truly was. For thirty years he had served Corvosinium as an elected official; for thirty years, he had done nothing but advance the great city-state to the glory it deserved. But there was still much to be done...oh, so much more. The drums of war have been beating in every nation, from the ravenous hordes of Metenos to the seclusive Eranin of Xerith. Feeling the tides of change beat at his precious Corvosinium, he knew that he had to prepare his city well...otherwise it would be swept away by the currents to come.

His mind was drawn make to reality when he noticed that his servants had finished their work. Brushing aside his dark, graying hair, his emerald-green eyes scanned his own body in the mirror. His servants had dressed him in a fine white cotton coat that was knotted together down the middle by solid gold buttons, equally pale cotton leggings, and a pair of bleached leather boots. He preferred the color white for his business...he felt it represented purity, good will, and confidence. Everything about him displayed wealth and power; a point he always tried to show others. Turning away from the mirror, he dismissed the servants with a small gesture from his right hand, watching them bow as they left the chamber through the servant's entrance.

Erganda heard a knock against the main dual mahogany doors; most likely his herald. Sure enough, he heard the slightly high-pitched voice of the man. "Master, some of your guests have arrived. Shall I greet them and prepare the conference chamber?" Straightening his coat, Erganda approached the doors and opened them both in unison, smiling and raising his head high. "No need, my good man. I will greet them myself, as a respectable host would do. Is Veronica with them now?" The herald nodded in reply. Striding past the herald, Erganda began to make his way to the that he may view his guests for himself.

The Magistrate strolled down the hall with a confident, perhaps even arrogant, gait. He paid no mind to the bright-red woolen carpet, woven by Melenosian clanswomen, on the floors, nor the marvelously-designed paintings brought in from Silaran artists. Erganda had seen them countless times...but anyone else may stare at the row of paintings for hours, for each depicted a grand war epic of their own; from the Siege of the Great Wall to the Fall of Hramascus. Despite being a politician to the core, Erganda was fascinated by war...war caused by mortal tendencies. Eventually, the row of paintings and the red carpet ceased, opening up to an elegant case of white marble stairs with gold trim on the rail beams leading downward. Before he came into view, he overheard the voice of a woman; certainly not his wife; "Are there many Eranin in Corvosinium City?" Putting on a charismatic smile, Erganda emerged from the hall for all to see.

With his hands folded behind his back, he descended the staircase while he answered the question.
"Well, my dear, that is an awkward question. While we do have some Eranin citizens of our fair Corvosinium, many of the Eranin that come here are visitors from Xerith...but as of late, the numbers have dwindled, with more and more returning to the seclusion of their wild nation. It is a mystery, but I believe it may be due to some sort of special festival." Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he approached until he was only a few meters of them before bowing elegantly. At that time one of the servants admitted a young Corvosinian gentlemen into the anteroom, one of his invited guests. "My name is Magistrate Brutus Erganda, and I welcome you to the Prymuth Mansion."

Razia Xerxes; Alcain, the Elparan Mountains, Stormbreaker's Pass...

The woman was surprised to see the Silaran priestess arrive as if from nowhere, bringing forth a massive broadsword that was edged by rotating blades that erupted into action as she swung it at the undead creature, shouting a battle cry and cleaving the monstrosity in half, if a bit messily due to the rotors on the chainsword. For a moment, Raiza was stunned, but she was soon awoke by the Silaran's voice, asking her what the thing was. "It-it was a construct...of Mortal Alchemy, I assume. But...never have I seen one in action, and every mention of them said they were mindless; incapable of thought or perception. Yet this one was different...perhaps due to the strange transmutation circle just happened to rip to shreds." Taking in a deep breath, she turned to thank the woman before her eyes settled on the weapon, wide and interested.

Leaning over, she brushed her fingers against the weapon's now-bloody blades, an almost girlish smile on her face. This creation was fascinating! Who could have made this marvelous piece of weaponry? A highly-esteemed, well-known Mechanical Alchemist without a doubt. One that knew his trade well, and was probably a very rich man.
"But what I want to know is where you got this beautiful piece...! It is amazing! The motors inside are obviously quite well-made, and the chains connecting the blades are perfect in strength and size, in fact I-." Blinking, she flushed when she realized what she was doing and drew back from the Silaran's personal space. "Heheh...sorry, I'm a bit of a fan of mechanical engineering and Alchemy; would like to say I'm a bit of a tinkerer myself. the way, thank you. For just now. I'm Raiza." She extended her hand out towards the Silaran, a gentle smile on her face.
~Aeris Fallborne, Alcain, the Elparan Mountains, Stormbreaker's Pass~

Aeris glanced from the woman looking with great interest at her blade, then to the remains of the creature, then finally her eyes came to rest on the sick looking man who must have followed her up here. She turned back to the tall woman, and tilted her head to the side, she seemed rather overly interested in the weapon it made her almost...nervous. As the woman moved back she did too, clearing throat before grabbing the ends of her gowns and slightly bowing.

"Ah, excuse my manners. I am Aeris, though I can't recall if I had introduced myself earlier. As for my weapon? The bumbling machine man, my Caine. He made this weapon for me, despite the insane babbling, he is quite talented in his practice," she mused, admiring the weapon herself. Her weapon was marvelous work, wasn't it? She took the woman's hand and shook it, simultaneously retracting the blade with other hand and was soon the weapon was tucked away, "And you are very welcome... Raiza,"

She turned back to the corpse, eyeing it... as if expecting for the disgrace to stand up again, she doubted it would, Raiza said she had destroyed the transmutation circle. She sneered, of course it was the work of alchemy, not just normal alchemy but one so inhuman it reverted the laws of nature itself. After glaring at it for a few more moments she turned back to Raiza, not flinching at all when the loud lumbering and clanking approached, he must have taken a pathway of some sorts up the mountain to reach her.

"Are ya okay Daisy? I heard screaming and angry screaming! Oh look, a dead person! Guts splurting of a heretic took place here, didn't it?" he giggled, Aeris rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips and opening her mouth, Caine quickly became disinterested as his mask began another round of inhalant... crushing? Maybe? She didn't know the workings of his mask.

After glancing at him for a moment she turned back to Raiza,
"I assume you've heard of the attacks here, maybe it would benefit the both of us if we worked together to figure it out? But before we address that..." she said calmly, turning to the sick man while keeping the boy in her line of sight, "I believe we should do something about these two, I can't seem to shake them off, both of you, state your names and your business," she snapped, placing her hands on her hips.
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Caridin Atanno, Prymuth Mansion, Corvosinium.

"My name is Magistrate Brutus Erganda, and I welcome you to the Prymuth Mansion."

Caridin had some idea about how the mansion would look like on the inside based on the outside appearance of the mansion, he just never thought that the actual interior decor of the mansion would far exceed his expectations. Everything seemed exotic, everything screamed luxury, power and wealth, of course Caridin considered himself an idiot for expecting any less from the most powerful man in the entire republic. None of the mansions that were located in the residential quarter and belonged to the Corvosinian elite he had seen during his life as student under Reyva could even hope to hold a candle to Prymuth Mansion, they all had that small air of practicality, Prymuth Mansion seemed to be made only luxury.

Caridin immediately felt like he was out of place, one for being late and two because of the overall appearance of the Mansion's interior. He felt as though he was severely under dressed and unworthy for the occasion, what's more was that Brutus Erganda really radiated power. The way he walks, that firm and sure tone in his voice, those soul piercing eyes he has that looks he is assessing his potential prey. That's right, to Caridin the magistrate looked like a predator who has his claws and fangs withdrawn to play with his prey some more, yet at the same time he looked majestic in white, a benevolent god descending from the heavens. The tales he heard about the Magistrate don't even come close to actual person, he feels much more powerful than the rumors or the news could ever hope to depict him.

"Good evening, Magistrate Erganda. My name is Caridin Atanno, I am honored to be invited here, but what do you want with a normal citizen of the republic, if I may ask." Caridin bowed towards the magistrate, he hadn't noticed that during his little "assessment" of the mansion and the magistrate he was walking towards the magistrate. What's more, was that Caridin had originally intended to withdraw but his hasty personality got the better of him and instead chose to greet the Magistrate in a manner he thought would be fitting to someone who was ten steps above the elite of Corvosinium. Although as he replayed the greeting in his mind, he fears that he may have just stepped out of line with that statement and possibly came out as rude. So I wonder, execution or do I have figure out how to spend a life sentence imprisonment...Whatever the case, Caridin quickly snuck in an apology. "...I'm sorry, Magistrate Erganda, if I stepped out of line with that question." It might work?
~Nerissa, Elparan Mountains~

She backed away from the fire and looked up at the man with fear in her eyes, trying to play him. "I-I dont know who they are! They attacked me and took my necklace!" She shouted at him. She was on the ground now, from falling back from the fire. She looked at his weapon with wonder and dropped the act quickly. "How?" She asked watched his weapon. "How does it not burn you?" She looked up at him then looked to the woods. "Please come with me. I'm scared they they will be waiting when I go get my stuff that I dropped."

She looked back into the woods wiping away her tears and the blood from the cut on her cheek. "You are a General they will cower in fear from the site of you..." She spoke to the man in front of her. I know you're smart but take the bait dammit! She thought as her green-blue hues looked up at him. "I just need my things." Her gauntlet hand, that she had tried to hide, balled into a fist.

~Peya Freesia, near Ohm in Alcain~

The small woman was pushed around through the crowed of people. Her head stayed down as she held her staff close to her. The vines upon her staff seemed to have a life of its own. Her snow white hair fell into her face as the green jewel from her headband lightly hit her forehead. It was late morning and everyone was up and moving around, trying to get everything done before noon rolled around. She watched her booted feet move across the ground quickly. She had no destination just to get away from most of the people running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Moving quicker when she breaks out of the crowd, she runs into a man. Falling to the ground, the mushrooms on the top of the staff begin to glow. Vines from the tree beside her wrapped around the man, making sure he didn't fall. She watched as the trinkets he was carrying fall to the ground because of her. She made a wincing like face and moved over to him, the vines retreated, leaving the man up right and she begin to pick up the things she made him drop. Standing up straight she looked up at the taller figure and gave him a look, of apology. She hoped he could tell by her expression what she wanted to say.

She now got a good look at this man. He was big, much taller than her. He had a mask on his face, his eyes covered by things she has never seen. She looked down at the things she picked up for him and handed them back. Her mouth opened as if she was going to say something but nothing came out. She closed her mouth and gave the man a friendly smile.

(I'm sorry guys my posting sucks!)
Two more guests had joined them through the course of their wait in the anteroom, one was distinctly Eranin and the other she knew rather well. Caridin Atanno, the man was gruff and well meaning. He and Farah had met several times in the past to work on projects from wealthy employers. She smiled at both the new arrivals in greeting and continued to wait in a comfortable silence that seemed to was over the room naturally. No doubt a result of the calming pieces of art hung on the walls that depicted wonderful gardens in the Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. One of the paintings depicted a tree of immense size circled by what she thought were fireflies.

Farah looked to Selyf, her delicately decorated ornate cup balanced ever so firmly, grasped between her fingers. Farah took the question seriously and began recounting the Eranin she was acquainted with. Just as she was about to list a few names she paused immediately when she saw a shadow pass over the threshold of the open door that lead into the room. Seconds later there stood a finely dressed man, cut and preened to perfection, not so heavily made up as he would be had he guests of higher stature but just enough to afford his gathered guests the honor of his effort and company.

The Magistrate Brutus Erganda cut quite the dapper figure, Farah was decidedly jealous of his wife Veronica for such a catch. Despite being a snake in the grass, Erganda was quite a man, his intentions were good, Farah knew the man well enough to know that much about him but the ends never justify the means and she was afraid of the rumors about this man. Not because they might anger him but because they might prove true.

Farah stood up, took a few steps and curtsied cheekily to the man, there was nothing Farah did so well as creating an air of familiarity. It was a part of her charm as her grandfather used to point out on a regular basis. When she came up from her curtsy which was proper for her station (which is unidentified)

Enchanté, your honor, it is a pleasure to finally meet you and under such enigmatic circumstances. Yet to arrive and you have entertained me since your missive last night, a game well played I say. She said jokingly, knowing full well that the game had only just begun and that the rules were well beyond her grasp. It wasn't a game of intrigue but a game of war, Farah could feel the Magistrate moving his pieces into place.

Farah offered her hand which the magistrate took graciously, the light of intelligence practically beaming from his eyes like a pair of tiny suns. She smiled her understanding and moved aside for the others. Your, Honor. I haave the pleasure to introduce to you Lady Selyf of the Eranin, Lady Selyf, Magistrate Brutus Erganda and Caridin Atanno. And you are? Farah looked to the only guest she had not met, he expression kind and mannerly. Farah was following all the rules she had learned as a young lady growing up in the political center of the world to observe all the niceties in the presence of a Magistrate. There were eyes and ears everywhere and what you did or said would be known throughout.
Eunice looked down at the small tea cup that had been placed in front of her. It was made of the best china and was filled with tea as a tea cup should be. She wasn't sure how to exactly drink a cup of tea properly so she grabbed it with both hands and drank it as quietly as she could, but she ended up making loud slurping noises as Eunice couldn't really help it. "Eek..." she set the cup carefully down on the tea dish and watched as Claus hopped into her lap "Eunice, this simply won't do!" Claus whispered angrily "I'm sorry! I've never drank tea in such a formal setting before!" the two whispered back and forth in a tone that made you know they were fighting and didn't want anybody else to hear them.

They continued this bickering until they stopped abruptly at the entrance of the Grand Magistrate. Eunice had never seen him so close before and to be honest she was very intimidated by his han dsome looks and confident figure. She almost felt like shrinking into the couch which was so unusual. She heard the Magistrate introduce himself as Brutus Erganda, but didn't hear much else.

She watched as a woman confidently stood up to him and introduce herself along with the Eranin and Caridin. She realized that she hadn't introduced herself and knew she had to do it. "Uh, um, he-hello, Mister, uh, Grand Magistrate, Brutus sir!" Eunice stood and saluted him. She wished she could be as charismatic as the woman with people of such high power. She bet she was looking like a buffoon! "Mr. Erganda this is my associate Eunice Schneider and I am her associate Claus Fluffington. I am sorry for what was just displayed earlier as she gets a bit nervous around people like you" Claus chuckled nervously.
Dren Zerole: Alcain, the Elparan Mountains, Stormbreaker's Pass

Dren immediately growled at Aeris, he did not like being told what to do. His mind was still trying to wrap around what happened, a dead man got up and spoke and then the other girl cut it in half with a weapon resembling a large chain saw. It made even his large blade look quite sad....

However these two girls seemed more interesting in the fancy blade more then the dead guy who walked. Dren had heard of Mortal Alchemy, but only in passing or he should rather say ease dropping. Regardless he knew it was not something one should play with, it was forbidden. He clenched his fists as his eyes drifted back to the girl, Aeris. He hadn't replied to her and if he didn't well, it wasn't that he felt he couldn't fight her and get away, but a scuffle could attract more attention he didn't need.

"My name is Dren, that is all you need to know. I was of Alcain, but I am no longer with them. As I told you, I was merely chased here by a red-tail panther. I have no business..." Dren's spoke the last words with a sad realization, it was true. He had no business, no purpose in life. He just wandered aimlessly, trying to evade the hunters of Alcain, the Fist...

He had specifically not told Aeris his surname, the less they knew of him the better. Even if they probably weren't associated with the Fist of Shadows, he'd rather they not know his wanted status.

"You are Aeris, Raiza and Caine?"

He responded, yes he had ease dropped. He always ease dropped, it was a habit. Heck, it had even saved his life once.
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Selyf Magali: Magistrate Erganda's mansion, outside Corvosinium city.

As a rich tenor voice that was certainly not Farah's answered Selyf question, the Eranin ignored the instinct to quickly spin towards the voice without a shred of propriety. Thirty years in the wild had not completely erased every lesson Selyf had learned on etiquette. Instead, Selyf put her teacup down and slowly turned her face towards the staircase, followed gracefully by her shoulders, then her hips, and then her feet. Taking a breath, she composed her face into a close-lipped smile; a face that was clearly amused by its present situation. Though she stood in Erganda's domain, in the seat of his wealth and power, she refused to be intmidated by him.

When Farah introduced her as "Lady Selyf of the Eranin," Selyf placed her left hand over her heart and her right hand beneath her chin, her upwards-facing, transmutation circle-scarred palm creating a cushion for her chin while her fingertips stretched out towards the Magistrate. It was a Kortanian greeting of respect, one that said,
"I speak to you from the heart", or, "To you, I speak the truth". Given that Erganda seemed to know something of Xerithian customs, Selyf hoped the greeting was appropriate.

"Well met, Magistrate," Selyf bowed her head slightly before gazing upwards at this steely-haired king dressed in white. Imbuing her smooth voice with a formal accent thirty-years unused and with tones of hope and happiness, Selyf added, "You are correct in saying the Eranin head towards Xerith for a festival. It is called Irlum Xur Ramnean in the old language; it is a three-month long celebration of the gods, and a gathering of hope and peace that happens once every four years. This time, the festival is being held in Daremna, the nearest city to Corvosinium. This year is supposed to be particularly auspicious despite the drums of war, so many Eranin will make the pilgrimage--- especially those from Corvosinium, I should think."

As all the introductions were made, Selyf glanced around at the other guests, feeling somewhat over-dressed in her embroidered, silken blue shift. It was the type of garb she would have worn as a government representative on feast days or religous celebrations. She gave a mental shrug; her feral hairstyle and the scarring on her bare arms detracted so much from any formal appearance that the two juxtaposing styles, representative of the two halves of her life, probably balanced each other out.

When the rabbit spoke for Eunice, it was a clever voice--- too clever to be a normal rabbit.
"Eunice Schneider," Selyf addressed the other Eranin, her light brown eyes shining with genuine amusement, "Is it wise to let your rabbit Claus give your introductions? Surely the others cannot understand him speak--- can they?"
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Giogiri; Silara, Silarus, the City of Spires, his Medical Clinic...

The Irbalan doctor listened as the girl listed the various symptoms that her mother had, his face blank and difficult to read. When she finished, he was silent for a long moment, just eyeing her, before smacking his lips and nodding. "Seems to me that your mother has contracted a Residual is an uncommon ailment, usually found in subjects who are very close to a Homunculi's unchecked Alchemy. The Alchemic radiation released from Homunculi who have no control of their Alchemy can be toxic, if taken in over long periods of time." He stared at her again, his scrutiny quite evident from simply the spark in his eyes. It seemed he had his answer as to why Liandros sent her here...perhaps. That did not mean he would play into the priest's hand, though. "You were wise to seek help; from what you tell of me, your mother is in the second stage of the sickness. If you waited another few days, she would be dead. I have the materials necessary...wait here."

As he got up to go to the back of the clinic to grab the required salves and materials for the medical transmutation, he was worried that the girl may leave out of fear; she seemed the jumpy one. However, he doubted she would, especially after his mentioning of how little time her mother had left. His eyes scanned the shelves for each medical concoction: a salve of crushed magewick, a jar of bracken lillies, and a single dried sea sponge to absorb the left-over Alchemy residue. Once had all his materials, he slipped them into a sizable leather pouch at his side and emerged from the back and into the main clinic. Without looking at the girl, he began making his way for the door. "Come on, now. We have not got much time before your mother slips into a real coma...if she has not done so yet. Lead the way, girl, and don't feel like you need to be slow due to these old bones; I can still move as fast as any young'un today."

(Sorry for the wait, CharChar :( )

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