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Realistic or Modern Around The World, Coffee In Hand


Misfortune Cat

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"It all started with a cup of coffee and a conversation."


Ever felt unimportant? Maybe even unsure of yourself and where you stood in society. We have and that's why we're here to tell you about our story. In, all the crazy shenanigans and traveling, we've found ourselves. Through the laughter, crying, and silence, we've found ourselves.

And we're never going to change.


On a dreary New Years, six teens meet each other in a Starbucks in Philadelphia. They've all known each other for years and they've just started college. Yet, they've all been having doubts about who they are and why they're even here in this city. One member of the group suggests they all go on a trip around the world and just leave college off for a year. The friends are hesitant at first, but eventually all give in.

Two of the members say they can handle the financial problem, after all their families are quite rich. The rest just say they'll contribute in some way. With that, the member who suggested the whole crazy scheme gets out a random piece if paper and says to write all the places they want to go. Everyone obliges and proceeds to write down each location everyone wants to visit. The list looks something like this:

  1. L.A. (California in general)
  2. Vegas
  3. Paris, France
  4. Italy
  5. Germany
  6. Grand Canyon

We'll think of more on the way!


In general, we will roleplay all the events that will happen on their journey. Things may turn out great or bad. You decide.

Roleplay Notes

When we start, we will be writing about the scene above. Everyone will enter the coffee shop their own way. I will elaborate more when it is time to begin. All I'm asking you is to keep this in mind, thanks!

Also, keep in mind there are limited spots. Therefore, you may reserve your spot for up to TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. If you do not turn in a skelly on time, your reserve will be taken away. I'm not trying to be mean, but I'm trying to open this up to everyone. The period of time can be extended, but only if there is a good reason to. Please understand this, thank you.



Points of Interest

Philadelphia Museum of Art

(Yay Rocky~)


Liberty Bell






RV (The team eventually rents this to get to continental U.S. locations)

Living Room(?) (Guys sleep in here, considering there is only one bedroom in the back; one girl can sleep in here if she wants to)


One Bedroom The Girls Squeeze Into (Everyone has to share bathroom)




[NOTE: The Starbucks pictures aren't meant to portray real Starbucks. Also I will add more pictures when the trip progresses]

Yes, you knew this was coming....


1. All RpNation rules apply

2. Fade to black if it comes to it, there will be romance involved. Kissing will be the farthest you can go before fading to black.

3. You are allowed to curse, but don't do it every sentence.

4. No Mary Sues/Gary Stues

5. Godmoding is never allowed. ex. DO NOT control other's characters

6.Please don't have a basic full three pages of roleplay just between two characters. If it does go that far, stop before the third-fourth page.

7. Don't plot anything major without everyone's consent, especially mine. Most likely it will be the same for me and I will tag everyone in an OOC post.


9. Please be literate! Post at least a paragraph per post (aka 5 Sentences) No one liners or txt tlk (like this). I don't expect you to be a grammar wiz, but make sure your post is understandable.

10. If you've read the rules, put Coffee as the password in your post!

LuckyMisfortune updated Around The World, Coffee In Hand with a new update entry:

Last Role and Starting Time

Hey anyone who-hasn't-join-and-is-reading-this! We have one last MALE role open before we start! If you do want to join, have your skelly up and running today and maybe early in the morning tomorrow!
Everyone who has joined, we should begin tomorrow! :3

As for next week, I'll be heading down the shore. That means I'll have less time to be active. Please don't get too, far without me. I'll probably be able to post at least once everyday, maybe. Thanks for understanding! :3
Read the rest of this update entry...

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