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One x One Aren't You A Little Young to Be Here? (Distorted x Merry)


Professionally Curious


[Character Creation Center]
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Ren + Yukimura

b a s i c s


gender: Male

age: 21

birthday: 07/3/1995

Ren is a quirky boy, who loves to learn and know more about the world around him. He can be pretty quiet around new people, but it's honestly because he's afraid of being awkward and messing up in front of anyone- he's not necessarily shy; and when he's around friends he can be pretty outgoing. He can read situations and people fairly well, he's not dense in any sense, but just has a hard time dealing with other people. Ren has an affinity for the mystery and horror genre- despite being afraid of the dark and things that go bump in the night. Because of this, he has decided to pursue a field in Forensic Science with a minor in Physics.

d e t a i l s


Ren has dark cyan colored eyes that occasionally shift to more definitive greens and blues depending on the way the light hits them. His black hair, often stuffed under a beanie, is naturally wavy and has a blue sheen to it- making it more of a raven tint then plain black. He stands at 5'9" tall and has a pretty lanky build (he had never really been into sports).

p i c t u r e s





Name: Oakner Knoll

Age: 16

Birthday: August 13th

Personality: Oakner is a give-no-fucks take-no-shits kind of guy. He's confrontational and quick to call out people on their shit, as well as fight back if it comes down to that. He has a sharp wit as well, which makes up for his lack of intimidation. In non-hostile situations, this is used to crack jokes and charm whoever he is conversing with. During some back-and-forths with him it can be hard for others to tell if he's joking or has malicious behind his words, but on the flip side, no matter how much of a low blow a joke is to him, he'll be able to take it. This, of course, lends to him being unable to pick up on conversation cues which would allow most people to know the other person is sad and wants sympathy, or offended. He's also not very apologetic, and gets defensive when people confront him about something he did or said. Being the extrovert that he is, Oakner is definitely outgoing and adventurous, always willing to try new things, the more danger involved, the better.


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