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One x One Are We Awake Yet? (Upbeatdown and Castael)

Okay so I have come up with a number of questions about the nightmare world::

Is this world: A.) a reflection of real life but horrific, or B.) a completely different world?

If B was chosen above:

How many moons/suns does the world have?

How long are day/night cycles?

What is the climate like where they are at? Muggy/Foggy/Damp/Dry/Hot/Cold?

Are there seasons/what season is it?

Have you put a lot of thought into what these wizards became over all of these years?

Do they still have some symbolical of the same morals of their time in the real world or did they adapt to their new reality?

Do you have any ideas for the societal constructs of any existing civilized masses?

Did you have any basic creature types in mind for the natural fauna of the world?

Are there any sentient races/beings aside from basic wizards and such?


Oh and a few things on the characters backstories for their real world::

What country of origin are our characters from?

And whats the town name from where they grew up?

What kind of place was their hometown? Big City/Small Town? Seaside/Farming Valleys/Mountainous?

If you don't have the answers to these things I can help you decide on them if you want. These just help me to get a sense for things.
I've found some images of monsters and the like that I think capture the horrific element we're trying to capture. If you find others or want to describe some ideas you have for some, just share.

*Spoiler because 3spoopy5me*


As for other people, I was leaning more toward the side of it just being our characters. I was mostly thinking the world they are in right now is something of a construct made by the group causing everything, because they anticipated that some descendants might still be living there. That being said, the world would be a completely different one and not a reflection of the real world.

As for the things pertaining to it being a different world:

1.) I was thinking something along the lines of an nonexistent sunrise, and just having the moon really close to the planet and very bright as to cause a dimmed (by normal standards) glow on the world

2.) I was thinking the climate could differ based on what their surroundings are (EX. If they are in a swampy area, the air feels more damp), but, no matter where they are, the temperature is perpetually chilled.

3.)I wasn't thinking anything about seasons to be honest

Now on to the antagonists. I was thinking that they too could be descendants of their ancestors. They grew up understanding the "injustice" enacted against their people and seek revenge against our side and the entire world. I imagine their attitude to be kinda fanatical at times, the lust for revenge deeply rooted into them. However, they still retain normal personalities aside from fanaticism. I actually wanted to address a sort of conflict where they would think and act like normal people. They would get upset, happy, sad, etc. at appropriate times like anyone else and, just like everyone, they fear death. As for their morals, it would be pretty standard as well. Some of them might understand that what they are doing is sadistic and wrong, but they do it for their cause first, and because they get a kick out of it second.

Finally, the character origins. I was going to make Aerik act and behave like a typical American. He would act and empathize with American social-cultural norms and use American English slang. I don't have a name for the town yet. Maybe you'd like to suggest something? I was also thinking something of a small town in a more mountainous region.

All this stuff is just suggestions, by the way. So, if you disagree with something, just say so and we'll think something up.
All sounds good to me. perhaps for the town name was can go with something like Fairview, Riverside, etc but they seem smaller to me and more mountain river based, maybe logging is a major thing? Logging and spring-water? Or we could have it be all that and a mining town? hm. What kind of population would you like? I was thinking something large enough to have a relatively good college there for my character to have been going to given her studies are so important to her and her very science based family.
Sorry for being dead for a while. I've been busy with life.

A combination of all three of those exports would sound legitimate to me. That way it would have brought in a lot of settlers, who in turn brought started their own shops and bars, which would lead to population rising, etc. It would make sense if we were going to have a legitimate city, at least, something big enough for a good university. Maybe there is a hydro-plant nearby where her parents work as scientists? It would give your character's family a good reason to be there. Riverside is a nice name, I'd go with that one.
Sorry for my absence. I've been pretty sick lately. Still not feeling very well either. I do have every intention of replying to our rp as soon as I feel up to it. Again, sorry for the delay.

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