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One x One Are We Awake Yet? (Upbeatdown and Castael)


A Man and a Half



Real Appearance


Name: Aerik

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"

Personality: Quiet, introverted, prideful, loner
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Name: Erin Sora Tousaka

Nickname: Skye

Age: 20

Gender: female

Appearance: 5'2" Petite build, average but fit. Shoulder length, straight black hair. She has bangs but they are often swept back on the top of her head or to the side with bobby pins. Brown eyes that seem almost cold and detached. Her complexion is light caucasian. She often has a tan in summer due to her morning runs through the town as she listens to audiobooks or college lectures on her phone.

Attire: At home she wears whatever casual thing she can find. Often settling on sweatpants and a baggy sweater or tee shirt. Outside of her apartment she mainly sticks to pastel dress shirts paired with long gray skirts that rest below her knees. She often wears black tights or leggings leading down to one of her pairs of sneakers, white or black in the same make/model. While she does own a single pair of black dress shoes she will only wear them to important events.

Personality: She's a realist that comes off as a pessimist. She is very quiet and polite around anyone new. She's a bit more serious and can come off as cold when around strangers, though it's mostly due to the fact that she is often lost in thought and her replies when she is become more straightforward to the point one could perceive her as blunt. She is very cautious and calculating. She's loyal to a fault and will fight for her loved ones.

Likes: Lemon Flavored Sweets, Milkshakes, Singing, Various Martial Arts

Dislikes: Oatmeal, Muggy Summers, Swimming

Fears: Being too weak to act and/or disappointing those she cares about. Drowning.

Backstory: She comes from a mixed marriage. Her father, Yusuke Tousaka, is Japanese and her mother, Julia Abigail Yates-Tousaka, European. Her parents met at an international medical symposium as her father is a bioengeneer and her mother is a gerontologist. Named after both grandmothers, Erin was born and raised in --[enter hometown here]-- but is bilingual and therefore completely fluent in Japanese and English. She has no siblings and had very few hardships in life growing up.

Her childhood was strict, she was always expected to have good grades, as well as study various extracurricular activities including vocal lessons, calligraphy, violin, piano, fencing, kendo, jujitsu, aikido, karate, and Okinawan Kobudo. She never had time for friendships with all of her activities and studies. She is very closed off because of it. She is also ambidextrous.

When she was 6 she nearly drown in the family’s swimming pool due to lack of supervision and has been terrified of the water ever since.

She graduated high school a half-year early due to completing all required fields of work and tests. Now in college she is currently working on a degree in neuroscience, which she hopes to get a ph.d in, and a secondary masters degree in biolinguistics.

Fantasy Appearance: Her hair is a deep violet-blue the color of the sky just before nightfall. Her hair also grows darker with length, short in the back and on the sides as it rests no longer than her jawline. However the hair over her ears and framing her face comes down to her chest and her bangs half this length. She often ties up the longer portions in a ponytail at the back of her head with some of the shorter hair to keep it in place. She has striking golden-orange eyes and a scar that travels through her right eyebrow and extends down her right cheek and onto the right shoulder. She stands at the same height as her real-world self, 5’2”, but her skin is darker and seems permanently tanned. Her build in this world is slightly more boyish in comparison to her real self, this version of her being flat chested entirely and a bit more muscular though no more than an average gymnast in the real world.

Fantasy Attire: She is dressed mostly in black and her clothes are somewhat form fitting, appearing as though she is wearing a thin and more flexible corset atop a sleeveless catsuit. She has two belts on her waist to secure her swords on her back as well as hold a piece of platemail guard on her left hip over her somewhat baggier black cloth pants. She wears thin platemail guards down her arms, the left side’s guards a bit larger than the right side, with gaps for ease of movement leading down to her biker gloves. She also wears black boots that lace up to her mid-calf. She wears a black cloak most of the time, though it is frayed at the ends it does well to help conceal herself from the elements. She also pulls up extra length of the cowl and wears it similarly to a black face mask covering her mouth and nose.

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