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Realistic or Modern Are we a good match?


New Member
Hello there, may I just say that you are amazing! Moving on I'm looking for some more partners. Maybe you could be one of them. I'll try to keep this short and sweet ( I have a big mouth at times). Basically I need someone who understands that I am an adult who is working and attending college, so I can't reply everyday. I also need someone who can talk with me outside of the RP (this isn't necessary it's just nice), someone who will do their best to let me know if the RP isn't working or they don't want or can't continue the RP. Mostly though I want someone who will help me craft a story for our amusement. Basically someone who is laid back and wants to have fun. I will of course be be held to the same standards. My grammar is horrible, I am well aware, and doing my best to improve on it. But I do know the difference between to, too, and two and would ask that you do as well.

You will never get a one liner from me and I just ask for one paragraph at least. (I usually give 2-5 depending on what's going on, my starters can be longer.)

Well I think that's it and if you are still reading this thank you and now you can look over my plots, pairings, and other rough ideas.


1. Vegas Baby!

Muse A is very different from Muse B. Muse A was older had more experience and was well established in their career. Muse B was a recent college graduate who had very limited experience in the ways of the real world. Under normal circumstances the two would never have crossed paths. But fate, or whatever you want to call it, had other plans. The two found themselves in Las Vegas, for oddly the same reason.

Muse A's co-worker and friend is getting married to Muse B's older sibling. The wedding was beautiful and went off with only some minor hitches. The reception is unfortunately is where Muse A and Muse B meet, they start talking and drinking... perhaps too much. It was fun discussing how different they were from each other and how different Muse B and their sibling were. Their dunk selves hit it off so well they took advantage of being in Vegas and got hitched themselves.

In the morning Muse A wakes up with a horrible hangover and little memory of the night before, all they know is Muse B is sleeping next to them and clearly a mistake was made. As Muse A attempts to sneak away, Muse B wakes up and then fills them in on what happened. Muse A is horrified at how messy this situation has come, and is already starting to talk about getting a divorce. Muse B however isn't going for it, everything happens for a reason and they got along well and want to give the marriage a real shot.

Unfortunately Muse A now finds themselves in an embarrassing situation they are married to someone significantly younger than themselves (I was thinking ten years), all because they got drunk. Worst still Muse B won't get a divorce, no matter what Muse A offers. Finally the two come to an agreement, they stay married for a year, giving the marriage a real shot. After the year if Muse A still wants a divorce then and only then will Muse B agree to the divorce.

Now Muse A is busy trying to hide all this and Muse B is making it very difficult by being that doting spouse.

2. Two timing

Muse A and Muse B were matched on a dating site. They messaged each other for weeks unfortunately they just couldn't get their schedules to work out so they could meet. They like each other quite a lot, and now that the holidays were approaching Muse A would be going to their parents to celebrate with their family, much to far to ask Muse B to go just so they could meet face to face instead of sending pictures.

Muse A arrives home only to find their sibling has brought their new significant other home to meet the family. When the significant other turns to introduce themselves to Muse A, Muse A finds themselves staring at Muse B. Now is certainly not the time to ruin the holidays but Muse A wants answers and Muse B seems to be as cool as a cucumber in this uncomfortable situation.

3. On and off again

Things between Muse A and Muse B are complicated, they dated in highschool and broke up, then reconnected in college and broke up, after college they connected again, got married and started a family. As they years went on the two felt as though they had grown apart once more, they divorced. It wasn't ugly or anything, it was actually quite civil. Both Muse A and Muse B wanted to be good to their child whom they both love very much. Which just means that now they can't exactly get away from one another like they used too. Which makes being separated different, as they are still in almost constant contact who changed just starts eating at the two of them, they do their best to hide it from their child but when they are alone they are flaunting the new people they are dating and making snide comments to each other. Both just want things to go back to normal but it's just not possible, which them trying to find a new solution. So they won't end up having the other for their sanity and so their child won't be affected by all the negativity.


Ex x Ex
Opposites Attract
Neighbor x Neighbor
Thief x Assassin

Rough/ vague Ideas

Waring neighbors
Starting over
Unexpected pregnancy

Well that's all I have for now, if any of this interests you please leave a comment below or send a PM, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you!

P.s. I would also be interested in doing other things too like supernatural creatures, or different time periods, so if you have some ideas for those feel free to run them by me!
*exaggerated gasp* Darling! We've been through so much but... *sobs* I don't think we are a good much. I will never forget the times we had together. *wipes tears* Goodbye, my love. I will forever hold you close. *disappears*
I’m interested! This is a first time thing for me though, but I love writing. I like your second plot, I can’t pm though so maybe you could pm me?

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