Science Are humans the most superior animals in the world?

Curiosity is not a question.
Curiosity is the need to discover new things for mental evolution.
what? Mental evolution..? I think you mean learning. Questions are the means to sating one's curiosity in the modern world, I didn't say they were the same thing, besides, it's a proverb, not literal.
what? Mental evolution..? I think you mean learning. Questions are the means to sating one's curiosity in the modern world, I didn't say they were the same thing, besides, it's a proverb, not literal.
She means as our heads get bigger, we'll get smarter.
Idk if its been said yet but humans as social beings is what gives us our superiority. If you leave a human mother and a newborn alone in the woods they'd be dead in like five minutes, where as any other animal mom and baby would have way more of a chance for survival.

But our ability to work together combined with our intelligence does make us "superior" in a sense, since we unquestionably rule the world, not bears or deers.

That isn't necessarily a bad thing that we're so reliant on one another. A single ant on its own isn't shit either, but when you have a fuckton of ants all working in harmony then you got something. I think it's quite beautiful how humans undoubtedly need each other, and unfortunate that even in knowing this we're still willing to war with one another and fuck each other over for power, wealth, and prestige.
Humans are undoubtedly the most superior lifeform on this planet.

If anyone else disagrees then make sure to call me when dolphins build a space station.
Humans are undoubtedly the most superior lifeform on this planet.

If anyone else disagrees then make sure to call me when dolphins build a space station.
I mean..the problem then wouldn't be that dolphins aren't smart enough to do's because uh...they don't have opposable thumbs. They wouldn't be able to hold anything, and by proxy, build the things necessary to build a space station. Dolphins are incredibly intelligent, and now I'm not arguing that they'd actually be smart enough to build a space station, but they lack the physical attributes that would allow them to build it.

That's a hilarious thought actually...trying to get a dolphin to build a space station.

Some animals do have the same amount of intelligence as us, there are apes that were taught sign language and could successfully communicate with us. It's just that we just so happened to evolve in a way that allowed us to control the planet.

Really I don't consider humans superior, we just got lucky enough that we were able to evolve and be able to do the things we can do now. All species have the same DNA components, we only got ahead because of evolved intelligence and useful physical traits.
thoughtless thoughtless


No. No other animal is as intelligent as us. Dolphins and octopi are oddballs but the only animal that rivals the Human intellect is the chimp. And even then, they are not completely self-aware. They cannot compete with our ingenuity. Evolution gave us intelligence beyond compare, but our intellect got us to where we are today. Make no mistake.
thoughtless thoughtless

I suppose it just depends on how you define "superior."
What makes one animal superior to another?
Depending on the context that'll change.
I'm obviously not superior to a wolf if there is one waiting for me outside my back door.
Unless I knew about the wolf already, then I can do this neat thing called "planning."
thoughtless thoughtless


No. No other animal is as intelligent as us. Dolphins and octopi are oddballs but the only animal that rivals the Human intellect is the chimp. And even then, they are not completely self-aware. They cannot compete with our ingenuity. Evolution gave us intelligence beyond compare, but our intellect got us to where we are today. Make no mistake.
I feel like you missed where I said "and now I'm not arguing that they'd actually be smart enough to build a space station" AKA no i do not think they're as smart as we are
thoughtless thoughtless

I mean..the problem then wouldn't be that dolphins aren't smart enough to do's because uh...they don't have opposable thumbs. They wouldn't be able to hold anything, and by proxy, build the things necessary to build a space station.

You were speaking about dolphins specifically, due to their lack of opposable thumbs.

Some animals do have the same amount of intelligence as us, there are apes that were taught sign language and could successfully communicate with us.

And here is where you said that certain apes are as smart as us, simply because they have the intelligence to learn limited sign language.
thoughtless thoughtless

You were speaking about dolphins specifically, due to their lack of opposable thumbs.

And here is where you said that certain apes are as smart as us, simply because they have the intelligence to learn limited sign language.
Apes are similar to us genetically, not evolutionary or whatever the correct term to use is there.
Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk

Precisely. Though to be frank, fungi share more DNA similarities to us then they do with other flora. We don't see mushrooms solving theorems on space-time relativity.
thoughtless thoughtless
You were speaking about dolphins specifically, due to their lack of opposable thumbs.
Yes, because I said the main problem there wouldn't even be their lack of intelligence, they literally can't use the tools to build a space ship, which I indicated by my use of the phrase "the problem then". This in no way indicates that I think dolphins are as intelligent as us.

And here is where you said that certain apes are as smart as us, simply because they have the intelligence to learn limited sign language.
As shown my example, I was talking about communicative intelligence, as I gave examples of nothing else but that.

I find it silly to continue this back and forth discussion, as there is nothing to guide it. When we say "superior" what exactly are we talking about? As Lycanthrosis Lycanthrosis pointed out, it's entirely dependent on what you define as superior. When we say intelligence, what type of intelligence are we talking about? There are multiple types.

If you want to say that animals don't have the logical-mathmatical intelligence that we have, then that would be fair, as we don't see any other animal coming up with geometrical theorems. However, if you were to say that animals do not have the same emotional intelligence that we have, well that'd be outright incorrect, as African elephants have been known to mourn their dead, hold grudges and they are self-aware.

Since these terms haven't been defined, there's nothing constructive about this argument, and I won't continue to discuss until then.

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