Science Are humans the most superior animals in the world?

Humans, right now, are only smart because we have information available. But, if you were to put one in the wild, with no tools or would be a different story.
Humans, right now, are only smart because we have information available. But, if you were to put one in the wild, with no tools or would be a different story.
It also came down to our genetics and evolutionary wise.
Opposable thumbs gave us the ability to create and such, and as humans we will continue to evolve.
There's actually a really good mini-statement that sums up humans.

"We go hard on Earth. That is what we do." -David Burd

We, as a species, have done more in 200,000 years than the accumulation of ten other species have done in several million years.
There's actually a really good mini-statement that sums up humans.

"We go hard on Earth. That is what we do." -David Burd

We, as a species, have done more in 200,000 years than the accumulation of ten other species have done in several million years.
"Earth go hard." - David Burd
By the way, do you fuck with the war?

I mean, we made it this far.. There's a reason we're still around and thriving as we are.
Humans are pretty amazing. Even just naturally - without super advanced tools.
Just look at "Primitive Technology" on YouTube. Dude could live for days out in the wild.
We didn't always have what we do these days, and people obviously survived.
Our intellect really is our strongest advantage. We can analyze things, make plans, make tools, make traps.
Are humans the most superior animals in the world?

Let me start off by saying that as far as I'm concerned, humans are not animals. We have a divine spark that was given to us by God, which makes us ABOVE animals. But this is not a religious discussion. So for the sake of the argument, let's just consider humans to be a part of the animal kingdom, regardless of our beliefs...

Humans, to me, are a quintessential example of how the sheer power of intellect can conquer all. We have dominated the world in a way that even the fittest of animals will never come close to achieving. Therefore, I consider us, humans, to be superior. Our brainpower is out of this world, almost alien-like. It seems as if an extra-terrestrial being purposely left us here on earth to roam around as we wish. The result, we created civilization and sent people to the motherfucking moon.

So with that said, I'd argue that we are, in fact, superior.

What do you think?
pretty sure dogs are superior
Smol Birb Smol Birb

Sorry. It's an inside joke. After taking your comment into consideration, I have come to a consensus. Yes, Humans have not always been a force to be reckoned with. But, my previous statement still stands. Name a species that is as young as us that has done more.
Smol Birb Smol Birb

Sorry. It's an inside joke. After taking your comment into consideration, I have come to a consensus. Yes, Humans have not always been a force to be reckoned with. But, my previous statement still stands. Name a species that is as young as us that has done more.

Dogs :o they're so Good
Assuming that the goal of all living organisms on the planet was to destroy all other living organisms except those of their own species; We are supreme and would come off on top.

The communication and information exchange abilities, like language, or writing that we possess is far superior to any other animal on the planet. Tigers can't leave notes for each other lying around on the ground, warning them of impending danger, or when their partners will be back.

Same goes for information-gathering and overall knowledge. Humans are perceptive beings that learn notably faster than most other animals. Our unusual brightness lets us create new, bizarre inventions like toasters or nuclear weaponry. With this ability, our destructive power far surpasses that of any other animal.

We are far more capable of creation, information exchange, invention, and destruction than any other species on the planet. Going off of that logic; the answer is technically: Yes. As a species, we are superior to all other animals. The supreme species.
Assuming that the goal of all living organisms on the planet was to destroy all other living organisms except those of their own species; We are supreme and would come off on top.

The communication and information exchange abilities, like language, or writing that we possess is far superior to any other animal on the planet. Tigers can't leave notes for each other lying around on the ground, warning them of impending danger, or when their partners will be back.

Same goes for information-gathering and overall knowledge. Humans are perceptive beings that learn notably faster than most other animals. Our unusual brightness lets us create new, bizarre inventions like toasters or nuclear weaponry. With this ability, our destructive power far surpasses that of any other animal.

We are far more capable of creation, information exchange, invention, and destruction than any other species on the planet. Going off of that logic; the answer is technically: Yes. As a species, we are superior to all other animals. The supreme species.
humans have so many problems though, like suicide, murder, diease, cannableism etc
humans have so many problems though, like suicide, murder, diease, cannableism etc
That's a psychological problem. No species is, or can be perfect mentally.

Some animals are scientifically proven to:
  • Commit suicide
  • Perform cannibalism to survive when food is hardly accessible (several African rodent species even consume their own mothers/parents shortly after birth unless the mother can protect herself)
  • Kill each other to gain the favor of sexual partners
  • Copulate for pleasure (Funfact: Only Dolphins and Humans do it, in some but not all cases, purely for pleasure.)
Most animals, except utmost of the domesticated species do not suffer from emotional attachments to others. Predators are remorseless killers because they don't see their prey as something with feelings of its own. They are intelligent like humans but in a different way. Our intelligence is better.
That's a psychological problem. No species is, or can be perfect mentally.

Some animals are scientifically proven to:
  • Commit suicide
  • Perform cannibalism to survive when food is hardly accessible (several African rodent species even consume their own mothers/parents shortly after birth unless the mother can protect herself)
  • Kill each other to gain the favor of sexual partners
  • Copulate for pleasure (Funfact: Only Dolphins and Humans do it, in some but not all cases, purely for pleasure.)
would you like to discuss this in pm my friend

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