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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • training time!

    Griffim trains Nickelas again, hoping itā€™ll improve somewhere

    Action 1:
    train buddy (Nickelas)

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 10 Buddy balls.

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

"A dragon man of culture, to be exact" replied Izuru, his sensitive pointy dragonkin ears picking up on the compliment of another trainer. Rhinox at this point was getting a bit tired of headbutting things in the nuts. Izuru put down any notions of it quitting like a bitch. "You attacked it. Now it wishes to end you. Hit it harder... with more feeling so that it dies" stated the dragonkin, his tone becoming much colder.

  • x1 Buddy Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x1 Lightning Buddy
  • x1 Metal Buddy
  • x1 Water Buddy
Equipped Buddy: Rhinox

Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Squink smiled gleefully when she saw it.
"Another little tutel!" she chimed as she grabbed her seventh ball left (I miscounted last post). Since she was getting into the swing of just throwing them out, she grabbed another rock and hoped to add another little tutel to her collection. She wanted at least one more buddy before going somewhere else, perhaps going back to the Mesa to pick up another Shadow or even a Metal one could be a neat idea.

1. Throw le ball (using rock).​
ā™« Sudden Encounter ā™«


Rhinox glanced back at the explicit abuse from his new partner. It let out a sad "Fyyuun" Before turning its focus on the titan. Apparently hoping to earn affection through self-sacrifice. The little metalic rhino began to charge at the intended target. Although there wasn't exactly anything to aim for. Eeriels Toortle aimed another jet of water, right at the area that Rhinox had just rammed. As it did, Free hovered in the air, gathering energy within its jaws. A light glowing, before the little dragon released a beam of electromagnetic energy right into the stream of water. The resulting combo of the water and the beam caused something of a small explosion, where the rock monsters crotch might have been, were it a breeding creature. But as it was an earthy monster made of rock and ground, the effects didn't last long. But while it was still in shock from the damage, Gilgamush and Petrodillo rushed in to headbutt the legs. Before it was even able to fully stand again the creature was thrown back.

1+2+1+2+1=7 x2 (Team up Bonus) = 14
Mudruck 62/100

Each of you rolls 1d10. I will roll 6 d10. One of you needs to beat my highest number. If one of you beats it, the titan will receive 10 more damage. If none of you can beat the highest number, each of you will lose 1HP. Once everyone has rolled their saves I will post again with the new damage. (If I haven't posted a response and everyone has posted an attack for the round, you may try and slip in one more attack, for the sake of getting this over with)

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Vaudivolt Vaudivolt StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Novama Novama Maxxob Maxxob
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

The sight of Rhinox looking like it was about to allow its little body to get trampled on just like stomped grapes made Izuru wonder just how far he was willing to go. All this had been in a search to dice up a bunch of Buddies so he could feed them to Rhinox. He was acting far too much like his father and far too little like a pet owner. "Aight ya little shit. You survive and we'll hit up the Professor for some of that exotic fruit people keep talking about" said the dragonkin, not knowing how to provide encouragement.

  • x1 Buddy Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x1 Lightning Buddy
  • x1 Metal Buddy
  • x1 Water Buddy
Equipped Buddy: Rhinox

.Roll Save
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

But the catch failed, at least she caught the one Water Buddy but perhaps she should return later. Feeling like she might have a good chance if she returned to the Mesa Zone, she prepared for herself to leave the Beach and return hopefully after she had caught another thing. The shadow birds were rather pretty, so catching another one would be rather nice.

Move to Mesa Zone.​
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
Adelhein watched as the Mudruk now prepared to unleash its own attack against those who were battling it. Shifting slightly on the metallic throne he had conjured. Despite the humongous size which the creature possessed, he had confidence that his rocky familiar would be able to withstand its attack. "Come on, Petrodillo! Avoid his attack and launch a counter-attack!" The teen magus ordered, leaving no room for argument.

Petrodillo (Rock Buddy)

Bait 1
Buddy Ball 6/10
Metal buddy Metallumino: 1
Fire buddy Flamurillus: 1
Rock buddy Petrodillo: 1

Moonberry Moonberry
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1712445808560.pngCalliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x6
Bait x0

View attachment 1155118
  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

"Alright, gilgamush, time to defend again, mmhhmm! This thing is going down, mmhhmm!" Calliope was really getting into this and it seemed Gilgamush agreed, letting out a small... roar...? and curling into a defensive position once more.

Actions: Defend against Mudrock

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry
ā™« Buddy Center ā™«


The professor nodded, putting the creature back in the respective chamber and starting his usual process. He hummed a little absently to himself as he did so. Yhr glow began and died down as quickly a it had starte. The professor pulled out the little fella and handed it over to Ceylan. "There you've got yourself a fine specimen. Wind and Water, and lightning. Very frightening indeed.

Elvario Elvario
Michael & Free


Anticipating the behemoth of a creature would counter attack soon, Michael preemptively shouted to Free,

"Get away, Free! Do a barrel roll!"

Free would try to evasively fly away in a spinning burst of speed. In doing so, Free let loose an electromagnetic field that affixed a web of metal particulates in the air to act as a dampener to any sudden force that may come their way.

mentions: Moonberry Moonberry
actions: do a dodgeroll FREE! +1 for speed

10/10 balls
1/1 bait
3 wind buddies
1 wind/lightning/metal buddy +1 speed +1 intelligence (Free)
ā™« Buddy Center ā™«


The professor nodded, putting the creature back in the respective chamber and starting his usual process. He hummed a little absently to himself as he did so. Yhr glow began and died down as quickly a it had starte. The professor pulled out the little fella and handed it over to Ceylan. "There you've got yourself a fine specimen. Wind and Water, and lightning. Very frightening indeed.

Elvario Elvario


Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

ā€œThank you sir.ā€ Ceylan replied, after seeing the newly formed Wind/Water/Lightning buddy. ā€œI shall make sure to train them well.ā€ He added, as he intended to ensure his buddy would be strong enough to face whatever might turn out up there before he'd return back into the wild with it.

Actions: Using a machine to Train [Wind/Water/Lightning]
Balls: 7/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind/Water/Lightning: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Earth: 1 (Regular Stats)

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Moonberry Moonberry


He could hear his own thoughts. Something distant within him was stirring him.

Wake up.

His eyes flashed open. It was dark, but he felt hot and sweaty. He regained his senses to some extent and could tell now he was face first on the ground. A push and he began to rise. Sand fell out of the eyes sockets of his visor -- and he came to a sitting position on one leg. He started coughing as sand got everywhere within his armor and began to move to take off his visor once more. Only this time he actually did it.

The helmet fell to the ground -- and Marcus could now wipe his exposed face.

"Pfteh." He spat sand from his lips onto the barren beach. And then he put his hand against his body, ensuing that he had everything on his person. Once he felt that everything was in place. He'd simply passed out.

Without much ado, he rises and drop the gauntlets into the sand. And then he takes a few steps towards the puddle that the buddies were previously lounging in. He scoops water up and splashes unto his face. As the water settles he can see his face. His black hair. His green eyes. And the lightning shaped scars from when he had been miraculously struck....

The water felt cool.

He picked up his gauntlets and helm. And then he set off to see if he might try his luck. There were three more balls left, and he could stand to be on the beach a little longer.

Action: Search the beach for buddy

Buddy Ball-
Bait- 1/1
Wind Buddy
Water Buddy

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Languages: Common | <Beastial>

The first attempt was a failure, but that didn't stop him from trying again. ā€œThis time, you've got it!ā€ He encouraged his buddy.

Actions: Using a machine to Train [Wind/Water/Lightning] buddy.
Balls: 7/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind/Water/Lightning: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Earth: 1 (Regular Stats)
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Rhinox's attempts to save itself from the inevitable folding it was about to get would hopefully bear fruit. Izuru's heart had grown at least one whole size. Naturally this meant he was somewhat concerned with Rhinox's safety. He had never owned or trained a pet before. Plus the environment they were put in was far too similar to a video game to be taken with absolute seriousness. Rhinox had won him over, if only a little bit.

  • x1 Buddy Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x1 Lightning Buddy
  • x1 Metal Buddy
  • x1 Water Buddy
Equipped Buddy: Rhinox


Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Alas, no luck yet again. ā€œDon't worry, we're not giving up!ā€ He encouraged his buddy.

Actions: Using a machine to Train [Wind/Water/Lightning] buddy.
Balls: 7/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind/Water/Lightning: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Earth: 1 (Regular Stats)
ā™« Sudden Encounter ā™«


Mudruck was on the ground, still scrambling to try and stand. When it wasn't able to stand directly up, it pulled a specific tactic. One usually seen in children. It started to throw a tantrum. Its arms and legs kicked and thrashed, drumming into the earth and causing minor earthquakes. Fist sized rocks started flying all through the air, as the creature broke apart the ground beneath it with its silly fit. Gilgamush curled up in a defensive ball, avoiding and damage. Rhinox had a new gleam in its eye. The promise of an exotic berry with his partner had his drive pushing him forward. It and Petrodillo broke through any rock that came near them. Free managed to do a double barrel roll and dodge a barrage of rocks and debri. Sending out metal debri of its own to counter the falling debri. As the creature swung its arm amidst its fit, it broke off a small chunk of the cliffside, which fell onto the creature's head, and crumble to a thousand smaller pieces. Though stumbling from the blow, the creature was now standing.

Michael's roll of 10 saved the group. Mudruck takes +10 damage.
(Okay guys good job! No one takes any damage. Everyone is still at full health.)

Mudruck 52/100

Random Encounter Rules
Str for damage
F, E: 3 sided dice.
D, C: 5 Sided Dice
B, A: 8 Sided dice

Vit for health
F,E: 25 hp
D,C: 50 Hp
B,A:75 HP

The stats of your buddy will determine the amount of damage you can do. And the roll will show how much you actually did. Once everyone involved has reacted, I will respond with the raid boss's retaliation. And then you may react again with your rolls. This will continue until it's beaten. Once beaten, each participant will receive +1 to any stat they choose for their buddy. Please list the chosen buddy you will be using and their stats in your post.
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Maxxob Maxxob Novama Novama Femboy Femboy


Buddy Event.png
Mentions: ( Moonberry Moonberry )

Upon returning to the tundra that was the ice zone, Glacier began another search. This time, however, he had Snowbolt to keep him company, who was floating beside him as he walked through the snow.

Action: Searching for Buddy [Ice Zone]

Balls: 10/10
Bait: 1/1

Snowbolt 256x256.png

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - E
Speed - D
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori
Buddies: Sparkle (Shadow), Goober (Water)
Inventory: 6/10 Balls, 1/1 Bait.

Squink gleefully strolled along her way to the Mesa Zone, hoping that things could turn out well and that she could catch more buddies. She had decided on the name Goober for her little water tutel because she thought he looked like a cute little Goober, yet then again so many of the buddies looked like Goobers. Perhaps she would need to come up with more general names for the cute little guys. Not expecting anything significantly different from the last time she was in the Mesa Zone, she was met with the surprise of a giant rocky creature that multiple other individuals were having their friends do battle with. Something felt extremely and morally wrong about sending the little guys to dangerous combat.

"U-uh... s-should I help them or... I wouldn't be able to do anything, m-maybe the professor guy wants us to do this... I guess I'd just be helping them a little... " she mumbled, her shadowy bird companion Sparkle perched on her head having let him out after she first returned to the lab. Hesitating, she chose to help just a bit.
"S-Sparkle, you can help them a bit right? You don't have to, I don't want you getting hurt or doing anything you don't want to, m-maybe they just need a little help, you know?.. " she asked softly if her bird friend would do such combat.

1. Send Sparkle to join the Mudruck fight.​
Ruby Larue
Gesture - Tribute to the Moon.jpgThroughout battling the living mountain, Ruby became more accustomed to directing Bird. And while her rapier would struggle to do significant damage to a monster that size, it proved to be a handy tool for conducting Bird's attacks. Ruby raised her rapier skyward, the sunlight reflecting off the silver blade, and in turn, Bird flew up to the monster's head, ā€œIt's stumbling, Bird! Aim for the eyes!!ā€ Ruby yelled, cutting the air with a downward, diagonal slash.

In response to the silver glint of Ruby's cut, Bird dove toward the monster's face. The Shadow Buddy kept its talons primed forward as it dove, ready to sink them into the monster's eye.

Action: Attack the Mudruck

8/10 Buddy Balls
1/1 Bait

1/1 Shadow Buddies

Bird F (Shadow) HP = 25
Strength F
ā€¢ Vitality F

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Moonberry Moonberry
Location: Mesa

"Leeeroy Jeenkiins!!" Once again mounted the turtle, Eeriel had ordered her buddy to jump off the surviving cliffside that the giant had broke during its tantrum. The turtle then dived right onto Mudruck's facd and joined Ruby's little birb on attacking its other eye.

Team up attack!

Str F
Int F
Prc F
Spd F
Vit F

Moonberry Moonberry StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Maxxob Maxxob Novama Novama
Femboy Femboy
3/10 ball
1/1 bait
Water buddy
Shadow buddy
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
Moonberry Moonberry

Adelhein couldn't believe his eyes for a moment, seeing the humongous creature try and throw a tantrum, swinging its arms and legs wildly, while still with its back against the earthy terrain. The feeble attempt resulted in nothing, but the creature ending up being further damage, which brought a smirk to the teen's face, while his left hand gripped the arm-rest of his metallic seat with slight more vigor. This was the perfect moment for a follow-up, and he would not squander this opportunity, no. The joint attack with the several other buddies had to continue. Pointing at the Mudruk, the other of attack was uttered once more. "Come on, Petrodillo! Crash into this feeble-minded titan!"

Petrodillo (Rock Buddy)

Bait 1
Buddy Ball 6/10
Metal buddy Metallumino: 1
Fire buddy Flamurillus: 1
Rock buddy Petrodillo: 1
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ā™« Sudden Encounter ā™«


Sparkle looked at Squink and released a soft cooing noise. It spread its wings wide and took off towards the creature and the other buddies. As it drew near, it joined another shadow birb in darting around and pecking at the titan's face. Whilst a large Toortle mounted by a black cat dive bombed off the cliffisde and onto the creature's face. Petrodillo did hispart to ram into the creatures legs again.

3+2+1+2+1+1= 10(x2Team up bonus) 20
Mudruck 32 /100

Each of you rolls 1d10. I will roll 4 d10. One of you needs to beat my highest number. If one of you beats it, the titan will receive 10 more damage. If none of you can beat the highest number, each of you will lose 1HP. Once everyone has rolled their saves I will post again with the new damage.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Vaudivolt Vaudivolt StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy Novama Novama
1712588689857.pngCalliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x6
Bait x0

View attachment 1155118
  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

"Defend again, Gilgamush, mmhhmm!" She turned in time to see Ruby directing her Buddy with her rapier like a conductor and gave her new friend an encouraging thumbs up. "We got this, mmhhmm."

Actions: Defend against Mudrock

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Moonberry Moonberry
Michael & Free


"Free, use electromag metal field! Free will use an electro magnetic field around each of the defenders to erect barriers made of metal particulates.

mentions: Moonberry Moonberry
actions: electromag metal field FREE! +1 for speed intelligence

10/10 balls
1/1 bait
3 wind buddies
1 wind/lightning/metal buddy +1 speed +1 intelligence (Free)

Languages: Common | <Beastial>

ā€œWell done, Storm!ā€ He spoke again, seeing his buddy get stronger and having decided on a name for it. ā€œDo you think you can try again?ā€ He stated, repeating the previous procedure.

Actions: Using a machine to Train [Wind/Water/Lightning] buddy.
Balls: 7/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind/Water/Lightning: 1 (Strength F, Precision F, Intelligence F, Vitality E, Speed F)
  • Earth: 1 (Regular Stats)

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