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Fantasy Apocalypse Rising


Love is Stronger Than Evil, It Will Protect You.
History (semi brief): In 2010 America went into another cold war. Because of this, riots broke out everywhere. people were getting murdered, entire cities went on lock down. Society began to crumble. People that were able to get out of the cities started gangs that preyed on refugees. Through 2013-present time, a gang called The Black Rain Syndicate began raiding settlements. They killed the men, kidnapped the women for breeding slaves, and raised their children as soldiers. 2015 is when society had officially collapsed. The riots were so bad, cities were bombed, squads were sent out to destroy settlements, hoping that somehow they could bounce back from this. This happened all over Earth. Many countries were destroyed by nuclear fire. The BRS (Black Rain Syndicate) went from a feared gang, to the new government. They now control the east coast (which is where this RP is taking place). Most settlements now work for them, and follow their laws. If any laws are broken, the BRS send a convoy to grab the criminals and take them to an arena (which is just an old hockey stadium) and are forced to fight for their freedom. Some settlements known as Merc Villages (The most popular is Ashshore) do not work for the BRS, but they are truced with them. Even the thought of going against the BRS is stupid and considered treason. The current year is around 2051, and the rebellion is starting to form.

(Also something I couldn't really fit in there is, the currency. They use bullet casings. The rarer the case, the more it's worth. It goes from pistol casings - common AR casings - uncommon shotgun shells - rare and sniper casings - super rare )
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